version 1 mrs miller 2014 n5 modern studies cdhs world power usa – supported study remember the...

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014 N5 Modern Studies CDHS World Power USA – Supported Study Remember the exam question will not refer to the USA specifically. It will ask about a world power you have studied. In your answers aim to Make your point, explain it and give an example. Don’t make the examiner do the work.

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Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

N5 Modern Studies CDHS

World Power USA – Supported Study

Remember the exam question will not refer to the USA specifically. It will ask about a world power you have studied.

In your answers aim to

Make your point, explain it and give an example. Don’t make the examiner do the work.

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Describe the roles of the branches of government in the world power you have studied

Executive Branch – President and staff in Whitehouse•Suggests laws to congress

•Enforces/carries out the laws

•Role of President (Commander in Chief of armed forces)

•Approve laws passed by Congress but can Veto some.

Legislative Branch – Congress ( House of Representatives 435 and Senate 100 – 2 each state)•Makes laws – E.g. Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) / Aid for Ukraine and sanctions on Russia for actions in Ukraine and Crimea

•Can block laws

•October 2013 – Congress blocked Budget bill – wanted cuts to Obamacare before passing. 16 day govt shutdown.

Judicial Branch – Supreme Court•Makes sure new laws don’t break the constitution

•Chosen by President

•Texas girl taking Affirmative Action case to Supreme Court

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Describe the roles of government institutions in the world power you have studied

Can Veto laws passed by congress

Recommended Obamacare

16 day govt shutdown Oct 2013 when refused to pass Budget.

1002 per state


9 judges – appointed by President

Is Texas Uni wrong for affirmative action case

Approved aid for Ukraine and sanctions on Russia.

Implements laws passed by Congress e.g. Affordable Health Care Act

Federal GovernmentSeparation of


Tax $

Debate and pass laws b4 sent to President for approval

Last court of appeal

Makes sure laws congress pass don’t break the constitution.

Separation of powers in blue All must agree

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Roles in political system of world power

Recommended Obamacare – The Affordable Health Care Act

Represents the USA in foreign relations. E.g. Visit to David Cameron.

Chief Diplomat - Head of Sate- Represent USA in G8 and G20- (Economic) meetings.

Appoints heads of member of government departments.

January – State of the Union address. Outlines plans/laws for the year

Deploys troops and send them abroad. E.g. Iraq and Afganistan

Only person who can deploy nuclear weapons

Ordered assassination of Osama Bin Laden

Helped overthrow Colonel Gadaffi in Libya

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Political system of the world power – not too much power in one place.

President can Veto laws passed by congress

If Congress has a 2/3rds majority in both houses, it can override a Presidential veto.

President appoints judges to the supreme court.

This must be passed by Congress

The President controls the military

Only Congress can declare war

Checks and


The President suggests laws.

Only Congress can pass laws

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Federal system is repeated at State level

Texas has death penalty

EducationAge of Consent

More chances for political participation e.g. federal, state and local.

People vote for

People vote for

Federal Government System

Federal makes some decisions about the whole country.

Individual states allowed to pass their own laws on some issues.


Defence / war


Death penalty

Age of consent


Gun ownership

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Explain the impact/ influence of the world power you have studied

Economy•Wealthiest country in the world. Most technologically advanced.

•UK’s single biggest trading partner. Any problems in USA affect GB.

•E.g. Fannie Mae housing market crisis sparked a world wide depression

•American brands have shops in UK e.g. Nike, Apple

•Member of G20 with UK – biggest world wide economies, work for economic solution and financial growth e.g world wide depression

Military•Most powerful military country in the world.

•The USA is strongest power in NATO ( Peace keeping force)

•US military action in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and Osama Bin Laden

•GB has a ‘special relationship’ with USA – joined military actions. E.g.Iraq, Afghanistan

Culture•American culture has led to ‘Americanization’ of British culture through American brands and TV. McDonalds, Subway, Apple, Google, Microsoft. The food we eat, clothes we were, technology we use.

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Military Economic Culture

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Participation in politics in the world power

Vote for people to represent you at Federal, State and Local level. President, Senators, House of Representatives. State Governor, mayor, dog catcher.

Join a political party which represents your beliefs. Republican or Democrats.

Help with campaigning of preferred political candidate.

Stand as a candidate. As President if over 35 and US citizen.

Take part in a protest to influence government decision making.

To join an interest group which works to persuade the government to support an action or change a law.

Contact your representative about a concern.

Donate money to a preferred candidate.

Phone, letter, social media site

Fastfood living wage protest. Orange jumpsuits Guantanamo bay.

NRA supports gun ownership. Lobby politicians, posters

Canvass voters on phone to encourage voters, display posters, wear badges, share facebook messages and tweets in favour of candidate

White House E-petitions

California Governor -Jerry Brown.

YOLO Sheriff Ed Prieto

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Rights and Responsibilities in democracy in world power ( Attracts people)

Political Economic Social

Vote for people to represent you at Federal, State and Local level. President, Senators, House of Representatives. State Governor, mayor, dog catcher. Stand for election. Join any political party.

Take part in a protest to influence government decision making.

To join an interest group which works to persuade the government to support an action or change a law.

Fastfood living wage protest. Orange jumpsuits Guantanamo bay.

NRA supports gun ownership. Lobby politicians, posters

Freedom of speech. Can criticise the government actions.

Not tell lies!

Use your vote and accept the decision.

Safely, within the law.

Capitalist economy. The right to set up your own business and make profit and become rich. Pay taxes

The right to bear arms

To use it responsibly for defence.

The right to a fair trial

The right to worship any religion.

Obey the laws

Respect religion of others

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Political inequalities – Is your world power democratic? Free elections/ Free Media/ Choice of parties


Choice of political parties. Also Green party.

Presidents only come from rich Republicans or Democrats despite presence of other political parties.

Able to vote for representatives at Federal/State/Local level

Low voter registration and turn out levels. Decisions not representative of all Americans

US government (113th Congress) does not reflect ethnic make up or gender make up of the USA.

Women and Ethnic minorities under-represented.

12% population Black

51% population female

15% Hispanic

Freedom of SpeechE-petitionsFOX news criticises Obama. So can newspapers

Freedom to ProtestDec 2013

Increased participation by women and ethnic minorities. Due to

Role Models - 1st Ethnic minority President 2008. YOLO county sheriff – Ed Prieto

Media awareness – Vote or Die

Improved education for minorities

2012 B.O spent $600 million on election

Social reasonsEconomic reasons

Political reasons

Issues affecting these groups less likely to be discussed.

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Describe / Explain reason for political inequalities in your world power – gender and ethnic minorities

Lack of participation e.g. voting or standing for election

gender and ethnic under representation

1.Standing for Office - Wealth

Costly to run for office. More white rich people able to afford it than minorities. 2012 M.R and B.O spent $600 million each on election

2. Standing for Office – Lack of Role Models

B.O is a role model and inspiring minorities to stand for office, however majority of politicians are white men. 113th congress is 81% male and 80% white. Women’s place is considered in the home. – Glass ceiling. Minorities tend to be elected at local level rather than state. E.g. YOLO in California, state sheriff Ed Prieto.

3. Less ethnic minority votingLower levels of education = less voting

Black and Hispanic high drop out rate

Language barrier. Many have English as a second language

politics is reported in English by Media

Poverty / unemployment = less voting

Blacks and Hispanics have higher levels of poverty than other ethnic groups e.g. barrio/projects. Poor education – unskilled work. Do not see politics as helping them or relevant.

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Population issue in the world power – Settlement / people wanting to come to it

Close to border with Mexico

Traditional slave states

Native Americans on reservations. Own laws. E.g Gambling

Hispanics fastest growing minority. 2050 will overtake whites as majority.

Why come?

1. American Dream. No matter what your background.

2. Escape poverty e.g Mexico $11,000 vs USA $37,000

3. Escape conflict e.g. Vietnam

4. Political rights

•Voting e.g…

•Protest e.g…

•Freedom of speech e.g…

4. Economic rights

•Capitalism, set up own business. Low taxes. Bill Gates

5. Social rights

•Good schools

•Freedom of religion

•Welfare – Medicaid/TANF/ SNAP E.g. California minimum wage $8/hour

•Fair trial

Many Cubans live in Florida

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Concern over population issue in world power - Immigration

Concern about Immigration Welcome Immigration

Believe take jobs from American born citizens.

Doing low paid, unskilled jobs American born do not want. E.g fruit picking in California, cleaning, restaurants, hotels. Fill a gap – not stealing jobs.

Poorer immigrants don’t pay tax but have a higher reliance on welfare than American born. Leading to higher taxes, especially in states with high immigration. E.g. California. Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes.

Increases population of some areas like Baltimore. Regenerate area by working.

Many legal immigrants set up businesses, create jobs and pay taxes which benefit America. 25% of new businesses created by immigrants. They often bring skills as doctors or nurses.


Immigration lets criminals, terrorists, drug dealers into America.

2010 native born 23% reliance on 1 welfare, immigrant family 36%.

Work for lower wages – racial tension

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Social and Economic Issues in the world power

Social inequalities

-Educational attainment ( results/ quality of school/ access to education)

-Housing (Suburbs/ghettos/barrios)

-Crime/justice (treatment by police/ treatment by courts/ victim of crime)

--Health (life expectancy/ access to healthcare/ obesity / murder)

Economic inequalities



- Unemployment

Can you describe the inequalities?Can you explain why they exist?Can you state what the government has done to address ( solve) them?

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Social and Economic Issues in the world power– are caused by the poverty cycle

Social inequalities – Education – Not equal across USA

-Educational attainment can cause poverty, lack of qualifications makes it harder to get a well paid job. More likely to do low skilled poorly paid work or be unemployed..

-Poor education due to

Language barrier e.g. Hispanics

Location –Inner cities Funding for school. Poor areas less taxes. E.g. Detroit. Ghettos are almost all ethnic minorities and most are poor.

Drop out rates. Highest for Hispanics.

Lack of role models valuing education in inner cities. No academic tradition in family. Family breakdown.


US govt has increased money to improve education. To get better teachers. To support low performing schools. To make college more affordable. Bilingual Act – need to be taught in own language to overcome language barriers. Affirmative Action - Texas

Poor Education Poverty Poor Housing Poor Health

Poorer quality buildings and resources. Lower results. Fewer teachers.

Leave school to support family.

Unable to afford further education.Blacks and

hispanics have worst educational attainment. Altho some progress has been made.

Single mother poverty.

Harder to get a mortgage. Trapped.

Low paid job/unemployment

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Social and Economic Issues in the USA – are caused by the poverty cycle

Social - Housing – Not equal across USA

Ghetto – part of a city with nearly all ethnic minorities. Barrios is the Spanish equivalent. Most are poor. They have many problems.

High unemployment

Poverty Poor Housing

Drug traffickingGangs

Vandalism, rubbish, burnt out buildings.

The Suburbs – on the edge of a city


Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Social Issues – Health Inequalities/issues

NO NHS. Health care has to be paid for by insurance.- Buy annual cover-Some jobs provide it BUT SOME COMPANIES


• Only basic treatment given.

• Lots of resources spent on HIV and Drug treatment

• Only cover certain illnesses

• Not good preventative care

• High levels of minorities depend on it

Poor people who can’t afford can get help from medicaid. Old people- over 65, can get help from medicare. Both funded by the government.

Poor people who don’t qualify for medicaid but can’t afford insurance get no cover. Over 16% none!

Whites have most cover. Blacks and Hispanics have least.

Black children least likely to have cover and see dr. Affects problems with their health long term

No interim screenings – problems only picked up at advanced stage.

Only get medical help when condition is serious.

1. Lack of medical cover/treatment

2. Life expectancy

Blacks die on average 5 years earlier than Whites.

Infant mortality highest amongst ethnic minorities.

Blacks have highest rates of HIV than Whites.

Gun related death in projects/barrios

3. Obesity

Fastest growing problem – Boom Boom!

Heart disease and diabetes.

1/3rd of US population obese.

Black and Hispanic females.

Problems still exist due to B4 Obamacare!

Think! Why are they poor?

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Social Issues – Government Responses to health

Affordable Care Act

Everybody has to have health insurance.

Government will help the poorest afford it.

Private healthcare still available

Prevent abuse by Insurance companies.

E.g. amount of treatment. / pre-existing conditions.


-Lead to higher taxes to pay for it.

-Rich paying for poor

-Higher premiums for others to fund poorer.

-Don’t like ‘ have to have healthcare’ nanny state.

-16day govt shutdown Oct 2013 – tried to restrict Obamacare in return for passing budget.

-Expensive at a time of economic depression.


-Refer to health inequalities in USA!

Children with pre-existing conditions can’t be denied treatment.

No limits on amount of treatment.

More preventative care e.g. screening for cancer

Illegals – still no treatment. Tho their children born in the USA can.

Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Economic Issues – Poverty inequalities and Government Responses to Poverty

But only given for 5 years in a lifetime

Cuts in benefit level over previous years caused poverty.

Not enough time to learn skills for well paid job. Remain in unskilled jobs.

Encourage people to learn new skills to find work. Provides childcare. Some families income rose by 35%

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009

1.Making Work Pay Tax Credit Scheme.

2.Creation of new jobs to stop depression

3.$20 billion increase for SNAP – Food stamps to fight hunger

4. Increased income support for TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Welfare)

$400 per person. Helps poorest and hardworking families. But finished at the start of 2013.

Created 3 million jobs

15% of USA in poverty.

Ethnic minorities have high levels of poverty.

Poor Education


Reliance of welfare


Type of job - Low skilled work. Legal status.

Due to?



Version 1 Mrs Miller 2014

Progress of ethnic minorities – They have made progress in overcoming inequalities

Role Models – To encourage success through academic / work routes

-Barack Obama

-Condaleeza Rice – US Secretary of State for President Bush

-Oprah Winfrey , Tiger Woods, Beyonce

Black Middle Class

Affirmative action helped generation of blacks achieve educational opportunities ( busing/ uni entrance) to go on to become professions. However – moved out of ‘ black’ areas taking wealth with them leaving ghettos. Middle class black flight.

50% of Blacks are middle class ( but 74% of white are middle class)

Better educational prospects

Despite high drop out rate, more blacks are finishing high school.

With ending of Affirmative Action – university figures of minorities have dropped

To say they have not made much progress – refer to what you know about poverty/income/health for minorities