vem brochure

VEM TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. An Integrated Engineering Solutions Company

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Page 1: Vem Brochure

VEM TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.An Integrated Engineering Solutions Company

Page 2: Vem Brochure

The CoreVEM was ins� tuted in 1988 and grown to diversify in hi-end and hi-reliable sub-systems and systems for Aerospace and defence.

Design & Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Quality Engineering coupled with System Engineering is the core strength of VEM Technologies.

Technological AdvancementA dedicated Research & Development Centre to work on the hi-end technologies while leveraging on it’s core strengths that can be directly applied to the clientele requirements.

Professionally managed Advance Systems Group is focused on RF Seekers, RF Fuzes, Antenna design & manufacturing & System engineering and simula� on of seekers.

VEM aligns with the customer mission and strive to achieve it in the perfect transparency doing the things right at every step from the design, manufacturing and qualifi ca� on of product with strict adherence to the successful delivery comple� on.

Product Por� olioDiversifi ca� on with consolida� on is an inherent strength of VEM. A wide range of assemblies, sub-systems, systems and systems integra� on are on the off erings from VEM Technologies that include:

� Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems

� Electrical & Power Electronics Systems

� Embedded & Computa� onal Systems

� So� ware Systems

� Control Actua� on Systems

� Electro Op� cal Systems

� Advance Systems

VEM Off eringsVEM strong base is its team of professionals with high mo� va� on and stand assure to deliver the products and services that perform with hi-reliability with con� nual upgrada� on covering:

� Build-to-Print/ Design/ Idea

� Build-to-repeat manufacturing

Integrated in-house Infrastructure

� Department of Scien� fi c & Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India accredited Research & Development Centre

� Experienced D&E; Manufacturing Engineering.; Quality Engineering

� Competent System Engineering

� State of the art tool design & manufacturing

� Hi-precision machinery & Flow forming machine

� Hi-speed stamping division

� Engineering Plas� c moulding division

� Hi-Pressure Pneuma� c set up combined with armored room test facility

� Automated Pick & Place SMT line for avionics produc� on

� Clean room

� Mul� -engineering systems integra� on

� Metrology, environmental & check out test facili� es Industrial Licenses for Off -set requirements

Quality Standards

� An AS 9100 B cer� fi ed

� ISO 9001-2000; ISO 14001-2004; OHSAS 18001-1999 cer� fi ed. ISO 27000 cer� fi ca� on is in progress

� Centre for Military Airworthiness (CEMILAC) cer� fi ca� on for design, development & Manufacturing of avionic sub systems & systems

� Six sigma oriented design & produc� on ac� vi� es


TUV India Private Ltd.

Unit II: Systems Integra� on with Environmental & Check out test facili� esUnit I: Design & Manufacturing of Assemblies & Sub Systems

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VEM has experience in system design, thermal engineering & integra� on of Electro-Op� cal Systems. VEM has manufacturing setup for assemblies & subsystems in the domain of Electro-Op� cs.

VEM has an establishment for fuze design/manufacturing and has an exclusive agreement for Laser Proximity Sensors to develop and manufacture the Laser Proximity Fuzes.

In-house capabili� es� Design and manufacturing of stabiliza� on systems

Verifi ca� on, valida� on and conformance of manufacturability of designs

� Assembly and integra� on of Servo Electronics, Torquers, Gyros & Resolvers/Encoders

� Op� cs’ assembly and Tes� ng� Sealing in sta� c and dynamic condi� ons� Structural, Shock & Vibra� on analysis, Thermal & CFD Analysis� Magne� c Analysis for Motor / Torquer designs� Electronics packaging within envelop space� Dedicated test facili� es including MRTD test set up� Produc� on set up for small and medium batch quan� � es

Products� IIR Seekers� Electro-Op� cal Directors� Two/Four/Five Gimbal systems with hi-stabiliza� on

accuracies� Semi Ac� ve Laser Seekers� Stabilisa� on Pla� orms for Op� cal & RF Pay loads� Commander Panoramic Sight Systems� Laser Proximity Fuzes

VEM has capability in design & system engineering in the area of RF Seekers & their sub-systems. Sub-systems include hi-power transmi� ers and their power supplies. It has capability in antenna design & manufacturing with in-house analysis and tes� ng set up. VEM has an-exclusive consor� um with SAMEER SAMEER , Dept. Of Informa� on Technology, Govt. Of India, for RF Systems of Seekers and Microwave Communica� ons Links.

VEM has capability to do simula� on and op� miza� on of seeker designs. It is also focussed on Radio Proximity Fuzes, Phase shi� ers and Vaccum tubes.

Engineering capability:� Seeker engineering for op� mal packaging � Seeker Simula� on for parametric op� miza� on� Antenna design skills with external exper� se� Experience in manufacturing of phase shi� ers � Design and fabrica� on of Radar pulsed power supplies� Design/Analysis of low RF/Microwave receiver

� RF instrumenta� on & test set up upto 40 GHz

Products� Ku/Ka band RF Seekers & sub-systems� Hi-power transmi� ers� Analog Phase shi� ers and Phased Shi� er Arrays� Command Guidance Units� Radio Proximity Fuzes� Vaccum Tubes� Pedestals and rotary joints

Electro-Optical Systems Advance Systems

RF - Seeker Homing head

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Commander Panoramic Sight Electro Op� c Director/Turret

IIR Seeker

RF - Fuze

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Electrical & Power Electronic SystemsVEM has an in-house design & manufacture set up for varied applica� ons


� Electrical Design & Magne� c Design

� Control Design

� Design of algorithms-PID Controllers

Analysis� Torque Speed & Performance Characteris� cs Analysis� Thermal Analysis

� Valida� on of algorithms through simula� on

Products� Brushless DC Motors & Torquers � Brushless DC Generators & Alternators� Solenoids & Planar Transformers� Tacho Generators & Resolvers

– Hi-Power DC-DC Converters� Radar & Aircra� Power Supplies� Voltage Controllers

Pla� orm So� ware

� Launch Control Centre Customized so� ware for launch control processes

including pre-launch checks and post launch analysis.

� Mission Control Centre Customized so� ware for mission planning, execu� on &

monitoring, integra� on of real-� me communica� ons for mission data, geographical informa� on systems, mission process, communica� ons and command & control.

� Checkout systems for mul� - disciplinary systems, fl ight control systems

Embedded Systems

� Design, development, por� ng and tes� ng of embedded systems fi rmware, fl ash loadable so� wares, CPLD / FPGA codes, device drivers, test & monitoring so� wares and mission / applica� on so� wares and GUI for user friendly opera� ons.

Test Benches & Special Test Equipment

� PC based special test benches using program loading, health & diagnos� cs and applica� on programs for tes� ng mission so� ware.

� Specially developed automa� c test benches / special test equipment suppor� ng MIL 1553, RS 422, ARINC 429, DAC / ADC, DIP / DOPs, Ethernet, CAN J 1939 etc. Communica� ons.

Software Systems

BLDC Motors Brushless DC Generator SAM

Electro Magne� c Analysis Shelter Integra� on Test bench

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Control Actuation SystemsVEM has the inherent strength in Design Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Quality Engineering and Manufacture Engineering capabili� es.

VEM has the experience and exper� se in design, development & manufacturing of:

� Electro Mechanical Actua� on Systems– Linear– Rotary

� Electro Pneuma� c Actua� on Systems

� Electro Hydraulic Actua� on Systems

Inhouse Engineering Capabili� es:

Electrical & Power Electronic Systems:

� BLDC Motors: – 50 mW to 6000 W– High Effi ciency and Heavy Duty

� Hi-Speed Motors: Upto 30000 rpm � Low Speed Torquers: Upto 30 rpm� LVDT / RVDT/Resolvers for feed back sensors

� Pulse Width Modula� on and Hi-Frequency Opera� ons


� Digital & Analog Controllers� DSP based designs� Analog based designs

� Interface – MIL-STD-1553, RS-422, RS-232, ARINC 429 & Ethernet

� Servo Control Electronics – Analog Filters, Velocity Loop, Torque Loop & Current Loop Sensors, Condi� oners

� Test benches for Tes� ng and Programming Tools


� Integrated housing� Transmission Mechanism – Roller Screws & Ball Screw

Mechanism� Gears – Spur, Bevel, Worm & Planetary gears Posi� on Sensors� Integra� on of LVDT / RVDT / Poten� ometers / Resolvers /

Sha� Encoders / Tacho Neutral Locking Machanisim

Control Engineering:

� Digital fi lters, PIDs, posi� on loop, velocity loop, torque / current loop programs

� Modeling and Simula� on of Servo Control Systems � DSP based controllers � Control Algorithms design and valida� on

� Design valida� on through simula� on programs

Electro Mechanical LinearActuator with Controller Canard Control ModuleElectro Mechanical Rotary Actua� on System

Electro Pneuma� c Linear Actua� on System

Electro Mechanical Linear Actua� on System

Electro Mechanical Linear Actua� on System

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VEM Technologies has a recognized R&D Division for the hands on experience on the latest technologies for design & development of hi-end and hi-reliable Sub-systems and Systems.

The in-house R&D and engineering division handles the TOT to off er the Batch/Mass Produc� on with built-in System Engineering and Quality Engineering.

� Requirement Capture & Analysis

� Design of Hardware, So� ware & Analysis

� Schema� c Design

� Hardware:– Layout Design and Gerbers– Thermal & Signal Integrity Analysis– Automa� c Pick & Place of PCB components– Electronics PCB popula� ng and assembly

� Design & Development of Special Test-Jigs for tes� ng

� QT/AT Tests & First Ar� cle Inspec� ons

Embedded Systems using: � Processing:

– 8/16/32-bit Processors (Intel, Philips, Motorola) – 16-bit Controllers (80196 & 8031-XA) – DSP ADI & TI, FPGA/CPLD– Mul� -processor architecture

� PID based Control Systems

� Communica� on Protocols H/W & S/W for: MIL-STD-1553B, ARINC 429, 422 & 485 (Sync & Async), RS 232, Ethernet,I2C, SPI

� DSP So� ware

Format Converters:

� Legacy System Integrators

� Programmable Pulse Code Modulators– DSP based controller for BLDC motor (Assembly

Language & ‘C’) – Control System Design & Simula� on


� On-board Computers

� Communica� ons Processor Units

� Telemetry Pulse Code Modulators

� Interface Units

� DSP based Controllers for Actua� on Systems

� PCI based Add-on Cards for PCs

� PC based Data Acquisi� on Systems

Embedded & Computational Systems

On-Board Mission Computer System

On-Board Mission Computer System Programmable Pulse Code Modula� on System Mul� Protocol Communica� on Controller

Legacy System Integrator On-Board Power Supply System Automated Avionics Produc� on Setup

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VEM has an excellent and state of the art machining centers to achieve the highest accuracies and closest tolerances required to secure the pre-determined func� onal metrics of any hi-end systems for Aerospace & Defence applica� ons.

VEM design capabili� es combined with manufacturing engineering support delivering the hi-performance product to the customer s� pulated quality and delivery norms.

Design capabili� es:

� Design, Modeling and Analysis Tools - Uni-Graphics, Solid Works

� Structural Design Analysis

� Mode Shape Analysis

� Thermal Design & Analysis

� Computa� onal Fluid Dynamics

� Dynamic ModelingManufacturing Engineering:VEM has the strong manufacturing engineering group to develop a comprehensive manufacturing data package comprising the standard opera� ng procedures including process plans, process sheets and special processes for each component, sub-assembly, sub systems and system integra� on level.

Manufacturing, Assembly & Integra� on Consists of

� Manufacturing Engineering & Tool Design Centre

� High Precision Machining Centre

� Engineering Plas� c Centre

� Stamping Centre TIG Welding Centre for Alluminimu, Stainless Steel and

Alloy Steels Blind and Solid rivi� ng facility too meet aerospace quality


� High Pressure Pneuma� c Test Facility

� Precision Metrology with 3-axis CMM

� Mechanical Assembly & Integra� on Facility

� Clean room facility for assembly

� Modern Paint shop with controlled atmosphere and a� ached hea� ng ovens

� Cap� ve Environmental Test Facili� es & AnechoicChambers for RF Tes� ng

� AS 9100 complaint QA / QC

� 5S, Kaizen, Customer Focused Supply base system

Products � LGB Assemblies & Integra� on

� Integrated Pneuma� c Sec� ons

� Precision Guided Muni� ons

� Pedestals

� Small, Medium & Large Aerospace Sec� ons

Mechanisms & Mechanical Systems

Seeker Steering Mechanim with Chassis

Integrated Pneuma� c Sec� ons PGM Homing HeadLGB Assemblies & Sec� ons

Hi-Pressure Pneuma� c Regulators & Valves

Umblical Connector

Air Filter

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Customer Centric ManagementVEM is commi� ed to the quality and work hand-in-hand with customers to demonstrate to achieve the total system integra� on and performance. Two decades plus technical experience and exper� se enables VEM to an� cipate problems, plot eventuali� es and apply the integrated resources for utmost success.

8-48/1, Bachupally Industrial Area, Quthubullapur Mandal,R. R. District, Hyderabad - 500090, Andhra Pradesh, INDIATel: +91 40 2304 6633/7733/8833, Fax: +91 40 2304 6655

URL:, Email : [email protected]


Sy. No. 1/1, Imarath Kanch, Hardware Park,Raviral Village, Maheswaram Mandal,Srisailam Road, Adjacent to R. G. Interna� onal Airport,R.R. Dist., Hyderabad - 500005, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA


VisionTo be a leading technology solu� ons and products company through innova� ons, technology absorp� on and improvements.

MissionConsistently meet and excel customer requirements in providing superior producs through pro-ac� ve interac� on and � mely solu� ons.