veganism research

Veganism Research Jess Stanton

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Veganism Research

Jess Stanton

Summary: Alex Baldwin, well known actor shares his personal story on why he chose to live a vegan lifestyle and why he lived as a vegetarian previous to this for over 40 years.

Tags: Alec Baldwin, actor, May 2011,, prediabetic, vegetarian, vegan,

Quotes:“I quit eating beef when I was somewhere between 10 and 13.”“I had an incident one day that made me refuse to eat beef ever, ever again.”“My parents were actually banding calves…I’m not going to explain what that means.”“It just made me sad.”

Further research: When researching this story further, I could take a look at more interviews with Alec Baldwin to find out other aspects of his story such as what campaigns he has been involved with.

Secondary Research

Summary: This interview with Ellen DeGeneres focuses on her explaining why she chose to be vegan and how she learnt about cruelty to animals and her attitudes and actions towards animal cruelty.

Tags: Ellen DeGeneres, 8 months, suffering, 2008. Earthlings, 50 billion, quick death, vegan wedding, going vegan with Ellen,

Quotes: “It was easier to put the suffering out of my mind.”“I think we all fool ourselves that there is some kind of happy cow and that it’s a quick death.”“It’s a very disturbing reality. And it happens every minute of the day.”

Further research: For further research I could find more out about Ellen DeGeneres and what she stands for / if she has taken action to help give people a vegan lifestyle. I could also research more into ‘Going Vegan with Ellen’ her healthy living TV segment on her show to gather more information about what this scheme achieves.


Summary: Actress Alicia Silverstone explains why she went vegan, not only for animal reasons but also for her health. In the res of the interview, discussions include her experience on creating a vegan cookbook.

Tags: Alicia Silverstone, “steak and doughnut diet”, overnight transition, animal lover, 8 years old, 21, documentary, cookbook,

Quotes: “Steak and doughnut diet”“I used to have all those white marks on my nails and they were very brittle, and now they’re so strong I cannot bend them”“My eyes for really white, and I feel like I look less puffy”“When I was 8 years old, my brother was making the noises of the animals I was eating, so I decided to go vegetarian”“I just took a look at my dog and said ‘If I’m not willing to eat you, how can I continue to eat these other creatures that have the same desire to live, are just as funny, just as cute as my dogs?”

Further research: As this is a reliable website, and in the interview it is mentioned that Alicia Silverstone has created a cookbook, I could research this as a part of finding potential recipes for people who are thinking of going vegan.

Tags: Foie Gras, ducks, geese, ten times, illegal in UK, 97%, 3%, 37 million, 700,000, one or two days,

Summary: This article on Veganury’s website contains information about the process behind the creation of French luxury dish Foie Gras and what effect is has on the ducks and as well as other cruel treatments they face.

Quotes:“Up to three times a day, a tube is pushed down their throats and food is forced into their stomachs.” “Their livers swell up to ten times their natural size”“97% of Foie Gras is from ducks, with the remaining 3% taken from geese.”“Estimated figures suggest that this equates to 37 million ducks and 700,000 geese.”

Further research: Further research into this case will allow me to find out more about how ducks and geese are treated in the process of making Foie Gras and what action is being taken to help get it banned in the UK and worldwide.

Summary: This article, found on the Veganuary website explains what effect of a vegan diet will have on nature and how land could be used in a positive way which would help solve issues such as world hunger.

Tags: Nature, vegan diet, 4 and a half times more land, Brazil’s rainforests, CO2, 30%, 33%, 870 million,

Further research: For further research, I will find out what other impacts a vegan diet can have on the environment and find more facts and figures to back up my information to show readers how much a vegan diet can effect the planet, both the animals and the people on it. The website which this article if from is very reliable and so contains good sources of information which I can go back to in order to find out more as well as extra information found in the rest of this article.

Quotes:“Cattle rancher are making mincemeat out of Brazil’s rainforests”(Director General David Kaimowitz)“Eating meat requires four and a half times more land than is necessary for a vegan diet”“30% of the earth’s entire surface is used to graze and rear animals”“33% of global arable land is used to grow crops to feed animals”“…help feed 870 million people suffering from hunger and malnutrition in the world today”

Summary: This is an article from Veganuary’s website. The article covers why and how you will save wildlife if you turn your lifestyle to a vegan lifestyle.

Tags: Vegan, nature, wildlife, deforestation, football field, 200 square meters, 10,000, 99%, 1%, 98%, 96%,

Further research: For further research I will look more into what effects non veganism has on the world of wildlife and how it can be changed. I will look for more information in websites which are reliable as well as a range of other sources such as books and leaflets.

Quotes:“Every second, any area of rainforest equivalent to a football field is cleared to provide space to grow animal feed and for pasture grazing” “1lb of beef + 200 square meters of rainforest destroyed” (Rainforest Concern – Charity) “10,000 years ago, free living animals made up to 99% of biomass and human beings only made up 1%...We’ve basically stolen the world, the earth, from free-living to use for ourselves” (Author Will Tuttle, Cowspiracy)“96% of all wild fish species are moderately exploited, or worse.” (United Nations Food and Agricultural report)

Summary: This is an extract from an article found on the Veganuary website about Nutrition, and vegan foods in which nutrients, such as iron can be found in. The article lists iron rich foods as well as states the UKs RDA of iron depending on your age and sex. This table gives information on certain foods and how much of that food gives each person how much iron.

Tags: Vegan, nutrients, iron, mg, serving, food, male, female, recommended dietary allowance,

Quotes:Veganuary usually states where quotes and statistics used in the article have been found in a section at the bottom of the page titles ‘References.’ As this article does not give any links to any places information can be found, it could lead me to believe, some of the facts may not be that accurate, changing the reliability of the website in this case.

Further research: Researching further into iron rich vegan foods would allow me to find other websites where iron rich foods are stated. This would also allow me to see if the same content in each website matches each other to improve the reliability of the websites. In order to extend my research I could research information from books and other sources such as books, documentaries, videos or news stories.

Summary: This piece of information covers health benefits from turning vegan in a report which focuses on the increase in people likely to get type 2 diabetes vs. those who are vegan.

Tags: Vegan, Type 2 diabetes, vegetarians, 1996, 1.4 million, 2.9 million, 2025, 5 million,

Quotes: “Since 1996 the number of people in the UK with diabetes has more than doubled, from 1.4 million to 2.9 million.”“The figures are alarming and confirm diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges facing the UK today” (Diabetes UK)“Vegans had a 60% lower chance of developing diabetes than non-vegans, and vegetarians a 35% lower risk.”

Further research: For further research into how your health is effected by changing to a vegan, I could find out - from other reliable websites similar to Veganuary what other effects being vegan has on other parts of your health not just diabetes. Other examples of farther research could be if animals are used in any medication and which ones to avoid and if they do help make medication better.

Summary: This blog post covers E.L.F (Eyes, Lips, Face) makeup and informs their readers on how this make-up brand is cruelty free and vegan. This picture below, taken from the blog is a quote directly from E.L.F’s website in which they state that they do not endorse practices on animals nor do they use animal derived ingredients.

Tags: E.L.F, Cosmetics, Blog post, cruelty free, vegan, animal derived, HSUS, PETA, Caring Consumer Project,

Quotes: “We do NOT test on animals or endorse such practices. Our products do not contain animal derived ingredients.”“We currently support HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) and are partners with PETA in the Caring Consumer Project.”

Further Research: When researching into this further I could look at the HSUS website and find out information about their aims and what action they do to help make more of the world vegan and animal cruelty free. Another possible source could be PETA and gather information on their and E.L.F’s partnership and what this helps achieve as well as if any other brands are involved in the Caring Consumer Project too.As this course is only off of a person's blog, the fact’s could be unreliable and so as part of further research I will find more out about E.L.F’s products and if they are all vegan or if some are vegan from other sources which may improve the validity of this source, some example such as the two above with aid this.This blog post is also over 4 years old and so may contribute to the inaccuracy of the information. A factor I will make sure I look at when researching further is that articles are current as issues and circumstances may have changed, resulting in some sources being inaccurate and unreliable.


Quotes: “Carmine is made from beetles, and is therefore not vegan.” “The pigment is produced by drying, crushing and then boiling the bodies of cochineal beetles to extract carminic acid.”“On labels, carmine may also be listed as cochineal extract, crimson lake, natural red 4 and E120.”

Summary: This article is taken from the website which explains what carmine is and where it is used. This will be effective as out of many substances used in products which make them not vegan or animal cruelty free, carmine, crushed beetles will be one which many people are not aware of. The article also explains some products in which carmine can be found in and therefore to avoid them and also makes readers aware of other names Carmine can be found under on packaging to ensure they avoid it.

Tags: Vegan, Carmine, Cosmetics, Food, Textiles, Cochineal extract, crimson lake, natural red 4, E120,

Further research: By looking into Carmine more, I can find out how it is produced and if any brands in particular use it however label it under something other than Carmine. I will also research into any other articles to find out more information as even though this website seems reliable, other sources such as videos, news articles and book could give me more information on the process and uses of carmine.


Summary: This article covers 13 food which may surprise some as they are foods vegans cannot eat. From the obvious ones such as marshmallows to surprising ones such as some sugars, this article explains why vegan’s are not able to eat them. Facts can be found out about food and drink which contain substances from animals such as some orange juice which cannot be drunk by vegan’s as some orange juices are ‘fortified with additional omega-3s that are derived from fish.’ Other products they cannot have include,

salad dressings, peanuts,

margarine & some beer and wine.

Tags: Vegan, foods, drinks, alternatives, PETA,

Quotes: “Some sugar manufacturers are certified vegan, so check the company’s website or PETA to find out. Or just opt, instead, for maple syrup or agave nectar as a sweetener.” “There are so many flavors out there, you should always check the label and known what every single ingredient is.”

Further research: Further research will allow me to discover more into foods and drinks vegans cannot have and why they cannot have them, as well as this, another part of the research could be finding out products which can be consumed by vegan’s or alternatives to ones they cannot eat/drink. This website may not be all accurate which will lead me to finding other, more reliable websites which contain lists on foods and drinks vegans cannot have, an example could be Veganuary’s webpage listing products which are accidently vegan.

Summary: This article explains what is happening due to the food non vegan people eat and so in turn is explaining what a positive impact a vegan lifestyle will have on the environment, more specifically pollution.

Tags: Vegan, pollution, water pollution, waste, waterways, worldwide, polluted, headlines, 196, dead zones, 2008, 44, 1995,

Quotes:“Leakages from cesspools and manure spray fields are contaminating our waterways….Thousands of miles of waterways worldwide are polluted each year. These are just a few of the headlines reporting the issue.”“The single biggest threat of water pollution is from agriculture.” “They (The World Recourses Institute) have identified 169 marine areas as ‘dead zones’ as of 2008. This has increased from 44 areas in 1995.”

Further research: Further research into how a vegan lifestyle will help the environment and decrease the amount of pollution occurring will allow me to find other negative aspects of pollution, not just contaminated waterways but other factors such as CO2 production and global warming.


Summary: This article is one of the links from the Veganuary webpage on negative environmental impacts due to waste caused by non vegan diets. In particular, this article reports on male fish in Rivers in Pennsylvania, US which have been producing eggs due to being exposed to hormone mimicking chemicals.

Tags: Vegan, Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection, U.S.G.S, intersex fish, smallmouth bass, white sucker, hormone mimicking chemicals,

Quotes:“The sources of estrogenic chemical are most likely complex mixtures from both agricultural sources such as animal wastes, pesticides and herbicides, and human sources from wastewater treatment plant effluent and other sewage discharges.” “We weren’t expecting the issue to be as widespread as it was…The number of fish affected and the severity was surprising.” (Vicki Blazer, a fish biologist and lead author of the USGS study.”

Further Research: Further research into this case, much like the pervious slide would enable me to see how a vegan diet and lifestyle would help prevent issue like this, and with the use of sources such as books, other websites and videos I would be able to find out more about this issue other than from this article. Summary: This is a page and a front cover taken from the book ‘But I Could Never Go Vegan’ by Kristy Turner which features 125 recipes for those wanting to go vegan or for those already living the vegan lifestyle.

Tags: Vegan, cookbook, recipes

Quotes: “Nothing short of brilliant!” (Angela Liddon, New York Times-Bestselling Author of The Oh She Glows Cookbook) “Get read for your taste buds to explore.” (Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Author of Isa Does It)

Further research: By researching more into not only this book but other vegan cookbooks like this, could provide me with information on vegan recipes and meals for those wanting to turn vegan and don’t know where to start. Further research could lead to researching vegan bloggers as this could allow me to explore their life, style and recipes which all change once you are vegan. Seeing if they have an accounts on social media such as instagram would also be a way to stay up to date on current vegan news and matters and for other vegan recipes/ways to help out.

Primary ResearchFor my primary research I am going to email up and coming vegan bloggers and interview them for my booklet. I believe this will be effective as my audience are fully involved in social media and so bloggers, who are also gaining recognition will be something which I think appeal directly to my demographic. The questions making up my primary research are;

• 1. How long have you been vegan for?• 2. Where did you first begin learning about the vegan lifestyle?• 3. What was your biggest reason for becoming vegan?• 4. What helped you when becoming vegan e.g. other bloggers/cookbooks etc..• 5. Can you list any good vegan foods which you use as substitutes for everyday items? • 6. What are your favourite vegan make up and clothing products/brands?• 7. What do you feel is the best thing about being vegan?• 8. What did your family and friends make of you becoming a vegan? Did they find it hard to accommodate

to your new lifestyle?• 9. Were there any major differences from your lifestyle before turning vegan to now, for example did you

used to eat a lot of products vegans can’t eat or was the transition fairly easy?• 10. What was your main reason for setting up a vegan blog? Was it mainly for others to gain information

from or more for you?

Response 1

Response 2