vce psychology 2018 tsfx unit 3 part 2eoy...

VCE PSYCHOLOGY 2018 TSFX Unit 3 Part 2EOY LECTURE Ms Veronica Parsons Veronica Parsons 2018

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TSFX Unit 3 Part 2EOY


Ms Veronica ParsonsVeronica Parsons 2018

Revision-What Can you Do?

Lecture today-Listen!

Past VCAA Exams from

Website Going Backwards

from 2015 including

Sample. (3 Pen Method)

Keep Notebook Close by

divided into 5 sections for

each area of Study-write

down theory from questions

you are getting wrong

Read over TSFX notes with

highlighter regularly.Veronica Parsons 2018

Unit 3: Area of Study 2: How do people learn and


Veronica Parsons 2018

Neural basis of learning and memory

Neural plasticity and changes to

connections between neurons

Role of neurotransmitters and


Veronica Parsons 2018

Book 2 Page 2 Question 1: Define Learning

Learning is the acquisition of skill or

knowledge, while memory is the

expression of what you have acquired.

The existence of memory indicates

that learning has occurred.

Changes in the neural network of the

brain takes place as learning occurs.


Veronica Parsons 2018

Book 2 Page 4:Parts of a Neuron

KKDP 3 The role of the neuron (dendrites, axon, myelin

and axon terminals) as the primary cell involved in the

reception and transmission of information across the

synapse (excluding details related to signal transduction)

Don’t Swim Nude Around My Aunt

Dendrite-Soma-Nucleus-Axon-Myelin Sheath-Axon Terminals

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 5: Neural plasticity and changes at connections

between neurons (including LT potentiation and

depression) as fundamental mechanisms of memory

formation that leads to learning

• Long-term depression involves the

firing of a weak signal across the

synapse, whereas long-term

potentiation involves the firing of a

stronger signal.

• A postsynaptic neuron is more likely

to fire in the future as a result of

long-term potentiation and less likely

to fire as a result of long-term


Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018


Veronica Parsons 2018

Your mates excite you=Glutamate!

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 9: The role of neurotransmitters and neurohormones

in the neural basis of memory and learning (including the

role of glutamate in synaptic plasticity and the role of

adrenaline in the consolidation of emotionally arousing

experiences) Adrenaline is a neurohormone (as opposed to GABA, dopamine and glutamate,

which are neurotransmitters) that is released by neurons but can enter the bloodstream.

• Adrenalin affects memory consolidation by activating the amygdala.

• Overall, adrenaline tends to enhance our memory retention

• Example: High levels of adrenaline released as a result of her stress response will contribute to making her memory of the crash more vivid and durable.

Question 32 (VCAA SAMPLE EXAM 2017)While rushing out the door to go to school, Sarah accidentally smashed her parents’ antique vase. She was so shaken up by the event that she had trouble sleeping that night and kept replaying the incident in her head for the next two days.The neurohormone involved in the consolidation of Sarah’s memory of the incident isA. GABA.B. dopamine.C. adrenaline.D. a benzodiazepine agent.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Pg 5:The role of Glutamate

Repeated glutamate stimulates

release of dopamine which helps

generate new proteins (new filigree

appendages on presynaptic neuron &

dendritic spines on post synaptic


New synapses are formed

Veronica Parsons 2018

Do Question10 page11

Veronica Parsons 2018

Models to explain learning

Classical conditioning occurs by repeatedly associating two previously unrelated stimuli until the presentation of the conditioned stimulus will reflexively elicit a conditioned response.

Operant conditioning relies on the learning determining whether the consequences are desirable or undesirable, which will thus determine the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated.

Social learning and observational learning rely on the consequences observed by an individual paying attention to a model’s behaviour.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Classical Conditioning

Veronica Parsons 2018


KKDP 12 classical conditioning as a three-phase process

(before conditioning, during conditioning and after

conditioning) that results in the involuntary association

between a neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus to

produce a conditioned response, including stimulus

generalisation, stimulus discrimination, extinction and

spontaneous recovery

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

• What is CC? (involuntary nature of

the association between the NS

and UCS)

• Three phases: before, during and


• Key terms: NS, UCS, UCR, CS, CR.

• Stimulus generalisation

• Stimulus Discrimination

• Extinction

• Spontaneous recovery

Veronica Parsons 2018

Pg 29 Operant Conditioning

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 13 operant conditioning as a three-phase model

(antecedent, behaviour, consequence) involving reinforcers

(positive and negative) and punishment (including response

cost) that can be used to change voluntary behaviours,

including stimulus generalisation, stimulus discrimination

and spontaneous recovery (excluding schedules of


Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Spontaneous Generalisation, Stimulus

Discrimination & Spontaneous Recovery

Classical Conditioning

Conditioned Stimulus is

Generalised & Discriminated

Conditioned Response is

Extinguished & may show

spontaneous recovery

Operant Conditioning

Antecendent Stimulus is

Generalised & Discriminated

Voluntary Response is

Extinguished & may show

spontaneous recovery

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 14 observational learning as a method of social learning,

particularly in children, involving attention, retention,

reproduction, motivation and reinforcement

What is social learning?

Relevant examples in children such

as the Bandura Bobo doll


What is observational

learning?(method of social

learning, particularly in children)

The steps involved (ARMMR).

Application of the stages to real

life examples.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Pg 22-Little Albert

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 22 Question 12: the ‘Little Albert’ experiment as

illustrating how classical conditioning can be used to

condition an emotional response, including ethical

implications of the experiment.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Informed consent: Little Albert was obviously too young understand the

nature of the experiment, and it appears that his mother was not fully

aware of elements such as the nature of the experiment, the rights of her

son or the risks involved.

• No harm principle: Little Albert demonstrated severe distress, thus the

experiment should have been terminated immediately to avoid further

emotional trauma to Little Albert. He suffered psychological damage

which was not extinguished (reversed).

• Debriefing: Little Albert’s parents were not told about the findings of the

experiment or informed of how they could receive assistance in reversing

the harmful side effects of the study. Watson neglected to extinguish Little

Albert’s fear of fluffy white things.

• Beneficence: The importance of the findings did not outweigh the harm

done to Little Albert.

VCAA 2002

Veronica Parsons 2018

Voldemorte Is Clearly Dead-So Don’t

Worry Anymore Harry Potter

Voluntary Participation

Informed Consent



Security of participant Information*



Animal use in research*


Protection of participant Information*

Veronica Parsons 2018

Process of memory

Atkinson–Shiffrin’s multi-store

model of memory

Brain regions involved in the

storage of long-term memories

Methods to retrieve information

from memory or demonstrate the

existence of information in memory

Fallibility of memory reconstruction

Effects of brain trauma on memory

Factors influencing ability and

inability to remember

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 16 the multi-store model of memory (Atkinson-Shriffin)

with reference to the function, capacity and duration of

sensory short-term and long-term memory

What is the Multi Store Model?

What is meant by capacity?

What is meant by duration?

What is the capacity, duration and

function of sensory memory?

What is the capacity, duration and

function of STM?

What is the capacity, duration and

function of LTM?

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 17 interactions between specific regions of the brain

(cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and cerebellum) in the

storage of long-term memories, including implicit and explicit


Veronica Parsons 2018

From VCAA 2017

The motor skills involved in playing basketball are an example of a form of implicit memory called procedural memory.

Procedural memories are encoded and stored via connections between the basal ganglia (especially the striatum) and the cerebellum.

Hippocampus is involved in the consolidation of explicit episodic and semantic memories & amygdala is primarily involved in the consolidation of emotional memories (and neither is typically considered a place of storage).

Cerebral cortex is the site of storage for explicit episodic and semantic memories, not implicit procedural memories.

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 18 methods to retrieve information from memory or

demonstrate the existence of information in memory,

including recall, recognition, relearning and reconstruction

• What are retrieval methods?

• What is recall? Examples?

• What is the difference between, free, serial and cued recall?

• What is recognition? Examples?

• What is relearning? Examples?

• What is reconstruction? Examples

Episodic memories are types of declarative memory that need to be consciously recalled. The brain is only capable of storing abstract details of these autobiographical events; therefore they need to be reconstructed during recall by retrieving the abstract details and incorporating other details from memory in order to conventionalise the story.

Implicit and procedural memories are not consciously recalled and short-term memories cannot be recalled after 30 seconds unless they are being actively rehearsed – they are simply ‘maintained’ in short-term memories.

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 19 the effects of brain trauma on areas of the brain

associated with memory and neurodegenerative diseases,

including brain surgery, anterograde amnesia and

Alzheimer’s disease• What are neurodegenerative

diseases? Eg. Parkinsons, dementia


• What is Alzheimer’s disease and how

does it effect the relevant areas of

the brain?.

• Examples of brain surgery that

effect the areas of the brain

associated with memory.

• What is anterograde amnesia and

which areas of the brain is it

associated with?

Anterograde amnesia has the most significant effect on

the ability to encode and consolidate explicit memories

due to damage to the hippocampus (which plays a key role

in this process). Short-term memory and implicit memory

will be largely unaffected as other areas of the brain are

responsible for these facets of memory. Retrieval of well-

established long-term memories will be largely


Veronica Parsons 2018

VCAA 2017

Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 20 the factors influencing a person’s ability and

inability to remember information, including context and

state dependent cues, maintenance and elaborative

rehearsal and serial position effect

• The factors influencing a

person’s ability and inability to

remember information

• Context and state dependent cues

• maintenance and elaborative


• Serial position effect.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Elaborative Rehearsal: Hippocampus-

If you saw a hippo on campus, you

would remember that!

Veronica Parsons 2018


Veronica Parsons 2018

KKDP 21 the reconstruction of memories as evidence for

the fallibility of memory, with reference to Loftus’

research into the effect of leading questions on eye-

witness testimonies.• What is meant by fallibility in

relation to memory?

• Why is reconstruction evidence for the fact that memory is fallible?

• Why are eye-witness testimonies fallible?

• What effect do leading questions have on eye-witness testimonies?

• Loftus’ research on the effect of leading questions on eye witness testimonies.

A leading question is a question that influences

eyewitnesses by implying or suggesting an answer. 1


Thus, if the eyewitness was asked a question such as

“What happened after the speeding car hit the

pedestrian?”, this may influence the eyewitness’s

reconstruction of the memory (as it is implying that

the car was speeding when it hit the pedestrian).Veronica Parsons 2018

Reconstructive Memory

Veronica Parsons 2018

General Research Methods & Exam Tips

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 76: Sample Answer Reliability


Reliability refers to the extent to which the results obtained from an experiment

are consistent, dependable and stable.

In order to ascertain the reliability of the results for this investigation, the

research would need to be repeated several times again to see if the pattern of

results were consistently obtained.

A changed sampling technique – obtain participants in a different manner other

than through social media, even if the same age range were maintained, may

produce a different finding.

1 mark for BOTH defining reliability PLUS one of the above points or others that

discuss the reliability of this investigation.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Sample Answer: Validity (= accuracy) Validity refers to the extent to which the investigation measures what it sets out to

measure in order to make a valid conclusion from the data gathered.

In this investigation:

It can be seen that a very large sample size was chosen (350) randomly from the 800

whovolunteered. The large sample size is likely to add validity to the difference

obtainedbetween the control condition and the two experimental conditions.

The spread of participants’ ages adequately represents the research population

increasing the validity of generalising the results if they support the hypothesis.

The measure of sleep deprivation as an independent variable seems valid as the

changemeasured was from a normal night’s sleep to one without any sleep.

The measure of alcohol consumption as an independent variable seems valid as the

effectof participants consuming alcohol to a 0.05 BAC level was compared to a zero BAC


Driving simulators accurately and objectively measure driving skill errors.

The use of a repeated measures design strengthens validity of the investigation by

ensuring no variation in participant attributes that might have otherwise caused a

confounding variable to weaken the validity of the results.

Page 77: Statistics

The relatively small standard deviations indicate that the results are likely to be statistically significant (a statistic required to make inferences about the population), given that the difference between conditions (context congruent or context incongruent) is large (with eight more words on average being recalled in the context congruent condition) and the standard deviations are small.• Given the likelihood of statistical significance, the independent variable (the presence/absence of congruent context-dependent cues) appears to be causing a change in the dependent variable (recall), which means that the results have high internal validity

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

VCAA 2017 Sample Exam

Veronica Parsons 2018



Things to remember:

obtaining a p value is a test of statistical significance; this test gives an indication of how likely it is that the results could have occurred by chance.

IF p was found to be equal to or less than 0.05 (p≥0.05), my results would be considered statistically significantin that the likelihood of the difference between the experimental and control groups is a real difference and not due to chance factors.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 80 :Can you Generalise your research

findings to the population? Yes if…..

Yields statistically Significant

p<.05 results

Extraneous Variables &

confounding variables controlled


Sample (large, representative of

population& random)

Veronica Parsons 2018

Drawing conclusions relates to the hypothesis. Was the hypothesis supported

or not.

“The findings of Parson’s study supported the hypothesis that listening to

Justin Bieber increased the number of erratic/aggressive driving behaviours,

however, the results were not statistically significant. Further research should

be conducted using standardised instructions and procedures

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 83

Identification of potential extraneous and confounding variables including

individual participant differences, non-standardised instructions and

procedures, order effects, experimenter effect and placebo effects.



Order Effects+ Participant Differences+ Experimenter Effect+ Placebo

Effect+ Standardised Instructions (non)

Veronica Parsons 2018

Page 83: How to Control for Extraneous & Confounding Variables?

By considering…

type of sampling procedure

Type of experiment


Single & double blind procedures


Standardised Instructions & Procedures


Veronica Parsons 2018

Identify and operationalise independent

and dependent variables

Operationalised Variable: explains what each variable is and how it will be


It is hypothesized that police recruits aged between 18 and 45 who drink

alcohol will show less accuracy when shooting in a simulation compared to

when they drink water.

IV: Presence of Alcohol (alcohol vs water)

DV: Accuracy on shooting simulation

Operationalised IV: type of drink participants drink and how much

Operationalised DV: the number of points scored on a shooting simulation

Veronica Parsons 2018

Operationalise the DV

Veronica Parsons 2018

Research Methods & Design

Important: Don’t Confuse Methods with Design

Refer to 3rd Dot Point on Types of Investigations (Methods).

Methods (Types of Investigations)


Case Studies

Observational Studies

Self Reports



Rating Scales

Veronica Parsons 2018

My Excellent Class Often

Says QANTAS Is Right

Experimental Research Design

“Design rhymes with Crime”


Veronica Parsons 2018

Remember: Don’t Confuse Methods with Design


Independent Groups

Repeated Measures

Matched Participants

Cross Sectional Studies***

Sampling Methods





Veronica Parsons 2018

Sampling Procedures

The difference between Sampling and Allocation

Population =

All Victorian




100 Vic

drivers aged




100 Vic

drivers aged











Veronica Parsons 2018

2017 Assessor’s Report

Question 9 (3 marks)

The Sunnydown Basketball League has 1500 players aged 12–18.

Explain how a researcher could design a random sampling

procedure to investigate the effect of sports drinks on the

performance of under-16 basketball players in the Sunnydown

Basketball League.

Veronica Parsons 2018

Responding to questions: Short Answer

In order to generate a random sample for this experiment, the researcher needs to ensure that every member of the population (under-16 players from the Sunnydown Basketball League) has an equal chance of being selected in the sample.

Thus, to generate this sample, the researcher could put all the names of the under 16-players into an online database and then have that program randomly select the appropriate number of participants.

Participants could then be randomly allocated into groups, with one drinking sports drinks and the other using water.

Veronica Parsons 2018

VCAA 2014

Veronica Parsons 2018

Spelling List

Substantia nigra

Supra chiasmatic nucleus



Veronica Parsons 2018

List of Studies for Strengths &


Seyle’s GAS

Lazarus & Folkman Transactional

Model of Stress & Coping

Little Albert

Atkinson-Shiffrin Multi Store Model

of Memory

Loftus effect of leading questions

on eye witness testimonies

Restoration & Evolutionary

(circadian) theories of Sleep

Transtheoretical Model

Veronica Parsons 2018

VCAA 2015: Strengths & weaknesses

Veronica Parsons 2018

When Answering Exam & SAC Questions



Answer the Question


Veronica Parsons 2018

General Exam Tips

1. Practice Research Design Questions

2. Don’t restate the question in your answer: Define macular degeneration!

3. Define any psychological terms first then answer.

4. Use ‘whereas’ in comparative questions

5. Use ‘Both’ in Compare questions

6. Use ‘So,So’ in explain questions

7. Be specific to the question

8. Multiple Choice-Tick, Cross, Question Mark


10. Read & ReRead VCAA Sample Exam Solutions & VCAA 2017



Veronica Parsons 2018