vb scripts

21-02-2008 1. Swap 2 numbers with out temporary variable a=cint(inputbox("Enter the value of a to swap:")) b=cint(inputbox("Enter the value of b to swap:")) print "Value of a&b befor swaping:"&vbnewline&"a="&a&vbnewline&"b="&b a=a+b b=a-b a=a-b Print "Value of a&b after swapping:"&vbnewline&"a="&a&vbnewline&"b="&b 2. Print prime numbers a=cint(inputbox("Enter the starting range of no.:")) b=cint(inputbox("Enter the ending range of no.:")) For i= a to b For j= 2 to i-1 If i mod j=0 Then flag=1 Exit for End If Next If flag=0 Then print(i) End If flag=0 Next 3. Print the data in triangle shape str=inputbox("Enter the string:") l=len(str) j=0 For i=l to 1 step -1 j=j+1 tri=mid(str,1,j) print space(i)&tri Next

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VB Scripts


Page 1: VB Scripts


1. Swap 2 numbers with out temporary variablea=cint(inputbox("Enter the value of a to swap:"))b=cint(inputbox("Enter the value of b to swap:"))print "Value of a&b befor swaping:"&vbnewline&"a="&a&vbnewline&"b="&ba=a+bb=a-ba=a-bPrint "Value of a&b after swapping:"&vbnewline&"a="&a&vbnewline&"b="&b

2. Print prime numbersa=cint(inputbox("Enter the starting range of no.:"))b=cint(inputbox("Enter the ending range of no.:"))For i= a to b

For j= 2 to i-1If i mod j=0 Thenflag=1Exit for

End IfNext

If flag=0 Thenprint(i)

End If flag=0Next

3. Print the data in triangle shapestr=inputbox("Enter the string:")l=len(str)j=0For i=l to 1 step -1

j=j+1tri=mid(str,1,j)print space(i)&tri


4. Sort Array elementsa=array(100,10,50,40,80,30)For j=lbound(a) to ubound(a)-1

For k=lbound(a) to ubound(a)-1If a(k)<a(k+1) Then '(a(k)>a(k+1) to sort in asecnding order)temp=a(k)a(k)=a(k+1)

Page 2: VB Scripts

a(k+1)=tempEnd If

NextNextFor i=lbound(a) to ubound(a)


5. Find a character in a stringstr=inputbox("Enter the string to test:")ch=inputbox("Enter the character to find:")print "Entered String is:"&" "&strprint "Expected Character is:"&" "&chl=len(str)print "Length of the string is:"&" "&lx=0For i=1 to l

expe=mid(str,i,1)x=x+1If expe=ch Thenprint "Position of the character in a given string:"&" "&iEnd If


66.Find a character in a string

Dim str(25)str(25)=inputbox("enter the string")ch=inputbox("enter the character that has to be counted")n=len(str)For i=0 to n-1if ch=str(i) thenCount+1end if Nextprint(Count)

6. Convert string to Upper Casestr=inputbox("Enter the string to convert:")constr=ucase(str)print constr

7. Returning Character specific to ASCII valuechval=inputbox("Enter the ASCII value to find the character:") '(Any no 1 to 256)char=chr(chval)print char

Page 3: VB Scripts

8. Display current date and Timecurdatentime=nowprint curdatentime

9. Finding difference between 2 dates.mydate1=cdate(inputbox("Enter the starting date(mm/dd/yyyy):"))mydate2=cdate(inputbox("Enter the starting date(mm/dd/yyyy):"))difference=datediff("yyyy", mydate1, mydate2)print difference

10. Converting an array to stringDim a(4)For i=0 to 4a(i)=inputbox("Enter the string:")Nextprint "The String is:"&" "&join (a)

11. Replace space with tab in between the words of a string.str=inputbox("Enter the string:")wordtorepl=inputbox("Enter the word to be replaced:")print "Given string is:"&" "&strprint "Word to be replaced is:"&" "&wordtoreplreplstr=replace(str, wordtorepl, vbtab)print replstr

12. Replace a word in a string with other wordstr=inputbox("Enter the string:")word=inputbox("Enter the word to be replaced:")repword=inputbox("Enter the replacing word:")print "Given string is:"&" "&strprint "Expected word to be replaced is:"&" "&wordprint "Replacing word:"&" "&repwordrepstr=replace(str, word, repword)print repstr

13. Create your own Class and ObjectClass Testing ‘(Create a class) Function JTP() ‘(Create one function under that)

Print "How is your experience in JTP" End FunctionEnd ClassSet obj=new Testing ‘(Create new object)obj.JTP ‘(Calling the above function)

Page 4: VB Scripts

14. Read and display data from a text file Set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")Set txtfile=fso.opentextfile("E:\Menaka\fso.txt")Do until tfile.atendofstream

getcont=txtfile.readallprint getcont


15. Find all subfolders in a folderFunction psf(fldrname) Set fso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject") Set fdr=fso.getfolder(fldrname) Set fdrs=fdr.subfolders For each foldr in fdrs

print fldrname&"/"&foldr.name psf=psf(fldrname&"/"&foldr.name) next

End Functionpsf("C:\TD_75")

16. Remove all empty files in the folderFunction empfldr(fldrname)Set fso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")Set fdr=fso.getfolder(fldrname)Set fdrs=fdr.filesFor each foldr in fdrs

s= foldr.sizeIf s=0 Thenprint foldr foldr.deleteEnd If

NextEnd Functionempfldr("E:\Menaka")

17. From file print all the lines that start with “Error” Set fso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject") Set fdr=fso.opentextfile("E:\Menaka\test.txt")

While not fdr.atendofstream rl=fdr.readline() m=mid(rl,1,5)If m="Error" Then n=n&rl&vbnewline End If Wend

Page 5: VB Scripts

print n

18. Replace a word with another wordRefer script 12

19. Print elements in a collectionstr=inputbox("Enter the string:")l=len(str)msgbox larr=split(str, " ") 'Splits the string where ever it finds spaceFor i=lbound(arr) to ubound(arr)

result= result&arr(i)&vbnewlineNext print result

20. Check whether string is in email formatstr=inputbox("Enter the string in E-mail format:")print strmailstr=instr(str, "@")If mailstr<>0 Then print "String is in E-mail format"End IfIf mailstr=0 Then

print "String is not in E-mail format"End If

21. Check whether given string is in date formatstr=cdate(inputbox("Enter the string in date format:"))print strdatestr=isdate(str)print "The given formate is "&datestr

22. Read all items in a tree (Explorer) ‘rightclick on startmenu--Exploreicount=window("Start Menu").WinTreeView("SysTreeView32").GetItemsCount()For i=0 to icount-1

itemlist=window("Start Menu").WinTreeView("SysTreeView32").GetItem(i)print itemlist


23. List all objects in system tray windowicount=window("Window").WinToolbar("ToolbarWindow32").GetItemsCount()For i=1 to icount

gitem=window("Window").WinToolbar("ToolbarWindow32").GetItem(i)print gitem


Page 6: VB Scripts

24. Print current day of the weeksysdate=dateprint sysdatedayofweek=weekday(sysdate)print dayofweek 'Calculates from sunday.

25. Find whether current month is a long monthcmon=month(now)print cmonIf cmon=1 or cmon=3 or cmon=5 or cmon=7 or cmon=8 or cmon=10 or cmon=12 Then

print "current month is a long month"elseprint "current month is not a long month"

End If

26. Find whether given year is a leap yearmyyear=inputbox("Enter year of format(YYYY):")print myyearIf myyear mod 4=0 Then

print "Given year is a leap year"elseprint "Given year is not a leap year"

End If

27. Format Number to specified decimal places

num=inputbox("Enter the decimal no:")print "Entered decimal no is:"&" "&numdnum=inputbox("Enter the decimal places to be formated:")print "Decimal places to be formated is:"&" "&dnumformatno=formatnumber(num,dnum)print "No. after formated:"&" "&formatno

28. Write a program to Generate a Random Number

Dim MyValue, ResponseDo until response=vbNOmynum= int (rnd*10000)msgbox mynumresponse= MsgBox ("continue? ", vbYesNo)Loop


Page 7: VB Scripts

43.print the program to generate the ramdom nonum=inputbox("enter the num")For i= 1 to num

x=randomnumber.value(0,100)print x

Next29. Write a program to print the decimal part of a given number

dec=inputbox("Enter the decimal no.:")print "Given no is:"&" "&decwhol=int(dec)L1=len(dec)L2=len(whol)explen=L1-L2-1decpart=formatnumber(dec-whol,explen)print decpart

30. Add two 3X3 matricesDim a(2,2), b(2,2), c(2,2)For i=0 to 2

For j=0 to 2a(i,j)=cint(inputbox("Enter value for array a= "&"row"&i&"column"&j))Next

NextFor i=0 to 2

For j=0 to 2b(i,j)=cint(inputbox("Enter value for array b= "&"row"&i&"column"&j))Next

NextFor i=0 to 2

addmat=" "For j=0 to 2c(i,j)=a(i,j)+b(i,j)addmat=addmat&c(i,j)&" "Nextprint(addmat)


31. Write a Script to enter data in login screen – YP->Admin

Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebElement("Login").GetTOProperty("Exist")Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("Login").Set "admin"Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("Password").Set "admin"Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebButton("Login").Click

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32. Read items in a list box - YP -> Admin->Entries->Oracle->Category

icount=Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebList("category_id").GetTOProperty("items count")print icountFor i=1 to icountitemlist=Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebList("category_id").GetItem(i)print itemlistNext33. Read items on a desktop

icount=Window("Program Manager").WinListView("SysListView32").GetItemsCount()For i=0 to icount-1

itemlist=Window("Program Manager").WinListView("SysListView32").GetItem(i)print itemlist


34. Place and retrieve data in a dictionarySet dict=createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")dict.add "A","Advance"dict.add "B","Brilliant"dict.add "C","Congrats"dict.add "D","Dynamic"val=dict.keysitm=dict.itemsFor i=0 to dict.count-1

print val(i)&" "&"for"&" "&itm(i)Next

35. Read items from a tabbed window -> System->Properties

icount=dialog("System Properties").WinTab("SysTabControl32").GetItemsCount()For i=0 to icount-1

itm=dialog("System Properties").WinTab("SysTabControl32").GetItem(i)print itm


36. Check whether scrollbars exists inside a editor -> Notepad

sbar=window("Notepad").WinEditor("Edit").GetRoProperty("hasvscroll")If sbar=true Then

msgbox "Yes, Existing"elsemsgbox "No, not Existing"

End If

Page 9: VB Scripts

37. Print data from oracle database

Set db=createobject("ADODB.Connection")db.open="DSN=menaka;UID=scott;PWD=tiger;SERVER=oracle"If db.state=1 Then

msgbox "Connected"elsemsgbox "Not Connected"

End IfSet result=db.execute("Select * from tony")colcount=result.fields.countcolname=" "For i=0 to colcount-1

colname=colname&vbtab&result.fields(i).nameNextprint colnameWhile not result.eof

rval=" "For i=0 to colcount-1rval=rval&vbtab&result.fields(i).valueNextprint rval


38. Insert a new row into the database

Set db=createobject("ADODB.Connection")db.open="DSN=menaka;UID=scott;PWD=tiger;SERVER=oracle"Set result=db.execute("insert into tony values(105,'veena','QA',7000.00)")msgbox "Inserted"

39. Update specific field in the database

Set db=createobject("ADODB.Connection")db.open="DSN=menaka;UID=scott;PWD=tiger;SERVER=oracle"Set result=db.execute("update tony set sal=9500.00 where sno=100")msgbox "updated"

40. Write a program to delete all records whose username starts with demo

Set db=createobject("ADODB.Connection")db.open="DSN=menaka;UID=scott;PWD=tiger;SERVER=oracle"Set result=db.execute("delete from tony where name like demo")msgbox "deleted"

Page 10: VB Scripts

41. Find the x and y coordinates of a button –YP->Home-> search

xval=Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebButton("Search").GetROProperty("x")print "Value of 'x' coordinate is:"&" "&xvalyval=Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebButton("Search").GetROProperty("y")print "Value of 'y' coordinate is:"&" "&yval

42. Check whether edit box is focused -> YP->Home->Name

focus=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("name").GetROProperty("focused")If focus=0 Then

msgbox "Not focused"elsemsgbox "Focused"

End If

43. Check default selection in list box - YP -> Admin->Entries->Oracle->Category

defsel=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebList("category_id").GetTOProperty("default value")print defsel

44. Print URL name – YP ->Homeurl=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").GetROProperty("url")print url

45. List all links in the web page - YP->Homeset obj=description.Createobj("html tag").value="A"set chobj=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").ChildObjects(obj)msgbox chobj.countFor i=0 to chobj.count-1

list=chobj(i).GetROProperty("innertext") print listNext

46. List all applications opened in the system (window task manager)

icount=dialog("Windows Task Manager").WinListView("SysListView32"). GetItemsCount()msgbox icountFor i=0 to icount-1

itemlist=dialog("Windows Task Manager").WinListView("SysListView32").GetItem(i)print itemlist


Page 11: VB Scripts

47. Check window resizable - FR

resize=window("Flight Reservation").GetROProperty("hassizebox")If resize=false Then

msgbox "Done"elsemsgbox "Wrong"

End If

54.Check window resizable - FRa=window("Flight Reservation").GetROProperty("maximizable")b=window("Flight Reservation").GetROProperty("minimizable")print a print bif b= true and a = false Then

print("not resizable") else print("resizable")

End If

48. Write your own standard checkpoint

If ( window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Insert Order"). CheckProperty("enabled",true) eqv true) thenmsgbox "pass"elsemsgbox "fails"end if

49. List the process running in the computer (Services window)

ccount=window("Services").Window("Services (Local)").WinListView("SysListView32").ColumnCount()icount=window("Services").Window("Services (Local)").WinListView("SysListView32").GetItemsCount()For i=0 to icount-1

rval=" "For j=0 to ccount-1rval=rval&vbtab&window("Services").Window("Services

(Local)").WinListView("SysListView32").GetSubItem(i,j) Next

print rvalNext

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50. Check given text displayed on the web page – YP->Home (“dynamic site”)

Browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").Check CheckPoint("YellowPages")

51. Capture Desktop Screen shot

window("Program Manager"). WinListView("SysListView32"). CaptureBitmap("C:\scrshot.bmp")

52. Find whether image contains tool tip – YP->Home->Yellow Pages Logo

ttip=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").Image("CC-YelloPages-logo").GetROProperty("alt")If ttip=true Then

msgbox "Exist"elsemsgbox "Not Exist"

End If

53. Invoke Application in the Browser -> YP

invokeapplication"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"browser("Cannot find server"). Navigate("http://localhost:8081/yellowpages/Default.jsp")



54. Read and Update data from environmental variable

systemutil.Run("C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe")environment.LoadFromFile("C:\Documents and Settings\j27menaka\Desktop\inficspractice.xml")dialog("Login").Activatedialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set environment ("AgentName")dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set environment ("Password")dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click

55. Find font type and size -> YP->Home->”Top”

fnt=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebElement("Top").GetROProperty("outerhtml")print fnt

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56. Read and display data from CSV file ->” inficsinfo.csv” (Open a text file then save that with extension .csv)

Set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set fd=fso.opentextfile("E:\Menaka\inficsinfo.csv")Do until fd.atendofstreamrd=fd.readlineprint rdLoop

57. Write a Program to print “NOW I AM CONFIDENT IN VBSCRIPTING and QTP” to print log, text file and Data table

Dim a(8)For i=0 to 7a(i)=inputbox("Enter the string:")Nextstr=join (a)print str

Set fso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")Set opfile=fso.opentextfile("E:\Menaka\test.txt",2)opfile.write(str)opfile.closedatatable.GetSheet("Global").addparameter "Menaka",strwait 3

58. Add and Remove Repositories to the action

reppath="E:\Menaka\share.tsr" ‘(add obj’s in repo then export those obj’srepositoriescollection.Add(reppath)wait 4

59. Write a program to open and print a word document

Set fso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")Set fdr=fso.opentextfile("E:\Menaka\tony.doc",2) fdr.write "Hi everybody"&vbnewline&"How are you"&vbnewline&"How is your class going on" fdr.close

60. Find screen resolution

scrhgt=window("Program Manager").WinListView("SysListView32"). GetROProperty("height")scrwid=window("Program Manager").WinListView("SysListView32"). GetROProperty("width")print "Screen resolution is:"&vbnewline&"Height"&" "&scrhgt&vbnewline&"Width "&" "&scrwid

Page 14: VB Scripts

61. Read data from all sheets and all parameters of the file – “inficsinfo.xls”

datatable.ImportSheet "C:\Data.xls",1,1set s=DataTable.GetSheet("Global")t=s.getrowcountmsgbox tx=s.getparametercountMsgBox xfor i=1 to tch=""For j=1 to xval=datatable.Value(j)ch=ch&vbtab&valNextprint chdatatable.SetNextRownext

62. Display entire data in the web table -> YP – Admin -> Categories -> Categories

Dorcount=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebTable("Categories").RowCount()For i=1 to rcount-1

gitem=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebTable("Categories").GetCellData(i,1)print gitem

NextIf browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").link("Next").Exist Then

continued=truebrowser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").Link("Next").Clickelse continued=falseExit do

End Ifloop while continued=true

65. Report Results status to Results file

a=inputbox("enter the value")If a=10 Thenreporter.ReportEvent 0,a,"both values are equal"else reporter.ReportEvent 1,a,"both values are not equal"End If

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63. Import data to excel file from a database – FR Orders Tables -> FRdata.xls

Set db=createobject("ADODB.Connection")db.open="DSN=QT_Flight32"Set rs=db.execute("Select * from orders")ccount=rs.fields.countFor i=0 to ccount-1

cname=cname&space(i)&rs.fields(i).nameNextSet fso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")Set fil=fso.opentextfile("E:\Menaka\FRdata.xls",2)fil.write (cname)While not rs.eof

rval=" "For i=0 to ccount-1rval=rval&space(i)&rs.fields(i).valueNext

fil.write (vbnewline&rval)rs.movenextWendfil.close

64. Find which add-ins are loaded.

Set app = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")Set val=app.addinsFor i=1 to val.countIf val(i).status="Active" Thenprint("the addin "&val(i).name&" is loaded")End If Next

66. Find the name of columns in the table

Dim dt(10),s1(10)Set d=datatable.GetSheet("Global")Set s=datatable.AddSheet("Menaka")col=inputbox ("entr no of col")For i=0 to col-1Set dt(i)=d.addparameter(inputbox("enter col name"),"mm")n=dt(i).nameSet s1(i)=s.addparameter(n," ")print nNext

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67. Write a program to send an email using outlook

Function sendmail(sendto,subject,body) Set ol=createobject("Outlook.Application") Set mail=ol.createitem(0) mail.to=sendto mail.subject=subject mail.body=body mail.send ol.quit Set mail=nothing Set ol=nothingEnd Functionsendmail "[email protected]","Hi","How are you"

68. Write a program to Disable active screen programmatically

Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")Set qtActiveScreenOpt = qtApp.Options.ActiveScreen If qtActiveScreenOpt.CaptureLevel <> "None" Then (' If the current capture level is not "None" ) qtActiveScreenOpt.CaptureLevel = "Minimum" (' Capture properties only for recorded object )end ifqtApp.ShowPaneScreen "ActiveScreen", falsewait 4

69. Read elements in the XML file –> inficspractice.xml

Set doc = XMLUtil.CreateXML() doc.LoadFile "E:\Menaka\ inficspractice.xml " Set root = doc.GetRootElement() Set children = root.ChildElements() Set child = children.ItemByName("balu") numOfChildren = 0 While Not child Is nothing numOfChildren = numOfChildren+1 Set child = children.ItemByName("balu",numOfChildren+1) Wend msgbox "The number of children named balu is " & numOfChildren


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55. Read elements in the XML file –> inficspractice.xmlset d=XMLUtil.CreateXMLd.loadfile"C:\as.xml"set r= d.getrootelement()z=r.elementname()MsgBox zSet a=r.attributes()y=a.count()msgbox yset chi=r.childelements() x=chi.count()msgbox xIf y=0 Then For i=1 to x Set fc=chi.item(i)

set c=fc.childelements() n=fc.elementname() For j= 1 to c.count

Set f=c.item(j) g=g&f.elementname&"----"&f.value&vbnewline

Next Next msgbox gelse For k=1 to y For i=1 to x

Set p=a.item(k) m=p.name()

v=p.value() Set fc=chi.item(i) set c=fc.childelements()

n=fc.elementname() For j= 1 to c.count

Set f=c.item(j)


Next Next NextMsgBox tend if

Page 18: VB Scripts

70. Define test results location through program

Dim qtApp Dim qtTest Dim qtResultsOpt set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = "C:\Tests\Res1" Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing Set qtTest = Nothing Set qtApp = Nothing


Dim pathpath=Reporter.ReportpathMsgbox (path)

71. Check whether a window is in minimized or maximized ->YP

min=browser("YellowPages").GetROProperty("Minimized")msgbox min

72. Check whether a check button is selected or not -> FR->OpenOrder

x=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Order No.").GetROProperty("checked")y=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Flight Date").GetROProperty("checked")z=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Customer Name").GetROProperty("checked")If x="ON" or y="ON" or z="ON" Then

msgbox "check box is selected"elsemsgbox "check box not selected"

End If

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73. Modify Mandatory and Assistive properties programmatically

Dim App Dim objIdent Dim WinListobjDim propSet App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set objIdent = App.Options.ObjectIdentification Set WinListobj = objIdent.Item("WinList")objIdent.ResetAllWinListobj.OrdinalIdentifier = "Index" prop = WinListobj.MandatoryProperties.Find("nativeclass")WinListobj.MandatoryProperties.Remove propIf WinListobj.AvailableProperties.Find("items count") <> -1 Then '(If "items count" is an available prop for winlist) WinListobj.MandatoryProperties.Add "items count"End If WinListobj.AssistiveProperties.RemoveAll WinListobj.AssistiveProperties.Add "all items" '(if its blank here its 2nd prop)WinListobj.AssistiveProperties.Add "width", 1 '(1 stands for add as 1st prop)WinListobj.AssistiveProperties.Add "height", -1 '(-1 stands for add as last prop)WinListobj.AssistiveProperties.MoveToPos 2, 1

Hint: In the above last line is not mandatory. 1 & -1 is also not mandatory

74. Check whether dialog is middle of the window -> FR->OpenOrder

frx=window("Flight Reservation").GetROProperty("x")fry=window("Flight Reservation").GetROProperty("y")oox=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").GetROProperty("x")ooy=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").GetROProperty("y")If frx=208 and fry=154 and oox=345 and ooy=250 Then

msgbox "Dialog is in the middle"elsemsgbox "Dialog is not in the middle"

End If

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75. Instruct Quick test to Capture Movie Segments of Each Error and Warning

(To capture image)

Dim qtAppDim qtTest Dim qtResultsOpt Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError" (It’ll select “For error”)qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = true (If u give false here u wont get result sheet)

(To capture movie)

Dim qtAppDim qtTest Dim qtResultsOpt Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") qtApp.Options.Run.MovieCaptureForTestResults = "Warning" (It’ll select “For error and warning)qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = true

Hint: Before running this script go to options--run--deactivate "save image capture to results" / “Save movie to results” After executing the script if you see the same it will be activated)

76. Check whether we can select multiple items in the combo box

a=window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetROProperty("all Item")If a=true Then

msgbox ("multiple selection possible")else msgbox ("multiple selection not possible")end if

77. Close all the dialogs open on a window FR-> OpenOrder -> Error Window

window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").Dialog("Flight Reservations").Closewindow("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").Close

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78. Check whether a check button is selected or not -> FR->OpenOrder

x=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Order No.").GetROProperty("checked")y=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Flight Date").GetROProperty("checked")z=window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Customer Name").GetROProperty("checked")If x="ON" or y="ON" or z="ON" Then

msgbox "check box is selected"elsemsgbox "check box not selected"

End If

79. Configure Run options programmatically

Dim App Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")App.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"App.Options.Run.ViewResults = TrueApp.Options.Run.StepExecutionDelay = 0App.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError" App.Options.Run.MovieCaptureForTestResults = "Onerror"

(In the above instead of “OnError” we can select “Never”/”OnWarning”/”Always”)

80. Check whether edit box allows exactly 15 characters -> YP ->Home->Name

str=inputbox ("str")browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("name").set(str)n=len(str)msgbox "length of name given is: "&nIf n<=15 Thenmsgbox "It allows only 15 characters"else msgbox "It allows more than 15 characters"End If

81. Convert Date from Indian Format to US format

indfor=inputbox("Enter date in dd/mm/yyyy format")msgbox indforusfor=cdate(indfor)msgbox usfor

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82. Check whether items in the page are aligned properly -> YP -> Home->Editboxes

a1=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("name").GetROProperty("x")a2=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("address").GetROProperty("x")a3=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("city").GetROProperty("x")a4=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("state").GetROProperty("x")a5=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebEdit("zip").GetROProperty("x")If (a1=a2 and a2=a3 and a3=a4 and a4=a5) Then msgbox "alligned"else msgbox "not alligned"End If

83. Check whether a link contains image to its left side. -> YP-Home link-> YP Logo

a=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").image("CC-YelloPages-logo").GetROProperty("abs_x")b=browser("YellowPages").Page("YellowPages").WebElement("Home").GetROProperty("abs_x")If (a<b) Then print "Image Exists on the left side of the link" Else print "Image does not Exists on the left side of the link"End If

84. Enable and Disable Recovery scenarios programmatically

msgbox Recovery.Count,, "Number of Recovery Scenarios" msgbox Recovery,, "Is Recovery enabled?" for Iter = 1 to Recovery.Count Recovery.GetScenarioName Iter, ScenarioFile, ScenarioName Position = Recovery.GetScenarioPosition( ScenarioFile, ScenarioName ) msgbox Recovery.GetScenarioStatus( Position )ScenarioFile = Empty ScenarioName = Empty Next Recovery.Activate Recovery.SetScenarioStatus 1, trueRecovery.Activate Recovery = trueRecovery.Activate

Page 23: VB Scripts

85. Check whether stock prices are updating an hourly basis

a1=dialog("Date/Time Properties").WinEdit("Edit").GetVisibleText()wait(5)a2=dialog("Date/Time Properties").WinEdit("Edit").GetVisibleText()If (a1=a2) Then print "stock price not updating"else print "updating" End If

86. Clear the cache in the webpage

Function DelCatche (FdrName) Set fso=createObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fdr=fso.getfolder(FdrName) Set FilCol=fdr.files For each fil in FilCol print fil.name' fil.delete NextEnd FunctionDelCatche("C:\WINT\Drive Cache")87. Check Marquee

mar=browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebElement("welcome_2").GetTOProperty("outerhtml") print mar

88. Read menu names and items -> FR

window("Flight Reservation").Activatecnt=window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu"). GetItemProperty("File","subMenuCount")For i=1 to cnt nam=window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu"). BuildMenuPath("File",i) n2=window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu"). GetItemProperty(nam,"Label") t=t&n2&vbnewlineNextprint t

Page 24: VB Scripts

89. Configure maximum timeout value for web page to load

Dim qtAppSet qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Configure the Web application to use with this test qtApp.test.Settings.Launchers("Web").Active = True ' Configure other Web settings qtApp.Test.Settings.Web.BrowserNavigationTimeout = 70000 qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the QuickTest application visible Set qtApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object

90. Matrix multiplication (2*2) matrix

Dim a(1,1), b(1,1), c(1,1)For i=0 to 1 For j=0 to 1 a(i,j)=inputbox("enter array elements of a") NextNextprint "The Arry a="For i=0 to 1 ch ="" For j=0 to 1 ch=ch&a(i,j)&vbtab Next print ch print newlineNextFor i=0 to 1 For j=0 to 1 b(i,j)=inputbox("enter array elements of b") NextNextprint "The Arry b="For i=0 to 1 ch ="" For j=0 to 1 ch=ch&b(i,j)&vbtab Next print ch print newlineNextFor i=0 to 1 For j=0 to 1 c(i,j)=0

Page 25: VB Scripts

For k=0 to 1 c(i,j)=a(i,k)*b(k,j)+c(i,j)

print c(i,j) Next NextNextprint "The Multiplied matrix is Arry c="For i=0 to 1 ch ="" For j=0 to 1 ch=ch&c(i,j)&vbtab Next print ch print newlineNext

Write a program to export object repository file to XML (Not completed)

Set obj = CreateObject("Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil") Set lod=obj.load("C:\Document and Settings\j27menaka\Desktop\obj.tsr")val=lod.ExportToXml("C:\Document and Settings\j27menaka\Desktop \obj.tsr"," C:\Document and Settings\j27menaka\Desktop\objrep.xml")

msgbox "Done"


40.Find number of rows in each column

set s=DataTable.GetSheet("Global")x=s.getparametercountMsgBox x t=s.getrowcount msgbox t

For j=1 to x f=0For l=1 to t

s=datatable.GetSheet(1).GetParameter(j).valueByrow(l) If s<>"" Then

f=f+1 End If

' datatable.SetxtRow(l)Nextprint ("No of Rows = "&f)datatable.SetCurrentRow(l)


Page 26: VB Scripts

72.Retrieve all the columns and row in the table

set s=DataTable.GetSheet("Global")t=s.getrowcount msgbox tx=s.getparametercountMsgBox x

For i=1 to x

For j=1 to t k= datatable.Value(i)

l=datatable.Value(j)' k= getsheet("global").getcelldata(i,j)' print(k(i,j))

print k print l

Next Next

Test85.Report Results status to Results filewindow("Flight Reservation").Activatereporter.ReportEvent micPass,"attached text","Flight No"

13.To read from Vbs fileSet fso=createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")Set tstr=fso.opentextfile("C:\Documents and Settings\j26ashwini\Demolib.vbs",1)While not tstr. AtEndOfStream

fline=tstr.Readline ( )print fline


msgbox Recovery.Count,, "Number of Recovery Scenarios" msgbox Recovery,, "Is Recovery enabled?" for Iter = 1 to Recovery.Count Recovery.GetScenarioName Iter, ScenarioFile, ScenarioName Position = Recovery.GetScenarioPosition( ScenarioFile, ScenarioName ) msgbox Recovery.GetScenarioStatus( Position )ScenarioFile = Empty ScenarioName = Empty Next Recovery.Activate

Page 27: VB Scripts

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","","C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\","open"Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "manju"Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "manju"Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").ClickDialog("Login").Dialog("Flight Reservations").Check CheckPoint("Flight Reservations")Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "manju"Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "mercury"Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click