variance request form · variance request form ... the proposed variance was analyzed to verify...

Variance Request Form PG&E Hollister 115 kV Power Line Reconductoring Project {Hollister Variance Request #15 (03-08-12).doc;1}Page 1 of 9 Variance Request No.: 15 CONTRACTOR SECTION Request Prepared By: Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Photos? Yes No Attachments? Yes No Attachment A: Variance 15 Location Map Attachment B: Photographs Landowners: Dotta Revocable Living Trust – APN: 018- 220-010-0 and 019-100-012-0 Current Land Use: Agriculture Permit Measure or Specification: California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Project Description Deviation from the project description and project drawings to relocate pole pull site (PP)-10 to a new location between Poles 20/07 and 20/08. This site will be referred to as PP-10A. Detailed Description of Variance: PG&E is requesting authorization from the CPUC for the relocation of PP-10 to a new location between Poles 20/07 and 20/08, referred to as PP-10A. PP-10 consists of two sites, one between Highway 156 and Wright Road, and one east of Wright Road. PG&E has determined that PP-10 is not viable due to the presence of a drainage ditch and berm within the portion of PP-10 to the west of Wright Road, which limits the area available for construction activities. Therefore, PG&E will relocate PP-10 to an agricultural field approximately 800 feet to the east. PP-10 is approximately 0.65 acre and accessed from Wright Road. PP-10A will be approximately 200 feet by 100 feet (0.46 acre) and accessed from Wright Road and/or Buena Vista Road via existing agricultural roads previously-approved for project use. As described in the MND, typical equipment used at the pull site will include pullers/tensioners, aerial lift trucks, crew trucks, and reel carriers. Grading of the pull site will not be required. Proposed construction activities at the pull site will be identical to those described for other pull sites in the MND. The location of PP-10A is represented in Attachment A: Variance 15 Location Map. Photographs of PP-10 and PP-10A are provided in Attachment B: Photographs. Variance Justification: Due to the drainage ditch and berm adjacent to Highway 156, the area available at PP-10 is not sufficient for construction activities at the pull site. Therefore, an area in an agricultural field to the east of PP-10 was identified that provides sufficient space for construction activities. As described in the resource evaluation section below, potential impacts associated with this variance are consistent with those evaluated during the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and will not result in any new impacts that were not previously identified. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND and other project permits.

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Page 1: Variance Request Form · Variance Request Form ... The proposed variance was analyzed to verify that the project change would not introduce new significant impacts ... A report describing

Variance Request Form PG&E Hollister 115 kV Power Line Reconductoring Project

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Variance Request No.: 15

CONTRACTOR SECTION Request Prepared By: Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)

Photos? Yes No

Attachments? Yes No • Attachment A: Variance 15 Location Map • Attachment B: Photographs

Landowners: Dotta Revocable Living Trust – APN: 018-220-010-0 and 019-100-012-0

Current Land Use: Agriculture

Permit Measure or Specification:

• California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Project Description

– Deviation from the project description and project drawings to relocate pole pull site (PP)-10 to a new location between Poles 20/07 and 20/08. This site will be referred to as PP-10A.

Detailed Description of Variance:

PG&E is requesting authorization from the CPUC for the relocation of PP-10 to a new location between Poles 20/07 and 20/08, referred to as PP-10A. PP-10 consists of two sites, one between Highway 156 and Wright Road, and one east of Wright Road. PG&E has determined that PP-10 is not viable due to the presence of a drainage ditch and berm within the portion of PP-10 to the west of Wright Road, which limits the area available for construction activities. Therefore, PG&E will relocate PP-10 to an agricultural field approximately 800 feet to the east.

PP-10 is approximately 0.65 acre and accessed from Wright Road. PP-10A will be approximately 200 feet by 100 feet (0.46 acre) and accessed from Wright Road and/or Buena Vista Road via existing agricultural roads previously-approved for project use. As described in the MND, typical equipment used at the pull site will include pullers/tensioners, aerial lift trucks, crew trucks, and reel carriers. Grading of the pull site will not be required. Proposed construction activities at the pull site will be identical to those described for other pull sites in the MND. The location of PP-10A is represented in Attachment A: Variance 15 Location Map. Photographs of PP-10 and PP-10A are provided in Attachment B: Photographs.

Variance Justification:

Due to the drainage ditch and berm adjacent to Highway 156, the area available at PP-10 is not sufficient for construction activities at the pull site. Therefore, an area in an agricultural field to the east of PP-10 was identified that provides sufficient space for construction activities. As described in the resource evaluation section below, potential impacts associated with this variance are consistent with those evaluated during the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and will not result in any new impacts that were not previously identified. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND and other project permits.

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PG&E ENVIRONMENTAL SECTION RESOURCE EVALUATION The proposed variance was analyzed to verify that the project change would not introduce new significant impacts and that any potential impacts were fully analyzed in the MND. The following table provides a brief summary of that analysis for each resource area analyzed in the MND.

CEQA SECTION Applicable (Y) Define Potential Impact or (N) Briefly Explain Why CEQA Section is Not Applicable



No Change. PP-10A is located in an agricultural field along the existing power line right-of-way (ROW). There are no scenic vistas, scenic highways, or designated visually sensitive areas within view of PP-10A. This pull site location will only be used for approximately one week, and the short-term presence of construction equipment, materials, and work crews will not substantially degrade the visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings. Furthermore, no new sources of light or glare will be introduced to the area. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts to aesthetics.

Agriculture and Forestry Resources


No Change. Approximately 0.23 acre of PP-10 was located in an agricultural field designated Prime Farmland. The entire 0.46 acre PP-10A is located in an agricultural field designated Prime Farmland. The MND analyzed approximately 21 acres of temporary disturbance to Prime Farmland; however, the additional temporary disturbance of 0.23 acre of Prime Farmland is not a substantial increase, and since no additional farmland will be permanently converted to non-agricultural use, the impacts will be the same as those in the MND. PP-10A is zoned Agricultural Productive; however, use of the pull site will not conflict with existing zoning because impacts will be temporary, limited in size, and will not result in any changes to existing agricultural uses or zoning. PP-10A is not located on land under Williamson Act contract, forest land, timberland, or timberland zoned Timber Production. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts to agriculture and forestry resources.

Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas



No Change. The MND analyzed approximately 200 construction-related vehicle trips per day within the project area. The use of PP-10A will not increase the amount traffic beyond the estimated 200 construction-related vehicle trips per day that were analyzed in the MND. In addition, the use of PP-10A will not increase the amount or use of heavy equipment on the project; therefore, emissions, including fugitive dust, will not increase beyond what was analyzed in the MND. The MND found that these emissions will not conflict with or obstruct implementation of an applicable air quality plan, violate an air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or project air quality violation, or result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant. PP-10A is located along the existing power line ROW and will not exposes sensitive receptors to pollutant concentrations or objectionable odors beyond those described in the MND. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts from air quality and greenhouse gas emissions.

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Biological Resources


No Change. No riparian habitat, sensitive natural communities, wetlands, or wildlife corridors occur at PP-10A. However, PP-10A is located within suitable habitat for western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) (BUOW). The MND evaluated the project areas and a 500-foot buffer for listed species including Pajaro Manzanita (Arctostaphylos pajaroensis), California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense) (CTS), California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii) (CRLF), western spadefoot (Spea hammondii), western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata) (WPT), Coast horned lizard (Phymosoma coronatum), San Joaquin coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum ruddockiI), BUOW, American badger (Taxidea taxus) (AMBA), San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) (SJKF), special-status bats, nesting birds, and South-Central California Coast Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). PP-10A is located along the existing power line ROW and within the 500-foot survey buffer and was, therefore, included in the evaluation. The area was also included in a pre-construction survey on January 9, 2012 for AMBA, SJKF, and BUOW between Poles 20/07 and 20/08. Scattered California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi) burrows were observed south of PP-10A; however, none of the burrows were determined to be suitable for AMBA, SJKF, or BUOW. This survey did not observe any special-status species’ signs, including scat, tracks, claw marks, prey remains, feathers, whitewash, pellets, or other evidence of special-status species. Furthermore, in accordance with Applicant-Proposed Measures (APMs) and mitigation measures in the MND, surveys for CTS, CRLF, and WPT will be conducted immediately prior to construction. In addition, pre-construction wildlife surveys for AMBA, SJKF, and BUOW will be repeated, if necessary, to ensure they are conducted within 30 days prior to construction. A report describing the survey results will be re-submitted to the CPUC if additional surveys are conducted. If work is initiated during the nesting season, nesting bird surveys will be conducted. If any special-status species or nesting birds are observed, the appropriate and required construction buffers would be implemented as described in the MND and project plans and permits. PP-10A does not contain trees, and the use of PP-10A will not require tree trimming or removal and, therefore, will not conflict with local tree protection policies and ordinances. As described in the MND, the project will not conflict with any other local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, Habitat Conservation Plans, Natural Community Conservation Plans, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plans. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND and other project permits. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts to biological resources.

Cultural Resources


No Change. PG&E prepared a Historic Properties Inventory Report, which included an evaluation of cultural resources in the project area and a 500-foot buffer. PP-10A is within the 500-foot survey buffer and was, therefore, included in the evaluation. No archeological or cultural resources were found in the PP-10A area, and PP-10A is not in an area of high or moderate archeological sensitivity. In addition, no excavation is anticipated to occur at this site, therefore, no impacts to cultural resources are anticipated. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND and other project permits. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts to cultural resources.

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Geology, Soils, and Seismicity


No Change. PP-10A will be located along the existing power line ROW and was, therefore, included in the evaluation of geology, soils, and seismicity in the project area. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional geology, soils, or seismicity impacts.

Hazards and Hazardous Materials


No Change. Proposed construction activities at PP-10A will be the same as those described for other pull sites and will not create significant new hazards. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts from hazards and hazardous materials.

Hydrology and Water Quality


Net Benefit. Proposed construction activities at PP-10A will be the same as those described for other pull sites and will not create significant new impacts to hydrology or water quality. PP-10 is located within a drainage ditch; therefore, the relocation to PP-10A will avoid impacts on the ditch. PP-10A does not contain any hydrologic features; therefore, no direct impacts will occur. Although PP-10A will not be located within any hydrologic features, APM HYDRO-1 in the MND will be implemented for the entire project that requires PG&E or its contractor prepare and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to prevent construction-related erosion and sediments from entering nearby waterways. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND and other project permits. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts to hydrology and water quality.

Land Use and Planning


No Change. PP-10A will be located along the existing power line ROW and, therefore, have the same land use designation that was analyzed in the MND. The current land use designation is Agricultural Productive, which will not change from the use of PP-10A. In addition, use of the proposed PP-10A will be temporary, and the current land use, agriculture, will not be converted. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create significant additional impacts to land use and planning.

Mineral Resources


No Change. The proposed PP-10A does not cross any known mineral resources. Therefore, the use of PP-10A will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource or a locally important mineral resource recovery site. Potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts to mineral resources.



No Change. Proposed construction activities at PP-10A will be the same as those described for other pull sites. The MND requires that construction sites be located at least 500 feet from sensitive receptors, including residences and schools. PP-10A is located approximately 600 feet from the nearest residence and more than 13,000 feet from the nearest school; therefore, the location of PP-10A is consistent with the requirement in the MND. In addition, all activities within PP-10A will occur during daylight hours, and noise levels will not increase beyond those described in the MND. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts from noise.

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Population and Housing


No Change. PP-10A will be located along the existing power line ROW and will not be located closer to residential properties than described in the MND. The use of PP-10A will not induce population growth or displace existing housing or people. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts to population and housing.

Public Services


No Change. The use of PP-10A will not result in a substantial increase on the demand for public services because the site will only be used for approximately one week. The MND found that potential impacts on emergency response services, fire protection services, police services, school facilities, recreational facilities, public libraries, and hospitals will be less than significant because construction activities are temporary and do not require construction of new or physically altered governmental facilities for public services. Environmental protection measures will be implemented as described in the MND. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts to public services.



No Change. PP-10A will not be located in a recreational area nor will it increase demand on existing recreational resources. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts to recreation.

Transportation and Traffic


No Change. PP-10A will be located along the existing power line ROW and will not impact roadways, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation, airports, or rail service not previously identified in the MND. Construction will occur within privately owned farmland. The site will be accessed via approximately 3,370 feet of existing agricultural roads from Wright Road and/or 882 feet of existing agricultural roads from Buena Vista Road, and 134 feet of overland travel. The agricultural roads and overland travel route are not public thoroughfares and, therefore, will not affect traffic. Vehicles traveling to PP-10A are not expected to disrupt traffic on Wright Road. In addition, construction activities at PP-10A will be short in duration, lasting approximately one week. In the MND, it was estimated that construction would generate over 200 vehicle trips per day within the project area. Construction activities at PP-10A will not increase the number of vehicle trips per day beyond what was analyzed in the MND. PP-10A is located more than two miles southwest of the nearest airport, the Hollister Municipal Airport, and the use of PP-10A will not result in a change in air traffic patterns. During the stringing of the line using PP-10A, temporary closure of travel lanes along Wright Road may be required, which could result in delays for emergency vehicles passing through the vicinity. However, this impact was considered in the MND and determined to be less than significant with the implementation of Mitigation Measures 3.15-1, which includes a requirement for the construction contractor to coordinate all construction activities with emergency service providers to minimize disruption to emergency vehicle access. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts to transportation and traffic.

Utilities and Service Systems


No Change. The use of PP-10A will not result in any impacts to existing utilities or service systems. Therefore, potential impacts are consistent with those evaluated in the MND, and the use of PP-10A will not create additional significant impacts to utilities and service systems.

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Other Variance Conditions Attached: Yes No

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PG&E Approval

Title Name Approval Initials Date Conditions

(see attached) Henkels & McCoy Project Manager (if applicable) Craig Smithey CS 03/09/12 Yes No

Henkels & McCoy Field Foreman (if applicable) James Panter JP 03/09/12 Yes No

Henkels & McCoy Env. Field Lead (if applicable) Duke Sonderegger Yes No

Environmental Compliance Supervisor Kevin Kilpatrick KK 03/09/12 Yes No

Lead Environmental Inspector Nick Fisher NF 03/09/12 Yes No

PG&E Project Biologist (if applicable) Andrea Henke AH 03/09/12 Yes No

PG&E Project Archaeologist (if applicable) Wendy Nettles Yes No

PG&E Storm Water Program Manager (if applicable) Hugo Jurado Yes No

PG&E Environmental Compliance Lead Andy Smith AS 03/09/12 Yes No

PG&E Project Manager (if applicable) Rod Parame RP 03/09/12 Yes No

Landowner Approval (if needed)

Landowner Name Approval Signature Date

Dotta Revocable Living Trust N/A N/A

Resource Agency Approvals

Determine required agency approvals based on the following:

Will biological resources/habitats be affected? NO If yes, obtain CDFG and USFWS approval

Is this a variance from a permit? NO If yes, obtain permitting agency approval

Will wetlands or waters of the U.S. be affected? NO If yes, obtain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approval

Will riparian areas or drainages be affected? NO If yes, obtain CDFG approval – may require a permit

Will surface or groundwater be affected? NO If yes, obtain RWQCB approval

Resource Agency Name Approval Initials Date Conditions

(see attached)

USFWS Not Applicable (N/ A) Yes No




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Variance Approved: Yes No


Air Quality: Soils: Noise:

Hazards and Hazardous Materials: Transportation and Traffic:

Other Variance Conditions Attached: Yes No

REQUIRED APPROVAL SIGNATURES Consultant Environmental Monitor: (Note: signature signifies review only)

Consultant Project Manager: Level 1 Verbal Approval

Level 1 Verbal Approval CPUC Project Manager: Level 1 variances require only verbal approval from CPUC Project Manager and Consultant Project Manager. Level 2 variances require signatures.

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Condition Name:


Condition Name:


Condition Name:


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xd 3








San Beni toSan Beni toCountyCounty








Data Sources: ICF 2008, PG&E 2008, ESRI 2010

1 inch = 416.67 feet

Attachment A: Variance 15 Location Map Hollister 115 kV Power Line Reconductoring Project

Preliminary and subject to change based on California PublicUtilities requirements, final engineering, and other factors.

Hollister Pole Segment!> Existing Pole Location

LDS LocationTSP LocationConstruction AreaExisting Road

PP - Pole Pull Site

Proposed PP-10A200 feet by 100 feet

Wright Road

0 250 500 Feet

Buena Vista Road

Privileged and Confidential - Attorney Work Product

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Attachment B: Photographs

Pacific Gas and Electric Company January 2012 Hollister 115 kV Power Line Reconductoring Project B-1


Photograph 1: View of PP-10 facing toward Pole 20/03 to the west

Photograph 2: View of PP-10 facing toward Pole 20-4 to the east

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Attachment B: Photographs

January 2012 Pacific Gas and Electric Company B-2 Hollister 115 kV Power Line Reconductoring Project

Photograph 3: View of PP-10A between Poles 20/07 and 20/08 facing west

Photograph 4: View of PP-10A between Poles 20/07 and 20/08 facing west