varga scheme to use when and d-60

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  • 8/15/2019 Varga Scheme to Use When and D-60


    Varga scheme to use when and !-60

    "hadvarga: !-# !-2 !-3 !-$ !-#2 !-30

    "apta varga: !-# !-2 !-3 !-% !-$ !-#2 !-30

    !asa varga: !-# !-2 !-3 !-% !-$ !-#0 !-#2 !-#6 !-30 !-60"hodasa varga: !-# !-2 !-3 !-& !-% !-$ !-#0 !-#2 !-#6 !-20 !-2& !-2% !-30 !-&0 !-&5 !-60.

    'n the conte(t o) judging the strength o) raja yogas using vaiseshi*amsas+ ,arasara seems to have e(clusively used !asa

    varga. 'n )act+several yogas given in classics employ dasa varga. "o+ we can conclude that dasa varga is vital in natal


    egarding when to use which varga scheme+ here are my two cents. arning: his *nowledge is )rom our tradition and not

    )rom any classic.1

    "ome people suggest that we can choose the varga scheme we li*e and use it. 't does not ma*e sense to me. )ter all+

    vimsopa*a bala computed as per one varga scheme may show a planet as being strong and another scheme may show it

    as average. hich one should prevail re we to arbitrarily pic* a varga scheme when we judge the vimsopa*a bala based

    strength o) a planet

    hat ' was taught is that the varga scheme to be pic*ed depends on the purpose. 'n horary astrology 4prasna+ we use only

    shadvarga. 'n electional horoscopy 4muhurta and mundane horoscopy+ we use sapta varga. 'n manushya jata*a 4individual

    natal horoscopy+ we use dasa varga. 'n raaja jata*a 4royal horoscopy+ we use shodasa varga.

    hus+ depending on which horoscopy we are doing+ the varga scheme is )i(ed and we have little choice.

    et us ta*e the e(ample o) !-&0 and !-&5. ccording to our tradition+ they show the *arma inherited )rom the ancestors o)

    parents. 'nherited ancestral *arma )rom the maternal side is seen in !-&0 and that )rom the paternal side is seen in !-&5.

    hese charts may be use)ul in the charts o) normal human beings+ but they become much more use)ul in royal horoscopy.

    hy ny good or bad *arma done by *ings are in great magnitudes. 7ne *ing may have constructed 20 temples and

    several generations may receive great blessings because o) that8 7ne *ing may have engaged in an unjust war that *illed

    tens o) thousands o) people. 9is descendants will su))er the conseuences o) that evil deed )or a )ew generations8

    hus+ !-&0 and !-&5 are included in shodasa varga and receive importance when we )ind vimsopa*a bala in royal

    horoscopes. 'n horoscopes o) normal people+ they become less important and not used in vimsopa*a bala.

     s another e(ample+ ta*e !-60. his is the chart that shows the past li)e and the *arma carried over )rom the past li)e. hile

    rasi chart shows physical e(istence and other divisional charts show various environments in which one leads one;s

    e(istence 4e.g. )inancial environment 4!-2+ pro)essional environment 4!-#0+ spiritual environment 4!-20+ educational

    environment 4!-2& etc+ !-60 shows the le)t-over *arma that is to be e(perienced. he rasi chart and other divisional charts

    are merely the medium through which the *arma shown in !-60 is e(perienced.

  • 8/15/2019 Varga Scheme to Use When and D-60


    schemes by ,arasara. 't will be very instructive to ponder over those numbers8

    @ @ @

    =ow+ as* yoursel) a simple uestion. Aost o) us completely ignore !-60+ the chart that received a heigher weightage in

    ,arasara;s vimsopa*a bala calculation than rasi and navamsa together8 lso+ when ,arasara taught which matters should

    be seen in which divisional chart+ !-60 is the chart in which he recommended seeing BeverythingB

    4Bshashtyamse4a*hilamee*shayetB. ll that suggests that this is the most important varga. hy do most o) us ignore this

    chart then 's it because this chart is sensitive to birthtime changes and lagna changes once in every 2 min is it because o) 

    complacency or simplicity Can we e(pect per)ect readings and a scienti)ic astrology without being able to )i( the birthtime

    within a 2 minute window Can shashtyamsa alone ma*e a di))erence to one;s )ortune 4