v.aravinthan 2011/fm/034. who we are? what is life? the condition that distinguishes animals and...

Download V.Aravinthan 2011/FM/034. WHO WE ARE? WHAT IS LIFE? The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity

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WHAT IS LIFE? The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.


V.Aravinthan 2011/FM/034 WHO WE ARE? WHAT IS LIFE? The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. LIFE AS WE KNOW IT REQUIRES Liquid water. Some form of energy (e.g. sunlight, chemical, volcanic). Access to organic materials (e.g. carbon compounds). A sufficiently stable environment (i.e. time to originate and evolve). A HABITABLE WORLD Distance from its star, not too far, not too close Size, not too big, not too small Atmosphere to keep the planet warm and water liquid Water JUST LIKE EARTH!!! HOW BIG THE UNIVERSE IS??? The Earth Solar system The Galaxy Local Group of galaxies Cluster of galaxies Super cluster of Galaxies There may be around stars in the observable universe IN THE OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE... 400 billion stars 50 million planets If we take 1% of them are habitable Around 500 million planets will have life forms DRAKES EQUATION The Drake equation is a mathematical equation used to estimate the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. N= R*f s *f p *n e *f l *f i *f c *L Minimal Value is in millions LOOKING FOR HABITABLE WORLDS Kepler (2006) -Look for terrestrial planets around 100,000 stars. Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) Look for terrestrial planets around 100 nearby stars. Eddington (2008) - Looking for planets bigger than Mars around 500,000 stars. Darwin (2015) - Look for terrestrial planets around 1,000 stars. INTELLIGENT LIFE??? Arecibo Antena, Puerto Rico THE PIONEER MESSAGE SETI Allen array NEW EVIDENCES Wikileaks documents. Cable no 10 DUSHANBE8 2 REPORTED SIGHTINGS-MUFON ARGUMENTS AGAINST ET LIFE Fermis paradox Contradiction between the high probability that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and the lack of contact with these civilizations Rare Earth Hypothesis The emergence of complex multi cellular life on Earth required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances. SCIENTISTS THOUGHTS... Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the Government is hushing it up. (Stephan Hawking) Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone. (Albert Einstein) THERE ARE TWO POSSIBILITIES May be we are alone. May be we are not. Both are equally amazing. SOMEWHERE, SOMETHING INCREDIBLE IS WAITING TO BE KNOWN. THANK YOU