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  • 7/31/2019 A5217


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    As we know,there are many countries in the world.Eachhas own its culture. Scottish philosopher David Hume wrote, culture,

    then,is the great guide of human lifeit is true that knowing the culture of a

    country is, in effect, a guide to understanding the soul of that country and its

    people.Culture refer to many factors such as art, music,

    food,literature,ect.However, on the assignment,I would like to show my

    understanding about meal culture.

    As a English learner,I am interested in English culture in common, English

    meals in particularly.Hence,on this paper, I would like show my

    understanding about English Meals.Speccially,I will compare and contrast it

    with Vietnamese Meal to show the differences and similarity between meals

    of two countries.

    I hope that my study will help people who are interested in English culture,

    will have more knowledge about English culture and intercultural

    communication of it with Vietnamese culture.


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    1.Background of meal

    1.1.Definitions about meal

    There are many different definitions about Meal

    In larouse Cobuild English learners dictionary:

    A meal is an instance of eating, specifically one that takes place at a

    specific time and includes specific, prepared foodstuffs.

    Definition by Wood,R.C,(1995):

    A communal meal in a dream is the image of communal activity of a

    ritual or magical nature. When interpreting the dream, note should be

    taken of the dreamers religious belief.

    In website:htth//

    Food that is prepared and eaten, usually at a specific time.

    In short,although each person has own way to express the definition about

    meal,the idieas are in similarity.


    In common,there are three main meals in a

    day:Breakfast,lunch and dinner:

    Breakfastis a meal, often light, usually taken in the morning.

    Lunch is a meal that is taken at noon or in the early afternoon.

    Dinner is a meal that is generally served in the evening, starting some time

    between 6:00 and 8:30.

    2.My finding

    2.1.The breakfast meal


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    The breakfast meal in England and in Vietnam is also considered that is a

    light meal.In breakfast meal,people often eat few dishes which is simple.

    However, the breakfast of each country is different from each other. Each

    country has a typical meal.

    What is a typical English breakfast?

    Most people around the world seem to think a typical English breakfast

    consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and baked beans all

    washed down with a cup of coffee. Nowadays, however, a typical English

    breakfast is more likely to be a bowl of cereals, a slice of toast, orange juice

    and a cup of coffee.Many people, especially children, in England will eat a

    bowl of cereal. They are made with different grains such as corn, wheat, oats

    etc. In the winter, many people will eat "porridge" or boiled oats.

    On the other hand,the Vietnamese breakfast is often lighter such

    as:ph(noodle soup), Xi, bnh m (breakfast bread), cho(Grilled

    Paste), bn(rice vermicelli), bnh cun(rice flour steamed rolls),



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    cho lng


    Breakfast bread bnh


    In the past,wives in Vietnames family often get up early to make breakfast

    meal for the whole family.Nowadays,although they dont cook it,wives buy it

    to prepaire breakfast meal.

    2.2.The lunch

    Both in England and in Vietnam, lunch foods are varies.In the past,very

    similar things are eaten at lunch as at dinner - a hot meal, sometimes with

    more than one course.Evenly, lunch is actually the main meal of the day,

    supper being a smaller cold meal. However, since many people eat lunch

    while at work or school, this can be impractical.


    In England,more appropriate are relatively simple foods that can be packed

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    in a lunch box. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a

    piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.

    In contrast to England,Vietnamses children often have lunch at school that

    cook make.

    2.3.The dinner meal

    According to tradition, English dinner or Vietnamese dinner is also main

    meals in a day. Dinner is an opportunity for them to share a meal and talk

    together after a hard day.

    However,in England,The traditional dinner meal is rarely eaten nowadays

    apart from on Sundays. A recent survey found that most people in Britain eat

    curry! Rice or pasta dishes are now favoured as the 'British

    Dinner'.Vegetables grown in England, like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages

    and onions, are still very popular.

    What is a traditional English Dinner?

    A typical British meal for dinner is "meat and two vegetable". We put

    hot brown gravy, (traditionally made from the juices of the roast meat, butmore often today from a packet!) on the meat and usually the vegetables. One

    of the vegetables is almost usually potatoes.

    The Sunday Roast Dinner is a traditional meal eaten by family


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    For example, roast beef with roast potatoes, parsnips, peas, Brussels

    sprouts, green beans, Yorkshire pudding, bread sauce and gravy. Mint sauce

    or redcurrant jelly is often eaten with lamb, apple sauce with pork, and

    horseradish sauce (a type of mustard) with beef, cranberry sauce with turkey.Stuffing may be eaten with chicken or turkey.

    Peas and tomatos Bangers (sausages)and mash Bacon,turkey, sausage

    Roast beef, roast potatoes,

    green beans and gravy


    and chips

    Whereas, a typical dinner meal for the average Vietnamese family would


    Individual bowls of boiled rice


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    Grilled, boiled, steamed, stir fried (with vegetable) or stewed meat or

    fish or other seafood dish

    Stir-fried, raw or steamed vegetable dish

    Canh (a clearbroth with vegetables and often meat or seafood) or other

    Vietnamese-style soup

    Prepared fish sauce and/orsoy sauce for dipping.All dishes apart from

    the individual bowls of rice are communal and to be shared.

    Cm tm tm ri canh chuanem rn

    A Vietnamese feast with traditional dishes

    2.4. The desert

    The word Common desserts include cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries, icecream, and candies.Is is common in both English and Vietnam, dessertis a

    course that typically comes at the end of a meal usually consisting of sweet

    food but sometimes of a strongly flavored one, such as some cheese in


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    However, pudding or after would be more typical terms in the UK

    Although the custom of eating fruits and nuts after a meal may be very old,

    dessert as a standard part of a Western meal in common and English meal in


    Dessert, as served in English restaurant

    Rice pudding Fruit crumble and custard Trifle

    It is common to eat a dessert (also known as a pudding, or informally as

    afters) after the main dish. Some have a separate final sweet course but mix

    sweet and savory dishes throughout the meal, or reserve elaborate dessert

    concoctions for special occasions. Often, the dessert is seen as a separate meal

    or snack rather than a course, and may be eaten apart from the meal (usually

    in less formal settings). Desserts are often eaten with a dessertspoon,

    intermediate in size between a teaspoon and a tablespoon.

    In Vietnam, dessert has very much kinds.Almost of them also are made to

    fruit.The dessert dish that is the most popular is ch.

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    Vietnamese desserts

    Ch is a sweet dessert or pudding usually made from beans or beans

    and sticky rice. Many varieties of ''ch'' are available, each with different

    fruits, beans (for example,mung beans or kidney beans), and other


    Fruit smoothies are also popular. They are simple to make and require just

    a few teaspoons of sugar, crushed ice and fresh locally available fruits. The

    smoothies come in many varieties, including apple custard, avocado, jack

    fruit, durian, strawberry, passionfruit, dragonfruit, lychee, mango, and


    The most difference between English dessert and Vietnamese dessert is that

    people in Vietnam often add some ice to the dessert when having because of

    the weather in Vietnam is very hot in summer. English people do rarely it.


    Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. As England, Vietnam's

    cuisine reflects its geography and history.

    English food at its best is hearty, simple, delicious fare, with the food and

    cooking of England developed to feed the colonial empire, which in its time

    influenced the rest of the world. The food and cooking of England is steeped

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    in history and heritage, and the modern face of British food presents a


    While,Vietnamese food has to be the healthiest on the planet. ." And

    indeed, with the heavy reliance on rice, wheat and legumes, abundance of

    fresh herbs and vegetables, minimal use of oil, and treatment of meat as a

    condiment rather than a main course.


    It is very important to know traditions and customs of other countries. It

    helps to know more about the history and line of different nations.

    In this paper, I give some informations you about English meals. Besides, I

    also contrast and comparison it with Vietnamese meals. It is considered that


  • 7/31/2019 A5217


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    Different cultures might have different rules for eating the same item.

    However, because of the process of sharing meaning through communication

    between people from two countries, both Vietnamese meal and England meal

    has been intercultural communication its means changes.

    I would like this paper is helpful to people are interested in English culture

    and Vietnamese culture in common and English meal and Vietnamese meal in

