value quote day by day.”

SAI INSIGHTS TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019 VALUE : Peace Lived As Loyalty QUOTE: “You don’t earn loyalty in a day, you earn it day by day.” NEWSFLASH Sathya Sai College Character Development & Academic Achievement The school dance will be Friday 30th August and the theme is Alice in Wonderland.

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VALUE: Peace Lived As Loyalty

QUOTE: “You don’t earn loyalty in a day, you earn it day by day.”


Sathya Sai CollegeCharacter Development & Academic


The school dance will be Friday 30th August and the theme is Alice in





19-23 Aug Book Week

20 Aug NCIS Coffs Harbour

21 Aug Newcastle Permanent Maths Competition

27 Aug Gold Coast Eisteddfod

30 Aug Fathers Day Morning TeaP&F School Dance

3 Sept Kindy Orientation DayICAS Digital Tech

5 Sept ICAS Science

10 Sept ICAS Writing

12 Sept ICAS Spelling Bee

Tues & Wed: After School Art with Kim

Loyalty is faithfulness to commitments or obligations.

At Sathya Sai College we understand the importance of, and strive to commit to, being loyal in all our endeavours.

We encourage the whole school community to demonstrate loyalty towards believing in the benefits of developing character as well as academic achievements.

In many institutions, education is oriented to jobs, to securing a living, not to leading a life.

A loyal commitment to the values teaches a person what is life, and what are its goals. It purifies the heart and clarifies the vision. It aims to prevent pollution of the hand, heart and head through damaging habits, to the individual, society and the nation.

I am extremely grateful to all staff, students, and their families who demonstrate their loyalty to Sathya Sai College, for they are helping to promote virtue and raise moral and spiritual standards.

Cal Atkins











TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019


We were blessed with perfect weather for the inaugural Athletics Carnival at our High School at the Dungay Campus on Friday 9th August. Our Primary School students made the most of this day, participating with great enthusiasm in a range of track and field events, whilst the 5-7 year old students had lots of fun with the 100m sprint and novelty events.

A number of students have qualified for the NCIS Athletics Championships held in Coffs Harbour on Tuesday the 20th of August. Good luck to those students competing.

It was great to witness our values being practiced across the day, with students showing perseverance with challenging events and encouraging each other to do their best. Well done to everyone for making the day enjoyable.

Many thanks and gratitude goes to the parents who volunteered their time on the day to assist with the running of events, and to the P&F for keeping the athletes fed and hydrated. Thank you for your service.

Congratulations to the following Age Champions for 2019: 8 Year Champions: Fianaid Ives and Dustin Townsend9 Year Champions: Ava Marshall and Jesse Mitchell10 Year Champions: Manasi Tancredi and Navi Tancredi 11 Year Champions: Eliza Stillaway and Odhran Ives12-13 Year Champions: Clareese White and Andrew Lane

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019


Dolphin Club

Mufti Day Friday 23rd August Week 5

Come dressed as your favourite sea

creature. Please bring a gold coin

donation to raise money for

Dolphin Research Australia.

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019


Year 2Sage Hansell

Year 3Evie Stillaway  Jesse Mitchell

Year 5Jaci Symes

Cayln Armstrong

Year 1Henry Scanlon

Year 2Stella McVicar

Year 3 Willow Hall

KindyMacie Theodore-Scott

Sriji MandalZac Ducat

Eliana De LloydAdam Blissett

Isobel Thompson

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019

SATHYA SAI WORKING BEE Just before Term 3 started, a wonderful group of volunteers gathered together on that weekend to do Selfless Service. At least 75 members of the Sathya Sai Organisation came together for a very important working bee, which involved numerous jobs over a whole weekend. Some of the volunteers came from Brisbane and others travelled from New South Wales and Victoria to join the working bee.

Some of the highlights were: the primary school hall was painted, the science classroom got its own partition and door which now separates it from the staff room, lots of very important maintenance jobs were also done like fixing taps and water fountains. A special attention was given to the gardens at both campuses which now look fabulous!

Our school community provided soup and bread for the volunteers and a lot more beautiful food was prepared during the weekend by the Sai Organisation. The beautiful sense of community filled our schools with love, joy and kindness. It was simply wonderful for everyone to return to the school and feel the freshness and beauty as a result of the hard work from our dear volunteers.

As this fortnight’s Human Value has been Loyalty, we may take the opportunity to highlight this experience as an expression of Loyalty for our Sathya Sai community, school and organisation at so many levels! We also wish to express our deepest gratitude to all of the wonderful volunteers that played a part in this working bee project.

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019

BYRON WRITERS FESTIVAL In Week 2, students from years 3–6 visited the Murwillumbah Civic Centre to take part in the annual Byron Bay Writer’s Festival. This event is always an enjoyable day where students are treated to talks from published authors and illustrators from around the country.

This year we got to listen to talks from children’s author and illustrator sisters, Zoë and Georgia Norton Lodge and internationally acclaimed illustrator, Tony Flowers.

The students had a fantastic time and left feeling inspired by the talks.

‘I really enjoyed watching Tony draw a dinosaur in under 10 seconds…’

– Odhran Ives

‘It was awesome the way the authors and illustrators interacted with us…’

– Taylor Murphy

‘I loved the talk from Tony Flowers who said drawing doesn’t have to be perfect and encouraged us to draw more…’

– Venice Baggio

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019

GARDENING IN TERM 2 Students enjoyed their gardening time in Term 2. There are always many jobs to complete from preparing garden beds, sorting through compost, planting, harvesting and getting to enjoy tasting our crops!

As part of their service club, Year 3/4 completed the Woolworths Landcare Juicy Fruit Patch with the help of many other students. We now have lots of new fruit trees.

Mrs Cargnoni

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019

NAIDOC WEEK During the last week of Term 2, all classes were involved in learning about our Australian Indigenous culture. We were lucky enough to have Susan Bolton at assembly to present the Welcome to Country and tell a story. Susan is a parent from our high school campus.

Years 5 & 6:

During library lessons, students were given a bush tucker ingredient and then had to research a recipe and design a poster.

Kindergarten worked together to paint a Rainbow Serpent.

TERM 3 WEEK 4 2019


An ancient Hebrew poem said, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them.”

An arrow, however, is purposeless and aimless unless it is targeted somewhere. Likewise, you have to point your children in a particular direction for them to become effective. The place you point them to may not be their ultimate destination, but each step they take prepares them for their journey through life.

My foremost job as a parent is not to point out my child’s errors, even thoughmost days this would be easy to do. Instead, it is to identify their strengths and help them to use those strengths to run their life – this being the far more difficult and perceptive task. This strength-driven approach elevates their wellbeing and provides self-confidence and fulfilment. From the time my children were born, I was always looking for emotional, character and physicaltraits that could unlock future fates.

There are always hints as to the inclinations and tendencies a child mightpossess, but it takes an engaged and interested parent to identify and nurturetheir individual child’s development. And remember, their inclinations and tendencies may not be the same as yours. Let them run their own race andavoid trying to live out your misspent dreams through them.

Another key way to help identify a vision for your child is by exposing them tomyriad different activities and experiences and then watching to see what resonates and engages their heart and soul. This will give them options todraw out unseen strengths.