valeru features of the russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition...

VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

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Page 1: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

VALERUFeatures of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition

Mrs. Nadezda KamyninaMoscow State University of Geodesy and


Page 2: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

This is a reflection of the potential and problems of non-formal education, which should be one of the main mechanisms to implement the concept of lifelong learning.

From formal higher education to lifelong learning

Page 3: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Basic definitions

Formal education is an education that is organized and hierarchically structured; after graduation students getting a recognized diploma or a certificate; this kind of education has a certain time duration, the national curriculum, formal organization, and is provided by preferably registered organizations.

Non-formal education is often taking place in a special educational space, educational institutions or social organizations, clubs and circles. And in a form of the individual classes with lector or coach. This kind of education has various training programs; short programs are offered at any stage of education or employment. Non-formal education usually not accompanied by the issuance of a document and often is focused and systematic.

Informal education usually includes individual cognitive activity that accompanies everyday life and do not necessarily wearing targeted; spontaneity. It is a transformation of society potential to the effective factors of self-development. It is a result of daily labor, family and leisure activities. Informal education usually has no definite structure.

Page 4: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Perception statistics

According to the research materials of identifying pedagogical rapport with the considered three forms of education - in Tomsk, Tyumen regions and the city of St. Petersburg (coverage - more than 10 thousand respondents).

80% of respondents did not fully understand the meaning of the concepts “formal”, "non-formal" and "informal" education.

40% students support the idea of educational forms integration (before clarification of the meaning of concepts)

90% students support the idea of educational forms integration (after getting acquainted with essence of the concept)

Page 5: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Properties of formal and informal models of education

System specifications of the models


formal informal


Long-term and more general Short-term and specific

Getting officially recognized documents Preparation of the documents is not intended

Timing Long cycle, full time Short cycle, part-time


Standardized, focused on the basic provisions of the educational material Individualized, focused on the results

Academic PracticalRigidly structured Flexible, student-orientedEntrance requirements determine the contingent of students

Students determine the entrance requirements

Placing The educational institutions, does not focused on the proximity of the residence place

focused on the proximity of the residence place

Recourses Resource-intensive Resource savingQuality control External / hierarchical Self-management / democratic

Page 6: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Background of analysis

The federal law from 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (ed. 07.13.2015) “About education in the Russian Federation" (rev. and ext., joined. entered into force on 07.24.2015)

Article 17. Forms of education and forms of learning

1. In the Russian Federation education can be obtained by:… 2) outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

Page 7: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

The socio-cultural situation in Russia: context

• expansion of inclusive education, the creation of accessible learning environment;• Increased proportion and activity of the elderly population;• the emergence in society of the multifunctional model of education;• expanding the number of organization providing trainings;• increasing the value of formal and supplementary education in society, which found its expression in the marketing strategies of companies that actively use the educational component;• development of social partnership, inter-sectoral and interagency education, which contributing the strengthening of partnership between the state and civil society.

Page 8: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Characteristic formation features

• active evolutional processes of educational institutions as the social instruments connecting the world of culture and the society.

• during the formation of the new norms and values, rules and meanings, technologies and projects, developing system of education enrich culture and society.

Page 9: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Characteristic formation features

Trends in Education

Creating an environment conducive to learning and educating throughout all life

Page 10: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

National Qualifications Framework : components and the basisCurrent situation Requirements Implementation?

Diplomas market Qualifications market based on competences …

Inflexible transition from education environment to work environment

Multiplicity of transition to the work environment ….

National levels of education National levels of qualifications …

Low participation of employers The active participation of employers in the planning and implementation of education process and training of specialists


Non-formal learning is not recognizable

Non-formal learning is recognizable …

The absolute absence of the lifelong educational system

Forming the lifelong educational system …

Ineffective quality control in the institutional level

Effective quality control system …

The emphasis on institution based education

The development of training in enterprises / at work places


Assessment of knowledge Assessment of competences …

Page 11: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Current contradictions in Russian Federation

• contradictions between developing cognitive needs of people and existing educational structures;• contradictions between objective "splicing" processes between education and all kinds of human activity and the persons general illiteracy in different areas of life;• contradictions between the dominant consumer psychology and the human desire for culture and the free creation;• contradictions between the need of freedom from social suggestion and social manipulation and the need to act within the system of society.• contradictions between actually implemented by all ministries and departments educational function and organizational separation between them.

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Positive developments and trends on the institutional level

Development and strengthening new goals and values in education system

• the search for new ways and mechanisms of transformation to world culture, common cultural reference points of human life;• focus on the realization of human needs (people-centered approach in education system);• expand the range of educational services, choices in ways of education and self-education;• the emergence of the practice of recognizing competences acquired outside formal education system, the expansion of various forms of additional education;• the development of intergenerational educational programs as a guarantee of the continuity of generations and the condition of preserving the unity of the nation;• overcoming consumer psychology and the development of cultural creativity in different spheres of modern life;

Page 13: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Positive developments and trends on the institutional level

The educational process involves a growing number of people-representatives of different social communities and groups: youth, adults, seniors; the unemployed, migrants, people with disabilities; students and volunteer at a variety of courses, studios, clubs.

Page 14: VALERU Features of the Russian legal field in matter of non-formal/ informal education recognition Mrs. Nadezda Kamynina Moscow State University of Geodesy

Positive developments and trends on the institutional level

Active processes of new educational content, approximate to the realities of life, new cultural practices

• teaching new specialties;• the development of new competencies and functional literacy in various activities within the framework of the traditional professions;• development of functional literacy of different groups of the population, regardless of age, profession and social status;• mastering the culture of civil society; • mastering the skills of science-based wildlife management; formation of an active position in life, personal and social responsibility for the preservation of the environment and the skills to implement it; • development of various kinds of arts, including crafts (the art studios, design studios and music school for children and adults).

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The regulatory framework the scope of recognition in of non-formal / informal learning

•Federal law from 29th of December 2012 № 273-ФЗ –«About education in the Russian Federation»•Federal law from 24th of May 1999 № 99-ФЗ «About a state policy of the Russian Federation in respect of compatriots abroad»•Federal law from 27th of July 2006 № 152-ФЗ «About personal Data»•Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 21th of November 2011 № 957 «About the organization of the licensing of certain activities»•Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 10th of July 2013 № 582 «About approval of the rules of posting on the official website of the educational organization in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and updating information on the educational organization» •Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 15th of August 2013 № 706 «About approval of rules of rendering of paid educational services»•Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 20th of July 2013 № 611 «About approval of the Rules of confirmation of documents on education and (or) on the qualifications»•Order of the MIS RF from 1th of July 2013 № 499 «About approval of the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs»•Order of the MIS RF from 15th of November 2013 № 1244 «About amendments to the procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by Order of the Russian Ministry From 1th of July 2013 № 499»•Order of the MIS RF from 21 мая 2013 № 374 «About Approval of the form of the certificate of recognition of a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications of the Russian Federation, technical requirements thereto»•Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science from 29th of May 2014 № 785 «On approval of the design requirements of the official website of the educational organization in information and telecommunications network "Internet" and the format for submitting information on it»

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The regulatory framework the scope of recognition in of non-formal / informal learning

•Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 15th of April 2014 №295 «State program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" in 2013 - 2020 years»•International Standard ISO 29990:2010 Training services in the field of non-formal education and training. Basic requirements for providers•Order of the MIS RF from 29th of August 2013 № 1008 «About approval of the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional general education programs»•Regulation on the evaluation and certification of qualifications of graduates of educational institutions of vocational training, other categories of citizens that have passed professional training in various forms, approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the President of the RSPP from 31th of July 2009 № АФ-317/03•Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 23 from 22th of January 2013 «About the Rules of the development, adoption and application of professional standards»•Federal law from 29th of December 2012 № 273-ФЗ «About education in the Russian Federation»; Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 29th of November 2012 № 2204-р «On approval of the development plan of professional standards 2013 – 2014»•Federal law from «From Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 1 of the Federal Law «On technical regulation» from 3th of Desember 2012 № 236-ФЗ•The list of activities to increase by 2020 the number of highly skilled workers, approved by the Federal Government №21-08-р from 13th of November 2013 •Presidential Decree from 7th of May 2012 № 597 «About measures to implement the government's social policy»; Government Resolution from 30th of March 2013 № 286 «About the formation of an independent system of evaluating the performance of organizations providing social services»•Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 22th of January 2013 № 23 «About the Rules of the development, adoption and application of professional standards»

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The regulatory framework the scope of recognition in of non-formal / informal learning

•Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 30th of March 2013 г. № 487-р «About approval of the action plan for the formation of an independent system of evaluating the performance of organizations providing social services in the 2013 - 2015 years»•Letter from the Russian Ministry of Labor from 23th of April 2013 № 11-3/10/2-2305 «About the organization in the Russian Federation work on the formation of an independent assessment of quality of work of organizations providing social services» •Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 5th of August 2013 № 662 «About the implementation of the monitoring of the education system»•Federal law from 28th of Desember 2013 г. № 412-ФЗ «About accreditation in national accreditation system»•Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 16 апреля 2014 г. № 249 «О Национальном совете при Президенте Российской Федерации по профессиональным квалификациям»•Federal law from 21th of July 2014 № 256-ФЗ «About Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on an independent assessment of the quality of service delivery organizations in the sphere of culture, social services, health and education»•Order of the Russian Ministry of Labor from10th of June 2013 г. № 299 «On approval plan- schedule for the implementation of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation from 30th of March 2013 № 286 «About the formation of an independent system of evaluating the performance of organizations providing social services "and an action plan for the formation of an independent system of evaluating the performance of organizations providing social services in the 2013 - 2015 years, approved by the Federal Government on March 30, 2013 № 487-р»•Order of the Russian Ministry of Labor from 30th of August 2013 № 391а «About methodological recommendations on carrying out an independent assessment of the quality of organizations providing social services in the area of social services»

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The implementation of the President Decree from May 7, 2012 № 599 “About measures to implement the state policy in the field of education and science":

• obtain reliable information about the processes which actually taking place in all forms and types of adult education, organization of monitoring of adult education at the inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral basis in order to access the needs of the population in educational services;• coordination of the development of adult education based on the study of the demand for different target groups for educational services, towards the implementation of the principle of adult education based on inclusive education actually happening in all forms and types in adult education sistem;• expansion of marketing efforts in the promotion of the idea of learning throughout life through activation programs, radio and television, local newspapers to inform the public about the possibilities of education, dissemination of best practices and the promotion of successful people who helped adult education;

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The implementation of the President Decree from May 7, 2012 № 599 “About measures to implement the state policy in the field of education and science":

•including the development of mechanisms and procedures for official recognition of non-formal education, widely unfolded in many developed countries; •the use of new regulatory capabilities in order to increase people's access to education and to optimize the scope for additional resources;• improving the quality of work in additional education through the organizing systematic training and retraining for specialists who work in the field of adult education, identifying the range of universities, research Institutes with programs, individual courses or modules in the training for specialists for work in adult education; optimization in the scale of the city for the additional purpose of entering the Russian and CIS markets in the preparation of the professionals;•unite all the concerned agencies, organizations and institutions to consolidate the intellectual, material and financial resources; solving problems before the regional community, because the end result of this work - improving the quality of life of the population.

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ECTS and other mechanisms

Automatic recognition ECTS credits, as awarded to students who pass the appropriate part of the official program

The process of assigning the ECTS credits:

1. Openness and the evidence of the information about the procedure for the students.

2. Procedure supporting.

3. Recognition / assessment (assessment portfolio and collecting documents,

reflecting student achievement and the results of student’s study).

4. Assigning the same credit that in formal education sistem.

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Thank you for your attantion!

Mrs. Nadezda KamyninaMoscow State University of Geodesy

and Cartography(MIIGAiK)