valeria ramirez tkt vocabulary


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Valeria Ramírez

9th “B”




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Teaching Knowledge Test VOCABULARY


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• Sentence: Focus on form is related to the attention not just in meaning, but also in aspects of language like structures, pronunciation, word position, etc.

• How to teach: Teachers make students to use the present perfect tense to write sentences about their last vacation. They will pay attention to grammatical structures.

• Sentence: Prefix is a word or words at the very beginning of a word, to build up another one plus the base word.

• How to teach: To write the root of the target word, e.g. appear, next the other group of words to complete it e.g. disappear.

• Sentence: A suffix is the lastest part of a base word, plus other words to build up another one.

• How to teach: To write the root of the target word, e.g. good, next the other group of words to complete it e.g. goodness and trying to make it memorable for students use other colors for it e.g. goodness.

• Sentence: Determiners are words which let us know what is the noun in a reading for example.

• How to teach: To write a sentence containing the main noun and its determiner. Teacher highlights or underlines the determiner. It is useful to provide a list of them.


/ /

It is used to make clear which noun is referred to, or to give information about quantity and includes words such as the, a, this, that, my, some.


It is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word, e.g. good-goodness.


Paying attention to the words/parts of words that make a language structure or to spelling or pronunciation.


It is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word, e.g. clear-unclear.

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• Sentence: Convey is the common expression or communication of ideas.

• How to teach: To tell the students the meaning of this new word and to make them practice in pairs a conversation to convey their messages.

• Sentence: Accuracy is to use grammars, vocabulary and other aspects of the language in a proper and exact way.

• How to teach: Teachers will write or speak in the exact way and form every single part of the language aspects, in this way students won´t forget it.

• Sentence: Features are particular characteristics of words of group of words.

• How to teach: To write on the board irregular verbs and beside their past form to make students realize the features of the past tense of irregular verbs, because they change their form.

• Sentence: Contractions are informal and practical way to shorten words.

• How to teach: To write on the board the formal way to write the pronoun and the varb separately, later to write the contracted form. If the activity is oral, the teacher will emphasize on pronunciation of the contraction.


A shorter form of a group of words, which usually occurs in auxiliary verbs, e.g. You have = you´ve; it is =it´s

FEATURES A feature of something is an interesting or important part or characteristic of it .

Take ,for example , the sentence I can play



To express or communicate meaning.

Teachers focus on conveying meaning when they present new



The use of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation.

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• Sentence: Synonyms are words that convey the same or near meaning of others with different letters.

• How to teach: To choose a reading and highlingt some words to look for their synonyms by asking students or use a dictionary.

• Sentence: Homophones are words with different spelling and meaning that sound like others words.

• How to teach: To practice orally and in a writing way pronunciation and spelling of words with the same sound, e.g. piece/peace.

• Sentence: Chunks are groups of words that goes together like collocations, phrasal verbs, etc.

• How to teach: To make a list of the students´ most used chunks in their daily activities, to make a joyful group activity where they talk and use those chunks.

• Sentence: Compounds are words like verbs, nouns or adjectives wich are built up with the addition of more words to complete a single meaning.

• How to teach: To write the base word, later to write its complement to convey the new meaning. e.g. long-legged.

COMPOUNDS Nouns, verbs, adjectives or prepositions that are made up of two or more words and have one unit of meaning e.g. office manager.


Any pair or group of words commonly found together or near one another ,e.g phrasal verbs, idioms, collocations, fixed expressions.


A word which sounds the same as another word, but has a different meaning or spelling,

e.g I knew he had wom;

I bought a new book.


A word which has the same, or nearly the same, meaning as another word, e.g nice is a synonym of of pleasant.

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• Sentence: Context is the situation in which a word is used according to the previous and later words or pharses.

• How to teach: To prepare a writing activity with no complete sentences and isolated words. Students must complete the sentences with the words given.

• Sentence: To highlight is to make noticeable, for example a word, by using different colors or underlining it

• How to teach: In a newspaper students can use a highlighter to differentiate regular from irregular verbs.

• Sentence: Recall is to remaind or think again about any part of the language aspects.

• How to teach: At the end of the class, the teacher asks students wich was the most important part of that lesson or grammar point.

• Sentence: Consolidate is to go back to a specific point of the lesson to make it memorable for students and ensure their learning.

• How to teach: Learnes can consolidate any grammar point by doing extra practice in the classroom or as homework. CONSOLIDATED

To return to something in order to allow learners to understand and remember it more completely.


To remember , bring something back into the mind.


The words or phrases before or after a word in discourse which help someone to understand the it.


To mark words on paper, on the board or on a computer screen using s color or underlining so that they are easier to notice.

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• Sentence: Schwa is an indeterminated vowel because of its no really noticeable sound into words.

• How to teach: To practice orally and listening some words with schwa sound and differentiate it with other soundable vowel sounds.

• Sentence: Sounds produced by the vocal cords with no blockage of the parts of the oral cavity.

• How to teach: To write and practice verbally the vowels to discriminate their sounds.

• Sentence: A syllable is the union of consonants and usually just one vowel.

• How to teach: To write on the board some words and help students to separate their syllables by writing and speaking.

• Sentence: A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound, which has its own phonemic symbol.

• How to teach: To make students practice orally the sounds of the vowels and consonants. PHONEME

The smallest sound unit which can make a difference to meaning .

e-g /p/ in pan,

/b/ in ban.


A part of a word that usually contains a single vowel sound,

e.g pen = one syllable

Teacher = two syllables teach/er.


The / a / sound is called the schwa. It is a feature of many weak forms ,

e.g / ken / in /

I can play tennis.


A sound im which the air is not blocked by the tongue, lips, teeth etc. Movemeny or vibration is feit in the throat because the voice is used. The letters a,e,i,o,u and sometimes are used to represent these sounds.

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• Sentence: Linking is the connection of various sounds in the speech act.

• How to teach: Students will practice orally by saying sentences and notice the connection of the lastest sounds, listening activities will ensure their understanding e.g it´s a good day

• Sentence: Intonation is the rise or fall of the voice in speaking.

• How to teach: To make students work in pairs and make a conversation in which they rise or low their intonation according to the feeling of the conversation like sadness, happiness, etc.

• Sentence: Function is the main reason of communicating and convey an idea.

• How to teach: To organize a role-play with common phrases like Good morning, Hello, etc. and ask students why do they use those phrases or in which situations they use them. Ss will recognize the functions of those phrases.

• Sentence: Rhythm is the variation and flow of sounds in speech.

• How to teach: To say sentences aloud emphasizing specific parts of it, to encourage students to recognize how the rhythm of the sentence is. RHYTHM

The rhythm of speech is the way that some words in a sentence are emphasised or stressed to produce a regular patern

e.g If I were YOU I´d go by BUS.


The reason or purpose for communication,

e.g making a suggestion; giving advice.


The way different sounds can link into each other in connected speech.

INTONATIONThe way the level of a speaker´s voice changes to show meaning such as how they feel about something

e.g if they are angry or pleased, or to make speech

sound polite in English. Intonation can be rising or

falling or both.

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• Sentence: Register is a style of language used in particular or specific contexts.

• How to teach: To asks students how the language they use when directing to their parents, friends, authorities, etc. to meke them notice different examples of register in speech and writing as well.

• Sentence: Colloquial is the manner of speaking or writing that is related to informal or familiar conversations.

• How to teach: Dividing the class in groups of 4 students and each group create a rol-play, some groups will use formal vocabulary and others use colloquial language to differentiate them.

• Sentence: An exponent is the manifestation of any word, grammar point or function as well, etc.

• How to teach: To provide examples of past participles of irregular verbs and point them as exponents of that characteristical gramatical rule.

• Sentence: Lexis refers to sets of phrases and single words in every language.

• How to teach: To write and say words and phrases about any topic and explain that lexis is composed of those words.


Individual words or sets of words.

e.g homework, study, whiteboard, get dressed,

be on time.


An example of a grammar point, fuction or lexical set.


The formality of the language used in a particular situation. Formal register or language is that used in serious or important situations

e.g in a job application.


Language normally used in informal conversation but not in formal speech or writing, e.g Give Gran a ring, OK?

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• Sentence: Emphasis is the prominence given to words or syllables in speech by raising the voice or in writing by underlining, highlighting, italization, etc.

• How to teach: In speaking to make students to rise the voice in words which will be objects of our emphasis or to meke them seem important.

• Sentence: Neutral is a style neither positive or negative (formal/informal) in speaking or writing.

• How to teach: To practice with students a conversation using neutral language that is appropriate for most of situations in life.

• Sentence: Extract is to take by selection a small part of a long text which is going to be used for different purposes and activities in the classroom.

• How to teach: To provide a set of readings and students must take out an extrat which will have the information the teacher requires. Ss realize what is an extract.

• Sentence: Forms are the particular structures of a word or part of speech.

• How to teach: To present the way in which the present perfect is made up: have + past participle (the form) and students will write sentences applying it. FORMS

The form of a gramatical structure is the way it is written or pronounced and the parts which combine to make it.


Part of a text which is removed from an original, longer text.


When special force or attention is given to a word or information because it is important

e.g I want to start the lesson at SIX o´clock not

seven o´clock.


A style of speaking or writing that is neither formal nor informal, but in between. It is appropiate for most situations.

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• Sentence: Predict is to guess from key words, pictures, titles, etc the content of any kind of text.

• How to teach: To present the cover page of a book and ask students what come to their minds when looking it. This is a good technique to teach predicting.

• Sentence: Layouts are the way of arrangement of any text when it is placed on a paper.

• How to teach: Teachers present models of differents layouts of texts like stories, letters, articles, etc. Students would write an example of one of them.

• Sentence: Skills are the techniques or abiliiesy to perform speaking, writing, listening and reading very well.

• How to teach: Teachers should ask students how well they are in speaking, writing, reading or listening to recognize their skills. Additionally some exercises of each skill will benfit them.

• Sentence: A conjunction is a word used to join other words or phrases into sentences.

• How to teach: To provide a worksheet with sentences without their connectors or conjunctions. Students may fill in the paper with proper conjunctions from a list of them.


A conjunction (or connector) is used to connect words, phrases, clauses or sentences.

e.g I like tea but I don´t like coffee because it´s

too strong for me.


The four language skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Using clues before we begin reading, to guess what a text may be about.


The way in which a text is organised and presented on a page.

Certain texts have special layouts.

e.g letters and newspaper articles.

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• Sentence: Lead-in activities are Instructions or activities which help learners to be ready for a main task in the classroom.

• How to teach: Teachers prepare a series of questions about students´ previous knowledge of the main topic of the class. They make a circle in the classroom and choose one of the questions placed in a fishbowl to answer them.

• Sentence: Confidence is the quality of trusting in oneself when doing something.

• How to teach: Teachers

• Sentence: Extensive Reading is reading for pleasure any pieces of exts like magazines, stories, articles, etc. It occurs outside the classroom or even there.

• How to teach: Teachers choose a good text from a magazine, according to students´ interests to make the activity more joyful.

• Sentence: Sequences are sets of things which are next to each other in a coherent way to make sense.

• How to teach: Teachers present scrambled pictures of daily activities, or other topics, and students may order them in the correct sequence. SEQUENCES

A sequence is a series of thing,whith follow each other in a logical order. Learners can sequence pictures in a story, i.e. put them in order.


Reading long pieces of text, such as stories or newspapers.


The activities used to prepare learners to work on a text, topic or main task.


The feeling someone has when they are sure of their ability to do something well. Teachers often to activities that help learners to feel more confident about their own ability.

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• Sentence: Logical is to be in agreement of the principles of logic and coherence.

• How to teach:

• Sentence: To narrate is to relate a story or events by speaking or writing.

• How to teach: Students are asked to draw or to carry a picture which will describe a memorable past event of their lifes, they also must narrate that event using the past tense of verbs.

• Sentence: A paragraph is a passage in texts about different ideas from the preceding text which starts on a new line

• How to teach: Teachers model an example of paragraphs on the board, explaining the parts of it and learners practice by doing their own paragraphs about a certain topic.

• Sentence: Cohesion is the Grammatical or lexical relationship among different parts of the same text or speech act.

• How to teach: Teachers encourage students to write a paragraph about their partners using linkers as a tool of make the writing coherent and using punctuation in the right places.


The way spoken or written texts are joined together with logical grammar or lexis.


A paragraph is a section in a longer piece of writing such as an essay. It starts on a new line and usually contains a single new idea. When a writer is paragraphing, s/he is creating paragraphs.


Based on reason. A lesson is logical if the stages follow an order which makes sense and if one stage leads clearly and obviously to another.


To tell a story or talk about something that has happened.

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• Sentence: Errors refer to the state or condition of being wrong during the learning process.

• How to teach: Learners are asked to make an oral presentation about their families. The teachers can right down common errors, correct and clarify them at the end of the presentations.

• Sentence: To process is to think about any information to assimilate and use it.

• How to teach: Teachers explain how to construct the Present Perferct tense, to let students to think and write examples of it will give an opportunity to process the new information in the desired way.

• Sentence: Models are simplified representations of a specific point of the leson in the classroom.

• How to teach: Teachers provide an example of a formal letter, later they will write their own letters.

• Sentence: Version is a variation or different form of something.

• How to teach: To ask students to look for a story e.g. Cinderella, but they should take different versions, it means from different authors, with different words, etc. In this way they will recognize what a version of something is.


A particular form of something in which some details are different from an earlier or later form of it.

e.g a written text may

have different versions.


A clear example of the target language for learners to repeat or write down or save as a record.


A mistake that a learner makes when tryin to say something above their level of language or language processing.


To actively think about new information in order to understand it completely and to be able to use it in future.

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• Sentence: Receptive Skills are the abilities to get and understand the target languages through listening and reading.

• How to teach: Students are asked to listen to a narration of a story and later answer some questions about that, to check if it was intelligible for them.

• Sentence: Infer attitude is to distinguish a writer or speaker’s hide feelings from their speech or writings.

• How to teach: Teachers can provide some quotations from different authors and topics. Learners must recognize the autor´s attitude from the written words.

• Sentence: Gestures are conscious or unconscious signs made with some parts of the body like head, hands whcih can be codified.

• How to teach: To make students prepare a conversation where one learner should nood the head as a sigh of understanding or the contrary.

• Sentence: Expose is to be inadvertly in contact with the traget language.

• How to teach: The Teacher plays a song, according to learners level of language, then they will try to understand as much words as they can. They are exposed to the language. EXPOSE

When learners listen to or read language without being consciously aware of it.


A movement with part of the body, e.g. hand, head, which is used to convey



When learners do not have to produce language; listening and reading are receptive skills.


To decide how a writer or speaker feels about something from the way that they speak or write, rather than from what they openly say.

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• Sentence: Utterances are sets of words with meaning but not as long as a complete sentence.

• How to teach: Teachers can give some words on different papers to the students, they have to choose some of the words to gat utterances. Teachers help and clarify doubts.

• Sentence: Sentence stress is the special emphasis of some meaningful words in sentences.

• How to teach: The teacher says aloud a sentence an make emphasis on the main noun, to make learners realize the noun as an importan word in that sentence.

• Sentence: Minimal pairs are pairs of words which have some same sounds but just one different sound.

• How to teach: Students are presented some flash cards about minimal pairs, but only containg pictures, e.g. Sheep, ship; sea, see; etc. They have to discriminate the sound wich makes those word different.

• Sentence: Authentic material has to do with the target language content on magazines, newspaper, stories, etc which are not supposed to focus on the language learning.

• How to teach: The teacher plays a movie in the target language in the classroom and students write down new vocabulary from it.


Written or spoken texts which a first language speaker might read or listen to. They may be taken from newspapers,

radio etc.


Two words which differ from each other by only one meaningful sound (or phoneme),e.g. hit /

hˆt / ; heat / hˆÄt /.


A complete unit of speech in spoken language. An utterance can be shorter than a



Refers to the way some words in a sentence are stressed. In English these are usually the

information-carrying words.

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• Sentence: Monitor is to check and observe the activities that the students are doing during the lesson class.

• How to teach: Teachers ask learners to develop an essay about environmental topics. He/she observe students to be sure they are writing and not doing other activities.

• Sentence: Drills are repetitions of any point in the language learning process.

• How to teach: Teachers prepare an oral filling gap activity by writing a sentence wich has a word which can be changed. Students change the word and repeat some times the sentence and the new ones.

• Sentence: Controlled practice are realted to activities which let students be accurate in the language use.

• How to teach: Teacher helps students to prepare an exposition in the target language about environment. The teacher monitor all the time and ensure that students are accurate in what they are going to speak.

• Sentence: Clarifying is to make another person understand something that is unintelligible for him/her.

• How to teach: It is possible to make groups of 4 students in the classroom, but one of them should be more proficient than the others to help them and clarify some doubts. Teachers monitor and also clarify. CLARIFYING

To make clear what you



When learners use the target language repeatedly and productively in situations in which they have little or no

choice of what language they use. The teacher and learners focus on accurate use of the target language.


To watch over learners in order to make sure that they are doing what they have been asked to do, and help them if they are

having problems.


A technique teachers use for encouraging learners to practice language. It involves guided repetition or practice.

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• Sentence: Turn-taking is to speak by turns without interrupting the other person who will begin to talk.

• How to teach: To group the class into teams of 4 students. Each group will prepare a conversation where they take turns to speak, and also demonstrating how a person don´t respect the turn.taking action in a conversation.

• Sentence: Silent period refers to the time in which learners are processing the target language without saying anything while thinking.

• How to teach: The teacher provides a short reading and encourage learners to read silently and prepare a summary of it.

• Sentence: Pace is the

• How to teach:

• Sentence: Oral fluency is the ommision or rarely making pauses when speaking avoiding interrupting the production of words.

• How to teach: To develop students´ oral fluency, the teacher must begin asking to talk about topics which are suitable for learners´ level of language.


Being able to speak using connected speech at a natural speed with little hesitation, repetition or self-



The speed of the lesson. A teacher can vary the pace in a lesson by planning different activities in order to keep

the learners’ attention.


Speaking and then allowing another person to speak in reply is called



The time when learners who are beginning to learn a first (or second) language prefer to listen (or read) before

producing the language,