valentine’s day advertising tips and marketing ideas

Valentine’s Day Advertising Tips and Marketing Ideas

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Valentines day Advertising & Marketing Idea from is for those of us small businesses that would like to get more sales this month but don't have the kind of business that has a really easy connection to valentines day.


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Valentine’s DayAdvertising Tips and

Marketing Ideas

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Proven Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas For the Average Business

This is a quick Small Business Marketing Idea

provided by one of our Speakers for Business and Top Business Coaches Nathaneal Mohr.

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Okay, it's great when businesses that sell jewelry, spa packages, meals (such as restaurants) etc..get

a boost in sales during Valentine's Day.

But what about the rest of the businesses that don't normally get a bump in sales because

of this special day…

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Do we have to stand and silently hope that more business will just magically come our way?...

Or, is there a way to take a little more control over our future profit and take advantage Valentine's Day

as an impending event that also gives us a nice little bump in profit.

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Remember, part of great Marketing is the art of getting and keeping the most profitable customers attention and trust while creating opportunities for

them to make sense in buying today instead of tomorrow.

Let's Put our Marketing Thinking Cap on.

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

If we want our customers to buy from us sooner than later, we first need to give them reasons to do

that right.

You can do this for yourself by thinking through a couple of questions.

What do my products and services do for my customers or clients?

Write those things down.

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Then ask that question again about what you just wrote down, and then one more time with what you

wrote down the second time. 

Yep, ask yourself that question a total of three times.

What it will do when thought through is bring to the surface some key benefits that are

going to become the main focus of our marketing message.

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Then You want to ask yourself:

Why would my customers or clients want to give this

away as a gift and if so, why on valentines day?

Why would my customers or clients want to use this to assist them in creating a experience

for their Valentines day?

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Be playful with your message, have fun. 

Remember, if it's not really that practical of a Valentine's day message, you can be silly and

entertaining and accomplish a profitable bump in sales

simply because its a Valentine's day message that kept your prospects

attention long enough to get them to buy.

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Then look at your margins. 

Can you give something away?  Maybe a dozen roses delivered to their sweetheart if they

buy before Valentine's Day.

If you can't find anything creative to say to get your prospects attention, just be

real and say something like:

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Valentine’s Day Advertising and Marketing Tips

Get yourself, your family or business the practical gift of (fill in the blank with your business here) and

get a dozen roses delivered to your Valentines home absolutely free.

Some companies that have been taking advantage of our business coaching have been doing this

bonus concept of the gift (for their lost prospects,

reactivating old clients etc...) for years and loving the results.