v33l, - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · prompter, 2,505. by bl e bab. 73: daca,...

i n.e XI"e of to.e T is Established. I Eir3--teo"U.sxes- s-" & Vol. 3X iSTo. 65. IS POTWulSHED J3.verv .v.fcemoon jsecsit s-- nwT jjt the Holomua Publishing Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SFSKSOTIOK, rsrXsaih, 50Cic "TW mk U Mtrared tar Garmrs to the m4 jwWika. Susie Car tor &Ie at. Oi Kwh 0Wr a4 at the Of2w f jWW" EtoiUHD H0RR1E. - - 5?or A&tiSm FEMiAHOEZ, - Manager 2STOTXOIS. - AN IHiwwa Qamwafratkma sbenltl 1 atfroi-qf- l to Abraham P.rtma6s, i)on-lk- , U. 1. OtnHnontlMW awl OnMHultionM for iHWttl-- U fcoakl Ih) AadnbMd to the Editor 1IwrM IMonmm. No notice will be paid t wjr -- MmtyaxMM oowtuauimtioas. Business Ca-rd- s a A. P. PEERSON, ' . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Qffij 113 Kanbuiuann Street, Honolulu ' Hawaiian Island. i , Jn- - QHABLES CREIGIITON, fp--- v ATTORNEY AT LAW. Qffiwi U3 Kaabnmanu Street, Honolnin ' '' . UnvraHftu Islands """" " V - PAUL XETJMAlXii, i X" ATTORNl'tY AT LAW. lii Wurolmnt Street, Honolttlu, Mutual Tolophono 41o. a ii ii ii -- " f QLARBSOE "W. ASHF ORD. ATT01LVKY AND COUNSELLOR AT r , law. Oflkc QUI Ciijtl Building. (Henolnla ikj, ad)iui-- g Tost OClw, nnlula. - J01LN LOTAKAULUKOU, ATrOIlNEi AT L.VW, Offitio. uimor2ving tt Bethol Sts, WMMi - XtBWIS J. EEVEI, Banl Estate unci Geiientl Anotioneor. &rorr Frt and Quwrn S!rets, Uonoluhx J?atgonnl nttotstin gtvon to &ile? ,Ctf Parniluro, eal Esbte, Stock and Gouerol Morcbaudise. Uats- -l TJphaa 23S iiwim w A. EOSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. IS Kaalmmatra St, Honolulu, Hamiian Islantls. Gfiocnnr, Fsed Stoivk k. Bakery, Corner of King ami Port Sts., Honolulu. IHknpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, r&anuaes. Fine tfin, tim& Bet?, ALWAYS OX KANT. Ccrscr Nonwiu aad Bctt Saeta ' BeU Tepia SSI. Pwl 0 Bos . w. sTluce , Wine and Spirit! jierciiant Fs J. s Business Caids 2JAGFABIvE. GO. . Dealers wt Wines and Spirits KaaliQt&a Slrwt, DaooJala. H. F. BEBTEtMANN. CONTIUCTTOR .ND BGILDER.J SG King St, Bell Telepbono 107. F. BL BEDWABD. CONTRCTOR axd BUHNER, io. 50G King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. HARBISON BROS., tST CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, SOS Fort St., Honolulu. M. H, LOHEIDE, , SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. Hawaiian Hardware Co. All orders promptly nttontled to. Bell Telephone 331. P.O. Box 32 W. "V. "WIUGHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and SO Eing Street, Honolulu, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DENTIST, -- i Corner of pving and Bethel Sts., Upstairs, Entrance on King Street. Office Hours From 9m.m. to 12 mM 1 to 4 p.m. 23""Sum1ays' oxcoptod. PACIFIC SALOON, Comer King anefNnuanu Streets. EDW. WOLTEB.... Manager. The Finest selection oi LIQUORS and BEEIl. sold anj-whe- la the town. First-clas- s kttondouw. Coll and judge for yourself. no SO-t- f. J. PHILLIPS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER. OAS.FITTER COPPERSMrXIL 13T House and Ship Job "Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolulu. 1-- 1. LOSE.. ASTotary 3?ublic. Golleclor and General Business Agent, Patentee of Losk's CiiEMiaL CoMiouNDor Ulartjymg Cane Juice. Sub-Age- nt for several of the Best FIRE INSURANCE COS. Mutual Tekptoms i. P.O.BoxXiS. Merchant irwt Uonolara. W.W.WRIGHTXSON Jl CaniaMii'ffifnBiiilte In All Its Buanches. Horseshoeing a specuty. 97 ami SO Kins St.HrmoialiJ IWOie SH6 CHOIG I W. Coxtxa,ctor &z :3-u.iia.e- x l:aintiiig, &a V&r We lo lp oa bBd 8o$teads. Mmzmss. Tables, 3ooxgjs$ Htmms, Etc, AT THE LOWEST M&KEJ HttGES K? tl Xm -- . Hmu1b1 3Conolul-- u Tuesday, March 20, 1S94:. Business Cards THOMAS LIXDSAY. s ifannfaduringl Jtvcder and Watchmaker, Mclwray Block. 405 Fart SU HoDoluro. MEBCH AST'S EXCHANGE, S. L SHAW, PKoriarroK. CHOICE LIQ UORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nunanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Basinesa of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted. Prompt attention piten to the managnieni of Eitdtes, fGnardbnsnips, Trusts. etc. etc, etc. Office, : Cartvmghl Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. "FAT BOY." BAY HORSE 2 SALOON ! P. MdNERNY, rEOPKlETOR, Fine Liquors, Wines and 'Beer. CoiLvm Bethel and Hotkl Sts. CityJVIeat Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, stablisbedJlSS3. ' JOS. TINKER, BUlTCfijS: Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage Try Them. Heat Delivered to Any Part of tho Cify and Suburbs. Mutual .Telepbono Number 2S9. I NTER-ISLAK- D PILOTAGE. Gapt. TLLTAM DAYLES, FOR THE IVst TWELVE YEARS in command as InteM&land Straoers, offers hi erTtce3 of PrLOTTOANY port or landing in the Hawaiian Idandv, ElcT Beet of references, inquire at office of J. S. Walker orer Snreckels bank, or WRicirr Ban Fort btret. feb tf. CT. A.KAST Ic5&qti -:- - T&ilttf! 324 Nuuann Street All Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Gleaned and Bepaiied. nol7' Rational Iron Wof Qgen Stsset, Bet ecu Alakea Bichard Sts. UNDERSIGNED m ? te a)ut3ldsdoC heULBnm. IfeoctEf. Use,, Txs4Ld . Afei GMtl SfMlr :ep lor Sea FssJ, yLtMmUKlteGmua,c4GcMte, fkbMfffc I " ? Hurt, JUrflfrStok f AJftg JHH4HBOTVv JKIC Pf'W mK W m ! Ill i iMAr i2 l WHITE, HITMAN t COl " ! . f -- " - Oeueral Advertisement ?EBW4 Bobinson Block, Hotel St., between Fort and Nuuanu Have Just Bcce;Td. jer It-t- e iimsV. tie J rires-- t Sfcck of FUB 2s"lirBE Exct Imported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets Tn Solid Oak. ar.d of the LATEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALED TO THESE SETS: TXOiKLJSIE1 Beaut fnl Des'cus of TVick-- r "Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1BS, BOCKEBS. FINISH Pei- - Countless numbers of CHALBS, in even' style, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS'. 3B:E3rszo3r :3zs:s, Wo bavo had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHALKS to match. "We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVEB SEEN HEBE. Sideboards -:- - and -:- - Chiffoniers In Great Variety. z3r ID I "7-KTS- n" Divans covered with POBTIEBS place of LOUNGES -- wo manufacture them to order, and havo a laigo stock of POBTIEBS to sel ct from. 3ElDIDX3SrO-.-- . Groat Assortment dfWOYEV "WIBE iLVTTBESSES Snrinff.Htir, dsSTrWnol and Straw Afattreses Race Heat FEf WL m ' - V33L, etc., von can get these in nny you desire. are becomiug tho rage in on hand and made to ordor. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. D. I 3S)A-V1S- . AND ITeed, F0RT KrXG STS. LITE GEESE FEATHEBS and SILK FLOSS for Pillows. CBIBS, CBADLES, etc. TVES'DOW SHADES of all colors and sizs. COBNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. ' 3 5 P X 3 Z 3ST Q:. ATattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired- - ni ivaionable rt tes. CABINET MAKIVG. in all its brunches, by Cnmpeaenfc Workmen. MATTING LAD nd Int rior Decorsitug under the Supervision of Air. GEOBGE OBDWAY. Our Goods nro F.rst and our prices are tho lowest Come and he convinced a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telephones: Alutual 645. OBDWAY & POBTEB. Bobinson Block, botween Fort and Nuuanu AT THE CLUB STABLES. " CREOLE," 21,702. Record : Fourth Sire. Prompter, 2,505. by Bl e BaB. 73: Daca, Grace, by Bee nr, 2,605. Pronjpler U also th Sire of Apc 2X; Trnt,25U YaIk; 2; Walos 2i: Chko. 2i2j and. of the Dams Brflhanttue, 2:17 aad Vigor, "CstouTis jet blck. otehh rhit foot ami small stri la face. Weight. 1,05J ponadi; is very aijBah, geaU. a ood producer tud a gastei rsoefecrxr. 'Will stand for a litsital nnobr of srat FIFTY (f50DOLlhS FOR TOE SEASON, payabfc at time of serria. Thi horw aa bred m 1532 to forty c marm aol prodasl fcrty-tv- o coil. feb 17-i- m IMPORTE11S AXD DLERS;tS - groceries, EAST CORNER qnito Clss, 2:15. New Goods Rec?d Br trv Pcfci from ti Eafera St sad Enop. Izxmk Cuiifooxi Prodsc by erry 4ftr. idt r3rs lmUXir atlextkd So, d Gnfe WivifrsKl to aay pt oC tW e FJRES OF OHARGR. Ikd Onkcs Solieiktl, SAlTaTfitlfHi GarU Pols Month. dO Cfe. i.cl ver fcisemsn tij LlEMENT $Mtot$ AXfe Cjpaqite Cobbing Laid. Estimates given ou all kintU of tone, CoqcifeEB pia Wo CoNotETE a Specialty. JNO. F. BOWLRlt janlT 3m GHAS. GIRDLES, Importer and Goimnissfon Merchants SPECIALTIES: J. .t V. Ctf Maahlne Thread Jonaa Brook MaofeTr T.kiad Barbourj Ua Thread IVan' &p P. O. Box 3iS. Mutual TUtfkoac S36 13 Kaahnmana Street. LEWIS & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Grocers AND PBOYISION DEALEBS. FRESR GAUFORNIASUMOX ON IQE By Etry Ban Francisco Steamer. Salt Sawiox ln B.vnnixs a Specialty. ixi Fort SJe, Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Iax 297. mi ip .1." --. i... Anchor-:-Saloo- n Ex "AUSTRALIA," Another Iti voice of the Ybrld RonowiKKl Fredericksburg- - Lager Beer On draught nd by tbo fcg Also, as a Sjwcutlij", Small 'Fresh Cauforhu OYSTERS, XPOB coOltXAJILS fo22 Ira Long . Brancli-- . n ? BATHING Establishment. s This First-clas- s BaVhxngBesori Ijss been enlarged and is now opes to the public. Ii b the btpt&c oa tke islands io enjoy a balk and tker is so letter IpUcetolaypH, Special aseom- - ao4atxo? for I dis. Tratacars pus tk door Avery lialt hoar aad o SiUrdays asd Sundays evry C. J, SHERWOOD

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Page 1: V33L, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Prompter, 2,505. by Bl e BaB. 73: Daca, Grace, by Bee nr,2,605. Pronjpler U also th Sire of Apc 2X; Trnt,25U YaIk; 2; Walos


n.e XI"e of to.e T is Established. I Eir3--teo"U.sxes- s-"


Vol. 3X iSTo. 65.


J3.verv .v.fcemoonjsecsit s-- nwT jjt the

Holomua Publishing Co.

At King St. (Thomas block),

Honolulu, H. I.

SFSKSOTIOK, rsrXsaih, 50Cic

"TW mk U Mtrared tar Garmrs to them4 jwWika. Susie Car tor &Ie

at. Oi Kwh 0Wr a4 at the Of2w f

jWW"EtoiUHD H0RR1E. - - 5?or

A&tiSm FEMiAHOEZ, - Manager

2STOTXOIS.- AN IHiwwa Qamwafratkma sbenltl 1

atfroi-qf- l to Abraham P.rtma6s, i)on-lk- ,

U. 1.

OtnHnontlMW awl OnMHultionM foriHWttl-- U fcoakl Ih) AadnbMd to the Editor1IwrM IMonmm. No notice will be paidt wjr -- MmtyaxMM oowtuauimtioas.

Business Ca-rd- s



Qffij 113 Kanbuiuann Street, Honolulu' Hawaiian Island.i ,



Qffiwi U3 Kaabnmanu Street, Honolnin' ''

. UnvraHftu Islands"""" "V



lii Wurolmnt Street, Honolttlu,

Mutual Tolophono 41o.a ii ii ii -- "



r , law.Oflkc QUI Ciijtl Building. (Henolnla

ikj, ad)iui--g Tost OClw,

nnlula. -



Offitio. uimor2ving tt Bethol Sts,WMMi -


Banl Estate unci GeiientlAnotioneor.

&rorr Frt and Quwrn S!rets, Uonoluhx

J?atgonnl nttotstin gtvon to &ile?,Ctf Parniluro, eal Esbte,

Stock and GouerolMorcbaudise.

Uats- -l TJphaa 23S

iiwim w


No. IS Kaalmmatra St,Honolulu,Hamiian Islantls.

Gfiocnnr, Fsed Stoivk k. Bakery,

Corner ofKing ami Port Sts., Honolulu.

IHknpire Saloon,JAMES OLDS, r&anuaes.

Fine tfin, tim& Bet?,


Ccrscr Nonwiu aad Bctt Saeta'

BeU Tepia SSI. Pwl 0 Bos .

w. sTluce, Wine and Spirit!


Fs J. s

Business Caids


Dealers wt Wines and Spirits

KaaliQt&a Slrwt, DaooJala.


SG King St, Bell Telepbono 107.



io. 50G King Street, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.



SOS Fort St., Honolulu.


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

All orders promptly nttontled to.

Bell Telephone 331. P.O. Box 32


Carriage and Wagon BuildersIN ALL ITS BRANCHES.

79 and SO Eing Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Elias Kaululaau WrightDENTIST, --


Corner of pving and Bethel Sts., Upstairs,

Entrance on King Street.

Office Hours From 9m.m. to12 mM 1 to 4 p.m. 23""Sum1ays'oxcoptod.


Comer King anefNnuanu Streets.

EDW. WOLTEB.... Manager.

The Finest selection oi LIQUORS andBEEIl. sold anj-whe- la the town.

First-clas- s kttondouw. Coll and judgefor yourself. no SO-t-f.



13T House and Ship Job "Work

Promptly Executed.No. 71 King Street. Honolulu.

1--1. LOSE..ASTotary 3?ublic.

Golleclor and General BusinessAgent,

Patentee of Losk's CiiEMiaLCoMiouNDor Ulartjymg

Cane Juice.

Sub-Age- nt for several of theBest

FIRE INSURANCE COS.Mutual Tekptoms i. P.O.BoxXiS.

Merchant irwt Uonolara.



In All Its Buanches.

Horseshoeinga specuty.

97 ami SO Kins St.HrmoialiJ

IWOie SH6 CHOIG I W.Coxtxa,ctor

&z :3-u.iia.e- x

l:aintiiig, &a

V&r We lo lp oa bBd8o$teads. Mmzmss.

Tables, 3ooxgjs$Htmms, Etc,


K? tl Xm -- . Hmu1b1

3Conolul--u Tuesday, March 20, 1S94:.

Business Cards

THOMAS LIXDSAY.sifannfaduringl Jtvcder and


Mclwray Block. 405 Fart SU HoDoluro.



Corner of King and Nunanu Sts.,Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu.


Basinesa of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted.

Prompt attention piten to the managnieniof Eitdtes, fGnardbnsnips, Trusts.

etc. etc, etc.Office, : Cartvmghl Building,

Merchant Street. Honolulu.




Fine Liquors, Wines and 'Beer.CoiLvm Bethel and Hotkl Sts.

CityJVIeatOppo. Queen Emma Hall,



BUlTCfijS:Maker of the Celebrated

Cambridge Pork SausageTry Them.

Heat Delivered to Any Part oftho Cify and Suburbs.

Mutual .Telepbono Number 2S9.




IVst TWELVE YEARS in command asInteM&land Straoers, offers hi erTtce3 of

PrLOTTOANYport or landing in the Hawaiian Idandv,

ElcT Beet of references, inquire at office

of J. S. Walker orer Snreckels bank, orWRicirr Ban Fort btret.

feb tf.


Ic5&qti -:- - T&ilttf!

324 Nuuann Street

All Suits GuaranteedTo Fit and in the Latest


Clothes Gleaned and Bepaiied.nol7'

Rational Iron WofQgen Stsset,

Bet ecu Alakea Bichard Sts.

UNDERSIGNED m ? tea)ut3ldsdoC

heULBnm. IfeoctEf. Use,,

Txs4Ld . Afei

GMtl SfMlr :ep lor Sea FssJ,


fkbMfffc I " ? Hurt,JUrflfrStok


m ! Ill i iMAri2 lWHITE, HITMAN t COl




-- "


Oeueral Advertisement

?EBW4Bobinson Block, Hotel St., between Fort and Nuuanu

Have Just Bcce;Td. jer It-t-e iimsV. tie J rires--t Sfcck of FUB2s"lirBE Exct Imported to this Country, Comprising

Handsome Carved Bedroom SetsTn Solid Oak. ar.d of the LATEST DESIGNS.ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALED TO THESE SETS:

TXOiKLJSIE1Beaut fnl Des'cus of TVick-- r "Ware, consisting of



Countless numbers of CHALBS, in even' style, including OFFICEand HIGH CHAIRS'.

3B:E3rszo3r :3zs:s,Wo bavo had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHALKS to

match. "We have now in stock the most



Sideboards -:- - and -:- - ChiffoniersIn Great Variety.

z3r ID I "7-KTS-n"

Divans covered with POBTIEBSplace of LOUNGES -- wo manufacture them to order, and havo alaigo stock of POBTIEBS to sel ct from.

3ElDIDX3SrO-.-- .Groat Assortment dfWOYEV "WIBE iLVTTBESSES Snrinff.Htir,

dsSTrWnol and Straw Afattreses



FEfWL m'

- V33L,etc., von can get these in nnyyou desire.

are becomiug tho rage in

on hand and made to ordor.

Made at Stockton, Cal.

Sept. 23, 1893.

D. I 3S)A-V1S- .



LITE GEESE FEATHEBS and SILK FLOSS for Pillows.CBIBS, CBADLES, etc.TVES'DOW SHADES of all colors and sizs.COBNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings.

'3 5 P X 3 Z 3ST Q:.ATattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired- - ni

ivaionable rt tes.CABINET MAKIVG. in all its brunches, by Cnmpeaenfc Workmen.MATTING LAD nd Int rior Decorsitug under the Supervision ofAir. GEOBGE OBDWAY.

Our Goods nro F.rst and our prices are tho lowest Comeand he convinced a trial is solicited.

Bell 525. telephones: Alutual 645.OBDWAY & POBTEB. Bobinson Block, botween Fort and Nuuanu


" CREOLE," 21,702.Record :


Sire. Prompter, 2,505. by Bl e BaB. 73: Daca, Grace, by Bee nr, 2,605. PronjplerU also th Sire of Apc 2X; Trnt,25U YaIk; 2; Walos 2i: Chko. 2i2jand. of the Dams Brflhanttue, 2:17 aad Vigor, "CstouTis jet blck. otehhrhit foot ami small stri la face. Weight. 1,05J ponadi; is very aijBah, geaU. aood producer tud a gastei rsoefecrxr. 'Will stand for a litsital nnobr of sratFIFTY (f50DOLlhS FOR TOE SEASON, payabfc at time of serria. Thi horwaa bred m 1532 to forty c marm aol prodasl fcrty-tv- o coil.

feb 17-i- m


- groceries,





New Goods Rec?dBr trv Pcfci from ti Eafera St sad Enop.

Izxmk Cuiifooxi Prodsc by erry 4ftr.idt r3rs lmUXir atlextkd So, d Gnfe WivifrsKl to

aay pt oC tW e FJRES OF OHARGR.

Ikd Onkcs Solieiktl, SAlTaTfitlfHi GarU Pols

Month. dO Cfe.

i.clverfcisemsn tij

LlEMENT $Mtot$AXfe

Cjpaqite Cobbing Laid.

Estimates given ou all kintU


tone, CoqcifeEB pia Wo

CoNotETE a Specialty.JNO. F. BOWLRlt

janlT 3m


Importer and Goimnissfon


J. .t V. Ctf Maahlne ThreadJonaa Brook MaofeTr T.kiadBarbourj Ua ThreadIVan' &p

P. O. Box 3iS. Mutual TUtfkoac S36

13 Kaahnmana Street.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers




By Etry Ban Francisco Steamer.

Salt Sawiox ln B.vnnixs

a Specialty.

ixi Fort SJe, Honolulu. Tel. 240,

P. O. Iax 297.mi ip .1." --. i...

Anchor-:-Saloo- n


Another Iti voice of the YbrldRonowiKKl

Fredericksburg- -

Lager Beer

On draught nd by tbo fcg

Also, as a Sjwcutlij",

Small 'Fresh Cauforhu


XPOB coOltXAJILSfo22 Ira

Long .

Brancli-- .n

?BATHINGEstablishment. s

This First-clas- s BaVhxngBesoriIjss been enlarged and is nowopes to the public. Ii b thebtpt&c oa tke islands io enjoya balk and tker is so letter

IpUcetolaypH, Special aseom--ao4atxo? for I dis. Tratacarspus tk door Avery lialt hoar aado SiUrdays asd Sundays evry


Page 2: V33L, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Prompter, 2,505. by Bl e BaB. 73: Daca, Grace, by Bee nr,2,605. Pronjpler U also th Sire of Apc 2X; Trnt,25U YaIk; 2; Walos


5, ,

;.- -


"a. y. n, - '

--- "

M? Tmmm aMMmm


The Life tftkc Laxd is E&ab!ukca

hi Rigkltcstsuss.


Ka-waii&- Heard PtOhl

We give apace today to"yoongHawaii." "While Mr. SamuelVm&'a article on minister Willisie reproduced in one colnmn wo

publish an artiolo from the penof a prominent young Hawaiianin another in whioh he. ;npointed terms, expresses theOpinion now entertained bv j

Hawaiian on the present situ- -atkm hn Wn dn nnt ennnnraltogether , with Mr. Pna in hisgntimQHlsin"fegSwl to Willisawl if his article had not beenpublished by the X&o York I

V'orid, wo should have hositatodin eivjnc him space in our

jntpur. But. Mr. Samuel Ptia thelata Representative of the fifthward of Honolulu represents the(Hugs and idea of the Hawai-

ian population so, be it right orwrong, it is well that publicityshould be given to it Tho

intdlitient lottor from "AlohaAiua" is so woll written and sorepresentative of tho sentimentsof tho young Hawaiians that itought to be roiid cerofnlly byihoso interested iu onr distressed,hat formerly happy isles. Ifthe Senate commiltoo investiga-ting


Hawtiii had takon thotroublo to liston to somo of

"our boys iustoad of "pamphle-lin- g"

the lios of Lucion Young,America would have come outwith rnoro honor, and Hawaiiiwith more happiness than nowIs prospocted.

Aloha Aina Vs. P. G.

liurrou IIolomua:Ouu of tho foreign correspond-

ents recently hero, interviewingowe of tho young Hawaiians oftho Patriotic League asked himin explain tho oausos ami natureof the hostility and opposition ofIhe Hawaiians to tho ProvisionalGovernment, stating that hufound tho claims of tho revol u

tionists to bo about as follows:1 Tho P. G. lenders hold tho

constitution of 18S7.in n sort ofholy revetvneo. Tho Queen'sattempt to subvort it and acquiredespotic powers, disfranchisingtho whites, justified tho revolt.

2 Tho immorality of thoQuoqu and her Court was offen-

sive to the refined sentiment ofthe community, and must bomippressod.

ni i;ii; ii XUO tUUHlllUUUUtU strugglest the ballot box aud in the

legislature resulting in contluunus dofaftt, was oxasporatingto tho reform party, whoso leadersthough in n minority fanciedthoy had tho divine right to rule,on the ground that ;hoy, andthoy Mt represented tho wealthintelligence aud morality of theooaulry.

Annexation with its fanciedadvantages to the sugar and otheria4iuslnos was more desirablethan an independent governmentof the people which did not per-mit tho rtifurm party to rule.

u --The native Hawaiians aro amuni'Oiviltced raco of peoplonnSt for self-governme- or, as amajority, to rule over the whitesand thotr extensive interests.

6 The Provisional Govern-ment is the best governmentHawaii has ever had.

These six different poslulateswere ausweniHl as follows:

1 Tho Constitntioa of 1SS7,was avowedly conceived for thepurpose of suppressing the Ha-waiian majority by treating aclass distinction of wealth rs.manhood suffrage. It was aol aahonest ddcament, admitted by tWChief Justice, to be very faialty inits coustructioft; aad it waa aotin accord witk th Hh& ofmodem coastitatkal goverajuont. It si ap ib elaoaotf owthe aiaaiifg, aa aitaoiy

aad iwbia aiwqmtiou, tirUa wlUi MUrm ycogmm

asd civUiukw.Tii palma mkmUMhr &aJa4

aad Um

animating ?pin of the election f

campaigns of ISSOand ISSSwastho hope of a new constitution.Tbe natives and a large elementof Use white population Tecoguhred the necessity and earnestlyplanned for a Constitutional Con-

vention, but failed in their efforts.TUe Qceec felt keenly the in

justice of ilie Constitution under!which lier people vera com-

pelled to live by the b.yonets of alien adventurers.Wbile not condemning the Queen'sattempted cotrp d"etal, historyis certain to record her action asa noble-miod- ed purpose to gainthe rights of her people, forwhich they were clamoring from

Hawaii to Siibau. Long afterthe P. G. revolutionists nre burried, and as completely forgottenas the dogs that bayed at themxn cotemporaneous mm mem,& f Lilinokalani will beensurineu as me nsenoi xiawauwho dared aoj-L- , raav be,lost an effort to regain thenatural rights of tho peopleover whom she ruled.

That the Queen's new constitu- -

i til it f rvion coniempuueu ma uisiraucuisomont of the whites is falseIt is well nuderstood that itsimply denied to the foreignerwhat is donied him iu everycountry, the right to bei citizenof two nations, but granted himfull citizenship in this under anoath of nllegance. This is onlyoomroon law and practice in everynation.

2 On the charge of immoral"ily it would have been the part ofwisdom of P G. men, and women,In mninfnin flici-rtn- t ci1nn.A "Rifthe nir;nn!4 of Mm mon nndwomen of tho P. G. following,have vied with each other indefaming tho Queen, and bhickguarding tho Hawaiiansgenerally.When argument for their causehns failed thoy have resortod totho most contemptible columuiesof tho Hawaiians and royalists.But iu picking out tho beam oftheir neighbors eyes thoy did notsee the dirty moto in their ownee. Tho raeu who now strutabout Iolani Palace in thoir littlebriof nuthortty have- - tho tint oflicoutious immorality deeplybranded upon them, tho livingcridencios of which are far greatersubject of public scnudul thananything that ever disgraced theRoyal bunt. Bastardy, sednction, and kept mistresses are iuample evidence associated withthese highly moral gentlemenwho poseas wth puritanic succession to the monarchical court.

'It must bo said to tho credit ofthe Royalists that thoy havo notbeen so undignified as to bringforward these mattors in accusa-tion of thoir enemies. It was notargument, and not pertinent .tothe political, questions at stakeIt was reserved for the communi-cants of tho Central UnionChurch to display their unchris-tian lovo of scandal and socialfilth!

If a rigid comparison woremade of tho morals oftho young Hawaiians andforeigners in Honolulu itwould bo found that tho formeras a rule niarry their best girltho latter are largely guilt) oftaking young Hawaiian girls asmistresses and debauching them.Tho Advisory Council even, northe Executive either, is not free

tfrom this class of white men.

3 Tho old reform party, nowknown as P. G. aro want to climthat in thotr ranks .only are represented tho '"wealth" intelli-gence and morality of thecountry" But this pretension isuntenable. It is true they are arwerful cKqcte, but in the oppttioa ar many men of quality wotre the lords sod pers of the P.

G, With equtl wealth, fcas conoetl, wider experience and broaderview?, it is not a bold as$rtto usty that the Kuyadists could .putforward twlU-- r and sbkc mm,than those whose hlua&rs kavebrought Hiwatt to a sitie ofanarchy. If the Anterteuiriaci-p- k

of the divine right of a asajtirty to rule lo jwyU kr, lh

otmttauou defeat of ib P. G.churcfcclixus at iboaac Wctoiby wkita at wU pla&tcata tlwt ly ar at tetiby taa 4pk, tWiJuca bar ao'rigi to rala.

4 TJmi aMMa al aaaasaUoaikm ba aWy dfoaamd Itemw.rjr wUadptat. Jta-,aoC-

aajtaet, t m tmcr iBabtjhd

advantage coiafoaiba ?a bi$ epWfcU.fll'St6e&er any4ccme to oar iadasirie thaicould cot obtained by tKaty, I

thecisdoKofa rjaTaLlsiaHoabe-mga qut& pn que. PoHUctUyit seems absard to relicqaish selfgprernmect and becom?riie football of paiiy cliques in Washington. Ttwre is a high state ofcmltzation and intelligence ioHawaii aad the elas? of meuavadable here to guide the government are lour eaual in cap- -

acity toanv tht; assemble inTashington. A home govern

ment in touch with the needs oftho people and tho nation is motelikely to protect J and foster ourgeneral interests, than the gov-

ernment in Washington, 5Q00

miles away.As an independent. nentraLsiate

respected by the Powers, as we

hio"boen in tho past, we have, ahigh commercial destiny as theentrepot of Pacific cominerco-- As

mere appanage of the United f

States wo become primarily anaval sttsion and liable to thedevastations of foreign war. Ifthe U. S. bad 10 times the number of ships she has at presentshe could not defend these islandsagainst a foreign aggressor.

5-- --The missionary accusationsgainst tho Hawaiian nice are

shameless nnd false. Far frombeing semi-civiliz- ed, the Hawaiinns, in their brief careor in civil-ization have far outstrippedmany of the older nations intheir average educational ac-

quirements, and in many re-

spects havo a greater nobility ofcharacter.Theirforbearnnceunde'tho preseut usurpation whichseeks to suppress them, is some-thing unparalleled in tho historyof nntions. Tho natives aregreat readers and their numerousnewspapers, koop them well posted on current events and educatesthem in political ideas. Thevoting population thoroughlyunderstands the ballot box andits purpose, and exercise thefranchiso with more intelligencethan could bo found in any cityof tho United States The Censusshows a higher educational aver-st- ge

than exists in the UnitedStates or England. J

Hawaiian Legislatures havobeen models of decorum as com-

pared with other parliaments" amythe statuio books are ampleevidence of ability as a lawmaking power. The times whenthero uss been deviation fromdignity has been, when themissionary party have bribedtho poorer member in order toto c rry out their schemes. PewU. S. Souators or Representativesfall buforo this form of Satan.

Further it must be borne in mindas Mr. Marques in hh ablestudy on "Population" has point-ed out that, there is a rigorousand prolific race of half whitesgrowing np, who are already ftuimportant factor, and in 3 or idecades will be tho lfading niceiu Hawaii. This now populationis patriotically and instinctivelyHawaiian, aro being well educated at onr own schools and abroad,"

nd aro tbe equals in every wayof the pure Anglo-stxo- u. Thisfact appears to be overlooked bythe clique of '"rule or ruin."

The Star says all the Hawai-ians'ran- st

"be disfranchised andbacorue the wards of the nation"like a parcel of Indians. ThoHawaiians retort that iho Starand the whole filibustering crow,of tho exposed idiots who have tri-

fled with this country had betterbecome ihe wards of the Hawai-ian Insane Asylnm.

Tho chief cause of tho presentI universal hosiilitv of the Hawaiians to Mr. Dole's government,is, iu the fact that there appearsto be a determination on the partof tho powers that be t suppress

nd oppress the Hawaiian. Mr,Dole started tho ball by disaals- -

ising worsny young uawamnsfro the Foreign OiSe,Mr. Damoa followed --vsit by

1 caseles? and cowardly dissitseuls! fro ibeFiaauco otSce. All thisat the fkmasd of sites agitatorwho war dry is dow wit tbaHaWAiuns," and w!k iavlaocbtd craae io get iaio ifee

pablie strviea.. Tka attiisd ttiUrP. G. has be saefe as. ioaWiaai erory hot Hawaltaaia t iaad aaaf ihtm htlmiUwi tlwy wr ifce objate ofjakuwy awi haiwd by ibirwwtM ba o&wimtr&- - Ua4a)c

tt y

.h- - fn n, i?rf -. .

-imohr strunelise in dfeaioflirt-:,!, rW,-- .! pnnn- -


trr, which are beinjt threatened andby cirper Undr h

him a m,nis.Stor?.tioa the young raea ofterJ jn sereral instances Itbecocairy and their iaojilieslj.jfci come io eswould baTe fair recgniiion and j those islands to rail out aginst j

equal chance. Hod r the the late qeea, and to give their s

I unction to a cacss that fromG or any other form despotic fo end has beea marfc- -

oligarchy which they may t-- bv ga fra. aadtempi to foist the country. : Tioence

" j

the Hawaiians will have to stand Bat introducing the j

aside to make place for the soci- - "deadly parallel" to the words

alists. communists and military Bob Toml above quotl. heirhat these reverend phar--fii.-Kc-

a .t. -- . ak, C i on..wv.,..., u MU uu.x..uvcr ",;. j,i.. Smtwicn

xilST KSE5 8S otes.vkd; ,

The u. :: lgovernment. """" ;

would be devoid of patriotism ja

indeed if he did not 'w,'itwl. i

. . fpeicsably, if possibletoo troguorn ot tits conn trj-- ao I

his inherent rights, which have j

been so maliciously subverted.6 It is a mst absurd conceit ti

claim. that Hawaii is now beinggoverned better than ever befrt.It is aa uncontrovertible assertiouthat Hawaii is now suffering Iromthe worst government it has everhail. A combination of a militarydespotism, and an oligirchy ot

very mediocre little men, the Pro-

visional Government is way outsidethe pale of what are recognized a?civilized governments. Their exIrtvugant military estiblishmentis an excessive drain upon thetreasury that far exceeds thewildest extnivginc?3 of thmonarchy. A mob of importedmercenaries are living in luxary atthe Palace at a high rate of wages,and choice feed, while public worksiro at a stand-stil- l. It is fortunatethat the natives are a peaceablejieople. o other nation would so

long submit to a government thatexists itoby popular will, butis compelled to maintain posi-

tion, by squandering the publicmoney on mercenary soldiers andcontemptabte spies. The monarchygave us better government withoutsuch disgraceful attachments. TheHawaiians bslievo in the Americanprinciple of ''government of thepeople, by the people, and forthe people." We hud that underthe monarch-- , we have ml gotit under tho P. G. The Hawai

lans also believe in tho well

established doctrino that goodgovernment exists only Jiy consentof the governed. Tho medieval

! character of tho P. G. repudiatesthis doctrine. That tho P. G. isnot a good government in themodern sense is clearly fixed bytheir fear to take an untrammeledvote of tho people.

For all of the above reasons, woHawaiians, with any self respect,or no naturalized foreigner withany honor could possibly consentto take tho proposed oath abjur-ing tho monarchy and givingblind faith to the P. G. in orderlo vote for a Constitutional Con-

vention. Tho Hawaiians audRoyal ints will txot vote undersuch a form of inquisition.

Aloha Acta.

Justice vs. Jingoism.

Mr. Edward Coombs over thesignature "Anvillo Sparks" haswritten some the most pointedand cleverest articles on the Ha-

waiian question, which have beenlargely read and quoted both inthe House of Represent itives and !

in tho Senate. As an example.ofhis style, we reprint tho follow-

ing article which appeared in theXalitk Citizen on the 6th, of lastmonth.

Upon tbe floor of tho conven-tion that framed the present con-

stitution of Georgia, Gen. RobertToombs, speaking of the freemen.uttered these words:

"They aro !o be governed asevery race ot paupers is govern

I 1, by those who own tho pro- 1

j worid, aad gt

iMd y MMastotiurr ot. oCi- h-X eall 60iTLl aM

i bl cotamw -

alMi to priekal tba Wfiy Maa ol

n8?1 TT.strxsexs. ana was iu 01 susips- -'lUajitt, wociib whom!

tK Trona oEd seif-rstbieou- sf


ph-rise- s of his dayunfriendly





offmm the,



r- 77 . ...,..have come to be great

and stronjrer than thev.

isLimis. saut at the twenty tonnu F

Annual Meeting of the Cougre-- ii-- - & a

trtitional Clnb tn ifostoa only so ?n ilonfr as the 2d of last month, f

Prt, na'tif! a loncihv address I

he second that has latelydelivered on the subjct beforethat body, a circumstance thatin itelf should suspicion,as toe uaiu

and tho principal pecuniary stasein the islands I extract the j

following:"We claim that we achieved the

revolution is the Rev. OliverP. Emerson of Honolulu that isspeakiugl without the aid of thoUnited marines (0. Itwas conceived in the heat ofrighteous indignation (!) thatbnrned in the breasts of Hawai-ia-n

citizens f ?). It was broughtto a successful issue by men whohad made homes iu themany of whom were born in it ( '.)

Tho men who did tho work werethose who hd tho right of fran-

chise ?). Men of all classes andaffiliations were represented.Business men and laborers,

to arms. Then ucrc modof them men u&o had hen thrilled,and HAD KEPT THEMSELVES IX

readiness; who had rallied onceand twice before at tho call toarms for thoir country's good."

Kow see, in what immediatelyfollows, how tho reverend gentlu-man- 's

stor coheres in its parts.Ho. first rebels tho idea that thorevolution was in any way aidedbv the marines, thus following.'To claim that tho United SUtos

marines in the revolutionis to bring a grave charge againsttho word of a man of unimpeach-able veracity, and one anhonored reoresentativo of theUnited States.

And then, in tho very nextbreath, adds:

"It to ignore tho fact thatthoe marines teen land&l at anexciting and dangerous juncture.And in acconlance with well eatiib-UiUi- ed

precedents, to rnoTECT IX-peihl-

American lives andlytebests (1). Had thoy not beenlanded, and had onecitizen- - been left to forwunt of the protection of hiscountry's power, so near at hand.Mr. Slovens would have justlydeserved the censure of the en-

tire American people."Was over a more discordant

mob of incongruities huddlodtogether in so small space?"Hawaiian citizens" and "Amer-ican citizens" are inextricablyconfonnded, theso ith those,and interchangeably one for thoother. "Wo achieved the revo-

lution without tho aid of theUnited States murines;" and yetthese same marines appear tohave bee"n a very partof tho revolutionary program; for"they were landed at anand dangerous juncture protect'imperilled American life aud interests!" Pray, what propertyhad American citizens m tbe gov-

ernment building3 that UmledStates marines should be sentand stationed there?

"How came you in my hen-roost anyway, "if you did notenter for the "purpose of stealingmv fowls?" said an indignantpoulterer to tho midnightnoacher. "Indeed, sir, mv object was a most benevolent one.said tho other: "mv solowas to protect yonr birds againsttho foxesf

Yet, according to tho Rev-erend Emerson, "to claim thatthe United States marines aidedin tho revolution 13 to bring agrave chargo against the word ofa man of tinimpuxckaUt veractfyF"

In tho light of facts alreadypresented in previous chapters.observe how the whole plot of tho

was afraki? aad why! Whose Hf

um ta xwm H Um t tumlat swA Umm bava Wa ikmzkra. aad tkr wmmsetii

f api sm Io pcoiaei hoikaad ibwr pcoparty. ii

I vmk mm what pril H

perty nd give them breid- - ouccaneenng misiOHr parn2Co iaferior man, so man without Jinravels itself as wo ask the fol--cmlixtioa, has a chance to win lowing questions:in the race....... A ki$ friend was all the excitementtriidt&tp&m him by for& and j abonU were the excitedfrauds tf will coxtcox HDl Br I onet What was. the cause of iheTQct AXD rKAtn, to prevent hiw "excitmg and dacgereus jonc-fros- a

ruin to us!" taref ' Had ihe Qaeen'a goversAnd this, my thoughtful and west takes ap rm. or wade any

thcttUeei& awake or hypnotized hostile doastrsUoii4 againstRpab?cH aad Democratic thwa? Had it ihw-ateaa- Atae-brotha- rs,

is for dad certainty lti or properly? Had ittfee s4rtllafj iesa today before era proposad at that'tnta to doifee etmatrv; ye, before the an? of tbWe ibises? Who then

w wjw at leagUi




itaitps bom ftog& speajc awl poprtv were UBspeni!dTtWfwitk broadsL neaaea b aad bowl If i'ITawanaeili-,aUaHftiilte)a- r

ligbt of os" bad rswlly 'a!iTd aPrecisely argnawKit to viciorr witboat d." a cUtd,

uift partyHawaii. Em Kunsltti

itoUlaiittg dms

ibf &aexdsaMJKaaareia,






















dy: U


;. "ft&lS ",""? "I ? i'


'r"..!uuuuiup, .buMcvu. ... -.- .-.

and acain.ifiherwss no peril.what business hid the marines So

be there at aill fJJ--

imiog from tbe tegmmng tothe end of this most unfortunateand miserable piece of Devil'spatchwork is tK boldly maaifesinow to kp ite batefol deformtty

huge and black as iinjocsmucbR longer hid from the broadeye of the world. ..

Bat now comes the Bob Toombsargument. The Rev. Oliver P.Emersou said-a- mi his audiencelisten appmngly:; It is folly tospeak of the right

'watch the native iHKse nave so. ,. .

tue control oi me goTornuiansiThey can no longer hold thergttUi. They are amid racs torsos


xsthe Qcxsnox is. Who silvu. ov--erx THEM? We claim that tnevshall not so bo governed to theircmwing tu uaic wvu i

ears, ltisnoithis idolatrous queen (T 0, andthe unscrupulous adventurerswho now have the righi to rule.but honest men 0.

In the above seventeen lines,my warthy peers and grate amireverend seigniors, is couuunedthe very gall and marrow of allthat our republican doctrinairesand their disciples havo been soVtthomently denouncing in th?3great American Republic thesehundred and more years gone bv!All that is hold to be sacred Inthat charter of our liberties, theDeclaration of Independence, ishere set aside like a last yearsalmanac; and all that our fathersfought forand "there weregiants in tho land in those days"

is cast out of tho thought as aworn-o- ut garment is discarded!And yet how strange! to hearthem declaim, aud frantically ex-

claim today, with vociferationlond and long, against tho restor-ation of a little feeblo electivemonarchy some two thousandmiles away from our nearest com-municating port' God of ourfathers! was ever tnown suohshameless hypocricy?

Alas that'it should bo so!Congregationalism began a finostory in tko islands sovonty-fiv- o

years ago; but it has loug sinceabandoned its mission there,which was founded by lis fathers,and gone to tho making of moul-te- n

gods. The queen au idolatorSwoll, perhaps so; but what

idolatry so dark and hopoless asthe worship of Mammon bowingd wn to that beast whoso irangoand superscription are Cawar andRmo, whose ancient symbolswore, and aro still, tho screamingvulture. There is the sinsll of acarcase in tho islands now, andthither the eagles are gathoringto feast and to prey!

I feel impelled to observe, inclosing these papers, that it hasfor long time been matter of sur- -

to mo that tho Protestantodies of the United States, nnd

especially the Congregntioualisbi,have been, thus far, all throughthis Hawaiian controversy, solittle interested in a questionwhich involves such importantissues. It might seem lessstrange, however, that it should

jbe so with tho lnltor hotly, sincothey, more than any others, maybo supposed to havo largerpecuniary interests to servo thore.lint Jesuitism has struck ita viloroots everywhere terrorizing andsubsidizing lo it own use3churches, schools, libcrariejf,business, politics everything!I cease to wonder that CarlyTosnys of it: "Under that thriceslygian gospel we havo all of us

Pap ss. and at lengthy Protest-ant too this long while sat; a'doctrine of devils,' I do think,if there ever was one?'

AxniXB Spakss.Natick. Mass., Feb. 6, 1$9L


KConolnltt, z r EC- - X.






0 Xenkfrs Aarsce Co, && 4; life.TiemtmZimot fthtU inm Lttr

riimliM iiifrilili StHMl9 Cf.


Tpw'w231 "?;


Page 3: V33L, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Prompter, 2,505. by Bl e BaB. 73: Daca, Grace, by Bee nr,2,605. Pronjpler U also th Sire of Apc 2X; Trnt,25U YaIk; 2; Walos





The Ropresentativefor theFiftli "Ward of Honolulu, Gives Ms Opi-

nion on Minister '

"Willis, in theIfew York

"World. ji

WaslrtngUm. Fab. iS-E- very

aydfmat in Hawaiian arTors I

Ims Sftrvod to oaipbasize theIkb wfeilntu of the Words sag -

gjfeUon that Mieisler Willis be ;

irO eftllwd. Lwt adviuos from the '

inmle ghw tbat tho Amercnbanister is prsoa non grata n.t ,

Oidytothu Provisional Oovarnniant. but even to the most eon. "

garvhtive of the ax-Qam- 's fol--lawaxs, rua tmiowint? tBttur. ;

bdttring on this fot, vns rscaivedyoetwrtlHV bv C. C Moreno, atone time Prune Minister to King ;

Kftlakana. from iinmnel K Pua, '

n tvroMiioeiit nnt vo Ilaraiinn '

OM0 ol those whoso nxnei5 woro '

submittal to SlinisWr Willis byMarshal lson as tho Qneon'strttoiod ad ho rents and one wholias lottff occnuiwl i hih nosi !

tion in the roy ilisl couuails:My Dear Sir: I dustre to

before yon some faots one naif American Haw-- for recogni-Uv- oto th stilus of littlo Asl!:.' ,.:... ., he'.kiagdom, is nmv cttusin'

so mneh eittioii iii the UnitedSUtes. Permit mo to oommuntjWipfly ujiou the course pnrsnud i

IJV W1V WfiltfcV4 Jimw llllliUX, i

S. "Willis, from the time ,

ho landed horo nntil tho revenueeultor Corwui arrived and snb- -

seqifontly loft our shoros.'llo found tho city in perfect is

harmonv oxcont for the militaryshow of tho Provisional Govern- - (

mant......., which hd usurnad tho '. -,1

riilo of the kingdom. Later onho sent for tho Qnoon, to con-vars- o

with hor in rogurd to theooiirso sho would pursue if hoshould carry out his instructionsfrom President Glevoluud. ThoTOgult of that conversation youaro familiar with, as it is possi-bly pobljshod in all tho news-pnpar- s

of tho Union. I am satis-fied thit if Mr. Willis boon atrue advooato of tho Demoorrfcyho represented, aud a man ofhonor, ho would never havo afli-lint- od

with the Provisional Gov-

ernment missionaries previous tohis oonfuronco with the Queen,for it is cioar to us that thoy in-Spir- ed

him to follow a courseoalcnlnicd to iuiuro tho Queenand tho cause of her people.

"In his first conversation withtho Quuon ho assumed the atti-tnd- o

of a lawyer, commandinghor to answor liis questions as heput thorn to her, hardly giving hora ohanco to broatho, aud cortaiu-l- v

no opportunity for considera-tion. But when ho demaudedsurrundor of tho provisional gov-ornmo- nt

ho did not oven stipulatothat they should reply within anyAArhuM "timo. Had the Queenbeen as generously treated, sho jwould have had time 10 rouuai

Iboforo answering. How inconsis-tent was his course! Surely, he isnot a fit diplomat to represent thohonorubto bmly of "Datnoorats, ofwhom the honored President oftho United States is the head.

"1 saw in some of tho nows- -

jiupurs of tho United States attnoks upon tho Queen, calling hora bloodthirsty woman," becauseaccording to Minster Willis, shefloolarod her intoution of bohoadiug tho insurgents, Kow,you know tho Hawaiian peoplewall enough to borxuooutm the

sttotit that tho woul "bohoftd"deos not occur in our languageaua tliat suoh aa idea has neverboon erher entertained or spokenbv a woman or man of this na-

tion. The Queen may have usdtho word 'punish aJioIi occurs inour constitution and iu our laws,for treason, but it is absurd tocharge tho Queea with threaten-ing to "behead" any one. for onr l

laws do not recogotro the word.Mr. Willis may have pat thatword in bis dispatcher in orderto ouso auothor howl from tho

"llopablican party in tho UnitedStates and to "make a divisionamong democrats, but 1 am surerenresontativo Democrats will uotbelieve this tmsrepresentttioii ofour people and our laws. In any iovoat. Jiiuister ts not aworthy agent of Cfeeland, and most bo regarded eitheras a sw or nothing.

"The wsslt of Minister Willtstuissioa to thu? country, as showain what ho has written to theStale Depart aieut aud madekuown to the ueonle thronch thonr-is-s of tho unitnl SUtes, texves.htm a "ery insignificant figureiu the intuds of those xho arofightlug for the Queen's causeaud that of her poop!. If thostatements, published ver his!siguavure. wororeauy uis own.then he cannot fail to perjurePresident Olevelaud ami hisparty. He has failed to e&barraisor harass the aafrexaiiaaia many wa- - altkosgh Uy bltUiiim in thir ews)ipef hrti

imot daiy,."AstotheTileTwrMr. Wil-

lis had lik Qiri B. Wti-so- n,

1 will U yrr wttmitim: to

LTrrrSk!BEWARE! BEWARE!hare got Jt withoal the least dif--

(Scatty by


coasuittag 8 fewia. ine raittet. f

7ook th" responsibili - !

ty upon bis own shoulders of jindicating who the Qaeen'sjfriends wore, without oar kcowl-- 1

edge of it I believe many others J

hold tuts same opmton. ana t

would not bsorrrised to learn of j

a conspiracy oa Minister "Willis"

oart with toe peoiwe oi tae pro--i -

rlIJf0!- -;, ,

not note the attempt of thesemissionaries to humbng htm, but mc hps oi that tune ana eyesorewill push bis policy ahead with- - to the community, the so-call- ed

out hesitation ib order to banish Wagwr. a statement.tbe drk cload wh ch hngs overfo tfc rj&ct. that if any iwrstm'oor heads and deliver u from thehands vf these people. rr"lihotieod tfet Minister WiKis j

;alfttl that the Queen's friendswere nearly all Eosfbhmen. and i

that Aiaencn.s ware not amoagfc,viUz im which has twen lately

woe rola- - j and nli patjenty waited hisonr auan.audonopnreHawaiinn , i..e






llio:n, xue imuier rov nave'bean inspired by those missioiiariea to make this stttcment. hot,if b wanted to toll the trnth, he I

woold have ravered his ston- - of I

the matter. When th Qceenwas as d by Jir. Hims wdowore the persons in whom shehad full confidence, sh told him j

theso centlonjen. nuraely: Jos ?..onh Ctirter. E. C. Mucfarlane.

jjohn Hiolmrtloon and Jseph ,

N.twahi two pure Americans.

hav said,...."the missionaries arc j

ovidontlv mspiring Minister "Wil-- 1

lis. and, by permitting them toiniinonoeliuu. he hhow.s nimsou t

Aftar all! M nwtu w...0of Mr. litis I amfully convinced that tho work ofthe Itev. C. M. Hyde can bo dotoctud jn them. This geutleman

getting a firm hold upon thisdiidonmt, who, I fear, will be i

used as a tool for theso people, as j

btevens was. cansini endlesstrouble and oxcitement.

"1 remain, sir, yours truly,S.oiuelK. Pda."


Wanted, a cow; by tho 'Tiber.

Tho Board of Health moots to-


Dor Schontzon Club moots thisovonuig at their hall.

There nro mqro .complaintsagainst tho Queen's Hospital.

"Din's" daucing academy will

bo quito an acquisition to tho P.0. drill shed.

Mili tun movements will, pre-

sumably, bo performed tonightJ

ou Palace Square.

The o. g. people proposo to

hold nn eloction on May 2nd.But, "man proposes t

Mr. J. . Morgan of this cityis net the author of "Morgan's"report against restoration.

Tho wreck of the barkeutineHilo. now ashore at Keanhon,Hawaii has boon sold to JohnGalwnv,

It is presumed that Ts bill,on liceuses for Chinese will nolbo presented at the. Councils,tomorrow.

Makiki had a very poor atten-dance yosterdny afternoon. Tho j

rirlemon probably indulged in thoobservance of the daw

Next Sunday is Kaster Suu- -dav and tho olden Titos wilt beobserved by tho worshippers atvarious churches.

The p g. band concert at EmmaSquare last evuning, was well at-

tended and tho music was mnchappreciated by strangers- -

Tho Misses Albn still Sinsnightly, to Irrgo audionces, t jtho Popular Phonograpb Parlors.Arlington Block, Hotel street,

Do aol forget the e&tertsiK-nie-nt

an iltastraied leotare, byMrs, Gans, at the X M. CA.rooms on Thrlmlay evening xL

Th Woweas TepcrocChristian Uaioa t tkfe afier-a-oo

ia the ,Ctnd UmkChurch. Tkey r Ikurboaic ia

A roytitt r raT layalkk,af4if, hc hM varv drlarK tiiip !t wV, Vt onlyHw 1Twy r JSfrtr barb hMto 14 tfe je. Aifi- -

- a Ordered-5- jOmcers

To Shoot

Mr. Cbarl CrcSghion the, ru... Va Ar. in theaibwiuc am r tt-i-- -

onwaranted arrt cf Mr. Grge(feranagh, forced frm the ijnwiHs

fu?ed t htt. c iiarrNdfr tbro" & h,m lhe.n

(Wj:ner) was to fire a hit, ln.-ilj- !p. And this 'a the "advanced

JntredMO-- d into H.raiil Save u

land U.5.riltl


r John A. Cummins, perhaps

tn0 most prominent " Hawaiiantoday, celebrated last Satnnlay

xs 60th birthday. We bavo

nun irnni iiiud i liuiu ikjmade. bv h's benevolence.wealth. The hospitality....a oenia htv of 3Ir. Uuinmiusv,- - .,.,!." i,i ,n fnmon fr44 W vv uMboyoud tho borders of our littleisles, and many vo.--o tho men andwomen who gathered at hisbeaut ful homo anxious to con- -Eratulate him on his health and

happiness on that his natal day.The Hawaiian Band was in at-teud- ance

and tho most exquisiterefresh ments testified to the desireon the part oNMr. Cummins to

do all in his power io entortiiuand satisfy his guests. May thevener.ble, and always younggentleman, see many moreduvs among his beloved

fumilv and his true friends.

Tho Reformatory school is now

the meeting placo of thopoliti-cian- s.

By tho way, what is theLsiilarv of the needy 'hom"r, outthere, and what does ho do to,

earn it?

Mr. Hadriqan a thorough-g- o

ing Chicagonn is again iu town

from his trip to the Volcano andho is still in lovo with the climateand the people

Mr. Davis, a correspondent of

noe of the brightest paper" i Mil-

waukee Wiso-mci- is in town as a

"looker on in Vienna." His letterswill be conservative, not "chroni-calttiv- e."

Tho HoLOtTJA acknowledgesthe courtisiers, which are usuallyextended to the press, by the re-

ceipt of some luscious weddingcake, from away back but todaysre Auerback. May they livolong aud

1 Doctor" Whitney had a meet-

ing: of the Social Science club athis residence last evening. Thoamusing part is that "Charity"Castle, read a pap?r on "relief ofsotnebodw

Mr. and Mrs, Higgins of Chi.cago III. are agtin in town Mr,Higgins is over 21. and. if op-

portunity serves, will very pro-

bably invest some of his capitalin real estate in Hawaii.

Mr. L. J. Levey "states that,tho performance at the OperaHouse on Saturday last --was notlanprodnclive of good results tothe widow of Kauhane and toHeroine Kaouli. A month's pay,each, was obtained.

Mr. George Caveaagh. co--r

respondent iritb Mr. Arthur Wilder i the unwarranted arre&tfmade by oae of the sfcial spieswhtcktfee Police StattOH is sup-

plied with, has bea hoorb!ydi5ohargd by Jnd?e Bobrfe.Wajpw m yet retaiiwdia srre.

Mr Ordwat" sad PwtejeattUiiae to throw tbttr ci teat their wfwi tad loi,

t qwi r!t Uhhk avay W1 mstomtt at very, hmwik14. The aiwortwiaot-t- e bjeowiag

I aawiiiag.tii 4 NripilT Me

towari le otkfa bf rcbfJ8rWL-- V?,




MarehU IS24.

Tlie fctfht but iss than omhupdred jmtents have blten issuTby the Hawaiian G overman t

docs not sjieak volumes' fr t'-- f

inventive ability of the rosid-'nt- s

of this country. .Nor are all thepateuts to Hawaiians, tn-n- y "fthem, perhaps a majority. remerely to people in tho UniUdStates wjio wish to protect tlicr

Hnterests all over the world.

We "havo hadA intent issnevl

for the .Tones Locked Fence

because we saw that it w.is a

good thing, and tho people who

build fences believed it the bt'tthing they had ever seen. Certain

parties had m contemplation

the manufacture of the articlesused in tho Locked Fence, andwe did not think that an imitation

article would bo half as good as

the original, hence, the patent J

on Hawaii.

Y1T. 1. -- . I.hvwk rl lit, r I M ro u v. B

Jones Locked Fence for a year

and its popularity is growing, . ., , I

every day. as "MW4TS0N et acainstwhat the Fence is thought of by a

gentleman who is thoroughly

well posted in cattle and fences

wo publish tho following letter:

"Kapapala Bauoh.

Kau.Hawaii, March 10, 189L

E. It. Hendry, Esq.,

Manager Hawaiian Hardware

Co., Honolulu.


I have just completed some

threo miles of tho "Jones Lock

Fence" and siy that I nm

very much pleased with it, irf fact

it is the fence for a ranch. I had

about a mile to construct over

"pahoehoe" where it was nearly

impossible to get a post down, !

and found in this caso, especially,

the "Jones fence" waa a greatsaving of tabor. There are places

in this Fence where the posts are

at 75 feet apart and - thebetween filled in with

stags. There is no sag to it, and

is springj' as a wire mattress.

I am confident tbat will turn.- , , t.any ordinary stocir. x nave some

two and a half miles more to

fariber. II it will turn thet, . f H, T..n.l

feol cooident it will, too can restassared that it will turnanything, a flow.

TSiy Xours,


coaouc th wosl

sptkil; if r are people who

still 4ooi, Wt tk Io

&& xmA iwpct a sauaple.

!1 ijtan lifiTirt &.tu



TfrE - PmzmBrewing: Co.

the T?mze t the "World's 3?air wita

3A.GrL h: Brand Beer.Sr, Locks Ocr.23lS93.

M SbcniLtfc & Co., L.. HonoloIn,H. I.

Ikitr SfrsrWe have you a of thennnocneing the creat rictorv won by the AXKEBSSK-BttS- iJ .SS0CU-tio-,v

with their r EAGLE" Brand oi Beer.Sigoeal


JFIn ordering this Boui besurv toak fur the I.VttLL Brand.

Macfarlane & Co.,Agtejfor Hatmiiti Idands.

Mar. d.

an al. David




it a3







jm onor IgsUQtj. tj)0 (jonri through the Chief

Justice. Hon. A. F. Jdd. J"to the Case of W1LLUM

Watson, there will bo sold atPublic Auction, at tho AuctionBooms of James F. Morgan, at 12

o'clock noon, on SATUBDAXApril 23, 1S9L All thoso pre-

mises situated at Eaneoho, Koo-laupok- o,

Oahu; au . par-ticularly designated as follows,to --wit:Lot 1 3.S0-1-00 acrosLot 2 121Lor 3 .37.90.LiiTI. tx . . 7.35

All are parts of Royal Patent17-- i to Paul F. Maniuil '

Lot 5 20 acrosLotG 20Lot 7 20 "Lot S 54-5-

0 "Lot 9 oL50 "

All are parts of those premisesconveyed bv Kamohnmolm IV.to David Watson, bv deed datedDec. 29, 1S62, and recorded inLiber 10, p-g- es 12 1 and 12S.

Title norfect.Deds at the expenses of tho

Purchasers,For further particulars to

AViuxut C. Aciir, Attorney forthe Commissioner, or to

S. M. KAAUKALCommissioner.

Honoluli': Feb. 23, 1S9-- L

ISTotice- - .Dnnnc mr abmeaos from tW KinpJea,

raybrotfier tEE i'OI oJ th Pirai0tSaYs Hop Lung Kw at Wain, Oiba.jshall acl for tfle lih full ictwer of AlSaroej,

Kw.ii vvnssOf WaUaie, Otits. Mr. 5ik. JS1.

nOLTS AXD FILLTE!tr"KDTGr.OVE. .. VUkV 9UUI wwmc mt j

t trial !!. "PtwWiSfi. dffiof .. ajl!o!n'2t, i .tBta iw

"TiakJe-- 2L30!,. "It

c Far ljrUser s


Msr 15-t- f.


Xotsse 5 hesthr ri la sSjwtswk. ikxi I

ttirv? white x a tli forsfcl si1 tawki !i Vft hisi Irtg. hiziiX iaAfri--

hel. lhn wiaJ&ir. lafaasktl P O oa jtfi:JkisdW- - 1 pwriwi vast, iasd fsfeksca- -

Aej jsts onr rwaaa evj lliw



Tb followisg BSffibew of the

PH Aijb ritt4t vWi

3mTmi ctU x. eofiy of wcl nam

br witt W mU i th IfoL-OJttL-v


construct over a country where j "Dropper jmrcs. jot bfsa JWier

wild cattle are very plnnufui,mQ6 rdioa Eh SiJtdr BHea --iOasia

and as soon as tt has undergone ; y amlsttaiMsb. X a fcw ittho test there, wilt write yoa!?a?SSSS5S:stocknt 1






coaa Sar





mailel &tiBsscnsl







Again in Town !


2STg w Tnsfcr o mentaland

3and SeloofcionsTho Latest and Boat received

by the sionnior Monowai, aro nowon exhibition at tho

Popular PhonographParlors,

Arlingt-- m Block, Hotel Street.Don't mistake tho LoonCion.


Criterion Saloon

PFIt AUSTRALLA,another lnoico of the colobrated



Also, x Febsii Lvoice or

-- FOB-

L. H. DEE,Proprietor.

WM. DAVIES.Higaer,Stevedore"Wrecker.


Tha Scaooocor MAH1MATII,

iriJI test Tpik?lJ, ttr3 Uuieortuaa t Kufki a IU uhaH tst Oafcu,

IW Frtfal, e , ai?ply to He Capitla

B5t oi Jil ucs Inqnrro at0e of J. S. Talker, oyfSfck-vls.- ' B ik, or Wxight Bro.FetS4rt..' i-- X





Page 4: V33L, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Prompter, 2,505. by Bl e BaB. 73: Daca, Grace, by Bee nr,2,605. Pronjpler U also th Sire of Apc 2X; Trnt,25U YaIk; 2; Walos



Corner of King and BethelSis,, Honolulu,

03br a large assortment of fineami deeirabte

JPTjTllSrrvrEllZ,wkieb tfceir soil at a vry lots fig-o- r,

BWttids. Boras, MplSaiafi, Wardrobe ate, at pricesto sail orarpHnly.

Oal I sml "inspect foryon rselves.


NM -Y-



Sedral Kind of

Cotton Crape,Latest Style of Shirts

in different qualmos.

ml K$$timmb of porcelain

Tan Sals Specialty

JjtpftitO Lanterns nnd manyOanos saftablo for ChristmasGoods.

451 K1SG STREET. Howrfulo.

T4ioaw, BM 474.- -

iiatMol M4.


P.O. Box 3S6.a13 Im

Tho undersigned bog leavo tonail Qto attoution to u I it rgo

of tasteful ntid olognntJawalry, suilublu for ChristamsPresents. .



" lnjliffurout jsizos,




a spooialty.

If you want to "buy an elegantanil at llio same time an inexpen-sive Christmas Present, callaround and inspool my stock.

THOS. LENT) SAX,Milwrny Bteik. Fort SLHoaottttu


Sans SmiciHOTEL,


First-Cla- ss Accommoda-

tions for

Tourists and island



, Pirfate Cottage fa Fmilk.


iMftSJGW?"''-- ' -.



U1C aHllt UJ. tue UJVRICI VVliaUiJU, U1UU W1AA

IS H16 TiS-WSliSI-

l 3. IDOOHLSd black indelible stain on the hitherto raspsefced escutcheon


Sec Holomia, Fdf 21 and 26: JTar. G, 12, 24 and 29).

It would be-- useless to multiply such examples whichshow that with our young half-cast- e element, families of 10to 15 children will be common occurence. As a whole,the fortuity of the females of Hawaiian descent with thesuporior races, is not only remarkable, but it has alsoserved to disprove one of ttio physiological scientific fal-l- c

es, which asserted that humnn or animal females, afterintercourse with males of higher orders, always remainedbarren to their own males. 1 can give .here a few examplesto tho contrary, merely suppressing the names of the whiteparties. Two full Hawaiian foraales in Kona, Kulana andKeaka, and one in Honolulu, Keluia, first married towhite husbands, from whom they had no issue, bore after-wards 0,4 and 3 children respectively from native husbands.In Maui. Kailiino, with no children from a first husband,white, got 5 children from a second husband and 3 from athird, these two last full natives. Kanao, in Honolulu, hadu child from n white man and afterwards G from a native;Mrs. Ayers also full native, had 3 children from a whitehusband and afterwards 5 from a native one, etc.

Moreover, a most remarkable fact is that our Half-caste- s

are prolific in all the degrees of crossings, and also betweenthemselves, contrary to tho generally accredited opinionthat half-cast- es do not breed with their own kind; thus twohalf-whit-o sistors, Mrs. Kollet and Mrs. Smith, married totwo half-whit- e men, all still quite young, havo already had,ono, 8 girls (7 living), the other 7 boys and 1 girl, (G living).Furthermore, it is quito conspicuous that tho superlativelyprolific crossings are tho half white or half-chines- o femalesmarried to Chinamen. Thus, tho well-know- n rich Chinesemerchant Afong, had from a half-whit- o wife 17 children, 10of whom are living. Iu Hilo, Karaukai, a half-chine- se manmarried to n half-chines- o girl, both young, have had 17children, nnd from somo of theso, in spito of their yet tenderago, 19 more have already been born, all living. And thispocnlinr kind of crossing is bonnd to become quito uumorousin tho future

Ono last remark about tho Half-caste- s. They generallykeop tho tall, strong build of body of tho Polynesian raco,and tho fomalos especially preserve the largo deep black eyes,and tho long straight or waving black hair of their Hawai-ian mothers. Moreover, they boast of beihg, as a rule,strong and healthy, bright and intelligent, deformitiesamong them, being extremely rare. (

All tho abovo facts and figures will bo snfficient to showtho strong vitality of tho Hawaiian Half-caste- s and toprove what reliance can bo placed on their fecuudity andvitality for tho prompt ropopulation of theso Islands.If any kind of prognostic is allowable, it seoms that, in thofuture, the growing Half-whit- o girls will give more consortsto tho foreigu element, who is bettor able to grant them theluxuries of lifo, tho value of which they only too well appre-ciate. This will oblige the corresponding Half-whit- e malesto select their wives moro from tho so-calle- d full native girlsThereby causing a moro rapid disappearance of the nativemale, but doubly strougthning and increasing the populationof Half-caste- s.


It will now be easier to vonturo an answer to our leadiucrquestion :

vIs the Hawaiian a doomed Bacct

Tho worst causes of tho past extinction or decreaso amongtho full Hawaiinns havo been shown to bo waning, whilotheir sauitary aud moral conditions are constantly bettering.Therefore the past rapid rate of decrease cannot bo expectedto coutinuo, and, though the puroXative may bs bound todisappear eventually, it will yet tako many years.

But during that interval, if nothing interferes, he willhave sprung up, like the pbonixont of its ashes, into anewlife and now Nation, under the shape of tho healthy, prolific, educated and civilised Half-cast-e, just as thoroughlyHawaiian in sentiment as himself and who will eventuallyabsorb tho foreign-Kawaiian-bo- rn elemeuL Consequently,in so far as human intelligence can predict, tho HawaiianIaco seems "doomed," not to extinction, but to a glorioustransformation, this transformation not being merely, asJudge Foruander foresaw, the formation of a. special Anglo- -Polynesian raco, but really a powerful, "snigeneris," amalgamation, to which nearly all the races ofthe Earth will havo contributed, by crossings similar tothose out of which have sprung the laigbty Nations ofEngland and America, and which we are told to be the rulein all Kalt'Yugas such as is our present period. All theHawaiian needs for this is: the praervaticra of bisNational Independence; protection agautst foreign oppres-sion and incroachmenis, and petriotlsat, coaotoa sesse andprudence on tha part f his Native leaders.

And all this makes saona forcible tfee point staUd at thestart of this stsdy, vizi that the two poriioas of tha Nativeetewest being tfee oaly pfwat factors in the Archipel-ago, thir civil rights aadaatasovty oegkt aot to be allowedto be trawpeled dowa to suit tha st&a sabitiB, Ote lustfor power. d MroUaHUit of afaeiiottof tra&sient white

wTPW Plv WWf flW WiijF wflpfc MvuH(7 lWwJ- 'VtH3 WwBBBT BHWHt BWWHt F


BBW t PW bbbM JVJPVb VT PW n "(- JWfJ!' V0RB IPS 3HiP flWp pflKUlP

adTestarers. AxaexaHoa to America caa in so ways icath &5srpisiio3,bees annexation would b of no possiblebeneSi fo the EmUs&s, only detrimental; the HawaiiaEscould not fail to be the locsrs through it Jbuse America.

i the land of libsrtr, for the white race, has noliing to beproud about the trsatant of the Treat cr inferior races

I within its own borders, who are despoiled, famished andcrashed, not helped as the Maories ara in 2vew-Zealn- d.

And Annexation against the free will of the Aborigines andtheir natural heirs, the Half-caste- s, would be a violation of?ti :i f iL. U 1.,1 ' ST... Ctin.. T.:,l. nMtllt lauTnp icaic

Hc.CS a




1BB- - BBW


Iiisarance IofciGes.




Building's, Merchandise,Hulls, Cargoes, x

Freights andCom ni issions



Royal Insurance Company, - Liverpool

Alliance Assurance Fire and Marine, LojuJoji

Wilhclma of Madgeuurg General Insurance Co

Sun Insurance Company, - San Francisco

.T. S. "WJC.EJEDR,- "Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Bell 351Mutual 417



Residence:Mutual 410

P. 0. Box 117



Estimates G-ive- n on A.11 JSands


All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade,Attended to.


fines, Lmt Ceat. Iro Stoa Pip asd Fitiiags,Old JfcNsw Corragakd Jxtm, Xisie Til,

Qaarry Ti!s, aeorkd s6 aad eolors;

Otliforai aad ?itex$j Ssjid,

Graaik Cafbiag aad Blocks ..&. f'

OFFICE '. YARD : 4 CHic Hoir, te 3M

Fire, Life de marine.INSURANCE.


Assots, $ r,109,S49


Assek 43l7t0o3QG


Assets, $ 6(l07.00NEW i;ORFC LITE INSURANCE CO.,

Assets, $1 37,499,1 0S.99

General Asrent for the Hawaiian Islands, UoudretQ


SteamsMp :- -: CoTime Table.


mre Ilooolahi Ltmrt llanalalatrom S, F, ror S, F.Feb. 24 Mar. 31.Mar. 2--1 Mar. 3.Apr. 21 Apr. 2S.May 19" Mav. 2G.Juno 16 Juno 23.

TliroujIi X-in- c-

From San Fran, for Sydney.Arrive Honololn

Alameda.. Mar 15Mnriposa Apr 12Mouowai May 10Alameda '....-- . Jnno 7

Mariposa July 5Mouowai Aug 2Alameda Aug 30Mariposa Sop 27Mouowai Oct 25

From Sydnoy for San Francisco.

Leave Honolulu.Mariposa Mar SMonowai Apr 5A Inmeda May 3Mariposa , My 31Monowai Juno 23Alameda .July 26Mariposa Aug 23Mnowai Sept 20Alameda ..Oct 18




rr A r)j r)t . f. itt n







Sewinsr Machines

Hasd Sewtsg Miansis,

J3TAB With ik LiMt LRpTOTrasista"


Organs, G-uitars- .-

Yines, Liquors, Beer


PC salx sr

a. MFFfmiEca t ce.

--: t -VfcL

ri V


rfj. j..JEi .?o.


H. MAY, & CorTea Dealers,




98 Fort Street, Honolulu

Families, Plantations nnd Ships

supplied with ohoicosf

European & American Groceries

California Produce by EverySteimer.



"Ditke Spencer"Will Stand the Season at

tho Stables of A. J. CABTWKtairr,Esq.,Makiki.

Fee, Fifty Dollars; payablo attme of service. Gootl caro takonof Marcs; not resonsiblo for ac-

cidents. Dnko Sponuer, bay;hoight, fifteen and thrco-quarto- r

hands; of themost gentlo dispo-sition, mar 10


DOGS for Sale

THE ENGLISH SETTERc Honolulu. Gixl,"

Bred at tho Glonraoro KcnneLs,Borkelev, Gala.

Recisteretl (Ko. 31,093) A.1L C S. B. , Kw York.

SiwU bj L IL, arincw ot I)tiy at the R;de Coul Fkld Triad l BakersWa ia 1SS.h tnr EodtxT 9.490) liua 1'bySU II tlSSl,

IJodcjr. lbs timet Lev R br I) Dinm Kat D.. IV1SJ from Pat IS II RU6S1Ble 212 from Phjb 74."The Lua oi H&talss Glil m Be& CLvl-ha- e,

tha ealjr tUse&icr oa tfc FdiCe

Z1L (3,SCth: by Dab, IJ.336L Inm Ciaa-to- a

PirL 15,JT7L


"JIonolnluDake(30,853). bred at the

Sbabbona Kennels, Ottawa, 111.

by DroihUv Sss. f7.S3); fraia Slttub.tSSS. TbIt2 el Ess9l8lii Dake kB&, br Jack; frea BeBe D. by TrfakU'a

Honolulu Duko h thoroughlybroke on pheasants, with staunchpoints in all-da- y dog.

For further particulars, applyio or address


mar 10 Asciioa Saloos.


All parties iiaving claimsagainst Saxl K. Kaxax.ua and313. LYDIA PllXOt KAXAKALVofHoaolala, Oaaaara requested topr&t tfa to tkt undersigned

for tia 31tdav of March,131. All ?eii d the paxtieabovBMtiodBtbpaid aterne k mm jroily.