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Instruction Manual Liftmaster USA Equipment Corperation Miami, Florida -;--t lr

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Instruction Manual

Liftmaster USA Equipment CorperationMiami, Florida

-;--t lr

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Two post double cylinderr l i

hydraulic l i f t


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Iyo ooqr doubr- \1 . "oê fvo-dL L l i í l

Atte ntion:

O Any damage dur ing the t ransportat ion should be c la imed to thefreighter.

O We have ta l (e safetv into considerat ion dur ing designat ion andmanufactur ing, however, sui table t ra in ing and careful operat ion arealso necessary. Without reading the instruct ion manual , nobody isal lowed to operate and maintenance the l i f t .

O Read the requirements on vol tage and current on the name plate, andal l l ines should be connected by technological person.

O We have no responsibi l i tv to inform our customers of any fur therrmoroveme nts.

O The l i f t is not a l lowed to l i f t th ings that are more than 4 ton.

a Read the caut ions on the machine careful lv .

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Two post double cvl indef hvdraul ic l i f t

Operat ing instruct ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Maintenance and care of the equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

7. I Day care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .20

7.2 Month care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Solut ions for norma I t roub1es. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .22

Instruct ion on structurê and working pr incip le of the eq u ipment. . . . . .23

9.1 Main structure of the equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

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Two Dost dou b lc cv l inder hvdraul ic l i f t

1. Safety instruction and attentions1.1 Cautions with wordsPay special attention to the parts connected with product safety. Hereare some exa m pleS:

l f there is th is s ignal before any passage, i t means thatoperat ion l ike th is is wrong and wi l l lead to b ig casual ty orheavy damage to the device.

The f igure appear ing before passage shows that i t is notal lowed to operate according to the passage, or the potent ia lr isk wi l l develop into b ig casual ty and heavy damage to the l i f t .

The passage besides th is s ignal l is ts the not ice poínts andsecur i ty requiremenis dur ing the process of normal ly using,maintenance and care of the l i f t

1.2 Safety caution signal

Please read Safety Signage careful ly , understand and remember them.

Only t ra ined person can operate and

use the l i f t .

Never let non-t ía ined personnel come

in contact wi th L i f t .



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Two oost double cvl inder hvdrau ic l i f t




It's suggested byrais ing posi t ions u p port.

When instal l andparts on the carbracket should beoa ta nce.

the ma nufactu rer that theshould be the points of

move some big or heavydur ing the ma intena nce,used to keep the car 's

wi l l reduce theon the l i f t when


@ ur" the high bracket if necessary.

Supplementary bracketheavy burden of the carr ise.



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Two oost doLrb c cv nder hvdraul ic l i f t

.-#lïr Clear area i f vehic lefa l l ing.

is on danger of

Center of gravity of the car should be atcenter of arms' acting force.

Keep away from the working area whenraise or drop vehic les.

Forbid to rock theand lower ing.

car du r ing l i f t 's r is ing

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Two post double cvl inder hvdral , ] lc l i f t

Don' t modi fy any contro l l ing parts ormechanical parts of the l i f t pr ivately.

Keep feet c lear of l i f t ing when lower ing.Avoid pinch points.

1.3 Using Purpose

The l i f t is used to l i f t vehic les whose weight is less thanusages are not a l lowed.

4 ton. Other

1.4 Expected Rated Lifted Assignment


M axim um

In pr incip le, the l i f t we design supports double di rect ion placement ofthe car, however, it's better to use the short arm to support the motorend, because in th is case there wi l l be less wear and tear for the l í f t1.5 Attentions

Operators should read the manual careful ly to avóid accidents.Operators should be fami l iar wi th a l l funct ions and operat ingmethods of the l i f t .

I ,

i i .

Rated Load

= 4000 kg

Load Distr ibut ionpart : Latter pa rt

M i n imum

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Two oost double cv lndef hvdraul ic l i f t

i i i . Check before operat ing and regular check must be carr ied out too.i \ ' . l í there is any abnormal sound dur ing r is ing and lower ing, stop to use

the l i f t .v . Never use the l i f t to ra ise the vehic le whose weieht is above 4 ton.

2. lntroduction on Main Parts of the Lift

The two post double cyl inder hydraul ic l i f t is the more convenient l i f t formaintain ing the vehic le. The fo l lowing words wi l l help you understandthe working pr incip le of the device before using please read th isinstruct ion manual careful ly , so i t wi l l help you operate and use maintainth is device in correct way and prolong i ts l i fespan.Equipped wi th arm lock and the synchronic device of the carr iage, the l i f tis character ized wi th i ts s imple and reasonable structure, low noise, andsteady r is ing and lowing. Af ter insta l lat ion, connectthe power to the power uni t , the gear begin towork and the hydraul ic o i l enter the oi l cy l inderand push the pi ton rod up, which cause the chainl i f t carr iage and arm. Since the minimum l i f t ingheight of the equipment is qui te loW this devicecan be used widelv. Because i t 's convenient tooperate, i t 's used as the necessary maintenanceeouioment. l t 's not a l lowed to l i f t vehic le whoseraled weight is above 4 ton wi th th is equipment.

his model of lift is equipped with CE-stop, when the arm drop to

or drop to the ground, so the lift would be used safely an

ttention: model can be used in the ground which is not so strong,

ertain level, the stop would sing to inform the operator that the li

id any damage to operator

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-wo oostdouble Lvlrrder h\,draul,c r ' Í [

1 . lnsurance structure picture of the l i f t

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Two oost double cv ndcr hvdraul ic i í t

2. General p icture of the l i f t

M arn crrllrm|.1

I i] ftrLt a ::r ir r

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ïwo oost doub e cv ndeÍhvdrauirc f t

3. Main parameters of the equipment

Outside Dimension PictureMaximum Li f t ing Weight : 4000K9

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lwo oost doub e cvl nder hvdraultc l i f t

Lift parameter chartTotal H eight 2924mm

Lif t ing/ D ro pp ing Time .= 4!25sThe Maximum Li f t ing Height = 2000mm

Minimum Heisht of Rubber Pad 90mmAdjust ing Range of Rubber Pad 90-150mm

Adjusting Range of Long arm R660 --- R1060mmWidth Between Pi l lars 2832mm

Width of the Rack 3442mmThe Biggest width for passing the

vehic le2742mm

Rated Load 4000kgMotor Power

Working Voltage 2 - 220V+N+PENoise Level <7sdB(A)Oil Pressu re

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Two oost double cvl incler hvdraul ic l i f t

4, Installation of the equipment

Step1. The Preparation before Installationi . Necessary Tool: lifting equipment, churn drill, marking pen, spanner,

measuring tape, sinker.ii . Installation area picture (See figure below )

h i g l d e g r o c o f s p a t i a Idiners ions tr l ir-16 00nur

! , o t k a l e at r la in coLnnr r I i c e c o l r r n n

P : 1 t l

\ {o r k a rea

t r t . xnob i l 3 . : r i r i n g d i r r . L i ' r L s

The space besidesmooers,

the dr ive plateshould be lef t according to d i f ferent

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Two post double cvj inder hvdraul ic l i Í t

iii. Foundation installation picture (See figure below)

] l , l : '

Step 2: Instal lat ion of Main and supplementary column (With carr iageinstal led )

Af ter the instal lat ion posi t ion is decided, set up the main andsupplementary column, put the dr ive over p late between as the standarddistance between the two columns, according to the foundat ion ofinsta l lat ion picture, mark the hole p lace wi th marking pen, then f ix thetwo column wi th exploded strew according to the fo l lowing pictureshows.

Ground strength should be strong enough to insta l l theexpansion bol t ! never f ix the expansion bol t i f the foundat ionis not st rong enough.

i ' : 1 i11 h 0

1 l

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Two oost doub e cv' rde h,/drdul ic l i Í t

-J\O t r

ffi :#

I\L L]]\l! v


. --{-l--ïf-U

d r i l l clea r f ix the expansion bol t f ix the column

The instal lat ionsketch of expansion bol t

Check and make sure that angleground is between the range ofinstalling the lift with drive overto lean for one l inear measure.

between the column and thethe following picture, Whenplate the column is al lowed

! 2

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Two post double cvl inder hvdraul ic l i f t

Step 3: Instal l the power unit onto the main column.Steo 4: hvdraul ic circui t instal lat ion

The gantry l i f t insta l ls the crossbeam on the main and subsid iarycolumn, enable the hose through the column to connect wi th the hardhose on the gantry; the floor plate lift raise the carriage from ground by600,'--800m to ensure the safety situatíon in which the carriage won't fallto the ground; Then connect the hydraul ic circui t of the main andsubsid ia ry cyl ind er.

1 l

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Two oost double cv nder hvdraui ic l i f t

Hydraulic System Connection Drawing

Steo 5: Svnchronized Steel Cable Instal lat ion

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Two post double cvl inder hvdraul ic l i f t

lnsta l l the synchronized steel cable according to the drawing below.

(Two carr iages are in the same height)

Connection Drawing of Synchronized Steel Cable

Step 6: Arm Instal lat ion


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Two post doub e cvl inder bvdrrL! l ic t í t

lnsta l l two arms on each of the carr iage, swing the arm to ensurethat the teeth match.

Arm Instal lat ion Drawing

Step 7: add hydraul ic o i lPut in N46 # hydraul ic o i l about 101.

Step 8: Power On

Instal l power contro l box, ensure the power connect ion by motornameplate, which requires insta l lat ion of main swatch beside thel i f t to make convenience to cut down the power in case ofemergency. Please connect by corresponding numbers wheninstal l ing the power contro l box.

The electr ic system should operated by electr ic ianl

Step9: p lus grease to the cavi ty guide of the two column

1 6

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Two oost doub e cv nder hvdraul ic l l f t

Stêp10: Debuggingr. check insurance system instal lat ions, to see i f increased, whether the

insurance is in the lock state (at th is t ime, normal ly , the insurance islocked, that is , four e lectromagnet ic i ron absorpt ion in a d isconnectedstate) ; against fa l l ing, must f i rs t press the lock but ton, and then thedrop but ton, there wi l l appear a s l ight r ise before the process ofdecl ine, at th is moment the insurance is undocked f rom the state,check whether the four e lectromagnet ic absorpt ion i ron are working;and to see whether the four b locks of the insurance are disengaged atthe same t ime. (Relat ing to the insurance working pr incip le, p leasesee below descr iot ion )

: . Check the tensíoning force of two same step wire ropes, to completethe svnchronizat ion of two carr iages by adjust ing the two same-stepwire ropes.

q t ê n 1 1 n w ê r l ^ r d t ê ( t

Check the hydraul ic system to see whether i t is working proper lyand l i f t avai labi l i ty of anomal ies. Make sure everyth ing is ok to insta l l theblock c loth and the column top.5. Checking Points before Using

5,1 General Checking Points


era t l method How to avoid

s a bnormal soundvisu a Ilisten

l | ' h r i r a t i n o . l ê r n i n o

al l appearance of theamage ano sKew visua I

Maintenance, rep lacement

pad, chain wheel ,eels get deformationage

ydraulic system hasr l s o u n d a n d o i l s p i l l s

visua I


l isten

ins ide the co lum n visua IRemove, ma in tenance and


four insurancet ion handles

visu a ITake off guard, adjust steelcable and rep lace new one

Li f t ing ha

the overalift get d


ano oam

lifting h,abnorma

5.2 lmportant checking Points


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Two Dost double cv nder hvdraul ic l i f t

N o . Contents for check Method

Check the cha in, the steeldamage

Check i f the connect ion ísl n n < p h n l t < n : r t c

Check the sprocket , thesteel cable wheel whetherthey are normal no ruptureano so onCheck the chain, the steelcable wheel i f theirrotat ion are normal


Visual New replacement

Visual Re strengthening and f ixed

Operat ion New replacement

and v isual

ca ble is normal no



Check whether the armand i ts te lescopic arenormalCheck up and downmovement of two la ndsl ideis normal , comforta b le andnon j i t ter

Oi l ing Lu br icat ingcleaning. new replacement

Repa i r . new replacement

Foreign bodyoi l ing c lea ning

c l e a n i n g .

Foreign body c leaning .o i l ing c leaning. adjustmentor new reptacement

Operat ionand visual



Operat ion

O p e r a t i o n .v isual , l is ten

Check the act ion of thefour insurance block i f i t 'snormal and comforta b le(wi th autom at ic insertact ion), check theinsurance steel cable i f i t 'sloose in juryWhether i t is a utomatica l lystopped when no-load upto the h ighest locat ionCheck power unit isworking properly withouta bnormal noiseInspect tanks, o i l noses an0

is norma Iconnect ing jo intsno reaKage

Operat ion Repair . new

Operat ionlisten

Repair. newreplacement

Operat ionvisual


6. Operation Instruction


Repair . new replacement

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Two oost double cv l indêr hvdrau c l i f t

i . operate the up and down movement several t imes beforeplacing the vehic les on, to ensure the safety lock is in the correct p laceand the equipment is normal . Check al l jo ints, especia l ly the safetymechanism, to ensure no abnormal phenomena before using, i f theinsurance device doesn' t work, the l i f t should not be put into use.

i i . Before using the l i f t , adjust the height of the four rubber pads to .

make al l support ing points in the same f lat level , and separate the armsas open as possib le so that i t 's easy Íor the vehic le to dr ive in, and i t 'sbet ter to use the short bracket arms to suoport the motor end.i i j . The center of l i f t ing area should be the gravi ty center of the vehic le

that needs maintain ing. When the car is ra ised to 100 mm high, stop andswing the car a l i t t le to check whether l i f t ing support is reasonable, andwhether the l i f t is working normal ly , i f everyth ing is normal , go on to usethe I i f t .iv . When l i f t is r is ing, operator and other people should stand in thesafety area. When the vehic le is ra ised to the required height , press thelocking but ton to lock the l i f t , then the maintainer can star t h is work torepa i r the vehic le.

When the vehic le is ra ised to the required height , press thelocking but ton to lock the l i f t , then the maintainer can star t h iswork to repair the vehic le.

v. Cut of f the power when themaintainer is not in the working area toavoid any accident caused by the wrongoperat ions by non-operators.v i . Remain c learance under the bracketarms when the l i f t is dropping, or the l i f twi l l be damaged.v i i . F i l l the oi l tank of hydraul ic cy l inderwi th approximately 10 l i ters of N46hydraul ic o i l , or d iesel o i l of No.8 lnw in te r and No . l l i n summer . Ha l Í a yea raf terwards add hydraul ic o i l again.vlii. After pressing the down button the liftwi l l r ise a b i t then drop.i r . Cut of f the power when repair ing thevehic le and there is no operator ornobody using the l i f t .

7. Maintenance and care of the equipment



s ..)

{ } , .


Contro Box Dl .gram

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Two post double cv i inder hvdraul ic l i f t

7,1 Day care

item Ma intena nceContents

Solut ion prcrure

eCheck i f two s l id ingblocks and fou rbracket arms are inthe same f lat level .

Adjust the nuts on thechains that l i f t thecarr iages.


Check i f s l id ingblocks s l idesmoothly.

Clean the contact surfacebetween s l id ing block andnylon, and add Lu br icat ionon a regular basis


Check i f magnetsand locks areno rma l .

Check i f the lock can wor l<a utomat ical ly when thel i f t is r is ing or when pressthe lock but ton.

8)Check i f there isany lea kage in theconnect ing part ofthe cyl inder, hoseand oi l box.

Clean and f ix the leakagepart .


Check i f themovement and thesound of the poweru n i t and t he i ns i deof the cyl inderstat íon are normal .

Make sure the ol l isenougn.

# lut IH l Iq q l

f l tq l


Check if lift'sconnect ing boltsand nuts is normal

See and try with hands.

7.2 Month care


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ïwo post crouble qll4Eltryd]! !l !!UI!

I tem Mainten anceContents

Methcds P ictu re


Ch-.ck i f there areany damages on therubber pad of fou rbracket arms.

Re place for new parts.


Check i f there is anyproblem on th ebol ts, nuts, andcot ter p in of a l l sparepa rts.

Tighten, c lean orreplace for new paÍ ts.


Check the posi t ion ofaxle, sprocket , ro l lercha in , whee l s andsteel cables to seeweather they areno rma i .

Add lubr icat ion oradjust aga in.

l1.rCheck i f the s l id ingparts are c ieá n, howis the elast icco nd i t ion of tors ionalspr ing and is i t safeenough of safetysecur i ty system.

Add lu br icat ion, adjustmagnet roads orreplace for new parts.


Check theconnect ion of o i lp ipel ine to seewhether i t is lea l ( ingo i l .

F i nd t he l eakage andt ighten them withspa n ner àn0 c lea n

alr)Check i f i t i s t ime t oadd oï changehyd ra u l ic o i l .

Add or change t l re o i l

; rChecl( i f there is anyrusts on spare parrs.

Remove the rust , addoi l and repa int .


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Two post double cvl inder hvdraul ic l i f t

8. Trouble Shooting

Malfunct ions Ca use Solut ionCheck up the powerfuse, the contact in t lju nction box of motomiro swi tch, and thecondition of up buttochange the damagedpa rt.

Generator does notwork.

The power sourcepower equipmentma l fu nct ioning.


Generator roars anddoes not work.

a. The top of vanewheel is deformed.

u. ro voLr Lul

oamageo.c. The voltage is too

low.The equipment is used

a. stra ighteningb. replace for ne

partsc. check up by elect ftechnic ians

When the l i f t is r is ing,i t creeps.

Air has entered thehydrau lic system, andthe oi l box lack oi l .

Rise repeated ly toremove the ai r , andadd oi l to o i l box.

Two sl id ing col la rsdon't rise tighter.

The adjust ing chain isloose.

Adjust chains, twist thscrew to t ighten chainto make the twocol lars in the same f lalevel .

Noise is too loud whenthe lift is working.

ïhe sl id ing androtational part lacklu br icat ion and orchange the pin rol l .

Add lu br icat ion,change the pin ro l l .

a. Maintain or chanlfor new pa rts.b. Ma inta in or chanl

for new parts.c. Clean, t ighten andcha nge for new parts.

The lift can't ríse.a. There is something

wrong with thepower unit .

b. the button on thepower u nit is


c. Leakage of oilp ipe l in e



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ïwo Dost double cvl inder hvdraul ic f t

Whens peedneavy.

a. Thereenougho i l .

l i f t is r is ing theis s low and


damaged heavi ly . i parts.9. Information on Structure and Working Principle of Equipment9.1 Main structure of equipmentLi f t ing system: Hydraul ic cy l inders are insta l led inside columns, whenhydraul ic o i l enters the lower part of the cyl inder, p iston lever moveupward and push up s l id ing col lars to move upward.Support ing system: the vehic le enters the working area, by adjust ing theangle and extension length of arms to make the rubber t ray support thevehlc le in i ts ef fect ive support ing points. Adjust the height of the t rayaccording to the height of the car bench.Balance system: when rais ing or dropping the vehic le, two pieces ofchains connects two s l id ing col lars and make them move together tokeep the l i f t 's ba la nce.Secur i ty system: there are electr ical secur i ty device in the main andsupplementary column which wi l l lock automat ical ly af ter the vehic le isra ised up.

can' t

hyd ra ulic

h l e r l z : o e n Í

pipel inec. Oi l f i l ter is stopped

up .a. The secur i ty b locknot open.h N / 2 o n ê t < r r ê

a. Add hydrau l ic o i lb. Maintena nce,

t ighten and changefor new parts.

c. Disassem ble andclea n.

a. Rise f i rst then drop,or mainta in.b. Change for new


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Two post doub e cy nder hvdraul ic f t

9.2 Hydraulic system

a. hydraul ic pr incip le p ictu re

I tem Na me I tem Na me Item Na me1 cyl inder 4 Oi l f i l ter 7 Throttle vaive2 Securi ty

valve5 Gear pump 8 So le no id


One way val ,3 Rel ief valve 6 M otor 9b. Hydraulic system spare parts list

u n load ing


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'wo post doLble cv| | r d-r rvdràL c l f t

c. Electr ical pr incip le p ictu re

Electr ical spa re parts l is t

220v l 80v





Name ModelQuant ity



Na me M o d e lQuant ity



1, 10 SB2Downbutton


2 FU lsu ra n ceL6A/62

3 1,1 KA re layMY4NJ-24DCY090 D-74V


3 KMACcontactor


1 1-2 HLPowerLED


4 FU1 Insurance

tra nsformer

5A 1 13 VDBridgerectifier




100 1- 1-4 c Ca pa c i tor



6 FU2 lnsu ra nce 104 1 L f solenoid DC24V 1:

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Two oosl double cvl inder hydràul ic lLf t

l i r i tswitc h


7 sQ1 BR.5OR1, 16 583

8 KTT imereray


1 T7 YA magnet

9 SB1U pbutton


1 18 M Motor

;;'L E -

Sto pe r19 n Sen so r BR-5OR 1 20 IM

lospare parts list



Components nameIteL

m QuantityD38 Circ l ipd8 spr ing washerd8 f la t washerM8X25 hex bo l tsM8 hex nut

1 1 I LgIC qI94 filq"gL2 i Main co lu mn

Supplementa ry column


Drive platecy l inderWheel bracket

Steel cablec h a i n

18 Oi l hose L

Long o i l f i t t ing

Main or su pp lementa ry

19 Oi l hose 220 Oi l hose 3

Hoke Joro lokControl boxInsurance systemPower u nit



tM18X160 Expansion bo l t



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Two Dost double cvl indcr hvdrau lc l i f t


a. explod ing drawing


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Two post doub e cyrrndÊr I vclrru c Lft






b. Components of carr iages


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Two post double cvi inder hvdraul ic l i f t

Parts for CarriageNo N ame Qty Remarkt d10 spr ing washer 2x2z d10 flat gasket 4x23 M10 hexagonal 2x24 D3 cotter 2x25 Red plast ic bal l 2x26 M6X12 cross recesses for screw 4x27 Ant icol l is ion rubbers for ca rr iage lx?8 Ca rr iage welding Ixz9 Sl ide blocks 8x210 Pu l l rod 2x21 L TA CK 2x21 ' ) Limited plate for pul l rod l x l

13 Pressure spr ing for pu l l rod 2x2

c . arm assemDry

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Two poÍ double cvl indcí hvdíaui ic f t

Conrprrnerr ts l is t o l - lnnsNa me

M6X20 hexagona I2 R u bber pad

3 Pad weldingI A rm we ld i ng

5 D 24 Circlip







parts l ist i f hydraul ic system

Safety posl t ion

M agnet

d. Insurance system



Lock posi t ion ing

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Íwo post double cvlnder hvdraul ic l Í t

Please be careful about the electric wire whenassemble the lifts to avoid any damage on the wirewhich would cause the danger of leakage of power.

To customers:

We do our best to provide our customers with the most detailsand exact information on ínstallation, operating and maintenance ofthe lift to help our customers use the lift correctly. lf you have anyother problems when you install and use please feel free to contactus and we will do our best to helo vou.