v0l-i-l-.--.n0,lf>,3st. new-york, tiin.sdvv, mh.-twelve ... · ihe democr-iti"...

V0L-I-l-.--.N0,lf>,3St. /%- NEW-YORK, TIin.SDVV, SEPTEMBER 2-1, MH.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTO. HILL STRIKKS AT HERUICK. A n_*TE EXAMPLF. OF THE GO\T.TLNO__'S UN- SCRUPULOIS MKTHODS. % JUOICIAL. CONVENTION, 1'ACKKH WITH HILI.'S AMD MUKl'llYi, UI 1.1 (.ATES. TBIES IW-. FAIRLY ANU ni*-HOM-*TLY TO FORCK MR- HERnil'K OlfW THF. STATE coMMirrr. -_BT TELEGKAPII TO THE TBIBITKB.] Albany, Be I I In the Cavc »f Musion ln whioh the Mofwinapa now ftxt Gavemee Hill has lost his oi.ntro*, ot the Demoeratic party ll thli Stat* an.l Gzovet Cleveland *.vlll »x> the ">yidi- date ol the NVw \..rk DnabdHbti foi ftaaJdent HiliisiB hoiii* i*\tiii. t nn.l David B. Hill havini* l-eem depowd 1'V Wi lieutenants, of 088188 tbe Deuiocratie party 1- w.irtby of the support <>f all true lUfwampa, Thnt ll tho ar_-uu^_t. Bnt Mr. Hill, ji.M a* his funeral *_»rvio.y. afe proceed- inii aotcmiily in atagwaaBp ehapela- haa saddenly c.nne to bfc nt.! kaa ained a vieian** mnm at the bead of 1>. Cn.ty Herrick. tho k*..<.ing C'evcKud Democrat ln the intorior of tl.e BMM and a mem¬ ber of the Deniocrati.*. Rtate Committee. Mr. Hill it repart- d to have said tbe present week -I now bave all hut two of the meml-rrs of the Deniocra.ie State Committee, tmd by Dcxt ¦rear I ahall have all of them. Herrick, of Albany. ln oae of them." Mr. Hill seeke tlie unanimoua eupport of tb< Demoeratic State Convention of 181.2 U tavor of his nomination for Prcf-ident. Hence his iittnek upon Mr. Herriok 88 tM at his few rrmnininf oppononts in the chief bodv whieh e_ar_ro_l the Demoeratic party ln this State. If the Dcniner..t_ of Xew-Wk State throueh their pnlMeal orjrani/ation tmani- tnously tt* aext ycar lor tli" nomiuatin:i for Presi- dent. he feel- eonfident of his nomination bf the Pera'oeratic National Convention. Meanv.hilc al! Deinocrats wlio thlnk that some other eandidate tlifu*. Mr. Hill sliould be nominatod will be snp- preseed. Tliere will be an appearanoe at ler-M of tho Democrat*. of New-Vork niiaiiiniou.sl.v de- manrtim? Mr. Hill's ii'iminatiou. Mr. Herrick. who id almost the snle Cleveland member now of the I-emooratie State Cotamittee, is n!t-o the " hoss" of the Albany De.i" ;;it.s, and is t leadins. lawyer ef the fity. Iho «*at of Mr. Herrick in the State t ommitt-*e ha* 1-ecn covoted for a long time by Covernor Hill. Even the Cleveland man who form- irly reproeented the Bnffalo Conjrrens* District in arhi.h Mr. Cleveland once lived was foreed olY tho eommittee and his plaee has been taken hy a de- roted follower of 1). B. Hill. Tlie friends of Mr. Cleveland in Buffalo who came t<. the laal Demo- State Convention repiesentin_r three of Ihe Bnffals Awmbly Di«***jifts were deprived af theii seata in the convention and these seats wrro given to Hill men. The 'ity of Buffalo. rhereiore, iu the Doomorntio National Convention vil) ii - H dM iu 1**4 and 16SS, for the n-miiiMt'itii ef Gievee Cleveland, but for the aondnation af Darid B. Hill. Before tho Demoeratic State Convention met . t Sirati.Ra on TlMBdlJ last the adheronts of Governor Hill had sent word to Mr. Herrick that i.nleas he -;irendered his -"-tate Committee seat To a Hill Democrat thoy would oppoec all his political ambitione. Mr. Henick's chief ambi tion for Reveral years has heett to be elected a f ipieme Court Judice from this judicial district. tlisi-ii' t whieh ustially elects the Demoeratic eandidate, 60 that a nomination is considered fouivalent to an elcction. A Judge of the Supreme Court ia to be elected thia fall, and it is "Tho Cirii" of the Albany Demoerats to nominate the oan<H<*lat. lor ,7ud. e. There l*» no question that Ihey are united for Mr. Herrick. Taking advnu- tage of this situatkm Governor Ilill throuch friends propused t<. tiade ofT the Sapreme Court. Judge6hip for the State Comunittee position, Mr. Hill eontrollins; enotigh votes ln Tho judicial dis¬ trict outf-ide of Albany County to _ive the noinina- li'»n for Jadfje to whoever he pleaaed. But the Governor found in Mr. Herrick a self-respecting (tnan, and one who could not be holldoaed. Mr. Herrick ditl not propOM to baj the Jodgeshlp nor lo sell out his friends. His reply to the overtnre wa6 ta aeeept a raa__aope re-election as Btate I'omniittceniau lnmi the hands of the Albnny dolo.ates who attended the State Convention last week. To-day the Democrntie Judicial Convention -i- hold here. E'lward Murphy, jr.. ohairman of Ihe Democr-iti" Stuti- Committee, eame hore from Troy and had a lorn: conference with Governor Hill this mominir before t'.e eonrention met. Thin eanflRCim had b apedal p*^rtinen'*e from the ttu% that Mr. Murphy liv.-h ln ITOnaBtilacr (ointv hi.d had naaed -ill the delegatea trtn thal cuiii.ty to the .ludi.ril Cuivetition. Mr. Murphy took apeeiaJ paiaa under Instraetioaa irom Governor J.'tll thal na naa Mendlj to Mr. Herrick abonld I .-c:cctcd aa one of ier County dele The GoTtnoi and Mr. Murj.liy, nftei hold- ' -iis conference, sent thi.**. wor.l to Mr. Her¬ rick : -:_rn your plaee 88 n member of the Dem..- erat'i- Btata Committee before the Jadidary Con- tention me. -Mr. Murj.liv aaid: " If Mr. Herrick snbmits to tho-e eondittona he deeanl hnve the eontaaje of a yellow <!oir." But Mr. Herrick proved his aawaaje. 11«- r-*plif.r: " I *,vill not resi_rn my paaMan.** Noon after tliis exehance ol views hc- tween Goveaoi Hill nnd Mr. Herrick the Judieiarj* Caovention mel al tha Ameeiean Hotel. Theae feuneop. ddegntea arere preb.*nt from tlie followin*. t-i tkn: Aibiiiy (vuiim. /.nt, A. Dyer, Pmnhlla M. Dan mher. .-rfi'i. :.. Rlti ioe McLean. Rcnea-la.'!*.Willlaiu Denahaa. K. Aikeu, and 0. F. K. 088. Cohunbla- Samnel J, liiden. talhran bai Barmun. Un A .. Jon. -. Oeorge v. i-nnforth. .-. i. H ll, Charlaa M. Prt-ston and John F. 088am The convention had no sooner met than Charlea M. Pie.-* .n. who wa-, iii.ide SiijM-rin.cniletit of lli«" B^nk Dapartment hy Uovemor Hill, Banumed c.mi- inaivi oi it lic -mve ¦ favorable reeeptlon to l>**niel t. UeElwnine, a Hill Demoerat, who oon- Hm uti "' tha deteajnte fiom Cie ivtii AaaanAif Diatriel "i Alhnny Coanty, a com¬ mittee on Bontented neata waa appolttted, who awlftly reparted in favor "t Beating MeElwaine, and tuiis M:. Herrick w ..s deprived oi one ui hi, Al'-diiy auppacters, Hit l>o\eF*Mir Ilill had anotber Bira in tbua oe.itius UeKlwainr. alid tbal araa t>» make it a;.- pear that Albany County -*-.'*. dlvided in oenti* ment in n-i-.i |0 ,;.. proper i*ei*->ii to Qominato for Judge. Thua, no Bvoaer ha<l Judfe Danaber, af AlUmy, nominated Mr. Herrick for Supreme \i. Klwnine nominated fot the June oftice CounQr Jadge I lute, ol Ali.ui.v County Th.- llerri. u Demoerata, hiiioiim whom Btood Con* i uan l'ni'\ and Senator Chai rd this r«eh uf McKlw&ine'l with a etoim of hlsses. Jle itcti al i " J have iic\.-r beea driven from a convention. and yoi .n drlve me out ol tniv" Judge |> ,| ^al it would be vi-.lat- ing precedentg nol to recocnize the plain ehoice of the Albany Omoci it wa* Mr. Herrick. Then the Hill Demoerata m le notber move. The.v moved thnt tha coaveni t»d- Journ BBtll Oetohei t. Judpi Danaher and As- aemhlvman Hm prcr«ste'l. and the latter made an Indignant sn-'cc,,, m whieh he aaid "Why not nominate to-day? To Albany tounty, the bomter D<»mocratic county of the fctate, belocfa this nomiimTion, and we are hero »e nominate. The r-eople of Renmelaer Countv and of foiumbia County want our eandidate, D. Cadv Herrie*, a;3 do nat want you up h-*re with a coiiar about your neeks to foist some other man upon ua. * But the delegate* from every county exoept Albany vote.i to atljoiirn the eoaventian_«n_ tne ', l# ' "-.j"..... .ii-- i'iiiiir:iT|t)!i of.r\ th« adjouramenl war acotirdlngly taken to that time Tl.e ob.ei t .,[ thi* adjonrnmenl is to force Mr Herrick t., r- m_h h_- pt aitlon u;.on the State 1'om mltte-* Mr. Hill and Mr, Murphy will not _<.- eoiniiliah their am. \|r Herrick itandi la the Unto (M-silion to-nlghl thal he has alwain ht-jod feamc'ly, i.e wiU n.-t itui.hase a wai upon the Supreme Court Irei. h XX f.ling hiu SlB_l niltu. position to Davi.l II. lliil or to atiy x.tlur man. m RUSSIA'S MILITARY MEASUREci. A STEADY MOVEMKNT OF TIIE TROOPS WEST- WABD. BUMORED D___B TO D__ RCMANIAN THRTtf- TORY-TIIE GRAND Dl'KE OP BADE_'S ALI_OED SPEECH. London. Pe pt. _S.-Th« eorre spondcnt of " Tlie News" at Od. aa re. >r. a slead.r movenic.it of UiisMan troop.. aaahwwC Ha «avs " laaajoeary harrarh a< c .jmnioda- U,i;i* »mve been prfivided in all militnvy ccntrcs be- t.. n her. and \var.w. It B nol knoWB, _ra_rar, vx'.cre th-. t__N will coi.cciitrntc Thc mllitary offlrla. ote i_! lcent. and tbe local pre-s la foi-Mdl D t'» allude to the matter. The movemcnt* a_ dlrcicd by Oaaaml viadimiro*. at ki_t, bb4 by Oaa. .1 oonri a< waraaar, two ei the able taeHdana la She aiaiy. The Admiraltv haa o:der»<rt that all the Tnrger v.--"K of thc Basataa Btmrn _.fr__lrn and. Traitng CerapWi a_ v-ii u* th.- voiuntcci- Beat, ba aejatpp 8 srlth poweetti Cuvlts. M are ¦_ BJaaaT. These propai.itions have glven rlse to many war nunons." Berlln. Sept. 23.-The Kreur. Zcltung'' _y* H in believed that Bmil* medit.it ' aa atlcmpt to foree a pj through Hobnidicha. The KI115 ot Bumania intend on Ul forthcomlng Jonrney, to a Klng Hum- |.«rt and Emperor William whether Ruman la can ly upon the as4.lst_.nce of lhe Dreibund ln thc event of B Baaaaaa nttBTt H B reported thnt Russla ls *_Kinp an _llanoe wlth Orce ln order to obfaln thc uie of the Oreet leet, whlch _w lateiy baaa grc.,»:y lmproved in efl.clency. lieilin. Sept. 23..In this eitv the allegcd speeeh of (Ba Chaai Dafea el Daaaa. le whlch. according to ihe "Dix ITIiiiii_asa leekT or Parie, ha expseee. the be- !M-f thnt the tlme wa* near "when Germany BBB_ a. 1 ln aasadata the sword ln __aea of her Independcncc acalnal m eneniv who hns not l.rned pradeaee by a bloody defeat," ls _s.-r.lu.. It ls snid that the Orand uiii.t's (/mv i-Mvi.t public Dtteranee, ao laraa known, I. that ln whVh he expressed hli satislactlon lo thc rttlsens of Bear-Lo als, ln Bhenlah Prussia, that Ger man. arere ahrayi nnltei when thc Bmperor nnd tlie Kmpire were ooacetned. .- WHEKE KAIt_R AND CZAR MAY MEET. Berlin, Sept. _:3.-It ls reported liero that thc r7.nr ,,f Baaala nnd tho Emperor of f.ermany will mt*. ;,t sxxir.nii.nde. in tlie lsland of DB8a__ 011 tlie Swine, on Dattet of the __Uiier-ilalT, in tlie BaltU-, ou Oetober VA. EVERYTHINT. Ql'IF.T IN CHILL __T1VITIE6 IN CELEBIUTIOX OK TIIE RESTORA- TION OF ____-, Waahington, Sept. _..-.'aptain Hchley, rt>mniandlng the BiiUimore, now in fhlllan wntcrs, cabled Ihe nw Departaeot jreateeiay fraia Valpanlao na M lowa: .. Pestivliies to cclebratc the ;i;miver*ary oi tjiiihin tadepeadenee and the reetorettoe of peace have pa^"d without pollticnl dlstarbaaees. Every thinp i> (|ulet. Balma. _ln comniitUd sulcide Kepteni- ber IO."1 I.undon. 8ept. 08..Ominsel on behalf of the Chllian (roverntiient to-d^r applied to Justiee _e_8 to M sfrain the mall purUM eompany oarning tlie ateamshlp Moaelle ftorn partlnp «_ SC.'.O.O. i ln bulllon brought fr.m. MaatavMaa laaaaMy, excep. to the Bank al England for etontge pnrposea. The _me eotinsel al.*o nsked the JusUce to forold the Bank of the illver I'lnte from i.artlng wlth cnrti-ln domments refenlng le Ifcla bnllion. Caaasel for tl.e Bank the R'.ver Plate objoct^d to .his demand. a»KertinB that the bnnU Imd alrcdv part ed wlth S1'J5,_0 on «2?l^1.0tJ". bulllon. nnd tl.al lt had .. cepted otter Mlls drawn ,,-;ii_t lt. Jnsttee Jeune deeided thnt the bulllon -oiild reiiinin ln the Bauh of England. These cable dlspatch^i, together wlth the f_n Pron- ci .0 te.Icgrams ixeportlng the relea-e on bond of tlie ItHt;.. ahow ihat Chili is p. 8__g Ita normnl eondl¬ tlon in pc.ird .o ootb foreign relatlo'is and Int.-rnaJ aBaln, 'I''.p dlipaleh ot the commander of the I»lt4- more .<. ihe Nnvv Department. stating that "even'- thing ia nnlcr tn Hilll. comes Ju time fh prove lhe in. .i-.'diicss, or at le. t thc cxag. rntiona. of a Siuiting.. teleernni l-ejioKlng thal a -revoir liad nr. ,,irr.-d MBOng the __!*_ voluntcers. It conld not have been mu'h of a *___," slaee tho some dlspatch end(*d by saying ihat tlie troublc r.ad Ijeen H__pily averted bv the clear judgmeyt and cord bearing of tlie lenl of th.; Juntn. Jorge. M< ntt, aod r .onel Oanto," ihe latter the lomman.lcrin .h_l thc OOB- ttttuttoaal army al ciiili on. the victor in ihe eeotesta xxih the ii,.ini..."«!i-t-- al Ctaaeac aad Pridlla. The milltai7 ii-.-ubie- if there was any-b erpreaantel aa hnvi.ik beea eaased l.y a leaaporaiy deeBne ta tbe qaaltt* »f the fo"d furni*hed te lhe aaaa__, and bv delay la aendlng the votaateera back to their haa_s. Hi.t ihe sni.ii.Ts arere soan nade to anderstand tha. ImmedlateU tttu the general tlBOifan-sUon esTBctod i,v tbe war, it aaa nol poaslblc le have tbe anaj a_a_ ln their naual order, ii.:..iiiu.'h us m._ provi"f;^'''lJp nsuaUv 1-. i^> Imperled tato ChIM, and that the Jnnt* ,,, ..01 hav.- ;. if i.;.x.! lianspOTb ready r.l hand. TBo_.tr.5lc rolanteira ... lhe vlctorious .Constita- Uonal armV andentood the *ttaatlon. end II any r,, 1..- mmUv oecorred It ta«t d onlv a ie« .ua. and n__ita Srbley. rommandlnc the tolOmore, ooa r, ri, vxn.<-i .'..uld cable lo tb. Bar. liot.a.-tn.c:, th." "thc .v*t.,n'ion of pea_ hai pa««Bd erttaeul mlitlca] dtotarbanee, and 1V.1 eat_rt_R| la ejaiel ta [jm Boatfa Aiaeiaeaa Befablle. PHEMIER MEP.CTEi: ___B_DIKO IHMSELP. ottiixv;,. Bept .-ii.-P.ci.iei- Mer_er*a reply to Uea- t,..,;)nt Oovernor Aagara raapeettng the Bale Bt ienr- Baltway _-a.rt.il was b:ou. it doxvn ln the - bo nlghl by Piemier Abbot*. ftaaaler Merder JasOfloi tbe paymeni to Aitaahraaf, tho eoatiaetor. BH»rd- lDg the P..ea.ni toddenl he aaya In part: ¦-¦ rw- .lent that wltbooi this Ineident 110 one would have noupht of maidng any iBataaatloaa. This l.i.id.nt H . x-i-x regrettable one. aai lt B my iatgr to condera i. the mort aaaere ietaii th.- attaaae barfaln aaade -..,,,,,.n theae taw patssea; acd if my .,.ii.,.--u.-s or my. lf hai had Bl. e(.C.,i/ni;.e ol it all _fO_UlO_ would nnve lx-en stoppesl." Kefer-ing to the stat.nient that he got *.,,000 from Paeaaal afclfc tn Paris, N aajras "1 am laformet tbal this amount wu TtAttt ttom »»<> tt the BOtej whieh I 1.ft tadonei in bl.nk witn Benator __etttar betore gotog to Eumpe. I have n_ had aay _>!. "Hnmiy^ol .(intinning this. Mr. La Fraiiee. el the Baoqua Na- Uonale, before fbe Beaate, aati taal *. BiVtX. waa the araeeeda oi a ae_ of ___«.. toiowei by \ a:.d gaanatoei by one of the Qaabee &.***0?* ebeeks. He it lt may, I afflrm u. you that, betag ln .eed of money. 1 aabai Bar tm\rtoeei tb*i h^ u.nl would be lataei bb aae of my own m lea, and whieh obli-ati'.n I _Uy exixxted to PV- I afflrrn that xvl...ii I asked for thi* -un, I w_ in IgaOfaaee tho Bale des Chalcurs tranwietion, and until _0g after Coutinulng. he 884. S -'Your Honor s_m.s |o tMnb there is a toUgata batwaea -8 GoaernrneBl boA .Te-ui... 01 t .- ox!,..,. where tribute mna be paid b- ..u.ia'i* for uatlre, Aa to mv _W 1 la nn- ..ce*-;.rx to >iv to von t.h-it 1 Bm m Ignorance of ttie ,.x .,,..-,. ,,f -.:-.-:. a t-illxn-.- ln c...!-.ii. Mr. v.-r..er adka for an Inve^atlon Into all the biib- aldlea gnint«_ to Ibe eenplo. I.KFTTME CHURCH lir.rMSEOFTHE IKH.Y BerUn, Bept 23..Theaa is uiu.-i. dbeaaalon golng oi, iii i.'ti.-.'ie ani .'.oi *i:.nt drelea ln lh. Boi other eWaa utn the fa«-i. Ju-t a__ pnhUe, Ihal Pratoaaee \Vin-.-iri..i. of i.i-ii"-..'. arha hetongi lo aae of the aaaal not,-. ( athollc f.i.ni..- "f lhai .itv. haa anaoaneed his coi.vcrsion lo IYote-t .nlism. Tho [__aaor ntlrlliiite* the chaaga ta tbOpb ** altwa t.. tu* BMbettel In ti.o antbeatlclty ol law garaeet known the ii'Vv Oaat, u-hich ls now on cxhiblii. ta tbe Cathedral at and to Iii* eonsclentlopa ruples agslnal nupporUng a _.. h Uiat wonid le'nd it- -anction to sueh an ex¬ hibtt ion. BTANLEY TO RSSIOB HIS OOVEI.'NORSHIP. Berlin. s-pt. 2*3.-The Bbjeet di Henry K. ^t.'lnley,s risit to tlie Klajf ot tbe Belgiam ls _B aaatp lil« office ernor tli» Conpo i*Ute. Thc po*t has been deeLned bv s t_rmnn oflicer of colonial experleo ., now ln Afriea. MAV PROCLAIM AN ABAH CALIPH. Conitantinoplf. Sept. 23..The Govcn.or of Yemen and all the Turlilsh ofllclals have fled from Rans. The Inniirgents have capturej Hodelda, snd great slorm pr»'VHlls here. lt being laaiti that the lnsursents will ndvanoe to Mecea and proclalm an Axab Cnllph. THE KAifcEB AIOS T.IE HPANI8H RELIEF KIND. Madrld, iSept. B3.-The Queen haa re<elv_ au BJrtO gri.ph letter from Emperor William, In whlch (he BbXp**** deplorea the siirferliig* snd los*e* .au- ¦! tx thi. flood* in Xpttm, and oirei-- a |jrg« (..iiii-lt.iiiii.n th¦., rellef fuud. Tlie llui lie»s of Montpenaier has mbscrlb. 1x3,000 to tlie fund. 11 aUt«<l Uiat tha flr-t lerrible impree-lona of tl tau-el ati exagtcrauxl Idea of victima. An oflulal it-cord U ni hc recent ratawtruphe I the number of the now belng prcpiired. THF, T.JOTED STATES AXU STATE INstRANCE. Ilerne, Sept. i'.l..At to-day'- _c.--lon of the lnter- natlonal Congitw r,.n-d to .onulrtcr tlie qae-tlini ol acold..nt_. to wnrlcmen and w-ortcwomen. tho eniplnyer-*' llal.lllty In such rases, and the best aaaaaa to fea taken to preront aooldents and bett-r the oondlilon of vorkliK* people, Dr. John (iould, of John Hopklns I'nlvcr-ary, Hnltlmor., roprr--ntliiK tho I'nJte". Btatai Department of Labor, ai.iwaaed the a*Boml)la_o. In the cours .. of hls remarks Dr. (iould -aid :' Wc are R praetkal people. If «« soo ln the e.f.perlrn'-e.. of f-tate ln-.iii.nro ln othor rountlos, esperlaflv ln <"!er- many. Bwttaarlaad and An-fria. anythlng that la good, Iha t'nit-d ttatea mn bIm adopt Btata Inmaanea. i havo beon sent to ollirlally i-eprr-ont tho I'nlted Btatai Oniwwmant, and i hava foiiow.-d t: liliomt'ons Of tho n.nventlon wlth Ihe gwnl at tt liitoro-t. I mu-t admlt, tliat I waa Miipri-cd Bl whal hit- already been done ln Europe 1" the way of state Insonnee.** .MerARTHYITES TO APPF.Al. FOR PCHM. Dublin, Beg-t, 9Z..A mootlng of tbe Nati mal Fedora- Hoa wai noM ln tliis nty to-tiav, .lu-ttn McOartlqr pro sMin_. in atdteaatag th-* BBendwra of tlw TM ratfon, Mr. HeChrthy said that tim aeethm of Pm IHal i*nr- llamentar. party of whtoh ho was the UadBC hrul vlrtnallv won a vletory over that 8BII8MI whieh actcnowled-ed Mr. Parnell as tts head. In order that Ma advnnta. o mi. ht be followed np atid H88M Ball for Irolar.d be made ;ui ostabllsht-d fa_!t, lt wa*- no-e- -an tli.it fund-, l.f ral-'i! t., meel the expensca or tlie and Mr. MeCarthy annnuned hi- bitentl m to Ml i]ip.-,l t0 both flt-- peopl" of lrrlai.J and Irl-li Amerleana to -uli-crllf t" auch a fund. nttnulnc, Mr. MeCarthy aald thal tho party hal deci.i.d to devote whal retnalne-1 of tbo t^..tl*- fund exclualvely lo Ibe art of ttve erirted tenant-. .*. arlth who-e canae the party ebeotntely 1'bntlfy themaetves." MOVBMBBTB of HF. MBXICAH MABAtTDBM*. Washtagton, Bept *.::.- \ tetegram reooived nt the Dop,irtn;ont of Btata from tlio fnlted State*. I'on-ul at Matamoras, Mex. nyt thal Bareta, with hit pnrtv of raidi'i-. paaaed yeaterday to tlie we«t of that plaee. malilng for tho Rlo Omaif. \ leiograao tnu Qenenri Btanlay, daaai at .-an An- tonio, fiayti that tin* MBuaantfaol at Porl lirnwn re- thal ii t alght General Lojero, eoauaaailni. the Foui-th Mcxiean EOM, lnf'iiii'd Mn that lil- had not eome in eontaet with tho maraooer*. He to tl-Cieft>l8 "f 'ho opinion IhBt they l.a-1 icattered and were letnmtag to rr\a- ln -.mail detarhnwnta, m Iha pollea had Informed him tbal two meh pa;i>- iia.i the Ki" Grraadc tarelva adlaa aheva vii- and leveral othen between that plaee and Santo M&ria. Tlie oplnlon amona tne offlceri a* F< rt wa- thal the Gnrrla exp dllloti wai organlwd for rob- bery, and bad do poUUeal algntfieaaea whatever. THR CAVADIAN ADDBHBB TO THF. QVF.F.N. Ottawa, Sept B8. Benator BovDoa ha*- glven notlee lhal ho will mova several amctirtment.s to tlie addrcss t<, Her Majesty, whicli sUnd- aa tha order paper ln Premler Abbott*i n.me, raapecttng tha **mait tavoeed Nat un'' rlau-i'- ln the exi-:in. tr.'at'o* *-iet*_e-'n OlCttl Britain and Belgtnm and Ihe Oeramii letlverein. Tho parport of Benator Boylton*a projio-aa amandaianti l- for the ultlmate es1_bll*huient of ro operation I pruteotion of the roinnieivul Interest* of ihe BlWSfl Emplre. -«.- THE CASF. OF POSTMASTI'.R OKN'ERAL H.M-UART. ottawa, r«ept. U3.-Thcre I_ 8 llkellhood of the rharges preferred agaiost PuatniaatarOenaial Ha.- aaM hy Mv. l.lstor bel.'.-,' Inve_tlgated at this aeatlin1 of Parllnment. The Government. lt 1* undii-to.nl, will onoae the appointment of a seleet comniittec to look Into the atli.lt*. _ SAYI.VG THAT LOBD I.YTTON MAY RET1RE. london, _*_pt. Ill.-"Tl:c Chronicle" fays thai l.orl Lytton win shortly lettra from the nrttisb Embassy ln Parl*, and tbat he will ha biiccoeded by Sir I'hillp t'urrie. _ MR JAMES FF.RC,r**o:v*S PLACI OITBBD HIM. London, Sept. 23.-The plaee of I'nder Forclim Bae retru**.* ha*. be-en offeied to Harm Uttn De Wonaa, rn loa to 9tt James For/u-soii, who ha* been ap- pointdl ^rftmn.ter General. PERHAPS THE WOMAX WAS IN II TOO. MR--. FHEKfJTA 8USPECTED OF BAVTBO AIDF.D IN Tin: MURDESOV A.N'TONio ROSA. The h'-iy of Antonto Boaa, iha Itallaa who wa/- inuni-ivt ln tha Mulberrj Band on Tuesday evenlng, i;,v in ,.n nndertaker**! ihop ..t l'ark ¦ ita. yesterday, ready forbarial. bal the pollcn luoi nol hmnd Joaeph Prereta, tha Itallnn who ituefe a knMe Into Roea-8 rttala nnd i caped. A aeoeral alarm bad heea aenl ont, dlrectlng a aeareb (or the munlenr In ,-..i-y luviinrt of the 'itv. and tho pollee ot netghbOT Ing eiuea alao arara aeaed t" loofe for blm. Aa he reoently Ml tha hOBpltal, und had aa agly iii- aead, where Ro-a blt him Wtth a shovel leveral weeha a_o, the jmliec aipect to Und him aoonae er lai»r. Althou.h the murder w oomailtted In a erowded parl of Mulberrj tt., ei arltnewed hy a deaea people al leaat, Ihe pollea yaaterday could itn.i only one penon who waa arilliag t abonl ii. Thal peraea am Carinelo Mega tdri ten yeari old, whpae home i- at Nt. Ba M .-ho went to Mra. Tkenegr'a eandy -hto, al n ¦-- Molberry it, I huy h penell dn Tneaday evenli ihe wa itaodlng on tho -ddtiB-Bl*. in Bronl ol th when Boaa wa* stahbed. Bhe loM the p 4tn ,i:,-, mornlng thal ahe um Prerota tab Boaa ln Ihe h with a large knUe, and al tha *ame Hma iha agw the amderer'i *ter-in-law, i.i./.i" Prorota, atab ln the shoiilder Vith a ROBll l.nlfe. Th * pollee already bad notked a illghl woond m tha dead ibouMer, and had that taro perao attaeked Boaa, aa ihe wonndi in tha ahoolder and in iho ii naeh avMantly had beea nad. wna dioaraarl weepaaa. leetlva Frirc arreatei Mrs. Prerota at ii a. m_, and al the Tomba Pollre Oourt ahe wa* remanded Into bu enatody untll I Mlay. Al the Bllaabett rt itatton, where ahe wa* locked uj. laal nlght, the a man -toutiv deelared thal ine dM not know anythlng abonl Hm murder, and 4 ***;" 3***pn Prsroti waa. Before riM had '! "f letataB in il"* attach on Boaa she said: "H anybody aays I atahbed thal Bwn they Me." who hai ai.u-ed you of doinc any aoeh thlngl" Pliee intjllired. "I don't kMW as ar.yl.odv ha-,'' -!io laffBet, "but I didn't -t.U. hi'ii." Iier uiotive (OT helplng hor brothor-in bw hill Ro-a. dM so, waa no. elear, Bhe i- nn Irtahwaainn, and i- iaM to have bean aa ouh .-t before * I-,,- uit'i Um ItaHana. Pw »..'- ai *lre I ¦. >'<- martfer wns plain. no hnd i«eeived gioo troi for Cnfllns to proaeente Mia Ut aaaault Ml Bom bad ,,, ji;i, M addltkmal aam whleh had been pronii-."i. and when Prerota trted to »n«i '.¦."rk ''f,,,r he lefl tha hoapttal he wai inubbed and tarnt bv Iha i".¦. h"ie.-e be had ihe leputatlon ol belng a trenbleaoaM man. He thnoghi tbal Born wai keep- in.- him eot .if worU, anl rObMng him <-f hu-h monej" that ri-.-iitinii* belonged to hlm. Mlehael Castohna, erho waa wlth Boaa al the time of the murder, waa detalned by Um pollee a_ ¦ wltnc*. reaterday, bul it wa* evldrnl thut he dld nol wiah to ael a repulaltoi Italiani ln the Itj a ,, fnfornicT llo aiild ho _-* tl"' nl-*ani ol a Kiiife. :,.., |.. ,',,., a_a. without vaiiiii. t. aaa who held tha _^_ TBE NATIONAL UTAB C0MB188I0B. mvr:n<:i:NT vnws Ml mhi tS TO THB --TAM.IN.. OP POLTOAMT. CMeafB. lapi ga^-fc-Benator Alrta laandera, of Bahmaka, li la tha atty attendlni tho aairaal meeUng of tha Baalonal rtah COniadeeloa Ha *ald: "Tha member, of the liWHBlllllmi MBt )u*t returned from a two montJis' investipatioh in T'tah. and we *hall be glad to t,e able to nnte in our report tr. fhe Pr-sldent that polygamy h gradnally tylag out ln the Terrltory- I will uot say th»t the law h_a been completelv HM* cossful ln itamplng out polygamous pra_*t!r.-s. bu: H ha. done far more ln t_at dire.tioD thin ar.y of us ex¬ peeted could be done when Uie law wa* euaeted- The Mormons are beginning to reoogalre that they have on their hands an une.iual fishi a_atD*t the oplnlon* of tbe rt5.000.000 people ln the I'clted State*." r,,ionei r. s. Bahartaon, "f laHana* a i.iember, .!., haa m*de Morn.oniam a slndy for ye*J» *nd who, pertiape, knows more !<*a-tor-s ln tb" riiuroh than any ,,an not wltliln Its p-ile, said -. lt is Uie -tn.Jeit of .onvet-i.tii-n In evory Gantlle'a btai-t-lioid in i tah Uat tho proelamatlon ol the X l.ui-ih ajwinal tl..* ooBtinoatwe i.i |,..b_""> ' " ,.-.,_ ipteyttl. lt is poaalbla Ihere ta i«" '" *"1 , tMi RU, *-.d V> Ivave luoro U.au one wife, ¦ «*--<_u* IIOBINSON AN EASY WINNEIt KLECTED PRE.-DENT OF THE FEJfXSYL- VANIA REPUBLICAN LEAGUE. MR. DAI.ZEr.I, ORACEFrLr-T AfTFPTS DEFEAT AXD DECARES HEARTILY KOR THE VICTOR-TIIE FEDHRAL ADMIN'I <*Ti.ATION COM- MI.M1F.D A.VD THK .STATE TtCKF.T nrooBBBB. t«T HU_aa*8a TO THK TBIBt_E.J ranton. Penn.. sept. 21.- tlbm PreatieM H88_ ealled thc ..nto foiivcnti..ii of Bcpi-h.lc.n League Clnbs to ord.-r at the Armory thi* mornlng the building xv;i* pack. .. Twenty oi. ht deiegate* were eliosen 10 the Batteaal Omvetatton nnd Wffllaniapart wai aaleetei a.* ihe plnce for tlie ne\t eoBTeattoa. William Moi..ind. ,,f l'ttt ,,nt. nomlnnted J0h8 llal/ell for pri'sident of the L_ga_. 309M B. Bobbnon, of Dela wa_ roiintv, was nominated for th" aaaae "fGce by W'illiarn I. -.. ___>, of I/.-.lux are. Major Kverett War raa, Bnantea, aaai ai.*<> mn_n_ri _r. BaMnami iraa ala__ on tho fll_ ballot. The xot<> araa! Hobtn- *on. 111: I)al/.cll. 4'.;: Warren, 15. Mr. Magee. PtMaharg, aho hai been wnridag fmrd for congressman Hal'-ll, -nn .idered g____y when hc nw that Mr. I.obincon had cont.-ol of tlie conv .itlon. The Bn_nt_l eMha a_ aaradlng the streots to-nlglit and cheerlng for the MW8M I'nl eandidate. When tha mll eall had been complel^d. a IBBOaltlon wa* offer. 1 to refer to the _n:lttee 011 !.:<¦.-Intiotis nll resolniions without reiidlng and without debatc. Mr. M ig". proposed t<i itrlke out the words .. with- (411 rendlng" and D__ a llrong ipeech for hi( aniend- ment, saylag thnt lt wa* the Bral BepahBeaa eoa- ventton thnt he hnd ev.-r BtteDdei where reeolnttona xxv-re r_ari_ without readlng. The Baaaaiawal wn* .idojited. Oaneial Fianh !:.>-.icr, ot Ensl in, x a* made rhaliiiirti lhe Oomnlttee oa Beeolntiona. Cbrta Mag -e, Harry llall, J. L. .lones aad ( .ucral Tobln a. ;il.<? m^i.ib'-r-* of the romm'tt/'e. Thc Committee on Resotnttoni rci>.);-ted at 8:45. Wlth tl.e platform came B _aot_lon r<-.'otnmendl:ig that aii regnlar etaba i>e adntttted, whether Ihelr daea wr. paid before .tuiv 18 or not, Thla woadi brtog in aboal fc rty addtttonal eJabe, afl Boa DalaeB, Mr. DetwUer, ol Daaphta, taunedlately mevei to i-iv iii-- reaotattoa on the table. <jh thla aaottoa Mr. d..| a roll ...ll, .1 \ lriL- that a* a Kopubll- can h-- wanted to OH Ujla p.g BK>Uon.a Tho platfonn w.. adop. I, bul tlu- le-nlntl m iidinl.tlng ¦n\ ilnb* wa* b). I,y a rote i-f 128 to TO. Tho Warren b_h roted with the Dalsell men. RoMnfoa wa* then electei on the Bral balloi Mr. D:.l/.ell niov.-d to niaUe ll.e eleetion iinanirr.-.u-, aai tii- waa eeeonded by t'hrla Magee aad Major Warrea. Mr. Palrrll ara allei lo tha plat- ii.nii and made a long speech. Ile mM ii.ni be u.- oepted ibe Ismes .-f arar. He waa heartll) f.r Mr. Bubinson, and waa laosAed wlth tbe r.-i.lt. Ile made a brllflant plea tor the Republiean state tlckel .mi ralblnjtl] rldlenled the Democrallc platform. Benator Bobtaaon waa then escortoi to tbe chalr, an.l ln hla ipeech ol tlu_i_a reol-gly referrei f. tbe dayi when be nnd Mr. Dnlzell attended 11 _ne ...l- lle v...nl,l tx- DfOud, he said, l foll .-.-. tl counaela ol Br. i»ai. .11 in the Inconilng 1 Kigreaa, when iliev *. together In tha. ipelesa mli k. N. lUudoIph, of All gheny, was oloctej) aeere- lni-x. Jamea r. burico, 0. the _ame eotuity, i*-tii-ing in ni* favor. Munlon II. Young, .<f Phllodclphla, w_ electei ireaanre Wiiii-iiu Llnn, of ITiiladelphia, waa unpointei i-orrespondlng aeeretary. VVallace arterand I'l-niU .lones. ..r Phlliidelphla, were cl »en vire-pi-.--.i- il.-iii*. Wllli.-im H. M.«. !<¦:_-_ of Alleghe y. an.l Dap _a John Taylor, ..f i'hiia<iei|.hiu. teere ..l'-eted <i<-i.-- eat,-- ..: large so the Jfati .nal Convention. Th.' al ternates are rlamnel C. Orean, ..f ABegbeny, end ilo-.iari Hawley, of Westehealer. A reaolntlon waa adopted tha. hereafter eluba m..*t !>e in exl iii'ic al.* montili. before thej w.n apply tor _ml _l_ u> ih" League. The enatomary reaolnMow of Uianha were adopted, and tho oaaventlen ...K.d adjourned, F. Iltra Ing li thc platform i:-... ,!-,;,:iii\ lea of the Republi.au paitv a* eniiin lated lD the platform uf 1 Ms-oiid-We appn.ve of the work of the late Btate ntlon of tne Bepnbllcan party and indorse ihe nn formubii tnereby on tbe ulnaaeenth day of -iign«t. at the HarrWbnrg Cowrentton. ll.lrd. We romnvend tlie worli nl Admin- i*ic. ,,f I'r, Jamlfl llarri-on. and thc b foreign pollcy of tbat greal !>.;..i<r. Hve state, the ll fi. Jamea «... blalne. Hi* brllllanl trinmp_ at the 1i.*:kI of that tlepartnve.. have made tho opbfted power nnd the dtsplayed Hai.* of tlie Uepubllc b lyn anyme for atrength and *taiiliiv ln all the eornera e.f the x.. .-i.i. Povrth. in the eaiWHiatea presented by tbe Repnb liru He Conventwn aa*mb__, we rycog- nize tl ol '.i-ttx Ci eral l>. M- Mutrle Uregg, ol lierhs oiinty, and thal veteran soldler, Captain John VV. Morrison, ol AUeghen.. Th ilr wun. nn tbe fi pnl tsanranre 1,'..-. oeither th. .- the Repnbllc i- ongrntefnl to her defenders, thc boya wlio arorc the L.lon tne ln tii daj xx Ih r.'li.-iiio.. thr atened the Integrltf "t the natlon. Ani v,. (]¦, ., el pledge to thc tbe aetlve and ardent ii|.|....| oi thc Repnblirnn Leagne of lul-. and tla Bai.nran.-e Ihal evi lierc to-dny wlll tetum <¦, hia bome ani rt seahm. luirem.tting and efflclenl ervloe tor tbe -- ..f the Ucket. ..//.'. MAcnrEA R T IS A NE IT (II UEt II. THE BOTBO OHIO PBEA1 Ml_ LEAV_9 THK EPIB OOPU.IIN* am> JOIBB tiii; rxivi H .1.1-TS. S|iritr-fiebl, Ohlo, S«-;.r. ¦..:: |Spi..1)7.Thg _ST. Ilowiir.i AlaeQneary ta a letter t<. Risbop Lconard nton to-day aenda I la realgnation fron tbe Bplaeopal niinistr.v of Ainriea. Ue _',..* as hia reaaon tbat if be atayed tn thal Church it would iie admittlng that Blshop Leonard'e -. tences were just Mr. MacQueary will uo to S naw, Mlch., miniater ol the Flrsl Diversallat Church at thai plaee. n to iw be nid: "I thoufhl tl.e opportunity a good one. as it is ,1 weal. iy eongre al on and a line chureh. I will preaeb mv openlng sermon ti.eie 8 11 Oetober I." Mr. MacQneary'a caae, it will be re- membered, Ion all over the eoun¬ try, |ie -.-. rd on bis writings, and bia trlal pl ¦' "eland. PAFL WOLFFS DFAI. LIFE. Iir. 1.1 IT BIS win: r I » GIBL BB BE8 1 ROB v i.ii'.MN'. BU1 i.'.iN.:. Chlea.. Bepi £ man, la do longer asalsi Itang." When h aro e thi* morn.n<r lu taw -I illed ac. iiuil ol ow when a report win paper li vo-k. whlle nt* 'i" 1 b «.«_ i;iv ,l' IkI l rnahed Into ¦¦¦ bnrning bnlldlng at tbo n-k ol young glrl, ani ho i,,. 1, ,-,i wlfe for Om eoi ipany of Mis-. Kraetn. glri xvii-.- llfe be bad aavei. All in ii e 1._ i--r di ipat b; hm I >l wai wor rtei b\ w-.i.r wlien he lefl v..-!-h ogton tor Chlcago a ihort Ume ag a rommltted snleida. Therefore Mr- v,oi:r handed m bia :i- 11 il oll. Bdltor-in-Chlet Bapp tbia evenlng aaid: rhe man, when coi Croirt wlth r- ,,f ni, a ii...,-. hdn.ltted Ihe truth ol ,i., barge and di lared tbal he nd Ion ,-.-r ln thc dty. Wolfl in tbe rampalzna ,,f i-.;i an.i 18U8 ln the oM eountry x-.a- ons <>r the ii,.. 1, uilng 0H1 of th -.9* "' Uermany. II, ;,!,;,. |o Wea V. ih and hy hari work Bnceeeded |D r iiing a blgh raok ln Bewapaper arork. Thea be went to Waahington, arbere tor ma. xx.-is i :": annj 1 :-¦ Ipal ..- ratan pap. 1- "' 11.mnti-y. .\ *h..rt llne ago, we engaged litm aa aaalstani When ne can ln* lefBl xvii.-, xx'. I in- ln *-"-x Y-.-k. but .!..- ,.-i unei t.:'-ih.-i- ani 1'. "" thc nei bla wmi tlon wlth Blsi Kraemer." <n M Mi-* Kraemer recdved a letter from B'olff, aa. ng ihat ih.r n-l.it" ne .' torblddlna bei .1 t_ eeotente el * bottla ol hnianam and diod ou Tueaday. THE PETRIFIED BODY OF A WOBAX. BnStslo, ecpt. 2A opeciafi.-Oa th. flo -r of 8 room in the Ar.-.-.de Buflilng is deposlU-d s coffio-ihsped box 7x:_ 1 2 tft. Vi'her, the cove_-_t' WM NnOVSi whal appeared to be a sione siatne wsa r.-eslr.. Ij I-aheork, who own* th. tg'irc. __ 8lW_ lf_ lt _* one ol the mo*t marvcHous .pcclme.i* of petrih el na- banaa tom cxt.-.iit. it w.i.* taaad," said h«. .*at the toot of i>_ M.ii.axv!. raa. al anMotalaa In Arlaaoa. Tha _potl aBlaa Cr_a Oaktop. aai 1 wa-- Bvanaa oi a gahg ..f B_an wbo paf la aaaatlaf a waD. lha faaaaal 1. f.-ei 1*. :,.... ih Bifaeeef tbe fBala. VTaaa wa g.Hdowa elfh. ii,d aat _if tmt aaa tha a_ea itrael thli Bgam i..hinfit txA shlppai II to Oahssai, i'.\ ^erts I.- 1 all over lhe couuuy BaWB 8___Mi it und pronoaaea It a *j>er.ert sporinien." The flgure ls «*-1- BantBJ that of a fully dtvfioped woman. It le flve led laa und one-balf Inches lall and weiehs _>30 p u nl.. H ls niinu. part of the right !eg and both unus. . ..... THE R USH FOR THE NEW LANDS EXCITEMENT IN OKLAHOMA SUBSIDIXG. REPORTS OF MURDKR5 NOT VERIFIEm.MILITARY RUr.E AT THE CHANDI.ET*. TOWN PITE. Outhrle, O. T., Bept. 23..The exeitcment here la snbsidiri. In front. of the landK-fflce there U a large iov.it waltlng to tlie clalms. Fully 1,000 people were ln llio when the offlee was op«*ned this mnrninjr. and when the door wa« opened tho omwd made a laah* For a while lt looked a* If there would bc a itoi severel BMH w-ero shoved off tho small poreh loadlng to the door and In-tantly many revolvers were fhwhed In tho alr. Th© pollee, however, prevonted any fur- tl.or disturbance. Thla erenlng Mayor Spancjer will station nn nffieer at the door of the land offlee, who will Isfuo nnnibered ttefceta to th-_e wlio doslre in tilo, and ln the mornlnp* t_ho number-. of th- - Ucltets will be called out, and ln this wav fnrther complng out all nlght ln front of the effloe will bo ai.led. On the traln whlch oamo ln lnst nlght about BM more people arrlved. The o.n.luct'.r aald that all of the roada leadlni* to this oity were fllled wlth wafODB, harasaaaa and pedtiitrlan* hoaded this way. Tiie report rlrrulatod last nlght that sevei-al per¬ sons hnd heen kllled yesterday cannot veritled to- day. There was nome tronble nt the lowa villago ovor a v.iluabe elalm kn iwn ns Iho taaaa i.tv-ve. An old iit-.'i-o ran his toam nlne mllcs ln forty elght mlnutes and arrlved ahcad of a man who atfi'mptcd to drlvo him oif The ne_ro showod flght and atruek the man down wlth a liatehet. He recelved a sevore wound on the baai, bal am raeoror. Ooeeraor Btoata startod fi-oin Tot n in-eh for Chiintlloi- thla mornlng to open the town <!'-. at nooh to-morrow. The soldlcrs have . haadtoe under mUlfary n_8_ and will not allow any one tw approaeh nearer than thirty foot of the line. Tbe iir-t peraOB to arrlve yosterday, who sfarted from the border, waa Bhner MeG-nire, who rode through on » trteyele, making tho run in thr*«e hoaie. A large erowd of l«t boomer- arrlved at Chandler lasi nlght nnd oamped out Bboal the town <lte. Thev are Indlgnaat bcoause tho town s'.u* h*s nol been to tettlemanti and sw.nr thoy will stake out a ilv.il town on tho adjolnlns iiMrt-r sectbm aad Bhifl the slte of the town m that .-uartor. Th.-v |nteud-"l to begla tha work thl.- monilig, but as yet they have ig but talk ahont lt. spcclai Ageal retgal thal tho aouth county seat wns epdaad y.-ter daj a| noon. A number of tlio lowa Indians eattM here thla mornlng. The.v niado a. -rreat deol of money yesterday by showlng boomer- doslraUe locathm-. boy, thtrteen years oid, ma<ie mb in this [ndlana covered tho gronnd pntty thor* oughly, and *av that thoy <aw no .llstnrbanec of any l.ii.l. It I- iho gonoral hnprasalOB that the lands wero OCCUpled nithOUt a*-? great disturbance. The negro rolonist-j were not hlphly .ucces.ful ln the rash. A f"~ of them cot |00d elaims but ln the majority of enses a WMtc man wfll contest the etatm. Three or four neproes would sottle on a olnini and will prove ap forty aeraa eaeh, bat the whito uen aUwaal 160 aere*. Laat alght waa beaattfUL Batare was kind to the thoasands lylng ont of doors. but lt iva- nol W et slecp and quiet dreauw" for many of them. Watar waa searrc and many hnd neglertcd to rarry even a drlnk. Tho ureat aulaaoee w-a.- pmirie flres bttrnlng all over tfie new lands. Some of tha iire- we«e Itarted to drlve the men olT the elalm*. whllc othere were atarted hT men huuttng for sootlon stones. ll,.. ..:ip6 were hard to nnd. Mayor Weigel, the -ii.-i.il agent <>f the iDtcrior Departmont. says that nniiv of ihe atone* hnve been du. up by the Indhins. The county araa survenred soveoteen years ago «galn-.t tho wi-h-*-, of the Indtana. \ courier from Teeumeeh, the town sitc of the lower eonnty ieat atatea that tho sltc was prorlnlnicd open to -ettkiiie.it at noon to-day by Governor btvelc. rhouaand* ol people rushed ln aud clolmod lot*. There han been no disturbance when tlw courier left. RF.PORT OF THE LAHD INSPECTOB. Waahlugton, sopt. 23^-Baeretary jfoble has r*coir«d iho Mliwing telegram from Colnnel C. F. Datle, p.,1,,1 lai .1 Inapeetar, sent to aet with Major F.. F. We _- i in Buperlntendfng the cpenlng of the new pu- ea |n OWahoma: Pottawatomie Rosorvotlnn. 1 :TJO p. m., Sept. '.'2. Openlng rompleted without tronble: town slte thorougMi -i.:"-!'.! i.-ain-t Inva-lon. The survcy of -ounty ---ai will nol be romP-eted ~^ro»«»*» -..,r."ow. Wednaaday. 88d laat About 3.000 peopla ui.nndlng lt but h well protrt.-ti. .Tbapeopleare Immored und no l-wfte U a'ti, i;.-t <i I will ,.,.,...j., aere nnUl aurvey ,2"pMet and town ilte opened. l »end thla by courier to oklahttn.i Cit>. _-«-. 8TBU0GLIXQ FOR A CHAIR IX COURT. THF, POUCB WAR IN BRIDGF.rORT, CONN., RE- BDMED, liridirep.rt. Conn.. S.-pt. -jn.-The polioe department ., in h atata ot demoraiizution. Captain Plnheraaan. who I-.- been ordered to take eommand of Um toree, day ejected from Um tmntt chalr la Um CKy ., i,., chief Rvi.nds. Tho ooauaoa eouneil r.nUy aboUahed Iha oBtoe <>f ehiet-ef-poliee, bnl - ih-it thoir attion WBI ill"-al. W«a*M not surn nder the o«ee. PatretaBan have been oedere by .me of tho pollea boartto, tho aatheelt. ot whieh la .,,,,.-.!-.i. nol to obey Bylands. Bxctteeaeot la hlgh bul thiis far no vloleiK'e ha- been 8*888* DM ei.te.f. Captain Ptokerman at o o'cloek Uils mornlng aatared lt., cl and made a demand tor tha keys Um offlee .of chlef-of poii'c aeflng by order «>f th.* comml«loners. Oitel Ryiands letaaed render the propert. as he recognlBad no ineh ,.,,,.. a- t'.Id boord of P'Hee commi-sioners. The chlel and captain both *enl tato Um firv Coart room. who preeedad the chief, tooi ti_e lattar'a aceuatomed -";>». and when the ehlei reachad lt ba reqnealed the captain to vaoate it but Uie latter ' , The few ipoctatora fn the court room then eoaeluded ;n,.;,. v.a- lo ba a Btruggla for tl.e poaaewloo of tbe ,Mi,ia; .'lief of-piiice. The ehlef aaade an- ti for the lent and upon heing met wlth .ia-ped Uie eaptalB by the eoat an«l ,, ,;,iiv. ile gfted tl.aptaln, halr ., ,i ,ii ond -|..ft*d li"M| -evoia! feet t.i iln- top ot -.itiwu-nv, ibe <rii room, %M II ap ,;,i,. his pun. totlirow _lm down tUe italr*. ¦¦.., ,,. me City Court, opproached ttortWfJUng ,,.,.'. _aytng hurriedly: "iStop. »top tor ii';|*\'»'; **¦';.;;. ,._,.- jhe Inxed hi*. hold on fhe .. -.th! weUrouean have tho eh-.i.-. Th« chlel rcplie*thal he Intended to have It. and than .;;,. two ofllcen tooh aeota al the -une table, only on -i ie* and fBelng eaeh othor. A TOEXATayt WOBE Ot UAOB WOODS. Aii_.-i.-ta. Me, Sept- 28 (St-o.lali.-New, of the dam- ,-- dom by -torm eonttnuea to eema from BorttMra ,.; :. a path oat iu tha v-onds ,,! t iwiuhlp Xo. 9, aboat three artlei fi*mi i.ro rtUaga, Saturday. Glanl ireei td __U *M* won* heapad in a ,,,.N a;. .,, ... rodi in'wi'itii iin.i extaadlng in aa .i-iei'y dlreetlon for Bl h'a-t an ei-'htl. of t mlle. Hupj ,r..'n'e- nnd voiiow Urehea at leart three leei la llumctcr were upwoted; turn and ahattered trunha K-ere arattered here and Ihere. Around th* aptarned rnn old rellow blreh, al leaat toree feel through, feet wa, .iif.-uiMi Irom onc ilde ot the ruot* . bandred yohe ot ¦ix have made t _nl*e_ amoag Ua biaiiche-. _ THE 9BAEY CHICAGO 9EBEBA1 BBILDIW. Chleago, Bept 23 (Bpeelallv Arehlteet BeU, tv j. to arateh oree tho Pedaral Bathtlng, nnd to Wsahlngton al atatod paetoda how araeh the u ii- are alnklng uod how many now teaaha haae them, mnde a tour of the -hakv -tinrture Hp tlu-rounl'ly examlned the wtill, and '"il nmst of the room-. on eaeh floor, and ordered tert ig t> hc renowed In several places on Um and third floors. He aho found teverol p:»c*s iron ornamentaj work »t the topa of columns liad becomo looae, and he ordered the pleee* NBMVai, Mr. Rell made ihe dlscovery, alao, that at the hoad ol th' 1.;-; italrway on Uie thlrd floor, at the Adaraa-at. nd of tr.c bulldin's, a blg atone alab ha* reeently a*p- .r&Uid Into three pleces. The atalrway has »un£ also (all? an laah. #_ JtESCT'J5J_t FROB DBOWXIXO. AUanth* HiKhlands, Sept. 23.-A boy ten yeara old, namefl Thonin- Bowman, a aon of Juda* Rnwrnan. of .'.i.i'ii-e. who ls baaa IN tho .-.unimer, ventured om ln the water tlii- mori.tnit. and Uie tWe belng i,!-:ii. h.- ii.i- ett hl. footliiir and *.:nk. bo) v ei" with h,iu nnd they .alle.1 for help. ffUam i eolored _aaa aaaaad PrafthBr iMnl lo hla m tan.o and dragged tlie boy out. ^Vfter tonsiderablti vtork he was re»UKltate4- MR. WHITE WILL RESUME. A MORE FAVORARLK HU__ OF THE FAiLUKE. THE BEARS ATTACK THK STOCTt MARKET BU* A_E r.EPUl_$r.I>-ADVF.RSE RUMORS DF.NIED -MORE GOLD JPROM EUROPE. The failure of the Stoek Exeliange houae ot 8. V. White Co. did not bring in ita traln yea¬ terday thc calarmties predicted by the I _ar trad _n on Tues<lay. None af tho mallgnant rumura bo freely cireulatcd waa cntitirme d, and Wall Slreet. heard with sat.factlon the eemi-dfllnfal a_ii_noa l-'iven that, Mr. White wonld be able to reaume at an early date. The affairs of the flrm are Tiowinit a, more satisfactory condition than had b_n looked for, and no other lioiu. is likely to be embarras__ by any of tlie coneequencee of tlie suspension. Tlie atock market wu affeeted yeaterday mare l.y tlie npprcl_en_on of whavt mixht follow tht White failure thnn by lhe aetnal con-*.uencr_. Tbe beara attacked prieea with vigor and spread a lio.it of unfavorablc rumors. Among rheae were .storicM that there was a hitoh in the negotriatione for funding the loafltag debt of the l.'nion Paciflo and that tlie dtvidend on . _i_ouri Paciflc would l>e redueed or pasaed. Tiie two sfoeks were rap¬ idly sold off, and the (. ner lisf ree. led 1 per cent. The expeotation of a ralsing of the dl»- oount rate of the Bank of England to-day waa t_ed to exelte worry an to the money market, aud rates lor eall |gg_g wer- bid up to 10 per cent. In the first hoiif of trnding e\eitemcnt waa hlgh and 170,1100 shar. chnnged hands. Hy noon the market (piiered down, and when the sel!in« pri«.sn_ w.is removed a seramble ta eover sliort contrast.-* started priees upward rapidly. Tl. change nme qni.-l.ly, and in the majority of instonees st-ock more than _eover_ 1 the early loaaes under a rnsh of new buying orders. Tha ritniors about l.nton Pacifle were quiekly dlspoeed of. ... Fierpont Mo r«..n Baad thnt there was no hftflh iu the floating debt nei. tiations, and he ezpieaaad eonfi.lenee in the outeonie. >n_ of tlie lioston direetors of tbe tOttMOOtJ were in tlie eity to diaeuas tho details, but tliere w.is no fornial iii.vting of the board nnd no 0OBl___O wlth r.he trust c.invmittee. Tlie work of aeeuring t_«> on. nt of eome of the New-Krijand ere.litnr.s to tl.e ex- tj'iisi.ni ¦§____! is _..\v, lieea.is- ol reetrictiotia pkieed by tlie laws upon tl.e b__ll__8g of banks. It i.s said, however. that tlie MW l'nr« *e-year notea are growing in favor anong eapitalign who have exainined them. and an ini|H.i n.iit influence is e\- erted by tlie clam*e in the extensioii ngreement by whieh the eompany andernkes i<> issue no new oblig.itlons without tbe approvul of tlie tr. t com¬ mittee. Tlie rumors about Missouii Paeilie. dividend were unoffieially ___L The dc.l.ir.tion of tba qmrterly nin i-s now due, but a naKl _| ba., hoen prevented by the dURealty of aoeartag n qaoraflB of directors. The (.oiild pouple say thal tbe BBMl 1 p<_ eent will l»e .ieelnred, hut late in tlie atter- iioon brok.n. of the < .nsolidatod Kxehamie .ood ou the New-st. eurb and solrl small lo of .sL-.c.k beloW the (ftiei-.l .b.sinp. BgUVB, Tliey b.vasted e.onlideiitlx- that tliere wonl.l l>e a reduetion ot the rate. but tl.e brol.ers of tlie big Kxoha.nf_ hiid gone home lnditleiviit as to wl_tbet ihe dividend waa declared or imt It WOOld exeite aniaze. .ent if Missouii l'a.-itie, after paying 4 pef cent rhro.igll a .seve.v ye.ir, .MHlld ou l'..r thros .-1 i ol a ;. traffle movement eut down the rutc ou a plea. ol " conservatlsm." Tl.e restoration of eonfidenee in the Street at tiie i-Io.se of b.isiii.-.-s wa.* La* n.-d by a decline ln the n.tes tor money to 4 per ent. Tbe announce- nient. wns made of aiiotber ahipment of !?20n.onO gold fn.m r.irope to Kuliu. T.wb & Co. The total amount, now known to lx» on the way is iie.rly $0,000,000. Foreign exebange ho.r.-es a_ oonfldent of naoh h.uvicr arrivals at an eariy date. The elerks of Charles W. Hould. tiie aeeijrtee ol S. V. White A- Co., were baay yester.lay makiujt up aeeounta while Ut. Goold held naay sfitisfnc- tory interviews with ereditors an.l bolde. ol collat. l.il on loana Mr. W'.ire was ai bis offiea lor a short time bat he went li.one be__ noon. tir» out by tlie reaetion from the tension of Tues- dny. The eoiiferenee lietweon the assii. ee and tiie nemben of tbe flrn led to ahaord rumors that .l.y QouU wns with Mr. White. There was na truili in them and Mr. Wl.ite has soimiit B0 aa- -isi.-une fioin Jay Gould or any otber larje (vipl- Tlie flrm autliorized this Ktatetnvnt Tha failure was in no way basiened by any aeta ol Woeriahofl Co., er PMd, Llndte. <fc Co. Then was no aareemetit nor understanding I iwcen then witk rejfard to t__na_0Bg in tlie coni market. and if tiie two Im last meitiun.il bave at any time sold eorn, they operafed en- t.iely mi their 0WB judguietit nnd xvitiiout any violation of express. or implied oblinations u> Mr. White. Mr. Ooold, liis a-spi'iznee, aaid yesterday that tlie ereditors of tlie laiiel hou.. had uiiiversally ext_idci the ntniofit consider.. ion in the arrange- i;.. -r11 for seftlintr it« afTairn. Tbere would 1>« no diflieiilty in eanyiBB exhjtlBB loans. and lte thought tliat all oollateral if property nurs-1 would Rnally atror.i a .... I balanee lo tl.e eopeera nfter meetins; all obligationa. Exery engaqement i" New-York haa been proteoted. imt of courso Mr. Gould could uot apeah autlioiitatively of the position of tlie aeeounts of tlie ChiaaOTO braneh. !t is understood. however. tbal tliere wiii be r.e nerlflOM Of any. of Mr. Whi ,"s loans any where, and there 'r* BtTOBg Kioiind for believine that tba iirm \xill l.e ub!e to arranjre its iudelifedtte so aa tu peri-iif it.s raaunptloa in a tew WQtlB.. It if nndentood that the Bntgnee ba.s found The atoch BOOOann of lhe houae in a satihfaw-torv shaoe. So toiee.l wiles will be made wh.-re they seemed .- on Tueaday, aml this hnaeh of rhe Kttlemnl is expeeted to Ijc condueted most S'io- eessfnlly. IJeputy SheritT Fox has seeured an attachment for (10,700 acainst Tlmnias and Samud R _, onuipaalng Nw Im of i_<» BrethenA i "., hrokere, of PlttaburB. in favor of (.eor_-o O. Moriran, and lias served the attaeluuent on S. V. White tt Co. aod thc _s.Kn<., Chariea W. Gould. hk.vrv clews on tiii: rilveb Qi__no«, ni: l'uxi-i.1- _»i:i; .ni nt BABRIBO-I am. cives him tiii: ciii iu r ..r mvkim; thu m IMC-R -*'i ETBOX. ln ipeaUng of lha lai. sblpaaeal I ¦¦ iiM,le t-» thi* eoiinti-x. llri.rv CltWB nM '.e-|. ;-.la\ to 8 Tiitmne i-ep4jrtcr tha' li- loOtMd <>n thr nioxeiii.-ni -(* o, ALtoci i-.--.iii of tha ' ."I on the *iix.r ,iue-ti..i.. "The e___a defcaaaloa artteh wa \x.. ....I .!. aaaal a Bnwlh ai-'o." ha __, *waa pro- ,i ii.i ui.a- hy iii.- bi*t flft ".--I asBBaaa ot goM Mppei than l.v the tlfty n.illioa. .hat hai BDB8 pr.-viou*Ix. for tho reawui that the BB_ vva* l'v;i;i..n .ind th.- other the leverae. The iifteen BilUioaa re_rr_ lo xver.- taUea away from us ln a BMei fon-ilik" xx ay, eontriry |. ti-_le condltlons or the rates of exeiianire that had previ,>a*ly been eomidered ln crold _lpmei.t>. A hirge premlum, it i* to be n-mcnibered, w. pald to obtala that flfteen millions. It was therefor> pur.ly of a sp_ ulatlva rharaeter. The general agiU'.tlon tho silver que_ tiun at tha. time was the tnceotlve, thc impreialon beinjt, esj»eciall) on tho Contlne.it of Europe. tiai the silver agltation mwant the ;;as*age by the next Coo- gress of a free-allver law*. Under »uch a law lt W_M have been possibla to offset the iifteen milli. .a of gold by returning to this eountry allvcr boupht lo Europe at about fl an ounre anrt msrketed here at 81 CO 3-8. The gold we are r.ow getHm; baek. amountlng, wltb what Is now on tbe way. to 07.OOO,iXK), t. a part c| tlve Iifteen nillllons, and the bulau.e wlll surely follow ln Ihall. n lha ^aealaaan have ihnnxn up the afOMI ii. reL.tmn to IM e_M_ 88_ M l"ii. r expeol a Ire-*llver ni .-.uee to im- pas_d." -What Ira* i-,iii*.-I tli.ir rlian_ ol attlUidet* "lha uccaslon l.<r tho .luuge waa largeijt due

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Page 1: V0L-I-l-.--.N0,lf>,3St. NEW-YORK, TIin.SDVV, MH.-TWELVE ... · Ihe Democr-iti" Stuti-Committee, eame hore from Troy and had a lorn: conference with Governor Hill this mominir before






AMD MUKl'llYi, UI 1.1 (.ATES. TBIES IW-.




-_BT TELEGKAPII TO THE TBIBITKB.]Albany, Be I I In the Cavc »f Musion ln

whioh the Mofwinapa now ftxt Gavemee Hillhas lost his oi.ntro*, ot the Demoeratic party llthli Stat* an.l Gzovet Cleveland *.vlll »x> the ">yidi-date ol the NVw \..rk DnabdHbti foi ftaaJdentHiliisiB hoiii* i*\tiii. t nn.l David B. Hill havini*l-eem depowd 1'V Wi lieutenants, of 088188 tbe

Deuiocratie party 1- w.irtby of the support <>f alltrue lUfwampa, Thnt ll tho ar_-uu^_t. BntMr. Hill, ji.M a* his funeral *_»rvio.y. afe proceed-inii aotcmiily in atagwaaBp ehapela- haa saddenlyc.nne to bfc nt.! kaa ained a vieian** mnm at thebead of 1>. Cn.ty Herrick. tho k*..<.ing C'evcKudDemocrat ln the intorior of tl.e BMM and a mem¬

ber of the Deniocrati.*. Rtate Committee. Mr.

Hill it repart- d to have said tbe present week-I now bave all hut two of the meml-rrs of

the Deniocra.ie State Committee, tmd by Dcxt

¦rear I ahall have all of them. Herrick, of Albany.ln oae of them."

Mr. Hill seeke tlie unanimoua eupport of tb<

Demoeratic State Convention of 181.2 Utavor of his nomination for Prcf-ident.Hence his iittnek upon Mr. Herriok 88 tM

at his few rrmnininf oppononts in the

chief bodv whieh e_ar_ro_l the Demoeratic partyln this State. If the Dcniner..t_ of Xew-WkState throueh their pnlMeal orjrani/ation tmani-

tnously tt* aext ycar lor tli" nomiuatin:i for Presi-

dent. he feel- eonfident of his nomination bf the

Pera'oeratic National Convention. Meanv.hilc al!

Deinocrats wlio thlnk that some other eandidatetlifu*. Mr. Hill sliould be nominatod will be snp-

preseed. Tliere will be an appearanoe at ler-M

of tho Democrat*. of New-Vork niiaiiiniou.sl.v de-

manrtim? Mr. Hill's ii'iminatiou. Mr. Herrick. who

id almost the snle Cleveland member now of the

I-emooratie State Cotamittee, is n!t-o the " hoss"of the Albany De.i" ;;it.s, and is t leadins. lawyeref the fity. Iho «*at of Mr. Herrick in the Statet ommitt-*e ha* 1-ecn covoted for a long time byCovernor Hill. Even the Cleveland man who form-

irly reproeented the Bnffalo Conjrrens* District inarhi.h Mr. Cleveland once lived was foreed olY tho

eommittee and his plaee has been taken hy a de-roted follower of 1). B. Hill. Tlie friends of Mr.Cleveland in Buffalo who came t<. the laal Demo-

State Convention repiesentin_r three of

Ihe Bnffals Awmbly Di«***jifts were deprivedaf theii seata in the convention and these seats

wrro given to Hill men. The 'ity of Buffalo.rhereiore, iu the Doomorntio National Conventionvil) ii - H dM iu 1**4 and 16SS, for then-miiiMt'itii ef Gievee Cleveland, but for theaondnation af Darid B. Hill.

Before tho Demoeratic State Convention met. t Sirati.Ra on TlMBdlJ last the adheronts ofGovernor Hill had sent word to Mr. Herrick thati.nleas he -;irendered his -"-tate Committee seat

To a Hill Democrat thoy would oppoec all his

political ambitione. Mr. Henick's chief ambition for Reveral years has heett to be elected a

f ipieme Court Judice from this judicial district.tlisi-ii' t whieh ustially elects the Demoeratic

eandidate, 60 that a nomination is consideredfouivalent to an elcction. A Judge of the SupremeCourt ia to be elected thia fall, and it is "ThoCirii" of the Albany Demoerats to nominate theoan<H<*lat. lor ,7ud. e. There l*» no question thatIhey are united for Mr. Herrick. Taking advnu-tage of this situatkm Governor Ilill throuchfriends propused t<. tiade ofT the Sapreme Court.Judge6hip for the State Comunittee position, Mr.Hill eontrollins; enotigh votes ln Tho judicial dis¬trict outf-ide of Albany County to _ive the noinina-li'»n for Jadfje to whoever he pleaaed. But theGovernor found in Mr. Herrick a self-respecting(tnan, and one who could not be holldoaed. Mr.Herrick ditl not propOM to baj the Jodgeshlp nor

lo sell out his friends. His reply to the overtnrewa6 ta aeeept a raa__aope re-election as BtateI'omniittceniau lnmi the hands of the Albnnydolo.ates who attended the State Convention lastweek.

To-day the Democrntie Judicial Convention-i- hold here. E'lward Murphy, jr.. ohairman ofIhe Democr-iti" Stuti- Committee, eame hore fromTroy and had a lorn: conference with GovernorHill this mominir before t'.e eonrention met.Thin eanflRCim had b apedal p*^rtinen'*e from thettu% that Mr. Murphy liv.-h ln ITOnaBtilacr (ointvhi.d had naaed -ill the delegatea trtn thalcuiii.ty to the .ludi.ril Cuivetition. Mr. Murphytook apeeiaJ paiaa under Instraetioaa irom GovernorJ.'tll thal na naa Mendlj to Mr. Herrick abonldI .-c:cctcd aa one of ier County dele

The GoTtnoi and Mr. Murj.liy, nftei hold-' -iis conference, sent thi.**. wor.l to Mr. Her¬

rick :

-:_rn your plaee 88 n member of the Dem..-erat'i- Btata Committee before the Jadidary Con-tention me.

-Mr. Murj.liv aaid: " If Mr. Herrick snbmitsto tho-e eondittona he deeanl hnve the eontaajeof a yellow <!oir." But Mr. Herrick proved hisaawaaje. 11«- r-*plif.r: " I *,vill not resi_rn mypaaMan.** Noon after tliis exehance ol views hc-tween Goveaoi Hill nnd Mr. Herrick the Judieiarj*Caovention mel al tha Ameeiean Hotel. Theaefeuneop. ddegntea arere preb.*nt from tlie followin*.t-i tkn:

Aibiiiy (vuiim./.nt, A. Dyer, Pmnhlla M. Danmher. .-rfi'i. :.. Rlti ioe McLean.

Rcnea-la.'!*.Willlaiu Denahaa. K. Aikeu, and 0. F. K.088.

Cohunbla- Samnel J, liiden.talhran bai Barmun.Un A .. Jon. -.

Oeorge v. i-nnforth..-. i. H ll, Charlaa M. Prt-ston and John F.

088amThe convention had no sooner met than Charlea

M. Pie.-* .n. who wa-, iii.ide SiijM-rin.cniletit of lli«"B^nk Dapartment hy Uovemor Hill, Banumed c.mi-inaivi oi it lic -mve ¦ favorable reeeptlon tol>**niel t. UeElwnine, a Hill Demoerat, who oon-

Hm uti "' tha deteajnte fiom Cie ivtiiAaaanAif Diatriel "i Alhnny Coanty, a com¬mittee on Bontented neata waa appolttted, whoawlftly reparted in favor "t Beating MeElwaine,and tuiis M:. Herrick w ..s deprived oi one ui hi,Al'-diiy auppacters,

Hit l>o\eF*Mir Ilill had anotber Bira in tbuaoe.itius UeKlwainr. alid tbal araa t>» make it a;.-pear that Albany County -*-.'*. dlvided in oenti*ment in n-i-.i |0 ,;.. proper i*ei*->ii to Qominatofor Judge. Thua, no Bvoaer ha<l Judfe Danaber,af AlUmy, nominated Mr. Herrick for Supreme

\i. Klwnine nominated fot theJune oftice CounQr Jadge I lute, ol Ali.ui.v CountyTh.- llerri. u Demoerata, hiiioiim whom Btood Con*i uan l'ni'\ and Senator Chai rd this

r«eh uf McKlw&ine'l with a etoim of hlsses. Jleitcti al i

" J have iic\.-r beea driven from a convention.and yoi .n drlve me out ol tniv"

Judge |> ,| ^al it would be vi-.lat-ing precedentg nol to recocnize the plain ehoiceof the Albany Omoci it wa* Mr. Herrick.

Then the Hill Demoerata m le notber move.The.v moved thnt tha coaveni t»d-Journ BBtll Oetohei t. Judpi Danaher and As-aemhlvman Hm prcr«ste'l. and the latter madean Indignant sn-'cc,,, m whieh he aaid"Why not nominate to-day? To Albanytounty, the bomter D<»mocratic county of thefctate, belocfa this nomiimTion, and we are hero»e nominate. The r-eople of Renmelaer Countvand of foiumbia County want our eandidate, D.Cadv Herrie*, a;3 do nat want you up h-*re witha coiiar about your neeks to foist some other manupon ua. *

But the delegate* from every county exoeptAlbany vote.i to atljoiirn the eoaventian_«n_ tne', l# ' "-.j"..... .ii-- i'iiiiir:iT|t)!i of.r\ th«adjouramenl war acotirdlngly taken to that timeTl.e ob.ei t .,[ thi* adjonrnmenl is to force MrHerrick t., r- m_h h_- pt aitlon u;.on the State 1'ommltte-* Mr. Hill and Mr, Murphy will not _<.-eoiniiliah their am. \|r Herrick itandi la theUnto (M-silion to-nlghl thal he has alwain ht-jodfeamc'ly, i.e wiU n.-t itui.hase a wai upon the

Supreme Court Irei. h XX f.ling hiu SlB_lniltu. position to Davi.l II. lliil or to atiy x.tlurman.






ALI_OED SPEECH.London. Pept. _S.-Th« eorrespondcnt of " Tlie News"

at Od. aa re. >r. a slead.r movenic.it of UiisMan troop..aaahwwC Ha «avs " laaajoeary harrarh a< c .jmnioda-

U,i;i* »mve been prfivided in all militnvy ccntrcs be-

t.. n her. and \var.w. It B nol knoWB, _ra_rar,vx'.cre th-. t__N will coi.cciitrntc Thc mllitaryofflrla. ote i_! lcent. and tbe local pre-s la foi-Mdl D t'»

allude to the matter. The movemcnt* a_ dlrcicd byOaaaml viadimiro*. at ki_t, bb4 by Oaa. .1 oonri a<

waraaar, two ei the able taeHdana la She aiaiy. The

Admiraltv haa o:der» <rt that all the Tnrger v.--"K of thc

Basataa Btmrn _.fr__lrn and. Traitng CerapWi a_

v-ii u* th.- voiuntcci- Beat, ba aejatpp 8 srlth poweettiCuvlts. M are ¦_ BJaaaT. These propai.itions have

glven rlse to many war nunons."Berlln. Sept. 23.-The Kreur. Zcltung'' _y* H in

believed that Bmil* medit.it ' aa atlcmpt to foree a

pj through Hobnidicha. The KI115 ot Bumaniaintend on Ul forthcomlng Jonrney, to a Klng Hum-

|.«rt and Emperor William whether Rumanla can ly

upon the as4.lst_.nce of lhe Dreibund ln thc event of B

Baaaaaa nttBTt H B reported thnt Russla ls *_Kinp

an _llanoe wlth Orce ln order to obfaln thc uie of the

Oreet leet, whlch _w lateiy baaa grc.,»:y lmproved in

efl.clency.lieilin. Sept. 23..In this eitv the allegcd speeeh of

(Ba Chaai Dafea el Daaaa. le whlch. according to ihe

"Dix ITIiiiii_asa leekT or Parie, ha expseee. the be-

!M-f thnt the tlme wa* near "when Germany BBB_ a. 1 ln

aasadata the sword ln __aea of her Independcnccacalnal m eneniv who hns not l.rned pradeaee by a

bloody defeat," ls _s.-r.lu.. It ls snid that the Oranduiii.t's (/mv i-Mvi.t public Dtteranee, ao laraa known,I. that ln whVh he expressed hli satislactlon lo thcrttlsens of Bear-Loals, ln Bhenlah Prussia, that German. arere ahrayi nnltei when thc Bmperor nnd tlieKmpire were ooacetned.



Berlin, Sept. _:3.-It ls reported liero that thc r7.nr

,,f Baaala nnd tho Emperor of f.ermany will mt*. ;,t

sxxir.nii.nde. in tlie lsland of DB8a__ 011 tlie Swine, on

Dattet of the __Uiier-ilalT, in tlie BaltU-, ou OetoberVA.


TION OF ____-,

Waahington, Sept. _..-.'aptain Hchley, rt>mniandlngthe BiiUimore, now in fhlllan wntcrs, cabled Ihenw Departaeot jreateeiay fraia Valpanlao na M

lowa: .. Pestivliies to cclebratc the ;i;miver*ary oi

tjiiihin tadepeadenee and the reetorettoe of peacehave pa^"d without pollticnl dlstarbaaees. Every

thinp i> (|ulet. Balma. _ln comniitUd sulcide Kepteni-ber IO."1

I.undon. 8ept. 08..Ominsel on behalf of the Chllian(roverntiient to-d^r applied to Justiee _e_8 to M

sfrain the mall purUM eompany oarning tlie ateamshlpMoaelle ftorn partlnp «_ SC.'.O.O. i ln bulllon broughtfr.m. MaatavMaa laaaaMy, excep. to the Bank alEngland for etontge pnrposea. The _me eotinsel al.*o

nsked the JusUce to forold the Bank of the illver I'lnte

from i.artlng wlth cnrti-ln domments refenlng le Ifclabnllion. Caaasel for tl.e Bank the R'.ver Plate

objoct^d to .his demand. a»KertinB that the bnnU Imd

alrcdv parted wlth S1'J5,_0 on «2?l^1.0tJ".bulllon. nnd tl.al lt had .. cepted otter Mlls drawn,,-;ii_t lt. Jnsttee Jeune deeided thnt the bulllon-oiild reiiinin ln the Bauh of England.

These cable dlspatch^i, together wlth the f_n Pron-

ci .0 te.Icgrams ixeportlng the relea-e on bond of tlie

ItHt;.. ahow ihat Chili is p. 8__g Ita normnl eondl¬

tlon in pc.ird .o ootb foreign relatlo'is and Int.-rnaJ

aBaln, 'I''.p dlipaleh ot the commander of the I»lt4-more .<. ihe Nnvv Department. stating that "even'-

thing ia nnlcr tn Hilll. comes Ju time fh prove lhe

in. .i-.'diicss, or at le. t thc cxag. rntiona. of a

Siuiting.. teleernni l-ejioKlng thal a -revoir liad nr.

,,irr.-d MBOng the __!*_ voluntcers. It conld not

have been mu'h of a *___," slaee tho some dlspatchend(*d by saying ihat tlie troublc r.ad Ijeen H__pilyaverted bv the clear judgmeyt and cord bearing of tlie

lenl of th.; Juntn. Jorge. M< ntt, aod r .onel

Oanto," ihe latter the lomman.lcrin .h_l thc OOB-

ttttuttoaal army al ciiili on. the victor in ihe eeotestaxxih the ii,.ini..."«!i-t-- al Ctaaeac aad Pridlla. The

milltai7 ii-.-ubie- if there was any-b erpreaantel aa

hnvi.ik beea eaased l.y a leaaporaiy deeBne ta tbeqaaltt* »f the fo"d furni*hed te lhe aaaa__, and bv

delay la aendlng the votaateera back to their haa_s.Hi.t ihe sni.ii.Ts arere soan nade to anderstand tha.

ImmedlateU tttu the general tlBOifan-sUon esTBctodi,v tbe war, it aaa nol poaslblc le have tbe anaj a_a_

ln their naual order, ii.:..iiiu.'h us m._ provi"f;^'''lJpnsuaUv 1-. i^> Imperled tato ChIM, and that the Jnnt*,,, ..01 hav.- ;. if i.;.x.! lianspOTb ready r.l hand.TBo_.tr.5lc rolanteira ... lhe vlctorious .Constita-Uonal armV andentood the *ttaatlon. end II anyr,, 1..- mmUv oecorred It ta«t d onlv a ie« .ua. andn__ita Srbley. rommandlnc the tolOmore, ooa r,

ri, vxn.<-i .'..uld cable lo tb. Bar. liot.a.-tn.c:,th." "thc .v*t.,n'ion of pea_ hai pa««Bd erttaeulmlitlca] dtotarbanee, and 1V.1 eat_rt_R| la ejaiel ta[jm Boatfa Aiaeiaeaa Befablle.

PHEMIER MEP.CTEi: ___B_DIKO IHMSELP.ottiixv;,. Bept .-ii.-P.ci.iei- Mer_er*a reply to Uea-

t,..,;)nt Oovernor Aagara raapeettng the Bale Btienr- Baltway _-a.rt.il was b:ou. it doxvn ln the -

bo nlghl by Piemier Abbot*. ftaaaler Merder JasOfloitbe paymeni to Aitaahraaf, tho eoatiaetor. BH»rd-lDg the P..ea.ni toddenl he aaya In part: "« ¦-¦ rw-

.lent that wltbooi this Ineident 110 one would have

noupht of maidng any iBataaatloaa. This l.i.id.nt

H . x-i-x regrettable one. aai lt B my iatgr to conderai. the mort aaaere ietaii th.- attaaae barfaln aaade

-..,,,,,.n theae taw patssea; acd if my .,.ii.,.--u.-s or

my. lf hai had Bl. e(.C.,i/ni;.e ol it all _fO_UlO_would nnve lx-en stoppesl."

Kefer-ing to the stat.nient that he got *.,,000 from

Paeaaal afclfc tn Paris, N aajras "1 am laformet tbalthis amount wu TtAttt ttom »»<> tt the BOtej whieh I

1.ft tadonei in bl.nk witn Benator __etttar betoregotog to Eumpe. I have n_ had aay _>!."Hnmiy^ol.(intinning this. Mr. La Fraiiee. el the Baoqua Na-

Uonale, before fbe Beaate, aati taal *. BiVtX. waa

the araeeeda oi a ae_ of ___«.. toiowei by \a:.d gaanatoei by one of the Qaabee &.***0?*ebeeks. He it a« lt may, I afflrm u. you that, betagln .eed of money. 1 aabai Bar tm\rtoeei tb*i h^u.nl would be lataei bb aae of my own m lea, and

whieh obli-ati'.n I _Uy exixxted to PV- I afflrrn that

xvl...ii I asked for thi* -un, I w_ in IgaOfaaee tho

Bale des Chalcurs tranwietion, and until _0g after

Coutinulng. he 884. S -'Your Honor s_m.s |o tMnbthere is a toUgata batwaea -8 GoaernrneBl boA.Te-ui... 01 t .- ox!,..,. where tribute mna be paidb- ..u.ia'i* for uatlre, Aa to mv _W 1 la nn-

..ce*-;.rx to >iv to von t.h-it 1 Bm m Ignorance of ttie,.x .,,..-,. ,,f -.:-.-:. a t-illxn-.- ln c...!-.ii. Mr.v.-r..er adka for an Inve^atlon Into all the biib-aldlea gnint«_ to Ibe eenplo.


BerUn, Bept 23..Theaa is uiu.-i. dbeaaalon golngoi, iii i.'ti.-.'ie ani .'.oi *i:.nt drelea ln lh. Boi othereWaa utn the fa«-i. Ju-t a__ pnhUe, Ihal Pratoaaee\Vin-.-iri..i. of i.i-ii"-..'. arha hetongi lo aae of the aaaalnot,-. ( athollc f.i.ni..- "f lhai .itv. haa anaoaneed his

coi.vcrsion lo IYote-t .nlism. Tho [__aaor ntlrlliiite*

the chaaga ta h» tbOpb ** altwa t.. tu* BMbettel In ti.o

antbeatlclty ol law garaeet known the ii'Vv Oaat,u-hich ls now on cxhiblii. ta tbe Cathedral atand to Iii* eonsclentlopa ruples agslnal nupporUng a

_.. h Uiat wonid le'nd it- -anction to sueh an ex¬

hibtt ion.

BTANLEY TO RSSIOB HIS OOVEI.'NORSHIP.Berlin. s-pt. 2*3.-The Bbjeet di Henry K. ^t.'lnley,s

risit to tlie Klajf ot tbe Belgiam ls _B aaatp lil« officeernor tli» Conpo i*Ute. Thc po*t has been

deeLned bv s t_rmnn oflicer of colonial experleo .,

now ln Afriea.

MAV PROCLAIM AN ABAH CALIPH.Conitantinoplf. Sept. 23..The Govcn.or of Yemen

and all the Turlilsh ofllclals have fled from Rans. The

Inniirgents have capturej Hodelda, snd great slorm

pr»'VHlls here. lt being laaiti that the lnsursents willndvanoe to Mecea and proclalm an Axab Cnllph.


Madrld, iSept. B3.-The Queen haa re<elv_ au BJrtOgri.ph letter from Emperor William, In whlch (he

BbXp**** deplorea the siirferliig* snd los*e* .au- ¦! tx

thi. flood* in Xpttm, and oirei-- a |jrg« (..iiii-lt.iiiii.n

th¦., rellef fuud. Tlie llui lie»s of Montpenaier hasmbscrlb. 1x3,000 to tlie fund. 11 l» aUt«<l Uiat tha

flr-t lerrible impree-lona of tltau-el ati exagtcrauxl Idea ofvictima. An oflulal it-cord U ni

hc recent ratawtrupheI the number of thenow belng prcpiired.

THF, T.JOTED STATES AXU STATE INstRANCE.Ilerne, Sept. i'.l..At to-day'- _c.--lon of the lnter-

natlonal Congitw r,.n-d to .onulrtcr tlie qae-tlini olacold..nt_. to wnrlcmen and w-ortcwomen. tho eniplnyer-*'llal.lllty In such rases, and the best aaaaaa to feataken to preront aooldents and bett-r the oondlilonof vorkliK* people, Dr. John (iould, of John HopklnsI'nlvcr-ary, Hnltlmor., roprr--ntliiK tho I'nJte". BtataiDepartment of Labor, ai.iwaaed the a*Boml)la_o. Inthe cours .. of hls remarks Dr. (iould -aid :' Wc are R

praetkal people. If «« soo ln the e.f.perlrn'-e.. off-tate ln-.iii.nro ln othor rountlos, esperlaflv ln <"!er-many. Bwttaarlaad and An-fria. anythlng that la good,Iha t'nit-d ttatea mn bIm adopt Btata Inmaanea. ihavo beon sent to ollirlally i-eprr-ont tho I'nltedBtatai Oniwwmant, and i hava foiiow.-d t:liliomt'ons Of tho n.nventlon wlth Ihe gwnl at ttliitoro-t. I mu-t admlt, tliat I waa Miipri-cd Bl whalhit- already been done ln Europe 1" the way ofstate Insonnee.**

.MerARTHYITES TO APPF.Al. FOR PCHM.Dublin, Beg-t, 9Z..A mootlng of tbe Nati mal Fedora-

Hoa wai noM ln tliis nty to-tiav, .lu-ttn McOartlqr prosMin_. in atdteaatag th-* BBendwra of tlw TM ratfon,Mr. HeChrthy said that tim aeethm of Pm IHal i*nr-llamentar. party of whtoh ho was the UadBC hrulvlrtnallv won a vletory over that 8BII8MI whiehactcnowled-ed Mr. Parnell as tts head. In order that

Ma advnnta. o mi. ht be followed np atid H88M Ballfor Irolar.d be made ;ui ostabllsht-d fa_!t, lt wa*- no-e--an tli.it fund-, l.f ral-'i! t., meel the expensca or tlie

and Mr. MeCarthy annnuned hi- bitentl m toMl i]ip.-,l t0 both flt-- peopl" of lrrlai.J and

Irl-li Amerleana to -uli-crllf t" auch a fund.nttnulnc, Mr. MeCarthy aald thal tho party hal

deci.i.d to devote whal retnalne-1 of tbo t^..tl*- fundexclualvely lo Ibe art of ttve erirted tenant-. .*. arlthwho-e canae the party ebeotntely 1'bntlfy themaetves."

MOVBMBBTB of HF. MBXICAH MABAtTDBM*.Washtagton, Bept *.::.- \ tetegram reooived nt the

Dop,irtn;ont of Btata from tlio fnlted State*. I'on-ul at

Matamoras, Mex. nyt thal Bareta, with hit pnrtvof raidi'i-. paaaed yeaterday to tlie we«t of that plaee.malilng for tho Rlo Omaif.

\ leiograao tnu Qenenri Btanlay, daaai at .-an An-tonio, fiayti that tin* MBuaantfaol at Porl lirnwn re-

thal ii t alght General Lojero, eoauaaailni. theFoui-th Mcxiean EOM, lnf'iiii'd Mn that lil-

had not eome in eontaet with tho maraooer*. He to

tl-Cieft>l8 "f 'ho opinion IhBt they l.a-1 icattered and

were letnmtag to rr\a- ln -.mail detarhnwnta, m Ihapollea had Informed him tbal two meh pa;i>- iia.i

the Ki" Grraadc tarelva adlaa ahevavii- and leveral othen between that plaee and SantoM&ria. Tlie oplnlon amona tne offlceri a* F< rtwa- thal the Gnrrla exp dllloti wai organlwd for rob-bery, and bad do poUUeal algntfieaaea whatever.

THR CAVADIAN ADDBHBB TO THF. QVF.F.N.Ottawa, Sept B8. Benator BovDoa ha*- glven notlee

lhal ho will mova several amctirtment.s to tlie addrcsst<, Her Majesty, whicli sUnd- aa tha order paper ln

Premler Abbott*i n.me, raapecttng tha **mait tavoeedNat un'' rlau-i'- ln the exi-:in. tr.'at'o* *-iet*_e-'n OlCttlBritain and Belgtnm and Ihe Oeramii letlverein. Tho

parport of Benator Boylton*a projio-aa amandaianti l-

for the ultlmate es1_bll*huient of ro operation Ipruteotion of the roinnieivul Interest* of ihe BlWSflEmplre. -«.-

THE CASF. OF POSTMASTI'.R OKN'ERAL H.M-UART.ottawa, r«ept. U3.-Thcre I_ 8 llkellhood of the

rharges preferred agaiost PuatniaatarOenaial Ha.-aaM hy Mv. l.lstor bel.'.-,' Inve_tlgated at this aeatlin1of Parllnment. The Government. lt 1* undii-to.nl,

will onoae the appointment of a seleet comniittecto look Into the atli.lt*.


SAYI.VG THAT LOBD I.YTTON MAY RET1RE.london, _*_pt. Ill.-"Tl:c Chronicle" fays thai l.orl

Lytton win shortly lettra from the nrttisb Embassy lnParl*, and tbat he will ha biiccoeded by Sir I'hillpt'urrie.



London, Sept. 23.-The plaee of I'nder Forclim Baeretru**.* ha*. be-en offeied to Harm Uttn De Wonaa, rn

loa to 9tt James For/u-soii, who ha* been ap-pointdl ^rftmn.ter General.



Tin: MURDESOV A.N'TONio ROSA.The h'-iy of Antonto Boaa, iha Itallaa who wa/-

inuni-ivt ln tha Mulberrj Band on Tuesday evenlng,i;,v in ,.n nndertaker**! ihop ..t l'ark ¦

ita. yesterday, ready forbarial. bal the pollcn luoi nolhmnd Joaeph Prereta, tha Itallnn who ituefe a knMeInto Roea-8 rttala nnd i caped. A aeoeral alarm badheea aenl ont, dlrectlng a aeareb (or the munlenr In,-..i-y luviinrt of the 'itv. and tho pollee ot netghbOTIng eiuea alao arara aeaed t" loofe for blm. Aa hereoently Ml tha hOBpltal, und had aa aglyiii- aead, where Ro-a blt him Wtth a shovel leveralweeha a_o, the jmliec aipect to Und him aoonae er

lai»r.Althou.h the murder w oomailtted In a erowded

parl of Mulberrj tt., ei arltnewed hya deaea people al leaat, Ihe pollea yaaterday coulditn.i only one penon who waa arilliag tabonl ii. Thal peraea am Carinelo Megatdri ten yeari old, whpae home i- at Nt. Ba M.-ho went to Mra. Tkenegr'a eandy -hto, al n >¦ ¦--

Molberry it, I huy h penell dn Tneaday evenliihe wa itaodlng on tho -ddtiB-Bl*. in Bronl ol thwhen Boaa wa* stahbed. Bhe loM the p 4tn,i:,-, mornlng thal ahe um Prerota tab Boaa ln Ihe

h with a large knUe, and al tha *ame Hma ihaagw the amderer'i *ter-in-law, i.i./.i" Prorota, atab

ln the shoiilder Vith a ROBll l.nlfe. Th * polleealready bad notked a illghl woond m tha deadibouMer, and had that taro peraoattaeked Boaa, aa ihe wonndi in tha ahoolder and in

iho ii naeh avMantly had beea nad. wna dioaraarlweepaaa.

leetlva Frirc arreatei Mrs. Prerota at ii a. m_,

and al the Tomba Pollre Oourt ahe wa* remanded Intobu enatody untll I Mlay. Al the Bllaabett rtitatton, where ahe wa* locked uj. laal nlght, the a man

-toutiv deelared thal ine dM not know anythlng abonl

Hm murder, and 4 ***;" 3***pn Prsrotiwaa. Before riM had '! "f letataB in il"*

attach on Boaa she said: "H anybody aays I atahbedthal Bwn they Me."

who hai ai.u-ed you of doinc any aoeh thlngl"Pliee intjllired.

"I don't kMW as ar.yl.odv ha-,'' -!io laffBet, "but

I didn't -t.U. hi'ii."Iier uiotive (OT helplng hor brothor-in bw hill Ro-a.

dM so, waa no. elear, Bhe i- nn Irtahwaainn,and i- iaM to have bean aa ouh .-t before *

I-,,- uit'i Um ItaHana. Pw »..'- ai *lre I ¦. >'<-

martfer wns plain. no hnd i«eeived gioo troifor Cnfllns to proaeente Mia Ut aaaault Ml Bom bad

,,, ji;i, M addltkmal aam whleh had been

pronii-."i. and when Prerota trted to »n«i '.¦."rk ''f,,,r

he lefl tha hoapttal he wai inubbed and tarntbv Iha i".¦. h"ie.-e be had ihe leputatlon ol belnga trenbleaoaM man. He thnoghi tbal Born wai keep-in.- him eot .if worU, anl rObMng him <-f hu-h

monej" that ri-.-iitinii* belonged to hlm.Mlehael Castohna, erho waa wlth Boaa al the time

of the murder, waa detalned by Um pollee a_ ¦ wltnc*.

reaterday, bul it wa* evldrnl thut he dld nol wiah

to ael a repulaltoi Italiani ln the Itj a

,, fnfornicT llo aiild ho _-* tl"' nl-*ani ol a Kiiife.:,.., |.. ,',,., a_a. without vaiiiii. t. aaa who held tha



mvr:n<:i:NT vnws 0» Ml mhi tS TO THB

--TAM.IN.. OP POLTOAMT.CMeafB. lapi ga^-fc-Benator Alrta laandera, of

Bahmaka, li la tha atty attendlni tho aairaal meeUngof tha Baalonal rtah COniadeeloa Ha *ald: "Thamember, of the liWHBlllllmi MBt )u*t returned from a

two montJis' investipatioh in T'tah. and we *hall be

glad to t,e able to nnte in our report tr. fhe Pr-sldent

that polygamy h gradnally tylag out ln the Terrltory-I will uot say th»t the law h_a been completelv HM*

cossful ln itamplng out polygamous pra_*t!r.-s. bu: Hha. done far more ln t_at dire.tioD thin ar.y of us ex¬

peeted could be done when Uie law wa* euaeted- The

Mormons are beginning to reoogalre that they have

on their hands an une.iual fishi a_atD*t the oplnlon*of tbe rt5.000.000 people ln the I'clted State*."

r,,ionei r. s. Bahartaon, "f laHana* a i.iember,.!., haa m*de Morn.oniam a slndy for ye*J» *nd who,

pertiape, knows more !<*a-tor-s ln tb" riiuroh than any

,,an not wltliln Its p-ile, said-. lt is Uie -tn.Jeit of .onvet-i.tii-n In evory Gantlle'a

btai-t-lioid in i tah Uat tho proelamatlon ol the Xl.ui-ih ajwinal tl..* ooBtinoatwe i.i |,..b_""> ' "

,.-.,_ ipteyttl. lt is poaalbla Ihere ta i«" '" *"1

, tMi RU, *-.d V> Ivave luoro U.au one wife, ¦ «*--<_u*






TtCKF.T nrooBBBB.t«T HU_aa*8a TO THK TBIBt_E.J

ranton. Penn.. sept. 21.- tlbm PreatieM H88_ealled thc ..nto foiivcnti..ii of Bcpi-h.lc.n LeagueClnbs to ord.-r at the Armory thi* mornlng the buildingxv;i* pack. .. Twenty oi. ht deiegate* were eliosen 10

the Batteaal Omvetatton nnd Wffllaniapart wai aaleeteia.* ihe plnce for tlie ne\t eoBTeattoa. WilliamMoi..ind. ,,f l'ttt ,,nt. nomlnnted J0h8 llal/ell forpri'sident of the L_ga_. 309M B. Bobbnon, of Delawa_ roiintv, was nominated for th" aaaae "fGce byW'illiarn I. -.. ___>, of I/.-.lux are. Major Kverett Warraa, Bnantea, aaai ai.*<> mn_n_ri _r. BaMnamiiraa ala__ on tho fll_ ballot. The xot<> araa! Hobtn-*on. 111: I)al/.cll. 4'.;: Warren, 15. Mr. Magee.PtMaharg, aho hai been wnridag fmrd for congressmanHal'-ll, -nn .idered g____y when hc nw that Mr.I.obincon had cont.-ol of tlie conv .itlon. The Bn_nt_leMha a_ aaradlng the streots to-nlglit and cheerlng forthe MW8M I'nl eandidate.

When tha mll eall had been complel^d. a IBBOaltlonwa* offer. 1 to refer to the _n:lttee 011 !.:<¦.-Intiotisnll resolniions without reiidlng and without debatc.

Mr. M ig". proposed t<i itrlke out the words .. with-(411 rendlng" and D__ a llrong ipeech for hi( aniend-ment, saylag thnt lt wa* the Bral BepahBeaa eoa-ventton thnt he hnd ev.-r BtteDdei where reeolnttonaxxv-re r_ari_ without readlng. The Baaaaiawal wn*

.idojited. Oaneial Fianh !:.>-.icr, ot Ensl in, x a* maderhaliiiirti lhe Oomnlttee oa Beeolntiona. CbrtaMag -e, Harry llall, J. L. .lones aad ( .ucral Toblna. ;il.<? m^i.ib'-r-* of the romm'tt/'e.

Thc Committee on Resotnttoni rci>.);-ted at 8:45.Wlth tl.e platform came B _aot_lon r<-.'otnmendl:igthat aii regnlar etaba i>e adntttted, whether Ihelr daeawr. paid before .tuiv 18 or not, Thla woadi brtogin aboal fc rty addtttonal eJabe, afl Boa DalaeB,

Mr. DetwUer, ol Daaphta, taunedlately mevei toi-iv iii-- reaotattoa on the table. <jh thla aaottoa Mr.

d..| a roll ...ll, .1 \ lriL- that a* a Kopubll-can h-- wanted to OH Ujla p.g BK>Uon.a Thoplatfonn w.. adop. I, bul tlu- le-nlntl m iidinl.tlng

¦n\ ilnb* wa* b). I,y a rote i-f 128 to TO. ThoWarren b_h roted with the Dalsell men.

RoMnfoa wa* then electei on the Bral balloiMr. D:.l/.ell niov.-d to niaUe ll.e eleetion iinanirr.-.u-,

aai tii- waa eeeonded by t'hrla Magee aad MajorWarrea. Mr. Palrrll ara allei lo tha plat-ii.nii and made a long speech. Ile mM ii.ni be u.-

oepted ibe Ismes .-f arar. He waa heartll) f.r Mr.Bubinson, and waa laosAed wlth tbe r.-i.lt. Ilemade a brllflant plea tor the Republiean state tlckel.mi ralblnjtl] rldlenled the Democrallc platform.Benator Bobtaaon waa then escortoi to tbe chalr,

an.l ln hla ipeech ol tlu_i_a reol-gly referrei f. tbedayi when be nnd Mr. Dnlzell attended 11 _ne ...l-

lle v...nl,l tx- DfOud, he said, l foll .-.-. tlcounaela ol Br. i»ai. .11 in the Inconilng 1 Kigreaa, wheniliev *. together In tha. ipelesa mli

k. N. lUudoIph, of All gheny, was oloctej) aeere-lni-x. Jamea r. burico, 0. the _ame eotuity, i*-tii-ing inni* favor. Munlon II. Young, .<f Phllodclphla, w_electei ireaanre Wiiii-iiu Llnn, of ITiiladelphia, waa

unpointei i-orrespondlng aeeretary. VVallace arterandI'l-niU .lones. ..r Phlliidelphla, were cl »en vire-pi-.--.i-il.-iii*. Wllli.-im H. M.«. !<¦:_-_ of Alleghe y. an.l Dap_a John Taylor, ..f i'hiia<iei|.hiu. teere ..l'-eted <i<-i.--

eat,-- ..: large so the Jfati .nal Convention. Th.' alternates are rlamnel C. Orean, ..f ABegbeny, endilo-.iari Hawley, of Westehealer.A reaolntlon waa adopted tha. hereafter eluba m..*t

!>e in exl iii'ic al.* montili. before thej w.n apply tor_ml _l_ u> ih" League. The enatomary reaolnMowof Uianha were adopted, and tho oaaventlen ...K.dadjourned,

F. Iltra Ing li thc platformi:-... ,!-,;,:iii\ lea of

the Republi.au paitv a* eniiin lated lD the platformuf 1

Ms-oiid-We appn.ve of the work of the late Btatentlon of tne Bepnbllcan party and indorse ihenn formubii tnereby on tbe ulnaaeenth day of

-iign«t. at the HarrWbnrg Cowrentton.ll.lrd. We romnvend tlie worli nl Admin-

i*ic.,,f I'r, Jamlfl llarri-on. and thc bforeign pollcy of tbat greal !>.;..i<r. Hvestate, the ll fi. Jamea «... blalne. Hi* brllllanl trinmp_at the 1i.*:kI of that tlepartnve.. have made tho opbftedpower nnd the dtsplayed Hai.* of tlie Uepubllc b lynanyme for atrength and *taiiliiv ln all the eornera e.fthe x.. .-i.i.

Povrth. in the eaiWHiatea presented by tbe Repnbliru He Conventwn aa*mb__, we rycog-

nize tl ol '.i-ttxCi eral l>. M- Mutrle Uregg, ol lierhs oiinty,

and thal veteran soldler, Captain John VV. Morrison,ol AUeghen.. Th ilr wun. nn tbe fi pnl

tsanranre 1,'..-. oeither th. .- theRepnbllc i- ongrntefnl to her defenders, thc boyawlio arorc the L.lon tne ln tii daj xx Ihr.'li.-iiio.. thr atened the Integrltf "t the natlon. Aniv,. (]¦, ., el pledge to thc tbe aetlve and ardentii|.|....| oi thc Repnblirnn Leagne of lul-. and tla

Bai.nran.-e Ihal evi lierc to-dny wlll tetum<¦, hia bome ani rt seahm. luirem.tting andefflclenl ervloe tor tbe -- ..f the Ucket.

..//.'. MAcnrEA R T IS A NE IT (II UEt II.


OOPU.IIN* am> JOIBB tiii;

rxivi H .1.1-TS.

S|iritr-fiebl, Ohlo, S«-;.r. ¦..:: |Spi..1)7.Thg _ST.Ilowiir.i AlaeQneary ta a letter t<. Risbop Lconard

nton to-day aenda I la realgnation fron tbeBplaeopal niinistr.v of Ainriea. Ue _',..* as hiareaaon tbat if be atayed tn thal Church it wouldiie admittlng that Blshop Leonard'e -. tences were

just Mr. MacQueary will uo to S naw, Mlch.,miniater ol the Flrsl Diversallat Church at

thai plaee. n to iw be nid:"I thoufhl tl.e opportunity a good one. as it is

,1 weal. iy eongre al on and a line chureh. Iwill preaeb mv openlng sermon ti.eie 8 11

Oetober I." Mr. MacQneary'a caae, it will be re-

membered, Ion all over the eoun¬try, |ie -.-. rd on biswritings, and bia trlal pl ¦' "eland.


Iir. 1.1 IT BIS win: r I » GIBL BB BE81 ROB v i.ii'.MN'. BU1 i.'.iN.:.

Chlea.. Bepi £man, la do longer asalsi

Itang." When h aro e thi* morn.n<rlu taw -I illed ac. iiuil ol '¦

ow when a report win paper livo-k. whlle nt* 'i" 1 b «.«_ i;iv ,l' IkI l

rnahed Into ¦¦¦ bnrning bnlldlng at tbo n-k olyoung glrl, ani ho

i,,. 1, ,-,i wlfe for Om eoi ipany of Mis-. Kraetn.

glri xvii-.- llfe be bad aavei. Allin ii e 1._ i--r di ipat b; hm .¦ I >l wai wor

rtei b\ w-.i.r wlien helefl v..-!-h ogton tor Chlcago a ihort Ume ag a

rommltted snleida. Therefore Mr- v,oi:r handed m bia:i- 11 il oll.

Bdltor-in-Chlet Bapp tbia evenlng aaid:rhe man, when coi Croirt wlth r-

,,f ni, a ii...,-. hdn.ltted Ihe truth ol,i., barge and di lared tbal he nd Ion ,-.-r

ln thc dty. Wolfl in tbe rampalzna,,f i-.;i an.i 18U8 ln the oM eountry x-.a- ons <>r theii,.. 1, uilng 0H1 of th -.9* "' Uermany.II, ;,!,;,. |o Wea V. ih and hy hari work Bnceeeded|D r iiing a blgh raok ln Bewapaper arork. Theabe went to Waahington, arbere tor ma.xx.-is i :": annj

1 :-¦ Ipal ..- ratan pap. 1- "' 11.mnti-y..\ *h..rt llne ago, we engaged litm aa aaalstani

When ne canln* lefBl xvii.-, xx'. I in- ln *-"-x Y-.-k. but.!..- ,.-i unei t.:'-ih.-i- ani 1'. "" thc neibla wmi tlon wlth Blsi Kraemer." <n MMi-* Kraemer recdved a letter from B'olff, aa. ngihat ih.r n-l.it" ne .' torblddlna bei

.1 t_eeotente el * bottla ol hnianam and diod ou Tueaday.


BnStslo, ecpt. 2A opeciafi.-Oa th. flo -r of 8 room inthe Ar.-.-.de Buflilng is deposlU-d s coffio-ihsped box7x:_ 1 2 tft. Vi'her, the cove_-_t' WM NnOVSi whalappeared to be a sione siatne wsa r.-eslr.. IjI-aheork, who own* th. tg'irc. __ 8lW_ lf_ lt _*

one ol the mo*t marvcHous .pcclme.i* of petrihel na- banaa tom cxt.-.iit. it w.i.* taaad," said h«..*at the toot of i>_ M.ii.axv!. raa. al anMotalaa InArlaaoa. Tha _potl aBlaa Cr_a Oaktop. aai1 wa-- Bvanaa oi a gahg ..f B_an wbo paf laaaaatlaf a waD. lha faaaaal 1. f.-ei 1*.:,.... ih Bifaeeef tbe fBala. VTaaa wa g.Hdowa elfh.ii,d aat _if tmt aaa tha a_ea itrael thli Bgam

i..hinfit txA shlppai II to Oahssai, i'.\

^erts I.- 1 all over lhe couuuy BaWB 8___Mi it und

pronoaaea It a *j>er.ert sporinien." The flgure ls «*-1-

BantBJ that of a fully dtvfioped woman. It le flveled laa und one-balf Inches lall and weiehs _>30p u nl.. H ls niinu. part of the right !eg and bothunus.





Outhrle, O. T., Bept. 23..The exeitcment here lasnbsidiri. In front. of the landK-fflce there U a largeiov.it waltlng to tlie clalms. Fully 1,000 people were

ln llio when the offlee was op«*ned this mnrninjr.and when the door wa« opened tho omwd made a laah*For a while lt looked a* If there would bc a itoiseverel BMH w-ero shoved off tho small poreh loadlngto the door and In-tantly many revolvers were fhwhedIn tho alr. Th© pollee, however, prevonted any fur-tl.or disturbance. Thla erenlng Mayor Spancjer willstation nn nffieer at the door of the land offlee, whowill Isfuo nnnibered ttefceta to th-_e wlio doslrein tilo, and ln the mornlnp* t_ho number-. of th- -

Ucltets will be called out, and ln this wav fnrther

complng out all nlght ln front of the effloe will bo

ai.led. On the traln whlch oamo ln lnst nlght aboutBM more people arrlved. The o.n.luct'.r aald that allof the roada leadlni* to this oity were fllled wlth

wafODB, harasaaaa and pedtiitrlan* hoaded this way.Tiie report rlrrulatod last nlght that sevei-al per¬

sons hnd heen kllled yesterday cannot b« veritled to-

day. There was nome tronble nt the lowa villago ovor

a v.iluabe elalm kn iwn ns Iho taaaa i.tv-ve. An oldiit-.'i-o ran his toam nlne mllcs ln forty elght mlnutesand arrlved ahcad of a man who atfi'mptcd to drlvohim oif The ne_ro showod flght and atruek the man

down wlth a liatehet. He recelved a sevore woundon the baai, bal am raeoror. Ooeeraor Btoata startodfi-oin Tot n in-eh for Chiintlloi- thla mornlng to open thetown <!'-. at nooh to-morrow. The soldlcrs have. haadtoe under mUlfary n_8_ and will not allow anyone tw approaeh nearer than thirty foot of the line.

Tbe iir-t peraOB to arrlve yosterday, who sfarted fromthe border, waa Bhner MeG-nire, who rode through on

» trteyele, making tho run in thr*«e hoaie.A large erowd of l«t boomer- arrlved at Chandler

lasi nlght nnd oamped out Bboal the town <lte. Thevare Indlgnaat bcoause tho town s'.u* h*s nol been

to tettlemanti and sw.nr thoy will stake out

a ilv.il town on tho adjolnlns iiMrt-r sectbm aad Bhiflthe slte of the town m that .-uartor. Th.-v |nteud-"lto begla tha work thl.- monilig, but as yet they have

ig but talk ahont lt. spcclai Ageal retgalthal tho aouth county seat wns epdaad y.-ter

daj a| noon. A number of tlio lowa Indians eattM

here thla mornlng. The.v niado a. -rreat deol of money

yesterday by showlng boomer- doslraUe locathm-.

boy, thtrteen years oid, ma<ie mb in this[ndlana covered tho gronnd pntty thor*

oughly, and *av that thoy <aw no .llstnrbanec of any

l.ii.l. It I- iho gonoral hnprasalOB that the lands wero

OCCUpled nithOUt a*-? great disturbance.The negro rolonist-j were not hlphly .ucces.ful ln

the rash. A f"~ of them cot |00d elaims but lnthe majority of enses a WMtc man wfll contest the

etatm. Three or four neproes would sottle on a olnini

and will prove ap forty aeraa eaeh, bat the whito uen

aUwaal 160 aere*. Laat alght waa beaattfUL Batarewas kind to the thoasands lylng ont of doors. but lt

iva- nol W et slecp and quiet dreauw" for many of

them. Watar waa searrc and many hnd neglertcd to

rarry even a drlnk. Tho ureat aulaaoee w-a.- pmirieflres bttrnlng all over tfie new lands. Some of thaiire- we«e Itarted to drlve the men olT the elalm*. whllc

othere were atarted hT men huuttng for sootlon stones.ll,.. ..:ip6 were hard to nnd. Mayor Weigel, the-ii.-i.il agent <>f the iDtcrior Departmont. says thatnniiv of ihe atone* hnve been du. up by the Indhins.The county araa survenred soveoteen years ago «galn-.ttho wi-h-*-, of the Indtana.

\ courier from Teeumeeh, the town sitc of the lowereonnty ieat atatea that tho sltc was prorlnlnicd opento -ettkiiie.it at noon to-day by Governor btvelc.rhouaand* ol people rushed ln aud clolmod lot*. Therehan been no disturbance when tlw courier left.

RF.PORT OF THE LAHD INSPECTOB.Waahlugton, sopt. 23^-Baeretary jfoble has r*coir«d

iho Mliwing telegram from Colnnel C. F. Datle,p.,1,,1 lai .1 Inapeetar, sent to aet with Major F.. F.

We _- i in Buperlntendfng the cpenlng of the new pu-ea |n OWahoma:Pottawatomie Rosorvotlnn. 1 :TJO p. m., Sept. '.'2.Openlng rompleted without tronble: town slte

thorougMi -i.:"-!'.! i.-ain-t Inva-lon. The survcy of

-ounty ---ai will nol be romP-eted ~^ro»«»*»-..,r."ow. Wednaaday. 88d laat About 3.000 peoplaui.nndlng lt but h well protrt.-ti. .Tbapeopleare

Immored und no l-wfte U a'ti, i;.-t <i I will,.,.,...j., aere nnUl aurvey ,2"pMet and town ilteopened. l »end thla by courier to oklahttn.i Cit>.




BDMED,liridirep.rt. Conn.. S.-pt. -jn.-The polioe department

., in h atata ot demoraiizution. Captain Plnheraaan.who I-.- been ordered to take eommand of Um toree,

day ejected from Um tmntt chalr la Um CKy., i,., chief Rvi.nds. Tho ooauaoa eouneil

r.nUy aboUahed Iha oBtoe <>f ehiet-ef-poliee, bnl- ih-it thoir attion WBI ill"-al. W«a*M

not surn nder the o«ee. PatretaBan have been oedere

by .me of tho pollea boartto, tho aatheelt. ot whieh la.,,,,.-.!-.i. nol to obey Bylands. Bxctteeaeot la hlgh

bul thiis far no vloleiK'e ha- been 8*888*DM ei.te.f.

Captain Ptokerman at o o'cloek Uils mornlng aataredlt., cl and made a demand tor tha keys

Um offlee .of chlef-of poii'c aeflng byorder «>f th.* comml«loners. Oitel Ryiands letaaed

render the propert. as he recognlBad no ineh,.,,,.. a- t'.Id boord of P'Hee commi-sioners. The

chlel and captain both *enl tato Um firv Coart room.

who preeedad the chief, tooi ti_e lattar'aaceuatomed -";>». and when the ehlei reachad lt ba

reqnealed the captain to vaoate it but Uie latter',

The few ipoctatora fn the court room then eoaeluded;n,.;,. v.a- lo ba a Btruggla for tl.e poaaewloo of tbe

,Mi,ia; .'lief of-piiice. The ehlef aaade an-

ti for the lent and upon heing met wlth

.ia-ped Uie eaptalB by the eoat an«l,, ,;,iiv. ile gfted tl.aptaln, halr

., ,i ,ii ond -|..ft*d li"M| -evoia! feet t.i iln- top ot-.itiwu-nv, ibe <rii room, %M II ap

,;,i,. his pun. totlirow _lm down tUe italr*.¦¦.., ,,. me City Court, opproached ttortWfJUng

,,.,.'. _aytng hurriedly: "iStop. »top tor ii';|*\'»'; **¦';.;;.,._,.- jhe Inxed hi*. hold on fhe

.. -.th! weUrouean have tho eh-.i.-.Th« chlel rcplie*thal he Intended to have It. and than.;;,. two ofllcen tooh aeota al the -une table, only on

-i ie* and fBelng eaeh othor.


Aii_.-i.-ta. Me, Sept- 28 (St-o.lali.-New, of the dam-

,-- dom by -torm eonttnuea to eema from BorttMra,.; :. a path oat iu tha v-onds

,,! t iwiuhlp Xo. 9, aboat three artlei fi*mi i.ro rtUaga,Saturday. Glanl ireei td __U *M* won* heapad in a

,,,.N a;. .,, ... rodi in'wi'itii iin.i extaadlng in aa

.i-iei'y dlreetlon for Bl h'a-t an ei-'htl. of t mlle.

Hupj ,r..'n'e- nnd voiiow Urehea at leart three leei lallumctcr were upwoted; turn and ahattered trunhaK-ere arattered here and Ihere. Around th* aptarned

rnn old rellow blreh, al leaat toree feel through,feet wa, .iif.-uiMi Irom onc ilde ot the ruot*

. bandred yohe ot¦ix have made t _nl*e_ amoag Ua



Chleago, Bept 23 (Bpeelallv Arehlteet BeU,tv j. to arateh oree tho Pedaral Bathtlng, nnd

to Wsahlngton al atatod paetoda how araeh theu ii- are alnklng uod how many now teaaha haae

them, mnde a tour of the -hakv -tinrtureHp tlu-rounl'ly examlned the wtill, and '"il

nmst of the room-. on eaeh floor, and ordered

tert ig t> hc renowed In several places on Um

and third floors. He aho found teverol p:»c*siron ornamentaj work »t the topa of columns

liad becomo looae, and he ordered the pleee* NBMVai,Mr. Rell made ihe dlscovery, alao, that at the hoad

ol th' 1.;-; italrway on Uie thlrd floor, at the Adaraa-at.nd of tr.c bulldin's, a blg atone alab ha* reeently a*p-.r&Uid Into three pleces. The atalrway has »un£ also(all? an laah. #_

JtESCT'J5J_t FROB DBOWXIXO.AUanth* HiKhlands, Sept. 23.-A boy ten yeara old,

namefl Thonin- Bowman, a aon of Juda* Rnwrnan. of.'.i.i'ii-e. who ls baaa IN tho .-.unimer, ventured om

ln the water tlii- mori.tnit. and Uie tWe belngi,!-:ii. h.- ii.i- ett hl. footliiir and *.:nk.

bo) v ei" with h,iu nnd they .alle.1 for help.ffUam i eolored _aaa aaaaad PrafthBr iMnl lo hla m

tan.o and dragged tlie boy out. ^Vfter tonsiderabltivtork he was re»UKltate4-




-MORE GOLD JPROM EUROPE.The failure of the Stoek Exeliange houae ot

8. V. White Co. did not bring in ita traln yea¬terday thc calarmties predicted by the I _ar trad _non Tues<lay. None af tho mallgnant rumura bofreely cireulatcd waa cntitirmed, and Wall Slreet.heard with sat.factlon the eemi-dfllnfal a_ii_noal-'iven that, Mr. White wonld be able to reaumeat an early date. The affairs of the flrm areTiowinit a, more satisfactory condition than hadb_n looked for, and no other lioiu. is likely tobe embarras__ by any of tlie coneequencee of tliesuspension.

Tlie atock market wu affeeted yeaterday marel.y tlie npprcl_en_on of whavt mixht follow thtWhite failure thnn by lhe aetnal con-*.uencr_.Tbe beara attacked prieea with vigor and spreada lio.it of unfavorablc rumors. Among rheae were.storicM that there was a hitoh in the negotriationefor funding the loafltag debt of the l.'nion Pacifloand that tlie dtvidend on . _i_ouri Paciflc wouldl>e redueed or pasaed. Tiie two sfoeks were rap¬idly sold off, and the (. ner lisf ree. led 1 percent. The expeotation of a ralsing of the dl»-oount rate of the Bank of England to-day waat_ed to exelte worry an to the money market, audrates lor eall |gg_g wer- bid up to 10 per cent.In the first hoiif of trnding e\eitemcnt waa hlghand 170,1100 shar. chnnged hands.

Hy noon the market (piiered down, and whenthe sel!in« pri«.sn_ w.is removed a seramble taeover sliort contrast.-* started priees upward rapidly.Tl. change nme qni.-l.ly, and in the majorityof instonees st-ock more than _eover_ 1 the earlyloaaes under a rnsh of new buying orders. Tharitniors about l.nton Pacifle were quiekly dlspoeedof. ... Fierpont Mo r«..n Baad thnt there was no

hftflh iu the floating debt nei. tiations, and heezpieaaad eonfi.lenee in the outeonie. >n_ oftlie lioston direetors of tbe tOttMOOtJ were in tlieeity to diaeuas tho details, but tliere w.is no fornialiii.vting of the board nnd no 0OBl___O wlth r.hetrust c.invmittee. Tlie work of aeeuring t_«> on. ntof eome of the New-Krijand ere.litnr.s to tl.e ex-

tj'iisi.ni ¦§____! is _..\v, lieea.is- ol reetrictiotiapkieed by tlie laws upon tl.e b__ll__8g of banks.It i.s said, however. that tlie MW l'nr«*e-year noteaare growing in favor anong eapitalign who haveexainined them. and an ini|H.i n.iit influence is e\-

erted by tlie clam*e in the extensioii ngreement bywhieh the eompany andernkes i<> issue no new

oblig.itlons without tbe approvul of tlie tr. t com¬

mittee.Tlie rumors about Missouii Paeilie. dividend

were unoffieially ___L The dc.l.ir.tion of tbaqmrterly nin i-s now due, but a naKl _| ba., hoen

prevented by the dURealty of aoeartag n qaoraflBof directors. The (.oiild pouple say thal tbe BBMl1 p<_ eent will l»e .ieelnred, hut late in tlie atter-

iioon brok.n. of the < .nsolidatod Kxehamie .oodou the New-st. eurb and solrl small lo of .sL-.c.kbeloW the (ftiei-.l .b.sinp. BgUVB, Tliey b.vastede.onlideiitlx- that tliere wonl.l l>e a reduetion ot therate. but tl.e brol.ers of tlie big Kxoha.nf_ hiid

gone home lnditleiviit as to wl_tbet ihe dividendwaa declared or imt It WOOld exeite aniaze. .ent

if Missouii l'a.-itie, after paying 4 pef cent rhro.iglla .seve.v ye.ir, .MHlld ou l'..r thros .-1 i ol a ;. a»

traffle movement eut down the rutc ou a plea. ol" conservatlsm."

Tl.e restoration of eonfidenee in the Street at

tiie i-Io.se of b.isiii.-.-s wa.* La* n.-d by a decline lnthe n.tes tor money to 4 per ent. Tbe announce-

nient. wns made of aiiotber ahipment of !?20n.onOgold fn.m r.irope to Kuliu. T.wb & Co. Thetotal amount, now known to lx» on the way is

iie.rly $0,000,000. Foreign exebange ho.r.-es a_

oonfldent of naoh h.uvicr arrivals at an eariydate.

The elerks of Charles W. Hould. tiie aeeijrtee olS. V. White A- Co., were baay yester.lay makiujtup aeeounta while Ut. Goold held naay sfitisfnc-

tory interviews with ereditors an.l bolde. olcollat. l.il on loana Mr. W'.ire was ai bis offiealor a short time bat he went li.one be__ noon.

tir» out by tlie reaetion from the tension of Tues-dny. The eoiiferenee lietweon the assii. ee andtiie nemben of tbe flrn led to ahaord rumors that.l.y QouU wns with Mr. White. There was na

truili in them and Mr. Wl.ite has soimiit B0 aa-

-isi.-une fioin Jay Gould or any otber larje (vipl-Tlie flrm autliorized this Ktatetnvnt Tha

failure was in no way basiened by any aeta olWoeriahofl Co., er PMd, Llndte. <fc Co.Then was no aareemetit nor understanding Iiwcen then witk rejfard to t__na_0Bg in tlieconi market. and if tiie two Im last meitiun.ilbave at any time sold eorn, they operafed en-

t.iely mi their 0WB judguietit nnd xvitiiout anyviolation of express. or implied oblinations u>Mr. White.

Mr. Ooold, liis a-spi'iznee, aaid yesterday thattlie ereditors of tlie laiiel hou.. had uiiiversallyext_idci the ntniofit consider.. ion in the arrange-i;.. -r11 for seftlintr it« afTairn. Tbere would 1>«no diflieiilty in eanyiBB exhjtlBB loans. and ltethought tliat all oollateral if property nurs-1would Rnally atror.i a .... I balanee lo tl.e eopeeranfter meetins; all obligationa. Exery engaqementi" New-York haa been proteoted. imt of coursoMr. Gould could uot apeah autlioiitatively of theposition of tlie aeeounts of tlie ChiaaOTO braneh.!t is understood. however. tbal tliere wiii be r.e

nerlflOM Of any. of Mr. Whi ,"s loans any where,and there 'r* BtTOBg Kioiind for believine that tbaiirm \xill l.e ub!e to arranjre its iudelifedtte so aatu peri-iif it.s raaunptloa in a tew WQtlB.. It ifnndentood that the Bntgnee ba.s found The atochBOOOann of lhe houae in a satihfaw-torv shaoe.So toiee.l wiles will be made wh.-re they seemed

.- on Tueaday, aml this hnaeh of rheKttlemnl is expeeted to Ijc condueted most S'io-eessfnlly.

IJeputy SheritT Fox has seeured an attachmentfor (10,700 acainst Tlmnias and Samud R _,

onuipaalng Nw Im of i_<» BrethenA i "., hrokere,of PlttaburB. in favor of (.eor_-o O. Moriran, andlias served the attaeluuent on S. V. White ttCo. aod thc _s.Kn<., Chariea W. Gould.

hk.vrv clews on tiii: rilveb Qi__no«,ni: l'uxi-i.1- _»i:i; .ni nt BABRIBO-I am. cives

him tiii: ciii iu r ..r mvkim; thum IMC-R -*'i ETBOX.

ln ipeaUng of lha lai. sblpaaeal I ¦¦

iiM,le t-» thi* eoiinti-x. llri.rv CltWB nM '.e-|. ;-.la\ to 8Tiitmne i-ep4jrtcr tha' li- loOtMd <>n thr nioxeiii.-ni -(* o,ALtoci i-.--.iii of tha ' ."I on

the *iix.r ,iue-ti..i.. "The e___a defcaaaloa arttehwa \x.. ....I .!. aaaal a Bnwlh ai-'o." ha __, *waa pro-,i ii.i ui.a- hy iii.- bi*t flft ".--I asBBaaa ot goM Mppeithan l.v the tlfty n.illioa. .hat hai BDB8 pr.-viou*Ix. fortho reawui that the BB_ vva* l'v;i;i..n .ind th.- otherthe leverae. The iifteen BilUioaa re_rr_ lo xver.- taUeaaway from us ln a BMei fon-ilik" xx ay, eontriry |. ti-_lecondltlons or the rates of exeiianire that had previ,>a*lybeen eomidered ln crold _lpmei.t>. A hirge premlum,it i* to be n-mcnibered, w. pald to obtala that flfteenmillions. It was therefor> pur.ly of a sp_ ulatlvarharaeter. The general agiU'.tlon tho silver que_tiun at tha. time was the tnceotlve, thc impreialonbeinjt, esj»eciall) on tho Contlne.it of Europe. tiai thesilver agltation mwant the ;;as*age by the next Coo-gress of a free-allver law*. Under »uch a law lt W_Mhave been possibla to offset the iifteen milli. .a of goldby returning to this eountry allvcr boupht lo Europeat about fl an ounre anrt msrketed here at 81 CO 3-8.The gold we are r.ow getHm; baek. amountlng, wltbwhat Is now on tbe way. to 07.OOO,iXK), t. a part c|tlve Iifteen nillllons, and the bulau.e wlll surely followlnIhall. n lha ^aealaaan have ihnnxn up theafOMI ii. reL.tmn to IM e_M_ 88_ M l"ii. r expeola Ire-*llver ni .-.uee to im- pas_d."

-What Ira* i-,iii*.-I tli.ir rlian_ ol attlUidet*"lha uccaslon l.<r tho .luuge waa largeijt due