v (jbutvvpriee. control hog cholera wet weather i s make … · 2020. 2. 26. · hog cholera. hog...

®he (JButvvpriee. “will R. MONKMAN. Publisher. I MEMBER COLORADO EDITORIAL ASSOdmOH 1 OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OF ROCKY FORD Subscription Rates One year $1.50 Six months- .75 Three months 40 FBJ DAY, SEPT. 10. 1915 IN THE SOCIAL WORLD Misses Bertha and Josephine Avery were the hostesses of a beautifully ap- pointed one o’clock luncheon on Monday in honor of Mrs. Daniel Ward. The guests at this delightful function were the members of the Sans Souci club, who were truly sorry to have Mrs. Ward leave their ranks. When the last course was finished Mrs. Ustick, presi- dent of the club, made a charming talk after which the following toasts were responded to: ‘‘Our Hostesses,” Mrs. Ferril; ‘‘The Sans Souci Club,” Mrs. McKelvey; ‘‘Our Departing Guest,” Mrs. Lawyer. The addresses were clever and greatly enjoyed. The presi- dent presented Mrs. Ward with a sou- venir spoon. Mrs. Ward made a well chosen reply, paying high tribute to the Sans Souci club. The hostesses were assisted in serving by Misses Marian Randall and Evangeline Hauck. On Monday evening Mrs. Wm. C. Steele entertained the pupils who have been under her direction this summer in honor of those departing this week to attend college. Those present gave an informal program including Misses Marie Lacy, Dorothy Goodner, Hazel St. John, Anna and Mamie Welch, Dorothy Fenlason, Elizabeth Harley and Justus Ward. The Musical Club meet at the Lafay- ette School House on Monday evening, the date being changed on account of fair week. The attendance was not up to usual because of the change but the program was good and the feast of cantaloupes enjoyed by all present. Next meeting will be on the regular day at the schoolhouse. J. M. Little returned home late last week from a visit near Higginsville, Mo., bringing with him a pleasing sur- prise in the form of a bride. Mrs. Little w’as formerly Miss Fannie S. Cole, and the marriage took place at Higginsville on Aug. 26. The Sunday School Board of the M. E. church held their usual monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson on Monday evening. A delightful social hour was enjoyed after the business session. Refresh- ments were served. The Christian Endeavor of the Pres- byterian church tendered Miss Esther St. John a farewell surprise party on Friday evening. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Dainty refresh- ments were served. The Ladies of G. A. R. will meet with Mrs. Chas. Cook, 503 North Eleventh street, on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 14. All members are requested to be present. ** * / Messrs Lee Garlington and Donald Hale with Misses Gladys Hale and Lu- cille Gobin attended a dancing party in La Junta on Wednesday evening. Misses Christine Johnson and Gladys Hale attended a dinner dance at the Minnequa Club in Pueblo last evening. Regular rehearsals of the Presby- terian choir will be resumed on Friday evening, after a vacation of six weeks. Miss Beth Galliger was the hostess of a delightfully informal thimble party yesterday afternoon. Killing of Birds Prohibited The attention of all persons is directed to the fact that all insectivorous birds, and nearly all hawks and owls are pro- tected by the laws of Colorado. It is for- bidden to kill them or to cap'ure them alive, or to take or-destroy their nests or eggs. The penalty for violation is a fine of not more than $25.00 for each bird or nest of eggs, imprisonment not to exceed ten days in jail, or both. These birds are also protected by the Federal law for the protection of migratory birds, and offend- ers are liable to prosecution by United States officers. The exceptions to the Colorado law are the English sparrow, sr.arp-shinnod hawk, Cooper’s hawk, goshawk, duck hawk, great horned owl, pirion jay, mag- pie, blue jay and eagle. Some of the unprotected hawks resemble the protec- ted. be sure you are right before killing any. Remember that ignorance of the law does not excuse the offender. The Colorado Audubon Suciety At Mrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron’e —Cro- chet thread in any size, color or number CONTROL HOG CHOLERA Some Facts Given in Waging War on the Dread Disease. It Must Be Remembered That Serurr Is Preventive, Not a Cure—Two Different Methods of Apply- ing Are Described. (By DR. K. W. STONDER, lowa State College.) Hog cholera serum is the only thing known which will prevent or control hog cholera. Hog cholera serum Is nothing more or less than the blood of hogs which have been Immunized against hog cholera. There are two methods of applying the serum, the single treatment and the serum-simultaneous. The first con- sists merely of Injecting a quantity of serum proportionate to the weight ol the hog. This gives an Immunity last ing from three to six weeks. This method never hurts any hog, even il given in heavy overdoses The serum-simultaneous is the same as the single treatment with the ad- dition of a small quantity of virus or blood containing the germs capable ol producing cholera. This gives the hogs immunity for life, except pigs vacci nated before eight weeks old. Some losses have been reported from the serum-simultanoous treat ment. They are the faults of methods or materials rather than the treat- ment. Poor serum of low potency and untested is the chief factor in the failure of this treatment. Too low doses, or improper application of the serum ace all causes of failure. Records kept on 20,000 hogs show a loss of less than two per cent when treated by the simultaneous method. All were made immune, some for three years. Here are tho facts in waging war on hog cholera by the simultaneous treatment: Hogs can be made immune. If healthy when treated, and if re- ole, tested serum is employed to- gether with good virus, there is no doubt that tho serum simultaneous treatment is a success. Hog cholera serum In any process willgive good results on healthy hogs, and better than nothing on sick ones. It must be remembered that hog chol- era serum Is a preventive, not a cure. When serum Is to be ‘used, first get all the pigs together in a pen so they may be caught easily. Too much exercise before injection is not good for the animal. Injection may be on inner side of a rear leg or in armpit; either spot must be cleaned carefully, using first warm water and soap nnd following with alcohol or a three to five pel cent solution of carbolic acid. All vessels nnd instruments must be sterilized before use and the op- erator’s hands should be cleaned, dis- infected and kept so. Disinfecting Site of Injection. Injecting the Serum. STANCHIONS FOR THE CALVES Youngster Will Not Worry About Neighbor Getting Part of His Mess and Will Drink Slowly. Harmful results are frequently brought on in young calves by their drinking milk too rapidly and too much at a time Feeding small quantities and often, which is the natural plan, is the way to avoid trouble from this source Where several calves run together stanchions for feeding may contribute to less rapid drinking, for with stanchions the calf is not worrying about one of its neighbors getting part of his mess nnd is thus encouraged to drink more slowly. Distemper in Horses. Strangles, or as It is commonly known, distemper. Is a contagious and infectious disease seen most fre- quently In young animals One attack generally produces an immunity which lasts for life, therefore is sel- dom seen in older animals. ¦ | Wet Weather | ¦ s ¦ ¦ S Affect your 5 : appetite? \ m ¦ l See Us : ¦ s ¦ ¦ 2 {buck ! j & PAP! ¦ « 93 ALL PHONES CONNECT DIRECTLY WITH OURS On disagreeable days and wash days, simply call Phone Ford 24b and your order of Quality Groceries arrives at your f door on schedule time. J. WOOD PEERY GASH 6ROCERY AND MEAT MARKET 1 Phone Ford 249 USTICK UNDERTAKING GO FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS Modern Parlor Lady Attendar FLORISTS 918 Elm Ave, Phone Fold Rocky Ford, Colo. We Are Up With The Times We will give you a reception as warm as this warm weather, but our good values will make you hap- py and comfortable, so will our prices. BRUSE’S VARIETY STORE 312 North Main Street ¦Expositions EjxJ Here's the chance you've heen waiting for—an oppor- EW tumty to visit California at slight expense. fjjGp It s doubly interesting this m year, because of the great world s fairs at San Francisco and San Diego. ¦ The Santa Fe is the only line H to both Expositions, irff On the way Grand Canyon of H Arizona and Petrified Forest, jjb Let ™*send jron our illustrated ’crow- -9H continent guide bosk and Exposition fold- H ers and tell you about the cheap fares on 11 the Santa Fe. low l/ar6>y fBL W. Ken Robertson Agent V f&mtafrT Phone West 53 WE DELIVER PACKAGES Phone West 53 Make Your Own Comforts Make Them Now ’Tis Economy To Do So You can make a BETTER COMFORT for your beds for LESS MONEY if you use our Wool-Processed Cotton Batts Criss-Cross Carded Bight and Fluffy And warmer too! 1-I,KBATT )$1.25 For Good, Durable, Washable Covers for Your Comforts use our Bungalow Cretones Pleasing Patterns Fast Colors Width 24 to 36 inches —Per yard 10c, 15e and 25c Early choice costs no more NEW I NEW coats j turwtryo shoes WANT ADS. UI:..L ID At Mrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron’s Orders taken for crochet and embroidery work - Lost —On fairgrounds Watermelon Day an I. O. O. F. emblem button. Reward if returned to H. P. Snow, 304 South Main street For Sale by H. W. Royal—Russian Turkey Red wheat 15tf Is your live stock worth money to you? If so, see Win. C. Steele about insuring it. Let us launder your Palm Beach suits. Phone West 618 and wagon will call. New Method Laundry. Dr. J. H. Samuel. Dentist. Offine over Rocky Ford National Bank. Phone Ford 90. lOtf For Rent.—Well ventilated front sleep- ing room. Ford 538, lOtf Call today and see the special patterns we have just received. Mrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron Wanted.—Experienced hand ironer. New Method Laundry. Any person that can give me any in- formation as to the present address of Miss Emma Jamerson are requested to write to F. P. McElhone, 119J* East First, Salida, Colo. -16 p To Exchange.—A three-room house with screened porches, etc., in part pay- ment for 5 or 6 room modern house. Apply H., care of Enterprise. 13tf Money to loan on Real Estate in any amounts. Ten years time. Interest 7 per cent payable annually. With privi- lege of paying not to exoeed one-fliftn of principal in any one year. See us if you need money in iarge quantities. D. T. Whitlock, over Rexall Store, ltf New luncheon sets, fancy towels, pillow cases, night dresses, etc., just received at Mrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron’s Is your live stock insured? If not see Wm. C. Steele. Frederic Knight Logan is one of the best known chorus directors in America, having been for a long time musical direc- tor for both Maude Adams and Chauncey Olcott. His work in this line not only attracted world wide attention, but elicited the approval of the musical world. He is now director of the Pythian Glee Club of lowa, a club com- posed of fifty male voices, the only or- ganization oi the kind in America. Hear him at the Baptist church Monday night. Sept. 13th. Tickets on sale at Red Cross Pharmacy and Clark’s Music store. Beauty Culture^ Moler System used Mrs. F. E. Brown, Phone Ford 265 Mwlici* ol Application to I.eaac* Hiatt* I.andM Office of the Stato Hoard or band Coiutnl*- hloners. Denver, Colo.. Aug. dint, 1915. Notice hereby given llmt application lias been made to lease the following described School Lunds, situate In Otero County, Colo- rado. to-wit: Sec. Twp. Range App. All Of.. »*• SHS f*" " A 4485 ali ,»f •_*: s r.u w a r«d Notice is further hereby given that all other persons desiring to tile an application to lease all or unjr part of this tract of land must file the same in this office prior to Oct. Ist. 1915. as m> other application to lease the alxivo described lurnis wilt la- considered after said date. JOHN F VIVIAN. 14-17 Register State Hwiud Land Com nils-loner* JVew and Rebuilt BICYCLES For School Boys 71MOS & GO. Phone Ford 623 Rocky Ford LICENSED VETERINARY PRACTITIONER GEORGE B. CURLISS PHONE WHITS 81 1 ROCKY FORD - COLORADO MRS. J. M. KELSAY Magazine Representative Youth’s Companion American Roy Saturday Evening Rost EveryI tody* Ladies Homo Journal Deliueato* Woman'* Home Companion Little Folkr With all It* Club Offers St. Nicholas Phone Blue 762 Rocky Ford, Colo. The THOMPSON-CLAYPOOL UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Lady Attendant. Phono Ford 617 917 Swtnk Rocky Ford. Colo. K. G. Glenn W. B. Gobin GLENN & GOBIN A.ttornevs & Counsellors Railroad Are. Rook r Ford RHEUMATIC SUFFERER'S GIVEN QUICK RELIEF tPiiin leaves almost as if by magic when you begin using “5- Drops," the famousold remedy for Rheuma- tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica. Neuralgia and kindred troubles. It goes right to the spot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get a bottle of “5-Drops” today. A booklet with each bottle gives full directions for use. Don’t delay. Demand “5-Drops." Don’t ac- cept anything else in place of it Any drug- gist can supply you. If you live too far from a drug store send One Dollar to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark, Ohio, and a bottle of “5-Drops" will be 9cnt prepaid. 4, OVER 65 YEARS' E XPE RI EN C E lILJ i L j /ill ji ¦ ¦¦¦¦k ¦ ¦ % l Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyonepending n sketch and description may qnlclcly ascertain r opinion free whether nn I Invention I*probably patentable. Conmiunlra- lions si rictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* tent free, oldest ngcncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu A Co. receive tpt. uU notice, without charge, in tho Scientific American. A hnndsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clw riilntmu of any seiantlde Journal. Terms. 43 A year: four months, |L Sold by all newntjoalera. MUNN 4 Co. 364 New York branch Office. i.'Lj K Ht,. Washington, I). C. i Makes No Difference What You Want— Bills Tags Signs Briefs Labels Posters Blotters Dodgers Hangers Receipts Booklets Programs Sale Bills Envelopes Statements Stair Cards Blank Notes Milk Tickets Memo Heads Letter Heads Butter* Wraps Order Blanks Keceipt] Books Window Cards Business Cards Wedding Cards Counter Checks Conpou Tickets And Advertising The ENTERPRISE Gan Supply Ynu Raggage am Transfer Line Prices Reasonable All Trains Met and Calls Promptly Attended To F. D. DARK The People’s Home Rank Rocky Ford, Colo. Our motto is “Safety First,” then accommodation and fair play. We want and will appreciate Your Account GIVE ME YOUR DIRT! * THE INVINCIBLE JUNIOR my new electric vacuum machiue is guaranteed to be the most sanitary method known of cleaning carpets, rugs, walls, etc. L. J . STARK Rhone Womt 342 BOOK V FORD ENTERPRISE.

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    Subscription RatesOne year $1.50Six months- .75Three months 40

    FBJ DAY, SEPT. 10. 1915



    Misses Bertha and Josephine Averywere the hostesses of a beautifully ap-pointed one o’clock luncheon on Mondayin honor of Mrs. Daniel Ward. Theguests at this delightful function werethe members of the Sans Souci club,who were truly sorry to have Mrs.Ward leave their ranks. When the lastcourse was finished Mrs. Ustick, presi-dent of the club, made a charming talkafter which the following toasts wereresponded to: ‘‘Our Hostesses,” Mrs.Ferril; ‘‘The Sans Souci Club,” Mrs.McKelvey; ‘‘Our Departing Guest,”Mrs. Lawyer. The addresses wereclever and greatly enjoyed. The presi-dent presented Mrs. Ward with a sou-venir spoon. Mrs. Ward made a wellchosen reply, paying high tribute tothe Sans Souci club. The hostesseswere assisted in serving by MissesMarian Randall and Evangeline Hauck.

    On Monday evening Mrs. Wm. C.Steele entertained the pupils who havebeen under her direction this summer

    in honor of those departing this weekto attend college. Those present gavean informal program including Misses

    Marie Lacy, Dorothy Goodner, HazelSt. John, Anna and Mamie Welch,Dorothy Fenlason, Elizabeth Harleyand Justus Ward.

    The Musical Club meet at the Lafay-ette School House on Monday evening,the date being changed on account offair week. The attendance was not upto usual because of the change but theprogram was good and the feast ofcantaloupes enjoyed by all present.Next meeting will be on the regularday at the schoolhouse.

    J. M. Little returned home late lastweek from a visit near Higginsville,Mo., bringing with him a pleasing sur-prise in the form of a bride. Mrs.Little w’as formerly Miss Fannie S.Cole, and the marriage took place atHigginsville on Aug. 26.

    The Sunday School Board of the M.E. church held their usual monthlymeeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Johnson on Monday evening.A delightful social hour was enjoyedafter the business session. Refresh-ments were served.

    The Christian Endeavor of the Pres-byterian church tendered Miss EstherSt. John a farewell surprise party onFriday evening. A most enjoyableevening was spent. Dainty refresh-ments were served.

    • • •

    The Ladies of G. A. R. will meetwith Mrs. Chas. Cook, 503 NorthEleventh street, on Tuesday afternoon,Sept. 14. All members are requestedto be present.



    Messrs Lee Garlington and DonaldHale with Misses Gladys Hale and Lu-

    cille Gobin attended a dancing party inLa Junta on Wednesday evening.

    Misses Christine Johnson and GladysHale attended a dinner dance at theMinnequa Club in Pueblo last evening.

    Regular rehearsals of the Presby-terian choir will be resumed on Fridayevening, after a vacation of six weeks.

    Miss Beth Galliger was the hostessof a delightfully informal thimble partyyesterday afternoon.

    Killing of Birds ProhibitedThe attention of all persons is directed

    to the fact that all insectivorous birds,and nearly all hawks and owls are pro-tected by the laws of Colorado. It is for-bidden to kill them or to cap'ure themalive, or to take or-destroy their nests oreggs. The penalty for violation is a fineof not more than $25.00 for each bird ornest of eggs, imprisonment not to exceedten days in jail,or both. These birds arealso protected by the Federal law for theprotection of migratory birds, and offend-ers are liable to prosecution by UnitedStates officers.

    The exceptions to the Colorado law arethe English sparrow, sr.arp-shinnodhawk, Cooper’s hawk, goshawk, duckhawk, great horned owl, pirion jay, mag-pie, blue jay and eagle. Some of theunprotected hawks resemble the protec-ted. be sure you are right before killingany.

    Remember that ignorance of the lawdoes not excuse the offender.

    The Colorado Audubon Suciety

    At Mrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron’e —Cro-chet thread in any size, color or number


    Some Facts Given in WagingWar on the Dread Disease.

    It Must Be Remembered That SerurrIs Preventive, Not a Cure—Two

    Different Methods of Apply-

    ing Are Described.

    (By DR. K. W. STONDER, lowa StateCollege.)

    • Hog cholera serum is the only thingknown which will prevent or controlhog cholera.

    Hog cholera serum Is nothing more

    or less than the blood of hogs which

    have been Immunized against hog

    cholera.There are two methods of applying

    the serum, the single treatment andthe serum-simultaneous. The first con-sists merely of Injecting a quantity of

    serum proportionate to the weight olthe hog. This gives an Immunity lasting from three to six weeks. Thismethod never hurts any hog, even ilgiven in heavy overdoses

    The serum-simultaneous is the sameas the single treatment with the ad-dition of a small quantity of virus orblood containing the germs capable olproducing cholera. This gives the hogsimmunity for life, except pigs vaccinated before eight weeks old.

    Some losses have been reportedfrom the serum-simultanoous treatment. They are the faults of methodsor materials rather than the treat-ment. Poor serum of low potencyand untested is the chief factor in

    the failure of this treatment. Toolow doses, or improper application ofthe serum ace all causes of failure.

    Records kept on 20,000 hogs show aloss of less than two per cent whentreated by the simultaneous method.All were made immune, some forthree years.

    Here are tho facts in waging waron hog cholera by the simultaneoustreatment:

    Hogs can be made immune.If healthy when treated, and if re-ole, tested serum is employed to-

    gether with good virus, there is nodoubt that tho serum simultaneoustreatment is a success.

    Hog cholera serum In any processwillgive good results on healthy hogs,and better than nothing on sick ones.It must be remembered that hog chol-era serum Is a preventive, not a cure.

    When serum Is to be ‘used, first getall the pigs together in a pen sothey may be caught easily. Too muchexercise before injection is not goodfor the animal.

    Injection may be on inner side ofa rear leg or in armpit; either spotmust be cleaned carefully, using firstwarm water and soap nnd followingwith alcohol or a three to five pelcent solution of carbolic acid.

    All vessels nnd instruments mustbe sterilized before use and the op-erator’s hands should be cleaned, dis-infected and kept so.

    Disinfecting Site of Injection.

    Injecting the Serum.

    STANCHIONS FOR THE CALVESYoungster Will Not Worry AboutNeighbor Getting Part of His Mess

    and Will Drink Slowly.

    Harmful results are frequentlybrought on in young calves by theirdrinking milk too rapidly and toomuch at a time

    Feeding small quantities and often,which is the natural plan, is the wayto avoid trouble from this source

    Where several calves run togetherstanchions for feeding may contributeto less rapid drinking, for withstanchions the calf is not worryingabout one of its neighbors getting partof his mess nnd is thus encouraged todrink more slowly.

    Distemper in Horses.Strangles, or as It is commonly

    known, distemper. Is a contagiousand infectious disease seen most fre-quently In young animals One attackgenerally produces an immunitywhich lasts for life, therefore is sel-dom seen in older animals.

    ¦ •

    | Wet Weather |¦ s• ¦¦ •

    S Affect your 5: appetite? \m ¦

    l See Us :¦ s• ¦¦ 2

    {buck !j &PAP!

    ¦ «



    On disagreeable days andwash days, simply callPhone Ford 24b and yourorder of Quality Groceriesarrives at your f door onschedule time.


    1 Phone Ford 249


    EMBALMERSModern Parlor Lady Attendar


    918 Elm Ave, Phone FoldRocky Ford, Colo.

    We Are Up With The Times

    We will give you a receptionas warm as this warmweather, but our goodvalues will make you hap-py and comfortable, sowill our prices.

    BRUSE’S VARIETY STORE312 North Main Street

    ¦ExpositionsEjxJ Here's the chance you've

    heen waiting for—an oppor-EW tumty to visit California at

    slight expense.fjjGp It s doubly interesting thism year, because of the great

    world s fairs at San Franciscoand San Diego.

    ¦ The Santa Fe is the only lineH to both Expositions,irff On the way Grand Canyon ofH Arizona and Petrified Forest,jjb Let ™*send jron our illustrated ’crow-

    -9H continent guide bosk and Exposition fold-H ers and tellyou about the cheap fares on11 the Santa Fe.


    fBL W. Ken RobertsonAgent V


    Phone West 53 WE DELIVER PACKAGES Phone West 53

    Make Your Own ComfortsMake Them Now

    ’Tis EconomyTo Do So

    You can make a BETTER COMFORT for your bedsfor LESS MONEY if you use our

    Wool-Processed Cotton BattsCriss-Cross Carded

    Bight and FluffyAnd warmer too!

    1-I,KBATT )$1.25

    For Good, Durable, Washable Covers for Your Comforts use our

    Bungalow CretonesPleasing Patterns

    Fast ColorsWidth 24 to 36 inches —Per yard 10c, 15e and 25c

    Early choice costs no more

    NEW I NEWcoats j turwtryo shoes


    At Mrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron’sOrders taken for crochet and embroidery

    work -Lost —On fairgrounds Watermelon Day

    an I. O. O. F. emblem button. Rewardif returned to H. P. Snow, 304 SouthMain street

    For Sale by H. W. Royal—RussianTurkey Red wheat 15tf

    Is your live stock worth money to you?If so, see Win. C. Steele about insuring it.

    Let us launder your Palm Beach suits.

    Phone West 618 and wagon will call.New Method Laundry.

    Dr. J. H. Samuel. Dentist. Offine overRocky Ford National Bank. Phone Ford90. lOtf

    For Rent.—Well ventilated front sleep-ing room. Ford 538, lOtf

    Call today and see the special patternswe have just received. Mrs. Jennie

    Gobin-CameronWanted.—Experienced hand ironer.

    New Method Laundry.

    Any person that can give me any in-formation as to the present address ofMiss Emma Jamerson are requested to

    write to F. P. McElhone, 119J* EastFirst, Salida, Colo. -16 p

    To Exchange.—A three-room housewith screened porches, etc., in part pay-ment for 5 or 6 room modern house.Apply H., care of Enterprise. 13tf

    Money to loan on Real Estate in anyamounts. Ten years time. Interest 7per cent payable annually. With privi-lege of paying not to exoeed one-fliftnof principal in any one year. See us ifyou need money in iarge quantities.D. T. Whitlock, over Rexall Store, ltf

    New luncheon sets, fancy towels, pillowcases, night dresses, etc., just received atMrs. Jennie Gobin-Cameron’s

    Is your live stock insured? If not seeWm. C. Steele.

    Frederic Knight Logan is one of thebest known chorus directors in America,having been for a long time musical direc-tor for both Maude Adams and ChaunceyOlcott. His work in this line not only

    attracted world wide attention, butelicited the approval of the musicalworld. He is now director of thePythian Glee Club of lowa, a club com-posed of fifty male voices, the only or-ganization oi the kind in America. Hear

    him at the Baptist church Monday night.Sept. 13th. Tickets on sale at RedCross Pharmacy and Clark’s Music store.

    Beauty Culture^Moler System usedMrs. F. E. Brown,

    Phone Ford 265

    Mwlici* ol Application to I.eaac*Hiatt* I.andM

    Office of the Stato Hoard or band Coiutnl*-hloners. Denver, Colo.. Aug. dint, 1915.

    Notice l» hereby given llmt application liasbeen made to lease the following describedSchool Lunds, situate In Otero County, Colo-rado. to-wit:

    Sec. Twp. Range App.AllOf.. »*• SHS f*" " A 4485ali ,»f •_*: s r.u w a r«d

    Notice is further hereby given that all otherpersons desiring to tile an application tolease all or unjr part of this tract of land mustfile the same in this office prior to Oct. Ist.1915. as m> other application to lease the

    alxivo described lurnis wilt la- consideredafter said date. JOHN F VIVIAN. 14-17

    Register State Hwiud Land Com nils-loner*

    JVew and Rebuilt


    For School Boys

    71MOS & GO.Phone Ford 623 Rocky Ford




    MRS. J. M. KELSAYMagazine Representative

    Youth’s Companion American RoySaturday Evening Rost EveryItody*Ladies Homo Journal Deliueato*Woman'* Home Companion Little FolkrWith all It*Club Offers St. NicholasPhone Blue 762 Rocky Ford, Colo.


    Funeral Directors and EmbalmersLady Attendant.

    Phono Ford 617 917 SwtnkRocky Ford. Colo.

    K. G. Glenn W. B. Gobin

    GLENN & GOBINA.ttornevs & Counsellors

    Railroad Are. Rook r Ford



    tPiiinleaves almost

    as if by magic whenyou begin using “5-Drops," the famousoldremedy for Rheuma-tism, Lumbago, Gout,Sciatica. Neuralgiaand kindred troubles.It goes right to thespot, stops the achesand pains and makeslife worth living. Geta bottle of “5-Drops”today. A booklet witheach bottle gives fulldirections for use.Don’t delay. Demand“5-Drops." Don’t ac-cept anything else inplace of itAny drug-

    gist can supply you. Ifyou live too farfrom a drug store send One Dollar toSwanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark,Ohio, and a bottle of “5-Drops" willbe9cnt prepaid. 4,


    lILJ i L j™/illji ¦¦¦¦¦k ¦ ¦ % l

    DesignsCopyrights Ac.

    Anyonepending n sketch and description mayqnlclcly ascertain r opinion free whether nn IInvention I*probably patentable. Conmiunlra-lions si rictlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*tent free, oldest ngcncy for securing patents.

    Patents taken through Munu A Co. receivetpt. uU notice, without charge, intho

    Scientific American.A hnndsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clwriilntmu of any seiantlde Journal. Terms. 43 Ayear: four months, |L Sold by allnewntjoalera.

    MUNN 4 Co. 364 New Yorkbranch Office. i.'Lj K Ht,. Washington, I). C. i

    Makes No DifferenceWhat You Want—

    BillsTagsSignsBriefsLabelsPostersBlottersDodgersHangersReceiptsBookletsProgramsSale BillsEnvelopesStatementsStair CardsBlank NotesMilk TicketsMemo HeadsLetter HeadsButter*WrapsOrder BlanksKeceipt] BooksWindow CardsBusiness CardsWedding Cards

    Counter ChecksConpou TicketsAnd Advertising

    The ENTERPRISEGan Supply Ynu

    Raggage am Transfer LinePrices Reasonable

    All Trains Met and Calls

    Promptly Attended To

    F. D. DARK

    The People’s Home RankRocky Ford, Colo.

    Our motto is “Safety First,”then accommodation and

    fair play.

    We want and will appreciateYour Account

    GIVE ME YOUR DIRT! *THE INVINCIBLE JUNIORmy new electric vacuummachiue is guaranteed tobe the most sanitary methodknown of cleaning carpets, •rugs, walls, etc.

    L. J. STARKRhone Womt 342