v i t l. lehmandr. robert h. dnncnn iiiui remove his oflliii from tho oinam uonso to th.) kath'...

VOL. i. No. 5i. C UNION COUNTY, N J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER' i 4 ; i s 94 ; Gas piiwi are leing laid throngli'Cen tral avenne, , " ~~ POET-LAUREATE. A dance will 1»" given on Tlmnksgiving eve. CRAMFQRD^M. J. To lay in a supply of FLQTJR for h 7the \Vinter is now. A s y/e are sell- ing,the ?• WXXXrMINNESffriFLOUR, Warranted to-lie groimdjfrom old w'licnti^wjfich means that (ivory barrel will yield ubortrono dollar's jworth moro brejifl than -flour groiind from now wheat, nt , . / . . ' $3.99 -pe/- barrel. $3-35 per barrel. L. Lehman THE ORKSjhlATCSJRS OP LOW CA^H PRICES. •; 13$ Broad St^Gor^'firand-Street^^IZftBETHrl^ J. Orders doliverod PKKE'to all parts of 'county. .'Storo opoii cr&niriga till 8. Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received Daily •AT; THE Westfield Fisg & Oyster Market. / / CLAMS, KiBSTEKS, S|FT SIIEBC CHARS, ' r ]>oiivcr!vH In Cniiiforrt, TumiliiyB, TlnirmlnyH, HaturilnyB. . \ ;\: A. J^ WHITE, ;""' A Special Sale, of JThariksgiVing = AT "THE BEEHIVE NEWARK. The$ Lyceum ^ Theatre, A. Ii/SIMONDS, Friday Hatty,NOT; 16-17 Barnabee, Karl & MacDonald's Presenting DcKoretiiind Smith's Twin "ROBIN HOOD." FRIDAY EVENING AND SATV - URDAY MATINEE. "". A.2V1> TUK In order to quickly introduce onr - f?? ?H .^*" wilftrK<:(T department nnd well ns^ " Horfcetl fllock of'LfnoiVs.' Every'ivbiniih* .ought to come here. Every yard of Table Linen, every yard of Toweling, every Towel nml Tablecloth, every Nap Iciti and Doyley at a Specinl Price. All regular Btock goods, .remember, and not "cheap" mixed linen goods boaght up specially to Hell at a "cheap" price This in a Btile of getinine linen. The follow ing leaders are folly one-quarter to oiie third lower than their actual selling value: . "™~ \ B-* Lunch "Rets, silver biparlitil, handsome, all-linen (foods. In white and white with color- ed borttef ond one dozen Napkins, valuo $2.fi» .... s .i..i. SI.75 K-10 Handsome Opcritvork Cloths nml 1 dozen Ojwnwork Doylies to nintc)i, yuluo $.">.&) V4.00 Full nivachrd Irish Damask, full 7i Inches wide and retailed everywhere at We 7Uo Httver Iltoachrcl Loom Dice - Damiuk, flno German goods of !ji»c. value, at.. ;i5o Extra Fine Dinner Napkins In heautlfnl new (U^ltfiiHof 51.r.iivultic,at tl.tl) All-Linen Itronkfa^t Napkin*, bountiful wit In flnltU tuul worth 91.£> duzvtiat..- OHe " Hltfh Orndn Dinner H-pt». In extraordinary Una qiiAlity of linen, our own Importntliili.rmi- flintlngof «lxHl (ncJioH wide extrn stout Tablo tloth. nit I) ont> dozen full Tt\Tt Napkin* to match, worth $8, at..;...-; »4.»H CanllnalandIllueTahloCovers, InHIZNfmm JM.H-It) mid H-]?, luwlsnuio n n i J M l tf06a^ worth. Jrom 7-VVto 8i.'A"y-« H u c J c T 1 T r C JOo valuo ....... •: me. FuUHIZfl Kxtrn Heavy Honeycomb Hprencln, In M&rttclllesdcfllifits, agttioral JlJ3,article, at •UH Special in Tray Cloth*, nU-llnrn, with one HUM Ilcmly-mAifo Hhecttf, of good tntiHlln, worth fM(c 1'...., 33c ;Wx45Head)-made Pillow-owes, worth 10c..Oc L. S. PLAUT & CO.; 707 to 731 Broad St., Newark. OIlDKIl IIY MAIL IF YOU WANT. JOHN R.RANKIN, Electrician and Locksmith, 110 BROAD ST., ELIZABETH. Electric Ou Lhrhtlnfr, Call lletia anil tltintlar Alarms, 'Lawn MoVreni, HAWS and Cutlery "harp«ned. HATL'IIDAY.CVKNINIl. COMPANY OF SIXTY" AUTIST;/. ' CIIOIUS OF FOI1TY. ,/ Sri'EIlIOIt OI'KUATIC OKCinSSTItA. BICEH-prcliwtrn anil Itoli-on/ $1.W), 75c, utuKiik-.' (Jallnry -V. / '- MATINEE phlCEiJ-TiVaic.iBc'ttiidijc. SPECIAL SALE SATIN RIBBONS. fCo. SntTc ynnl. No. Ont Ilk- yunl. No. 40 n 1ft; yard. No. Wat 25cyard. All in fancy evening shades. HAVE \-OUHEEN THIS " N EW eRI/N KLE. Puliable for evening wear or fancy work. *" BLANKETS. Black and Navy Blue Serges. nnEHH HKIKTnt: J2.0O|ilcco HEAVY COTTON* UNDKIiSKIUTS :«fc, FI.ANSEI, HKIItTM of nil prliia. CHANNEL WAiMTS, lK-autlful now BIKHI" GREAT DRESS GOODS and . UNDERWEARj)EPAR|MENTS. White Silk Hantorchiefs. Chllilron'M Kinlirol.]ire.lat 10c. 12 Inch Bilunrc, 'IIviUHtitchtil, at Hk" worth » c „,.»„„,,.v,,w „.„.,.„.,_.»,..,.,.„„„.,„,_„ IB Inih wiunrc, Ilcmitttliliiit, at 1"*; worth We. 31) Inch Minnrr, Hcnmtltclntl nl-iK DOo. » irii'h Ti. ; tvorlli Hcmstlli-Ii(.Hl at nir; worth 104 Broad St., Elizabeth. R. H. Duncan, M. A., M. D., I. M. PHYSICIAN AND SUROI-ON. (I*to of tint U. H. 51. Hrnlrr.) Formerly Chief EHBIIHII t^overnini'lit SurKi'on. nico In tho flatli Ilulliling. North AvrVuto, . Ul>l>oalti> ItaJIroad Hlallun. (Jranfonl, N. J. ealiloQcc: Mill) Ht., Iwtwrcn EnBtmaa anil Alilen Htrwl«. Offlca Hours—9-il ifc.m. Jf-5p. tb. Miss Mary Higbiv returned to Brook- lyn on Monday.- ' Tl»>;W. O. T. U- met at-Mra. Janies C. Miller's yesterday ufteruo.m. " Mpt. Robert'John Gnnier lias return- ed from a two iliiy's visit in Brooklyn. Dr. \V. C. Allen's lionso on Union nvenno is beint; attractivelypai'iitea.. ..^jUvnio. AY*. Jliller'lmsimirroved liin property by graving the gntter with cobblestones; Mrs. William K: Stnrr: nei'(>iifi>:liii<_ by her mutln'r^pent Friday lust at tbei former liouiu on the Hudson Dr. Robert H. Dnncnn IIIUI remove his oflliii from tho Oinam Uonso to th.) Kath' Uhildintr. . •: - - - 1 Peter .Van ^Deventer, formerly en: ployed byHarrv Kuth as. book keepe: died in Plainlield on Sunibiy. .Tlie regular mcinthly meeting of tl |.Crunfonl bmiipln>r,* the Murcuutile C'i operative Bunk will bo held on the 20t inst. ' . • 'Mis. Warner of Unipur. ayenno wn hastily snnnnoned to Brooklyn on Mon day'to attend two nieces, wlio weri burned by the Tipsetting of a larosei lainp. . ' Tho report of tlio C'rtinforcl Mntur BgihUiiR/&(koa.il.. -\^»cjjitiou,, fcr,.tli (jiiarter ending Oct. .t*th, shows m'eipi nmonntihg to' $3'JJ181.83;' assets, '$151 583.03. Child & DeOoll, architects, of New street; N. Y., bave' OIHJIKMI II brawl* ofllcojn tho Opera Honw Block. Thi fimi^rrb'tlie designers' of tlio new Atlr letic Clnb building. -. . " ' Tliornton's storo is shortly s to bo en larked, by the construction of an add: tion to extent thirty feet back from.tin present rear-wall. The c»tablu*hmci ill be tho biggest in Craufor'd.' The Eclectic Chib'lias now' 40 riiem hers the latesjt addition being Williai: >; 3V. «T. ..j D. Bigelow and John Waterson. '.'XJn cle -Billy" si>ouds somo hours each dii; in tho ClnbV art gallery. Manage Miller predicts that, within n few day the membership liatwill bcswellcd t no. ' ; On Friday night Rev. W. R. Rich ards,of Plainlleld.gavo In the Presbytpr iari clinrch an address oii Meiico, wbither he was sent by tho Beard <i Ffr^Vil >fi°ainn uninn liumHia ?i)r./_Ui .temperature of tho church -wiis uine inorj,_jiniwejiti.v.o_*of OreedMndHr-icy inomitaiua ; thAu : of "Slexitva *u»iiiy'pnl*~ groves. . ./ . The deserving iieedy.ate always i>ro vided for in Crnnford/ -VWheii the fnci beciime knowm on Thursday that,Pete JjEastelleri of Orange- avenue was ' ' abed and nee<le<l .the constijnt.:.,i»ttp lit ntoviTo, \ybj>'. v lmd''TH*eii tlie' fiiinily'i only BiTmiort fflr some time, a nnmbei of kind liearted people contributed coal and provisions in «nflicient unantity tf keep the wolf from the door for some weeks. /• . •' Grocer W. A. Shaw will present t thcyTo>yn Committee tomorrow night u bill for $.< 70." This is the amount ol dauiage^donotohiswau'ou and harness on 4ho night of Nov. ;t. Mr. Shaw says thai through the carelessness of C'ontractoi Dowd, who laid the gas pipes through Walnut avenue a trench 2 feet deep wa: left unguarded in front of Kolwrt Ilin dell's house.' Jnto this ditch Mr. Sliaw 1 ! horse and wagon was driven by hi: salesman ' Whit Rounsavillo. . Tm* shafts and harness 'were, badly brok ••en.. '•••• : -•- * : *' A plan by* which tho directors of Fair- view Cemetery proposed to mid" largely ftt'tlii'Ir riiveililes liiis'liivii friistriifeiniy tho vigorous opposition of the lot own ers. Owing to the irregular sbape ol the cemetery and the roads passing through it, there aro a large: nnmber of odd shaped bits of land lying between the vnridns lots and the-nuidii and foot jiaths These frag^nentH were not sole to tho lot owners, .imt tho understand ing was tlint they} were to bo kept in repair nt tho latter's cxpenso. Recentl- tho directora decided to sell these bit of land; " The lot owners, however, hard of tho-*cheuie and such a storui of protest was raised that tlio project has received its qnietns. Thnnks to the vigilanco of Gwrge Rcnsch's big dog,.n would-lw bnrglar WIIH linfllOil in liis attempt (in Hntnnlay night to loot tho houso of Charles Bea die, on North avenue. -Mr.-and Mrs. Beadle retired nt 10 o'clock. Some time later, Mrs. Beadlo wan awakened by tho loud barkint; of tho baker's dog. She looked ont of b"er-bed room windowr and saw a man fumbling with the latch of tho front gato and nt the same tilno try- ing to drive off tho dog that was danc- ing about his heels. After watching tin fellow soine time; Mrs. Beadle threw u|i the window* and demanded of biui liS./wahtiHl; •.Witliotil^Vfiiitmj> . ec.h!Uook.to.hiti,Ji<a!li).ninl.vau- ishedr; .T" , bids of contractors. desiring t build4ho Cranford sewers were publicly opened by tlio Town Committee on Thursday night. Eleven bids were ro- cmTe<lrtlri"biddeTS beintr.'Harrts Bftgiirt, of Brooklvn; Abbnt-OninMI Contract- ing Co., of St. Lonis; II. SI. ' Dowd & Co., of Orange: W. H. Waters, of Bay- until': Thomas Rendhiilg,of Perth Am- lioy; Win. Chainberlain. of Railway; •lames Smith & Son, of Easton: Thos. Siddall & Co., of Trenton; Costa & Marino, of Orango; Jlngulre.McNight & Co., of Bonnd Brook; Bernard Brady of Plainfleld; and Smith and Burden of Long Island City. As each bid was mndo np of sonio fifty or so items, it was impossible to dctennino tho lowest till long calculations had IHHMI made. Henco tho Conmiitteo decided to jioHt- pone tho nwonling of tho contract till to-morrow night. Town Clerk Plume wiys that tho amount of tho lowest bid The.Alcaeus Society was entertnined by Jamw Kodgcrs on Monday night The ladies of the Casino are agitating the question of .forming a euchre clnb. Tlio parish of Trinity church' tills de- Tlic Distinction Deservedly Won by ttic Royal Arcanumlte. It isn't pvcrv society or lo<l£t» tltat is CJip;il>if of £iviii£ an iuipniiDptu t'liirr, taitiiiietit.- Yt't that is oxartly >vhat was atrnuiiilishctl oh Sjitnnlny hv., thf l'f tl ItVl \ \ f a atrnui -Crnnfoni, it tlu- at iy« t wilt lie within tho estlmato made by Mi/. BauBctt. cided to bnild a rectory in the near fnt- |,ii,m.: XnnokeViiad 'JHVII i^ttiu.i: -fforthi' rti.tcrtaiiiim-:it "of the" nioii .;-.-. .... -•-.. <• ..»..>-.—. ••-> -loriur- t-ntertainim-m or tlie m o n u f: / - . . . A missiimar}- meoting w.-vs held vest- <("ranford and a dozen artists bad prom- / erduy at the home or Mrs. E. F. Grow, '-^l '" l-<M'res.iit nml liven things/ on Milu street. . _'••.. - "I 1 - - Y«\t liiit-ont'• uf th»—nitiTtaincr/ ~" I ~ " |- 7 "'•'.' .".",••. •••. , Icamif.' Iii this omergracv the t'nuiMd : N'lCIli . A rccentson will 1M> ten.I.r..il ii»n,..-.li '_._.. .i... . - -• V - I ! A reception will IK? ' tendered to tor .Tuhn Edgecnmlto and wift* at Hamp- ton U»U, In night, - ••Ite\v.'JIr. Priitt.. from Tivoli bn-the- Hnilsoii, is staying for a fcwidayswith splendid property.'. Building LotsforSale on this .,, ........ for a fi'vru hi.s iljinshtt*r, Mrs. Kt'imm Pa fnim liiK|,e l>oy;* pulletl , .with the aid of Kolierf P. _ v . , •Wcstfield. gave a tip top iH'rf^>nii;iiict:.J I). II. Canloja was nia-lir iifivninon- LOCATION: , jt'.s The. couiTKinvwas rt'i^|I-nl witli a ; -;.— . ~' ~ • |iuloby llalsi'y S:Vn'fonl. -mwitk-s by Jus,; ' l'!>e niiunti.s wallt fi-oni tlie Itim.il- ItiNl.i;<' i rx..viH-al solo l i v / i ! n h " M<nre. j Jlrs. E. h. Heslon. of Holly strei't. re- j songs by M. ssrs. Martirt. Ad.iins. .lohu j irued yesterday f-rtrtn.athr.-o weeks !«,,, and a band concert l.vMr. KviT.tti yisit at her parents' home in Delaware. | mid Me.^rs. "Alien/ On " this oicMsiou! 5lJRROUNl)(iyflS: Mr. Cartloza mad,'his (lrhut as a ]-uet ' ' wa«as.follows:—. . (1 KfK-mlH out- tuwl nl). Of you iit-n^lu n-wiiibinlJii-iliU Hall. . Al!l»W IIH' tt/i-rn^t J»IU ill 4ni"Ft*-iillIH-irH IllilllO. way .Stlition; "the in Cianfonli—^. t . l a "Cnpt. W. It ThoiniHim amManKlitir ft for 'Now York this uiorninj: tu pond'a fe\V <ljtva . v i s i t i n t h H Show.. ' uiorninj: tu -thf Horse Mrs. Bi'iiuett. whojh.is IKVII pojouni- ing with her daughter. Mrs ;N. H. Fost- er, started to-day for' Kielinu>nd where she will reside with her son. Mrs. John A. Lee, uf Forest avenue. .was taken ill wjth tousilitus oqvSj|f>ir.<,. Miiyr -'-FftuV tTiat'time-tijr'yes^vnlay sli/i' was nniible to sjieak, but her vocal pow- f-^ t>rs have now be.»n regained. ' / Mrs. Mary' R. Bennett and family .will leave Cranford on Monday to take pos session other -Winter.-residence at No. 150, West ?Tth itwet; N(iw_Xork: "•••'•-'•• On SaturiViy aftenu^n tho Athletic Club IHIVS are going JCa Westlieldio An estaollslii'd lielKlthorhood- eoiil- jtosfd nf Hrjjant private re.-iitleiices and the Cranford Country Clnb. ADVANTAanS: Pure air: unsiirinissed nioiintain ...views.:', »yiilo '.avenues; .({CKHI nide- Walks; abundant water supply; gas, xi.vs lire (,'oinj; ti) \Vettildil avenge the defeat at foot ball adminis- tered on Election, Day. Sum*s.s to Via! . The following iiien were'elwteil to membership in .tlio- Athletic Clnb last night :CharlosI>nnidn.W.F. Hoffman Jr.. James Kd F It S k h l l Anil 1KHI»IU<- ultl. <.wil«hl. ; The ilulm't-uu.tits « I'row . . . r -, Tbnt yuini'ml liimy lnsiifniu-f . . wlioinjou luvt-; TlK ''.''•?':^««.>.".!"»lli •!"• ••liiiHtiiias L LctusiMirull-yn'.ir nniiifl! i,wit K > Nr.tllij.r4 rtv JUII li-nvc, OITIT hhunl.t let IH you for IIU.M. murrati.. it on our RESTRICTIONS: OiiijKm taiir.-thi hnsnro iieo **,irv to limin- ' rhiirueter of the-- futnro h'd INDUCEMENTS: '•"_'.•• ~ Jloney fur liuililint' purpos<>s adrnn- ced'lo purchasers of lots; easy terms uf ro payment made. PRICES OF LOTS: if'T.IO tn $1,500, airordlug to size and! Fill U|>yiitirnp]tll*-it'or], tliei| l>r,\«flit "11 tt» me Ad tf i H ^ l ^ |ynp] And tf vim ijiii M. II.. ' Wliy the'i nt (In-iii'xt will rry . , . Ilrholiloijr ni-w iiiiul Mercy nml Cliarit>.- i, vt. nur trurlli . ' i^ or-two ni linn her In ...A'beautifully illustrated book, .descriptive:- q L R ? bsqvcItMa nor,' and other ;inforniation concerning the prdperty,; m ay be obtained by ' applying to: _•.;.> •; •titsMi. v-iniiiiiu-'iiiiiuii. *** r •itOJililiUl • r,, Mercy nml Cliarit>'. - James Kodgejji !•. R Swackbamerr 1 . | „„•„.,,,. ,,i,tur,H,l i.,- i l w h,.rril.l, tal,s,,f^ HerlK'rt. F./Blake. J. S. .Rosoucrantz.Ci. . ,,,, . • - y\ au,lA.^/lIil w on. _ . , . • .V,,. m,,Bl. *„. I O\vjiitf~to tlm JIIterations now lx*int? uuul« in the Prt k sbyterian tiiajwlr-tiit* Limit's' Jliwdonary Socfffy 'vnll imt^t on Friday afternoon nt it-MO (tVl<H*k in Jliss yiday afternoon Day's school rw*i) geonr, of BiYMfll uted with Mni i .A H in Miss Mrs. .Tames Smm- , whiihas bin-n as>oc Parklmrst in inis- Yk ill uted with Mni v^ Parklmrst in inis- ionarj' work in New York, will read a poem. All are welcome. Tlio ladien of tlie Casino mot at tin ,MnI>^ioJWt t -Yi«tt'r(lAy ^ii CRANFORD, N. J, liruthern Itop-rrf;' Ft-rk'U^m- and nil tin' rr*t Imvi 1 U-cutiiruuult Jl. - -'- Anil mill tlnm lin-y Mf I' liny "Ant nion-'nr Fran k T. Lent - Architect - * i" Insurance IhVw U Hie »k-Iil CRANFORD, .KATH'S IllJir.DISdj NEW JERSEY. ! ONE UUNDRKO RUILniMn*; IN rniifi vrA,, £ . llUfLDINOS IN POIJ« YEARS! put, -thnm t-eption of Mro. L. V. P. 'Bryjner. who! Wi><loII ' ( llflk >" IIU ll1 J ni » M1I »1''> declined to scne-iigam.iw'chairtuan . ournumlxr,; »-.:• \ Mni. Joseph Pnrcull wiis v\vtft>n ti» iill _W*nnnt toMl_r>uu up nml nn-n tbo vni'tiiicr. TlH»]n(1i'pM(lMMil«^lK,l.<.i.1 juiifslumU-p*. 3In. Joseph Pnrcull wiis iIu>s(fi the vacancy. Tlio ln<lieH <K-rnl.il t In Oratij, r o festival p.irly in Dtnt'inlMT. Tlif entortuinnii'iit (.ommittce H com Urn. Hhari>, Mrs. Tiivlor'and 3fr^. Lit- eH.' Thcaninial election of thetlhinn Hoso •onipany was held in the town rooms on Monday ni^lit. Tin 1 following officcn* .vere eleftiMl:—President, It. CVPlume Foreman; JnuioH Ciillc^ly; First Assist mtriC tl-.tijirm'r^:^kcuua, Aaaiiituntr-L: •I. llulsey; Reeordini; Sceretjirr, <Jenrtf 4. THUT; Fihaniinl Setretjiry, H. C Thornton; Treiisuror, K. R." Filter. -Thi' Hn.st» fonijiany's repmM'ntatiws in the J stat«i firi'man'H relief HKM elation arr R. C. Plume, three years; I'. J. (iarner. two ytnrs; Jan. P. <Jillojrl*\ UIL- year. The Hitmu KWitleuieu werfinadi- acimi to deenrat» i the company's HMHIIS Tin 1 inoMe5*f(»r the purpose is trt \w. tak I'll from the sum raised by the iiri'JiM.'iijs 1'ntertaiiiiiii'nt last "winter. Jntl^e (ivo. II. Bruce Jias lwen up [K>inted rca-iver for tht\ v\in< i r),c.'iu,,,,^c-. iiorid< ; t'yele CitmluriV"iif"In" Uarrlay , N(-w York City" •Tliis .was tli"* fVmerioan Branch of the well knowi Jrmondc Cycle Company of England. The foinpnny was oneiif the best knowii in the biLsineHM line lmt was comitclhi finally to HU'ciimh to the hard times Tho JndgH. wnn wheeled nt'fiv*r by ;liancullor McGill and Jnd^e Fre^f- nan ttppointwl him n-ceiver of tlie nfock in New York City. The creditors art* fortunate enough in having wi good » ?Jiolct'i' • Tb« uppofntnient wan made OIL [lie application of EnimtJ. Willie, the President, nnd owner of ;11O ont of 500 ibares of the comiHiLny'H Htock. on the gronnd that the Company is insolvent ,nd nimble to meet its obligations. The jubilities are state<l in the i^tilion to 1«? fil.r.HJ., but of that amount §IM.70() i^ •apital stock issued, am{ *12.HHft is dn< :o creditors on bills iKiv;|ble; iioinjnal m$etw, §*I,1>21. in inerchnndi.se.^ accon •to; nctnalasst'ts, nbout ^4,000. " On Tuesiliiy Uftcrnoori of last week a Huijc man dro%'c into Phil. BiiidealuTtf- •'H livery stable 1 and naked that his lorselw taken care of for th» night. He lien went over to Iless's hotel; ate *n earty HUpper. engaged » room, and af ' g in the bowling alley fnr II. I'luniiiiiTiiiuI John I>vuiii[iii;4li»<.;i»intr>' t'lu^.tlifJitTiuTtriM-kiuHl THKOI'KIIA t toCIV 3TOMlrirrlCffl J Ami make >u to th(» •rtold Ons Zimmennnn, HessH b;ir- :eejH. i r, that he wanted to neo aU)iit )n%» orne nnd walked out, leaving IIJK bill npnid. He then went to tin- htuble and irected Harry Jenks, Phil's driver, to nko the horse to the blacksmith'HMK [TO it sliml;* ^ i W e t r minutes"latMnrh"' mug man vanished, and had m»t Inei ard from up to this morning. Lat 'fduesilay aftt*rni>ou two other Mrang TH were in [towh inquiring nlmiitthe liflflinjcnmnl They npke<i uunierons [ICHUOIIH bui would givo infinfornintion hatever concerning tiieinselves. ^\gain u Thnrsday mom ing nnd in the iifter- HHI their investtgatioim were ri 1 iVlifttyver their otij«N"t was tlicy ^till ;ept if n Het-n-t. The pair appeared to «• Hrttis/fr'd finally, nnd left t<)wn. On 'ridny the Iiorno Ifft at the" Htalde was iken sick, and Phil,' wu-< o»»i|M-ll**rl to ny $il to tlie veterinary who attended it. he horse, which in n eOrrcl and th<* ve icle, n buggy with yidlow rnnning •am aro together worth about flOO. ro claimant for tlie rig has yet apjiar- vvhcii j«m Ami lciivt*s« tlifiti uJtL'out a hoim>, nmucy or rt-nt,.. . - . •• ..'.., ' Of yemr f(H»Ii^iin-»s nml sli<»rt t>ijjlit<><lnt'!'B' ^a(II); to ri'p«*iit; Wlifii If only n feu* (t-iits vwry -wtt-k yuu . . ' ttOUlll MlVf, You niiulil Minki'tlicin morr ••*••-••• ur« bunu> tulUeunt\«-. •-•• Wltnt tn }ou ina.UtT ur wmir luun 1 iir ICK*. W'lwn liy tlfn>liti:)"«ui>fI\f!iiMs yuu canuilil lo t hi-fr fut tire linpiiIlK—*. That I trtlttlii p> lu Hit-* May r..r houm it N : plain,-;- Hut ttnivtflln im>I ninst rci-.' tlil- IiTK-Te'- ... fmin ^ _:••-• • : . - Tin;ivelhu-(> llnit nrc tnfitnn>a cliuiirc . To atinw' >o'l with MIII^', nut-ir mi'l iluin S*i thuiikiiit,' J'"i acain for your im^t'ii<<; 1 - Andt-siiiHliuirto >ou all n irtiyiil ui-h nnd K'MKI thtt-r, \Vt>t;rvctV">l I'* Die mititt'of our ri)inuil nitti .•iiNrr'K^iiiJ.'raii'foni; 1 . . • _ "5ound 5en*e- In Suburban Architecture," nn fllii"trat<'(l iHtnk (if im) |iau'<'H, wliich liaa nut inyotif li(t«!!nliii^ lo htilld i'i:<mi>tulnilly; INIICK, ONE DOI^- rba Blankets, Robes, Whips &Horse Goods. UliFINK, CARRIACES, ancl SLEIGHS, ELM St. WESTHELD. " And Nty t o ) o u jcilu our noble Iitt]•• IHIHII. Trinity'*; Fine lintcrtainment. A musical' entcrtaintyent in whirl none lmt artists of the stellar vuriet. toxtk jKirt, was given in Hit* Casinohit- Thurday night. The entertainlm-nt was f(»r, the Iwiielit of Trinity KmidaySchool, and the thorough manner with whirl; thegowU things. M In* exi>ected \wiis 1 brought to the public notice suited in' drawing u large and appreciativeTaudi ence. All of the ent*Ttainerrt donated t;licii pervices, and hence a go<>d round wnin was nettetl for the worthy eanne. A mire liiuiitjon of the talent in Hnflieient to show theexcellciici? of tbe prognnu givu. There wen* the Berkeley <jnin- tette, Clull, roiii|H>M-d of Mi^M Anna IN't- erson. Miss A. Hobiiiwm. A. A. Motor, J. A. Pcterwiu. uiul W. P. Denike: Wil- liam Courtney, Miss •Tessiiniine Hallenr be<k. ^liss lleriha Hannon. Mian Post, andHichanl Middli'ten. Mrs. A. \V. gger, of Criinford, contribute*] mncb to tlie evening's pleasure by reciting two Well cho>(.Il p*H'lllH. ,;'•' __ .the.courUttyjif .XtoUrt F fiilwon of Holly Htre*t, the p*Hijfb* of Craitford have In^'n privilegi-il to wit- tie«.s during thejmst HilayM a Ix'iuitiftil exhiliition of chrysanthemums. Tlu\ ilantH h:ive IK'CII artistically arrnngi^l ri tho parlors of Mr. Hilfsoti'ri hmue. (rlit'rt^rfiicit afternoon nnd-^v^TiinKirmny* risitorH have nillvtl to enjoy the Hght. Our townsman has on exbihitiou 5 la^He^ Hmtainiug uiun a than IOII varie- ties, all raised by himself from tdh)s and ***•*{*. Then* are .Tajwhew and Cliinem- md Anemone nnd Daisy and Ostrich Mtinie chrysaiitheniiiuiH. with dozens »f HiMH-iniensof rac(i. Lverj* conceiv- able nhade of color ntid a great variation in tf'iza makes the effect of the hl<w.HoiiiH M'Witchingly In .mtifnl. The cxliiliitiun 'loses to-morrow. Kusincss Notes. A fine stock of sleight. hnrn«*(*s. robe* vtc., is offered for wile by II. L. Fink, of Read Berry & Co'n inent in this issue. CW nunonncc- CARRIAGE .-JffiMte IN ALL ITS 7 BRA1HES; Jobbing Promptly Attended to. DAV}D Knlh'» Building, Cranford, N. J. REAL * ESTATE •• INSORANCE > LOANS, Agent for tlio Homo Firu Insurance. (Jotii|miiy^~"of. Now York, 1'hamix Assliranco C'oiii]iany, Nortliurii AssiinuiOd Company, Caledonian IuHiirnncu find Tho U. H. Afutiinl Acciilont Ansocintion. ' HOUMI Por Sile anj to Lcl anil the Cholctjt Uullillnj Lot> In Town <t Ootton Price* ' PUIHUND ' / ORNAflENfAL WINDOWS FOR CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN 1833. ~IJr«l|lliii fnr , ' - v Memorial Windows »N Tlip Opalescent AMI 13th Century ShowRdoiDS & Factory, 1 4 2 1 3 3 d S t . b e t . L e x . &3dkm,l Y. LEADING Ladles and Cents •• FINE FOOT-WEAR. 0 RUBBERS TravellingiBags &Trunks. Broad Street Westfield.

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Page 1: v i t L. LehmanDr. Robert H. Dnncnn IIIUI remove his oflliii from tho Oinam Uonso to th.) Kath' Uhildintr . . •: - - -1 Peter .Van ^Deventer, formerly en: ployed byHarrv Kuth as


Gas piiwi are leing laid throngli'Central avenne, , • " ~~ POET-LAUREATE.

A dance will 1»" givenon Tlmnksgiving eve.

CRAMFQRD^M. J .To lay in a supply of FLQTJR forh 7the \Vinter is now. As y/e are sell-


?• WXXXrMINNESffriFLOUR,Warranted to-lie groimdjfrom old w'licnti wjfich means that (ivory barrel

will yield ubortrono dollar's jworth moro brejifl than -flour groiind from nowwheat, nt , . / . . '

$3.99 -pe/- barrel.

$3-35 per barrel.


•; 13$ Broad St^Gor^'firand-Street^^IZftBETHrl^ J.Orders doliverod PKKE'to all parts of 'county. .'Storo opoii cr&niriga till 8.

Fresh Fish from Fulton Market Received Daily•AT; THE

Westfield Fisg & Oyster Market./ • / CLAMS, KiBSTEKS, S|FT SIIEBC CHARS, ' r

• ]>oiivcr!vH In Cniiiforrt, TumiliiyB, TlnirmlnyH, HaturilnyB.

. \ ; \ : A. J^ WHITE, ;""'

A Special Sale, of

JThariksgiVing =



The$ Lyceum ^ Theatre,A. Ii/SIMONDS,

Friday H a t t y , N O T ; 16-17

Barnabee, Karl & MacDonald's

Presenting DcKoretiiind Smith's Twin


- URDAY MATINEE. " " .A.2V1> T U K

In order to quickly introduce onr- f???H. *" wilftrK<:(T department nnd well ns^" Horfcetl fllock of'LfnoiVs.' Every'ivbiniih*.ought to come here. Every yard ofTable Linen, every yard of Toweling,every Towel nml Tablecloth, every NapIciti and Doyley at a Specinl Price. Allregular Btock goods, .remember, and not"cheap" mixed linen goods boaght upspecially to Hell a t a "cheap" price Thisin a Btile of getinine linen. The following leaders are folly one-quarter to oiiethird lower than their actual sellingvalue: . "™~ \

B-* Lunch "Rets, silver biparlitil, handsome,all-linen (foods. In white and white with color-ed borttef ond one dozen Napkins, valuo $2.fi»....s . i . . i . SI.75

K-10 Handsome Opcritvork Cloths nml 1 dozenOjwnwork Doylies to nintc)i, yuluo $.">.&) V4.00

Full nivachrd Irish Damask, full 7i Incheswide and retailed everywhere at We 7Uo

Httver Iltoachrcl Loom Dice - Damiuk, flnoGerman goods of !ji»c. value, at.. ;i5o

Extra Fine Dinner Napkins In heautlfnl new(U ltfiiHof 51.r.iivultic,at tl.tl)

All-Linen Itronkfa^t Napkin*, bountiful wit InflnltU tuul worth 91.£> duzvtiat..- OHe" Hltfh Orndn Dinner H-pt». In extraordinaryUna qiiAlity of linen, our own Importntliili.rmi-flintlngof «lxHl (ncJioH wide extrn stout Tab lot lo th . n i t I) ont> dozen full Tt\Tt Napkin* tomatch, worth $8, at . . ; . . . - ; » 4 . » H

CanllnalandIllueTahloCovers, InHIZNfmmJM.H-It) mid H-]?, luwlsnuio n n i J M

l t f06a^ worth. Jrom 7-VV t o 8i.'A"y-«H u c J c T 1 T r C

JOo valuo .. . . . . .•: me.

FuUHIZfl Kxtrn Heavy Honeycomb Hprencln,In M&rttclllesdcfllifits, agttioral JlJ3,article, at

• U H

Special in Tray Cloth*, nU-llnrn, with one

HUM Ilcmly-mAifo Hhecttf, of good tntiHlln,worth fM(c 1'...., 33c

;Wx45Head)-made Pillow-owes, worth 10c..Oc

L. S. PLAUT & CO.;707 to 731 Broad St., Newark.



Electrician and Locksmith,110 BROAD ST., ELIZABETH.

Electric O u Lhrhtlnfr, Call lletia anil tltintlarAlarms, 'Lawn MoVreni, HAWS and Cutlery"harp«ned.



BICEH-prcliwtrn anil Itoli-on/ $1.W), 75c,utuKiik-.' (Jallnry -V. / '-

MATINEE phlCEiJ-TiVaic.iBc'ttiidijc.


SATIN RIBBONS.fCo. SntTc ynnl. No. Ont Ilk- yunl. No. 40 n

1ft; yard. No. Wat 25cyard.All in fancy evening shades.HAVE \-OUHEEN THIS "

N EW eRI/N KLE.Puliable for evening wear or fancy work. *"

BLANKETS.Black and Navy Blue Serges.

nnEHH HKIKTnt: J2.0O|ilccoHEAVY COTTON* UNDKIiSKIUTS :«fc,FI.ANSEI, HKIItTM of nil prliia.CHANNEL WAiMTS, lK-autlful now BIKHI"


White Silk Hantorchiefs.Chllilron'M Kinlirol.]ire.lat 10c.12 Inch Bilunrc, 'IIviUHtitchtil, at Hk" worth

» c „,.»„„,,.v,,w „.„.,.„.,_.»,..,.,.„„„.,„,_„IB Inih wiunrc, Ilcmitttliliiit, at 1"*; worth


31) Inch Minnrr, Hcnmtltclntl nl-iKDOo.

» irii'hTi.

; tvorlli

Hcmstlli-Ii(.Hl at nir; worth

104 Broad St., Elizabeth.

R. H. Duncan, M. A., M. D., I. M.PHYSICIAN AND SUROI-ON.

(I*to of tint U. H. 51. Hrnlrr.)Formerly Chief EHBIIHII t^overnini'lit SurKi'on.

nico In tho flatli Ilulliling. North AvrVuto,. Ul>l>oalti> ItaJIroad Hlallun. (Jranfonl, N. J.ealiloQcc: Mill) Ht., Iwtwrcn EnBtmaa anil

Alilen Htrwl«.Offlca Hours—9-il ifc.m. Jf-5p. tb.

Miss Mary Higbiv returned to Brook-lyn on Monday.- '

Tl»>;W. O. T. U- met at-Mra. JaniesC. Miller's yesterday ufteruo.m. "

Mpt. Robert'John Gnnier lias return-ed from a two iliiy's visit in Brooklyn.

Dr. \V. C. Allen's lionso on Unionnvenno is beint; attractivelypai'iitea..

..^jUvnio. AY*. Jliller'lmsimirroved liinproperty by graving the gntter withcobblestones;

• Mrs. William K: Stnrr: nei'(>iifi>:liii<_by her mutln'r^pent Friday lust at tbeiformer liouiu on the Hudson

Dr. Robert H. Dnncnn IIIUI removehis oflliii from tho Oinam Uonsoto th.) Kath' Uhildintr. . •: - - -1

Peter .Van ^Deventer, formerly en:ployed byHarrv Kuth as. book keepe:died in Plainlield on Sunibiy.

.Tlie regular mcinthly meeting of tl|.Crunfonl bmiipln>r,* the Murcuutile C'ioperative Bunk will bo held on the 20tinst. ' . •

'Mis. Warner of Unipur. ayenno wnhastily snnnnoned to Brooklyn on Monday'to attend two nieces, wlio weriburned by the Tipsetting of a laroseilainp. .

' Tho report of tlio C'rtinforcl MnturBgihUiiR/&(koa.il.. -\^»cjjitiou,, fcr,.tli(jiiarter ending Oct. .t*th, shows m'eipinmonntihg to' $3'JJ181.83;' assets, '$151583.03.

Child & DeOoll, architects, of Newstreet; N. Y., bave ' OIHJIKMI II brawl*ofllcojn tho Opera Honw Block. Thifimi^rrb'tlie designers' of tlio new Atlrletic Clnb building. -. . • "

' Tliornton's storo is shortly sto bo enlarked, by the construction of • an add:tion to extent thirty feet back from.tinpresent rear-wall. The c»tablu*hmci

ill be tho biggest in Craufor'd.'

The Eclectic Chib'lias now' 40 riiemhers the latesjt addition being Williai:

>; 3V. «T. ..j D. Bigelow and John Waterson. '.'XJncle -Billy" si>ouds somo hours each dii;in tho ClnbV art gallery. ManageMiller predicts that, within n few daythe membership liatwill bcswellcd tno. • ' ; •

On Friday night Rev. W. R. Richards,of Plainlleld.gavo In the Presbytpriari clinrch an address oii Meiico,wbither he was sent by tho Beard <iFfr^Vil >fi°ainn uninn liumHia ?i)r./_Ui

.temperature of tho church -wiis uineinorj,_jiniwejiti.v.o_*of OreedMndHr-icyinomitaiua;thAu:of "Slexitva *u»iiiy'pnl*~groves. . ./ .

The deserving iieedy.ate always i>rovided for in Crnnford/ -VWheii the fncibeciime knowm on Thursday that,PeteJjEastelleri of Orange- avenue was ' 'abed and nee<le<l .the constijnt.:.,i»ttplit ntoviTo, \ybj>'.vlmd''TH*eii tlie' fiiinily'ionly BiTmiort fflr some time, a nnmbeiof kind liearted people contributed coaland provisions in «nflicient unantity tfkeep the wolf from the door for someweeks. / • . •'

Grocer W. A. Shaw will present tthcyTo>yn Committee tomorrow night ubill for $.< 70." This is the amount oldauiage^donotohiswau'ou and harness on4ho night of Nov. ;t. Mr. Shaw says thaithrough the carelessness of C'ontractoiDowd, who laid the gas pipes throughWalnut avenue a trench 2 feet deep wa:left unguarded in front of Kolwrt Ilindell's house.' Jn to this ditch Mr. Sliaw1!horse and wagon was driven by hi:salesman ' Whit Rounsavillo. . Tm*shafts and harness 'were, badly brok

• • e n . . '•••• :

-• - * :


A plan by* which tho directors of Fair-view Cemetery proposed to mid" largelyftt'tlii'Ir riiveililes liiis'liivii friistriifeiniytho vigorous opposition of the lot owners. Owing to the irregular sbape olthe cemetery and the roads passingthrough it, there aro a large: nnmber ofodd shaped bits of land lying betweenthe vnridns lots and the-nuidii and footjiaths These frag^nentH were not soleto tho lot owners, .imt tho understanding was tlint they} were to bo kept inrepair nt tho latter's cxpenso. Recentl-tho directora decided to sell these bitof land; " The lot owners, however,hard of tho-*cheuie and such a storui ofprotest was raised that tlio project hasreceived its qnietns.

Thnnks to the vigilanco of GwrgeRcnsch's big dog,.n would-lw bnrglarWIIH linfllOil in liis attempt (in Hntnnlaynight to loot tho houso of Charles Beadie, on North avenue. -Mr.-and Mrs.Beadle retired nt 10 o'clock. Some timelater, Mrs. Beadlo wan awakened by tholoud barkint; of tho baker's dog. Shelooked ont of b"er-bed room windowr andsaw a man fumbling with the latch oftho front gato and nt the same tilno try-ing to drive off tho dog that was danc-ing about his heels. After watching tinfellow soine time; Mrs. Beadle threw u|ithe window* and demanded of biui

liS./wahtiHl; •.Witliotil^Vfiiitmj>. ec.h!Uook.to.hiti,Ji<a!li).ninl.vau-

ishedr; .T" ,

bids of contractors. desiring tbuild4ho Cranford sewers were publiclyopened by tlio Town Committee onThursday night. Eleven bids were ro-cmTe<lrtlri"biddeTS beintr.'Harrts Bftgiirt,of Brooklvn; Abbnt-OninMI Contract-ing Co., of St. Lonis; II. SI. ' Dowd &Co., of Orange: W. H. Waters, of Bay-until': Thomas Rendhiilg,of Perth Am-lioy; Win. Chainberlain. of Railway;•lames Smith & Son, of Easton: Thos.Siddall & Co., of Trenton; Costa &Marino, of Orango; Jlngulre.McNight &Co., of Bonnd Brook; Bernard Brady ofPlainfleld; and Smith and Burden ofLong Island City. As each bid wasmndo np of sonio fifty or so items, it wasimpossible to dctennino tho lowest tilllong calculations had IHHMI made.Henco tho Conmiitteo decided to jioHt-pone tho nwonling of tho contract tillto-morrow night. Town Clerk Plumewiys that tho amount of tho lowest bid

The.Alcaeus Society was entertninedby Jamw Kodgcrs on Monday night

• The ladies of the Casino are agitatingthe question of .forming a euchre clnb.

Tlio parish of Trinity church' tills de-

Tlic Distinction Deservedly Won by

ttic Royal Arcanumlte.

It isn't pvcrv society or lo<l£t» tltat isCJip;il>if of £iviii£ an iuipniiDptu t'liirr,taitiiiietit.- Yt't that is oxartly >vhatwas atrnuiiilishctl oh Sjitnnlny hv., thf

l ' f tl I t V l \ \ fa atrnui




iy« twilt lie within tho estlmato made by Mi/.BauBctt.

cided to bnild a rectory in the near fnt- |,ii,m.: XnnokeViiad 'JHVII i ^ t t iu . i :- f for th i ' rti.tcrtaiiiim-:it "of the" nioii.;-.-. •.. . .-•-.. <• . . » . . > - . — . ••-> - l o r i u r - t - n t e r t a i n i m - m o r t l i e m o n u f : / - . . .

A missiimar}- meoting • w.-vs held vest- <("ranford and a dozen artists bad prom- /erduy at the home or Mrs. E. F. Grow, ' -^ l ' " l-<M'res.iit nml liven t h i n g s / •on Milu street. . _ ' • • . . - "I1- - Y«\t liiit-ont'• uf th»—nitiTtaincr/ ~ " I ~ "|- 7 "'•'.' ." ." ,•• . •••. , „ Icamif.' Iii this omergracv the t 'nuiMd : N ' l C I l i

. A rccentson will 1M> ten.I.r..il ii»n,..-.li '_._.. . i . . . . - -• V - I


A reception will IK? ' tendered totor .Tuhn Edgecnmlto and wift* at Hamp-ton U»U, In night, -

••Ite\v.'JIr. Priitt.. from Tivoli bn-the-Hnilsoii, is staying for a fcwidayswith

splendid property.'.

Building Lots for Saleon this

.,, . . . . . . . . for a fi'vruhi.s iljinshtt*r, Mrs. Kt'imm Pa fnim


l>oy;* pulletl ,.with the aid of Kolierf P. _ v . ,•Wcstfield. gave a tip top iH'rf^>nii;iiict:.JI). II. Canloja was nia-lir iifivninon- LOCATION:

, jt'.s The. couiTKinvwas rt'i^|I-nl witli a ; - ; . — . ~' ~ •|iuloby llalsi'y S:Vn'fonl. -mwitk-s by Jus,; ' l'!>e niiunti.s wallt fi-oni tlie Itim.il-ItiNl.i;<'irx..viH-al solo l i v / i ! n h " M<nre. j

Jlrs. E. h. Heslon. of Holly strei't. re- j songs by M. ssrs. Martirt. Ad.iins. .lohu jirued yesterday f-rtrtn.athr.-o weeks !«,,, and a band concert l.vMr. KviT.tti

yisit at her parents' home in Delaware. | mid Me.^rs. "Alien/ On " this oicMsiou! 5lJRROUNl)(iyflS:Mr. Cartloza mad,'his (lrhut as a ]-uet ' '

wa«as.follows:—. .(1 KfK-mlH out- tuwl nl).

Of you iit-n^lu n-wiiibinlJii-iliU Hall. .Al!l»W IIH' tt/i-rn^t J»IU ill 4ni"Ft*-iillIH-irH IllilllO.

way .Stlition; "thein Cianfonli—^. t.

l a"Cnpt. W. I t ThoiniHim amManKlitirft for 'Now York this uiorninj: tu

pond'a fe\V <ljtva . v i s i t i n t h HShow.. '

uiorninj: tu-thf Horse

Mrs. Bi'iiuett. whojh.is IKVII pojouni-ing with her daughter. Mrs ;N. H. Fost-er, started to-day for' Kielinu>nd whereshe will reside with her son.

Mrs. John A. Lee, uf Forest avenue..was taken ill wjth tousilitus oqvSj|f>ir.<,.Miiyr -'-FftuV tTiat'time-tijr'yes^vnlay sl i / i 'was nniible to sjieak, but her vocal pow- f-t>rs have now be.»n regained. ' /

Mrs. Mary' R. Bennett and family .willleave Cranford on Monday to take possession o ther -Winter.-residence at No.150, West ?Tth itwet; N(iw_Xork: "•••'•-'••

On SaturiViy aftenu^n tho AthleticClub IHIVS are going JCa Westlieldio

An estaollslii'd lielKlthorhood- eoiil-jtosfd nf Hrjjant private re.-iitleiicesand the Cranford Country Clnb.

ADVANTAanS:Pure air: unsiirinissed nioiintain

...views.:', »yiilo '.avenues; .({CKHI nide-Walks; abundant water supply; gas,

xi.vs lire (,'oinj; ti) \ V e t t i l d i lavenge the defeat at foot ball adminis-tered on Election, Day. Sum*s.s to Via!

. The following iiien were'elwteil tomembership in .tlio- Athletic Clnb lastnight :CharlosI>nnidn.W.F. Hoffman Jr..James K d F It S k h l l

Anil 1KHI»IU<- ultl.<.wil«hl. ;

The ilulm't-uu.tits «I'row . . . r

-, Tbnt yuini 'ml liimy lnsiifniu-f. . wlioinjou luvt-;

TlK''.''•?':^««.>.".!"»lli •!"• ••liiiHtiiiasL LctusiMirull-yn'.ir nniiifl! i,witK

> Nr.tllij.r4 rtv JUII li-nvc,

OITIT hhunl.t let IH you

for IIU.M.

murrati..it on our



hnsnro iieo **,irv to limin-' rhiirueter of the-- futnroh ' d

INDUCEMENTS: '•"_'.•• ~

Jloney fur liuililint' purpos<>s adrnn-ced'lo purchasers of lots; easy termsuf ro payment made.

PRICES OF LOTS:if'T.IO tn $1,500, airordlug to size and!

Fill U|>yiitirnp]tll*-it'or], tliei| l>r,\«flit "11 tt» meA d tf i H ^ l ^

| y n p ]And tf vim ijiii

M. II.. 'Wliy the'i nt (In-iii'xt

will rry . , .Ilrholiloijr ni-w iiiiul

Mercy nml Cliarit>.-

i, vt. nur trurlli. '

i^ or-two n i

linn her In

...A'beautifully illustrated book, .descriptive:-q L R ? b s q v c I t M a n o r , ' and other ;inforniationconcerning the prdperty,;may be obtained by 'applying to: • _•.;.> •;

•titsMi. v-iniiiiiu-'iiiiiuii. ***r •itOJililiUl • r , , Mercy nml Cliarit>'. -James Kodgejji !•. R Swackbamerr 1 . | „„•„.,,,. ,,i,tur,H,l i.,- i lw h,.rril.l, tal,s,,f^HerlK'rt. F./Blake. J. S. .Rosoucrantz.Ci. . ,,,, . • - y\

au, lA.^ / l I i l w on. _ . , . • .V,,. m,,Bl. *„ . IO\vjiitf~to tlm JIIterations now lx*int?

uuul« in the Prtksbyterian tiiajwlr-tiit*Limit's' Jliwdonary Socfffy 'vnll imt^t onFriday afternoon nt it-MO (tVl<H*k in Jlissyiday afternoonDay's school rw*i)geonr, of BiYMflluted with Mnii

.A H in MissMrs. .Tames Smm-

, whiihas bin-n as>ocParklmrst in inis-Yk ill

uted with Mni v^ Parklmrst in inis-ionarj' work in New York, will read apoem. All are welcome. •

Tlio ladien of tlie Casino mot at tin,MnI> ioJWtt-Yi«tt'r(lAy ii


liruthern Itop-rrf;' Ft-rk'U^m- and nil tin' rr*tImvi1 U-cu tiiruuult Jl. • - - ' -

Anil mil l tlnm lin-y Mf I' l iny "Ant nion-'nrFran k T. Lent - Arch itect

- *i" Insurance IhVw U Hie »k-IilCRANFORD,

.KATH'S IllJir.DISdj


! ONE UUNDRKO RUILniMn*; IN rniifi v r A , , £ .llUfLDINOS IN POIJ« YEARS!put, -thnm

t-eption of Mro. L. V. P. 'Bryjner. who! Wi><loII'( llflk >"IIU ll1 Jni» M1I»1''>declined to scne-iigam.iw'chairtuan . ournumlxr,; »-.:• \Mni. Joseph Pnrcull wiis v\vtft>n ti» iill _W*nnnt toMl_r>uu up nml nn-ntbo vni'tiiicr. TlH»]n(1i'pM(lMMil«^lK,l.<.i.1 juiifslumU-p*.3In. Joseph Pnrcull wiis iIu>s(fithe vacancy. Tlio ln<lieH <K-rnl.il tIn Oratij,ro festival p.irly in Dtnt'inlMT.Tlif entortuinnii'iit (.ommittce H com

Urn. Hhari>, Mrs. Tiivlor'and 3fr^. Lit-eH.'

Thcaninial election of thetlhinn Hoso•onipany was held in the town rooms on

Monday ni^lit. Tin1 following officcn*.vere eleftiMl:—President, It. CVPlume •Foreman; JnuioH Ciillc^ly; First AssistmtriC tl-.tijirm'r^:^kcuua, Aaaiiituntr-L:•I. llulsey; Reeordini; Sceretjirr, <Jenrtf4. T H U T ; Fihaniinl Setretjiry, H. C

Thornton; Treiisuror, K. R." Filter.-Thi' Hn.st» fonijiany's repmM'ntatiws intheJstat«i firi'man'H relief HKM elation arrR. C. Plume, three years; I'. J. (iarner.two ytnrs; Jan. P. <Jillojrl*\ UIL- year.The Hitmu KWitleuieu werfinadi- acimi

to deenrat»i the company's HMHIISTin1 inoMe5*f(»r the purpose is trt \w. takI'll from the sum raised by the iiri'JiM.'iijs1'ntertaiiiiiii'nt last "winter.

Jntl^e (ivo. II. Bruce Jias lwen up[K>inted rca-iver for tht\ v\in<ir),c.'iu,,,, c-.iiorid<; t'yele CitmluriV"iif"In" Uarrlay

, N(-w York City" •Tliis .was tli"*fVmerioan Branch of the well knowiJrmondc Cycle Company of England.

The foinpnny was oneiif the best knowiiin the biLsineHM line lmt was comitclhifinally to HU'ciimh to the hard timesTho JndgH. wnn wheeled nt'fiv*r by;liancullor McGill and Jnd^e Fre^f-nan ttppointwl him n-ceiver of tlie nfock

in New York City. The creditors art*fortunate enough in having wi good »?Jiolct'i' • Tb« uppofntnient wan made OIL[lie application of EnimtJ. Willie, thePresident, nnd owner of ;11O ont of 500ibares of the comiHiLny'H Htock. on thegronnd that the Company is insolvent,nd nimble to meet its obligations. Thejubilities are state<l in the i^tilion to 1«?fil.r.HJ., but of that amount §IM.70() i•apital stock issued, am{ *12.HHft is dn<:o creditors on bills iKiv;|ble; iioinjnalm$etw, §*I,1>21. in inerchnndi.se.^ accon•to; nctnalasst'ts, nbout ^4,000. "

On Tuesiliiy Uftcrnoori of last week aHuijc man dro%'c into Phil. BiiidealuTtf-•'H livery stable1 and naked that his

lorselw taken care of for th» night. Helien went over to Iless's hotel; ate *nearty HUpper. engaged » room, and af

' g in the bowling alley fnr

II. I'luniiiiiTiiiuI John I>vuiii[iii;4li»<.;i»intr>' t'lu^.tlifJitTiuTtriM-kiuHl THKOI'KIIA t to CIV3 TOMlrirrlCffl

JAmi make >u to th(»

•rtold Ons Zimmennnn, HessH b;ir-:eejH.ir, that he wanted to neo aU)iit )n%»orne nnd walked out, leaving IIJK billnpnid. He then went to tin- htuble andirected Harry Jenks, Phil's driver, tonko the horse to the blacksmith'HMK[TO it sliml;* iWetr minutes"latMnrh"'mug man vanished, and had m»t Ineiard from up to this morning. Lat'fduesilay aftt*rni>ou two other Mrang

TH were in [towh inquiring nlmiittheliflflinjcnmnl They npke<i uunierons[ICHUOIIH bui would givo infinfornintionhatever concerning tiieinselves. ^\gainu Thnrsday mom ing nnd in the iifter-HHI their investtgatioim were ri1

iVlifttyver their otij«N"t was tlicy ^till;ept if n Het-n-t. The pair appeared to«• Hrttis/fr'd finally, nnd left t<)wn. On'ridny the Iiorno Ifft at the" Htalde wasiken sick, and Phil,' wu-< o»»i|M-ll**rl tony $il to tlie veterinary who attended it.he horse, which in n eOrrcl and th<* veicle, n buggy with yidlow rnnning•am aro together worth about flOO.ro claimant for tlie rig has yet apjiar-

vvhcii j«m

Ami lciivt*s« tlifiti uJtL'out a hoim>, nmucy orrt-nt,.. . - . •• . . ' . . , '

Of yemr f(H»Ii^iin-»s nml sli<»rt t>ijjlit<><lnt'!'B'^a(II); to ri'p«*iit;

Wlifii If only n feu* (t-iits vwry -wtt-k yuu. . ' ttOUlll MlVf,

You niiulil Minki'tlicin morr••*••-••• u r « b u n u > t u l U e u n t \ « - . • - • •

Wltnt tn }ou i n a . U t T ur wmir luun1 iir ICK*.W'lwn liy tlfn>liti:)"«ui>fI\f!iiMs yuu canuilil

lo t hi-fr fut tire linpiiIlK—*.That I trtlttlii p> lu Hit-* May r..r houm it N

: plain,-;-Hut ttnivtflln im>I ninst rc i - . ' tlil- IiTK-Te'-

. . . f m i n ^ _ : • • - • • : . -

Tin;ivelhu-(> llnit nrc tnfitnn>a cliuiirc .To atinw' >o'l with MIII^', nut-ir mi'l iluin

S*i thuiikiiit,' J'"i acain for your im^t'ii<<; 1- Andt-siiiHliuirto >ou all n irtiyiil ui-h

nnd K'MKI thtt-r,\Vt>t;rvctV">l I'* Die mititt'of our ri)inuil nitti

.•iiNrr'K^iiiJ.'raii'foni;1 . . • • _

"5ound 5en*e- In Suburban Architecture," nn fllii"trat<'(l iHtnk (if im) |iau'<'H, wliich liaa n u t

inyotif li(t«!!nliii^ lo htilld i'i:<mi>tulnilly; INIICK, ONE DOI^-


Blankets, Robes, Whips & Horse Goods.



And Nty to )ou jcilu our noble Iitt]•• IHIHII.

Trinity'*; Fine lintcrtainment.

A musical' entcrtaintyent in whirlnone lmt artists of the stellar vuriet.toxtk jKirt, was given in Hit* Casino hit-Thurday night. The entertainlm-nt wasf(»r, the Iwiielit of Trinity KmidaySchool,and the thorough manner with whirl;thegowU things. M In* exi>ected \wiis1

brought to the public notice s u i t e d in'drawing u large and appreciativeTaudience.

All of the ent*Ttainerrt donated t;liciipervices, and hence a go<>d round wninwas nettetl for the worthy eanne. Amire liiuiitjon of the talent in Hnflieientto show theexcellciici? of tbe prognnugivu . There wen* the Berkeley <jnin-tette, Clull, roiii|H>M-d of Mi M Anna IN't-erson. Miss A. Hobiiiwm. A. A. Motor,J. A. Pcterwiu. uiul W. P. Denike: Wil-liam Courtney, Miss •Tessiiniine Hallenrbe<k. ^liss lleriha Hannon. Mian Post,andHichanl Middli'ten. Mrs. A. \V.

gger, of Criinford, contribute*] mncbto tlie evening's pleasure by reciting twoW e l l c h o > ( . I l p*H'l l lH. , ; ' • '

__ .the.courUttyjif .XtoUrt Ffiilwon of Holly Htre*t, the p*Hijfb* ofCraitford have In 'n privilegi-il to wit-tie«.s during thejmst H ilayM a Ix'iuitiftilexhiliition of chrysanthemums. Tlu\ilantH h:ive IK'CII artistically arrnngi^lri tho parlors of Mr. Hilfsoti'ri hmue.(rlit'rt rfiicit afternoon nnd- v^TiinKirmny*risitorH have nillvtl to enjoy the Hght.

Our townsman has on exbihitiou 5la He Hmtainiug uiuna than IOII varie-

ties, all raised by himself from tdh)s and***•*{*. Then* are .Tajwhew and Cliinem-md Anemone nnd Daisy and OstrichMtinie chrysaiitheniiiuiH. with dozens»f HiMH-iniensof rac(i. Lverj* conceiv-

able nhade of color ntid a great variationin tf'iza makes the effect of the hl<w.HoiiiHM'Witchingly In .mtifnl. The cxliiliitiun'loses to-morrow.

Kusincss Notes.

A fine stock of sleight. hnrn«*(*s. robe*vtc., is offered for wile by II. L. Fink, of

Read Berry & Co'ninent in this issue.

CW nunonncc-

CARRIAGE . - J f f i M t e IN ALL ITS7 BRA1HES;Jobbing Promptly Attended to.

DAV}DKnlh'» Building, Cranford, N. J.

REAL * ESTATE ••INSORANCE> LOANS,Agent for tlio Homo Firu Insurance. (Jotii|miiy^~"of. Now York, 1'hamix

Assliranco C'oiii]iany, Nortliurii AssiinuiOd Company, Caledonian

IuHiirnncu find Tho U. H. Afutiinl Acciilont Ansocintion.

' HOUMI Por Sile anj to Lcl anil the Cholctjt Uullillnj Lot> In Town <t Ootton Price* '



ESTABLISHED IN 1833. ~IJr«l|lliii fnr , ' -

v MemorialWindows

»N Tlip


13th Century

ShowRdoiDS & Factory, 142133dSt.bet.Lex. & 3d k m , l Y.

L E A D I N GLadles and Cents ••




TravellingiBags & Trunks.Broad Street


Page 2: v i t L. LehmanDr. Robert H. Dnncnn IIIUI remove his oflliii from tho Oinam Uonso to th.) Kath' Uhildintr . . •: - - -1 Peter .Van ^Deventer, formerly en: ployed byHarrv Kuth as


D U » r*Un s Ob.bet Msaj Uaborate liutra-.So Ajijiarrut L"»»— WomUrful

S w r t «r»« St»p I . to <fet tbe At.t t t tkn of lib i i t n M \ tcllin.

Tl,a prur«s{<inal beggar iu New Yorkturn rarions limit* s to git a hearing,for if bo C&J one* nalu tlio attention ofIlia inteiidMl ilctira ho has taken tlio(list step (m.ard E^CO-A

"Can yon clinct mo to Ninetieth I

'* STC.1V TCL3.

Twp iu 4cju i ._o cu io pm

A lllflc v-onuUi. u littlo lightA Jtttlo ien <o nmli.li too borrowO*i!irf> day> irowloj-iuid to good nur

ruwlA lltllj fruit that wlun wo dieHu nap our aunluc—and «o

IayJ<». Amy, Camera audxHSjingfi tlio jueji 1 was after.

"Aly firer idea w«a to cjuuwt withthe outaklu mid JiaTo 'Hie placeT, pniicd,aud I woolil Jiavo douo this if I bad notlearned that a scJieino had been pat upto tarn off a savings tank in Newark.CnnmiinKS aud Tnylor had been a weekin Newark plnnting tiifi place I n u


Goods railed for nnd di-livcred inCranford, TniwJuyx and Fridays or may-be Jflt at J. C. Hummers

- Gco. W. Baker.

Wines ani USABO\^,alLot l iers in.quaHty, quantity and assortment •

The Cranford Chronic!CRANFORD, N.


• f•« f




Editor and Proprietor.


8trlctly Cash In Advance.



...r.....:.......«2.oo. . . ; . . . . . . 1.(0

. . . . , . . . . . . ' . . .05



Tli» Clinmlcl* iriay,jM» t'otmd nil Sale InCranronl at Thornton's Hoa.o t'urnl>hlnK

a Hlot'r. mill Ml (he Union. NfWB 8lan

To iiiornm night .the contract for•the construction of tin; Cranfori'ontk-t fcuer and the two - tribulnnmili-niniiiH will lie awarded. The tax-IMMT" ttill t|it'ii bv able to know theuj)jiro\iiii.it(' (list of the work.

The falling down of the wall in'the piihln Rcliool.ou Friday andl'nni ij>il 1!K hard E. t'-lcincnt's nar-row edui]iu from rerions injury,•cin-JIIKISIK"! tin' llntjxof ihe- -Hoawl :«fKdiication to see1 tjiat the lives, and

'limbs «f-ti ii'liors at»J. 'studlint* arcguarded ii^iiniit Hticit dangers. Thustible door flioilld ho locked before,not after,tlii' steed is stolen. .

A Ing HIM tion snle of second handIninburn.ii held at DwyerH racetnuk Jt'ittrday. It was a wisrmo^uun tin- part of the owners, andone that might he followed by theproprietors of the tracks at.Moii-jiiouth, Linden, Clifton, (iloiieeatcrmill (iiitteiiliurg. It will boa longtime before New Jersey will agninfall into tho olutclies of race tmckgambleru and thugs.

Ity inviting the Cranford peopleto inapect the chryEuntheinnnia andother planta_that ornament liishoiius

~on r'lowii«iir.Tn*lKbe?rmril)iou"IiU8shonn u piiblic_j]iiritj¥i>t!JiJU)tcniit--lntion.' j h - hia-'ticnrolixtnitiid;i tlmtit ia not only possible, but easy, toraise in a private homo pcrfeet Bjieft-miens of 1'loru's most gorgeous bl(«-Boms. tiiirely every one of thescores who Imve' witneHStd .tlip^Uis-]>l.i\ (hiring tlrepiisPfew (iayn^inust1 mvo felt Ins boul uplifted, aud re-lined by tlio silent, yet patent in-fluence of tho HOIVITS.

S P E E D V E R S U S S A F E T Y . - ' ' ,

A I n Captain Tells How and Wnj H<~ Host Haka Qnlck TTms. '

A passenger on one of tho Europeanlinera mado a jocoso remark to tho cap-tain ono <njgbt as thoy wcro chattingfamiliarly on deck.

"Von «co captains," ho said, "arothe Mly obsolete, "BovertfiRns iioW left in"tho worldl When tlio-ship leaves port,yonr will fa Jaw. Every ono on boardrecognizes yonr Hnpromo .'authority.'From your, docisiona thero arc- no ap-peals. Every Ufa is In yonr Looping.Yon.nro sen kings indeed." •

"No, wo nro bondniqti of tho compony managers," was tbo bind old cap-tain's reply. "Wo aro under obligatiuiis to mako fast runs, yet noycr totake any risks. It is n<r;16rigorHosslblofor tha captain of a- first class liner toexcrcisu discretion.

"Why, on my last m n across tho At-lantic," ho continue*!, rapidlyop, "I had bad weather Tiearly'all thoway. • When tho wind was not-blowing

Kale, thcro wax den™ fog, ami I didn'tilaro to run at full Bpoed. Tbo ship wasSO hours behind timo in reaching iNpw.York.;'

,Tho captain and tho passengor werointlroato friends and talked withont rp-tfraint"-:" *•"'"•"'-' i'"" " '

"I went to tho main bfileo." tho cap-tain continued, "and was received cold-ly by tho Inanager. Ho told mo thathad mado a very poor. run. I tried toexplain how bad tho wcathor had been,but ho listened ' impatiently. Ho ro-ininded' mo.,that, other ship? leavingEngland on tho KIUIIO day had arrivedmuch earlier, althongh thoy mnst bavohod similar woathcr. Ho .said that tho-day for cautious, old fashioned captainshad gone by. . Tho reputation of a shipfor speed must bo maintained, and cap-lains must bo brisk and wido awake, or:hoir usefulness wonld bo at an end.

"Von iiiay havo noticed," tho captainadded after n pause, "that wo havo becurnnniug lit fnll.npccd ul ldayin a heavyfog. Your, king has been profiting bytlio reprimand which ho received, and30 hasn't known a conifo£tal>16 momentintil tho fog lifted an honr ago.

"So you seo that tho kings of tho seaaro tlio malingers' bondmen.' If thoyaro_canjjons .nud-avjoid. rliln, -tlwy-ar-o-


Work has been begun on the newbuilding of the Cranford Athleticclub,, and within two months ourvigorous young organization will behoused in one of the handsomest andbest pi|iiipped structures of its kindto ho found iu all New Jersey.Through tho courtesy of ContractorJohn Wnterson by whom the build-'ing is_ being erected, tho CIIIIONIII.Kis able to describe its features iu de-tnil- - -•••• •-• — • : ;- '

The building will be 101 feetlong. 42 j feet wide, and .'il._fcethigh, and it will rest o n 15 brirk

•piers. Its exterior will bo of sheetsteel, markcil to resemble brick, anilit will be covered with asbestos roof-

KntraiK'e t» the building will bethrough the hull .of the Operu Houseand nn enclosed |mssai;ewny 1'-! feet'in length. This lends into a «]>a-cions reception rwmi, adjoiningwhich is a reading room '..'I x iU feetin ilinicnsions. The gymnasium isto lie i;5 feet long and '.\\ fci't wide,with a ceiling I'l feet high;

Along the northerly wall ami eep-"nratcd from the "gym" bv posts,twobowling alleys will i«} built. A lur-litiiry 1'-' X '.' with a shower bath willbe constructed near the exercise-room; anil capacious lockers will al-nbe within a convenient .distance.

.Over the reception room and lock-ers is to be a billiard room 'M v -II

;:lttrg'oVTtonX'i'i'tiif '-fiirtt:'timh'5."'''A''bnlfniivl- feet wiihvw'ill'iivorliuikHlip-gymiiu-iiuii imd™ lunrfing alleys,enabling visitors to watcli the utli'le-tes at their work.

' The building A-ill In- heiitcd..-tlironghoiit-bv.8t«imjnid lightiil-bv

electricity. Special intention will begiven to its • ornaincutid ' features.The double lioor will be of hardwood; the ceilings of narrow boards.A wainscot (J foet high will be con.Htmctcd in each room, the rcinain-

, tier of the side walls will be of• plaster. With these facilities it is

certain that tho Orauford AthletiClub will bo n powerful ngeiit jniiroiuoting the" health of the town.

- \Ve conildeiitly pmlie't nlso that th<club will shortly be heard from- iutho sphere of ainntcur sports.

^ • Amusement Notes.

Not lhi« least important ftature ^Ilamalxt'.Kiirl, mid MncDomild'ii KobiHotd OjH-ni Company, which"Rbi H d " Fr idy evninHotd OjHni Company, which prawn"Robin" Hood" Friday eveninn aud Saurduy afternoon, anil "The KnickeliockerH" Saturday evening at tne Liceum. U the mnguifieeiit chorus. It i'Hjife to nay that a better bal«nceand well drilled chorus }vas never beforiwen in this city. This ift certainly comtnendable, and Mewiru. Barnabce, Karand JlncDoiiald, the -famous ••l)ost< nians,"; are entitled to grfat. praise fo]their effort* in paying pjirticnlur uttintion to details which unfortunately nrtoo often utterly disregarded by coiuiopera inaungore.

xintiidered sleepy and slow. - If they nret d 4 h h i ^etui<BOmo_andi4heahip,gooslvr<in^p

hqn <hcy atti1 condenmtd" us Tboltftirily/That'g tho tyranny of tho sea, even if:o aro klngjj on deck.-'?—Pbjladelphia'Ii

. , A "Slncnlar" Cnlomr.

They were standing on a street cor-uir.'SttitihgWr'aoar^ 8Ko'wis'Anm'-can; ho was English. Sho dcligmcd in

' kiniing tho glories of this iiowWorld, tratho oply clovitcd his beastlyaceo'and answered every remark withthat irrltatingphnuo, "In tboold coun-try," etc,

Whilo thoy were waiting a-pair of•icyclers, a man and a woman, wheeled

Thu woman wivs dressed decidedlynp to date."

Aw!" tlio Englishman remarked.Knickerbockers!"Tho girl looked iii surprise. "Do yon

lean thu woman in bloomers?""Yes, but in tho .old country, ye

know, wo call 'cm kniekerbockers," .Miss America hardly- knew how to

mswer his know it all manner. Sho fell,wonld bo rudo to change tlio couver-

i|tioi.i,,tpp.ahrniitl2r,.VQ..KUo simply, eaiil,'By tho .way, do you call 'a pair ofiilckerljOcktTs'jauik-nlar or plnral?" 'The kn^lislimau glauwd after tho re-eating bicyelers. "Plural," ho said,as applied to men, but in tho casu offonicii—siuKnliir."—Boston Budget.

A V rl ' \~«t ' *

What Wonld you1 think of a yearlyicwspapi-r—ono that IK only printed>nco through tho twelvemonth? There'iro at leas! two such in tho world, nud

thi're may b« more. Ono is called Thelvski{iio'llnllotin. It is issned every yearnt Priuco of Wales' Cape, Dering strait,

ii tho arrival at that isolated plaeu oft" yearly steamer. This brings now--*mn the outer \yorl<l, and tlio pnrier

lut-iiaH Mimi'thiiiK t» print-beside* itsxal news, that everybudy knows ati.V rut^ Tim other naper is printed inirin, niid It conies out oiu-e a year now,

lustto preserveitn name, ThoTwentiitliCentury. Its puMisluTs think that willt> a very lino iiamo for a journal whenhu;twentieth century is actually here,ind for fear sotiuwjiio will p't abend ufhem in it they will issue their pjiP<Tleo n year uutillilOO, ami tlfiisbo first,

If'we work upon .mnrlile, it will.[H'ri«h;"lf we, wnrk'npoii bfiissi time

ill ctTacO'it; if we rear.temples, theyill rruii|Mo into dust, but if vw work[xiti iiiniinrtnl miiidi, if wu imhue tlieui

'v'iiHiKTip1esTV\iHr*tlm"ju'st''fr;ir"o'fHod and love of our fellow men, woen-ruv<M>n t]ui<e tablvtsKouiething which

ivill briKlileii to all eternity.—DanielWebster.

Tho teachers of cooking in the Hostonlublio -WIIIKIIH am (aii) $45 for theirrst year's work; with "an annual in-

cnaso ot <ls until Iho mn.xiiiiniu of•744 U .reached. Tho dim-tor of thoonking Ecluxils is ]iaid $1,000.

Tho Haulto Hie., Mario wns so namedlodistinguiBh it from many othrr eaulte*r leaps. The Indian namo was l*aw

Btooy, "Water Falling Over Hocks."



rint tlu. Ijuur Wu Cut Io' a Iltrol.Hold, anil From ller tb0 Son Got IITrem«n4oa«Waa Blother of ft' Lars* Family.

Of tho father and mother of tho emperor Professor W. JL Sloano writesna follows In Century:

Certain undippntcd facts throwstrong light on Napoleon's father. Hispeople wcro proud and poor; he enduredtho hardships of poverty with equanim-ity. -Strengthening what little iriflucnooho ooulil master, ho at first appears am-bitions and has himself described in hidiploma as a patrician of Florence, BanMiniatoanfl Ajaccio. On tbo other hand,witJi ho apparent regard for his person-al advancement by marriage, ho follow-cd his own inclination, and in 170J, altho (igo of 18, rashly perhaps, but gallantly, wedded o lowly and beautifulchild of JS, Lctitia Bamolina _,.-_'""/ITor 'descent'wns "thoi Voversei of. hoihusband's; although her fortunp Wasquito equal if not Superior to-his. Shewas of iicasant uaturo.to tho lost day 01her -Song life—hardy, unsentimental,frugal anil sometimes "unscrupulous.Vet tho hospitality of her little iiomo inAjacclo was lavish, after tbo mannerof her kind, and consequently famous.Among thu many guests who availedthemselves of it. was Mnrbbuf,"'cbin-majiiler in Cnririnn of thn iirnt nrmy nf

occupation.. Thero was long nfterwardii malicious tradition that tho Frenchgeneral was Napoleon's father. Tiiomorals of Letitiu di Bupnnpnrto, likothaso of her couspicuouH^childrou, havobben bitterly assailed, but her own goodnamo, at least, has' always been vindi-cated. Tlio ovideut motive of tho storynfflcicntly ,rofuti;s,S!jc,b, on jwpflrsinn.ua

it contains. ' Of tho brido's estraordina-'ry beanty thcro never lins been h doubt.Sho was a woman of heroio mold, likoJuno iu hor mnjesty,- unmoved in pros-perity, uudaniitod in adversity. It wasprobably to IIIH mother, whom ho strong-ly resembled in childhood, tlmt tho fa-mous son owed Ii is tremendous, oven gi-gantic, physical endurance If in hismother was reproduced tho typo of aRoman matron,'in tho son would bo ro-called tho virtues and vigor of an im-lierator. •, . _ ' '"' ,

After thoir niorriago tho ' youthfulpair resided in Cortc, waiting untilovents should permit thoir return toAjaccio. Nnturally of an indolent tom-peramont, tho husband win. at firstdrawn into tho daring enterprises ofPaoli and displayed a temporary on-JiUHiasm, bnt for moro thnn a year bo-oro tho end ho wearied of thorn. At tho

•end of a body of men of his own rankio finally withdrew to Monto Rotoudo,nidou jlay 23,^1700, a few weeks bo-raro J'4Wli'«IliKht, - tho Imncl mado-fonn-vl submission to. tho two French gen

Barrel: , . . . . .fc).75.

Hay* Straw, Grain and Feed:

tnroagii'Bddiiaparto-tiiiit "the! national;ader had'misled them by promises of

tid'whieh ueve^ «amo; and that, recog-izing tho impossibility of furtiior ro-istancc,' tliey wor6 anxious to nccoptho now government, to return to thoirlomqs, aiu'l .to re^miio -tho, pe.aac.fu^cou~liict"' of "{heir affairs. Iff was this *pro-•ipituto naturalization of tho fathor as

French citizen which mado his grentoij a Frenchman.' Loss than threoiionths nfterward, on Ang. 15, liisonrtli child, Napoleono di Snounparte,•as born in Ajnccia :Tlio resource!) of tho Buonapartes, as

hey still wrote thcuisvlyco, wero small,ilthough their faiuily and oxpoctationsivcro large. All only chihl, Lotitin Jiojlinherited lier father's littlo homu andiiH vineyarila TlT tho snburlis, for heruntherhad umrricd n second time. Hertepfitther liad beon a Swiss mercenaryi the pay of (Jenoa. Injirder to secureio woiniui of his clioico Iio becanio aIonian .Catholio and wns tlio

Lime, di Bnouaparta's half brothW, Jo-epb Fesch. 'Cliarles himself was thoiwnerof-lanilfin tlrointorior," Istrf theyveto 'heavily'mortgaged, and ho couldoiitrihnto littlo to tho support of. hisamily.' His uncle, a wealthy landlord,lad rtflnl childless, leaving his' domainso'tlio Jesuits, and they had promptlyitered into possession. According to

ho terms of his grandfather's will,, thorequest was void, .'for the fortune wusofall in such a caso to Charles' mother,mil on her (loath to'Charles himself.oseph, his father, had wasted ninnyears iu'id inost of his fortuno in wenryili(*;ition toreeover the property. Noth-II^ daunted, ('harles settled down toursuo tho samo phimtom,' virtually de-iciidiiiR for a livelihood on hjs \ylfo'small patrimony. Ho became IUI ofllccrif tho" highest court us assessor anil wasuado iu 1 772 a mi'iuber and .later alf|iifty,of Iliucoiliieil of Corsiean nobles.

Tho peasant mother was most prolific.Ier eldest child, bnr;i in 170.1, was aon, who died in infancy; in 17U7 wastorn A daughter; Mario •Anne, destined

the pamu fate; iu 17(>8a son,'knownHi r as 'Joseph, but baptized us'Nahn-'one; in 17(i!ithbgreatson, Napoleone.ino. othi'r' children wcro tho fruit of

lip.,tiamiuyeillorlvjind.iit^ <>f. thwii—,iroo "sons," l/uefeni ljOufsraud'*.Teromol

mil thrro- dflnghtvnr,- Kllse, P;mlinoiuid'aroline;—s-urvived to Kharo their broth-•V's greatness. Charles himself, liko hishurt lived iincfstors—of whom llvo had

od within a century—reached onlyarly middle age, il.viug in his thirty:,iriitrrye:Vfr""lA'titiii, liko tho stout i'or-lioau'tbat sho was, lived to tho ripo agoif Hll in tlio full enjoyment of her farul-ies, known to tho'world by tho sobri-met of llmu. Miirt».

Inrurinntlun For a Tourist,'Is it I.till tho custom in this country

o reach for yonr gun to baek it up art-r you havo calUid a man a liar?" askedtotirisr. •"It nlr not, stranger," Replied tho

arly settler, '."and it Hover wax. It hasillcra ben tlio custom in the best society

of Valler Dog to roneb. for the gun fucL "—Indlauni<oUs Journal,

Becchamu ,pills arc 'forbiliousness, bilious headache,dyspepsia, heartburn, torpidliver, dizziness,, sick head-ache, bad taste in the mouth,coated tongue, loss of appe-tite, sallow skin, when causedby constipation; and- consti-pation is the most frequen'cause of all of them.

Book free; pills 25c. Atdrugstorcs.or write B.F.AllenCo.,365 6anal St., New York.

J. A. OAKIEr, Jr.



"'-V . ' -H.'J,

Walnut, Cor. South Ave-?

The only store that advocates

low prices in Cranfprcl. ^

0 lbs.-.{Starch ; 25c.5 lbs. Soda Crackers.'./ 2Sc.5 lbs. Ginger Snap.t.. I . . . . 25c.Babbits and nil Soaps 0 for 25c..Condensed Milk-8 for ' . . . . 2-ic.1 1b. Biikiiifj Powder... . . . J,. . 10c.i iu.'Q66(iC6iree:::: ; v . v * . : ; 25c."

Soda Crackers in Cartoons... Oc. lb. :

Keroseno Oil, r, gal. 38c.

:ditert«liilnff A Rmall Party.

—Pittsburg btspatoh.

(letting Oat of II.

General Common—Have you heard0 nows from Washington?

Major Woaler—Nawi -What is it?General Common—Fellys wid f 4,000year has got to.pay do iucouie tax..Major Wcaler^—Wo must perjuro our-

olvcs!—Chicago Herald.

Tho MAutorrat** Kometlinri Noililrd.Dr. Holmes paid as Jittlu heinl to tho

lictnm of tho rhctorieians that a sen-en™ should not end with a propositionIT other important word on did tho oth-jr author of a work on rhotorlo wholaid down tho rulo, "A pscpositlonshould not bo usoil to end a sentciieowith." Dr. Hulmes onded not only ncti-tenpes, but chapters, with*prcpositiousand other insignificant words. For ox-aniple, > chapter 0 of "Klalo Vonncr":ndawltli iho words "attend to," andDhaptor 12' of tho samo novel cudswith tho ' words r "dlo of."—BostonConscript ' :


DRESS :;GC|ODS!All pur 30 . to 40-inch Fancy All Wool Dress Goods reduced from 60c]

to........r:.;...... /,.........^.....|:.:..:....;. 39c.45-inch AH Wool Plain Serges, reduced from 05c. to 5 0 CNovelties in French Snitinga, pattern lengths. Fluid Surahs, for eliir

wni8ts; in black and white and high colors. Kid Gloves, 5 and 7 hook,wcro 91.25 and $.1.50: .-. i . ' . . . . . . j . . . . > . . . . . . 7 9 c

Men's Camel Hair Half Hose. . . . . . . . ...'...U V...... I 5 C

" Gmit bargains' in Men's .Groy Shirts and Drawera, worth C5c..' 4 9 c

Ffne assortment Mackintoshes, Qravenette and other WaterProof Carrnentsi made.by the Pacific Mills .of -Elizabeth, K. J

Great/bargains in Towola. "Our 25c. grade in Hack is tho boat wo everhavo offered. Turkish'JBathJIWels g3p.^and.39c, Ej tT

We 3rc rnaking. a speciaj price 6W& lot of Heavy Floor -Oi;•;.... '_. Cloths. They \vere_35c., now 25c.

ScT, Elizabeth.

Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery Work, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION,



, RKHMKY;N. J. '••—A largo variety of'Monuments; Hcndntones, etc.', in the best American am

oreign Granites and Murble, constailtly on hand. Designs and estimates furnished on application. . ' " . . . ... -

244 North Broad St., Elizabeth^ N. j .Opposite Central Railroad Station.

OUR PRICES THIS WEEK::!est Biipar cured hams. . , ' . . • . l i ejirge kits of new mackerel .......'.'.-.. [i d l i i l J l l ' ' ' I''p y v r r r r . • . , . . . . . , • •

jioiinda fine table biittea f o r . . . . . . . . . , , ' . , . - ; . ; : . . . . . ^^ugar corn, per can , v . . . . .arrowfat peas pe.r can.:.. . . c . , , - . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Karly Jnuo: pirns, per c a n . . . , ' . ' . ' . . . . ' . . . . % . . : . . .2 pound ciin bnrtlett p e a t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - .

pound can pineapple . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . ..J»rirc pati^corulciisod,'.milk,for..-/...i.,L....;-.^:;....icst Old Gpyonimeui Java Uoffeo,' per 'pound. . . . . . .'ino teas, all kinds, new crop. . ; . . . . . : . . . . . . . . " , . . . ,


. j .v,- . . .7Qc

. : . . . . 7o. . . . , .Cc

..........9c- . . . ,10c

; .10c

i . . . ,32c.'. .25c to 5Oo

J. i1. JROGGKE & CO.

This cpmpnnr is

now ready to supply

any who nro locatcil

on tlio several streets

through tvlu'vh gas

mains aro laid, with

-gas- for '-light -nntV

fuel purposes.

Houso connection

charges at 20c. per

per foot from curb. Jleterli set without any

extrn charge. . " ;, •

Gas Healers and Ranges placed Readyfor use at Cost.

Price for Gas, $1.76 per Thonsand Gabic Feet.'ilizabethtown Gaslight

124 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N.J.

EVANS & WHITE CYCLE CO.,Elizabeth Avc. Elizabeth, N. J.

"•y"' 2 Do'oilS FIIOM IlltO.VI) STltKKT. . j|

Manufacturers of High Grade Wheels to Order.:•-;-••• . . ; . - . , : . v ; ^ w . v ' . ^ v . ' y : ' : ' ; i ' " " " - " * - V ' - i ! f ; > 1 : ' ' ' ! s i i : ; - ••"""

Kuloctcil and tonttMl by n« personally, ami warr^inti'd to 1H» of. , , - j tlio vt'ry lM'st quality. '. . . ||' " .

Ml W h e e l s a n d W o r k a u n r a n t e c d for O n e Year It-li

WK11I1ITS KKOM K T o a J I.IIH.for tho Stoarrio Bloyoloo.


EX $ CLEVELAJVl}.With nciv manageinont and increased facilities we nfo picparcd to do

ill laundry work in a faultless ninniicr. Collars iitut cufTa iv siiecialty,loods entrusted to ua aro innureil. >Send us word nnd Wo Will call Mon-lays and Tlmrsdays,

GEO. H. DAVEY, Manager,271, 273 Morris Ave., Elizabeth, /N. J.

Central BailFoafljf^New Jersej,



A. M.-3»,817.1lte'm5.P. M.-1375.1 E8,3 ri, 6 S3,7 ss, 8 10 j .


, , ^ 1 1 . - 1 0 0 , 430, 601). V15.83S, Mm

P. M . - l 10,ISO,230,330,4(0, «ai . „ ,

8 30,UJ5,10l»,ll3(i "'•'"••'•n-.W.

SUNDAY TBAIKS FROM NEW Y0I1K-A. 'M.-100.4 30,715,8 30,0 «a 13 « i «1'. M;-t 00,215,4.D075 30,7 aSTu 01!, li,,,.

FROM ELIZABETH TO^CnANKoni)A.M.-140, 015. O4O.7W, 013. KI-NP. M.r-12 iV, 142. S07,3 l M us,* toi» • -

^\^^S5S5ga«Sr':r;*'^SUNDAY TRAIK8 FROM ELlZ.>nf-rir

. A. »I.-1 40, 515, 8 00, BUT, 1023.P. fl.-B30,11)5,3at,i0,0 (M, • (5,5.S,,9«._

J: ILOLllArsEN;' H. j . .

'• Meh;YalI»yB.-1,Time



058, 800, iota': 240, 755p. m., Sunda?, sitO. IB, 1 IB, 02!, 7 55 p.m. •CU"-«»)!.H>

TRAINS LEAVE N J ^ Y W F O R 80nnJ R 80n

7 00,0 at a. iii.: 12 30.1.30 (SntunlnyB iL r , ('(except b'atunlnyii) 5a), » p. ni.- rfiii,,7 00 il 00 a, m.; B15 p. m. ' 1

CRANFORD MAILS.Arrlvo from Now York—7-00 o.'in;, 8 01 a m.,

l « p . m..4.4»p. m. / . ' •**Lmvefor Now Yi»rk—8 0S m m , , 23ti.v -mLeave for tbo West—7 SO a. m., 1 (ft j>. m.•• ••' / J« I'- I)Eimy, I'oMmasftrJ . C. CRANE, resistant I'oBlmnt-tfr,D. T. I'IEIISUN, Distributing C'Urk.

COLLEGE. No-warJc. X.a.

HEW YORK R. H. BUILDINGS, -83%, 834, 830, 838, 8<0 and 844 llroadM.Best Shorthand and Typo-Writing De

partnientjin tho State..RATES LOW.

Address for Catalogue or Colloee Journal,H. COLEMAN. PnaUttl.


Go to (he Fountain fleatl for '

The' Now Rapid Easy Short-hand and Typewriting


l$75TYPmTER,ME!CB~ Every Btnflent who enters dnrinRScptenibcr or October will ,bo nreaeuiedon gradnatlori, with '"" ' *•=*—"-

A $75 TYPEWRITER FREE!Apply for circulars or admission toJ. fl, IiAHSLEY. Ph. D.'Principal.


PAINTER, PORATOR,'aints7 Oils, Giass, Varnish,

Wall Paper, &c,CRANFORD, N. J. _

C. VREELAND,City Surveyor & Civil Engineer


} \ . J. SI'ILLAN,Dealer in Fruit's and Vegetables,

{Juumnlt'wl fresh uv<;rytl»j'., —, . , - . ni:Aw>NAnr.E rmciy.

f,—tlh^lVcrlw III'Cranfonl Tiicwliijn, Tlinrs-layn mill Halunluy.i.

IIiMlilrhra < Vnl ml nvi'linr. Wi'M fli-M-'


' 03 Broad Street. Elitaboth, N..-T.

Wo will trim' free of charge to all111' Oraiifoid ciistoinerH.••HICKS AS IA)W AH IS SBIV VOKIi.

Broad St., Wostfleld, New Jcrsoy,fNcxt <liKir to.Wclcli Unw..) •

Dinlir In

Harness and Horse Supplies.Repairing iminnitly nnd neatly <l»i"J ,


Now rratly nt

, Miss O. D. 8qulor'»,0 Droxl St., near P. O., EH««I>«H'- *• J -

Agency Universal Patterns. >-


• _ ,', N'ctl

I nave forf or the Wcstfbnilding He;l u l s b m gdencea. andBUSINESS 1

JOp. O. Box 9.'

SCOTCHCrnsbedStlTlvnlo «IWalks andwood, or-wilencc. Ad

John' - . . ' • •' ' 3 (

Drdera Prompt



148-152 E.F1


SM. HI 4 145

Taylor's DrAnd Iln->

' mode atevenlnircl

U DnoAli 1+rnM^r-. . Also Ml 111


PhotogiCor. Main

BAHandnomrat Stui


Will Give Tho'l'Cabinet "Aristo'Ad.andtlaiCju

BillingElm Street

WESA full iiKsortnii

New York,Will make call

- ders' and•T' Tlinrwlay 1

J . N,

BEEF, MU1' Pork, C01

i - 'v

. • • • • • ; M a


Carpel,:••' REFITI


"' Elm Street, nei



Monuments l%ndIMntn. Allfr>


A flntt-<l*«t farvcnlrnro f»r rnl»;rion short nutlca.

C. M. WAITclepbono Call,

Page 3: v i t L. LehmanDr. Robert H. Dnncnn IIIUI remove his oflliii from tho Oinam Uonso to th.) Kath' Uhildintr . . •: - - -1 Peter .Van ^Deventer, formerly en: ployed byHarrv Kuth as

A mol, my»tfri»ns rhjimN-r, where the glowOf wintry Bunshinr fnir-C tin- wnnll

. i\ ith iw:tlcr.t>!) p ami f-low,iln his n>t.i:i'., v. it*i hi ;tt! l»rnt

Good Building Brick.I JVetllcrwoo<l» X. JJ.

I have fominhcd briclt in Westfielrtfor tlie Wcstfield Clnb House, Standardbuilding. Heinecke, Darsh and Knrz-hals Wildings nrid many private n»i-dences. and desire to EXTEND MYBUSINESS TO CRANFORD. ,

Ertlmmtaa fkimltkad on a l l work.

• JOHN J. REID,p. O. Box 9.' - Netfierwood, N. J.



- . 1» ,* Hattys, /

SCOTCH PLAINS,,, N. - J.Crashed Stone for PnMic Honda andPrivate' Orcmrnls. Fine Stone for -Walks and Drivel' V«r sale at Fan-wood.or-wtll be delivered at real-dence. Address, \ ^ .

John G. Cook,.. Scotch Plains, N.J.

Onlera P r o m p t l j At tended to . ' \ ••



148-152 E. Front St., PlolnBeld, N. J.


Ml;"oatl St.>g De

PAINTERS AND DECORATORSM'atl FMjtfr*, Vaintr. (tilmflii Vnrnii-hfr,

Has. 141 A 145, North Are., FlakEcM, B. J .' • ; ; • ' . . . • v v -



IF YOU NEED SHOESOr if any or yoor family need them, there's no better jilaco to bny them than in oar

8*8 NEW SHOE /DEPARTMENT. 8*8Its stock is the finest, bwt assortftlanrt lowest priced in New; j

hese are examples: • - • . - .

LADIES-BUTTON SHOES-rDonKo-laKiil. intent leather tip?, noh',1 tolesnnil cimnters, uerftrt filling.,regular,price§1.25,"at> . . . : . . . : . . 98*.

CHILDREN'S BUTTON 5 H 0 E S -Fine YicT Ki.l. spring heels, -patentleatber-ada kicl tip?;" riegnTarJi:2.Tat

' :..:-.'... 88c.

MEN'S CALF-SKIN LACE SHOES—Both l>ron<l nnd narrow toes" with tipsand, MI en«ioii-fol«<;>reg5lar- ^.ad, nt

$1.75.BOY'S B. CALF SCHOOL SHOES-Lace-or button, uolid throughout.. will,wear iron, sizes 11 to 2.'regular {1.31. ut• • • • • • • ' • . . . : . 89c

Mail orders promptly filled. Samples sent cheerfully onjequest.

147-149 Market St.. near Broadi Newark, N.. J .


Taylor's Dress Cutting Schoolsfc. And I>rf?w*iIatii)K. Parlors. E&tnl»-

i EllraUth, N. - J . Everything tnucki/lierUlnInt; to flrst-cluM iln-^maklnc/Ulrlstt-"* yotinffa« II taki-n. (<fetumv' m a d e at rcajonahk1 prices. Day urn

eveninffctas.'-fs. "PuvmcritHmiuleeasy."41 HnoA» HTIIKET. ELIZ. Mn-.e. J.N.P.Brookst&~ Also 641 Broad Street. Newark.


Photograph Parlors,Cor. Main & Cherry Streets,

BAHWAT, It. J.HanilKimrart Studio In thfc t-lato.

\%ork Equally Artistic.

ort-\Vill Olvi Tbo'Cniinxici.r IlcaiWm 1 Darei

• Cabinet ."AKbto":<ltriralur l"rli-o S">.(«ll fur till





Billinge& Phillips,Elm Street, nenr the I*o»t OOlce,

WESTFIELD, £ j .A full aKsortment of Fish frosh from

New York, at New York prices).Will make calls in Crunfonl for or-

•ders'antl deliverj" on Tut»l!iy, -"T" Tlinrwlay and Satnnlay of each


BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL,' Pork, Corned Beer,

•/-"' •• Ham, Shoulder,Poultry, &e

Opera House Block,Xf-tt tloor to AK{ OJlce.



Carpets Gleaned,,:••' REFITTED AND LAID.


NewCarpels,,Mattings Oilcloth

R M, FRENCH,Elm Street, near depot, Wcstfiold, N. J

1,. t . MANNING.PlOlnflOldlOl'P Klr«t liaii(htf'nun'li)


Monuments (Hid Hoailstotu1!* ,fcir Otm'tcryl'lutn. All Onlen. Hrllrcrol * M I'P-

VAN COURT INN,A flrnt-rlami family Hotel; aim every enn-

vcnlrnro ffirrnlLTtalnmcnt of prlvntu turtle*on short nullco. '

C. H. IIAt,E, Proprietor.Telephone Call, 00 M.'ROscllv.




W. D. Bjselow,Real Estate and Insnrarice,



Dftd Things All AjrTansrd. lint II*d t o A©-

John i)oro5.s is a young and i'litcrprie-ing ccniiniy.eiun niaii of Pittsbnrg. l*none-ever accn>t*i Lim of being comitrieuntil recently. John isa popn'lar fellowwith tlio.(rentier FOX, butnnt i l nfew

dishmenta. Finally, howi'vcr, ho ac-Joiowlcdswl him&elt- whipped -and pro-posed. This is the \c6y ht* did it.1;^

ULI boapht a honMMiudlot «>no mora-iugr and in thff', attvtn<KOM t<x>k thuYii-turo 3Irs.I>nrciA> fora drive. " , • \

ho Paid us'the smofc^acks of tiio £nidk-iest city on earth grew faint and fnrau ay. ' . : "

"Wel l , " responded the yonnj: lady,with n gasp, " I presume yon will ac-cord mo tho privihpv of wmiethin'g tofay about encli.an in-pcrtaat uiatttr, cs-peoially since 1 have Ixtu selected forthe victim," and ^hc Ngaii to frowiiand pout: ' /

" You must and shall ray * Yes. * Now,listen. I've gol the cage, mid we* willgo down town togrth«T tomorrow Audget tho roc*ts and tab* aml-^iiugs thatbelong to cap:?-**

"Why, Mr. Dnrnrs"! Really, yon rjs-tound moTvitlr your assurance. Pie;take.mo home.'*

Instead, J.ihn whipped up ami drovefarther away fn'ni the (-lacks.

"Afterwe 'got "tii't*" niaii>iuu Hied tipIwi l l go and p(t a lirtnsc, we'll getspliced, and as I have to go to Floridanext week for a traiulnaii of c<xang(tfyon cautall it yiinr ww!ili:jj; trip.'*

The. poor girl was paralyzed, butmanaged to prt't«>tr

'l'Sonsi\ Mi*Ii>-s I liaveplaune*l it ::11out, and it will be that way."

4*Bnt, Jact, I have uo clothes forsnch an occasiou, and4.i^i(U-s I'vo gotEonio goodhys to say. I shall want Ktleast F ix UKiiiths for prt'limiiiarics. V

' VClothesbehaagvd!" exclaimed Jackas ho nrged his horse to travel faster.**I have only four sn^ts of clothes andyon havo a doz«u drew?—at lia?t Vmunro you have/ ' for Juek didji't knowwhether she had two gowns or twodozen., lie simply made a gne.-s.

And 6(\ aitrr a great doalof arming,a compromise en fonr tewks* time waseffect«vfc

That evening Dnra^s relattd the c'r-cumstancea to a b*)ou coiiipaninn andjyvonnd lip by saying: - ' " * , ' •

"I ' l l tell you what it i s Bill, wnmt naro tho mwt ptrr^rx* creafurts in tli«*world.' t To thjnk^r^that girl;wantjiip

Why, n wtek was Jong^Tfibugli, aiid Idon't nndtT-tnnd why Meii?-! fliouldkick for inuro'timc. Bui I'wni the day.Still I had to'postpone niy Florida trip,and I'll bet a $i» m^pid^r tliat orange*

street'ami LriiiK it in hero'to ho cashed."Sho regarded this as a reflection on

her hoiusty. 'Wliat'B that you say,young man?' shaking her rmrnsol lit mo.And for once I bltsneil my cage, whichprotected uio from her indignation. 'I

1 ^ ^ lgBtrcr-t,.ypa ybnng whippcr s

know that Tin a» honest "woidau andno^ going aronnd picking up checka*

" ' I bcliovu it,.mndam,M. Raid, try-ing to appoasq her; but, all the samp, Ican't givo you tbouiyuoy without thomaker ideiitifyiiiK your indorsement. V'

g ^But JreliP^is.worth a tliun^amt train-londa of fruit, and I expt<*t we hail lxt-ter havo auotlur cold bottle."—Chicago.MaiL • ^ (

Wnmrn KSaid a bank ra thhr of this city:

"Homo fow days ago a woman canio inwith a check for foOO tnado payable toher. I didn't know her and refused tccash it without the identification of tL«maker pifinifying that tho indorsementWas 6. K. She didn't understand whatI meant, but ffertuttl to think I -was re*fusiitg for pnrw cassfilnefts-

" 'But, madam, it i» against tho bankrules to give any money to people wedon't know,* I explained- "Idon't luiovfyou.' Any one miffht find a check on the

retunieii in half mi hour with tho prop-er indor^micuL Viciously thrusting thocheck J n tli» window, sho said, 'Now,young, man, refuso to givu mo.that uion-ey if j"ou dafii!' ' *

:. . . / ' A H . ^ ' handed .her out-§200 iu billsbho remarked notto vece: 'Picked it upin the Ktreet, did I? Uiupii!'"—Fhilu-dclphia Pres?.

It has been inVbrted that when a rail-road csprttn train\itopH very Kurldeulythe papsengers Hufiirju the Baiuu degrcoas though they had fallen from a thirdRtoxy winclt>\;-. Tho Pit|nbarg Di^jiatcliis authority for this statement. ? AH thomajority of ]ter:;ons wiuV Imvo fallenfrom thitd story windows havo, beenkilled, it ift iinpnwihlu'io Kueuro fheirtestimony on tlm. suliject'^imrfiuieklyPtoiJ]iv<l train pasKfiigera rufu.sp to mukotho test.—Exchange. '

y I'tK- lc tlri'tinp.

Mrs. tToro of, touisy•!!,'_» waa rending"Tho-Ancient JIariner" tohcrliu.sba'ud,and had reached tlm line— .Water, witter everywhere, imr uny (lniji to

drink!- lluro tho colonel interrupted her witli

tho reinark: •' "What reckleMpootio -licensul Why

should thoy want to drink water?"—Vittsburff Chronicle.

An Anecdote of Nhrllry. .

Tho poet Shelley tellw an amusingstory of the. intluenco that >liu)guago"hanl to bo understood" exemiseH ontho vulgar mind, \ynlking near.CuventGarden, .London, hn at' ci den tally1 jostledagiunstnn Iri.«h navvy, who, being in niiuarrij'ionn't niood, tumiied incliiu'd -toattaekillurpoet. A crowd of ragged ^yni:jiathizt'M beuiui to gather, when Hhel-ley, calmly fivcing them,' (TtMiherutwlvpronounced:

" I have put my hand into thoham-I«T.' 1 havn Jonktil oil tho caercd l(iirley.

drunk and am well pleaded. •I'lmvoKiid^Knox"<)nip::xt*.und it is lininhed.." , ,

Tlie'efl'.eet was ningical. Thu UHton-inlH-d irislnnan'feU'l'iiclc. IIIH friend*iK'gnn to (|ui'>tion him. "What bar-

Je^V^J.'\yhvri;'H tlio.J^VlierV^ *'W]i!\tihave yon been drinldngV*'and rthellcywalked away unmolested.—Junior.

Rill aa a Jti JIIIM!;.• Common Halt n* n rt niedy for "brow

ague," that' difitresfiiiig form of lieiid-arhi% has lately been extolled by KOIIHI

.rhiciaiiK. T)H> idea iniiu'reiifliiiR thuamount of ilio ^alt used with thn foodWIJS tlmt of augmenting tho hydrochlo-ric aeiTTin tlm jnieo of tho titonmch—at leant rouHiderablo cnwesti in nlnlmoclfor thin remejly, which. liiAyvvv^^L^'1

TlWHUeWI toMjfj'WlTl UUtOpcritlO BUOOeHH**fnlly in all caw* Uy tlio wny, miinhiKa little fliicly iMiwih-rod «alt up tho nos-tril'of tho nlloctoil elilo hns bwn foundto' euro tho palu in uoaralgltt of tho faoo."—Fuiiily Slngozlno.

AMOS H. VAN73-MARKET STREET, near Plane Street,

Will givo a Ladies' or GoiitleihouVUulil Wrrtcli to every inircliiisor of 6

I ---• wottli or more'of Carpnts nml wul- Ftiriiiture.

? PARLpFJ SUITS.Wo uro now.exhibitihg'a fino line ftf.l'jrlur Suits, in covoriiig of silk" t»])os

try and silk brovatcllu, ut extremely low priet-ri, -

feEDROOM JSUITS.Wo are still selling ugroat ninny Heilroom Sui'ti of tlio Hull & l.von inun

- .. nfiictnrer,.noted for liitodt-shlesi dnil lowest prices...:

Notejthe name AMOS before entering tho store.

CARPETS.At our store you will find u lnrgc stoek of Velvets, HIKIJ- nnd Tnjiestrv

ltrussela, 2 and13-pJy Ifigraiiiii, •eolil at lower jirii': .''... nnywhere in the State.

Parlor Stoves; and Ranges.di m weather, we are now se

^^TMne!n>li«g4^e-fiimottn aceonnt of low prices.

; gNotwithstanding the warm weather, we are now selling u groat mimv l'ur

GoodsSlivered free of ciiEtrge to all parts of the State

8 8 B A N K S T R E E T >* tlm immbiT of our Nnv Storage ituiMiiufor Furnituro. Clcanlinesrf'and, low• mte« is our motto. ' '

Furniture imhjcd with vain ut reasoiialilb rates. ---:«•:'_


niosH. Van HornStreet,


void Doltiff Ho If You ITnpprn.'•.•:?"; *?;» •? iintt^tW;A*lbV-.liitnM-y)r-'-'•_/--•-1"-::L.. A yotinp nmn strodo into tho A^torlibrary yesterday afternoon, a good sizedbook nndur hia arm, aud was makiiifstraight for tho rtiiirraso to tho rearlnigroom when tho old man who nerves ashnll porter waved .him 'back.fay a Res*tnre. ,•,'\ ,

"Well, what'H up with'tho old chapanyway?M ho remarked to hit) friend.

"Coino back here," unid tho porter,nnlt;i!HMHislr iMjintiiiK alingeratfioim

unnotieed olijeet."Wfll,. I I|ko that," answered th<

youth, not following tho direction oftiio fiiiKiT." " I like yon'for a nice, ]K>litosort of guido in thin building, (imsnI'll fc'o Avlicro I want without your HB-

ttanci', my f;bod man.""You've potr a .hook,1* said tho por-

ter Bepulclmilly. • s

}IfocT""!trr6' yotfi'iK riii:iii, '" 1havo, and if it hadn'.twuelia, respeetaliUbinding oil it I'd liko to firu it nt yourhead.' There," and ho 1 undo a springupward, threo stops nt a time, followedby tht) ttnapiuR porter, who finally layprono on tho stono ntaircaso frauticnllyholding on to tlio- vanishing coatt;tilrt.

, VCouio,- back," ho plemk-d, now inplaintive tones, "coinu baok mid rendtho notice. You'll HUO I daren't let youpast* with that book. 'IMUiAo-niy plmif you'ro si-en with it. Do, Kir, pleacome back. '• . •

Thu notlcu irt to tho ifTrct that allbooks riirricil into tlio library nro toleft in tlio porter's charKo and called f:>rill cpiuing out. Tlio idta> in ti> pruveiit

readers walking oft with .books «f the*library. If without mw oomiug in andwith UHO Kniiitf out, it'n easy to.km>>\'.they're apprnpriijtiiifi library property;Befnro the making of tliin rulo IIUIIKT-OUH books wero removed, an it was liciteasy to accost n rentier "and demnndwhetlier or not a book in his possessionwart his own or "other pebjiln*H property.

".See here, "said tho ay grieved youth,shying \\\n-book onto tlin porter's titltte,

ders and yonr mysterious fuiss* H, layyour stupid uld linger on that piece ofpnstebonnl, will, yim,.nud. sayiitriiiidit.out, 'Head that \notire.' "—-Now YorkHernia ' '

An Intrn-olliiK lint llnrnnny Itrllr of ttieFrt-iu.: i '"vulullon.

An ' interesting h;;t uncanny rclir oftho French revolution Wu* discoveredamong tho paperH of an nutugmph col-lector in Berlin. It W;M culled tho"Blood List" uiiriL.cuMtiiiiiH th« name,Htauding nnd ngo of tho^o pernonsput todeath iu Paris bijtwecu March, 171)3,and Juno 22, 17IM. Tin ro worn 1,511In nil. On tho margin of tho puge.s op-.p)>situ each nanin aro a few remarks giv-ing tho rcuHniiri for tho death of tim par-ticular person, and a fow of hit* or hercharacteristics. Hero follow HOIIIU of thopassages from tho "Blood List," whichwas aftonvard publibhcd iu tho Alma-

nacli do Revolut ion: •' . ' •.April I0.-l>tliarinH Clt>rvt urn-ant, ln-ra

«lK'W|stMHj:u.kinn..-...."/_.:.. ., _ ' . . . _ .

IIi> hud wolil in it cafe tliat tli« ti:iti<iti <-on*UMof n lot of rai^plckt-rs, i-riinliKtin uucl thieve^;it wiiJi ii(Tfss:jry t« liavt* n Itlii^- ••

Xhv. ti.—Hmlvr, Hh'Hiniik'T, fnim lyjndoii, £Dyi-urn ul J , iMH-munVof Lin lnnl hcx>«.

I ) K . IL— Vhiiilriijry(T«if AiiiKtt-nUuut banktr;criimt i»f lilinM'lf.nml wm», rirlii*. '

Jan. I.— Vniii'licmiiuti',; rN-rt;yiiinii. 3)".vf,irjold; Jm li;ul tip-Htrx^liztbinrtxim Homo liliHH]uf IxmlHXY'fc.v% -;.'•'•• •-••-

Jun. 2.—L*ustinc\tl»' wtn, anol>Io y«itinff m'25 y<-nnt nM, whowiw mlnisttr plcnlixjtfiiltIn Ifa-rlin in lTHl.wh.-n> w-ry tm» lcv.il lih

Avril i:i.—Arthur Iiilluii. K'H*nd,«f »livi-.i<m,43 yi*jir» «»ltl, van known an "U»' luaiitiful Ar-thur" and \x;i* fiiriiiirty o fuvuritt* uf "thnconrt. - i* ^. _-. Ihv. 2t.—CiixriAliw AtLtni, widow Cmvniid,

fni ti, IJ^rlln.On-ttiO'litiU whnwere, however, miss-

ed, are also, a "y_ounjr artriee' nf tljtiltalinn flu-ater, (ir;in<lm;iis(m Ilursotte,and her 18-year-<»l'i joc;ltcy, llourlmrd;"01) cIurfrrniLMi, two of whom are over 71»

all ranks and statiuiis,If uiid U2 writers.—New York Tribnne. /

r Medical nutJioritieH^liiVvo in HIIIUOcases had reason •tt>/re^rt't too aetivoand energetic surgery in diseases of—tlionose and throaty. It has in a luimbcr ofinstanci'H apnt'ared that partinl or in-tiro "deafness Jms followed operations,mid compMu lo.-s nf the Konse of Kiuellin not uiit'oiuniru). Conservatism is gain-inK f,'rutni(l nmoiiK tlio in'Ht Hiir eoii}*,and palliative treatment it* ncommend-ed whenever there H'fin.s to be a chancothat it ini^ht liavu the dcsinil effect.Tho best (liKrturs know that theknifo isa pK)il nerv.int, but mi ex<t<Hidin ly badmastiT, and <'iily tlniH'"whnh« hkill and

lenient' aro likely to. \N\ faulty nro.willing to cut and slash on the.slight-est pretext.—Now York Ledger.

. ' Tin nt ffm <hic IHm-r4iirc.

['crbiqiH tin- 1M >t lmturcd and at thouc timii one of tlm wit,ti<-xt rejoinders

iu religious dis]iut(i was that maun byFather O'ljt'nry ti» un IrMi l'mtestant."I liavu no objection',1' nuid tho-hitter,

jil i n t h o m'TU> v. h l to ox

lt'V»*t h e y i k t * . t , iki i ; i : ^ p . l a

• '(if 'LiUir. Tin* rt vt.U'jin;;'vlif«'l layit linThe tn.ujjh whin in it turns and where they

'. thruw ' -Bkirfc iiHviit Xu 1n> rnwhiil lo II1I11 rich w.tv*

V.Tiich flllri thV lu-iii|hn UiNkttn 'nrath thepre»#, ' ' ''

WTien-, an the w r r w l c n w cml t

I IVRI* tlu- oozy hhlnlng trieUIP |iaw,'flu1 rirh rt'»"nrcl vt IMI mucli cam it::d toil,tijriubt)! of gruc*' mid itlndui*.*'—imviuuSoil.

—E. C. Tttwukkcnil in Ttinj!«' Uai


The rort U'M Vrry Carrrul IUIII Kutct *•, lo 111M Copy. _.-. iWhen OKked as to hiit biiRitic5H nc-

quaintaucuwith Oliver Weiiil^niohno?,Htniry,.Q1 IlpugJiton said that it l>efcn»"with the nr*t publieatiou of tho firstvolume of-Tlio Atlmitie^Iouthly, iu thoinitial number of which tlio "Autocrat

in November, 1837.^o^Hifi copy -waif always wrlttou oncommon whito letter paper in a elostrhnuit and*most cartfully prepared, withvery fo>rJnt*rlincations aud-tbcpo were,onlyimtriii uftor tho greatest delibcra-

"iion. tlu utici) to briny hirt n>py to theoflico himself ,iuid would attcrwnrdcomo and (;*-'t tlio jirooft*, which Im montcarefully .nnd paiu»takiiif;]>* corrected,frmiiu'iitly nuikiug adoi'tiounl chnnseaand .correction therein when a lino inculd typo ilid not exnctly suit him.

* 'Our firm did Hot print The Atlanticin thoHo'days. Wo oiily htereotyped thoplates, but never the less Wo worn broughtin contact with thu young pint lreqnent-ly. In fact, lio was iu tlio oflico everyfow daycl , ' \# j„ ,"JJo,.w»w.- tOry-"piurtK'ular • iibimt.. liiaoopyi'niid no cnVeful wan ho ns to detail Iand thu ttxnciuo&rof his facts bofuro let-Jtiup Vnntter go to press thut ho caujiiUs- Very littlo trouble, and when anyrtiiliB,'Av^'iKir-blaiiH» .Fio wiw far lviidiiiito assume tiio responsibility than to ecuKureiUliors. " ' ' .

***\l& was'iii- cwry 'why mio-of - thmo.it chanuing men 1 have ever (ciiown,of a very, ttniiguinu tempcraiiivnt, nlthough ocrasionally h:ul.aiul roiuiniscent. ,

"Ho 8aid to nii» not long ugn that hfelt "tliat ho wiw liviug in,iuTi>tlii<r »Kand generation, and tbiit-a!) the penplof liis time, with wlnnii Iu: had jived,Had gone and left Jiini:"—liostoii Herold. -; S \ \ ' - ' • '

••' "Man \VHh c'tir.lirntittrd Ilaiul.i '.

Tlio person wlio l)iH*ame fiunoun in thenniinh*'of America as "The Mnij Withthe, fJrandcd Hand" was a Captain Jimatlmn Walker. He wan born nt liarwick, Mnsn.V iii 1TUH, mid died nt LHarbor, Mich,, en April'20, ltSTH. Onu , ^ r q

seven Hluve.H.frfnn t|uv*1!>aHtnf

*nvi, in tho Uritihlii^imnlof }iv\v Provi•dence ...Wht'U-iiuly.aiihtirt .(listunco nutho wn.s overtaken, aud 'captured by tinsloop Ontherihe,- ami taken back to Id1;West. At that place, lie WUH kept in.jujuntil Jie could bti removed tol'envacolii".'. . i ^ j " o-iiijw'Tr'iUI •wu -KYvi>ih---"tK^w'aEeiiteuced to prinon and clmiiml by achain nud ring bolt. He wim kept forfctmtu timu imprisoned in tlmt iiiunncr,j i run t i f tho timo arrived to enrry out (further M:iiti!iici*, which rend IIH follows"Uno-hour in" thu pillory, poltcrl withunmerchantable egg»; oiio year iu prisonfor each KIIIVU stolen; J?ii00 in money foreach1 slnVe, and all costs, nud to bobranded upon thu right hnml with tlioift,terrt 'H. S.*(KIIIVU Htealer) by a red-hot brnnditig jron.'! .

Tliat \w lived through all this is: at-tested by tjio fnct thnt.it bus only been10 yearn ttiucu bindi'ittli.— St. Louis Kc-publio. .\

] Jopnii Ahrail «f Clilrin. \Japan, in spite of her mistakes. Rtituds

for light and civilization.- Her instiju

by Kuropesui. jnristsf ^are einiiil to th<best we knoW,"nnd'tlicy >»ro jui'tly tuVmiiiisteredJ Her punishments nro hu-mane, ..Her scientillc and Hiciologicnlideas are our own. .China stands for;larknesH nnd savagery. . Her scieiico ismlicrous superhtition; htr law in bar-

barous; her punishmentK'are. awful; heritie* am corruptitj'ti; her idcitlK uru

iBolntioii antl stagnation.In thousands of Yaiuens throughout

China liien nre.tortnretl tivrry day,- hunt;up by tho thumbs, forced to kneel ujumbains, beaten with heavy bamboos,Jieir ankles cracked, their limbs broken.livery weuk lrten ar*i publicly cru.c1tte.riaud hacked to death by I*iu "thutisandcuts." How is anybiiily toilcwiro tbn i

f^i^it/jf thu hWay of tlin' latter ruthtr:linu rh;it"ofjtb^ocJiier without nvow.-ing himself ^ partisan of '..Kivngi-ryi1—Contt'iniHtrnry Kuview. .

r<'V4rence, but only as u respectable,venerable'woman, just Mich a on0 art"my nwu. .mother.", "Htill," replinl(>*L< iirj% '-'you must allow there is some.difTen-iH-n lii thu children."— l'hiladel-

llolmr* niV Mnll«*y. {.liiOIey vaporized everything In hU

glowing crucible, but tht re was gold tittint bottom "f it. When I look at him,spreading tin; starry wingn of his fnnryover his c! 1:10tin pliilosupliy, ho pooms'Jiku n seraph hovering over tho uti-fathe.mablo chasm, whoso blackuefN i.ttbo ftliodoof denidiiit. — "Autocrat of tboJJreakfast Table."

*1 nm nnt JUIJIII whethali HIIU I(ivm muor not." sai(l Willie Wibbles.

"Havn you had nny eiicourngemcut?"V i d I h f l d h"Ve i< ,

yI am hifolimcd that

flhowefent tomo as 'it, ' junt HH HIIO dotsto her pot dug."—Washington Star.

NaiKilcon'h mother was a H(>iiiuu inn-trou Ixith in apiM-arain'd and by tljtjfoflinc-s of, iuT character. I*r*js|n*rity-liad no merit ili&zleii her timii bmlfor-

'ii'iitl in in jrMed' iiiio'ur.'buf 'her ciiilViren-IIIWhyH fuuiid her ready to lielj) themwith hrrprivajtit fortune. Whuti tlio tun1-,peror wan at Si.'Helena, his iiMitlmr senthim a full aecotint iit her furtuim andiH'ggcd him to dispose of whatever be-1oVige«i iu\'\wT™iin~t'>ii'vr wTiicli KajMileoirdid not accept.. Wlicii hoineboily putntt <1 out to her,ut tin1 tiuiti win ii bint thus oireii.it In rproperty toJur sun, that.stie was reduc-ing herM'lf to indigence iu this way,"What ilfji4*-'it matter?" HIU* iinswcnMl.".\Vlnii I shall have nothing more, 1 willtake my hfirk.'junl I will go about b« g-ging alm.s for Napoleon's HHJUHT..'1!—Meiit-val'H -'.Memoirs of Napoleon. "

Dante, iu bis maudlin h»vo of lien-trice, wiyn: "So (Miwcrful wiw tim Ppr-11of her pn wnn- tbnt 'I had.tonvoitl h*^From thinking of this-most graulouscrcnturo I bt-enmo foweak nnd lean thatit wart irknumo for my friends to look ut


I t Wa« In i:01> and WaL a ' r i c t a n a q a * MM*tietut.

In Jajiuurj-, 17!>J>, at tho town ofA(juilla, in tho Abrn/zo, then heldA garrison of 400 French troops, tbttpcasantH broko Into tho town, and,though they were driven put by thoFre.nch,-tht-y continued U) givo serioustrouble;; They even drove- thu 1'rcnchinto thn fort" nnd made ready to bom-bard thiimwithhtavyguiw. Tho French '\;vto in nn awkward jKt^itiou.

Bontert, tho officer of artillery, ran*gackiiighiH brainiifor thomcaiiH of Fcud-ing out men to Rpikok tlm guns on theglacic, under thu. firo of thu insurgentsfrom tho nciiKhtwring IIOUKCH, ftiddcnljremembered that lie had m r i in hhf/.mngoziuo somo suits of plate iiVnior, nndho proposed to tr>" wlit'tliiT, protected,by them, men could normally out nntfwork in Mcurily uinlcr tlio mu-nketrjfire. :Ho got together 12 complete guittand dressed out 12 guniicrtt and grcnadiers thtic, W'UVMJIK big men, IMJ it rb ''1uarkedr,"At1'ircerl:Viti'JKmf.TliVrgarrfsaj'*1*lined tho covcnMl wny, nnd from thenceTliHTfrofn tho fort aponcd a Hteady'flrtrof lmifkttryunduf nrtilleryon tbulinc*of thoiiisurgcnts. . •

TJien cut inarched tin* 12 knighta oftho eighteenth century, much in D»rvid's stnto of mind when ho complainedhe had, not proved bis* armor. Tnoirieocarried linnd>pikcs, hammers find bpikos.Moving . naturally Flowly and m f c ^ .wardly iu their heavy f-teol mail,'tttill'they succeeded in conlpletIng their work"under a bail of bullets from tlm insar-gents. The peentt is described, ns wecan well believe, to havo lieen most w-..murkabb/ nnd to bnve had mnnethingpictureKfuo nud.nlsci diabolical about it.

As~"tm» mailed iljiures moved'in si-Jcnco nmoiig tho gnnry their handbpjkoa .

thu HIOWHCSH uf-thidr iictioiiM scvuiai:uuunturnl iluVU r tln>>te'ad.v liail tif bnl-"li'tfi. Tho iu».nrg(;ht» wire: belicvrd aliWit thought iu'll it^i'If had sent forthtlietHi oxtrai>rdinu"ry Aritau*i>ni.stn,~p:hosta($ a pact age,1 while the Kn ucliou tlierranijiarts,'(rim to tluir nnture, tlio flrutmonient of.:: lixii[\'Hivrrr burst jutu'rnaniof 'hiughTcf.«rjiipii\H<*3lu^huis dt Ku-'po le i ih / ' • -. . ; - „


Whrro HIP I'lnnt ( i ron- »n.l Him I t Imlkrt-pitri'(l For ('on«uii>ptl"n; -

I31ack licorieo iij/niadt) from tho Juicoof tho licorice plant , mixed w i t h s t a r chto prevent It from mel t ing in hot wea th -er. Tho lieorico p l an t growH for thtr"nio.^t p a r t 1 011 tho banks of the T ig r i sand . ICuphntteH rlvorF, w h i c h Howthrough immense trcele.=.iprnirieH of on-cult ivated land. T h o c l imate of thusogreat piaiim is variable. Half thn y e a rit is mild and ploasuut, but for threenioutlirt i t is very cold, mid for thnxi .months, in Hiimnier hot WJIHIH svu ' tpacross, tho country, raising tlm tempera*

Atnr«'_to.Iftr*ieKr/«iH for uvolw-at.a tjmc.i ' T ^ n v ' j l H p l f t n t i V S ^ M ^ ^ * * h r ^feet liiuh nnd grown without cuUiva-tion iiw*«itiTntK)iiH-Avherir.itrt :*wt» canreach tho water. Tlio usual time of col-lecting In thoAvhiter, -but nnitH uro dugall tho year niiinil. At llrst tbo root iaiun>.Jot..wah!r..aud. J>uVf>t.lH^.u|jr^Ml to"dry; ii' pii&'ti' 'Whirlt taken riesrly~ayear. It iH then rut into HIUUH pitcen,.frouiKix.itichi's.'to a'Tot it l<mg. 'i'hogoodand Hound picren aro kept, and tho Tot-tcn OUCH iiro used for firewoml. TlufHo-orico iH tlien taken in luitlvd river boatsof"Ilassrirrt,"whenco it'iK' shipped, inpressed bales to London.

AH''tho valley of tho Kuphraten con-tained ono of the earliest civiti/atioudin tho world, it D* probablothat'Iicorlcoin uhotit tho oldest eoiifcetiou ex tan t,and that thn taste, which pleased nearlyall children today, wan familiar ti> thulittlo brown hoys and girls of U.'iliylonand Nineveh 11,000 yearn ago —Pittn1-burg Dispatch. • . /

Thr rovcrty of tlio llonupartvB.Home timo before thn death of. hi* fa-

tlitx (JuiitiuU MivtUuf.luuLmurritd^.iuiil^-tin* ptciin.hiry Mupplii'i to his U>y friend •

in after tlmt event I'J have stopped.e. de. .llmiliparte \va:v left with four

infant children, tho youn^i^t, Jcrtimo»hut.- .1 months old. Their* gr'eatuucle, .Lucien, tht) arelulearcit, wan kind, audJoseph, itbaiHlouing all MH ainbitiotiH,'returned to be, if pussibio, thu hupi>ortof the fnmily. Napoleciii'H jtoverty wastherefore no longer relative or imagina-ry, but' reul nnd hard. Drawing more '•closely than ever within himself^ ho bu«ciimo a Klill morn ardent rcmlurnnd t;tu-dent, devoting himself with an indus-try uM 11 to passion to thtt workn of itonfi-seuu, thn jMtisnii (if whoso political doc-trines instilled itself with fiery umlgrateful stingy into the thin, cold ItltKxIif tho unliappyc!idi;t. —I'rofiissorSloaitoiu Century. ";fi-'

<'«..Ti...-i.ii.- f"You uvrr," HU1<1 tin! black browwl

bandit, "that you are the celebratedaiitatriee, J\I.nn'. Hqmillkina. I'rovoit,

and'you. aro free. Neyur shall it l*t snidtlmt a Ciittuwt-f /auda would' olfe.r iu-diguity loan operaHojinuio. It isamiinstall thn tenets of the profession. V


nhked tin' captivf?. • • *"Uy singing,,i*f course. ""What?, ^ing in (his i-avt;? No- {iKiuets? Nikt team lu-at? And not a '

cent iu the box dfllee> Xiver!"

evident thut the lady is what t-lm c l a i m s:o be. Ksrort lu-r to the nrureftt villagtt 'and set her free."—liuli ; inapolis J o u r -unk. _ _v •

Tr...!,!... on I.) IIILHIT.-.U.A fewyearsago aboxenntainlngnvot

[)()0 «iiiiit'iis viis found under tho st6jlending into a bedroom in 'a Dub Hamuse. - . ,

It must have lain there nearly a con* '!uiy «iml wiw only" discovered on partif the floor being taken up during ru-;mirs. ' " ' -•'

Numbern of pinplo must hnvtr fro-[iieutly piiHNctl over tho Ktcp withonfcho re 1110tent luVu thut puch a Tuluub|object lay concealed unuVr It— London



Page 4: v i t L. LehmanDr. Robert H. Dnncnn IIIUI remove his oflliii from tho Oinam Uonso to th.) Kath' Uhildintr . . •: - - -1 Peter .Van ^Deventer, formerly en: ployed byHarrv Kuth as


TCICMOIM In the rrklog ob-mrmtorj, ftet Xnny Cl&borat* In4tra*SicnU of Ko Arfarrbt l'«>—Wonderful

Tbv.lBf£ta^> HIM SMp I* to Ot» tin At-Imtlm of l ib lacraded victim.

The prafssicstaj U-ggaria New Ypa&'n»rs Tariotrnluvtufc) to get a licartoftfar if bo <AJ oucb ftaiii lha attt-iitiau ofbis intended victim bo hrj takvu (befirst step tov.anl trccctss.

"Can you direct uio to Niuetictli

5 A f r a i v •,TOI3J' *-,'• ^

A'utllo wcrk, n littl<-r!ay.

A t t t t l F t n eCtf lont'a Ltfihtbttuis—and #0 cowlA iitllo {en to roalih the KircwOzcocfacUyV ^rutting—and u> good

run!A titllt) trust that wlxn iradtoHu n*p our «

A$o Taylor, Jte-jy Ouu»«S (vail ,AddyCuwwitsga, tho jurat (J wag nftor.,

"My first ideaura* {o ciastct -aitiit!u> oobJJo noil Lava' tbo plat* .pulled,(mil I Wrald have <]ouo tliu if I luul notlearned that a Bchemo had been pat upto turn off a savings book ia Newark.CnmmiDgs'iliid ToyJor had been a. weekin Newark pi anting tlio flaw. I Was


Goods railed-t>r and drlirawl icCrnnford. TiiesJnig and Friilayi or mavbe left at J U. Hummer's

Ceo. W. BakeryABOVEraiioiners inquality, quantity and







'- Be Cad Great DlOlcullr la Lranilaff ca-.. ' Bprak French.

. p a New Year's day, 17711, tbo Bornapartes arrived^ at Antun. For throemonths tuo young Napoleon was train-ed iu thu xaa of French, Prodigy a» howas, tho dilhcultles of that elegant nudpolished tnnguo Wero scarcely reached.

, I t was with a most iiuperfccjjjlfiiuwl-* 'Odgo of .heirlanguiigo n n d a sadly do-

' fectivo pronunciation Hint hy mado liis. - appearance nmoug Ids future school.

" ruatea at Driouiie. Thero werp 1.10 ofthem, although tho arrangement and

— .-theory of tho institution had contem-plated only 120_uf whom half wero tobo foundationers. TJio instructors weroMinim priest", and Iho lifii was as se-vere ns . i t could bu ma<lo with such a.clientago under half educated and in-experienced monks. In fcpitoof all ef-forts to tho contrary,-however, thu placehud an air of elegance. Thero wasa cer-tain schoollmy display, proportionate to

•tho pocket money of tho young noblea•and a very, keen discriiniimtioii nmoiigtin myelves an to rank, social quality•mil relative iiupnrt.iuco. Tho.-o familiarwitli-tlnr rnthlessnws'of 'lioys"iri tlitri.itment of one another <':in easily'c

ii' nroiucri'whitff* uobiliry'wtis unknown.mil unrecognized iu Frninv, and who.-nim ins were of the Rcmitlest.. . ^

It iippearii Hint the jnuriicy-froiii Cor-MI.i through Florewxi and ,M;irseiHenInd already wrought a marvelousin ihoboy. NiijnileoirHtiinnhvr.fidi-.crilicd his jmpll its having broughtv i t h him a HiU-r, thoughtful Character.He played with no imo and tuuk Jiixv ilks nloiie. Bnt ho win apt nud vainof his. nptitnile. In -three.-months ho



Tbey WcarJ^DlAiDonila Btania Thrjr Im.prove Tbilr l*pporliuUtl«t-Umar of theWall Street Alrrcurlea !••••> Aem< I

leinied tjie.riiiliiueiits of I''n:ni")i, to usecommon pIiniKes \vith HIHIHJ llueiioy, andto writo.easy exirreises. ••

TbelKiysof Autnn.says Alil/e C'bardon,, on (jiuj^occaiiiim liroiigbt tho H\y^pin^

<)i irfteof cowardice agniiist nil tiibaljit*twin of ('om<wiu order to exasperate

' him ,: ,','.I.f,,,tiicy l);|i.l(,.ln.'/;'i .hnt-fuur.4uone, '-'•wns'tho calnirphlegnmtio answerof the JO-yif.r-olil boV,' "they wouldHI u r have taken I'oriiira, liut'when theyw i n 10 to 1"— ,"Uiit you had a lino

" Kiural—:Pnpft,v' interrupt<!i'l. tlul. iiaf-Tiltor. ".YeN, hire, *'AVIW the Veply, ut-t<ridwitiian air of diKcoutent mid intho > ery iinibudiineut. of hinbition.'-"I

.would iiniehiikiitiiemnlato him." Tim<1< -criptiou' of the untamed faun asho then .appeared in not flattering—hit*complexion Hallow, his' hair KtifT, bisfjguro.hiigbt, his expr(;ssion InsterleKS,hiH manjil.T inslgnifleuut. Moreover, he«|Kike brolieiijt'reneb'wilban Italian .ac-cent. ' . . • . • _ . •

Uuring liis ROII'H preparatoty fltuilics atAiituu the fi'thrr luul liein Imsy-nt Ver-h.ullra with "further "Mipjdi'cationn,"ainoiiK tluiiu/>•«!• fiir.ii su[iplemout fromtlie royal piirse to bis seaiity p;iy as dele-gate, tbe other, f r the speedy i;i!ftleuinnt<jf bin now-uiitoriouKclaim. Tim forniiTof tbo two was granted not merely tnM. de iiouajuirle, but to hisitw.i col-

liaKins, in _yif\v.nf..tk'.i_l!excolleut JJU^li.i\ior"—otherwise subserviencyr-oftho X'cmit'iin-,<lylytfation i^t/y

"Of conrso you know tboso chaps donot livo on their salaries," said a Walll!rrct hrokcr a few days ago, pointingto one of thbso speedy messengers thataro seen dally just befom the close (iftho exchange, (lying frantically alongtho street.. ' . .-

,"Ju#t hotico tho next ono thnt conie:nlong," tho broker continued, "It is IX\to 1 tlmt he wears diamonds. If ho Cova'Ijof, Jie is ign'ornnt of..tho businc.-1.*. '.V..

At that moment olio of thu "niessen-fccrSi "having performed his speedy andmercurial duty, pawed by tin his wayhad: to tbo nfllre. Sure enough, on thuhand with which ho mopped his-per-spiring face t)um? glistened if two'caratdiamond. •" ._ ' .

•-"".tt'ii easyenough;.'""said" the brokerphilosophically, "and itcannot bpjiejp-"ed.' Many of tncsu messengers aro 'con-fidential'^-that in; in tho hurry of .tlioclosing niomeuts of the* exchange theyreceive orders of tlio most imjiortant na-turo that aro simply written on an opesheet of paper. Many of thesti mcx-eigen* nrofrngal nud quick witted fellow.1

who are ready to lake ndvantago, of opportunities us quick ns a Hash. So fans I ktiow, they do nothing nbsolutel,dishouest, although in many cases sue


En you 4 __With yon»''oinre orlM aivinc,'1-.

In the moauM and gnmHi clyHlaa, ' ^I connurtMTwltb "tbo nine.*' "*""

UndcVnMith'thn Mapplu hickory ""'In tbtt wufxllond would I'wruo '

Clio or tho gay TerjxrichoruOr tho mrcvt Eratu Hao. . . ''

' Then Cblllojio upon me ,_— Out tbo glimmer of her look, >

Or wan It Euterpo won mo1 .-.With hi-r nrmibi liko'a brook?Oraru or gay. niy heart <*mt!o r

Htfonied an cat-h begnllul ihy view*But it'ei ceaHLil Ut bo KO plan'tic

Since I pnt my rye* un you.

Bo nut marblo to tho tender' . .Pmtt-titationi* tlmt you hvnr.

Let a "yen" Ii; soft nurrcnder

It in modeaty tluit mnotliers.How n "no" luy'brca.st would brulset

I'll i;«» lurk'on lilt the uthers . 'It you'J only bo my muwj. *

—llarry Ti'Iouzu In Detroit Frco Puss.

ixileun's ap| ointment finally arrived,l j f h set out t<iTpiacn'. liis son.

l i l b V l i lwith a proper liuttlt inho. had no diflieulty ill-fsecuriiiff Huf-firiviit hiiuiey til njii't bis iiumediiito

n tliinir would lie possible."Very often when they nro jfiven or-

dera to rouvoy to brokers they digesl.them thoroughly, debate tho chances o!snccei'.s nnd net nccordiUKly. If thethink thi.M>rder,. i) j-«)(l ouo they rnsiujRund.,ta i&iuvAaukut .iltoiiitml-buy" oisell, iieooidint,' to thu tenor of tho order.'I'hnt is wliy tliey wear ilinniimdi. . Itnil t-asyItliiiift for a mensenKcr fiir'a firmlike that, of Connor &; Co. or CammacI:to iunko ntonoy/ All they have to do ito follow their opportunities. Go Qveto the Consolidated Exchange, and yonWill soo them." -'-}••'; ••-.-• ••. - ' ] "

Tlio broker was^right.' Whilo thebulls wero liellowiiiR and tho lamwere blentinp; around tho bif» rnilinj;two or threo iuesseut;ers.who hapjieuecto havo uothiiiK particular to do wcruliaiiKiiiK anijjnd watching tho marketwith TayiTish anxiety. I*retty soon tlieywere ro-enforced by a new nrrival. IUrurdicd up to tho railing :tnd hhoutei!frantically to a young liroker oil tinlli»iruwhom I hnjipcncd to know. Awhinp'ercd coimultiitinh. took'phiee, am'then the broker dived into tliu meleeand be^au io biiVon n Ktovk until hocured tlio proper amount, when heumerfted lluKh iCnd iiersjiirinif.

"It's pmtty hot work in there, isn'thi'.'. JLiWkiicL

l tdiould «ny it wns,T' lio replied,

you tho order a few minutes ngo?" I iu-ijuired, - .-; • - .-••.'-• "

"iio's n_chap/hnt:_works:for.tho firmof —— & Co.," was tho reply. "He'sa shrewd boy, too, and it is seldom that

iwt forthcoming,"—i*rofeHwor sioanu's**I/ife of Napillcun" iu (,'entury.. "

Tlit* Tymnt l-iitnti*.ilrs. liorer.l'vlilently indorses Marion

ilarlund's view of the "tyrant potato."Kij< the former: "Life in too short tobo hjn nt in iliui'.-tlnj,' iiotati»'s. I iftiver,e it tin in in imy form. You. iniKlit asNoll juit pieces <if mica into your stmn-nch in (111 it with .Sn'rutiifiu chijm.'" Itis undoubtedly true tlmt in inim.y house-luilili iinwada.vs the potato liitlii.t in muchles^em-d. Tiln'e win whull piitatoert friedfor breakfast, bnki'd for luiieheoii nndm.i hcd or plain boiled for Tiinmrwnstho IdKicnl. <-onri.o of table events in al-most i very well regulated family. Thebreakfast re-real J™ jiractienlly banish-

j y«d It from tho first meal of ..tho\H wftcu. nUseiit.{roiullio l


day, itlmaril;

and it is really only at dinner that it isapt to bo in jierennial evidence. Adihh of boile<l rice or snnip or bakedhominy will bo fotmd an oxcellent Bub-stltnUi for tho berated Irish tuber, which,whilo not perhajiH guilty of all tho in-<ll< tmeuts aguiiiKt it, mlglit well IHI rel-CKJt'il to au oeeiuMonal rather tluui nnoverLmting' appcarunm.—-Now YorkTillHB. 0 . . ' • . " ' " .

> . . Uradarhm From Kyp Hlralo.Among thVrnio t exquisite of turtures

aro hcndnchcH that -proceed fr'tim over-taxing the eyes. Muoh of this trouble is<luu to imperfect curvature of tho cornea.However slight this iiupoifi ctiou innybe, thu pain from tho strain is intense.Thpinuscles IKTOIIIO soru ami irritable,and the rou.xtaut tvnsimi is likely tocriiato chronic allmuntJtTif thtt nervoussystem. Kyo strain nnd^ntreiuo irrita-liillty ef temper are frequently associat-ed. It is often tlie caw thnt the eve*aro not luisjH-ctcd as n fausoof headneho,l«it the jirojier glasses give relief atonco.—New York Ledger.

: A Kin.I (llrl.

.;- ..''fl'yfl.jtflisijt-tuiy TvatllTprdi'if. jiciw'-ijer?" Bho n*i;eU tho .druggist in n wills'

"Any—what? K r — b i ^ j ^•, . "WatcriniHif Jiowdw."' I'lusuro iiii la

Roiug to |irup<k«i this evening,; and I'vo.|tot to refuse him, and if I shed n few

"twafB-ifwlH-ljo'WisIef f')r'tiioiii)iirhoy."—Indianapoiix Journnl., /

Lonis Na|x>lei)n WOK taken prisonerby tho Prussians Kept. '1, ltsTl), and lmprlKoned in a (lermiin castlu until 'hnolese i'f the war. Ho was then ol'.otycilto depart, aiid, tyiluir / i bop his T - P s i ^ n i i t H r T i i J ^ . y w l t o uhe lived qubtly until bin death, Jan. i>-1873. ••;,.

Tho Biff Sandy,' in Kentucky, took ItsK l l h f l

y,g niuno from ltH.iuuul bars. Tho

Indiana' culled it tbo Clmtterol, mean-ton "tho gaudy rlrer."

Jitt fa. m n | « n t""""Perimps hu has exceptional oppor-tunities, '!.I Huggested.,

"I suppose that is it. It's no businessof milic,. though.. Ilo has on accountwith , me, and it is never overdrawn.In fact, it Is constantly increasing. Igot my start in tbo sanio way, and, infact, a great percentage, of the. brokersin thu street went oueo messengerri ofone kind or another."

1 risked an old broker who had growngray in the jitreut what lie knew aboutspeeulatioii aiiioug niesseugerH, Ho said:"It liiia increasinl wonderfully duringthe last ten years. Intbeolddays, whenspeculation wan heavier, it tiMik far lessto swny thu market than now. Thentlio messengers speculated at their, ownperil. -The turns anil changes were farmoro quick and decided, and it was nnnlmoBt Rnro thing thnrthiV'i.'lnair(iiH:cu-,'lator would be wiped out in a day orso. Not half so many men aro living byspeculation in Wall street as formerly,and many of those who dabble in thostreet do BO merely for tho , fun of it.Consequently they do not guard theirtips ax closely as in former yearn.

"Not long ago I went iuto Delmoni-oo's for dinner, and eat dawn lit a tableopposite a young man whom "I rccog-nizeiHas a messenger fora prominentWall'stret't Bpecnlator. I would bo will-ing to take an oath that bis salary is notover $ir> a. week. Yet thoro ho sat, withdiamonds on liis lingers and in his shirtfront, eating pato'du foie gras us thoughho bad lived uixui it all his life. I sup.pose he had imido a lucky stroke onHomo tip which bis employer had Fentto his broker, and which ho had takenadvantage of."

Most of the Wall street brokers seemto regard this sort of simulation mm.iigthe messengers ns "smart" utul legiti-mato. Tliero aro sover'al larg^Jiucketshops along Ilroad street wliiyli an- r«-uortiil to by niessengerH of low degreewho havo "tips," but no money to

'.:ittubmo. ot;tisiteiibucketabbl'n yon can make n deal with if 10.Most of thciii, however, will not touch

:" ' Tlicr6'l«n"oiiK«»i'iiKiTiii)rculatleii inth|s.plaoe," said Mr. Hvnry Clews. "1liiiS-o never yet seen a mi sciiijer.AvJiii•&ulU''nmiHr'itr'"S5omo'of "them, havecome in hero with orders from n putablelinns, which have been honored by me,but I would not allow any messengeremployed on tho street to open mi account with this firm, you can dcix-mlniHin it. In fact, I do not believe allthese stories about messenger si>ecula-tiuii."' .Siveral of tho inesscii^Vr tri'jp deal

with up (own bucket shop* in order tokocp their aituationii iu \Vull street.Altogether tho buniuess is a very Inter-ertini; one, nnd to many of those, bavlngInside Infonnation it is vastly profit-•bio.—Now Yurk Herald.

A COQUETTE."I cannot marry my cousin," «aid

Alb);rt to hi j gran.dujothci-i.. ;.'.'-It is.iuipossiblo. Ikuow thu paiii I givo you in

1 ing this declaration, .b.u.c.nevcrthu<less if- you wish Theresq and I to hohappy 3-duj5'jll not insist. -You knowThcrese, toU liinch of a coquette, .justurn-to bit marriageable! Slio is 20 years

old, I nm '88. Wo can lK)th afford towait" ^ ,

"Oneo you havo married her sho willreform." - •

"I .'fear" otherwise JTheroso is n co-quette.' Sho will always bo a'coquette.Marriago will oniy stiiunlato her cofjuet-tish instinct" . . ,

"But slio iifiii lovo with you, and youaro in lovi) with her, aro you not? Eachof you has confided in iue.~ Lovo willbring moro'wisdom to her." ;

"With lovo on ouosidb aiidthodo-siro to flirt on tho other, "said Albert.-'.'Wlth'-loro--and- tho 'deriro'iro'boNvcirdressed nnd to appear fascinating andbowi telling. I think no wunian can re-sist." • • • .- -

"What; havo you 'against her?" iiiBiat-cd'her grandmother.

What havo I against her? Caprice!Loyoof display! Lovu of lino dresses,jowelry, adoniment. "Lovo of udulatidnand flattery, wliich givu mu a cold shud-dtr down tho back."

~*'You nre too jealous!" ."Say rather too reasoimlilo. Now that

I'm a full fledged lawyer I 'hnvo bo-gun life iu eaniCHt. I havn learned Iuluy profession 'tOMciiow traifd of 'humanuutnro that I counot now mistake. Iliavo learned tho secrets of deductionsand betrayul.s and tluiro is nothing.likutho misfortunes of other's to tcacli ouo tobo on one's guard. Thercforo I willnotinarry'niy cousin. I will wni^ awhile.Later, ulicu she has been IIKIVI-II, andwkeu I know that, olio luves mu us Iwish to bu loved, then I shall lmikoupluy mind, bnt not before!",.'..'.Wltnf ti-st ila^ca ask-for?'Alemand'-

an amiable rallo oh her lips, when shesuddenly rccosr.ize<l Theresa , J

"Gracloua! Is t you?;*r'sho crljjd."Yott Lavp changed yourself complete-ly. Your hair has been dyed from dorkto gold! Aro you going to tho ball intbnt lnetamtirplKwia?"

"Assuredly I am. I think I lookcharming. You shall see what a snecesaIshallinnkolV,'

"But suppnso you do not," suggestedher grandmother. ' ' ;

''What dlfferencoVdulrt'iit mako? Iwanted to satisfy my whim. Besides thocolor of my hair was a littlo faded, Ithought, nnd in this gqldeji tint therois a suggestion of gayoty which pleasesluo imiiii'iiBcly." '; Mine, do Vcrsao only keiit on shak-

ing b'or head slowly,"Tako care, t,ako care, iny child," slio

rcjwatod..Albert waited for Thereso and his

grandmother at, tho threshold of thoballroom. Hu was in hope that^aftcrtalking with tho old lady Theresowould hpriear' dressed with simplicityand taste,' without tho brillianca hoCousiiTered'vntgar, ami triumphant sim-ply ili her youth and loveliness,. -But- when 'hireangliiriiight of herleaning oh his gnindmother's arm, withher Hair dyed, and1 in n rich, showytoilet that would havo been more suit-ablo for ii^ycaltliy young married wpniran,' his faco dnrkened under a blush.:. r"tlood evening, my cousin," ho said"to \wt coldlj'. -. . •

And after "a.feiv words of greerinShud liem exchimged ho moved away andlost himself iu the crowd.

Miuo. dp Versno pressed tho girl'sarm; and in a low voico said to her:; ._ "Was I right? Did you not seo lion'.Bhocked Albert was with your frivol-ity?" ., , "I don't think no, grandmother. Howill come back nud ask mu to douce.

But dnring tho wholo courso of thuevcuing thd'littlo coqnettu Haw n<otJu^omnhi.- .H» HveidwHrcr.™tho whirling crowd of dancers broughther within liis neighborhood, ho movedaway. Ho danced a great deal, flo wascharming nud ompresscd to nil herfriends nud with . nil" tho girls at thoball who wcro npt overdressed aud hudnot coiuo thoro inoroly to show them-nclvrs o(T.;. HbMlirted with some nnd satout with, others. Ho was delightful toall; ; • . . '

Thcrese^of bonrso,noticed all this, and


Goodi called for and delivered inCraafflhl, Tuesdays and Fridays or may-'be left nt J. C. Hummer's .:

Gcb. W. Baiter.



K. J.


CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS,87 BnoafJ 5!reel, Elizabelh.

tbu graudmotbur.

aiiy-rihoroiiue.s'ti6iis;Jf~ ;"'"''% '"~It was tlio evo of a ball whom ho was

•.^nect-Thcn-so'..that Albert had thisconversation with Muie. do Versac.

Thereso was an orphan. • Sho livedwith her graiidliiothcr and was nilored

affected on her side an unnatural gayetythat was- iatcuded (o show how muchsho could enjoy herself oven when Al-bert w«s not by her.side. ' •

In her lic-irt she was sad. Slio left thohall early, saying she was tired and hada heanchc. Tito young coqnette. undur-stobd tliu lesson her cousin wanted toteach her. .

And as tlio days passed away a changebegan to bo noticeable in her toilets nudfinally in. tho color of her hair. Tho tintgrew Bofternild began graduallytogivoway ugnin tb tho natural color.

Was itithu effect,<!L!(i*B-ihxcivod mul-'of "n lost lover? ..Thercsb had sacrificed

A C I D '. ' '-. '•-

: SURiZEVOR.Room 334, Central B

Corrier Liberty and'West Streets,


TAXXKHY 111 ILDINO, ..."••-,

•J' -- El lz i lbet l^S. J .

OfriiE H'ouns-fc'M to HiH A. 31.


Cmcr««foM of- Fratu'aa Itadian MortAr.

Tho uolso mado by an Indian womanpounding corn in a rock mortar enabledtho bravo old fighter, Colonel BenjaminChurch, to 'fieenrp tho person of Anna-wan, tho right hand man of King Philip,in. JO70, Thero ishardlya town in-SHnded in tho iNipmnocountry but hasono or moro of 'theso crude mills of thored mou. Graf ton or Haranamiscoholds an iininpuse^ one on tho borders, ofKitville, not fur from tho last settle-

A B O A ^ E j a U others in quality, qiikniity and assorttnent

B E L O W a X o t b e r s in prices, / ' • ".•...-'-

BROEKEFir& GO., —COIl''I?1

ne ^ ' loa^jiwlT trade, uialing frit-mis'wliostay fprpver. •

. , Parv OU l i re Whiskey,: Gin,/Kuemmol, "jnrnaica Itanl,

Apple J ae t , Bitters, Etc., E t c . / . . . . . . . . . . v . . .aoo. jicr f,t.'

FTne Old California 8 French Brandyf6r,farn|lj(or nierjfcai use

I\)iri or Sl trry Wine, 6 l , *1.SO, and 63 per giillpii;' '

bek Biturs and Wild p«errj ' IJruntly, COc. por bottio.

Importol Cordials, Champagnes, Rhino and French ?;,,„

Price:ii^---mmp7fft,tftmo/free.'o}iaj)jilicaiiott./'':' "'•' *


Elizabeth Av^; & 7th St. Elizabeth»JL* AT T H E

County Roail

o u o t y ..•• Hotel,GARWOOD, M. U.

CranforJ and Weslfield The finest public lionse ou theAnSominoaiitions for perumnent nud transient gnests



crficedlier-g(dden Ijnir and,her. tauggejuted

;ffivaiseA^Slio-Vas»Rrtdnal!y beconiiri'j*tbo excellent little manager that moral-ists lovo to.praisa .' : — •..*.—..«--- Sho read good books, Blip knitted, Bho

did pmbroidiry work and engaged insuch reasonable conversation with tho

,vas a commaniand overyLy gave K ™ ^ L^^IZ?*?-in to her.

everybody gave ^ 7 " ^ n i K ' " t r T ^ S p p y

ho conversation nud waited till hercousin had left. Then shu came in toher graiidniother, humming airs fromtho opera, aud spread out on the oldlady's lap a mass of red roses sho hadbought earlier hi tlio afternoon nt thuflurjst's."

"Yonwill not refuse me, grnndmoth->r!" she said. "Wo nro to go to hearThais' thin weei at thoi opera. Tomor-[iw, witli Lcouide, my compain'on, 1

MU going down to tho Bonlovardllnusij;iuannK>'rr}r'8ii"iiiy"ui)W cfrosi"

"You won't forget tho ball tho dayHer tomorrow?"""

"Certainly not. On tho contrary, Iia.vo been thinking of it a great dealid havo a surprise in store for you. 1

ilmll look so-pretty that you will not•ccogulzo your littlo Thereso." .

"Somo new littlo coquetry?" - -•'-. "E»actly. Somo new littlo coquetry,"

vplicd Therrao lightly, "and why not?It talong* to my age, in kooping withmy poditiou, and almost a part of myeducation. Am I to huvu only ono dress,only ouo way of-doing, my hair, oulynuo Bort of juwolry to wear? Whatwould yon think of wo if I wcro likothat?" ,_—

"Oh I I always innko Clauses for you.•mm on your side. Dut—but how about

lthers, for thero aro others? How nboutMbert, for iustnnco?"

"Albert?.- Ilo loves iiie.i Ho should!iiuk all I do good aud beautiful."

''Aro you surv of that?"//"Why sliould he blame a flirt? It is

tot for mo to niuko sacrifices for him.lo is paying court to me,' and payingourt toa^girl involves letting.hor havoighor linyo

V y iu "all "things; Ho plajiiis part I play mine. I am u nirt and

ihall always remain line. But wait till

are nut pi\iud of inel""I f "

p"IJo .carefnl,"

mothijr; ^O i l i

returned tho grond-i l l 'j ; ^tb coiiietry.^villiuiiiyuu.,,.

On iliii day of the ball just at thomur when tho festivitie.i wcro to'beglnyoung girl iu a lovely whito dress and

ivilh Koldeii hair walkeil with Leouidointo tho graiidiuother'B room. . '

A IIIIUM of roses nodded their hoadsgracefully at her waist, and tho white-

esi) of her imitehleiw shoulders was 60mm that it uliiio.it reflected tho goldenihinuner of her buir.

Tbo yomitf face was all smiles andlappiuuu, and thn Unlit of frivolity anduqni'try flatbed from thu large, veiledlye*. . .

Mine. f,o Venue, lout in amazemont,lUnucvd to erw-'t her pretty viaitor wiih

Tlio best thiughu could do wasnnd seo her. Ilo would see no moro gold-en hnir mill no moro exaggerated nndshowy costumes. Ilo would llnd n girlwho hnd sacrificed her coijiiotry to herlove, and :i girl who was ready to lovohim with all her heart.

She also said in her letter that if this,wero tlio test he hild wished to put th«girl to sho had como through it victori-ously.... Albert did not'watted Wtbfd'twiceTHo hud nover forgotten his lnvo for her,and ho .enmo to JIuie. do Versno witliconfidence and joy. When ho enteredtho room, ho saw Thorese.

Sho rows to meet him lovingly, withher hands outstretohed. Sho let her headfall with a inurniur-of pleasure on hisshoulder, and ns ho put his arm nronudhdr VnppIo'Xvaist ho pressed a lovingkiss on her. parted lips.

"Albert!""Therescl""You still lovo mo?" sho whispered."Yes,.I lovo youl 1 lovo you moro

than over, more thau formerly, becauseyour love-fur mo is stronger • than yourcoquetry. Now I hnvo confidence in you.You wero protty, very pretty, with yonr

• fltio dark hnir. Iu order to movo withtho fashion nnd to satisfy your coquet-tish fancy you mado your hnir golden.From that moment I have kept awayfrom you, Now thnt you hnvo becomeyourself again I givo you back myheart. I lovo you moro than over. Whonyour hnir turns golden again, I shall'know that you no longer lovo mo."

"It never wil l / 'eho cried, w;• s i o n , . - • • ; . . ? . . : . - " • ; ' ! Y . . . ; : . U - v ' : . : . : -'.• ;.-:'-X^^'

'"Novor?"-ho asked iu n low voice.''Never!"

inent of that tribo Hud near the battlefield on Keith hill, where Philip's men ;camo to grief. Thero weru certain places •resorted to by thu Indians for growingtheir com, uiiil as far ns my knowledgeextends they wero usually on tho hiLsides.

Somo of tho small mortars "have nodoubt been removed from their originalplaces, hut others remain wbcru theywcro used, fixed ns tho enduring hill*The soapstone vessels used"by""tho' Nip-mucs are of various sizes and have beennumorqusly fouml_in.MUIbujyland^ani

"foil". "Along tlio Htfcnins, iii clefts of rocliand on tlu^highest ji<)iuft,cClauil-they--.liaVttbeen -uiieiii'thed^TnTUiy^broiiciva^^^• others in perfect condition. I havouiiinl ono which lies in thcr'Nvcsteru partof Millbury,weighingperliap's tb ponndsand within OU rods of Kauishoru strcanLAll that in known of its history is thai.tho ocicTipnttts .ofVeratiousused it as a watering1 trough forhens.—Worcester Gazette.

T AJfl". ''"VSPO? "9XP?..!J\n.ijk>r»<nk~rer tho liinjurl ty or 'womankind.

Two years later Thereso was to bo«eeu driving daily in tbo BOIH withnmaHH Of'gbbleii" lidir oiV'Yiio top'of herhead. 'But Albert was uot by her eidol

F th F h—From tho French.

Blnhop Wilmer of Louisiana onco hada talk with a iiaptlst minister, who in-ulsted that thero wcro several places intho Biblu where--humorritotrwas unqucs*tlonnbly referred to. "Yci«,"repliedUiobishop. "I recall two such instanced,whero them can bo no doubt ns to themode Ono in where Pharaoh nnd hishint wcrfl liuiiiersod in tho soa and thoother where, tho Uadarcna pigs werodrowned iu tho deep. "—Ban FranciscoArgonaut

; . lllrani rowera'.lUrthpIace...As beautiful in its fcmall way as uny

foreign ruin is tlio birthplace of HiramPowers, America's first great sculptor.Uiiliko^tlio relics of- prehistoric America, it is a "civilized ruin, ".which showsthat yming America is'growing old.Nestling amiuif," tho verdant bills ofWoodstock, Vt., a ruined foundationand a great chimney, overgrown withwild grape vines, which have nlso climb-id to tlfu top of tho old balsam trco thatonco nhndeil tho homestead doorway,mark thositoof "tho ohlHiram Powersplace," It overlooks ono of Vermont'smost fertilo vulloys iihd tho windingOttaqucechee, ou tho other side of which

-thu iniagiimtivogenrns of tlio boy" Pow-ers was wont to seo tho whito and glis-tening form of a beautiful Woman, whichho repeatedly tried to rench and whichiu lator years ho materialized in his"Greek Hlavo."—.Boston Common-wealth. . • • • " .

Michael Ansclo,Michael Angela was equally great aa

painter, sculptor and architect In or-der to paint figures properly ho devoted13 years to tho stndy of anatomy alone.His monument to Popo Julius II wasou BO grand a scolo that tho Church ofSt. Peter in Ronio was altered with nviow to affording n suitable place for itsreception. Tlio tomb was afterwardmodified iu plan and plncod in anotherchurch. liis "Last judgmont" requir-ed sov^n years to oxecntoandwas finish-ed wh'jn tho artist wns nearly 68. Afow weeks boforo his death tho agedartist was met ono dny in tho streetwnlkiug through tho' snow with greatdifficulty. When naked where ho wasgoing, ho replied, "To school to tryand learn something." "*v • •

...• .-• -. The- *;hU<II«l» Vo ,

A good story is told of Signer Foli,the fnmons basso. .Oiico>tipon a time lie

\ i ^ T h ^ f 1 ^ h k«.\nBi,"K.^Th^if^.^whi»ti»<ik»f!.;i'voico -fruin i>6me\viicro ill tbosrhlls

suddenly piped in and attempted to or-gnnlzo nn impromptu "duet TJnfurta-natelytlio'nfxriiiiO'of' 'tlie'songSviisT"Hark! What sound is thaf whichbreaks upon mine ear?" Thin HO tickledtho fancy of thu great vocalist that hebnrst,jiiti!_n hearty fit of laughter andleft tho platform, followed by tho pi-anist. Twice they camo back and at-tempted tho song, and finally they hodto give it tip in despair, much to thoammemont of tho audiencc.

:t'A Georgia LOT* Hcrne."(ioodby, Jim—bo good.""So long. Sue—keep peart""Oh, Jim I""I hears you.'*"Write mo a lottcr through tho post-

office, Jim I'/—Atlanta Constitution.

^ WHIPPLE & SOW, -*•'. " ' . . : -DEALERS IN : . . . • . .. ."

Hew M M PennsylYania Bluestonei_ lines. Flasgins laid; Cnrb and Gutters net.

All fan.!* of Stone Work <lqne by experienced Svorkmen.T 1 "? <1«-oiin<t K l o n c i'arci in t l io Mtniu.

YARD Ho. SOI East Crand Street, ELIZABETH, Now Jersey.&t=atori««ftil] r given for work Intwecn Jersey City nnd £ustonAgent, H. S. BACHMAN, Rosolle, N. J.


Fine l ^ j ^ c e r i e s LUMjfiR MB COAL,-

Gin- it a trial.

Opera HOQSG Block.« t ta post OffiRt CraafordvU. j .


No. 150 North AiCTJac,

EdgarS. Ells,Real Estate & Insurance

3. Opera House Block.

Geo. H. Bruce,

Attorney & Ctoslsr at lawPruttor om{ Adiuvs:ir en J


' ji.1T itonE »

38 Park Row. Patter Buildinp,

NEW TORK cnr.Attoraey A Cammmtmr at

C A. Smith & Co.,

Doors nnd riouldlng;.

Liine Plaster, Canada


- A T -

J. C. Htimnier & Sons,Miller Block.

'"Every article mentioned

packed this season and sold

under a guarantee I ; -,

S. & W. Tomatoes. .Standard Early Jnne nnd Hamburg PensThistle Braud Corn.C . .

^ and «imiidnBO Benns.'Itii-lmrdHon & Hobbin's Potteil jlents.Eagle, Tip Ton. Miignoliu, DniHy, Con-

deijse<l Milk». . . ' . . - . , •-.,- ••..•.•-Hi-inze's Ketcnj), Sauces and Pickles.New Vermont Jliiple Syrup,libynl, Cleveland's and Davis Unking

PowdersStar nnd GoTniubin brands Lobeter nnd


Seal of Palermo Cigars 5 Cents,Equal In flavor anil koquct tonny Ilk', clgnr.




A.&F. CLARK,D(-aI<ni In

BLUBSTOWB.Fins StonPfl Laid and Curb Stones Set.

Mantels, Hearths, Sills and Steps.Eut Broad St. Elluliatli, K. J,

J. WATERSON,Carpenter & Builder,


-••: •Opera.HousevBIrick-;^'-

eks- KHOIM, Butts. Screws, Nails o •;-


Harnesses Horse GoodsBoots, Shoes. Rubbers.William* & Clark's Fertilizers.

Cattlt nJ Pitfcj IWi M?«3 tail.

55-157 Main St Rahway, N. J.

(ttncral Hardware for Stile,:At Itt-aeonnhlC' Prices.


M O U L D I N G S . .rScroll-Sawing and Turning.

Doors and Panel Work

21STEINER PLHCN o r t h F>laln!?lold, N.ti