v i '9' i a - university of hawaii...ift i i f v i '9'; jii a. i i f j ir i i...

ift I i f i '9' ; V j ii a. i i f J iR I i ' vi i r a til 4'y; !' 5 I'd i i PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. IV.-N- O. 374. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TIIUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1885. lunness Carts.' s LIQUID BREAD. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT THE "Louvre of Brussels," j , ' THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PL'BLIfHKD . Everj Jlonnhg Except Sundays, Daily P. C.jvkbtiskr, one yt-a- r f 6 00 Daily P. C. Auvktiskb, six months 3 00 Daily I. C. Aivkbtiskr, three months 1 50 Daily P. C. Advertiser, permonth 50 WkejTly P. C. Advsbtiskr, 'u yer... s 00. K eign SubfiCflptiou, W. P. C. A. (Including postage; 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance. Wm: GL Irwiff C k l OEFfiR VOR SAJjE Sugars. DRV GRA5TCLATEP In Barrels, Half Barrels, And Boxes. CUBE : J S ,1 ' Iu Half Barreis And Boxes. POWDEEE , i t i Iu Boxes. GOLDEN C. (COFFEE Iu llalf Barrels And Boxes Teas. ENGLISH BK'CAKFAST JAPAN. OOLONtl. POWCHONG. Soap. BLUE . MOTTLED, FAMILY" LAUNDRY. Salmon. CASES l-- tt jTINS. CASES 2-- tt TINS HALF BARRELS BARRELS. Flour. FAMILY (iu quarter siicks), BAKER'S EXTRA (is naif sacks), Cases Medium Bread. Lime aud Cement. .1 i MANILA Aud SISAL CORDAGE. Keed's . Felt Steam Pipe and Boiler Covering. 2", A" TENT1? (suitable for camp- - inland surveying parties.) 113 ti , CONOVER BROS'. 105 EAST HTH ST., NEW YORK The most artistic Upright " '"' ever pio!.ii d, both for quality of tone un-- i w rful and elastic actions. The coming upright pianos of the world. Send for Illustrated catalogue, description and prices to F. W. MPEXCEK A CO., Pacific Coast Agents, S3 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN JRANCISCO. Vdrrrfisenunts ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL lO.OOO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Iiiiur i all IHrlption IMrv ill be eflected at Moderate Kates oi Prrml m, hv the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN A CO. Managers for Haw. Islands UNION Fire aul Marine Insurance Co. j i j H Now Ztfttlttiirf. (AP11AL. : 10.000.000 InvliiK' IjHtabliwIied hu Ajjeney. at A. onolulu, for the Hawaiian Iaiauda, the un- - dersifjned are prepared to accept risks agaiiiNt Fire dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise on favorably terms. Marine risks on cargo freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. I.OMes proill)lly lJlistHi 4r payable, j 82-d- WM. G. IRWIN & CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. oO WALL STREET, NEW VORK rilie above Company having: estab- - X lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write MARINE JHMiSKH ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Ratea. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., Sl-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands CO. BERGrER, GENERAL AGEXCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets..., ..$60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ( Limited ) . Capital f 10,000,000 SOUTn BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Fire and Mabine. Combined Capital .f 20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets f 4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fike and Mabine. Capital f 200,000 MACNEALE & URBAN SAFES! Firo Proof, ' ' Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &. Co. C. O. BERGER, 100 my29 HONOLULU, II . I. SUN FIRE OFFICE OF I.OMIOX. ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1S84 - - 318,599,310 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lGM&wtf Aeents for the Hawaiian Islands. HELLER AND HALBES Ice Cream Parlor And- - Confectionery, HIuk Street, Lincoln Uloek. , j i JD3TA fine assortment of CANDIES j and CAKES always on hand. Parties suiplied. . 141-tf-d-- w J. LTOXft. L. 1- - COM KN. LYONS COHEN,.. .uctionbers ; AND . . '. General Commission Merchantsr Beaver Block, Queen su, Honolulu of mrallnre. Ntoeb. Ileal r.talf Sale General Merrhandis properlr attondW to. Sole Aireut for ATreripau ' & European Merchandise. IM-t- f ,M JULES T A VERNIER. AETIST. Studio: Room. 6, Sprctldr. filocL HOURS! U S p. m. l' 3'iir S. L. STANLKY. JOBS M'KOANCK. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, 41ft Front St.. San Franelaeo. 67 tf Aw Fulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES, Of Sau Franjelweo. All kinds of Machinery and Boilers. Hpeclaliles ICK AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY, CORLISS ENGINES, BABCOCK A IV1UDX BOILERS, DEANE AIR, VACUVM AND STEAM PUMI'H, LLEWELLYN HEATERS. ETC., ETC. A lv S. IP. Taylor & Co., Ageuts South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietor Pioneer aud Han Geronlmo Paper Mills. STRAW PAPER. BOOK, MANILA, ETC.' Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal lDHjylOly A. LHALL & SOIST Commission Merchants; NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. Dunham, Cdrrigari & Co. HAEDWAEE, IHON AND STKEI IKRCIIANTS, Son Prtznclsco, Cal. . ;. ly . ' .1 - Deiniris: Palmer Hilling Co., . ' r' ' ' i ' OF THE CAPITOL MILLS, IJROPRIETOHH X04 Davis street, San Frtrlco Mauufacturers of and Deajeis iu Flour, Grauis o. all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Coromealf Ground and Rolled Barley; Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. , ! ' ly Y0L0 MILLS, NE. Corner ' Mission and Main Streets,-HA- FRAN ClfcOO, Cal, ., ; lluls A Piageraaun, Proprietors. Dealers la all kinds of OT.AIN and Mauiifa;turers of MILL FEED, FAMILY FLOUR. MEAI.H OF ALL. KINDS, PEARL BAULKV, HVl.lt 1'EAS, HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Hpeclal at- tention is called to our celebrated NOUMAL NUTRIMENT tor babies, nursing uiotlis aod convalescenu, highly recommended by l ;aiing physicians for its excellent Darning qualities; war. ranted to keep in any climate. Orders will be promptly filled aiad satisfaction guaranteed. l25-au26- " . ASK FOR Goodvear's "Rubber Goods, RUBBER HOSE; PACKING CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Goodyear Rubber Co. B. H. PEASE, JR.. AGENTB. H. M. RUN YON, 12a-noV- San Francisco. KLINE & CO., Importers of HATS ana CAP'S. Noa. 28 and 2 Battery Street, H. K. Cor. of Flue, 121A22-8- 6 HAN FRANCISCO. BUSINESS COLLI 0E, 'oat Htrret - :m..l SamWrmmtuca. Cal. (Send for Circular. The Full Business Course Includes U ncle and Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as app:ied to all departments ol business; Commercial Arithmetic; Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Lectures oa , Uw; Business Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Ac tual Busi- ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan- dising, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail- roading, Express Business Brokerage, and Bank lng; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell- ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan. guages, consisting of - practical Instruction in French, German and Hpanbih. Special Branches ares Ornamental Penman, ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Hhcrt-Han- Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full Information address, E. P. HEAtD A CO., 103 -- d23 8AN FRANCISCO, Cal WENNER & CO. 83 Fori Street. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. HVatches Bracelets, Necklets Tins, Lockets, Clock's And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant Nolld Silver Tea Seta. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. RepalrluK in all lt kranrUM. r Sole Agents for King's F.ye Preervara. 1 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printlug the aeifie 4'ounuereial A.. llaer Office will from this date be presented foi pay. meut monthly. Honolulu, March 2. 18S6. 13 ii r & Finck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OF HAS FRANCISCO. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the linest stock of latest good constantly on hand. 61 tffcw FRANK CERTZ, plmnorter and Mannlacturer J Of all Description! of BOOTS & SHOES CT Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort NL, Honolulu. tf BRICKS ! BltlCKS ! Ex. W. II. DIMOND. 39 OOO California Hard Bricks. FOR SALE BY Castle fc Cooke. 79tf WM. McCANDLESS, Ko. 6 Queen Street, FISH MARKET. DEALER IN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Ete. Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds suppuea w order. 102 tf Metropolitan Market UIU .HTBKKT, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. (lioUe-- t Meat frut tiaeat llersl ' Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor- ough chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all its juicy properties, and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. 143-t- f C'laus Spreckel.s. W'm. G. Irwin. OLAtfS SBilKCKELS & C0.; ii HOXOI-t'LU- . - HAWAIIAN ISLAM'S. Draw Rxtlisiujf,'; on die pi iiicipHl parts :f tlie 5 4 . . j in Will feviVe. dcpijsits on, open accniiiii, make coliectlfms and conduct a'ljeneral ankiiiij and exchange liusiuess. Deposits hearintr interest received iu their Sav- ings Departmeut subject to published rules and regulations. TToi'Stf CLACK srKKOKEI. ntm . a. lawiy. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., L2l7All FACTOR nul Commission AGENTS. Honolulu II. I. -- tfwtf M. PHILLIPS & Co., Iuiiorter anil Wholesale Dealers iu Boots, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish" Ing aud Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, H . I. 13tf-w- tf H. HACKFELD & CO., COSIMISSIOX AGEXTSi GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.T. W. MAKKTKNS. P OPfEBACLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Jk Coinuilsslon Merchants, Importers Houolulu, H.I. . 14-- tf A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., auri Wholesale' and Ketail Liiiporter General Merchandise, Corner Queen aud Kaahumanu Sts. 15-t- f i : i 'ii' MACFARLANE & C0-- , WHOLESALE IiEAI.F.llS AND E5i in WINES and LIQUORS. Xo. 13 Kaahumann .Street. 1 ':. 'A HONOLULU ' ' I 19-- tf M. 8. Grinbaum & ("o., IMPORTERS OF Ueueral Merchandise and Commis- sion Merenakits, Jlonolulii, Jl. f. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Mert'haiit St., ; Ifoiioltilu. II.I. 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing. Jeweler, iV To.60Tunanii Street. tOpposite HoMister A Co i Honolulu, If. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf ALVIN II. KASEMAN, BOOK BISrXIi:R, 3aier Ituler aml lllauU Hook Manufacturer. Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly aud promptly ereeoted, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, . 27 tf MERCHANT STBEET. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal. Agents for Klrby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all other kinds of leather. 159seH ly NOTICE. A f R. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FOR AL Representative for bis district, North Ko- - bala, Hawaii l0-dAw- tf I ; DR. M. GOTO, j PIiyHician ami Kurgeou, Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec- -' laltv. OtHce. mauka of the residence of Hon Jas. vo,',.'. wtntr street. Kapalama. Honolulu. OtVioe i hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B. partiM on the other islands can consult by let- - AN ABSOLl'TLY,.! PUKE EXTEACT, Qi MALT. VA LLf A BLE TONIC AND UEMEDIATi AGENT, INDOKJSED AND KECOMMENDED BY THE ENTI15E MEDICAL, FKATEKNITV. OI all medicinal piepuratlonsthat have put iilon the market in recent years, the extract of malthas proved itself ooe oi ihe most vnlauhle as a tonic or rvineltul heveraye. It liis reoeirel the unqualified recognitiou and bupiort of phv-siciau- s. and is freely prescribed by them in Diany cases, especially where the nervous or physical systems have been Impaired by disease or over, work. The house of "DAVID NICHOLSON," of this city, has recently Introduced u pure malt extract of high character, made at their request and under their suggestions by Mr. AUolphus Kusch, and which is popularly known as "NICH-OIO- N' LIOL'ID BltEAD." from Its lieniving and healih-rwstori- n properties. A Siimide sub mitted to Dr. V. I. James was made the smjct of a chemical unalysis by him, and the result f his invehtigations are given in Uie appended r-r- - tilicate: o , : t. I oris, April'2'J. 181. ' "W. V. Cot'LT' R. Esq.,'National Driiffsist Dear Sir: Haviusr submitted the Nicholson malt ex- - tract to examination, as requested, I take pleasure in reporting mai i nun u n ire uu inai m- - prletors claim for it. The results, as shown in the following summary are necessarily only approxi- mate, but are suflicientiy accurate tor all practical purposes. "The specimens submitted consisted of an effervescing fluid, dark brown by direct and of it deep ruby color by transmitted light, resembliog in general appearance and behavior a very supe- rior article of porter, , IU taste was, however, much milder and more pleasant than porter, be- ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetness masked and covered by a very pleusaut bitter, derived evideutly from hops. Thespecittc gravity of a sample fresli t om tht bottle is. 1.02 plus. Amount of extractive mat:er in 50 cubic centi- metres of the fluid la 3.96 grammes, or about 8 per cent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is 2.84 plus. The extractive matter i.sapiarently identical with the "extractutu mult In',' of Trommer, or of the German Pharmacopoeia, lit consists almost en- tirely of malt suprar. dextrine, being tr from fatty acids, etc. ' The fluid contains u very lare amount of diastase, as shown by the fact, that it easily liquefies au equal bulk of gelatinous sUrcli. This fact, its low percentace of alcohol, its effer- vescence, its delightful taste and odor, all combine to recommend .Nicholsous, malt extract as beog a most nourishing beverage, aud the best article of the sort that has ever come under my exumi-natio- Respectfully, "FRANK I.. JAMES, Vh. D., M. D." G. V. Macfarlanc & Co., Agents. Tlie LUsddii Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Be ale and Howard .streets, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA W. II. TAYLOR.. fresident JOS. MOORE ..Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY. IN 1)UILDERS branches; teteamboat, Sicamship, Laud Engines aud Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. - ' STEAM VESSELS,' of all kinds' built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Stan Tugs constructed with ; reference to the trade iu . which they are to. be. employed. Speed, ton- nage and draft of vater guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY" made after the most approved plans. AJBO, aU Boiler Irou Work connected therewith. . . WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet lion, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on thegrouud. . , 5 . i HYDRAULIC? RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by thin establishment, Riveted by nydraollc Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being fa superior to handwork. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans. Steam Wiuchest Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. AGENTS for Worthiugtou Duplex Steam Pumps. PUMPS Direct Acting Fuuips.for Irrigation or City Works' . purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. ' 22tee30-l- y BEAUEB SALOON. U. 1 FORT STREET. ' 1 Opposite Wiliier A Co.'sl H. J. Noite, Propr. : oiKK rou 3 a. m. till 10 r. k IIIIST-CLIS- S Ll.SCUES. COFFEK, TK.i, S0U1 WATKS, GIaCKS 1LE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant mini l. CO. E1LUAB3 TASLS on the Premises. The lioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally ...... who may derire a IVrXClI. SMOKE. OR A OA HE OF ' BlLUARDS. H. J. N0LTE. 2ft-- U A rich and rare assortment of White and Blaek Spanish Laces, Xw Hat. Xew Kniltroiilerlcs Kte. Latet Style", iu Moh's Wear. "LOUVRE OF. UUrsSKLS," H7 febiS Fort Street. SALMON! SALMON! at A K Lot of Red Fish . - . FOR SALE liY; Oastle tfc Coolie. SO-t- t ' . UHOS FESD-CO.- , Queen Edinbvryh Streets, WHOU'SAlli X KKTAIt. Dealers ! HAY AM) UKAIX, ' Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Inlauil Onlprs Solicited. 91lf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, SI. LoiiN. .tfo. tMaimfactui-- and Supply all kl?v!s of liook. Xen, Flat antl Itbel I'ajier!, Itiuiier" Hoard, Twines, Ete. W. G. RICHARDSON, j - RESIDENT' AGENT, 205 JLeldelorir Street. Telephone No. 47. . SAN FRANCISCO. JJ. B. Special Attention srven to Iirge Contracts. 53 tftw TELEPHONE 55 IPNTEEPEIS P PLANING MILL. LmI3 Alakea. near Uneeu St. C. j. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND TINISH ALWA S ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard ana Sufi Stovewood, Cut and Split. . ' 21-- tf i 84 Kins: Street. Honolulu CARPENTER AND BUILDER. All kinds of Jobbing attended to. ; BAGGAGE AND CiENHKAL EXPRESS. Drayirig and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Eemonade, Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in the market. 81 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. Wi HOV2S Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY Benson, Smith & Co. Sample bottle free. TPwY IT. 68 tf J. jM. OAT, Jr., & Co. FAMILY BIBLES, with REGISTERS, i TEACHERS' BIBLES, with MAR- GINAL NOTES. 1J- - A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BIBLES. HYMNS Ancient and Modern, with and without Music. CHURCH. SERVICES, ETC. A large assortment of tha above just to hand and to he sold AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE in this, market. 24J-de- c7 5- - i - v-- ; I 4 )'5 4 i f J I - 3 ! I. m ,1 iff 5 4 k ) i. '. Uf : ii : v i i J ' r. fj J'O to Mil, :at, m, y . TS. CO. ' f b " r 5 'i line, C-- 33 t tt. Cai. :Ie and to an metl:; jMnea axlnrss 1 Busi-rcba- Rail-- . Back , Spell, n Lna-Uo- n cln "ntnan co, cm Wl-- U 3D ter. 59 tfw V r

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ift I if i '9' ;

V j ii a. i i f J iR Ii

'vi i r a til4'y; !'

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lunness Carts.'




"Louvre of Brussels,"

j ,'


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Everj Jlonnhg Except Sundays,

Daily P. C.jvkbtiskr, one yt-a-r f 6 00Daily P. C. Auvktiskb, six months 3 00Daily I. C. Aivkbtiskr, three months 1 50Daily P. C. Advertiser, permonth 50WkejTly P. C. Advsbtiskr, 'u yer... s 00.K eign SubfiCflptiou, W. P. C. A. (Including

postage; 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance.

Wm: GL Irwiff C kl



In Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.

CUBE : J S ,1'Iu Half Barreis

And Boxes.


ti Iu Boxes.

GOLDEN C. (COFFEEIu llalf Barrels

And Boxes






Salmon.CASES l-- tt jTINS.




Flour.FAMILY (iu quarter siicks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (is naif sacks),

Cases Medium Bread.

Lime aud Cement.

.1 i



Keed's . Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

2", A" TENT1? (suitable for camp- -

inland surveying parties.)113 ti ,



The most artistic Upright " '"' ever pio!.ii d,

both for quality of tone un-- i w rful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the world.Send for Illustrated catalogue, description andprices to


Pacific Coast Agents,

S3 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN JRANCISCO.






Iiiiur i all IHrlptionIMrv ill be eflected at Moderate Kates oi Prrmlm, hv the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN A CO.Managers for Haw. Islands

UNIONFire aul Marine Insurance Co. j



H Now Ztfttlttiirf.

(AP11AL. : 10.000.000

InvliiK' IjHtabliwIied hu Ajjeney. atA. onolulu, for the Hawaiian Iaiauda, the un- -dersifjned are prepared to accept risks agaiiiNt Fire

dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandiseon favorably terms. Marine risks on cargofreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

I.OMes proill)lly lJlistHi 4r payable, j

82-d- WM. G. IRWIN & CO.




rilie above Company having: estab--X lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure,Commissions, and Hulls.

At current Ratea.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,Sl-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets..., ..$60,000,000


Capital f 10,000,000


SURANCE CO. Fire and Mabine.Combined Capital .f 20,000,000


Assets f 4,500,000


Fike and Mabine.Capital f 200,000


SAFES!Firo Proof, ' ' Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &. Co.

C. O. BERGER,100 my29 HONOLULU, II . I.



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1S84 - - 318,599,310

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,lGM&wtf Aeents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Ice Cream Parlor

And- -


HIuk Street, Lincoln Uloek.




JD3TA fine assortment of CANDIES j

and CAKES always on hand. Parties

suiplied. . 141-tf-d-- w

J. LTOXft. L. 1- - COM KN.


.uctionbers; AND .

. '.

General Commission MerchantsrBeaver Block, Queen su, Honolulu

ofmrallnre. Ntoeb. Ileal r.talfSale General Merrhandis properlr attondW to.

Sole Aireut for


& European Merchandise.IM-t- f



AETIST.Studio: Room. 6, Sprctldr. filocL

HOURS! U S p. m. l' 3'iir


Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


41ft Front St.. San Franelaeo.67 tf A w



S. IP. Taylor & Co.,Ageuts South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietor

Pioneer aud Han Geronlmo Paper Mills.


Manufacturers and Dealers.441 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal



Commission Merchants;


Dunham, Cdrrigari & Co.


Son Prtznclsco, Cal.. ;. ly

. ' .1 -

Deiniris: Palmer Hilling Co.,.

' r' ''

i '

OF THE CAPITOL MILLS,IJROPRIETOHHX04 Davis street, San FrtrlcoMauufacturers of and Deajeis iu Flour, Grauis o.all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, CoromealfGround and Rolled Barley; Cracked Wheat,Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. ,

! ' ly

Y0L0 MILLS,NE. Corner ' Mission and Main Streets,-HA-

FRAN ClfcOO, Cal, ., ;

lluls A Piageraaun, Proprietors.Dealers la all kinds of OT.AIN and Mauiifa;turersof MILL FEED, FAMILY FLOUR. MEAI.H OFALL. KINDS, PEARL BAULKV, HVl.lt 1'EAS,HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Hpeclal at-

tention is called to our celebrated NOUMALNUTRIMENT tor babies, nursing uiotlis aodconvalescenu, highly recommended by l ;aiingphysicians for its excellent Darning qualities; war.ranted to keep in any climate. Orders will bepromptly filled aiad satisfaction guaranteed.




Goodvear's "Rubber Goods,



Goodyear Rubber Co.B. H. PEASE, JR.. AGENTB.H. M. RUN YON,

12a-noV- San Francisco.

KLINE & CO.,Importers of

HATS ana CAP'S.Noa. 28 and 2 Battery Street, H. K. Cor. of Flue,

121A22-8- 6 HAN FRANCISCO.


'oat Htrret

- :m..l SamWrmmtuca. Cal.

(Send for Circular.The Full Business Course Includes U ncle and

Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as app:ied to alldepartments ol business; Commercial Arithmetic;Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures oa , Uw; BusinessForms, and the Science of Accounts; Ac tual Busi-ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan-dising, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business Brokerage, and Banklng; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell-ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan.guages, consisting of - practical Instruction inFrench, German and Hpanbih.

Special Branches ares Ornamental Penman,ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Hhcrt-Han-

Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full Information address,

E. P. HEAtD A CO.,103 --d23 8AN FRANCISCO, Cal

WENNER & CO.83 Fori Street.

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

HVatches Bracelets, NeckletsTins, Lockets, Clock's

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant Nolld Silver Tea Seta.

Suitable for Presentation.


RepalrluK in all lt kranrUM.

r Sole Agents for King's F.ye Preervara.1


All accounts for Advertising and Job Printlugthe

aeifie 4'ounuereial A.. llaer

Office will from this date be presented foi pay.meut monthly.

Honolulu, March 2. 18S6.

13 ii r & Finck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors


No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, theyrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-

tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and thelinest stock of latest good constantly on hand.

61 tffcw

FRANK CERTZ,plmnorter and Mannlacturer J

Of all Description! of

BOOTS & SHOESCT Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. 114 Fort NL, Honolulu.tf



39 OOO

California Hard Bricks.


Castle fc Cooke.79tf


Ko. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Ete.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds suppuea worder. 102 tf

Metropolitan Market



(lioUe-- t Meat frut tiaeat llersl '

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thor-ough chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its juicy properties,and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. 143-t- f

C'laus Spreckel.s. W'm. G. Irwin.




Draw Rxtlisiujf,'; on die pi iiicipHl parts :f tlie5 4 . .



Will feviVe. dcpijsits on, open accniiiii, makecoliectlfms and conduct a'ljeneral ankiiiij andexchange liusiuess.

Deposits hearintr interest received iu their Sav-

ings Departmeut subject to published rules andregulations. TToi'Stf

CLACK srKKOKEI. ntm . a. lawiy.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,L2l7All FACTOR nul Commission

AGENTS. Honolulu II. I. -- tfwtf


Iuiiorter anil Wholesale Dealers iuBoots, Hhoes, Hats, Men's Furnish"

Ing aud Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.Honolulu, H . I. 13tf-w- tf



ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Jk Coinuilsslon Merchants,Importers Houolulu, H.I. . 14-- tf

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.,auri Wholesale' and KetailLiiiporter

General Merchandise,Corner Queen aud Kaahumanu Sts. 15-t- f

i :

i'ii'MACFARLANE & C0-- ,


Xo. 13 Kaahumann .Street.1 ':. 'A HONOLULU

' ' I 19-- tf

M. 8. Grinbaum & ("o.,IMPORTERS OF

Ueueral Merchandise and Commis-sion Merenakits, Jlonolulii, Jl. f.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Mert'haiit St., ; Ifoiioltilu. II.I.65 t


Manufacturing. Jeweler,iV To.60Tunanii Street.

tOpposite HoMister A Co i

Honolulu, If. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf


BOOK BISrXIi:R,3aier Ituler aml lllauU Hook


Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly audpromptly ereeoted, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building, .





12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Klrby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all other kinds of leather.

159seH ly


A f R. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FORAL Representative for bis district, North Ko- -bala, Hawaii l0-dAw- tf I

; DR. M. GOTO,j PIiyHician ami Kurgeou,

Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec- -'

laltv. OtHce. mauka of the residence of Hon Jas.vo,',.'. wtntr street. Kapalama. Honolulu. OtVioe

i hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B.partiM on the other islands can consult by let- -




OI all medicinal piepuratlonsthat have putiilon the market in recent years, the extract ofmalthas proved itself ooe oi ihe most vnlauhleas a tonic or rvineltul heveraye. It liis reoeirelthe unqualified recognitiou and bupiort of phv-siciau- s.

and is freely prescribed by them in Dianycases, especially where the nervous or physicalsystems have been Impaired by disease or over,work. The house of "DAVID NICHOLSON,"of this city, has recently Introduced u pure maltextract of high character, made at their requestand under their suggestions by Mr. AUolphusKusch, and which is popularly known as "NICH-OIO- N'

LIOL'ID BltEAD." from Its lienivingand healih-rwstori- n properties. A Siimide submitted to Dr. V. I. James was made the smjctof a chemical unalysis by him, and the result f

his invehtigations are given in Uie appended r-r- -

tilicate: o , :

t. I oris, April'2'J. 181. '

"W. V. Cot'LT' R. Esq.,'National Driiffsist DearSir: Haviusr submitted the Nicholson malt ex- -tract to examination, as requested, I take pleasurein reporting mai i nun u n ire uu inai m- -

prletors claim for it. The results, as shown in thefollowing summary are necessarily only approxi-mate, but are suflicientiy accurate tor all practicalpurposes.

"The specimens submitted consisted of aneffervescing fluid, dark brown by direct and of itdeep ruby color by transmitted light, resembliogin general appearance and behavior a very supe-rior article of porter, , IU taste was, however,much milder and more pleasant than porter, be-

ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleusaut bitter,derived evideutly from hops. Thespecittc gravityof a sample fresli t om tht bottle is. 1.02 plus.Amount of extractive mat:er in 50 cubic centi-metres of the fluid la 3.96 grammes, or about 8 percent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is 2.84 plus.The extractive matter i.sapiarently identical withthe "extractutu mult In',' of Trommer, or of theGerman Pharmacopoeia, lit consists almost en-tirely of malt suprar. dextrine, being tr fromfatty acids, etc. ' The fluid contains u very lareamount of diastase, as shown by the fact, that iteasily liquefies au equal bulk of gelatinous sUrcli.This fact, its low percentace of alcohol, its effer-vescence, its delightful taste and odor, all combineto recommend .Nicholsous, malt extract as beoga most nourishing beverage, aud the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exumi-natio-

Respectfully,"FRANK I.. JAMES, Vh. D., M. D."

G. V. Macfarlanc & Co., Agents.

Tlie LUsddiiIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Be ale and Howard .streets,


W. II. TAYLOR.. fresidentJOS. MOORE ..Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY. IN1)UILDERS branches; teteamboat, Sicamship,Laud Engines aud Boilers, High Pressure orCompound. - '

STEAM VESSELS,' of all kinds' built completewith Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Stan Tugs

constructed with ; reference to the trade iu. which they are to. be. employed. Speed, ton-

nage and draft of vater guaranteed.SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-

CHINERY" made after the most approvedplans. AJBO, aU Boiler Irou Work connectedtherewith. . .

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet lion, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthegrouud. . ,

5 . i

HYDRAULIC? RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by thin establishment,Riveted by nydraollc Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being fa superior tohandwork.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans. SteamWiuchest Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

AGENTS for Worthiugtou Duplex Steam Pumps.PUMPS Direct Acting Fuuips.for Irrigation or

City Works' . purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump. ' 22tee30-l- y



Opposite Wiliier A Co.'sl

H. J. Noite, Propr.:

oiKK rou 3 a. m. till 10 r. k



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

mini l. CO. E1LUAB3 TASLS

on the Premises.

The lioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally......who may derire a


H. J. N0LTE.2ft--U

A rich and rare assortment of Whiteand Blaek

Spanish Laces,Xw Hat. Xew Kniltroiilerlcs Kte.

Latet Style", iu Moh's Wear.

"LOUVRE OF. UUrsSKLS,"H7 febiS Fort Street.



A K Lot of Red Fish

.- . FOR SALE liY;

Oastle tfc Coolie.SO-t- t



Queen Edinbvryh Streets,


Dealers !

HAY AM) UKAIX,' Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Inlauil Onlprs Solicited.



SI. LoiiN. .tfo.

tMaimfactui-- and Supply all kl?v!s of

liook. Xen,Flat antl Itbel I'ajier!,

Itiuiier" Hoard,Twines, Ete.


205 JLeldelorir Street.Telephone No. 47. . SAN FRANCISCO.

JJ. B. Special Attention srven toIirge Contracts. 53 tftw



LmI3 Alakea. near Uneeu St.C. j. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND TINISH


FOR SALE Hard ana Sufi Stovewood, Cutand Split.

. ' 21-- tf i

84 Kins: Street. HonoluluCARPENTER AND BUILDER.

All kinds of Jobbing attended to.

; BAGGAGE AND CiENHKAL EXPRESS.Drayirig and Steamer Freight carefully and

promptly handled.Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Eemonade,

Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in themarket.


Eastman'sRoyal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample bottle free.TPwY IT. 68 tf





HYMNS Ancient and Modern, with and withoutMusic.

CHURCH. SERVICES, ETC.A large assortment of tha above just to hand

and to he sold AT PRICES LOWER THANEVER BEFORE in this, market. 24J-de- c7

5-- i- v-- ;






I -

3 !





4k )i. '.

Uf: ii: v

i i

J ' r.






b "r 5





:Ie andto anmetl:;jMneaaxlnrss1 Busi-rcba-

Rail-- .Back

, Spell,n Lna-Uo- n



co, cm

Wl-- U 3Dter.59 tfwV



TURTLE-CATCIIIX- G .35&rtiscnirR!s.there will li no lack of volunteers

; amonjj citizens of iosition anfl intelli-- jgeru-- mtrt'.ste'l only in promoting the

,' public welfare. Th" health of a'citv! paramount to political opinions

and personal prejudii vs


Pacific Commercial Advertiser



--'evtia' Yeari Ahead.rr9fV.s-- - A. Proctor.

From the moon's present condition we--xay inform ourselves of the course of allplanetnry life. There is every reason tosuppose that our present condition was atone time hers; that she possessed an at-mosphere, water, animal and vegetablelife. That- - has cow passed awav. Hersurface is a sterile, rocky mass. "The at-mosphere Las gone, or nearly so, and theseas are dried "up. The same process isgoing on with cur earth, and a similarresult will e equally ensue, but by rea-son of the greater bulk of our planeteffects produced in 10,000, 0vO of years iuthe moon will require GO, 000, 000 with us

A Curlou Fact.It is a curious fact that wasps' nests

often take lire, as is - supposed, by thechemical action of the wax upon the material of whk-- the nest is composedMany of the lirts of unknown origin inhayslacks and farm buildings may thus

accounted for.

BUY YOUE.- ' ' r : ' --r

Shirts. Underwear, Hosiery and Neckwear from

CHAS. J. P1SHEL.-- :o:-

We di 'safely guarantee a saving ofCall and see what we offer.

L'o it cent to purchasers of clothing, etc,'

E. P. EHLEES ,&. CO.,

m 1 nn: u J? .ill u


All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Hoods deceived by

Heat and Ilodilr fev&poratlonYouth's Comjvonifn.

It is certain death to a man to have iitemperature rise about a dozen degreesabove the normal standard. Yet one whohas endured a climate twenty or more degrees below zero, can equally endureone over 100 degrees above. In-deed, some men work in an ar-tificial heat 150 degrees above, atfdsome enter, from time to time, a dryingoven more than twice as hot.

It is only when the air i3 dry that sucha heat can be borne. A much, lowermoist heat would be speedily fatal. Whatkeeps the temperature of the body downin air that so heat3 everything else is theevaporation which is constantly going onfrom the surface and the lungs. Evapor-ation is a cooling, process.. This . matterof evaporation Providence has so nicelyadjusted that the temperature of the bodyIn health remains nearly the same what-ever the outward temperature.

But should evaporation be - chockedwhen the outward temperature is high,dangerous results would follow. Amongthese results are heat apoplexy, or sun-stroke. It is greatly checked when theatmosphere is so charged with moisturethat It can take up little moisture fromthe body. This is the atmospheric condi-tion known as "muggy, " when the mostcopious perspiration seems to have littleor no power to cool. So, too, there isdanger, if the power to perspire is lost, orgreatly lessened. Any feverish conditionmay induce this, aud so may the lack offluid in the system. Persons who workunder a high temperature should drinkfreely.

The long -- ontinued heat of summerreduces the digestive power, and hence,sin e few equally lessen the amount oftheir food, causes more or less disturbanceof the stomach aud bowels. Most casesof cholera infantum are due to this simplefact Teething in summer is dangerousfrom its tendency to feverishness, whichchecks perspiration. During a heatedterm everything should be done to keeptho child cool; the least possible clothing,a frequent sponging of the body andcooling drinks. A sudden change from ahot to a cool temperature exposes one tointernal congestion. Woolen clothingmust be put on again

Heat and moisture favor the developmeat of noxious germs. The only safetyis in cleanliness clean cellars, cleankitchens, clcau sleeping rooms cleandrinking water and just as much cleanair as possible.

Brigandage In Greoo-Torkl- ah Region.IBriv.k'yi

A pamphl et written by a Greek, a cav-alry lieutenant, gives some very curiousaccounts of the system of brigandage asit is now carried on in the Greco-Turkis- h

boundaries. The brigands' code of laws,as at present existing, is a strange miture of barbarity and chivalry. It contains several clauses, some of which runas follows: "All traitors to be killed a::lexposed. The rich to be captured, aminot allowed to depart till they have paidransom, aud swore not to Id jure brigandsby a relation of their adventures to theauthorities. All soldiers to be killed. Thebearers of the ransom to be respected andsmall money to be given them on their de-parture. All robbers plotting with gov-ernment to be killed. Should a captiveescape his keeper is to be held responsibleaud expelled from the band. Never tosteal the goats and sheep from the shep-herd but to pay for all taken. To o ergifts at any inonastary or hermitage by,way of expiation for sin. " ";

It is the shepherds who support thebrigands, and by whose means they are sowell hid from the authorities. They sup-ply them with bread, meat and wine,serve them as guides in times of danger,and it is their children who are educatedto be brigands and who reinforce theirranks. . Immense precautions are takenby the robbers against surprises. Theyalways travel by night, proceeding in lifethrough the open country, never throughthe narrow passes, for fear of ambushes.Tho smallest object, the faintest soundstartles them, and down they drop Hat ontheir stomachs till their confidence is renewed.

Before starting on any of those jour'ceys, they always appoint a rendezvous iucase of separation. Their scouts go on infront, driving horses or oxen, and habitedas drovers. Under their shelter followsthe main body, peeping constantly be-

neath the cattle to see if any enemy is ap-proaching, and behind come the van- -

fruard, who, if anything is amiss, whistlenight bird, and the band disperses.

' The Small Ttoy and the Circus.1'iftnburg Chronicle.

The occasional accidents to circus ridersreassure the small boy. This is a skep-tical age and he is soon divorced fromKriss Ivingle. lie gets ominous whispeis


Watching the Turtles by MoonlightSlaking a Capture and Securing th

Captive The Hawk-Bi- ll andthe Carey The Eggs.

Harper' u BazarThe air was exquisitely soft and balmy,

aud the moon so brilliant that every fleet-ing cloud w&3 reflected in the clear waterof Dolores bay, while the white sand ofthe shore glittered under our feet as wcsauntered along enjoying the beauty ofthe scene -

In this peaceful bay, six miles from theeastern coast of Yucatan, the Spanishships anchored nearly 400 years ago, andthe conquerors named the place IslandMugeres, or Woman's island, because inthe temples of the i atives they foundmany images of woraea One ofthose quaint sanctuaries still standsat the south point of the Island on aneminence whose rocky . foundation isbeing washed away atom by atom, byever-seethin- g waves that perpetually dashagainst it It is a deserted spot, the fewinhabitants of the island all dwelling inthe village of Dolores, just In front of thebay. Their principal industry is fishing,and from the month of April to August,all their attention is given to turtle catch-ing, bo on that moon light night as westrolled along the beach, men, womenand children wended their way to thenorth end of the Island, where all wassilent as the white tomb-stone- s in thevillage graveyard by which we passed,some hastening their steps as if theyfeared some departed friend might stalkforth in winding sheet.

i .'caching a place where thick bushesgrew, not far from the water's edge, allconcealed themselves behind the bushesor in the. shadows cast by them, andfrom their hiding place watched silentlyfor the turtles. These prolific creaturescome to lay their eggs in the sand, neverfailing to select a spot above high-wate- r

mark, consequently at low tide they haveto go a good way up the beach. Havingchosen a place they quickly make a holein the sand and deposit therein about 100eggs, over which they again put the sand,leaving the spot in appearance as they,found it, so that no one would discoverthe nest but for the tracks of the turtle,which immediately returns to tho water,leaving the eggs to be hatched by the heatof the sun; and in due time the littleturtles make their way out and 0 strafght-ft'a- y

to tho water.When the turtle begins to cover the

eggs the people creep from their hiding-plac- e

and cut off her way to the water:then, when she starts toward them, theycapture her and turn her over, not with-out trouble, for some weigh as much as500 pounds. The flaps are then tied, anda mark set on the shell, so that whenmorning come3 each party may knowwhich they have captured. The familythat catches two or three in a night is wellsatisfied.

The turtles have formidable jaws, andit is necessary to keep one'a hands wellout of their reach, for they can break aman's limb as we. can a match. As forconchs most abundant in those watersthough the shell is hard to break with ahammer, the cahuamo easily cracks it, toeat the delicious contents.

The cahuamo, or hawk bill, is the larg-est kind of turtle, weighing from 200 to500 pounds. Its flesh tastes like goodbeef, but is generally left on the beach torot and be consumed by buzzards, thepeople not being numerous enough to catit all, though large quantities are driedand salted to be sold as jerked beef. Somepeople once went to considerable expenseto preserve this meat, but we are told thatit turned bad in the cans.

The people gather the eggs, the fat,and the shell, though the last i3 worth solittle that they do not always take thetrouble to lift it from the beach; many arescattered over the sand. The eggs areconsidered a great delicacy, and tastevery rich, but have a strange sandiressthat is unpleasant to the palate.

The carey (Chelonia Imbricata) issmaller and of more value. The least theislanders will take for the shell is two anda half or three dollars a pound; rathertlan accept less they will keep it in theirhouse from one year to another. Thecarey, as well as the green turtle, is caughtwith harpoons and nets. .The green tur-tle is carried to British Honduras, wherethey are worth from ?1.50 to fb00 each,tinshell not being used. The poor creat-ures are transported in small sailing ves-sels, where they lie on their baclf on deckexposed to the scorching sun, and once aday have buckets of water dashed overthem to keep them alive.

The Health of College Girl . !

IN. E. Mtnlic! Monthly. , :; ;

The investigations which have beenconducted by the Massachusetts bureauof labor have resulted in some interestingfacts regarding the health of female : students. The commonly accepted opinionthat mental labor, if at all severe or .longcontinued, is prejudicial to health, is hererefuted by statistics derived from varioussources. ; i

In one case, of 705 returns made, it wasfound that 7S per cent, of the womengraduates heard from were in good health.Upon entering college the health of 20per cent was below par. After gradua-tion, impaired health was only 17 percent, showing that the physical.. condi-tion of the student became improved un-der the restrictions and requirements ofcollege life.

Those whose health was not good suf-fered chiefly from nervous diseases. Itwas also found that girls from the coun-try do not make as good a showing as re-gards health as those who were natives ofcities. Although these statistics arelooked upon by the advocates of highereducation of women as conclusive evi-dence, we cannot admit that they are suf-ficiently large or complete to convey muchweight. The variation in physical condi-tion, before and after the acquirement ofa collegiate education, was only 3 perccr.t This fact, which is the one fromwhich any conclusion can be drawn,might be the result of improved hygienicsurroundings, both mental and 'Jsical,making the eifcct of study itse:f whollynegative in character.

Tiie '.ri lto m" in ?'ntli C'urollua.t 1 ica 1 im .

The "coon boom'' ;s now on in SouthCarolina, and the colored population areespecially alleeted by it The devotees ofthe sport are easily recognized, 'as appearsby the annexed from The ( arolina Spar-tan: " When 3'ou see an old-tim- e darkey,with one gallus on. a horn worn smoothwith long use, a sharp ax sticking out athis shirt col ar behind, a business-lookin-

half bound that puts on no airs, a bob-taile- d

yelier eur, considerably scarred up,and a half grown pup that he carriesalong t see If he won't lam sense,'you may know that he is going a coon-hunting- .'


The London Mechanical World ffraMgthe s-.- eriority of the tools used i reiymechaii ca' trade iu America, their net!perfection, iheir adaptability to lk UvfVy

changing needs of commerce, th trigof hnnd labor they insure, and the cae-quen- t

economy in the price of productionThis is a big advertisement for Americanmanufacturers. .. ;

Japanese laws compel fish to be soldalive

'ami in v.hieh all sections of the j

j .'commvuiily. -- liotxl'i hunu?hiou.slv.-unit-

flr .their mutual interests anl safety, f.

An opportunity i.s now offered to all to:prove their sincerity, in lccls ratherthan won!-?- , in the cause of health re- - j

form, in the first place, by volunteering j

to wt as a visitor, and, secondly, byutiiaiotUi Uiippointed,vi.si,V r.s totli? fullextent of their jap.vt-r- .

f rn f .l.llli.i I AND GENERAL.J J W W 4 i m.

I'ic Ii mime pics daily from and afterl:ite at Mellcr t Haflxj's 'eonftionerv.

Froh Tcain akeanl ICcIair.s daily fromand after date at Meller & Jlalbe'x

; 5

. " j ; 1 . -

The Post Office has run two-ce- nt

stamp. A fresh supply is expected by theAlameda, due on Monday next.

Messrs. (i. W. Macfarlan & Co. willhold Iheif uual Cliriitruat Sales of. fancyKoods, particulars, of wliich will le givenhereafter.

A knotty, puzzle is offoi where to buychea jM t and betf pood Anyone", thathas ilealt'at ' Marvhant's' hiiH- solved thatknotty puzzle. -

I lis Majesty the King Ices invited Cap- -

Ltain W. F. O'Connor, officers and membersof the Queen'.'Ovni toa luati at the Palacethis evening at 7 o'clock.

Mr. II. A. Pratt left ly the steamerIwalani yesterday for Ilamoa, Maui,where he will erect about 1G,0X) feet offlumes for the Reciprocity Ifugar Coni-pan- y.

The annual business' met ting of theWoman's Christian Temperance Unionwill be held this afternoon at half-pa-st 2

o'clock in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A.Hall. Important business will be broughtup.

Applications for money orders on theUnited .States, Oreat Britain, Hongkong,Portugal and her colonies.' per TacilicMail steamship City of. Sydney, will be re-

ceived at the Post Ofhre until 12 o'clocknoon Friday. t i i .


Mr, .Justice AlcCully has ordered thatcases on 'appeal from" District 'Courts tothe Intermediary Courts b heard on Fri-day, November 27th, instead of Thursday,the day set apart for American Thanks-giving.

The regular monthly business meetingof the Y. M. C. A. will be held this even-ing at 7 :30 o'clock.- - The California Y. M.C. A. State Convention, held at Napa, willbe reortedu this occasion .by Mr., HenryWateihouse arid General .Secretary S. 1.Fuller, who were present. - I

November 28th', HawaiianIndependence" Day, Ta grand luau will begiyen-- ; tn: the ;4a!tment of ,, KauniakapiliClm'rrt?, "for' the" "benefit of 7 the" buildingfund. In the morning a meeting will beheld, when an oration will be delivered byMafor'R. II. Baker.ij Cliief Engijieer Nott is expected home bythe Alameda, due on Monday. A torcn- -

ight procession y ill take place in the even-n- g,

and menders of the Fire Department$ro re'iuested to assemble at the UellTower, in full uniform, with apparatus, at7 o'clock on the evening of the day theAlameda arrives.

The missionary steam barkentine Morn-ing Star leaves this u.oriung at 10 o'clock.A short service will be held on board jriorto her departure. Shj sails first for Hilo,where she.' i will f takei l)r. Wetmore ; finddaughter oti board,' who intend visiting theCaroline Islands. Prince Alex and hiswife also return to their home at Kusaie,Strong's Island.

Wv have, been requested to state that theseveral fire bells will be sounded on the daythe .steamer Alameda arrives in honor ofMr. John Nott, Chief Uugineer of theHonolulu Fire Departnieht. The publicshould therefore not take it as an alarmof fire, unless afire ward is struck fromthe Dell Tower.

' !' : r.: ; .'

Royal Festivities.His Majesty the King, as part of his

birthday: festivities, entertained, yester-day, the native Hawaiian people at agrand luau in the Palace. Their Ma-

jesties the King and Queen, and themembers of the lloyal Family, werepresent. His Majesty's Health was drunkwith much enthusiasm. The luau wasfollowed by a hulu, at which the ancientmeles of the country were recited. Afew strangers were present in the Palacegrounds, and were highly pleased withthe performance, which was a noveltyto them, i ' t i

' ' h - : ' '

Supreme Court.at ciiambkks hukoke mr. jl'stice

m'cci.ly.WEOtfEsriAv, Novriber 2Sth.

Lainaholo vs. hum Sum and others.Case. Jury waived. The Court heardthe evidence, and awarded judgment infavor of defendants. M. Thompson forplaintiff, and Ashford fc Ashford for de-


. i is Moouliht Courert. .

The following is the musical programmeto be given by the Royal Hawaiian Mili-

tary Uaml at the moonlight concert thisevening at 7 :'M) o'clock at P.mma Square: J

March "Waapa nana ka Fo" I'.erperOverture SuppeCometPolka "First Kiss" NeuinanSelection ' The Londiardians" Verdi

'llooheno."Selection "Madame Angot, by re-

quest LecocqSerenade " before Her Window" Nehl

"p. wind". ,


-- Hawaii ponoi.

Now that the .question of superiority in

yachts has Loch .seitl. ii. we may be pardonedthe remarks that there is hardly room firquestioning who holds tho championship

. . .1 I "V ...imr.nT Honolulu ciouiier!. our store is

uiversal outtittins depot for men andboys Uur stock of Fall clothing, furnishing g00ti.s, hats and shoes is now readr. '

chas. J. FishtlDo not fail to view thoo elegant paint-- j

ings by Strong and Tavernier now on exhi- - j

bition at King Bros.' arj.yallery, Hotel st.Go aul see Strong's and Tavernier's

pictures now on. exhibition at King Bro's.art gallery, Hotel street. '

TERMS or KL'n.smiTiox.Per annumSix monthi . i )0 j

Per month .. 500

Communication from all part of the Kingdom i

will always fee ry accptble., ' ; v. j '

Persons I widlag in any part of the United States j

... ... - .. . . . . r . ; .J . . . r,

vac money order.Matter inteolA4 tot puldicatiou la the editorial

columns the old be addressed toZitos Hoif n: CoMMaiL A pvtcRriBKR." .

Baalnesa camaaunicatious and advertisementsshould be addressed simply

- , "P. C. AVKKTIKK."aal nt w ladlvida&Ia. - - ' ' "


T EE EPacific Commercial Advertiser

Js Mow tor sale daily at the Following Places :

J. M. OAT CO Merchant streetCRYSTAL fcOIA WOUK8 .'.'Ji.'..' ..Hotel streetN. F. BURGESS King streetWOLF t El)WAUDH...Cor King and Nuuanu stO. J. MCCARTHY. . ..Hotel street

Five i'fsh per Copy. U

TflUKSDAY November - 10th.


At its last meeting the Board of Healthpassed a resolution to divide the cityinto sanitary districts. These districtsare modeled somewhat after the plan

-- of those of the Fire Pepartment,, butnecessarily more subdivided in 'consequence 01, ana in proportion to, thedensity of 'the population. The resolu-- .tion also empowered the I 'resident ofthe Board of Health to apioint a corps

: of honorary health visitors to aid in thesanitary improvement , of suqli. districts.This corps it is prb'jkjsd to select fromthe names of such citizens as may volun-teer to act in the 'cause of the welfare

.t x 1 ml i roi iue coiiununuy. . iue memoers oithia public spirited body wUl hold' ap-

pointments and be assisted by theauthority of the Board. Their dutieswill not le arduous, but. when carefullyand conscientiously ' discharged cannotfail to be of considerable;. advantage totheir fellow citizens. . .They will be em--

TWWPrd to makfl domu-ilinr- v visitwithin their resjective districts, to directthe abatement of nuisances and to callin a Constable to enforce their directionswhen necessary. fTheywill not how-ever, be invested with any esiecialpowers, nor in aty;way;autiiorized to actin conflict with the paid officers of theBoard, but as assistants and advisers, asit were.

They will report their observationsand findings to the President of theBoard of Health, and, the Board will inall practicable " cases support 1 themthrough their . officers. Reports will bedesired from them on all matters ger-mane to the health of the city withintheir distrfct, puch sis, ipyefcrowding oftenements, defective ventilation of dwell-

ing places, badly constructed or care-

lessly attended to vaults and cessiools,stagnant pools,; .nuisances , arising fromdensity of foliage, and 'such like.' ?rn alew words, they will be a body of public-spirite- d

and intelligent, citizens, willing. . .j i r .i ato aevove a ponion oi tneir ume graim-tousl- y

to aid the paid officers of theBoard of Health in improving the sanirtary condition of the city." In the eventof an epidemic which we all hope"may be very far distant their expe-rience and organization5 being at theservice of the health authorities wintend much to inspire confidence and


minimize danger. ' o-- ' i

health visitors, will be the distributionof simple medicines for incipient 6tagesof disease, which, through want ofknowledge, care 'and advice, often growinto serious complications or fatal re-

sults, among the natives especially. Itisji recognised fact that the Governmentdoctors cannot discover all the cases of

sickness, owing to the space to be coveredand the frequent prejudices of the na-

tives to the foreign practitioner; butwhen once the Board of Health visitorsbecome familiar with a district, cases (

will be promptly reported to them, andthrough them - Mie .BoanL Such a

Course Will nave a paiuiary tucci mventing the public mind, especially the

. l T lnim. 'l4ll nnative portion, irum uijij; mmpanic in the eyentot an epidemic. Ve

need scarcely tefer to the fact that thesenoble duties are gladly accepted andfaithfully discharged by ladies of thehighest social !ioRUion in England anil

. 1 1 nAiinrrina Til r'l Ui i f

a foreign visitor, a native may be se-

lected by him or her to act as an assist-

ant and interpreter.An authoritative notice ;will shortly be

publisliecl whk'h willinforiu the public

n to the location - anil boundaries of --thesanitary districts, and it ' is now o!jor--


tune to. call for volunteers to., act as i

honorary health visitors in una experi-

ment of mutual on as a meansto the general health and comfort. AVe

are . authorized to state that the President of the Board of Health will ie happyto receive the names of such volunteers, !

either in person or by letter, and to give j

any desired information in regard to tne j

nnointment of visitors, their iwwcrs andA aV

duties.So much has been said and printed in

regard to the sanitary condition of theand suggestions have Uencity, so many

made on all sides as to the best manner

oi improving it, that it is to be hoped


k? K ROYAL BS'il! J Nl

fmp- - j)

: mmvS5a-- . riO

i TOn m

7 m s a jL V "J f y:v i t

Absolutely Pure.This powder r vo ris. A marvel of purity,

strength pud vh Jenv uo;s. More cconoumstlthan U us or- - iin. j-- luiuls, r.nd xvi.no. i sold in i wapetitioi vim t!;o laultitu.te rf KvVti--sr- , sliortwei"Iit,Slunior nhfstbaU;.' !!, SoLDONLvmcans. ilovAL I;.m.v VoWi-i-a- . -- 'v. . 10O" Wu!l-Gt-

N. Y.

Christmas and Now Year's


. to unnmnr.-- liiut they wi.l hoM their usual

Christmas Salesv

Of FANCY iOiils tliis year. V'or punk'uUirs asto tlati-.J- , I'tc, soi- - fiu tin? advertisements. '.VSult

NOTICE!Nats and FeathersC'fcKAN Ki AND UYKD AT THE

Tl'liijile !' I'lllitil. -- 77 Jan23

Marshal's Sale.

VIKTI K OKA liKCIiEK .MA OK HY THETY Supreme Court, i.nd of a;i order of Mr. Jus-tice Preston thereunder, in the cause J. 11. Siil'aet a'.s. vs. A J. l.upi-- . et ul :

i will cmiiS'.' to he sold at publio auction, on thepremisi's of J. H Silva, situate at Manoa, on theIsland of Ouhu (unless the ;imoiint of principaland interest due he previous?. satisfied), onTl'KsO A Y, the 17tli day of November, 1SS5, at11 o'clock a. in , the following pieces or parcels ofland :

1. That certain piece or parrel of land situate atWailele, Manou, island of O thu, being the samedescribed in Itoynl Patent No. 2.271, Kuleana llelu1,71 1, containing an area of li of an acre

2. Chat certain piece of land situate at Mannaaforesaid, being apana. 1 of Koyal Patent 2,597,Kuleana Heln 1,72;', containing an area of 1.17-10- 0

acres .T

;t. '1'hHt certain piece of land situate at Manonafjresaid, beiut; the same described in KoyalPatent 4,."Wt, and containing an area of 30.10-10-

acres.. 4. That certain piece of land at Wailele, ManoaaforesaJO, lieliiK the same more particularly de-scribed in Koyal Patent US. containing an area ofn;.4 acres.

5. That certain piece of lan-- situate at Manoaaforesaid, being the s;k.ne more particularly de-scribed iu Koyal Patent 3S2, containing an area of.4 acres.

t. That certain piece of lan 1 situate at Manoaf.foresaid, being the same more particularly de-scribed in Koyal Patent , Kuleana Helu tt.71'2,containing an area of i.3)-i- x acres.

7. 1 luxe certain pieces of land situate at Kaha-pap- a,

W'aiatiac. Island of Oahu aforesaid, beingthe same more particularly described in KoyalPatent 2, lot, Kuleana Heln 8sl, containing anarea ot 2 acres 5. i'2-in- ) chains.

8. That ceruJn piece of l.in.l situate at Karaoi- -Iiili, w aiioki. O.ihu. aforesaid, containing un area i

of ;i and loo acres.Also, a.'l tin) title and interest of the com-plainan- tv

i:i the said suit iu the Hni Aina otManoa aforesaid.

Also, loo hea.l cattle more or less, brandedPxCV and running at Manoa aforesaid; 8 pairworking oxen. In head cattle more or less, brandedI. running at said Man.tu; horses, mares andcolts, branded PxC, and i) horses, branded C, atsaid Manoa.

Also, ?. bullock cart-s- , s yokes and 1.1 chains, audalso a certain le:,se m ui.- - i. v siumn Kaai, attorneyin fact for Knl.'i K'eilikolani to J. K. Silva, datedJuly 1, and recorded iu l.iher lil, on pages 205and 203. ieing the property comprised In a certainmom j:it,e de.-- dat'd the l:iih day of August, lis a,mad.- - by tne complainants to the defendant Liopez.

For further particular-- , apply toASJU OKI) d: ASHFORD,Solicitors for Complainants.

CKCil. KKO'.VN,Soiieitoi far 1 f elidrt M ts.

JNO. 11. SOPF.l!,'.,'' , Marshal.llonoiJdu Xovtsnhcr :i, ls-7- .

House and Lot lor Sale or!

Lea se.

oKim; iTNr.sr homks tkaps in!Or.v.lie I s.'.ui 1, m; Ua'.-.- l on Kinif st r ithinfifteen minutes walk from the business portion oftheity. Lot ..eoxJO.). being well stocked with a j

larire as-o- ri titeiit of fruit trees, native and foreign,ant tit . a i.?-- t iui;.lt.rj.-- n variety of v'r.ipe infsOn tli KUiift. M.rl.V Hoi'isK contains four Led- - j

rOonts, parlor, diuiur room, bath mom, pantryaril kit: !..!!. OI'TMIT f.J ! NHS consist of car-- !T Utile iio'l.-e- , .coiila'.idnir seven stalls., bar- -ness r.i. :n and - rvant d i l.ini; Ii..us.-- , contain- -

inif f ior room-;- , together with lare storage ac- - ,

coini!io.i.iti..ns. A tine stream of artesian water !

is constatili y ruiinim; through the lot, and the sale i

of fruit reioios pi be ix ttrbborliood of f ri'XI per j

annum, for farther particulars apply toV. M. tilFl'AKD.

UlMf Ofli-'- of Wui. U. Irwin & Co.


Vill i'. llol;sKs CLIPPED p.yn.VVi: with the new" American Lihtniut;Horse ;iiiit!i; machine, now In successfuloperation as the comer of Punchbowl and Queenstreets Any one doubtim; the superiority ;f ma-chine over hand clipping should call iu and inspectthe above machine at work and be convinced.Terms as reasonable as air.

C. 11. MILKS,novis Proprietor.


notice:r MKl" TSCnVANO, PHYSICIAN, Sl'U- -

geon mid aceoucheur, late ISurgt on to theCanton Mission House, ( hii ton, Chinn, lian openedan oflice for the practice of mrdirhi In alt Itsbranches at No. 39 Klus street, left side of chinaEngine, Honolulu. 327 niayH

NOTICE.AN ABJOUHNKD ANN VAT. MEKT1NOVT of the stockholders of Wilder's ISteHniMliip

Company (limited), held at their oftire on TUKS-DA-

November 17th, the following gentlemanwere duly elected to serve during the ensuingyear :

Samuel O. Wilder PresidentWilliam O. Irwin Vice PresidentSamuel B. Kose.......'. ..SecretaryWilliam C. Wilder . . . . .Treasu rcrJohn ir. raty. ....Auditor

S. P.. HOSE.130 no-2- 4 Secretary W. S. S. Co.


Commercial Advertiser



Is pre pttred to do m kind of

jCommercial & Legal Work


Having jut Received a Complete aud NewAssortment of

Job Types anil Ornaments

Of the. Latent Styles, from the most Cele-

brated Foundriea of the United States,

and eniploj-inf- ; only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are. ;

prepared to turn out.

jA't ler JIeilM.Hill IICMtlH.

C"ir-nlan- t.

Note lien!.Ktatu.euf

ItillH .t Iliii;,iviitrnef.

Khliiliisr (oiilrat u,(In Hawaiian & Knlih


Ill a nk riu fkx,1oii1h.

Stock i'erttlioatp.IiiiMiiieH CarilH.

Meal lie"k!. ,'

Milk TiekrlN,Hank 4 lie k,

4nler. i



Klottititf I'n.lH,Ilruuil " Labels

JluwloiM'H.Sliiitpin ltee4iil.

Ball I'riirainiiiei,Tliealre Irirraiinif ,

And in fad everythinv wJiich a First-- j

Class Ojji-- c orin do.

P. C. A. Job PHutiflff Office

Z:iO-4X'- ll HKSteamer.



General Business Offices

- OK.

J. E. WISEMAN,iio.xu.ri.r, it. i.

P. O. KOX 315. 172

iKMlnbllNlieil IH7.;

The foUwln various brancheM of btisinewi willenable the public on the Islands ami from abroadto gain general Information on all matters In thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentKuys and sells Keal Kstate in all parto of the

Kingdom.Wines Heal Kstate and Property in city and

suburbs.Kcnts und lease Houses, Cottages, Koonis and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Ktpairing and

Collecting of Keutals.Draws leiral papers of every nature Kearche

lltles, Kecords, Ktc.

employment DepartmentFinds Kmployment in all branches of Industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, I on no

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, KngrOHHlug andall kinds of Copi lng rlone. . )

Procures Fire and Life lnsnrance.Advertisements and CnrresiHjndence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad f illyanswered. .

Custom House Broker.Merchants will find tllin Depurtment a special

benefit to tbem, as 1 uUenrt- - U entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commission.

Soliciting: Ajcrnt for Ike "MUTUAL I.IFKXXKUKAJn'CK COMPANY OF NKW VOUK,"the largest, uuideat and soundeKt InsuranceCompaay Inl-tii- s world. ..-sl-

it t i . ' , i

AOL NT for the"liroat Jliirliuurtou Italluaj- - Jtoiitr,'In Amerl a. Travelern journeying by rail InAmerica will lind this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery Is the grandestgoing Kust, and with the PULLMAN PA LACKHLKKPINO t'AHH and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason-able fare no route can excel this. Mil. C. K.MILLKIl, iny Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guidebooksmaps, etc., he will extend every courtesy.

All EN T for the: Honolulu Koj al Ojrra IIoiim.Managers ol first-clas- s companies abroad will

address me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMENTS.Heal ltate Broker.

iitom Honse Broker.Money Broker,

fire anil Life Iumnranre Agml.; t.'iiiploj iiieiit A fe utT --


ItaJIroait Afcent andOeneral BiinIuom Ageul,

A DDI k ESS : '



JUDGE AUSTIN,227 Xiiiiiiiiii Avenue.

Fine two story house w ith large grounds. Tvcottages, large lanai, servants' rooms, Carrlag-hons- e,

stable and chicken liousefl. Kvervtblngluperfect order.Terms reasonable to a good tenant. Inquire or,,. JONATHAN Al-HTI-

Over Bishop dfc Co.'s Bank.


ll'HNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD. AD--X' dress Fost Office box 420. 319 nov 20

.that Tell and the feat of Shooting theapple are myths. He is not allowed tosurrender himself to fairy tales and robberstories. At last, some cold-bloode- personsneers at one the hero left him the circusrider, who goes around the ring on thecaparisoned steed amidst resoundingmusic and the jibes of the clown. liehears that there Is no danger in it, andthat the horses are only making believethat they go fast: that really it is a tameaffair. The small boy is dishearteneduntil he reads in some paper of a bare-back rider breaking his neck,andhe thenreturns to his old faith, and the huge tentand sawdust--circl- e become enchantedplaces.

It is so important that a few creduloussmall boys should survive in this country, that "it is perfectly proper for at leastone circus rider to break his neck in aseason, and the press is warranted in alittle felicitation when the event occurs.Plenty of circus riders can be found, butthere is danger of the race of creduloussmall boys becoming extinct, and that isa calamity that must be prevented, how-ever many circus fellows are sacrificed.Buffalo Bid is doing missionary w.-r-

amongst the young generation, but thesmall infidels are beginning even to ques-tion his savages and the other blood curd-ling features of his moral show.- - Thelast hope is really in the circus.

IChicajo lleraid.jI saw one of the strangest slght3 that

ever passed under my eyes. I was com-ing down Dearborn avenue when I met ahearse in which there was a colhn. Thedriver held the reins of his horses almostlistlessly. He was alone. There were nocarriages of mourning , and no attendantsof any sort The hearse was being drawnalong at the funeral gait Such an un-

usual sight prompted ; me to watch andfollow until I should meet some one whohad the authority to stop this lonesome"procession" and inquire what it meantAt the corner of Division street I met apolice officer and directed his attention toit He halted the hearse anc. asked thedriver if he had a corpse in. the coilin.The driver said he had, and seemedastonished that he should be quizzed.

taWThere8 the procession?" asked theo!T!cer. The driver, with a 6ort of un-earthly grin, replied: "That's comin' on.I got over the bridge first, and I guess the

recession's gone up another street But? 11 meet 'em further up. " At this pointa gentleman drove up in a buggyhurriedly and in a tone of indignationand with more animation than the occa-sion warranted, berated the driver for hisconduct The procession was on anotherstreet, aud the hearse was driven over toits proper place with just a little morehaste than good taste "warranted. Theo:Mcer turned to me and said. "Well, sir,that takes the cake, " Tho scene and theremark of the officer made an impressionon me- - that I don't think I shall everforce.


BY AUTHORITY. Sdrfiisrintnts.Jp&trtisfmtats.from San Francisco.The schooner Leu hi took some n:: lAu

to the Prlnceville Sugar Company, llanalei.Kauai, November 1'th.

The bark Coioma sailed lor H.,i.gkong with ".',')Clilncaei.aAsengers in traii.-;- t Novernber

The driller r was again at work oir tae (. canicCompany's dock November l:h. H- -r mac-i.in-

: i ' I i

Chemically Pure. AFV1BER SOAP Chemically Pure. Special Notde to tllC Ladies.

on'fbe a ClamCO. i

During .ii V iihv"c the Hon. f. f. Iaukea willCL3



03tot us iuvenmr of OhIui.

J.NO. O. JO.MINl, Great Closing OutGovernor of Oalm.(ivvemor's O.iii--- . Honolulu, November 17,143.3.

.iliUOV20.-- OF OUR- -









andbe satisfied with inferior articles, ju.--t boeause youhave used them for years. Wake tip -- nd look around,and see what are the latest and be.st soaps in the market.We know that you have been using soaps for washing andcleansing purposes manufactured from soapstonc, pitchand diseased fats,'that give "all kinds of diseases, such asitch and salt rheum, and make the skin full of pimples.You did not know that these diseases were the result ofimpure soap being used in washing your clothes. Weknow you dad not. You thought that your blood was outof order, and you have been trying to rid your system ofits impurities by taking all kinds of medicines, and at thegame time the system has been absorbing poisons fromyour clothes being washed with impure soaps.

The "Amber," Washing and Cleansing Soap is Chemi-cally Pure, and it is the only chemically pure soap in themarket. It is manufactured from a recipe endorsed bythe highest medical authorities as a Ture Soap.


Evervthinir Must he Sold bv December 1st.

Water Notice.From this dale, till further noti.;.-- , W. K. SKAL

JQ.f Is alone authorized to CiIh-- t wnK-- r ratesiMid dtiAs ou account ot .the HoioKilu Vut-- r

Work's. .

He is fully tmpwrriM to Kive a to 1 an.l Hiini-cl-i- it

receipt, anil none other wiil be iu knowl-edge!.

All parties ure rei nested w hen trying waterrates, to produce to the Hceiver tln-j- lastreceipt.

This Regulation does not apply to any businessrelating to the Water Works, which now is, orn;iy hereafter be pinned In tlie liamls of tli"

Jeiieral for settlement.C1IAS. T. (iL'UcK,

Minister of the Inter'or.Interior Otlire, November 5, iss.l. 313 uootf

This Willi4 a ;reat hnliuvinent to obtain U.UUiAlNS in nil artn W of

. : ; .1,




Chemically Pure AMBER SOAP-Chemic- ally Pure. TEMPLE OF FASHION.;

Xos. 01, 03- - and 05 Port Street.zoi tfG W. MACFAKLANE k CO, Agents,


; ; rT Honolulu. H. 1.

THE NEW STOCKNew York Life Insurance Go.


Kl n'A'UM iv vlTlie CuiHMiiy Mint Oriffluntrd tUe Xu--4rl"lr- nr Feature f Life lunurance

The Board of Immigration pro-poses to liuike arrangements forthe further importation ofJapanese immigrants into thisKingdom and would request thatall parties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract laborwill forward their applications toWm. G. Irwin & Co. the dulyappointed Agents of the Boardfor Japanese Immigration.

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayand that - the partiesorderingstate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of thesepeople.

....CHAS. T. GULICK.Minister of Interior and President

Bureau of Immigration.Interior Ollice, Aug. 21, 1885.

a'tmsfof tlie Moon DiiriiisXovfiiiber,1SS.1.

-- OF-

MillmeiTjLnd Fancy Goodsr"Will be Open for Inspection, begjiiiiiiiii

WEDNESDAY, November 11,

ery has been thoroughly overhaul!.Tlie achooiivr Ilaleakala l fro:n IVp..--

keo, Hilo, Hawaii, November Inli, in 21 ho. in-- .

Both masts of th schooner Kiuiua w-r- luki'ijout November ISth, and fire f..-- from both were

'cut off.

The steamer C. K. i'.'nhop bi ought 50 ba-- , ofpaddy from Kauai, Novernber ltli.rough weather arid heavy seas at Knuni. Shesails at S a. m. to-m- o: row.

The brigantlne W. i. Irw:n nnUhedher cargo November ISth. she will sail withsugar for San Francisco about next ."vitunluy.

Fir- - at Mr. n. A. .Macfie'sKilafea, Kauai, Nov. It, ls".'

Ahuut 7 oYltx-- last (.'venin' a fin-hrok-

out in .Mr. K. A. Macfio's ti-!Ii-

lioust;. It was first olist'rveJ Jy theniht watchman, who, witli funinn nd-iih- le

jirecx-m- e of miinl, ran to tlie K-l-l

used for calling all hands, and ran.j itloudly. The alarm caused a cmralturnout, and the illumination hcinrplainly visible from all sides, a generalrush was made for the scene of the con-

flagration. No time was lost. From thelalxirers' miarters to the fire is ahoutthree-quarte- rs of a mile, and in less thanten minutes from the sounding of thealarm there were over 10 men at workextinguishing the blaze. It. had beenraining oft" and on during the day ; con-

sequently the outer portions of the build-ing were thoroughly damjieiied. A fewthoughtful men liad brought bucketswith them, while others provided them-selves with what useful implements the"could lay hands on.

The fire broke out in a room used as aetore-roo- m, or the servants' quarters,both of "which are situated on the leeside of the house. A moderate breezewas blowing at the time, and leforewater could le brought to bear on theflames, the store-roo- m and servants'quarters were in flames. "Water wasplentiful and used to the best advantage.All worked with a will and soon con-

quered the enemy, the damage leingconfined to the premises alove men-

tioned.Mr. and ilrs. Macfie and family were

within the house at the time, but at anoposite end from which the lire brokeout, and they received the first intimida-tion of the blaze from one of the Chineseservants. At the hour of writing (twelvehours after the fire), the cause of the out-

break is unknown. The work of extin-guishing the flames was conducted in anorderly and energetic manner. K very-on- e

did his Iest, and in such a case itwould be invidious to mention names.A Japanese met with an accident thatmight have been serious, but fortunatelyit proved otherwise, lie had ascendedto the roof and was doing good work,in pouring water on the blazing beams,lie slipped, slid down the roof, and fellto the ground, a hight of about fifteenfeet. With the assistance of two Portu-guese, he was taken to Dr. Campbell,who made him comfortable for the night.I have not learned the precise nature ofhis injuries.

By 8 o'clock the fire was out, and themen wended their way homeward with afeeling of satisfaction that their em-

ployer had not, been burnt out. Thepremises are insured. I J.


Wednesday, Novemlier 18th.Kaluahine and Frank Dunley were

fined 3 and $1 costs each for drunken-ness.


Kapule, for assault and battery onLuka (w.), was fined $7 and $3 costs.

Mike Martin was charged with assaultand battery on James Williams with adangerous weajxin, to wit: a tumbler,lie pleaded guilty, and was remandedfor sentence until the 10th.

Ah Kui Sam, Ah Tio, Ah liana andAh Yok were charged with havingopiuniin iossession. Ah Yok pleaded guilty,and the other three not guilty. Ah Yokwas fined $100 and sentenced to impris-

onment at hard labor for two months.The others were discharged.

Tokini, Kamale and Nahola were each

fined $5 and $1 lOcosts for affray.

We are showing iu our millinery depart-

ment the most complete assortment of the

latest styles in hats, bonnets, trimmed anduntrimmed, to be found in this city, and atlowest prices. Clias. J. Fishel.

And bnlnure of the Mli,l. II. M..... 2t a 0 r. m.

AsetH - geo,oo,ooSurplus Uvrr ...-- 10.000,000Annual Income I.:..'.:.:. ;...:..V., iL.l-- . li.0OO.60OIncome from Interet In IHHl - 2.H73.3SIKath 1ammci raid In -' - - 3,337,176

Excess of Receipts, l,2 13 (Larger Uian any other ronipuiiy,.

leatU lMie lald Here During I.at Year gH,000IiiMurauee In Free on Iheae IIaui, over $l,00,000

THE NEW YORK LJKE Uanea every varit-t- of mwind Insurance, Incltdliitc Ordinary Life,Limited l'ajmeiit Life, Endowment Policies, Tontiue IiiveMment, mid Non-Eo- i felting LimitedTontine Polli-ies- . In all of these clauses advantageous s are offered.

The Noil-Forfeiti- Limited Tontine Policies Issued by this Company offer greater advantage thanthose offered by any other Company., It is virtually an Endowment Policy, at the ordinary Lift-rates- ,

and offer at the termination of the respective Tontine periods the following option to such ofthe lr.su red as have lived and have kept their policies In force :

First To apply the accumulated dividend to the purc hase of an annuity ou the person whose lf is

Insured.Second To contiirue the policy for the original amount, or withdraw (it rmU the aecomulafed divl j

dend apportioned by the Company to the policy.Third To withdraw in cash the entire equity (that Is, tlie reserve aud accumulated dividends a --

portioned bv the Company to the policy).Fourth To convert the entire equity Into a paid-u- p policy, without participation In pn.rtts.Fifth To convert th entire equity into a Life Auuuity upo" said person whose life Is Insured.

' For full particulars, riitci, etc., upply to 4 , . ' t.V i . '.'i Hi Hc'


Hjdlti , : . c General Ageut for Hawaiian Islands.

Kull Mooni ! ' i

at Tin:TI Kiting aud Setting of tlie Sim.

The.sun rises inoriiin? atfi:H uVlwV.The hud sets tins evening at ",.l7::i ii'i'lonk. Popular Millinery House,POHT OP JIOXOLL'LU, 11. i.

Honolulu,lO-- t fort StreetN. S. SACHS

AKKIVALVWkdxjsiav, November H.

Stmr C K JJishop, Macaulsy, from llanalei viaWaialua unit Waianae

Ktmr Waimanalo. from WaimanaloSchr Ilaleakala, from Tepeekeo

i, Proprietor.


? ;


' v

j i

it H


i' )



1 .

i' ;

- 1 i '




r !

' , f f

l)i'9fourtey of the Ty pe-Writ- er.

tliicao Herald.'That young woman who the other day

teut her "young man s" letter back anddismissed his suit at once and for all be-cause the youth was thoughtless enoughto addre-- s her with a type-write- r ought tobe regarded as a pioneer in a much-neede- d

reform, bhe certainly will be commendedin many quarters for gTasping boldly anevil and setting her foot on it. The type-writer is no doubt a useful and labor-savin- g

machine, but it is gradually becomingan implement of discourtesy, all thesame, and its power for evil in this re-spect need to be checked. While thereare thousands of business men and otherswho make constant use of these machinesthere are also many other thousands whodo not, and who retain the d

idea that in a correspondence of a semi-friendl- y

or confidential nature no eyeshould fall upon it but the two partic-ipants.

Nothing is so exasperating to a personwho does not us a type-write- r or employan amanuensis as to write an autographletter to a friend on some topic of a half-way private nature, and receive in replya sheet covered with the cold, mechanicalimprint of the keys. He realizes then thatthe nature of his business is known to atleast two others besides the one who alonehas a right to know it. and he chafes un-der it, and naturally resolvc3 that the nexttime he has occasion to communicatewith that friend he will go and see himin person.

Again, the type-write- r, except with let-ters bf the most formal business charac-ter, is discourteous, because it carries withit a suggestioa of indifference, and noth-ing can bo more impolite than to so re-

gard a friend's communication. As wasbefore said, the type-write- r is useful, butthose who employ it so universally shouldbe cautious and mindful of the courtesiesand amenities that should always governcorrespondence. Between business men.business correspondence may be done bymachinery, but between friendly aequaintances, on matters not wholly relat-ing to business, a reply by type-write-r toan autograph letter can be considered lit-tle less than an affront. It certainly is adiscourtesy.

Unharmed by Thronging Sharks.(.Trinidad Cor. Pittsburg Disratch.

When a whale is captured off the Bocasthe blowing of horns heralds its approachto one of the whaling stations in the isl-

ands of the Bocas. We at once deter-mined to follow the whaling boat whichwe saw rounding a point, rowed by eightvigorous whalemen; and towing a huge,shapeless mass. The capture of a whaleoil" the coast of Trinidad is altogether diffcrent from an occurrence of the samekind- - in northern and Arctic regions,owina: to the swarming of countless sharksabout the defunct monster and their fero-cious attacks on his carcass.

We followed in the wake of the whale-boa- t

and quite close to the whale. Al-ready the sharks, with an instinct rivalingthat of carrion birds, were gathering roundtheir prey and increasing in numbersevery moment. We reached Monos,another island in the Bocas, and there atthe whaling station, situated at a flatpoint on shallow water, the lifeless whalewas hauled in close to the shore. Nowbegan the wrork of cutting up the whaleand carrying the blubber masses to thecaldrons. At this stage the sharks actuallygrew frantic, and would jump out of thewater to seize on some pieces of blubberthey thought within reach

These otherwise dangerous fishes are,on an occasion of this kind, perfectlyharmless to mau, and this is well knownto the whalemen. One of them havingdropped his knife in the water dived torecover it iu the shallow water, and wasleft unmolested by the swarming mon-sters, whom he almost touched at everymoment Numbers of sharks are alsoharpooned with the greatest facility onthese occasions, and the oil which is ob-tained from their livers is said to bosuperior to cod-live- r oil in therapeuticproperties.lawless Character of English Spell Inc.

Popular Sciecce Monthly."Learning to read the English lan

guage, " says Frederick A. Fernald, "isone of the worst mind stunting processesthat has formed a part of the general education of any people. Its evil influencesarises from the partly phonetic, partlylawless character of English spelling. "He further says: "The spelling of eachword must be learned by sheer force ofmemory. In this work the pupil's rea-soning powers can not be utilized, butmust be 'subdued, while his memoryis sadly overworked. In the affairs ofthe child's daily life the logical followingout of rules is rewarded. In learning tospell it brings him only discomfiture andbewilderment. n

And again: " On the other hand, thechild who has difficulty in learning tospell may be expected to develop stronglogical faculties. Thus, a boy who hadlong been at the foot of his spelling classwas one day given the word ghost, and,making a desperate attempt at the sort ofspelling he had oftenest heard succeed, hespelled it g-- h This bringingupon him shouts of laughter, he said,with clinched list and tearful eyes: 'Youneedn't laugh; you all spell homelier 'nthat' "

Occupation and Short Sight.Paris American Register.

Some time ago the Breslau oculist. Dr.II. Cohn, on examining the eye ofseventy -- Ave watchmakers, found thatscarcely 5 per cent of the number wa3affected with shortsightedness, whichresult seemed to justify the belief thatthe use of the loupe was an excellent pro-tection against myopia. Quite recentlythe same oculist examined the eyes of fiftywatchmakers in a Freiburg watch factorywho had for j'ears, without using a loupe,worked the fine parts of watches, and ofwhom, nevertheless, only two wereslightly hort-sighte- ti

From this Dr. Cohn concludes thatwatchmaking is an industry not injuriousto the eye, while considering the fact thathis extensive examinations among stu-dents had established an average of 56 percent, among compositors of 51 per centand lithographers of 3? per cent, afflictedwith myopia, he comes to the conclusionthat reading, writing, composing, anddrawing are more injurious to tho eye9than the constant exercise of the visualorgan in connection, with fine stationaryobjects.

Valu of a Unman 1.1 fe.Mininsr Herull.

The value of a life cannot be overesti-mated. Dr. Agnew, the distinguishedPhiladelphia surgeon, who was repeat-edly summoned to Washington duringthe illness of President Garfield, was oneday requested to remain, but declined be-cause of patients requiring his attentionin Philadelphia. One of the patients re-

ferred to was a laborer at a shipyard, whohad a badly fractured skull and anotherwas a workman who was suffering from adangerous wound in the abdomen. When itwas ured that the president's life was morevaluable the eminent surgeon replied that"human life was human life. " that thepresident was attended by skillful sur-geons, abundantly able to cope with anyemergency, while these poor men hadnobody, thereby intimating that the lifeof a workiugman is as important to him-self as that of the president's. This isthe value which mine bosses and superin-tendents, colliery owners, inspectors,legislators, and all others should placeupon the life of the wage-work- er in andabout the coal mines, hundreds of whomannually lose their lives in the anthraciteregion alone.

All: Are Invited.DKI'AKTIKKS.V'K1)NSDAT, November IS.

atmr l'lanur, Cameron, for Kauai, at 5pmNtuir Mokftlti, for Molokai, at 10 a mstmr James Makee, Weir, for Kupaa, at 5 p mHtmr Kitauea lion, Weisbarth, for llamakua,

l 12 wStuir Iwalanl, Freeman, for llamakua, Hawaii,

at 4 p inAm bk Coloma, Xoyes, for HongkongHchr for llanalei


Rowell, Jackson & Webster,Civil and Merhanleal Engineer, Knrveyorwand Iranxlitnieu.

lieslgns and estimates prepared, etc., for all kinds of . Mechanical, Architectural and Civilwork. .

Terms Reasonable ."

j i! .,...,...-....- . ' - i -. ;

Consulting aud Draughting Kooins iu Campbell's Mock. Entrance on Mercliant street. Allpromptly attended to. 3031 v.i

Stmr Waimanalo, Xeilson. for WaimanaloSchr Rainbow, from KooiauAm bktne Morning Star, Bray, for Jalutt, hhl,

rii Ullo, at 10 a m Save Yourself and lours From

'Loss byroui:iu vksskls ix rour.

.Am bgtnr W O Irwin, II X Turner, from SanFrnociseo

Jlawp. missionary packet Morning SUir, I I.ray,from Jaluit, S I

Am bktue Discover, Meyer, from San Iran,ciseo

Am bktne Klla, K M Howe, from San iran-cisc- o

ilritish bark Victoria Cross, Hobertson, fromNewcastle, N S W


W M. S. WEBSTER.t How ell, JarkMN Weber).

Has the following second-han- d Machinery, in good order, FOR HALE :

One 4ft x 12ft Multitubular Boiler, one 6in x Sin Portable Engine, one 111b x 3ln Slide Valve Eiixlneone ft Vacuum Fan, with Engine and Fump complete; three &00 Galls. Oarlllers, two Weston Ceu,trlfugals, one Mill 26 In. by M lu., one SI ill 20 in. by 32 in. V i. j l 1 W d-- tf


? ' '"t


HOLLISTER &'"C0.'DEATHHave Just landed, ex hark JUPITER, a large turoloe of

ENGLISH DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, . ,t , v-. . ,? . , . .

f, uvso't

cot,; y


an) MERCHANDISE, stocks of OOODS an.l LIFE, in tli

Etna Fire Insurance Company.

Hartford, Conn- .- lmrterel

Assets Over Nine Millions.



fwels ExpeclMl from Forelsn l'ort.O S Alameda (Am), II O Morse, from San

Francisco, due November 23lAm is S WilminBton.frotn PortlanU.Or, en route

to Xlongkonj;, due November 13-- 17

Haw brk Thomas 11 Foster, F W Iluir', fromFort Townseiid, W T, due November 2."3

Hark Bowen, from Newcastle, N H W,due Dec 5-- 10

Hrit bark Lizzie Iredule, from tilisow, dueOctober 30

Am bark Martha Davis, F B Benson, from NewYork via Boston, due October 25 30

Norwegian bark Lovespring, Thompson, fromNew York, due Nov 20-- 25

Urtt bk Chilena, Iavies, from l, dueJan 1-- 10

(iermau bk C Ii Bishop, from Bremen, dueNov 5 15

Hawaiian scbr Jennie Wuiker, B Anderson,from Jalult.-- S 1, due Nov 110

Am tern Kva, J. Wikman, from HumboldtBay, Cal. due Oct 11-- 15

It 11 M S Constance, ItjUKhty, from Panama,due NOV20-2- 5

Am bk Mpartan, from Fortland. Oregon, elroute to Hongkong, due November 15-- 20

lint bk Mount bebanon, C Nelson, from Hong,kouff, due December 10-- 25

Haw brtg Hazard, Ooodman, from San Fran-cisco, due at Uilo, Hawaii, November 15-- 23

Hawaiian schoouer Maiolo, C. Neilson, from thesouth Seas, due Now 25-3- 0.

Am. tern W. a. Bowne, A. II. Paul, from SauFrancisco, due Dec. 1- -7.

Am bk KIsinore, from Newcastle, N S W, dueNovember 20--30

i' M S S City of Sydney, Dearborn, from thecolonies, en route to ban Francisco, due Novem-ber 22

Am bark Mary Wlnklemau, C Backus, from .SanFrancisco, due Nov 22-- 2S

Am schr Uosario, Swift, front San Francisco,lue at Kabului Nov 25--30

Ex S. . MAKIl'OA, a Urge assortment of

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company,Kan Franeiseo, California.

WELL KNOWN, SOUND, RELIABLE. The only California tVniitiiy thstt palil its Chicago lossesrKQilPTLY AMD IN FULL.



Nuuanu Street. 74-api- is ; Port Stretit,-- :o:-

john N,Oc.noa 3ine,CO.

The New England Mutual Lite Insurance Co.,

The Old Reliable.


From llanalei, via Waiauae, p- -r Hteamer C KBishop, Noveraber l;th: Hon 11 a WUemauu,and 22 deck passengers.

DtifAKTt'KK.For llamakua, per steamer lwalani, Novem-le- r

litli: D Tooiuey, Judge Miau. 11 A Pratt. SFa roii, IS PMciiuney, and about 32 deck passen-gers.

For Kauai, per steamer Planter, Novemberlitb: .Walter Pomroy, Kev J li Hauaike, W CDart, O Scboltr, D JUine, and about 70 deck


eetPioneer Life Insurance AgencyIk-- j. . ,

) " fIT . i i j---"::


ftorrei ana trie Keg.Detroit Free Pre.

On a certaiu Occasion a Barrel whichwas half full of rainwater found itselfbeside a Keg of Brandy. There was plentyof room for" both, buttheheg could notrepress its Vanity and suon remarked:

"lingular that it takes such a stoutBarrel to hold such weak Liquid. "

"And it is singular how much QuarrelIng Murder and General Baseality can becooped up into such small bulk, " retortedthe Barrel.

"I've got the strength of ten full barrelsof Water. "

u Yes, but all good men detest you. "They scolded, away for half an hour,

taunting each other with having li edinChicago and St. Louis, and f.nally agreedto leave it to the Owner of the store. TheKeg stated the case and asked for a de-

cision."Why as to that. " he answered, "You

contain a very good quality of Fusil Oil,and the Barrel holds about the samequantity of rain water, with certainl.hemicals dissolved. Kach by yourselfyou are of very little value, but when 1

pour the Fusil into the Barrel, as I soonwill, behold the result will be thirty-tw- o

gallons of best French Urandy imporiedfor this house direct from Bar is. Nowshut up while I tie some more Cobwebs tothe corks of thee Champagne Bottles.

Moral None of us are of much valueto the world when we stand alone.

A. (iood Itusine Smile.Courier Journal.

A young man with a good businesssmile it may b.. inch, or h, or 10-inc- h

is, when uot a villain, worth moretoliis employer taan a dozen ordinarymilovcs. The public, itself coarse and

ImjSolite, lemaads good manners andfirfp.tncai --viterevet it got '

1N THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM. ,'le andto allr;ietlc; i

tf'iinesa '

PtiiacH1 lJusI-rcha- n.


Hull. I

.Back. HpfU,n Lna.inn In

'i' man'-- iiana-




Tlie barkentine Discovery was stiifte-- I Into thestream November mh. .she si:N i.i xi Wt .lnt

for San Francisco. S':.e .Ir. a ly lak.-- iu

7,ti03 bags of sugar.The bark CO. Wliitui..re, i '.ipt:ii:i Thompson,

arrived at Uilo, Hawaii, November 15th, withlumber from Port Townseiid.

The new Hawaiian steamer Ivy Holmes arrivedat III!, Hawaii, November 15th, 17 days from San

Francisco.Tbe steamer Waimanalo brought 500 bags of

sugar from Waimanalo November ISth, whichivere transferred to the barkeutine Discovery.

Tlie steamship City of Sydney Is expected nextSunday from the Colonies en route to San Fran-

cisco, and tbe steamship Alameda net Monday

CASTLE & COOKE, Stoves, Ranges anil Housekeeping Goods.:o, ca

Agents.315 Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,i



fivrrtljSftntutjs.. :'llusiucss Cards.


CLAEENt K W. VOLWY V.ASHFOKD. ASHFOP.D, ' "The requirements for a Brand v likely to be of att nu-u- w ai r.se sirr all present in that upplid hJ 11 T HrniTTTlCIATTlV ( OiYXT

Messrs. J. E. Pelllson A Co. Vide lT.blu' Health. ,

AHhlurd V Atiforl, Steam Navigation Co.I f J t fl ATTOd-KYs- j ; CDUXSEL0R5.' SOLICITORS, Pts TXriicplore4i TJxisweeteiied, Pure Old Brandy. j

Battled at Cognac, for Mt-i'.- ii iiial and rj..ueftie l'.s. a; .nuly2t-I- .We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-


consignment of OHice Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post-offic- e. V call the Attention of all readers"? the f..!Vwhi est raft from te Ana!y-t- s' Keports and have received;Oplalonaof tho-- : - -

.. i ., i 5 f ' - S urchham jiiju, t Jloiborn "iadu-t- , London. E. C.

Automatic Trash Feeding ! ' . TLh brantdv''Li'u'pure srape spirit, reraSrtably noli .i friigra:it ethers; conuins a large amount ol1ECIL BKOWX, A T"1'0 RNKY-AT-L- A V A'D STEAMER W. G. HALL, tannin, derived from storing in oak casks. wd h wr. parts to tlno old brandy one of Its valuable medici-

nalMay 8th Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

Furnaces. ! notary Fuolic, Campbells Block. Merchant properties, and will be of the greatest va5m to the rhv-kia- n in those numerous cae here porestreet. (MALUT-ANI- ,; French brandy Is the most useful c.f ll medic!T;es.

, .. ' D.MC l) R. SOL'TUBV, M. li. C. 6.. F. C. si."For four atid five foot InrDacw, complete with BATES. .Commander The only two quali: es :shipped Sevea and Ti-- Years old"-- tan re had in one-dore- n fairs. May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;yraU bars, bearer and trash carriers. Machines A. ROSA,

f thl.i make are now ir successful operation at 1TORXKY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUB- - Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona FREETH & PEA COCK, : i:

SpreckelsvilJe, Makee Sugar Company and other A LIC. OHice with the Attorney General, Alii and Kau, Hawaii. To Arrive Per Consuelo. 332 Packages,plantation?. olani Hale, Honolulu, H. I. til mrJfl-U-t- f 111 ja Side Ageiitsfor th-- Hawaiian IsiaJids.i'

i 5 PLANTERS AND OTHERSi ; ; i , i i i

Interested are riqiiestl to cill and examhie tbexabove. For prices and turther partieiiltrr-f-ap-- '

ply to

Win. ,(x."li'win & Co.,

t i '

295tf Auents.


......CummauderCAMERON..LEWIS & CO.,

"Wholesale and He tail Grocers,67 and 9 Hotel street. P. O. Box 207. Old ami New 240.

NEW OOOIJM Jl'ST RECEIVED ON ICE. Frnh Cnhlorn!:'. l'ruits. Fresh California Fishand a full line cf Fancy and Staple Groceries." Ooods to all parts of the free of charge


Leaves every Tuewlay at '. p. m. for Nawlliwili,Koloa, iCleele and Waiuiea. Keturning, will leaveNawillwili every Saturday at 4 p. m.,artiving atHonolulu every fcunday at 5 a. m.


NOTARY PUBLIC.KpnI ffAtale in any rl of the JKiu

Bought, Suld and on Commissionljitus Negotiated nnd Leul Drawn,

o. J7 NLIU IIAXT STKKET,iaet"te Blocki. nijf,iaiu f 1 if


STEAMER IWALANI,CHO WING & CO., AVill be Sold ai the Lowest IMarket J-ate-s,

.ComiuanderFitEEMAN.? ' i 'No. fil ifnnaun Slrfcl, Will ron regularly to Human, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e,

Honokaa and Faauhau, Hawaii.I I IIMSIII.I) KOOMS. H. JE. --Molntyre & T3ro.,' - :


Grrbceriesj Provisions and FeecLM. "W. McOliesney & Son,liOOMS TO LET.


Crockery,.trliisflwai-- b r ! r v

4'2 ami II )iiii htrvet, Honolulu.87-- ui v22 lySt



MAC'A CLE V CommanderL.-ave-s every Saturday at 8 a. m. for" vl'alahae,

Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-Vi- t,

leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. in., andtouching at Waialua and Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. m.

.lEAl AND COjIF(jR PA lELKFCfitN JSHEI)'"X. f rooms at No. X KaVvuiahtni laue, a few stepsfront t Ik- - ;oviruiiieiit building. & man and wifecan also have comfortable furni.shed rKms, ortwo rooms unfurnished, ai'd tocook for themselves. MRS. WARD.

I!)i-U- f

New Goods received by eserv packet from the Eastern .states and Europe, r'resl. Californial'roduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended !, and t;uo.ts delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postnflice Box No. USTelephone No. 76 aplT


'ISArtistic Color Prin tin,PHOTO-CNGRAVIH- C


China?Now oiTer for sule at. Tery low iatos.i choicje" va-

riety of "TEA-- KT r,-- V A 1 ,- WWW to K FOTHj- - bi K l)H


Ureal Barcaluw. Ureal llareaiu.New atal beautiful articles of the most iteBeate

workman liip Just reciT"d fr ta Japai. jP.lJ. bx 259. UouJJiA m ll jir.5

STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,WEI U.l .....J...Commander THE HONOLULU IKON WOK KS CO.ASTOit HOUSE II EST A L'UANT. .y t. au. .Will run. to Kupaa, Kauai. ..


Have iiiiIet'I mill lt-- f i i snl- ll.o inlhiiui! I.oih .T. it. EOSTEK, iTeMdrllt. '

lyJ. Ena, Secretary.

Board Uy Sie week ti month, U mi ul tickets, I

Mlagte meals --" vl, id tbi- - lir- - dining room.-I- n

the private dinitig rot.in, :" cents.EVERVTHINO CLEAN AND NEAT,

And meals expeditiously served up.

n vxui vmViYVKti1

steel iuhleus-.y;- :i1.

175sel"2tf (iKOIMiK CA VENAfiH, Manager-

1 Loinliination iioilcr, i'l It.x ,i ti. ( in....I ' i

1 Combination Strcl I'oili'iVi- - H.x 1 H.,iiisoJUST RECEIVED


Mas. Ronr. Iaivk. I'iiku. Joiikson... f .LOV'Jh'S- -

Steam JJakery, 2!3I MAIN ST., Hf1 Second-Han- d Tubular Iloilcr. V2 ft. x 4 ft.fir n r I fr 5 ""'Ai'Dlyjta; t Tho Honolulu Iron Works Co.

I'iU'lFir 11IL STEAMSHIP f()


Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

if I I f"4 S


flOi i i rGEO MGELH 1X1171l5 r )' I i "it ""

Formerly witli Snniiirl alt,Importer and Dealer in

For San ; Francisco i ;City of Rydney.. ...On or about November 22d

& .COOKE- i


"MEKDOTA," and Other Late Arrivals. i

From New York and Sun Fram-foco- . a Iairte and Varied AHSortment ofMerchandise, Suitable for

Lowest; Market Kates,; J v

A Mrge SUK-- of the --Most Favoritei Brands of






TQIMTUC DEW M'lIINKY.fin cass and casks,)

PELiaSSOJTW BBAXDY,(TTand 10 years old.j


Ex.Stoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.For Auckland and Sydney : ,

Australia On or about October 31st


House Furnishing Hardware,aOCEANIC STEAMSUIP CO.

H f 'n MUu Agate Iron and Tinware,

Vy' ders for Ship Bread executed at short notice.Old bread renaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE : KALOON, AND CHOP HOUSE Inconnection.. Cool, airy room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates. '


PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.Hotel street. 78 tf - Telephone 74


3jami 1y IJn tcliexCITY MAUKKT,

f i j , -

Niiuauii street, opposite Queen Emma Premises.

Plantations, Country Stores and .Families,".Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Company.


U'ort Street,Beaver T31oclt JRf nov3 88


'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'"Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco oil the

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

' J I Slore formerly occupied by S. Xott, opposite spreckcl:j Co.'s Rank.1

1' i---Ai

Budweiser Lager Beer,

For which w art the Sola Asrenls in toe H- -PASSKNOERS may have their names booked

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcan and Electric Kero-

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm and Cylinder Oil, Albany CompoundPlumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, Galvanized Cor-

rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated Sheet Ziucf.Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Ilubber Springs,Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves and Springs, I. 11. Hose,

inch to 2 inch, 3 and i ply. Steam Packing, round, square and flat, allstyles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Hams, Jack Screws, Pan's Steel Breaking PI own- - Iheboss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all m'zos, Cultivators, Hoikinoes, Gang Plows, Planters' Hoes, our own make, inch Goose Neck Lane'sPlanters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Hakes, Forks, Scoops, Bush Scythes, Feed Cutters,Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mowers, Road Scrapers,Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Axes, Hatchets,Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all sizes ar.dlengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardware a full lin.Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Planes of all kilitfa

walian Islands, are particularly recommended.u .in;ii;,i'ii !". ei . . ?

18861F Third Year of Publication. 1886THE HONOLULU


. l?6iv the Year of i Our. Lord 1SS0, Containing an

in advance brapplylmj at the office of the Asrents:PASSENGERS by thla line are hereby notified

that they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggageFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast. !

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, .f 125.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thisline will be received free of charge, in the Com-pany's new warehouse, and receipts Issued forsame. Insurance ou merchandise in the ware-house will be at owners' risk.

Families supplied on niost reasonable terms.Corned Beef and Pickled Tongues always on hand,Cambridge Sausages fresh every day. Meat de-

livered to any part or the city and suburbs.17:iselUtf

' Ton a atl Cauulry 4irlerM F11I1; i : 1 ! ' ! i y ;"


EUEEKA !Prooytly, auU KatiMfMftiou Uiiaran- -WILLIAM O. IllWl.Va CO.. .

34-t- f: iteed.j Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. Paints', OilsWe have received a consignment of the most

Economical ai.J Valuable Feed for all Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'! Calend'rTfreeth. & "Peacock. kinds of Stock, viz.:


and Glass.

White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil, Valentine's Varnishes,Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large variety of small paints In Oifs, Chandeliers, GlassLamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inbs, Tin and Hollow Ware, Medicine.

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.' ,

P. Q. BaTelethon No. 46, & . t5 " A . . t f I i ,t



STEAMKR KINAU,(King, Commanoer),

110 U24 dASC

Official andlBiisiiiess Directory of HonoluluIt Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk andi ' Bntter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal aliowa about 37 per cent, of nutrlUve matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 'OHTARIO" TOGETHER. WI IIIin i f fLeaves Honolulu as per following schedule. 1Til TWO

i i t

; S- t1 f

i f

Vt f



1 1




f ,


FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.

BENICIA MILLS Family Flour. . ".'


JVetv UooiIm Rxiterteil per Ntenrnsliip Alftiiiwlf.BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE and VACUUM PUMPS IN STOCK

86 tr


100 Its. ol this meat is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or 31$ lbs. of com, or to 707 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, om Unrivalled MLXED FEEDas well as

1 - our vsual siipplyof the best kinds of

liny, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc, Etc.

LAINK So CO.; . ; is tf .


Full Stafistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS,

Is now in Course of Publication. Will be Issued the

First Week in January, 1SS(.


touching at Manama, xuaaiaea, .aiaaeuu, .nuu-- t

kona, KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hilo and Keauhour-Commencing on MONDAY. October 12th, and

thence on the first Monday following the arrivalof the "Alameda" and "Mariposa," on tke 8thand 22d of each month:.

The steamer Kinau will -- make th VOLCAXOTRIP, reaching1 Keaubou on Wednesday morn-ing, giviug tourist two day and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

"When the 8th and Tld of the month fall onMonday, the Kinau will leave that day.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On IIUo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukoua.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from Hi'o for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.





TkeUeitaut! mo( Durable Knit InckIN THE 'WORLD.

For Sole in Honolulu.


Nueoessors to IIIliii;liani V Co. mil titmtil 'otl.BONE MEAL!!


Oreat pains and expense have been g-on- to by the Pnbli.sheres tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. It.will be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Oflicial Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

; Articles of special yahio to; the Islands have necn prepared by ex-pert writers, wliich are well calculated to beget great interest intheir coudition and prospect abroad.

Secretaries of Societies and Heads of 'Departments are respect

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Lorenzen, Commander;,

Leaves HonoliJlu every Monday of '5 i. it. lori, Kahului, every week; Huelo, liana


IKniMe Fiirrov


23 ES 3? I INT GMade from the Very Bet



i ,

Made from outown patterns.


and Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokuluu and Nuu every'JSyThe unikJiuci are now prepared to re

ceivo order, for tliis Celebrated Fertilizer

from the manufactory of IHiek A OhlaudtHard Wove Cotton


Duek. fully solicited to make returns of their oilicers, Compiler's aim ! lJlil vstj(-- 1 vlow

other weetc. iteturnlng, will stop at the- - uhoreports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA IIOU,(Welabarth, Commander).

Will leave regularly for Paaubau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onomea

being correctness and perfection.Advertising Space Limited La re Circulation

' r H ; Guaranteed.SEW GOODS JUST EECEIYED.!

nir AEVTi The following is a report of the compo--t

neut parts', as obtained bj Chemical analy- -


Orders for. advertisements received at this office or taken by Mr.F. L? Clarke.1STEAMER LEHUA.

(Davies, Commauder) : :



A full assortment of TINWARE tit low prices. EASTERN LUBRICATINGOILS. CENTRIFEGAL PELTING, a wry superior article.

7 .t-- .


WaterOrganicMattcr: ?vt;;s.

'4snicwadVJratoiV-.- . v.- -

XirciO .....t .c ....... t- -

r v riiCirpTitji ie i.cid. . .

1 bf li on . . . ..".f Car boyic Acid. .". . .

.. AJkali &Utf. : ,'V- - "' -'

8.10 per cent" "29.18

4.65 " "31.70 "23.11 "

. .85 "71.89 Y ' teWill leave regularly for same ports as Kilauea


jfeltner Heat or UaissimcsV afTotts

Tly toit 'Strrtrli.'- r

Stroutfer llian leather, :: . :j

Better thanllublier, ... '


lor Salo in Honolulu.


"Nitroi) 2.7 per emit.iMKJregor, Commander).

I.ea-e- s Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. ra. forKaunukakal, Kamalo. Pnkoo, Iilialna. Moanui, S

VMM nMmOrders Reerivcd'-'wfl- l have Prompt

and Careful Jtiention.JOHN TTTSCEXG

Halawa, v auau, iVlkmui ami Kl:uiipa. He- - :

turning, leaves l'ukoo Fri-Uiyi- i a.m. fur Hopinlnhi,Saturday morning. '

CP" The Company will not ho forany frvitfht r pn.-kaii- unless receipted fur, norfor personal h:tfiu'aC hii1hs plainly marked. Not;respoii5ihle fur mnwy or jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser. j '

All possihle care will be taken of I.lre Kuclctbutthe Company will not assume any rUk of accideut.

SAM'L. a. WILDER, President,s. B. ROSK, SecreUry. ;


Lumber and. Coal.Doors, Sa.sh and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, i'aintf, Oils. Class, MattinfcCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement; STEEL NAlI.s Uiu h Fupukr to iron, and com hut liltmore.

' i'. iNo. 32fi Btisli Sl.. ua Francisco; Cil.

in lifeline at tbe shortest posBiblWii in BI Hud it te th.-l- r advantage to ;

$7u AIK UTSCHIG before go!.. elewh.

i;.i. J 'W. (t. Irwin & Co.,

Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.SStf

OFFICE Joruer Fort and Queen streets. SAN JOSE, CAL, U. S. A.69-- ly ifar 30
