v burned body lahr motor sales...

"' in 1 PAGE EIGHT m' « I * ff- t; •• THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE SATURDAY, JANUARY M, PREDICT FIGHT FOR CONTROL OF EQUITY PLAN! Showdown is Expected at Meet-j ing to be Held in Fargo Next j Week to Consider Plant j CURTISS' SHORT-TURN CASEY IS SEEKING LOAN Fargo, Jan. 14—An open fight for control of the Equity Cooperative Packing company and the discussion ot a pioposoa change in the constitu- tion of tne Equity Cooperative ex- change by which the present proxy system, would be abolished and a "delegate" system providt-i in place of it, will be the big features of the annual meetings ol' these two corpora- tions, both of which will be held in Fargo on January 17. Th& light for control of the Equity Cooperative Packing company is a continuation of a controversy be- tween two opposing factions of stock- holders which was begun at the an- nual meeting last year. One faction, headed by C. Wl Jte-ichert is seeking to oust from control, the present board of directors, headed by Presi- dent P. M. Casey. ' The iteichert faction is appealing to ' stockholders of the packing company to send Ini proxies, it is the conten- tion of this faction that the entire present board of directors has signed a.stipulation to r&aign and that therefore an entire new board is to be elected at the meeting. It is further contended that unless there are MX) stockholders present at the meeting, either in person wr by proxy, that there will be no legal election under the by-laws and that therefore the present ooard will automatically hold over. j Present Directors Tlio present board of directors of the packing company consists, of the following: P. M. Casey, J. C.' Leum, 'Aiayvilie; H. P. Beckwith, Fargo; J. C". Bergin, iHendrum, Minn.; Wra. Ql- son, Valley City; Anthony Walton, (Mnot; Louis Altenbernd, Sabin; A. E. Wailey, Velva; >C. D. King, Menoken.. Casey in Washington P. M. Casey is in Washington con- ferring with the War Finance cor- poration regarding the- possibility of getting funds for the packing plant througn the corporation. 'No infor- mation regarding his side of the con- troversy has been made public. An angle of the packing plant situa- tion which will be up fior solution at the coming meeting of stockholders, is the judgment against the company, held by Louis Altenbernd, one of the directors, for $56,000, and a court or- der ljjr the sale of the 24 houses and the.- store belonging to the company at "West Fargo, where the packing plant, is located, to satisfy this judgment. This sale, originally set for early in December, has been postponed by.stip- ulation from time ta> time and is now set for January 27. Mr. Altenbernd recently secured another judgment against the company for $4,000 addi- tional, and it is reported that othet claims have be&n or will be filed in a j short time. Plan to Abolish Proxy The Equity Cooperative exchange, of which J. M. Anderson is president, will vote on amendments to the con- stitution and by-laws which would wipe- out the present system, of voting by proxy at the annual meetings, and would give the board of directors au- thority to group the stockholders in local units. These local units would then be entitled to elect delegates to attend the annual meetings. A second amendment provides that 15 per cent of the- stockholders, represented in person or delegate, shall constitute a quorum. At present a majority of the 22,000 members must be present, in person or by proxy, to constitute a quorum. A third amendment would provide for changes in the constitution by majority vote, rather than by two-thirds vote. , : We have just installed a Vacuum Cleaner manufactured expressly for cleaning the inside of motor cars. With this new ma- chine we can clean the inside of your Coupe or Sedan spick and span. .The next time your car needs cleaning, why not take ad- vantage of our unequalled This auto bus is 37 feet long, but it can turn in a radius of 30 ieet It is the invention of Glenn Curtiss, the aeronautic engineer. He is experi- menting with it at Miami, Fla. * CONFESSES HE SLEW FARHER, BURNED BODY Wisconsin Man Transported Body Considerable Dis- tance to Haystack Madison, Wis., Jan. 14—Hartwell Farewell, held in connection with the death of Phil'p Houston, Windsor man, found in a burning haystack near Portage Thursday night, admitted in a statement signed this afternoon be- fore Sheriff McCormlck that he slew Houston January 12. Farewell, farmer of Vienna, Wis- consin, accord'ng to the alleged > state- ment, said he shot Houston near the former's home in Vienna. Eventually the body was taken to Columbia and placid in a haystack which was set on fire. , Farewell declared in the statement that the shooting was in self-defense and that he was mentally irresponsible at the time. He was alleged to have declared that the shoot'ng resulted from attentions paid to his sister by Houston, of which, he asserted, he disapproved. PHOTOCAR FOR FAIR PREMIUM FUND OVERDRAWN A knotty problem has been brought before Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor J. A. Kitchen in connection with the state appropriation for pre- miums at the North Dakota state fair at (irand Forks. The legislative appropriation to the fair association is $10,000. Former Ccmmissioner of Agriculture and Labor J. N. Hagan had approved bills for premiums amounting to $11,- 110.62, according to Mr. Kitchen. Since it has been discovered that the appropriation was not sufficient to meet the total awards Mr. Kitchen feels it will be necessary to strike pjpnie of the items front- t wards for which payment' list of made. You'll Like Our Centrally Located, Fireproof Storage, and You'll Find Our Repair Shop, Battery Shop, add Other Departments, Eager to Serve You v at Reasonable -Prices. " ! Phone 490 OPEN ALL NIGHT Lahr Motor Sales Company Hell^tr^pi-N^rton Company Verdict Is Photographers Build Huge Cam* v era on Dodge Brothers Y , Chasis A Jury in district court Whieh re- ported at noon today awarded a judg- ment of $2,017.30 to the Hejlstrom- Norton Brokerage Company, composed of F. O. Hellstrom and C. R. Norton, in tlieir case against the Pr'ce-Smith' Fruit company, of St. Joseph, Mo. The jury allowed the full claim of the plaintiffs, which brought action to recover commission and overage in connection w'th apple shiphients jit 1920 and alleged damages suffered fbr shipment of interior fruit. ^The piaiif- tiff was ker. ^ BLANK SENT Y TO ASSESSORS Blanks, up6n which the assessors of the different townships of (North Da- kota will report the statistics of grains and crops raised are .-being printed by.the Commissioner of Ag- riculture for distribution to the as- sessors of the state. One' new 1 item will appear on the blaftk this year, this being the amount of sweet clover, seed threshed during tftel9?l season. This crop has taker, siicty an Imports ant place in the rotation of the North! Dakota farms that an official places has been made for the seed in the re- port made to the state department. represented ^ by... Beijtqn Ba^ To get the maximum of speed in ta- king photographs of news events and developing the negatives, progressive photographers of Atlantic City, N. J., WAR MEMORIAL Would Have States Participate in Expense of Project : To Be Heard Before Magistrate v Next Thursday i 'vwU -1-— ..r&Srf: Hearing in the case of Mr. pnd Mrs "Jack" Bennett on charges |f intoxicating liquor in their jfbjpftgjo: will be held before Police Aftigistrj&te Cashman next Thursday nglit! Ben- nett's attorney appeared before Judge Cashman late yesterday and asked for continuance. Bonds were fixed at $500 each, j The search of. the home was icon-,' ducted late yesterday by county and state officers. The liquor, according to the searchers, was found under the dirt cellar floor. A platform was; over that portion of the cellar where, j the liquor 'was concealed, and a" big i potato" box was on the platform, the officers said. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett signed each other's bonds and Chris Bertsch, Jr., signed both bonds. / . STUDEBAKER TO FEATURE "SIXES" Studebaker will feature "sixes'* this year—the new "Big Six," new "Special Six," the "Light Six."* The plan iadopted is* to give Stude- baker dealers a full complete line. Rc^juptment of prices on the Stu- debaker lino January 1 shows decldedl reductions and Improvements in con- struction, style and special features that add to the success of the Stude- baker. The Bismarck (Motor Company has a slogan that "This is a Stude- baker year." 4: epiftring of Batteries, Magnetos, Generators and Starters, done perfectly. Genuine high quality Prekt-O-Lite Batteries at Rock Bottom Prices. 6.&W.BATTERYCO; - ' v : •. Bismarck, N. D. , f- .Toledo, Jan. ^14. have constructed on a Dodge Brothers i killed and another Cadillac Announces Reduction Of Prices ————— ;./•! Xo *, New Figures Take Effect On All Type 61 Models Substantial price reductions have been announced by the Cadillac Mot^r Car Company, of Detroit, on all ten models of the Type 61 Cadillac motor cars. The reduction on the Touring Car is $790, and on the Sub- urban $940. ii'--- In reviewing the conditions under- lying this announcement, C. Bertsch, Jr., of the Bismarck Motor Co., agents for the Cadillac car, made the follow- ing statement:. "The Cadillac Co. has during the. latter part of this year successfully completed the task of bringing to- gether practically all of the largest manufacturing units into what we be- lieve is the most.modern and scien- tifically arranged automobile plant in the world for the manufacture of a high grade car. In this new factory we have taken advantage of every opportunity to systematise the vari- ous manufacturing operations that go into the making of the Cadillac auto- mobile and the resulting economies have helped to make possible this re- duction in out price without decreas- ing in any way the quality of our product. "We are passing all of these sav- ings on to purchasers of Cadillac au- tomobiles together with such addi- tional savings as, in common with all other manufacturers, we have secur- ed from the lower markets for raw materials of all kinds. The lowered prices, we believe, set an entirely new standard of motor car value." chassis a special body 'n the form of a giant graflex camera. The interior of the body is ingenious" ly arranged so that a man can climb up a ladder-like arrangement, bringing him to a heifhth of ten feet from the ground and giving him a commanding view of any events which may be ta- king place. The body is also used as a dark room in which negatives may be developed and finished, guaranteeing speedy service, which would otherwise :be impossible. 1 The "graflex wagon," or photocar, as it is variously called, is the very latest thing in rapid newspaper photography. It is significant that for speed and reliability—which are so vital in thisbefore game—Dodge Brothers chassis was' chosen to furnish the power. -One bandit was fatally wjounded when six armel men held up W. H. Brown's roadhouse, 10 miles south of Toledo after midnight last- night. When the bandits entered the road- house Paul Whiteman, a guest, drew a revolver and fired, the bullet kill- ing the foremost of the band! In the fight which followed. Robert McCor- mick, one of the bandits^ was wound- ed and the other four escaped: ' Washington; Jan. 14—Erection in \£<a&hingtpg of the National Victory ! Memorial fjfuilding commemorating, \ tho'" Aifcericiart forces iri the World; War is endorsed by .President Hard- ijig in a let^ to all Mate governors' 1 by enmmissidners of the district of Columbia, mging official participation of the states .in the project. j •Replying the. governors of New ' York, Maine 1 and Delaware and the ' district commissioners have already indicated their ; desire to cooperate and tobring.the'mat'terto the atten- tion of the citizens of their states. ORDER BRIEF IN MILLER CASE GREAT NOVEL BY CHURCHILL IS SCREENED "The Inside of the Cup" Which Created a Storm To Be Shown Here ^ 1 Every reader of current literature will recall the sensation caused by the publication- several years ago of Winston Churchill's powerful novel, "The Inside of the Cup.' The story attacked the alleged hypocrisy of cer- tain clergymen and men of wealth identified with churches as vestrymen. The philosophy of the book was crit- icized by churchmen in this country and in England as an unwarranted at- tack upon religion and the cloth. The picture rights having been ob- tained by the Cosmopolitan at great expense, the story was picturized by Albert Capellani, a famous director and 'the film version will be shown at the Capitol Theater next Monday. The essent'al features of the atory, which is one ot great dramatic force, have been retained while the anti- hypocrisy philosophy of the author necessarily has been subordinated to the general theme. The story deals with the 'Rector of a fashionable church who turns upon, his wealthy parishioners when he discovers them parading under a mask of hypocrisy and invites the common people to attend his church. Eldon Parr, a vestryman, unscru- pulous and tyrannical, alienates' his son and daughter and is finally killed by a man whom he has ruined. There is a pretty love romance between the Rector and Parr's daughter, which ends Jiappily. The leading roles are played by William P. Carleton and Edith Hallor. Dance at Baker's Hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day nights. Best music and floor in state. 10c a dance. « SEEK FRIENDS IN HOUR OP NEED "In the hour of need we quickly seek our best friends," writes Chas. Schridd Ward de Wet, 957 37th Ave., Oakland, Cal., "Our little boy and girl had a s&vere dry, rasping cough with- j _ , .. , - __ ... out phlegm, a cough that chokes andi ' buy and sell State Hail War- Hushes the face of the sufferers like j rants. . Call or write. Obert A. upto convulsions. Foley's Honey andioison, Eltinge Block. Phone Tar was a wonderful emergency rem-; n-n ody." Cases like this give Foley's j j Honey and Tar its reputation as the I 4 . 1 ~ best remedy for coughs and colds. E. S. ENGE. D. C. Ph. C. Adv l Chiropractor Washington, Jan. 14.—The senate judiciary sub-committee which has it the matter of protests against the confirmation of the ap- pointment of Andrew Miller, of Bis- marck, as federal judge, has given the representatives of the protestants until next Monday to file tin abstract of testimony taken or offered in the case. ' Ormsby McHarg, representing the protestants, wanted-to bring witness- 68 r &^ ta ' he Mld - committee 4&as?(P this plea and d 1 - recteA tb»^.'a/$rief be filed-.. Action will be taken on it«next week. Temperature of liquid air is 400 de- grees below zero. "" •"" •• ^ : ~ TOWED IN v Doh't jwait pptil youf motor goes "dead' ? -r-it takes all the joy s out' of a" joy-ride ^be- sides, r gives 'your friends a chance to "rtfiz" you. r; J Our shop is completely equipped, with modern ma- chine tools ^ lathes, drill •presses, grinders, milling ma- chiiles^-every servke tool ne- cessary to : remanufacture your motor. ; Workmanship gu aranteed to equal r if not surpass that of the factory. Prices Fair. MODERN MACHINE . WORKS ; Bismarck, N. Dak. /'c •: //. jr. This is to Announce Change of Concern Name to : MODERN MACHINE. WORKS ^ 921 Frbnt Street. : v< Bismarck,, N. Dak. Formerly Bismarck Foundry & Welding Co. ] , There is no change in ownership. v. j ] ;•!)• We have discontinued our Foundry and Welding'De- partments, and will concentrate alt our efforts to Auto? motive Machine work. : Cfc v ] Cylinder and Crankshaft Grinding. Standard or any oversize Pistons. Piston wrist Pins and' Piston Rings. Hardened Flywheel starter We will remain at the same location wtiere we KaVe been for the past 12 years, j k .( ,^.,5 ,.?»»•• MODERN MACHINE WORKff J 4' : ADOLF KUTCHE$A> Prop. f -j First ncgriD slaves in 'America came | with a Spanish expedition in 1528. j Salte Censnltatlon Free 9. 11—Laeu Block—PhoM We Repair Everything Electrical From a Vacuum Cleaner to an Automobile., "A- ELECTRIC SERVICE & TIRE CO. 215 Main St. "r> ,'» ' •••«?• .SSL rJ- ' \ ; Announces frAA- ' , .'j'f.'JOI.' (!»»';jL i| Series 22 BIG-SIX Prices ...i. Touring* . .$1785 - * 27flft '.M •/virg ^ V. i&i . f i < Series 22 SPECIAL-SIX Prices Roadster (2-Passenger) .... —$1425 Touring .. 1475 Club Roadster 1475 Coupe (4-Passenger) 2150 Sedan 2350 ,vf The New LIGHT-SIX Prices Reduced Effective January 7th Tpuring Roadster (3-Passenger) . Coupe-Roadster Sedan S $1045 1045 1375 1750 Ail prices f. o. b. factories BISMARCK MOTOR COMPANY Distributor Bismarck, N. D. " v. - I THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR a?-*A '•mv v,.-

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Page 1: v BURNED BODY Lahr Motor Sales Companychroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042243/1922-01-14/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · death of Phil'p Houston, Windsor man, found in a burning haystack near

"' in 1


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EQUITY PLAN! Showdown is Expected at Meet- j

ing to be Held in Fargo Next j Week to Consider Plant j



Fargo, Jan. 14—An open fight for control of the Equity Cooperative Packing company and the discussion ot a pioposoa change in the constitu­tion of tne Equity Cooperative ex­change by which the present proxy system, would be abolished and a "delegate" system providt-i in place of it, will be the big features of the annual meetings ol' these two corpora­tions, both of which will be held in Fargo on January 17.

Th& light for control of the Equity Cooperative Packing company is a continuation of a controversy be­tween two opposing factions of stock­holders which was begun at the an­nual meeting last year. One faction, headed by C. Wl Jte-ichert is seeking to oust from control, the present board of directors, headed by Presi­dent P. M. Casey. '

The iteichert faction is appealing to ' stockholders of the packing company

to send Ini proxies, it is the conten­tion of this faction that the entire present board of directors has signed a.stipulation to r&aign and that therefore an entire new board is to be elected at the meeting. It is further contended that unless there are MX) stockholders present at the meeting, either in person wr by proxy, that there will be no legal election under the by-laws and that therefore the present ooard will automatically hold over. j

Present Directors Tlio present board of directors of

the packing company consists, of the following: P. M. Casey, J. C.' Leum, 'Aiayvilie; H. P. Beckwith, Fargo; J. C". Bergin, iHendrum, Minn.; Wra. Ql-son, Valley City; Anthony Walton, (Mnot; Louis Altenbernd, Sabin; A. E. Wailey, Velva; >C. D. King, Menoken..

Casey in Washington P. M. Casey is in Washington con­

ferring with the War Finance cor­poration regarding the- possibility of getting funds for the packing plant througn the corporation. 'No infor­mation regarding his side of the con­troversy has been made public.

An angle of the packing plant situa­tion which will be up fior solution at the coming meeting of stockholders, is the judgment against the company, held by Louis Altenbernd, one of the directors, for $56,000, and a court or­der ljjr the sale of the 24 houses and the.- store belonging to the company at "West Fargo, where the packing plant, is located, to satisfy this judgment. This sale, originally set for early in December, has been postponed by.stip­ulation from time ta> time and is now set for January 27. Mr. Altenbernd recently secured another judgment against the company for $4,000 addi­tional, and it is reported that othet claims have be&n or will be filed in a j short time.

Plan to Abolish Proxy The Equity Cooperative exchange,

of which J. M. Anderson is president, will vote on amendments to the con­stitution and by-laws which would wipe- out the present system, of voting by proxy at the annual meetings, and would give the board of directors au­thority to group the stockholders in local units. These local units would then be entitled to elect delegates to attend the annual meetings. A second amendment provides that 15 per cent of the- stockholders, represented in person or delegate, shall constitute a quorum. At present a majority of the 22,000 members must be present, in person or by proxy, to constitute a quorum. A third amendment would provide for changes in the constitution by majority vote, rather than by two-thirds vote. ,

: We have just installed a Vacuum Cleaner manufactured expressly for cleaning the inside of motor cars. With this new ma­chine we can clean the inside of your Coupe or Sedan spick and span. .The next time your car needs cleaning, why not take ad­vantage of our unequalled

This auto bus is 37 feet long, but it can turn in a radius of 30 ieet It is the invention of Glenn Curtiss, the aeronautic engineer. He is experi­menting with it at Miami, Fla. *


BURNED BODY Wisconsin Man Transported

Body Considerable Dis­tance to Haystack

Madison, Wis., Jan. 14—Hartwell Farewell, held in connection with the death of Phil'p Houston, Windsor man, found in a burning haystack near Portage Thursday night, admitted in a statement signed this afternoon be­fore Sheriff McCormlck that he slew Houston January 12.

• Farewell, farmer of Vienna, Wis­consin, accord'ng to the alleged > state­ment, said he shot Houston near the former's home in Vienna. Eventually the body was taken to Columbia and placid in a haystack which was set on fire. ,

Farewell declared in the statement that the shooting was in self-defense and that he was mentally irresponsible at the time. He was alleged to have declared that the shoot'ng resulted from attentions paid to his sister by Houston, of which, he asserted, he disapproved.


FAIR PREMIUM FUND OVERDRAWN A knotty problem has been brought

before Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor J. A. Kitchen in connection with the state appropriation for pre­miums at the North Dakota state fair at (irand Forks.

The legislative appropriation to the fair association is $10,000. Former Ccmmissioner of Agriculture and Labor J. N. Hagan had approved bills for premiums amounting to $11,-110.62, according to Mr. Kitchen. Since it has been discovered that the appropriation was not sufficient to meet the total awards Mr. Kitchen feels it will be necessary to strike pjpnie of the items front- t

wards for which payment' list of made.

You'll Like Our Centrally Located, Fireproof Storage, and You'll Find Our Repair Shop, Battery Shop, add Other Departments, Eager to Serve Youv at Reasonable -Prices. "!


Lahr Motor Sales Company

Hell^tr^pi-N^rton Company Verdict


Photographers Build Huge Cam* v era on Dodge Brothers Y

, Chasis

A Jury in district court Whieh re­ported at noon today awarded a judg­ment of $2,017.30 to the Hejlstrom-Norton Brokerage Company, composed of F. O. Hellstrom and C. R. Norton, in tlieir case against the Pr'ce-Smith' Fruit company, of St. Joseph, Mo.

The jury allowed the full claim of the plaintiffs, which brought action to recover commission and overage in connection w'th apple shiphients jit 1920 and alleged damages suffered fbr shipment of interior fruit. ^The piaiif-tiff was ker. ^


Blanks, up6n which the assessors of the different townships of (North Da­kota will report the statistics of grains and crops raised are .-being printed by.the Commissioner of Ag­riculture for distribution to the as­sessors of the state. One' new1 item will appear on the blaftk this year, this being the amount of sweet clover, seed threshed during tftel9?l season. This crop has taker, siicty an Imports ant place in the rotation of the North! Dakota farms that an official places has been made for the seed in the re­port made to the state department.

represented ^ by... Beijtqn Ba^

To get the maximum of speed in ta­king photographs of news events and developing the negatives, progressive photographers of Atlantic City, N. J.,

WAR MEMORIAL Would Have States Participate

in Expense of Project :

To Be Heard Before Magistrate v Next Thursday

i 'vwU -1-— ..r&Srf: Hearing in the case of Mr. pnd Mrs

"Jack" Bennett on charges |f intoxicating liquor in their jfbjpftgjo: will be held before Police Aftigistrj&te Cashman next Thursday nglit! Ben­nett's attorney appeared before Judge Cashman late yesterday and asked for continuance. Bonds were fixed at $500 each, j

The search of. the home was icon-,' ducted late yesterday by county and state officers. The liquor, according to the searchers, was found under the dirt cellar floor. A platform was; over that portion of the cellar where, j the liquor 'was concealed, and a" big i

potato" box was on the platform, the officers said.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennett signed each other's bonds and Chris Bertsch, Jr., signed both bonds. / .


Studebaker will feature "sixes'* this year—the new "Big Six," new

"Special Six," the "Light Six."* The plan iadopted is* to give Stude­

baker dealers a full complete line. Rc^juptment of prices on the Stu-

debaker lino January 1 shows decldedl reductions and Improvements in con­struction, style and special features that add to the success of the Stude­baker. The Bismarck (Motor Company has a slogan that "This is a Stude­baker year."


epiftring of Batteries, Magnetos, Generators and Starters, done perfectly.

Genuine high quality Prekt-O-Lite Batteries at Rock Bottom Prices.

6.&W.BATTERYCO; - ' v : •. Bismarck, N. D. ,

f-.Toledo, Jan. ̂ 14.

have constructed on a Dodge Brothers i killed and another

Cadillac Announces Reduction Of Prices

————— ;./•! Xo *,

New Figures Take Effect On All Type 61 Models

Substantial price reductions have been announced by the Cadillac Mot^r Car Company, of Detroit, on all ten models of the Type 61 Cadillac motor cars. The reduction on the Touring Car is $790, and on the Sub­urban $940. ii'---

In reviewing the conditions under­lying this announcement, C. Bertsch, Jr., of the Bismarck Motor Co., agents for the Cadillac car, made the follow­ing statement:.

"The Cadillac Co. has during the. latter part of this year successfully completed the task of bringing to­gether practically all of the largest manufacturing units into what we be­lieve is the most.modern and scien­tifically arranged automobile plant in the world for the manufacture of a high grade car. In this new factory we have taken advantage of every opportunity to systematise the vari­ous manufacturing operations that go into the making of the Cadillac auto­mobile and the resulting economies have helped to make possible this re­duction in out price without decreas­ing in any way the quality of our product.

"We are passing all of these sav­ings on to purchasers of Cadillac au­tomobiles together with such addi­tional savings as, in common with all other manufacturers, we have secur­ed from the lower markets for raw materials of all kinds. The lowered prices, we believe, set an entirely new standard of motor car value."

chassis a special body 'n the form of a giant graflex camera.

The interior of the body is ingenious" ly arranged so that a man can climb up a ladder-like arrangement, bringing him to a heifhth of ten feet from the ground and giving him a commanding view of any events which may be ta­king place. The body is also used as a dark room in which negatives may be developed and finished, guaranteeing speedy service, which would otherwise :be impossible. 1

The "graflex wagon," or photocar, as it is variously called, is the very latest thing in rapid newspaper photography. It is significant that for speed and reliability—which are so vital in thisbefore game—Dodge Brothers chassis was' chosen to furnish the power.

-One bandit was fatally wjounded

when six armel men held up W. H. Brown's roadhouse, 10 miles south of Toledo after midnight last- night.

When the bandits entered the road-house Paul Whiteman, a guest, drew a revolver and fired, the bullet kill­ing the foremost of the band! In the fight which followed. Robert McCor-mick, one of the bandits^ was wound­ed and the other four escaped:

' Washington; Jan. 14—Erection in \£<a&hingtpg of the National Victory ! Memorial • fjfuilding commemorating, \ tho'" Aifcericiart forces iri the World; War is endorsed by .President Hard-ijig in a let^ to all Mate governors'1

by enmmissidners of the district of Columbia, mging official participation of the states .in the project. j

•Replying the. governors of New ' York, Maine1 and Delaware and the ' district commissioners have already indicated their ; desire to cooperate and tobring.the'mat'terto the atten­tion of the citizens of their states.



SCREENED "The Inside of the Cup" Which

Created a Storm To Be Shown Here ̂ 1

Every reader of current literature will recall the sensation caused by the publication- several years ago of Winston Churchill's powerful novel, "The Inside of the Cup.' The story attacked the alleged hypocrisy of cer­tain clergymen and men of wealth identified with churches as vestrymen. The philosophy of the book was crit­icized by churchmen in this country and in England as an unwarranted at­tack upon religion and the cloth.

The picture rights having been ob­tained by the Cosmopolitan at great expense, the story was picturized by Albert Capellani, a famous director and 'the film version will be shown at the Capitol Theater next Monday. The essent'al features of the atory, which is one ot great dramatic force, have been retained while the anti-hypocrisy philosophy of the author necessarily has been subordinated to the general theme.

The story deals with the 'Rector of a fashionable church who turns upon, his wealthy parishioners when he discovers them parading under a mask of hypocrisy and invites the common people to attend his church. Eldon Parr, a vestryman, unscru­pulous and tyrannical, alienates' his son and daughter and is finally killed by a man whom he has ruined. There is a pretty love romance between the Rector and Parr's daughter, which ends Jiappily. The leading roles are played by William P. Carleton and Edith Hallor.

Dance at Baker's Hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day nights. Best music and floor in state. 10c a dance.

« SEEK FRIENDS IN HOUR OP NEED "In the hour of need we quickly

seek our best friends," writes Chas. Schridd Ward de Wet, 957 37th Ave., Oakland, Cal., "Our little boy and girl had a s&vere dry, rasping cough with- j _ , .. , - __ ... out phlegm, a cough that chokes andi ' buy and sell State Hail War-Hushes the face of the sufferers like j rants. . Call or write. Obert A. upto convulsions. Foley's Honey andioison, Eltinge Block. Phone Tar was a wonderful emergency rem-; n-n ody." Cases like this give Foley's j j Honey and Tar its reputation as the I 4 . 1 ~ best remedy for coughs and colds. E. S. ENGE. D. C. Ph. C.

A d v l C h i r o p r a c t o r

Washington, Jan. 14.—The senate judiciary sub-committee which has

it the matter of protests against the confirmation of the ap­pointment of Andrew Miller, of Bis­marck, as federal judge, has given the representatives of the protestants until next Monday to file tin abstract of testimony taken or offered in the case. '

Ormsby McHarg, representing the protestants, wanted-to bring witness-68 r&^ta' he Mld-committee 4&as?(P this plea and d1-recteA tb»^.'a/$rief be filed-.. Action will be taken on it«next week.

Temperature of liquid air is 400 de­grees below zero. "" •"" •• ^: ~

TOWED IN v Doh't jwait pptil youf motor goes "dead'?-r-it takes all the joys out' of a" joy-ride ̂ be­sides, r gives 'your friends a chance to "rtfiz" you. r; J

Our shop is completely equipped, with modern ma­chine tools ̂ lathes, drill •presses, grinders, milling ma-chiiles^-every servke tool ne­cessary to : remanufacture your motor.

; Workmanship gu aranteed to equalrif not surpass that of the factory. Prices Fair.


; Bismarck, N. Dak.

/'c •: //. jr.

This is to Announce Change of Concern Name to

: MODERN MACHINE. WORKS ^ 921 Frbnt Street.

• : v< Bismarck,, N. Dak.

Formerly Bismarck Foundry & Welding Co. ] , •

There is no change in ownership. v. j ] ;•!)•

We have discontinued our Foundry and Welding'De­partments, and will concentrate alt our efforts to Auto? motive Machine work. :Cfcv • ]

Cylinder and Crankshaft Grinding. Standard or any oversize Pistons. Piston wrist Pins and' Piston Rings. Hardened Flywheel starter •

We will remain at the same location wtiere we KaVe been for the past 12 years, j k .( ,^.,5 ,.?»»••


J 4'

: ADOLF KUTCHE$A> Prop. f -j

First ncgriD slaves in 'America came | with a Spanish expedition in 1528. j Salte

Censnltatlon Free 9. 11—Laeu Block—PhoM

We Repair Everything Electrical From a Vacuum Cleaner to an

Automobile., "A-


, '» ' •••«?•


rJ- ' \

; Announces frAA- • '

, .'j'f.'JOI.' (!»»';jL i|

Series 22 BIG-SIX Prices

. . . i .

Touring* . .$1785 -*




^ V. i&i . f i <

Series 22 SPECIAL-SIX Prices Roadster (2-Passenger) ....—$1425 Touring .. 1475 Club Roadster — 1475 Coupe (4-Passenger) 2150 Sedan 2350


The New LIGHT-SIX Prices Reduced Effective January 7th

Tpuring — Roadster (3-Passenger) . Coupe-Roadster Sedan


$1045 1045 1375 1750

Ail prices f. o. b. factories


Bismarck, N. D. " v.




a?-*A '•mv v,.-