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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (http://dare.uva.nl) UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth’s last meal van Geel, B.; Aptroot, A.; Baittinger, C.; Birks, H.H.; Bull, I.D.; Cross, H.B.; Evershed, R.P.; Gravendeel, B.; Kompanje, E.J.O.; Kuperus, P.; Mol, D.; Nierop, K.G.J.; Pals, J.P.; Tikhonov, A.N.; van Reenen, G.; van Tienderen, P. Published in: Quaternary Research DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2008.02.004 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): van Geel, B., Aptroot, A., Baittinger, C., Birks, H. H., Bull, I. D., Cross, H. B., Evershed, R. P., Gravendeel, B., Kompanje, E. J. O., Kuperus, P., Mol, D., Nierop, K. G. J., Pals, J. P., Tikhonov, A. N., van Reenen, G., & van Tienderen, P. (2008). The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth’s last meal. Quaternary Research, 69(3), 361-376. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2008.02.004 General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Download date: 05 Dec 2020

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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (http://dare.uva.nl)

UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)

The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth’s last meal

van Geel, B.; Aptroot, A.; Baittinger, C.; Birks, H.H.; Bull, I.D.; Cross, H.B.; Evershed, R.P.;Gravendeel, B.; Kompanje, E.J.O.; Kuperus, P.; Mol, D.; Nierop, K.G.J.; Pals, J.P.; Tikhonov,A.N.; van Reenen, G.; van Tienderen, P.Published in:Quaternary Research


Link to publication

Citation for published version (APA):van Geel, B., Aptroot, A., Baittinger, C., Birks, H. H., Bull, I. D., Cross, H. B., Evershed, R. P., Gravendeel, B.,Kompanje, E. J. O., Kuperus, P., Mol, D., Nierop, K. G. J., Pals, J. P., Tikhonov, A. N., van Reenen, G., & vanTienderen, P. (2008). The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth’s last meal. Quaternary Research,69(3), 361-376. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2008.02.004

General rightsIt is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s),other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons).

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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com

(2008) 361–376www.elsevier.com/locate/yqres

Quaternary Research 69

The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth's last meal

Bas van Geel a,⁎, André Aptroot b, Claudia Baittinger c, Hilary H. Birks d, Ian D. Bull e,Hugh B. Cross f, Richard P. Evershed e, Barbara Gravendeel a,f, Erwin J.O. Kompanje g,Peter Kuperus a, Dick Mol h, Klaas G.J. Nierop a, Jan Peter Pals i, Alexei N. Tikhonov j,

Guido van Reenen a, Peter H. van Tienderen a

a Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kruislaan 318, 1098 SM Amsterdam, The Netherlandsb Adviesbureau voor Bryologie en Lichenologie, Gerrit van der Veenstraat 107, 3762 XK Soest, The Netherlands

c NEDL — North European Dendro Lab, Copenhagen, and Environmental Archeology, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmarkd Department of Biology, University of Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, N-5007 Bergen, Norway

e Organic Geochemistry Unit, Bristol Biogeochemistry Research Centre, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, UKf Nationaal Herbarium Nederland — Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

g Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, and Natural History Museum, Rotterdam, The Netherlandsh Natural History Museum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

i Amsterdam Archaeological Centre, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlandsj Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Received 3 May 2007Available online 28 March 2008


Part of a large male woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) was preserved in permafrost in northern Yakutia. It was radiocarbon dated to ca.18,500 14C yr BP (ca. 22,500 cal yr BP). Dung from the lower intestine was subjected to a multiproxy array of microscopic, chemical, and moleculartechniques to reconstruct the diet, the season of death, and the paleoenvironment. Pollen and plant macro-remains showed that grasses and sedgeswere the main food, with considerable amounts of dwarf willow twigs and a variety of herbs and mosses. Analyses of 110-bp fragments of the plastidrbcL gene amplified from DNA and of organic compounds supplemented the microscopic identifications. Fruit-bodies of dung-inhabitingAscomycete fungi which develop after at least one week of exposure to air were found inside the intestine. Therefore the mammoth had eaten dung. Itwas probably mammoth dung as no bile acids were detected among the fecal biomarkers analysed. The plant assemblage and the presence of the firstspring vessels of terminal tree-rings of dwarf willows indicated that the animal died in early spring. The mammoth lived in extensive cold treelessgrassland vegetation interspersed with wetter, more productive meadows. The study demonstrated the paleoecological potential of severalbiochemical analytical techniques.© 2008 University of Washington. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ancient DNA; Biomarker; Diet; Dung; Lipid; Mammuthus primigenius; Microfossils; Macro-remains; Tree-ring analysis; Yukagir


Woolly mammoths, Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach,1799), roamed unglaciated Siberia during the last glacial periodand are occasionally preserved in permafrost. In 2002 the head,front legs and parts of the stomach and intestinal tract of the

⁎ Corrresponding author. Fax: +31 20 5257832.E-mail address: [email protected] (B. van Geel).

0033-5894/$ - see front matter © 2008 University of Washington. All rights reservdoi:10.1016/j.yqres.2008.02.004

Yukagir Mammoth (YM) were discovered in the permafrost onthe steep side of an oxbow lake near the Maxunuokha River innorthern Yakutia (Sakha Republic), Russia (GPS 71° 52' 988”North – 140° 34' 873” East; Fig. 1). Five radiocarbon dates ofthe YM are available (Table 1). The average of the measure-ments calibrates into ca. 22,500 cal yr BP (Mol et al., 2005,2006a). The remains of the YM are stored in the collection ofthe Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk, the capital of the SakhaRepublic (Yakutia). The museum forms part of the Institute of


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Figure 1. Location map.

362 B. van Geel et al. / Quaternary Research 69 (2008) 361–376

Applied Ecology of the North, Academy of Sciences of theSakha Republic.

The head of the YM is extremely well preserved (Fig. 2, 1)compared to the other parts of the carcass; almost the entire head,including the mandible, is still covered with thick skin and themouth is closed. Consequently, the molars in the upper and lowerjaws are not exposed, and it is not possible at this stage to inspectthe molars without inflicting damage. Computed tomographyscans, made in Japan, indicate that the last molars, m3/M3 left andright are still in place but they are heavily worn. The pelvic girdle

Table 1Radiocarbon dates of the Yukagir Mammoth (after Mol et al., 2005)

Field no Sample Laboratory no Results (14C yr BP)

CM-DM-64 bone (rib) GrN-28258 18,510±80CM-DM-64 idem AA-59602 18,160±110CM-DM-65 skin GrN-28259 18,510±100CM-DM-66 hair GrA-24288 18,680±100– bone GIN-12719 18,200±60

GrN: conventional radiocarbon dating Groningen, Netherlands; GrA: AMSradiocarbon dating Groningen; AA: AMS radiocarbon dating, Tucson, Arizona,USA; GIN: conventional radiocarbon dating Moscow, Russia. The average ofthe measurements calibrates into ca. 22,500 cal yr BP.

could have provided confirmation of the gender but it was notpreserved. Based on the size and the curvature of the tusks,however, the YM could be identified as a male individual (D.C.Fisher, Michigan, USA, personal communication).

TheYMwas average-sized for amalewoollymammoth. It hadlarge spirally twisted tusks, typical of an old individual. Based onthe measurements of the entire left front leg in anatomical po-sition, the shoulder height is estimated to have been 272 cm,including 13 cm added for missing soft tissue at the shoulder.However, based on combined data from the entire left front legand the forefoot circumference, the estimated shoulder height is283 cm. From the estimated height and data from the humerus theestimated weight of the YM is between 4 and 5 tons (Mol et al.,2007; Shoshani and Mol, 2007).

The YM's last meal was preserved in its intestinal tract. Thehabitats of ice-age mammoths and other herbivores are broadlyknown from vegetation reconstructions from preserved gutcontents and dung with complementary information coming fromplant macrofossils and pollen from sediments (Solonevich et al.,1977; Ukraintseva, 1979; Gorlova, 1982a,b; Ager, 2003; Liu andLi, 1984; Davis et al., 1985; Mead et al., 1986; Ukraintseva, 1993;Vasil'chuk et al., 1997; Kienast et al., 2001, 2005; Zazula et al.,2003, 2006a,b; Sher et al., 2005; Mol et al., 2006b; Kienast, 2007;

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Figure 2. 1: Head of the Yukagir Mammoth (YM); 2: Dung from the intestine of the YM showing Salix twigs.; 3–11: pollen. 3: Poaceae; 4: Artemisia;5: Caryophyllaceae; 6: Polemonium; 7: Polygonum persicaria type; 8: Armeria type; 9: Asteraceae tubuliflorae; 10: Asteraceae liguliflorae; 11: Epipactis; 12: Salixtwigs; 13: thin Salix twigs with axillary buds; 14: Salix fruits; 15: Salix leaf remains.

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364 B. van Geel et al. / Quaternary Research 69 (2008) 361–376

Drescher-Schneider et al., 2007). Additional information aboutclimate, environment and diets is based on stable isotope studies ofmammoth tusks, teeth and hairs and bones of Pleistoceneherbivores and carnivores (Iacumin et al., 2006; Rountrey et al.,2007; Tütken et al., 2007; Fox-Dobbs et al., in press). It has beenproposed that Beringia, the vast east-Siberian west-Alaskan arealinked by the Bering Land Bridge, was vegetated by an extinctbiome, the so-called ‘mammoth steppe’ (Guthrie, 1990, 2001) withthe centre of the land bridge probably being moister than the morearid continental regions on either side. However, more detailedstudies using a variety of proxies indicate that the vegetation wasnot uniform but locally differentiated into communities under theinfluence of factors such as exposure or shelter influencing snow-lie and water availability (Elias et al., 1996; Kienast et al., 2001,2005; Yurtsev, 2001; Goetcheus and Birks, 2001; Zazula et al.,2006b).

Several recent studies show that DNA extraction and am-plification from paleofeces is a promising new tool for dietaryanalysis of extinct mammals (Hofreiter et al., 2000, 2003; Kuchet al., 2002). Sequences of plastid DNA can supplement in-formation from pollen and macrofossils and have the potentialto provide more detailed information in cases where plantremains cannot be identified using morphological character-istics due to drastic modification by masticatory and digestiveprocesses, or due to an unspecific seed or pollen morphology.Amplification of relatively short DNA fragments can result indetection of plants missed by conventional detection methods(Rollo et al., 2002; Willerslev et al., 2003). DNA analysis offossil dung can thus provide a more diverse picture of dietaryhabits of extinct animals and also improve our understanding oftheir ecology (Hofreiter et al., 2003). Investigation of the lipidand macromolecular components extant within the organicfraction of the dung material can also enable inferences to bedrawn about the botanical composition (since these componentswill be strongly influenced by the composition of epicuticularwaxes and structural biopolymers derived from the dietaryvegetation) as well as the effects of digestion and decompositionprocesses and the relative level of preservation of the remainingorganic matter.

We present information about the physical condition of theYM and we focus our study on the dung from its lower intestinaltract. We used an array of microscopic, chemical and moleculartechniques to reconstruct the diet, season of death, and thepaleoenvironment. Our results are compared with other Russianmammoth dung samples from different times during the glacialperiod.

Materials and methods

Osteology and botanical microscopy

The excavated bones were investigated in order to determinethe physical condition of the YM. Microfossil and macrofossilsamples, and also the samples for organic chemistry and ancientDNA were obtained with clean tools from the inner part of thecompact lump of dung that was taken from the intestinal tract.Sub-samples for the analysis of pollen and other microfossils

were prepared according to Fægri and Iversen (1989). Pollenand other microfossils were identified and counted, includingfungal spores from coprophilous Ascomycetes (Aptroot and vanGeel, 2006; van Geel and Aptroot, 2006). For macrofossilanalysis ca. 240 ml of the dung material was gently boiled in 5%KOH and sieved (meshes 120 µm). The material was suspendedin water in a petri dish and examined systematically under aLeica MZ stereomicroscope (Birks, 2001). Identifications weremade with the help of literature and reference collections ofpollen, seeds, and vegetative plant remains. The annual rings ofthe willow twigs were studied bymicro cross-sections stained with1% safranin, mounted on slides, and preserved with Aquamount(Gurr®).

Chemistry of the dung material

Sample pre-treatmentSub-samples were air-dried at 30°C. Willow branches were

separated from the rest of the dung. Part of the samples wascrushed with a mortar and pestle to measure organic carbon (OC)and total nitrogen (Ntot) using an Elementar VarioEL.

Extraction of lipidsWhole mammoth dung samples (100–200 mg) were Soxhlet

extracted using dichloromethane/methanol (DCM/MeOH) (9:1v/v) for 24 h. The residues were air-dried and used for furtheranalysis. The total extracts were purified and analysed by gaschromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) as described byNierop et al. (2006). Fecal biomarkers were isolated for analysisfrom additional dung following the methods of Bull et al.(1999b) and a modified version of the methodology proposedby Elhmmali et al. (1997) for sterol and bile acid fecalbiomarkers.

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)On-column GC/MS analyses were performed using a Thermo-

Quest Trace GC 2000 gas chromatograph equipped with a 30 mRtx-5Sil MS column (Restek) with an internal diameter of0.25mmand film thickness of 0.1μm.Derivatised extracts (1.0μl)in cyclohexane were injected on-column. The oven temperaturewas programmed from 100°C (isothermal for 2 min) to 130°C at20°C/min and from 130°C to 320°C (isothermal for 20 min) at4°C/min. The column was coupled to a Finnigan Trace MSquadrupole mass spectrometer operating at 70 eV and 250°C,scanning the range m/z 50–650 with a cycling time of 0.65 s.Quantification of alkanes, alkanols and alkanoic acids wasperformed by using the corresponding deuterated standardsassuming a response factor of 1.0. Fecal biomarkers were analysedusing an identical instrument equipped with a 60 m ZB1 column(Phenomenex) with an internal diameter of 0.32 mm and filmthickness of 0.1μm.Derivatised extracts dissolved in hexane wereintroduced (1.0 μl) via a programmable temperature vaporisinginjector. The oven temperature was programmed from 40°C(isothermal for 2 min) to 200°C at 10°C/min and from 200°C to300°C (isothermal for 20 min) at 3°C/min for the sterol analysesand from 40°C (isothermal for 2 min) to 230°C at 20°C/min andfrom 230°C to 300°C (isothermal for 20 min) at 2°C/min for the

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bile acid analyses.All compoundswere quantified byGC-FID (HP5890 Series II) using the same column and temperature pro-grammes listed above with reference to an appropriate internalstandard compound.

Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometryAnalytical pyrolysis consists of the thermal degradation of

macromolecules in an inert atmosphere yielding low molecularweight fragments that can be subsequently analysed by GC/MS(Wampler, 1999). The product of pyrolysis, the pyrolysate, isconsidered to reflect the overall composition of the macro-molecular fraction of the sample analysed. Pyrolysis was carriedout using the method of Nierop and Verstraten (2004).

Thermally assisted Hydrolysis and Methylation (THM)One drawback of conventional pyrolysis is that some polar

compounds are not amenable to GC. To overcome this problem,in situ derivatization of the products during pyrolysis is applied toanalyse these polar compounds. With Thermally assistedHydrolysis and Methylation (THM), hydrolysable bonds arecleaved and the resulting carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups arein situ transformed into their corresponding methyl esters andmethyl ethers (e.g. Challinor, 2001). Apart from the methylation,the degradation mechanisms of macromolecules differ from con-ventional pyrolysis as well, and both techniques are thereforecomplementary. THM was carried out following the method ofNierop and Verstraten (2004).

DNA extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing

Dung samples were air-dried and stored at 4°C. Aliquots of100–200 mg were dissected with a forceps and subsequentlyground to fine powder in liquid nitrogen in a grinder mill (Retch).CTABbuffer (2%CTAB, 2%PVP, 20mMEDTA, 100mMTris–HCl, pH 8.0, 1.42 M NaCl, 2% 2-mercaptoethanol) was added to100 mg of powdered sample and incubated for 2 h at 65°C underagitation. DNA was extracted twice using an equal volume ofchloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1), precipitated with 96% ice-cold ethanol and resuspended in TE buffer (contains Tris, acommon pH buffer, and EDTA, a molecule chelating cations likeMg2+; the purpose of TE buffer is to protect DNA or RNA fromdegradation). The suspension was reprecipitated with 96%ethanol in the freezer for 1 h, washed twice in 76% ethanol, andthe pellet was then air-dried and resuspended in TE. Subse-quently, an aliquot of each extraction was further purified usingthe Qiagen PCR purification kit, following manufacturers in-structions. The final DNA extract was eluted from the silicacolumns using TE buffer after a 30min incubation. All extractionswere carried out in the special ancient DNA facility of LeidenUniversity following established protocols to avoid contamina-tion (Cooper and Poinar, 2001) and they were partly replicated inlaboratories at Amsterdam University.

Amplifications were performed in an MJ Research thermalcycler (Biozym, Oldendorf, Germany) with a 3 min activationstep at 94°C, followed by 35–60 cycles at 95°C for 30 s, 55°C for60 s, and 72°C for 45 s. Primers rbcLA1a and rbcL19b (Hofreiteret al., 2000)were used in 25microliter reactions.All amplification

products were cloned using pGEM-T Easy Vectors (Promega)and 3–15 clones were sequenced from each amplification. Allpolymerase chain reactions were carried out in laboratories inLeiden physically separated from the ancient DNA facility withsome replications at laboratories of Amsterdam University andalways including extraction blanks to monitor contamination.DNA sequences obtained were compared with data in the NCBIGenBank using BlastSearch. Identifications were only acceptedin caseswhere theGenBank sequences covered all 110-bp of PCRproducts obtained and showed no more than a single nucleotidedifference.


Physical condition of the Yukagir Mammoth

The YM had backbone problems. Thoracic vertebrae IV andV showed abnormal growth, possibly as a result of an auto-immune reaction to an inflammation somewhere else in thebody. Only the thorn-shaped extremities of the two subsequentthoracic vertebrae have been retrieved; these were naturally cutoff just above the neural canal and were strongly deformed,showing some pus channels. The available vertebrae before andafter these pathologically modified specimens were in goodcondition. The YM suffered a form of spondylarthropathy (alsoknown as ankylosing spondylitis, or rheumatoid spondylitis) inthe 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae. Unfortunately the pelvis boneand the sacrum bone are missing. Generally this disease showsmost clearly in the joint between these two bones. Spondylar-thropathy includes a group of inflammatory diseases compris-ing Reiter's syndrome, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis andarthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease. The bonyoutgrowths found on the vertebrae of affected individuals arecalled syndesmophytes (François et al., 1995). These are slim,bony outgrowths, parallel to the vertebral column, which re-place the outer parts of the annulus fibrosus (part of theintervertebral disc) and the shorter and longer perivertebralligaments, thus leading to an intervertebral bridge by means ofcomplex processes involving ossification. The syndesmophytescan be distinguished from the vertical and chunky osteophytes(bone spurs) in degenerative vertebral disease, and the oftenbizarre new bone formation is associated with primary bacterialinfections. The abnormal bony outgrowths on two thoracicvertebrae of the YM resemble the syndesmophytes usuallyfound in spondylarthropathy in man and other mammals(Rothschild and Rothschild, 1994; Kompanje, 1999; Kompanjeet al., 2000). A diagnosis of reactive spondylarthropathy, mostprobably associated with inflammatory bowel disease seemsplausible in this case. The inflammations would have causedpain, especially in the early stages of abnormal bone growth, butthis was most likely not related to death. The event or conditiontriggering this growth might have occurred several years earlier.Further study of structural and compositional variations in thegrowth pattern of the tusk of the YM by D.C. Fisher may showfurther evidence for this. Mol et al. (2003) reported a similarcase of abnormal bony outgrowths on vertebrae of the Markelmammoth.

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Table 3Macrofossils in the colon contents of the Yukagir Mammoth


Order Family Genus/species Remains

Asterales Asteraceae Achillea/Petasites? fruitsBrassicales Brassicaceae Draba sp. seedsCaryophyllales Caryophyllaceae Sagina intermedia type seeds


Indet seeds

Ericales Primulaceae Lysimachia sp. seedPolygonaceae Rumex acetosella fruit

Rumex sp. fruitMalpighiales Salicaceae Salix cf. arctica twigs,

Salix sp. axillarybuds,

366 B. van Geel et al. / Quaternary Research 69 (2008) 361–376

Botanical microfossils, macro-remains and ancient DNA

Pollen in the dung probably integrates several years ofvegetation, being ingested from pollen deposited on plants, soil,and in water, as well as from the primary source, flowers. Thepollen assemblage (Table 2; Fig. 2, 3-11) shows a typically biasedtaxa distribution, with a dominance of abundantly producedwind-dispersed pollen derived from Poaceae and Artemisia and muchsmaller amounts of insect-transported pollen from herbs such asArmeria, Polemonium, Caryophyllaceae, and Asteraceae. Theabsence of tree pollen shows that the vegetation was treelessthroughout a wide region. Similar assemblages were recordedfrom the Taimyr peninsula (Andreev et al., 2003; Mol et al.,2006b), and from Bykovsky Peninsula near the Laptev Sea Coast

Table 2Percentages of pollen and spores in the colon contents of the Yukagir Mammoth


Order Family Genus/species Percentage

Apiales Apiaceae Indet 0.3Asparagales Orchidaceae Epipactis +Asterales Asteraceae Artemisia 16.0

Liguliflorae 0.2Tubuliflorae 0.2

Brassicales Brassicaceae Indet 0.7Caryophyllales Amaranthaceae

(Chenop.)Indet 0.1

Caryophyllaceae Indet 4.7Plumbaginaceae Armeria type +Polygonaceae Polygonum persicaria type 0.3

Rumex acetosella type 0.8Ericales Indet 0.1

Primulaceae cf. Androsace 0.2Polemoniaceae Polemonium 0.2

Fabales Fabaceae Indet 1.4Lotus 0.2

Lamiales Plantaginaceae Plantago 0.8Liliales Liliaceae Indet +Malpighiales Salicaceae Salix 0.2Poales Cyperaceae Indet 0.1

Poaceae Indet 70.6Ranunculales Papaveraceae Papaver 0.1

Ranunculaceae Indet 0.7Rosales Rosaceae Potentilla type 0.9

cf. Rubus chamaemorus 1.9Sanguisorba officinalis 0.1Indet 0.2

pollensum 1914


Order Family Genus Percentage

Sordariales Lasiosphaeriaceae Cercophora type +Podospora type +

Sordariaceae Sordaria type 0.8Pleosporales Sporormiaceae Sporormiella type 4.7


Order Family Genus Percentage

Zygnematales Zygnemataceae Spirogyra +Sphaeropleales Hydrodictyaceae Pediastrum 0.1


Poales Cyperaceae Carex dioica type fruitsC. sp. trigonous fruitsC. nardina type fruitscf. Kobresia fruits

Juncaceae Juncus sp. seedsPoaceae cf. Agrostis sp. fruits,

Glyceria sp. fruitsHordeum sp. fruitsPoa cf. arctica fruitsIndet stems

Ranunculales Papaveraceae Papaver sect. Scapiflora seedsRanunculaceae Caltha palustris seeds

Ranunculus cf. nivalis fruitsRanunculus cf.pygmaeus


Rosales Rosaceae Potentilla sp. seedsP. hyparctica type seeds


Order Family Genus/species Remains

Bryales Bryaceae Bryum sp. plantHypnales Amblystegiaceae Drepanocladus


Hypnales Entodontaceae Entodon concinnus plantPolytrichales Polytrichaceae Polytrichum alpinum plantPottiales Pottiaceae Indet plant

Fungi (ascomata with spores)

Order Family Genus/species Remains

Pleosporales Lophiostomataceae Lophiostoma corticolum sporesPleosporaceae Pleospora herbarum sporesSporormiaceae Sporormiella sp. spores

Sordariomycetes Magnaporthaceae Pseudohalonectria lignicola spores

(Sher et al., 2005). The inference of a ‘mammoth steppe' biomewas made from just such pollen assemblages (Guthrie, 1990).

The botanical macrofossils consisted of mostly well-preservedplant material, with fruits and seeds and moss remains of a varietyof taxa (Table 3 and Figs. 2–4). The spectrum and abundance oftaxa are strongly influenced by the food preferences of themammoth during his last meal. Twigs of willows (Salix sp.)formed an important component of themeal (Fig. 2, 12). A certainidentification of the species of the willow remains was notpossible, but it was evident that small-leaved dwarf species hadbeen consumed. The willow twigs were generally 1–2 (b4) mm

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Figure 3. 16: Axillary bud of Salix with primordium inside; 17: Cross-section of a twig of Salix cf. arctica. The terminal tree-ring is incomplete, showing early-woodvessels formed in the beginning of the growing season, while the latewood is missing, indicating that the twig was browsed in early spring; 18: Salix epidermis; 19: Salixepidermis with stoma; 20: epidermis of Poaceae; 21: stems of Poaceae; 22: seed of Poa cf. arctica; 23: seed of Agrostis sp.; 24: seeds of Hordeum sp.; 25: epidermis ofCyperaceae; 26a–c: Carex bicolor type; 27: Carex nardina type; 28: Carex dioica type; 29: cf. Kobresia; 30: Papaver sect. Scapiflora; 31: Chenopodiaceae spp; 32:Ranunculus cf. nivalis; 33: Caltha palustris; 34: Sagina intermedia type; 35: Rumex sp.; 36: Rumex cf. acetosella; 37: Potentilla; 38: Brassicaceae (Draba); 39: cf.Asteraceae (Achillea or Petasites?).

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in diameter, and up to 7.5 cm in length. Thicker twigs had morethan 20 annual rings. The tree-ring structure and the diffusion,number, and size of the early wood vessels were compared totwigs from modern dwarf willow species and the morphologicalcharacteristics point to Salix cf. arctica. The growth rate of thewillows is low compared to modern material of S. arctica fromNortheast Greenland, indicating a harsher environment for thevegetation where the YM browsed. We studied nine twigs fromthe intestinal tract of the YM. The annual growth rate of twigswith 5 to ca. 25 rings (average number of annual rings: 13.1) is ca.0.09 mm/year (standard deviation: 0.0264). The annual growthrate of recent material of S. arctica from Northeast Greenland isca. 0.13 mm/year (standard deviation: 0.049; Schmidt et al.,2006), if we consider comparable material — twigs and small

Figure 4. 40: unidentified stem fragments; 41: moss encrusted with soil dust; 42: calyDrepanocladus aduncus; 47: Pottiaceae.

stems with 8–23 annual rings (average number of annual rings:18.39, based on 23 individuals).

Thinner twigs showed scarswhere leaf stalks had been attachedand many axillary buds were still connected to the twigs (Fig. 2,13). In addition, fruits, many detached axillary buds, and leaves ofSalixwere recorded (Fig. 2, 14 and 15). Some buds containedwelldeveloped leaf primordia (Fig. 3, 16). The preservation of leaveswas poor; in most cases only fragments of the venation weredetected. Rarely were leaf cuticles preserved and these showed thecharacteristic Salix cell pattern (Fig. 3, 18–19). Stem fragments ofgrasses (Poaceae; Fig. 3, 20 and 21) and other monocotyledons(Fig. 3, 25) were the other major component of the dung.

Fruits and seeds of numerous monocotyledons were identified(Fig. 3, 22–24, 26–29), including Poa cf. arctica, cf. Agrostis

ptra; 43: moss sporangia; 44: Polytrichum alpinum; 45: Entodon concinnus; 46:

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Table 4Plant identifications from the Yukagir mammoth dung based on 110-bpfragments of the plastid rbcL gene

Number of clones Order Family Genus/species

5 Asterales Asteraceae AchilleaBellisLeucanthemum

4 Ericales Primulaceae Indet3 Fabales Fabaceae Astragalus3 Malpighiales Euphorbiaceae Indet15 Salicaceae Salix3 Poales Poaceae Deschampsia4 Ranunculales Ranunculaceae Caltha palustris3 Rosales Rosaceae Indet

369B. van Geel et al. / Quaternary Research 69 (2008) 361–376

sp., cf. Hordeum sp., Glyceria sp., Carex spp., cf. Kobresia, andJuncus. Dicotyledon herbs (Fig. 3, 30–39) included Potentillaspp. including P. hyparctica type, Rumex acetosella, Papaver sect.Scapiflora, Caryophyllaceae including Sagina/Minuartia, Brassi-caceae including Draba, Primulaceae (Lysimachia?), at least threespecies of Chenopodiaceae, a small Ranunculus pygmaeus typeand R. cf. nivalis, Caltha palustris, and probably Asteraceae. Theremains of mosses (Drepanocladus aduncus, Polytrichum alpi-num,Entodon concinnus,Bryum sp. and Pottiaceae; Fig. 4, 41–47)indicate environments ranging from moist to dry conditions.

The mammoth dung yielded ten different plant DNAsequences (Table 4). Identification was hampered by the factthat the relatively short sequences obtained usually matched datain the GenBank database of a number of different families andgenera. In a few cases, though, genera and even species could be

Figure 5. n-alkane, n-alkanol, n-alkanoic acid

assigned tentatively. Plant sequences from seven different orders,containing eight different families and genera were found in thedung. Especially at the order and family level, molecular resultsoverlap considerably with identifications based on macrofossils.Salix appeared to be common, as in the macrofossil record.Several identifications could be narrowed down to genus level,especially in the Asteraceae (Achillea, Bellis, Leucanthemum).The identification of Caltha palustris agrees with the identifica-tion ofC. palustris seeds. Although most, but not all, of the fossildeterminations are not as detailed as the plant macrofossilidentifications, these results show the potential value of fossilplant DNA analyses in arctic palaeoecology.

Several complete fruit-bodies of identifiable Ascomyceteswere found inside the intestinal tract of the mammoth (Aptrootand van Geel, 2006), including fruit-bodies of dung-inhabitingAscomycetes (Sporormiella; see Davis, 1987; Davis et al.,1977; Davis and Shafer, 2006). These Ascomycetes developafter at least one week of exposure to the air (Krug et al.,2004). The total absence of bile acids (fecal biomarkers; seebelow) is a strong indication that the ingested dung materialwas indeed mammoth dung. Dung of other species would haveresulted in the detection of bile acids. Coprophagy, which has beenrepeatedly reported from herbivores (Fajardo and Hornicke,1989), including elephants (Leggett, 2004) is suggested as apurposeful behaviour reported here for mammoths. Manyherbivores are coprophagous in order to obtain certain vitamins.Rats prevented from eating their feces can suffer from deficienciesof vitamin K, complex B vitamins, biotin, and other vitamins(Fajardo and Hornicke, 1989).

and wax ester distribution of the dung.

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Earlier palynological studies, e.g. the study of the JarkovMammoth (Mol et al., 2006b; van Geel et al., 2007), have shownthat spores of coprophilous fungi are common in the microfossilrecord of the 'mammoth steppe'. The presence of these spores isrelated to the wide availability of herbivore dung as a substrate.Coprophilous fungi played an important role in nutrient cycling inthe steppe environment.


The dung consisted of 21.3% organic carbon, indicating thatthemain portion of the samplewas composed ofmineral particles.The total nitrogen content was 1.25%, resulting in a carbon tonitrogen ratio of 17.0, which implies well decomposed material(Heal et al., 1997).

Figure 6. Partial gas chromatograms of sterol/triterpenol fractions isolated from (arelating to fecal biomarkers are black while those corresponding to triterpenols are greto concentration in units of µg g−1dry weight.


Extractable lipids derive from the epicuticular waxes in leavesas well as waxes from roots (Walton, 1990). Figure 5 shows the n-alkane, n-alkanol, n-alkanoic acid and wax ester distribution ofthe dung. Even-numbered alkanes and odd-numbered alkanolswere virtually absent. Of the alkanoic acids only very small tracesof C15 and C17 including iso and anteiso analogues were found(not shown), which are indicative of bacterial contributions(Saito, 1960; Akashi and Saito, 1960).

n-Alkanes of the dung maximized at the C31 homologue.n-alkanols were largely dominated by a C26 component, which isa typical alkanol signature of grass species (Walton, 1990; vanBergen et al., 1997). Alkanoic acids were dominated by C16 andC18 components. Often unsaturated C18 alkanoic acids occur in

) mammoth intestinal tract contents and (b) modern-day elephant dung. Peaksy. Where appropriate trivial names are included in parentheses; bold values relate

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plant-derived matter, but for the sample analysed these acidswere hardly detected. Wax esters composed of an alkanoic acidand an alkanol moiety, were dominated by those combinations ofwhich the alkanols had the same chain lengths as free alkanols.The alkanoic acids in the wax esters comprised mainly a C18

component. As a result, the most abundant wax ester, C44,consisted predominantly of C26 alkanol and C18 alkanoic acidmoieties. Altogether, the lipid composition reflects typicalcharacteristics of higher plants (Walton, 1990, van Bergen et al.,1997) with hardly any contributions from other sources.

Fecal biomarkers

Figure 6a depicts the distribution of sterols and triterpenolsobtained from the mammoth dung. For comparative purposes ananalogous analysis of modern-day elephant dung was also madeand the data obtained are presented in Figure 6b.While, unlike itsmodern equivalent, the mammoth dung does not contain a highabundance of Δ22-5β-stanols (most likely these will have beenlost through oxidative degradation) the data from the mammoth

Figure 7. a: Partial gas chromatogram of the pyrolysate of the dung. Legend: P = phenof n-alkene and n-alkane● = 1-alkanol;♦ = alkanoic acid; Cn indicates chain length.Hydrolysis and Methylation. Legend: P = methoxbenzene; G = 1,2-dimethoxybenzelength.

dung clearly show the presence of the more recalcitrant, saturated5β-stanols. These compounds have been used previously as fecalbiomarkers (Bethell et al., 1994; Bull et al., 1998, 1999b, 2002a,2003), with a predominance of the C29 5β,3β- and 5β,3α-homologues being consistent with the dung having derivedfrom a herbivorous diet (Evershed et al., 1997; Bull et al.,1999a, 2002b). Moreover, the abundance (~ 294 μg g−1


cf. ~ 724 μg g−1dryweight modern-day elephant dung) of these

biomarkers attests to the remarkably good preservation ex-hibited by the intestinal tract contents and, at ca. 22,500 cal yrBP, this represents the oldest positive identification of fecalmatter using organic geochemical methods.

Additional evidence for the herbaceous origin of the dungmay be derived from the high abundance of pentacyclictriterpenoids (i.e. α-, β-, and δ-amyrin and lupeol), compoundspredominantly derived from higher plant leaf waxes (Killopsand Killops, 1993; van Bergen et al., 1997). These results andinferences may seem obvious in this context, but they arevaluable because their context is certain. In future, the chemicalfingerprints of mammoth feces can be of diagnostic value in

ol; G= guaiacol; S = syringol; side-chains of P, G and S are indicated; ×: doubletb: Partial gas chromatogram of the compounds released upon Thermally assistedne; ● = 1-methoxyalkane; ♦ = alkanoic acid, methyl ester; Cn indicates chain

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determining the species in studies of permafrost (soil) materialcontaining a dung component.

Bile acids represent another class of fecal biomarkers that maybe used to assess the origin of material of a putative fecal origin(Elhmmali et al., 1997, 2000). Elephants, hyraxes and manateesare unique among mammals in that they do not produce anybile acids, this role being fulfilled by a suite of tetra- and pen-tahydroxylated bile alcohols (Kuroki et al., 1988; Hagey et al.,1993). Results obtained from the mammoth dung revealed a totalabsence of bile acids indicating that this is probably a phys-iological anomaly also shared by mammoths although furtheranalyses to determine the presence of bile alcohols were notconducted at this stage. Whatever fecal matter the YM ate (fungalfruit-bodies present; see above), the absence of bile acids providessignificant information: it was probably purposefully ingestedmammoth dung.

Pyrolysis and thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation(THM)

The pyrolysate (Fig. 7) of the dung sample was dominated bylignin-derived guaiacols and syringols. They were dominated by4-vinylguaiacol, typical of grasses (van Bergen et al., 1998;Nierop, 2001). Other important lignin-derived compounds in-cluded guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, trans 4-(propen-2-yl)guaiacol,and their syringylic analogues along with 4-vinylsyringol.

Small amounts of polysaccharide-derived products wereencountered. In addition, the same lipids identified after lipidextraction/analysis were found. Upon THM, methyl esters ofalkanoic acids andmethyl ethers of alkanols dominated alongwithmethylated versions of vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulicacid. No ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids or α,ω-alkanedioic acids wereidentified. These compounds are present in cutin and suberin,which represent the protective surroundings of plant tissues (e.g.Kolattukudy, 2001). This absence suggests that cuticles largelydisappeared after the digestion of the plant material. However, ahomologous series of n-alkenes and n-alkanes (C10–C31) wereidentified in the pyrolysate of the dung and these products havebeen attributed to the aliphatic biopolymer cutan. This biopolymerhas been found in the cuticles of some plants, but may also be theresult of diagenetic processes during the ‘fossilisation' (De Leeuwet al., 2006). This latter process may explain the absence of cutinmonomers while stem fragments of grasses were still present.

Willow branches present in the dung exhibited a completelydifferent picture (data not shown). They were dominated by atypical dicotyledon lignin signature, which consists of equalamounts of guaiacols and syringols. Along with the wellpreserved lignin, i.e. hardly any oxidation of side-chains, thehigh abundance of p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid shows thatthe majority of the dung consisted of grasses. Leaf tissues ofwillow were of minor importance. This is consistent with theresults of the macrofossil analysis.

Discussion and conclusions

Reconstruction of the diet of extinct herbivores based onpollen andmacrofossil remains in preserved gastrointestinal tracts

can be problematic for several reasons. First of all, the proportionof easily identifiable plants such as mosses and leaves of shrubsand trees with indigestible ligneous parts is often overrepresented.Secondly, pollen may provide clues about surrounding vegetationbut not necessarily record what the animal was eating. Thirdly,when animals take large mouthfuls of small-sized items they canalso ingest unwanted secondary material. Fourthly, herbivoresdying from starvation often do so with a stomach full of in-digestible food that was desperately chewed on just before death,which gives a skewed picture of the actual diet. Finally, animalsoften shift from their staple, representative diet when transientresources are temporarily available (Guthrie, 1990).

Paleoecologists originally portrayed the unglaciated land-masses in Siberia as a productive arctic steppe (the ‘mammothsteppe’) which could support herds of large grazers such as thewoolly mammoth, steppe bison, and horse, all relying heavily ongrasses for their diet (e.g. Guthrie, 1990). Later studies challengedthis concept as detailed fossil pollen identifications from lakesediments included many tundra species which suggested apaleoenvironment consisting of a sparsely covered herb tundrarather than a continuous grassland steppe (Cwynar and Ritchie,1980; Cwynar, 1982; Goetcheus and Birks, 2001). Theseconflicting observations of limited vegetation coverwithmarginalproductivity versus numerous fossil remains of a diverse andabundant grazing megafauna have been a topic of heated debate(e.g. Guthrie, 2001). To answer the question of how Siberia couldsupport large mammals during a time of extensive glaciation andlimited plant productivity, detailed reconstructions of paleoenvi-ronments have been carried out in the last decade based on pollenand botanical macrofossils from sites that also contained Pleis-tocene mammal fossils.

The composition of the dung of the Yukagir mammothindicates that this animal lived in a cold, treeless vegetation with amosaic of perennial wet areas within a largely arid steppe-tundra.The presence of remnants of willow (Salix), marsh marigold(Caltha), sedges (Carex), rushes (Juncus) and Drepanocladus.aduncus in the dung which require permanent water availabilityattest to the presence of damp vegetation, perhaps with streams orstanding water in summer and accumulated snow in winter. Freshwater was available for drinking, as shown by the presence of thegreen alga Pediastrum (Table 2). Ranunculus nivalis and R.pygmaeus are characteristic of snow-bed vegetation. Damp soilswould have supported productive floodplain meadows withabundant grasses, sedges, and rushes, and tall herbs such asAchillea, Petasites, etc. (e.g. Zazula et al., 2006a). The fact thatsage (Artemisia) and other perennial herbs such as sneezeweed(Achillea) and various meadow grasses (Agrostis, Poa) werepresent in the dung in large quantities suggests the mammoth wasalso grazing dry open grassland vegetation (steppe and arcticcommunities). Several of the herbs and the acrocarpous mossesoccur in dry, open grasslands, such as Potentilla hyparctica,Draba spp., Sagina/Minuartia, Papaver sect. Scapiflora, Poly-trichum alpinum, and also Salix arctica. The widespread arcticgrassland and the willow vegetation provided enough fodder forlarge herbivores. Relatively little snow in the arid climate wouldmean that the dried grasses and willow shrubs were exposed andavailable to herbivores in winter. Disturbed areas allowed the

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growth of weedy herbs such as Rumex acetosella andChenopodiaceae spp. Grazing and trampling, combined withthe cold, dry climate, resulted in open patches of soil wheremineral dust was eroded and dispersed widely by wind (loess)over the landscape and its vegetation. The YM unavoidablyingested quantities of this mineral material with his food (see Fig.4, 41, showing dust-incrusted moss). According to the model ofGuthrie (2001), deposition of fine loess sediments may have beenan important factor in the formation of productive soils andmaintenance of open patches in the ground vegetation cover.Other factors would have been clear skies and associated aridity,which led to a deep thaw in summer and the development ofextensive root systems that recycled nutrients. Especially thelatter is considered crucial for early snow melt and late snowarrival which prolongs growing seasons and increases turnover ofnutrients in the soil.

The exact cause of death of the mammoth cannot be de-termined directly fromhis remains.However, there is evidence forthe season of death. Based on the observations that all the willowleaves were badly preserved and that no leaves were connected totwigs, we suggest that the Yukagir Mammoth died between twogrowing seasons — between late autumn and early spring. Thebad preservation of the Salix leaves found and their minimalcontribution to themeal as inferred by the results of pyrolysis mayindicate that the YM consumed and partially digested deaddehisced leaves deposited in the hollow and exposed by meltingsnow. Any leaves that were still connected with twigs would havealmost certainly been disconnected during this process. Detailedanalysis of the annual rings of the dwarf willows shows that in themajority of the examined twigs the formation of the very firstvessels in the terminal tree-ring could be detected, indicating thatthe twigs were browsed at the very beginning of the growingseason (Fig. 3, 17). The well-developed leaf primordia indicateimminent new leaf expansion and the first fresh leaves that mayhave already expanded during the start of spring growth wouldhave been soft and easily digested. The presence of seeds andfruits, particularly those of plants of late-lying snow habitats, inthe meal support this inference, as they would also have beenpreserved over winter in a snow-filled hollow and revealed byspringmelting. Death at the start of the growing seasonmakes theYukagir mammoth different from the Beresowka, Kirgilakh,Yuribey, Shandrin and Fishhook Mammoths, which all perishedin late summer or autumn.

Significantly, the willow twigs, although broken, had not beensquashed and the lignin was well preserved, suggesting a

Table 5Woolly mammoths found in Siberia with remains of dung in the gastrointestinal tra

Fossil Lab. code/no. 14C yr BP

Yuribey mammoth VSEGINGEO 9,600±300Yukagir ammoth see Table 1 ca.18,500 cFishhook mammoth Beta-148647 20,620±70Shandrin mammoth LU-595 40,350±88Kirgilakh mammoth LU-718A 39,570±87Beresowka mammoth T-299 31,750±25

Radiocarbon dates of woolly mammoths found in Siberia with remains of dung in thReimer et al., 2004) is not yet possible (n.p.) for samples older than 26,000 cal. yr

deficiency in the digestive process. The molars of the YM werestill in place, but heavily worn. This could indicate that the oldmammoth was unable to gain sufficient nourishment from hisfood. The additional stress of winter may have contributed to hisdemise. On the mammoth steppe, nutrient levels were low duringthe winter (Guthrie, 1990) and the start of the growing seasonmight have come too late for this animal. Lying down in asheltered hollow, he died, and became covered with a thick mudlayer that slumped into the hollow during the warm season, whichsubsequently froze and preserved part of him.

Feeding habit and diet

Our analyses indicate that grasses and sedges were used as adietary staple with herbs, shrubs and mosses as supplements andconfirm previous assumptions that mammoths were grazers(Olivier, 1982). Because the YukagirMammoth died at a differenttime of year, a comparison of the plant remains of the YMwith theother fossil mammoth remains adds insight into differences in thecomposition of the diet of the woolly mammoth through time andin space. The absence of tree remnants in the dung of the YMindicates a significant shift from the usual dietary pattern ofmammoths. The pollen record of the dung indeed shows that treeswere absent in the area where the YM died.

Twigs of alder (Alnus), birch (Betula), larch (Larix) and spruce(Picea) were found in all other mammoth dung analysed so far.Mammoths are generally assumed to have used the poor-qualityfibrous resources of grasses as a dietary staple with occasionaltwig tips supplying nutrients that grasses lack (Guthrie, 1990). Aswoody plants are high in toxic compounds, it has always beenassumed that cecal digesters, such as horses and mammoths,which lack a rumen for detoxification, could not consume toomuch of this type of plant material. Although the minor pro-portion of woody plants found in most mammoth dung samplesanalysed to date seems to support this assumption, the relativelyhigh percentage of willow (Salix) in the dung of the YukagirMammoth (10–20% by volume) does not agree with this generalstrategy to avoid food poisoning. A possible explanationmight bethat the green parts of willow twigs are less toxic at the beginningof the growing season. It might be that they were an importantfood source for grazing mammoths in the spring. In a similar way,African elephants turn to browsing edible green parts of treestemporarily during the dry season (Guthrie, 2001). An alternativeexplanation might be that the Yukagir Mammoth was desperatelyeating willow because nothing else was available and this might


cal yr BP References

10,192 – 11,978 Vasil'chuk et al. (1997)a. 22,500 This study

24,529 – 24,848 Mol et al. (2006b)0 n.p. Vasil'chuk et al. (1997)0 n.p. Sulerzhitsky (1997)00 n.p. Vasil'chuk et al. (1997)

e gastrointestinal tract. Calibration to calendar years (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993;BP (van der Plicht et al., 2004).

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have led to a death caused by food poisoning. This seems lesslikely, though, as willow is an important spring browse of otherherbivorous mammals such as white-tailed deer (Odocoileusvirginianus), red deer (Cervus elaphus), elk and moose (Alcesalces), muskox (Ovibos moschatus), arctic lemming (Dicrostonyxtorquatus) and beaver (Castor) which are all unaffected by eatinglarge quantities of willow leaves, twigs, and bark.

Climate and vegetation

The contents of dung samples of all mammoths analysed todate (Table 5) fit reconstructions of changing paleoenvironmentsthrough time as depicted in Guthrie (2006). During Pleniglacialinterstadials, alder, birch, and pine could survive in Siberia andremnants of these trees have been found in the dung of theBeresowka, Kirgilakh, Shandrin, and Fishhook Mammoths.During the Last Glacial Maximum, treeless steppe vegetationexisted in northern Siberia which explains why no remnants oftrees were found in either the dung of the Yukagir Mammoth orin dung samples surrounding the carcass.

Global warming at the onset of the Late Glacial Interstadialresulted in the development of shrub and dwarf birch vegetation innortheastern Siberia, which was colonized by open woodlandwith birch and spruce during the Younger Dryas. Patches ofclosed larch and pine forests developed in the Holocene. Thepresence of remnants of larch and pine in the dung of the YuribeyMammoth reflects the latter paleoenvironmental reconstruction(Table 5). Evidently, mammoths preferred to eat some woodymaterial, but could obviously thrive on a herbaceous diet sup-plemented by dwarf willow twigs in areas of treeless vegetation.

Our results provide further evidence for the occurrence of acold, treeless grassland vegetation during the last glacial maxi-mum in northern Siberia more similar to steppe than tundra. Weare confident that further integrated chemical, microscopic andmolecular analyses of plant remains in dung of Beringianmegafauna will eventually result in a more detailed reconstructionof this widespread glacial vegetation type and explain how mam-moths could once have survived there.


D.D. and C.B. thank Siri CV, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands andits managing director Mr Jean-Philippe Reza for financial supportand B.G. thanks the Fulbright Foundation for financial support.The authors thank the authorities of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia,Russia) for permission to study the dung of the YukagirMammoth.Jan vanArkel prepared pictures ofmicrofossils andmacro-remains.


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