uts industri pakan ternak kelas s

KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN RISET DAN TEKNOLOGI UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FAKULTAS PETERNAKAN Jalan Veteran, Malang (65145), Indonesia Telp. +62341 553513, 551611 Pes. 211, Fax. +62341 584727 E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : http://fapet.ub.ac.id/ UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S Semester genap tahun 2020/2021 Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya * Required 1. Nama * 2. NIM * Multiple choice 3. Development of feed industry is very fast, particularly before covid19. How much feed production in 2019 * Mark only one oval. 10 juta ton 15 juta ton 20 juta ton 30 juta ton 2 points OBE 1: kuliah minggu 1

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FAKULTAS PETERNAKAN Jalan Veteran, Malang (65145), Indonesia

Telp. +62341 553513, 551611 Pes. 211, Fax. +62341 584727

E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : http://fapet.ub.ac.id/

UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S Semester genap tahun 2020/2021 Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya

* Required

1. Nama *

2. NIM *

Multiple choice

3. Development of feed industry is very fast, particularly before covid19. How

much feed production in 2019 *

Mark only one oval.

10 juta ton

15 juta ton

20 juta ton

30 juta ton

2 points

OBE 1: kuliah minggu 1

Page 2: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

4. what is disadvantages of local corn as compared to imported corn, except * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

bad post harvest process so that water content is high

bad post harvest process so that aflatoxin is high

local corn has low protein content

local corn production is low

Page 3: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

5. SNI describes there are 3 types of soybean meal quality, they differ based on


Mark only one oval.

protein content

protein and fiber contents

protein, fiber and aflatoxin contents

starch content

2 points

6. challanges are faced by local business people on domestic feed, except ! * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

limited number of feedstuffs

quality is unstable

location of feedstuffs stored

competition with imported feed

7. Safe food for safe inludes understanding on aspects ... * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

feed contain genetically modified organism and antibiotic

feed contains antibiotic

feed contains genetically modified organism

safe feed and refer to healthiness of animal and environment

Page 4: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

8. Below are chalanges in domestic feedstuffs sales except * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

competing in utilization: food, feed and fuel

affordable price

limited number of feedstuffs

small scale production, spread in wide area and supply problem

9. Government policy for feed mill industry the feed produced must be * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

facilitate to reduce stress

production at high cost

production at usual quality

production for sick animal only

Pilihan berganda


Model of provision of feedstuff follow the system of *

2 points

Mark only one oval.

First In Last Out

First In First out

Later in Later Out

Fast In First Out

OBE 2: Minggu ke 2

Page 5: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

11. What is explanation of Surat Keterangan Bahan Pakan Impor (SKBPI)? * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Surat Keterangan given by Direktur Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan

explained that the imported feedstuff is only for making animal feed

Surat keterangan given by Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat explained that imported

feedstuffs is only for makin animal feed

Surat Keterangan given by Governor allowing to import feedstuff for animal feed

Surat Keterangan given by Direktur Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan to ban

importation of feedstuff

12. what has to done by feedstuff importer after foreign supplayer publishing

purchasing order, except *

Mark only one oval.

permission to import

do payment



2 points

13. what are required if feedstuff importer want to import sereal from mouth

and foot diseases endemic country *

Mark only one oval.

need phytosanitary certificate

need fumigation sertificate

need phytosanitary and fumigation certificate

it is ok if summer season

2 points

Page 6: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

14. which one does not include as physical characteristic of feed * 2 points

Mark only one oval.


corner of pile

feed particle size

durability index pakan

15. mushroom will grow well if * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

temperature of storage above 120 oF

himidity above 80%

energy content is low

no aeration

16. what is the meaning of conventional feed * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

feed which is uncommonly use and limited in availability

feed which commonly use and limited in availability

feed which is not normally used in formulation and commonly sold

feed which is normally use in feed formulation and commonly sold

Page 7: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

17. Based on quantity of feed provision, premix includes * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

in bulk

in bag

in small quantity


18. If silo could be used to store 1000 ton corn, then is used for sorghum how

much sorghum could be filled (density of 710, but sorghum 640 g/l) *

Mark only one oval.

901,41 ton

1109,38 ton

1000 ton

700 ton

4 points

Pilihan berganda

19. The best soybean meal has protein of *

2 points

Mark only one oval.





OBE 3: minggu ke 3

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20. what is Quality Control ? * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

related to process feed in feed mill to reduce feed loss .

related to processing of feed to ensure the quality meet the standard

related to processing of raw material and improve the quality

related to test the quality of raw material

21. Analysis related to Quality Control may include * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Analisis proksimat, analisis mineral, aflatoksin


Pepsin digest dan KOH digest.

semua jawaban benar

22. physical quality check for rice bran include * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

smell, colour and handheld tests

alcohol test

test again acid solution

test again basic solution

Page 9: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

23. this is not included in test for corn quality * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

shiny colour

the present of insect

the present of mold

the present of corncob

24. Maximum screen test result for imported corn accepted in feed mill is * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Maksimal 10,5%

Maksimal 15%

Maksimal 5,5%

Maksimal 20,5%

Pilihan berganda

OBE 4, minggu ke 4-5

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25. the C is * 3 points

Mark only one oval.





26. quality and nutritional value of pelleted feed is influenced by, except 2 points

Mark only one oval.


pellet binder



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27. equipment to bring feed from lower place to upper place is * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Bucket elevator

Screw elevator

Auger elevator

Semua jawaban benar

28. equipment to move packed feed to raw material storage room is known as * 2 points

Mark only one oval.





29. process of feed production in large scale feed mill company is * 2 points

Mark only one oval.





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30. what are the routes of making mash feed * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

raw material-Grinding-Weighing-Storring-Mixing-Bagging

raw material-Weighing-Grinding-Storring-Mixing-Bagging

raw materialu-Grinding-Mixing-Weighing-Bagging-Storring

raw material-Storring-Bagging-Grinding-Mixing-Weighing

31. key success in feed mixing is * 2 points

Mark only one oval.


the use of more feed additive

formulation based on colour of feed

formulation based of price of feed

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32. what the name of picture below * 2 points

Mark only one oval.





33. What is the function of grinder ? *

2 points

Mark only one oval.

to grind the cereal feedstuff

to mix feed

to consider feed density

to know homogenity

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34. what is the capacity of small scale feed mill * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

1-5 ton/hari

10-15 ton/hari

15-25 ton/hari

lebih dari 25 ton/hari

35. what are influenced the grinding of cereal * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

screen size

hammer mil capacityl

characteristic of cereal

all answers are correct

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36. what is the name of equipment below * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

hammer mill



disk mill


there are 2 type of mixer, which are *

2 points

Mark only one oval.

Hummer mill dan chopper

Vertical mixer dan chopper

Vertical mixer dan horizontal mixer

Horizontal and dry Roller

Page 16: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

38. In indonesia 1 bag of feed contains * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

25 kg

40 kg

50 kg

60 kg

39. what is the function of siever *

2 points

Mark only one oval.

sift raw material

sift the small particle

sift crumble feed

cleaning from waste

Pilihan berganda


requirement for making feed mill layout are, except: *

2 points

Mark only one oval.

facilitating movement of raw material and finished feed

facilitating effective production process

to save the use of land

facilitating movement of vehicle

OBE5: minggu ke 6

Page 17: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

41. in making feed mill layout should allocate for * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

office needs

space for raw material storage

space for processing

all are correct

42. space for raw material include, except *

0 points

Mark only one oval.

space for bulk feed

space for feed in bags

space for silo

security room

43. What should be included in teori systemic layout planning * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Problem of production, transportation, storage, office space and problem supported


office activities, problem supported service, and material flow

balancing, border between area and storage

office activity and problem supported service

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44. Biosecurity has to be done in this ways, except * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Truck entering bulk feed storage and being spray desinfectant

production officer use steril cloths

when machines is under maintenance

storage room and silo are always being controlled

45. main indicator to evaluate good feed mill layout are * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

types of room as needed

there is a connector between room

effective room placement

all are correct

Pilihan Berganda


linear programming is ...... *

2 points

Mark only one oval.

contain objective function

contain objective and limiting functions

only need limiting function

all are wrong

OBE 6: minggu ke 7

Page 19: UTS Industri Pakan Ternak Kelas S

47. in linier programing z represents * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

Fungsi z maksimal dalam penentuan harga pakan

Fungsi z minimal dalam penentuan proses produksi

Fungsi z minimal dalam penentuan jenis bahan pakan

Fungsi z minimal dalam penentuan harga pakan

48. which one the correct objective function * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

produksi pakan A 5 jam/hari dan pakan B 4 jam/hari

Keuntungan maksimum= (keuntungan pakan A x produksi pakan A) + (keuntungan

pakan B)

Keuntungan maksimum= (keuntungan pakan A x produksi pakan A) + (keuntungan

pakan B x produksi pakan B)

Produksi pakan A x bahan pakan yang digunakan

49. which is correct limiting function * 2 points

Mark only one oval.

produksi pakan A 5 jam/hari dan pakan B 4 jam/hari

produksi pakan A 50 ton per hari

keuntungan maksimal pakan A adalah 10 juta rupiah

Produksi pakan A 50 ton per hari sedangkan pakan B 60 ton per hari

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50. calculate A, if Z= 4000 X + 2500 Y * 5 points

Mark only one oval.

Rp 150.000,-

Rp 1.500.000,-

Rp 240.000,-

Rp 2.400.000,-

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