utb media training data

Data & Indicators & Measurement Jiří Udatný

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Prezentace UTB Zlín dne 9.2.2013


  • 1. Data & Indicators& MeasurementJi Udatn
  • 2. Media data
  • 3. What should you know after this part1. Able to explain why media agency need data2. Able to describe what type of data we have3. Able to describe main principles of key media researches in Czech republic4. Able to explain what is advertising monitoring5. Able to explain why we need single-source data3
  • 4. Why do we need data? Analysis of the market (competition, media consumption 1 & media performance, position of the brand etc.) 2 Media planning (4W whom, where, when, what) 3 Media buying performance & value of the campaign Evaluation - measurement of campaign results & impact 4 (media & business)
  • 5. Not only media data Segmentation Media Reporting research Advertising Marketing monitoring research DATA Others Tracking (wheather, studies illness, ...) Business Data analysis Optimisation metrics (sales , SOM, etc.) Modelling
  • 6. What types of data do we work with? Monitoring Declaration Measurement
  • 7. TV audience measurement in CR Name of the project: TV Projekt Provider: Mediaresearch (since April 29th 2002) Owner of the data: Association of TV Broadcasters (ATO) Measuring of the audience of all TV channels in the household Representative sample - panel 1.833 households (1.650 households in daily reported data) Ongoing replacement of panel (25% / year) Measuring includes also large sociological research - Continual Research, which provides continual monitoring of changes in TV population (9 000 households/year) Measuring Equipment - TV meter, GSM / GPRS data transmission technology Data contain information about TV audience with an accuracy of 1 second Daily data are available every morning by 9:00 am Information about individuals are continuously supplemented with information about their lifestyle and consumer behavior from Lifestyle Survey (LSS)
  • 8. Measuring Equipment
  • 9. Outputs - ExampleAnalysis of time development of rating & share 1.12.2012
  • 10. PRINT audience measurement in CR Name of the project: MEDIA Projekt Provider: Median & StemMark Owner of the data: Czech Publishers Association (UVDT) National research on readership of print media and television audience in the Czech Republic, in which are included all the major titles of newspapers and magazines & selected television stations Representative sample - 25.000 respondents per year (12.500 respondents in each wave of reported data) face to face interviews with computes (CAPI) Continuous collected throughout the year and is divided into 4 stages (quarter) - quarterly periodicity of results
  • 11. Outputs - ExampleTop 5 Dailies by Readership16% AA 15+ 20% M 15+14%12% 15%10% 8% 10% 6% 4% 5% 2% 0% 0%18% W 15+16%14%12%10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Source: Median, Media Projekt Q1-Q2 2012
  • 12. RADIO audience measurement in CR Name of the project: RADIO Projekt Provider: Median & StemMark Owner of the data: Association of communication and media organizations (SKMO) National research on listenership of radio media in the Czech Republic, in which are included all the major radio stations Representative sample - 30.000 respondents per year (15.000 respondents in each wave of reported data) telephone interviews with computes (CATI 28.000 resp.) + F2F - 2.000 resp. interviews in households without telephone Continuous collected throughout the year and is divided into 4 stages (quarter) - quarterly periodicity of results
  • 13. Outputs - Example15 Minute listenership level of Top 5 stations 400 Rdio Impuls 350 Frekvence 1 300 Evropa 2 Ro 1 - Radiournl 250 Rdio Blank 200 150 100 50 0 Source: Median, Radio Projekt, Q1-Q2/2012
  • 14. INTERNET audience measurement in CR Name of the project: NETMONITOR Provider: Mediaresearch & Gemius Owner of the data: Association for internet advertising (SPIR) NetMonitor is an extensive research project aimed to gather information on internet audience in the Czech Republic as well as socio-demographic profile of Czech internet visitors The NetMonitor research is realized via combination of methods: measurement on the server side (site-centric) as well as on the user side (user centric) Internet audience monitoring takes place on the side of monitored server (site- centric) and collects information about all visitors to the server. Site-centric technology is based on Javascript codes embedded into monitored pages. Socio-demographic research of visitors is realized on a panel (sample of visitors) of Czech internet users. The panel consists of 2 parts: Pop-up panel which collects information by showing pop-up questionnaires on participating websites and NetMonitor panel which uses a local application, NetSoftware, installed on individual NetMonitorPanel members computers. The resulting Joint panel comprises ca. 30.000 people and reports unified data
  • 15. Outputs ExampleInternet User Penetration 80% 70% 60% 65% 67% 62,70% 60,10% 50% 55,60% 51,50% 40% 45% 30% 35% 37% 20% 26% 10% 0% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TA: 12+; Source: NetMonitor - SPIR - Mediaresearch & Gemius 2003-2012
  • 16. Advertising Monitoring in CR Name of the project: Advertising Monitoring Provider: Admosphere Provides comprehensively review the volume and structure of advertising investments & trends in various segments All monitored figures are according actual price lists - GROSS Data have two parts: independent (TV, newspapers) and declarative (radio, OOH, Internet) collection Includes advertising creative which has been published in the media (print, television, internet, radio, OOH PRINT: over 400 newspapers and titles with other periodicity TV: CT1, CT2, CT4, CT24, Nova, Nova Cinema, Prima family, Prima COOL, Prima love, Ocko, TV Barrandov, selected station of At Media RADIO: declared campaigns from sources Media Master, RRM, MMS, Direct INTERNET: range of media according to the project AdMonitoring (monitoring provided by MEDIARESEARCH) OOH: Outdoor, Indoor, Instore, Cinema, OOH TV
  • 17. Output example Top advertisers 800 1-6/2011 1-6/2012 700 600 500in mio CZK 400 300 200 100 0 NOTE: Producers are sorted by total media investment in 1-6/2012 Source: Admosphere
  • 18. Outputs ExampleCompetitive analysis
  • 19. Single source data in CR Name of the project: Market & Media & Lifestyle TGI CR Provider: Median Key survey for defining consumers habits, lifestyle and media consumption across all media covers hundreds of products and services and thousands of brands Representative sample - 15.000 respondents per year (7.500 respondents in each wave of reported data) face to face interviews with computes (CAPI) and self-complete part Continuous collected throughout the year and is divided into 4 stages (quarter) - quarterly periodicity of results
  • 20. Output exampleMarket segmentation
  • 21. Market media researches we use Strategy Detailed ROI / postMedia research planning planning buyAdvertising monitoring TV projekt (TV) Mediaprojekt (PRINT) Radioprojekt (RADIO) Netmonitor (INTERNET) MML (TGI) media & consumer behavior & lifestyle(all media incl. BTL) MDS, Datamedia (database of all media) ABC print circulation audit RS foto photo database of billboard and bigboardposters Union of movie distributors cinema attendance
  • 22. Market media software we useAnalyses of MML Detail print and Peoplemeters Competitive data Strategic plan data, radio planning, Print media data analyses. monitoring. reach curves,Mediaproject, reach estimates, database. ATS, viewership, optimization,Radioproject, price lists viewing. shares, TV channel split.Netmonitor. behavior.Advanced Detail plan analysis: factor detail TV planning,analysis, cluster optimization.analysis, Analysis - TV post buys
  • 23. Exercises
  • 24. Exercises for you1. Which company provides advertising monitoring?2. What methodology is used for MediaProjekt?3. What methodology is used for RadioProjekt?4. What is the size of sample of MediaProjekt?5. How many households are in the panel of TV Projekt?6. Which basic areas of questions in MML data do you know?7. Can you shortly describe main principles of TV Projekt?8. If we talk about declared data in connection with advertising monitoring, what does it mean?9. Please explain shortcut ATO. Which members does it have?10. Can be different figures about readership of print media from MML and MediaProjekt for the same target groups?11. Why do media agencies need data?
  • 25. Exercises for you12. What is the type of prices in advertising monitoring?13. Who is the provider of MML-TGI data in the Czech republic?14. How often do we have new data from MML, MediaProjekt & RadioProjekt?15. How often do we have new data from TV Projekt?16. What does it mean the term single-source data?17. What is the accuracy of data from TV Projekt?
  • 26. Media indicators
  • 27. What should you know after this part1. Able to explain all media indicators (GRPs, TRPs, Affinity Index, OTS, ATS, Frequency, Share, SoV, SoS, )2. Able to explain reach curves and why we need them3. Able to calculate with media prices (GROSS, NET, NETNET, CC)35
  • 28. Rating Percentage of the population that was affected by the advertising message. It is stated as a percentage of the target group or in the thousands. Also viewership of TV programme, readership of printed media or listenership of radio. The sum of the ratings of the campaign builds an overall campaign GRPs. Target Group (e.g. 12-24, HW with kids, 15+) People from TG which saw TV spot Only part of the whole TG (%) = rating
  • 29. RatingTop 10 programmes, November 2012, TV NOVA Source: ATO-Mediaresearch
  • 30. Rating in % 10 20 30 40 50 70 60 0 6:00-7:00 15+ 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:00 4-14 9:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 15-54 11:00-12:00 55+ 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 M15+ 14:00-15:00 TV Viewership During the Day 15:00-16:00 Time 15+ 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 24:00-25:00Source: ATO-Mediaresearch
  • 31. ATS (Average Time Spent) Average time spent with consuming of specific media (television, radio, internet), expressed in seconds It shows how much time viewers / listeners / visitors spent with watching TV, listening to radio or visiting the websites in average 3:39 3:36 3:36:07 3:33 3:30 3:27:41 3:27 3:26:35 3:25:53 ATS [hh:mm] 3:24 3:21 3:18 3:17:01 3:20:24 3:18:52 3:15 3:12 3:14:10 3:09 3:06 3:03 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1-8 2012 Source: ATO-Mediaresearch
  • 32. TV share Share of the television audience. It refers to a certain time and a certain target group. It is the proportion of a TV channel or a TV program on the overall viewed time in % - it gives the sum of 100% Is calculated only from the audience who is viewing TV at that time Source: ATO-Mediaresearch
  • 33. GRP = Gross Rating Point Cumulative viewership in the population; in the buying target group Sum of GRP = GRPs of the whole campaign Variable that is used to describe the reach of campaign in the broad target group - usually "everyone 15 +" (individuals older than 15 years). Target group "everyone 15 +" is considered as a equivalent of population with purchasing power in the Czech Republic, so it is used as a universal widest audience This value is expressed as as the sum of ratings, ie. ratings of individual ads in the campaign in a wide target group GRP points are used to calculate the prices of television campaigns. TV station provides the price of one item and then the advertiser pays the price for the truly addressed the audienceTRP = Target Rating Point Cumulative viewership in the specific target group The relationship between GRP and TRP describes affinity index
  • 34. GRPs, TRPs Example 1. spot 2. spot 3. spotPart of TG in % which saw TV spot in average = 20 25 10 rating of the spot Gross Reach = 55 = Gross/Target Rating Points (GRPs/TRPs)
  • 35. TV implementation planExample .
  • 36. GRPs, TRPsPrice of TV campaign Commercial break (10 GRPs) TV spot (11 TRPs) Number of GRPs is calculated for the whole commercial break Number of TRPs is calculated for individual TV spot The client pays for 10 GPRs Affinity Index of the spot is 1,1 (11 TRPs/10 GRPs)
  • 37. Not a GRP as a GRPDifferent quality of informationTVGRP = "accurately" measured viewership of specific TV break/spot in the targetgroupPRINTGRP= declared readership of print title in which the insertion was placed in thetarget group for the period of data collectionRADIOGRP = declared listenership of a specific quarter-hour of radio station, where thespot was placed in the target group for the period of data collectionINTERNETDifferent definition for different type of advertising. E.g. GRP for banner advertisingshould be based on impressions ([number of imp.* % from visitors 15+/size of TG15+]*100), GRP for video adv. should be based on average viewership it issimilar to TV GRP
  • 38. Affinity Index Affinity Index describes the suitability of a particular advertising media (TV, newspapers, etc.) for the target group, for the campaign It shows how specific target group consumes the media in comparison with the general population (usually Adults15 +) Affinity Index = TRPs/GRPs The higher the affinity, the more suitable medium is for reaching specific target groups. Typically affinity greater than one indicates that the medium is suitable for use in the campaign (target group is watching it relatively more than the population). BUT: It is not always possible to achieve a higher affinity than one. For example, teenagers generally watch less TV, so affinity index of TV barely reaches 1.00 in younger target groups. But even though the TV campaign makes sense - for its wide reach.
  • 39. Affinity IndexExample Denk Sport reads 3.4% in the population of people (men and women) aged 15 years and over Among men aged 15 years and more we find 6.5% of men who read the last issue of Denk Sport Affinity Index for Denk Sport is equal to 6.5% / 3.4% = 1.9. Men read Denk Sport relatively more than the population Affinity Index Target group Population 1,91 Readership of Denk Sport: 6,5% : 3,4% OR 191
  • 40. Affinity Index & Price effectivity By optimization of affinity (i.e. selecting media or programmes with the highest affinity to the target group) lower price for reaching the target audiance can be achieved GRPs (Adults 15+) 500 TRPs (Adults 25-40) 600 Affinity Index (TRPs : GRPs = 600 : 500) 1,2 CPP (for buying TG) 15 000 K Total budget (CPP x GRPs = 500 x 15 000) 7 500 000 K Price for 1 TRPs (Budget : TRPs = 7 500 000 : 600) 12 500 K Also CPP : afinita = CPTRP (cost per target rating point)
  • 41. Reach | Net Reach The part of the target group (expressed in thousands or in%), which was exposed to the advertising communication at least once (max. 100%) Net Reach is not equal to the sum of the ratings (= Gross Reach), but its value 1st spot 2nd spot is somewhere between the (rating 20%) lowest rating (in our (rating 25%) example 20%) and the sum of all ratings (45%). Net Reach = 32% Duplicate viewers
  • 42. Reach & Frequency percentage of the target group that was exposed to the advertising communication with 61 a certain number of times (1x, 2x, 3x ...) 45 Reach example: Reach 45% @ 2 + means that 45% 39 (%) of people from the target group saw the spot at 33 least twice 24 campaigns are optimized for a certain 16 9 "effective" frequency (e.g. 3+) 4 example: requirement to launch campaign = 0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 50% at a frequency of 3 + (Reach 50%@ 3+)
  • 43. Average frequencyOTS/OTH Opportunity to see/Opportunity to hear It indicates the number of times a member of the target group reached by campaign had a chance to see advertising messages in average during the campaign or a certain period The words "had a chance are very important. OTS expresses only theoretical possibilities see the advertising. It tells us nothing about whether the viewer saw the advertising or not It indicates the overall intensity of the campaign Gross Reach (GRPs, TRPs) OTS = Net Reach
  • 44. GRPs, Reach, FrequencyGeneral help to increase Reach or FrequencyThe same level of GRPs Reach OTSExtending into more daypartsBuying the same programmesUsing more TV channelsBuying only some days during a week
  • 45. Example
  • 46. the campaign is builtfrom 3 spots
  • 47. Spot A Spot A TRPs = 50 Reach = 50% Average Frequency = 50/50 = 1Rating = 50%
  • 48. Spot A Spot B Rating = 50% Rating = 60%Spot A & BTRPs = 110Reach = 80 %Average Frequency = 1,4
  • 49. Spot A Spot B Rating = 50% Rating = 60% Spot CSpot A & B & C Rating = 50%TRPs = 160Reach = 90 %Average Frequency = 1.8
  • 50. Building the reachReach curves & histogram, Ads 20-40, ABCReach % TRPs
  • 51. Building the reachReach curves combination of TV channels, Ads 20-69, ABC, internet usersReach % TRPs
  • 52. Reach surfacesReach surfaces combination of TV channels, Ads 20-69, ABC, internet users500 TRPs
  • 53. CPP & CPT CPP (Cost per Point) price for the reach of one percent of the target group, ie the price for 1 GRP it is used especially for TV buying (we paid for reach of buying target group, i.e. Adults15 + in 2012) example: TV campaign has 300 GRPs for TG 15+, TV channel set the price for 1 GRP at 20.000 CZK (= CPP) budget of the campaign= 6.000.000 CZK CPT (Cost per Thousand) price for the reach of 1 thousand people from the target group it si used for evaluation and comparison of effectiveness of different media example: full page of magazine X costs 159.000 CZK, 1 edition hits 50.000 persons from the target group, i.e. CPT = 159.000 : 50 = 3.180 CZK CPP x 100 CPT = Size of TG in 000
  • 54. From the price list to the invoiced amountGROSS (Rate-card) price that is offered by media according to the valid price list including surcharges (per color, per 100 000 K location, etc.)NET -20% = 80 000 K GROSS negotiated discounts (quantity, etc.)NET NET NET 15% agency commission -15% = 68 000 KCLIENT COST NET NET + agency fee for providing services +1.5% = 69.200 K Final price that is invoiced to the client (usually without VAT)
  • 55. Competitive analysisShare of Spend (SoS) share of media investment of the brand from total investments of selected segment in a given periodShare of Voice (SoV) share of GRPs of the brand from total number of GRPs of selected segment in a given period (only for TV)Media / Channel Mix share of media investment (or GPRs) in different media or TV channels in one campaign, for the client or selected segmentDaypart Split share of media investment (or GPRs) in different parts of days in one campaign, for the client or selected segment (only for TV)
  • 56. Competitive analysis
  • 57. Exercises
  • 58. Exercise for youAt what value of affinity, we can say that the campaign is successful?
  • 59. Exercise for youHow many people can see TV spot on TV Prima which has 1 GRP (Tolerance+- 5000 people)?
  • 60. Exercise for youIn which case has GRP and reach the same value?
  • 61. Exercise for youPlease, calculate the number of TRPs, REACH & frequencies and draw therearch curve. Target group: 10 people 1 spot 2 spot 3 spot
  • 62. Exercise for youHow would you defend TV spot during the night in your TV plan where isminimal TV viewership?
  • 63. Exercise for youMay it happen that the campaign has higher frequency 3+ then reach andwhy?
  • 64. Exercise for youIf the TV spot has 24 TRP for the target group Women 18 +, how many womenfrom this target group was reached the spot (ie, what is its reach)?
  • 65. Exercise for youSpot reached 21% of the target group M18 + (Men over 18 years). How manyTRPs had the spot for this TG and what was the frequency 2 +?
  • 66. Exercise for youThe campaign had two TV spots. The first had 12 GRPs and 15 TRP, thesecond had 20 GRPs and 27 TRPs. What is the maximum possible reach ofthis campaign in its target group and what is the maximum level of frequencyof 3 + of the campaign?
  • 67. Exercise for youThe campaign is planned with 1000 GRP in buying TG, affinity for the targetgroup Ads 20-40, ABC is 1,1. What is the expected reach in this target group?What is the value of frequency 3+? Please find the answer with reach curves.
  • 68. Exercise for youClients monthly campaign had 474 TRPs (Men 25-45 ABC) with an averageaffinity 1,2 towards buying audience. What is the CPP in NET for buyingaudience if it was invoiced to the client CZK 3.525.375 (Client Cost) andagency fee was 5% from NET NET?
  • 69. Exercise for youWhich agency fee is higher: 2.5% from NET or 3% from NET NET? Calculateit for the client with the budget of CZK 1.000.000 in Net.
  • 70. Exercise for youWhich agency fee is higher: 2.5% from NET or 3% from NET NET? Calculateit for the client with the budget of CZK 1.000.000 in Net.
  • 71. Exercise for youHow many GRPs had the campaign for which the client paid CZK 4.050.000(Client Cost), when the agency fee was 5% from the NET price and NET CPPfor buying TG was 8.000 CZK?
  • 72. Thank you for your attention