ussr vs usa communism government is run by 1 party socialism-wealth is shared government...

USSR VS USA Communism Government is run by 1 party Socialism-wealth is shared Government controls economics Speech and Press is controlled by Gov Encourage Equality Encourage work for the community Democracy Political parties compete for control of Gov Capitalism-wealth is kept by those who gain it People make their own economic decisions Freedoms of speech, press Competition Praise Work of individual

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Page 1: USSR VS USA  Communism  Government is run by 1 party  Socialism-wealth is shared  Government controls economics  Speech and Press is controlled by

USSR VS USA Communism Government is run by 1

party  Socialism-wealth is shared

 Government controls economics

Speech and Press is controlled by Gov

Encourage Equality

Encourage work for the community

Democracy Political parties compete

for control of Gov Capitalism-wealth is kept

by those who gain it People make their own

economic decisions

Freedoms of speech, press


  Praise Work of individual

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Examples of how we see 4 of the principles mentioned in our everyday lives or in our government

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After WWII Eastern & Western Allies grew apart.

Soviet Union feared capitalist West & Western Powers feared the communists of East. Europe lied in Ruin after WWII

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The Alliances split

“an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern Europe… in the Soviet sphere and are all subject… to soviet influence… and increasing measure of control from Moscow.” (Winston Churchill)

Stalin responded to Churchill’s speech: “Mr. Churchill now stands in the position of a firebrand of war.”

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White board

What does Churchill mean by an “Iron Curtain”

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Soviets control East

Soviets forced E. Europe to form communist govts. to form Nations USSR liberated Communist buffer zone along Soviet western

border. U.S. promoted democratic & anti-

communist nations globally. Nations US liberated Democratic

The U.S. and USSRtwo superpowers. distrusted each other = beginnings

of the Cold War.

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Containment-stop the spread of Communism

Truman Doctrine -$ nations to fight communism Civil war broke out in Greece, between communists

and anticommunist forces(US Funded). Marshall Plan (U.S. sec of state George C. Marshall)

program designed to rebuild prosperity & stability of war-torn Europe with US Money to prevent communist takeover & for humanitarian reasons.

USSR & E. European satellite states refused to participate. S.U. proposed COMECON, which failed.

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White Board

Boys. How are the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan similar

Girls. How are the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan different

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Germany Divided

Germany & cap. city Berlin were both divided into four allied controlled zones (U.S, Britain, France & S.U.)

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West. powers wanted to unify their 3 zones.

Soviets oppose & react blockading West Berlin in

attempt to forceentire city under Soviet rule.

West. powers responded w. successful Berlin Airlift.

1949, West Germany created (capital = Bonn) and East Germany created (capital = E. Berlin.)

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Berlin Wall created 1961

Soviet Leader Nikita Krushchev ordered E. German govt. to build Berlin Wall, to stop E. Berliners escaping into W. Berlin.

This symbolized the Cold War.

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12.1 B Alliances and Conflicts of the Cold War

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China turns Communist In 1949, Mao Zedong’s communist forces

won the civil war in China. Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalist forces

fled to island of Taiwan.

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White Board

Why would the US fear China being Communist

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In 1949, Soviets detonate an atomic bomb Soviets had spies in US

Nuclear arms race of M.A.D. had begun! By mid-1950’s both U.S. & S.U. developed H-bombs & I.C.B.M.s

In 1957, Soviets beat U.S. into space w. satellite Sputnik (the Space Race had begun.)

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New alliances

In 1949, military alliance N.A.T.O. was created by west. powers.

In 1955, Soviets created Warsaw Pact.(communist block nations)

To stem Soviet aggression, U.S. became allied militarily w. 42 nations around world

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White boards

What 2 events in 1949 caused the US to form military alliances?

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Korean War 1950-53. – attempt to spread communism

1950 N. Korea (Communist) pass 38 parallel invade S.Korea

UN and US help defend South Gen Mac Arthur leader-

(later fired) Soviets support N

Korea China- lends 300,000

troops to help N. K. July 1953 3-year war.

Border set 38 parallel

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What was the goal of the US in the Korean War?

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Cuban Revolution Left-wing revolutionary Fidel Castro

overthrew the Cuban dictator Batista and set up a Soviet-supported totalitarian regime.

U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy approved secret plan for Cuban exiles to start a revolt vs. Castro at failed mission at the Bay of Pigs in 1961.

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Cuban Missile Crisis- close to Nuclear War

In 1962, a U-2 American spy plane photographed the building of nuclear missile sites inside Cuba,

Kennedy set up a naval blockade of Cuba.

Krushchev decided 8 days later to turn back Soviet fleet carrying missiles in return for promise from

Kennedy to not invade Cuba. & take missiles out of Turkey

D.C. & Moscow set up hotline communications system.

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What advantage would the USSR have in having Missiles in Cuba?

Why would the US take missiles out of Turkey as part of the Agreement

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Vietnam Conflict

France tried to keep colonial hold on Vietnam, but was defeated by forces of Ho Chi Minh. Created N.Vietam(communist) & S.

Vietnam(Anti-Communist In 1964, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson

sent large #s of American troops to stop North from Invading South

U.S. fears based on domino theory.

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White Boards

What other nations had similar communist non communist splits?

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American Negative opinion of war

TV images of war & mounting U.S. casualties produced antiwar movement, espec. among college students of draft age.

Richard Nixon won presidential race w. pledge to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

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Nixon expanded U.S. targets

Us bombs neighboring countries Laos Cambodia

1973 a peace agreement w. N. Vietnam had been reached and U.S. withdrew.

1975, Vietnam forcibly reunited under Communism.

Cambodia & Laos also fell to communists, but domino theory stopped there.

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Why would the US bomb Laos and Cambodia

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US befriends China

A split between Communist China & S.U. provided opportunity for Nixon to resume relations w. China.

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12.2 The Rise of the USSR &Soviet Control

Five years after WWII, Russian industrial production surpassed prewar level by 40 percent (fast recovery!)

production was targeted for military use (few consumer goods and crowded housing.)

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End of Stalin

Stalin remained undisputed master USSR became increasingly repressive. A new series of political terror and purges

seemed likely, but Stalin’s death in 1953 prevented.

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White Boards

What are some good things that come with Stalin's death for the Russian People

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Nikita Khrushchev emerged as new Soviet leader

(de-Stalinization.) began to undo some of Stalin’s abusive policies

Khrushchev publicly condemning Stalin for his “violence, mass repression ,terror, brutality and his abuse of power.”

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What was Khrushchev's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis

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Khrushchev Removed

Slow industrial production, unsuccessful agricultural policies, Failed focus on consumer production

Khrushchev’s reckless plan to place missiles in Cuba

Efforts to reduce privileges of Soviet officials, led to removal from office in 1964.

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White Board

Other names for those Communist Nations in front of Russia.

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Soviet Satellite states-Soviet controlled communist states

1945-48, E. Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland & Hungary, Chechoslovakia

Satellite states instituted “five-year plans” of industrialization

Collectivized agriculture, eliminated all non-Communist parties & built repressive secret police and military forces.

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What was the reasoning and origins of the soviets taking of the East.

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Communist Separate from USSR

Albania set up a Stalinist-type dictatorial regime that was NOT a Soviet satellite (allied w. Communist China!)

In Yugoslavia, Josip Broz (Tito,) former leader of Communist resistance to Nazis during war,

created a Communist govt. that was NOT a Soviet satellite. He ruled until death in 1980.

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1956 Hungarian reform crushed

E. Europeans resent Soviet dominance

Protests and bad economy difficulties led to calls for revolt.

Imre Nagy declared Hungary an independent nation in 1956 and promised free elections.

Soviet army attacked capital of Budapest, reestablished control and executed Nagy.

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Why would the USSR take such violent actions against Hungary?

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1968 Czechoslovakia reform Crushed

Their Dictator Antonin Novotny resigned- disliked by entire nation

Alexander Dubcek was elected leader & introduced democratic reforms (“socialism with a human face.”)

“Prague Spring” of 1968. People happy about a new gov.

Soviet army invaded Czechoslovakia, crushed reform movement and replaced Dubcek

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12.3 The West During the Cold War

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White Board

What are some nations we consider to be in the West?

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France Charles de Gaulle (leader of French Resistance) established 4th Republic.

Formed Fifth Republic & a new constitution = more power to president.

elected president freed colonies in Africa.(rebellion in Algeria)

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France Wanted to be a world Power.

first nuclear bomb in 1960.

Left NATO, feared being controlled by American

French economy grew, cars & weapons industry.

govt. deficits & rise in cost of living led to unrest. 1968 student protests led to a

general labor strike. President Charles De Gaulle

resigned (died within a year.)

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W. Germany

Konrad Adenauerchancellor from 1949-63.

gain respect for W. Germany by cooperating w. western powers.

Finance minister Ludwig Erhard, key part of “economic miracle.” Unemployment low & needed Erhard succeeded Adenauer

continue policies 1969 economic downturn led to

rise of SocialDemocratic Party

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Great Britain postwar massive economic problems

Elected Clement Attlee, Labour Party, new prime minister (beat Churchill & Conserv Party.)

passed National Insurance Act & National Health Service Act (for unemployed, sick & elderly.)

Socialized medicine and welfare state became model for most European states.(high cost) reduce expenses by dismantling British Empire Colonies given independence. Britain no longer a world superpower.

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Germany & Japan “economic miracles:”

new factories due to devastation, spent little on military (depended on U.S.

for protection), Rebuilt infrastructure, got US aid & had

skilled, educated & motivated workers. both import of raw materials & food ,

export manufactured goods

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European Economic Community created free-trade area (no tariffs) in W.

Europe. E. E. C. became world’s largest trading


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12.3 The US 1945-1970 Cold War Society

big increase in role of federal govt

Postwar economic boom = After WWII Americans had extra income & desire to buy goods,

growth of labor unions brought higher real wages.

GI Bill- payed for vets to go to college gaining better jobs

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Which groups of Americans did not have the same access to the American dream?

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Red Scare- Fear of Communist

Red Scare = Soviets built atomic bomb, Communist takeover in China and American fighting N Korea


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Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy Accused American intellectuals, movie stars &military officials. Un true Individuals were blacklisted as “Communist

conspirators” (McCarthyism.) U.S. Senate condemned McCarthy in


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JFK & LBJ Democratic Presidents

youngest and first Catholic president in 1960. Assassinated in Dallas, Nov. 1963.

Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson took office and was reelected in 1964. L.B.J.’s policies known as the “Great Society”, included civil rights, health care for elderly, programs to combat poverty & federal assistance for education.

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What other examples in history are like Mc McCarthyism?

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Civil Rights 1950’s 60’s Supreme Court ruled that racial

segregation in public schools was illegal. (Brown V Board of Education

African Americans in the south, boycotted segregated buses (Rosa Parks), restaurants & public places.

In 1963, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a peaceful civil rights march on Washington D.C. “I have a dream.” passive disobedience practiced by


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Civil Rights Laws

Civil Rights Act in 1964 legally ended segregation & discrimination in workplace & public places.

Voting Rights Act in 1965 removed voting barriers vs. minorities in south.

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How has the civil rights movement changed your life?

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Assassination that Rock the Nations King’s assassination in 1968 sparked a

hundred riots throughout U.S., which in turn led to “white backlash.”

Robert Kennedy (brother of JFK), was for civil rights and against Vietnam War. assassinated two months after King.

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In summer of 1965, high unemployment led to race riots in which 34 people were killed & buildings were torched in of L.A.

1970, four students killed at Kent State University by National Guard during anti-war protest.

Combination of riots and anti-war demonstrations caused many to call for “law & order.” Politics began toshift to political right w. election of Republican Richard Nixon.

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women traditional roles of homemakers - “baby boom” 40s and 50’s.

Late 1950’s Married women returned to workforce. However, women earned less

By late 60s, women’s liberation movement. Equal rights Simone de Beauvior The Second Sex,

male-dominated societies treated women as second-class citizens

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13.1 The End of the Cold War “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

(Pres. Ronald Reagan in Berlin, 1988.) Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev

responded, “There is a great thirst for mutual understanding and mutual communication in the world."

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Brezhnev1964-1982 (after Krushcev)

The Brezhnev Doctrine -S.U. had the right to intervene if communism was threatened in other communist state.

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What policy does the same thing but from the Anti Communist perspective

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Détente 1970’s more relaxed

atmosphere improved relations between U.S. & S.U.

two equal in nuclear weaponry

S.U. allowed more access to Western literature and culture,

allowed for U. S. grain & consumer goods to be sold in S. U.

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What is the meaning of the political cartoon

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Soviet Afghan War 1979-1989 détente setback when S. U. invaded

Afghanistan in 1979. Soviets wanted a pro-Soviet regime but

U. S. viewed as Soviet expansionism. protest, Pres. Jimmy Carter cancelled US

participation in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow.

placed an embargo on shipment of grain to S. U.

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Cold War got even “chillier” 80’s

Reagan called the S. U. an “evil empire.” Reagan began military buildup, starting

a new arms race. military aid to rebels in Afghanistan.

By 1980, S. U. was facing serious problems of: poor economy, rise in infant mortality, surge in alcoholism & poor working conditions.

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What war can this be compared to and why

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Reformer Gorbachev

Reformers within Communist party wanted to address these issues, including Mikhail Gorbachev.

“perestroika” (restructuring Soviet economy with free enterprise) and

“glasnost”(“openness” within S. U. and with rest of world.)

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New Soviet Gov

Gorbachev established a new Soviet parliament w. elected members, the Congress of People’s Deputies

(met in 1989, first time since 1918!)

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White Board

Which of the three programs do you feel will help the country most and why?

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Berlin Wall

E. Germany leader, Erich Honecker refused to remove wall.

East Germans either fled the country or protested. Honecker step down.

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Wall Falls

A new East German govt. opened the wall on Nov. 9, 1989 to allow citizens to travel freely between West and

Berliners began tearing down the hated Cold War symbol.

Huge celebrations broke out throughout Germany. W & E Germany were reunited 1990, Berlin again as its capital.

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White Board

Which leader could have sent in troops to stop this?

Name one past leader that probably would not of allowed this to happen.

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The end is Near

In 1987, Gorbachev & Reagan reached an agreement on the I.N.F. (Intermediate Nuclear Forces) Treaty

( treaty to reduce # of nuclear) In 1990, Gorbachev - non-communist parties

could organize. He abolished the constitutional provision -

Communist Party was to have a “leading role” in govt.

1990 Gorbachev became the Soviet Union’s first president (and its last!)

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White Board

List Communist Bloc Nations that ended communism.

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USSR can’t Support communist bloc nations

U.S.S.R. wanted to focus resources on social & economic change rather than spending so much on weapons. U.S. wanted to reduce national debt (had become world’s biggest debtor nation, rather than a creditor nation.)

Gorbachev stopped giving military support to Communist govts.

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White Board

What impact does the USSR not giving military support to communist bloc nations

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The Fall of Communist East

In 1989, a peaceful anti-communist revolutionary movement swept through E. Europe.

The reunification of E. & W. Germany in 1990, became a powerful symbol of the end of the Cold War.

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S. U. kept ethnic tensions contained between the 92 different nationalities.

nationalist movements emerged in 15 republics of the U.S.S.R.

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Possible breakup of S.U. worried hard-line Communists, who attempted a coup in Aug. of 1991 and had Gorbachev arrested.

The coup failed when Boris Yeltsin, president of the Russian Republic and Russian Citizens resisted communist rebels

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White Board

Which of the former ussr states ran the country?

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Cold War Over

Soviet Union ceased to exist as of Dec, 1991. Gorbachev resigned power to Yeltsin.

Cold War, had ended! All 15 republics becameindependent nations, with Russia as the

largest. Yeltsin became first freely elected, non-

communist leader of Russia, who was committed to creating a prosperous free-market economy.

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Russia faced economic hardships social disorder left over from the years of

communist rule. Rise in organized crime also created

problems of corruption and lawlessness. Chechnya, a province in southern Russia

demanded independence. Yeltsin used force to keep Chechnya in Russia.

tried to keep E. European states from N.A.T.O.,

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Vladimir Putin

former K.G.B. officer, was elected president of Russia in 2000.

He kept tight control of govt.,but was also very popular among citizens

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Putin -Chechnya, vowing to return breakaway province to Russian authority.

As more Russian troops were sent, rebels became more radical and religious motives became more important(radical Islam and terrorism.)

Criticism of Putin’s hard-line position & state-controlled of media, led Putin to crack down on the media.

In 2004, Putin proposed that regional leaders be appointed, rather than popularly elected!