usn guppy submarine conversions 1947-1954 - the quest for higher submerged speed & greater...

8/16/2019 USN Guppy Submarine Conversions 1947-1954 - the Quest for Higher Submerged Speed & Greater Underwater Pr… 1/52 USN Guppy Submarine Conversions 1947-1954 The Quest For Hiher Submere! Spee! " Greater Un!er#ater $ropu%sion $o#er Compiled by P D Hulme. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and SOURCES - Appendix I &NT'()UCT&(N  These notes are fo!ssed "ar#e"$ on the tehnia" detai"s of the US Na%$ G!pp$ pro#ra&&e' the (rst and &ost n!&ero!s of the post )ar s!*&arine on%ersions arried o!t to #ain hi#her s!*&er#ed speed+ Si&i"ar' &ore &odest on%ersion pro#ra&s in the Ro$a" Na%$ o&p"ete the stor$+ There are *rief *!t essentia" notes a*o!t the in,!ene of the Ger&an T$pe . U-/oat on Western s!*&arine po"i$' post WWII+ Ne) s!*&arines of the era are introd!ed to o&p"ete the historia" pit!re and pro%ide so&e tehnia" o&parisons - the *asi G!pp$ &ethod did not re&ain !ni0!e to on%ersions and ontin!es to *e !sed' )ith %ariations' in &ost Western s!*&arines+ In"!ded are notes a*o!t the o&pro&ises in%o"%ed in the desi#n and !se of the fast *atter$ s!*&arine a"on# )ith &ention of So%iet s!*&arines of the era+ F&GU'*S +N) +$$*N)&C*S 1i# .2 USS C!*era as GII 3*$ Ri4 Ni"sson5 1i# 2 G!ns at Sea 3*$ A" Conner GM6 3SS5.789 - .78:5

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Page 1: USN Guppy Submarine Conversions 1947-1954 - the Quest for Higher Submerged Speed & Greater Underwater Propulsion Power

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USN Guppy Submarine Conversions 1947-1954

The Quest For Hiher Submere! Spee! " Greater Un!er#ater $ropu%sion


Compiled by P D Hulme.



 These notes are fo!ssed "ar#e"$ on the tehnia" detai"s of the US Na%$ G!pp$

pro#ra&&e' the (rst and &ost n!&ero!s of the post )ar s!*&arine on%ersions

arried o!t to #ain hi#her s!*&er#ed speed+ Si&i"ar' &ore &odest on%ersion

pro#ra&s in the Ro$a" Na%$ o&p"ete the stor$+ There are *rief *!t essentia" notes

a*o!t the in,!ene of the Ger&an T$pe . U-/oat on Western s!*&arine po"i$' post


Ne) s!*&arines of the era are introd!ed to o&p"ete the historia" pit!re and

pro%ide so&e tehnia" o&parisons - the *asi G!pp$ &ethod did not re&ain !ni0!e

to on%ersions and ontin!es to *e !sed' )ith %ariations' in &ost Western s!*&arines+

In"!ded are notes a*o!t the o&pro&ises in%o"%ed in the desi#n and !se of the fast

*atter$ s!*&arine a"on# )ith &ention of So%iet s!*&arines of the era+

F&GU'*S +N) +$$*N)&C*S

• 1i# .2 USS C!*era as GII 3*$ Ri4 Ni"sson5

• 1i# 2 G!ns at Sea 3*$ A" Conner GM6 3SS5.789 - .78:5

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• 1i# 62 Sar#o I !ta)a$ pit!re 3NA;<ERS .=875

• 1i# 82 Si&p"i(ed po)er ir!its+ 3A!thor5

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• 1i# >2 USS C"a&a#ore *atter$ )e""

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• 1i# 92 TCG <irireis?USS Tan# @an =8? DSCN:9 3Rih <e4e"ne$5

• 1i# :2 Sp"it <rop!"sion Contro" <ane"+ 3NA;<ERS .=87=5

• 1i# 2 <at Bo!seho"der in the &anoe!%rin# roo& of USS CBO<<ER

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• 1i# 72 1oxtrot <rop po)er ir!its+ 3A!thor5

• 1i# .=2 <rope""er BMAS O%ens' 1re&ant"e+ 3@ohn Eade5

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• Appendix A+ Ce"" Spei(ation Notes+

• Appendix /+ <o)er and Speed Ca"!"ations+

• Appendix C+ En#ine and &otor detai"+

• Appendix D+ Data Ano&a"ies+

• Appendix E+ US Na%$ S!*;et Anedotes+

• Appendix 1+ BMS Tait!rn - BMS <orpoise+

• Appendix G+ So%iet <roet 98. 1oxtrot+

• Appendix B+ I&peria" @apanese Na%$ ST 3SEN - TAKU5 Speia" S!*&arine

• Appendix I+ A4no)"ed#e&ents and so!res

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TH* &,$+CT (F TH* T$* .1 U-/(+T (N $(ST 0+' SU/,+'&N*S

1ro& a!thoritati%e so!res s!h as Ad&ira" Ga"atin US Na%$ 3ret5 in his *oo4

S!*&arine Ad&ira" it is "ear' that in the &onths fo""o)in# the "ose of WWII' the US

Na%$ *ea&e %er$ i&pressed *$ the onept of the Ger&an T$pe3I5 . U-/oat

deri%ed as it )as fro& the extensi%e WWII experienes of U /oat o&&anders+

Non - US readerFs sho!"d *e a)are of the US Na%$ SU/MARINE O11ICERS

CON1ERENCE fo!nded in .7> to ad%ise the Chief of Na%a" Operations and the

Seretar$ of the Na%$+ Apparent"$ attended *$ s!*&arine oers' past or present+ It

see&s to ha%e *een an i&portant in,!ene in the ear"$ $ears after WWII

US Na%$ p"annin# 0!i4"$ o&&ened to a0!ire s!*&arines that o!"d ahie%e hi#h

!nder)ater speed in the &anner of this WWII Ger&an s!*&arine that ironia""$ ne%er

(red a shot in an#er' arri%in# too "ate to eHeti%e"$ enter the "osin# sea )ar in the


/asia""$ the t)in sre) T$pe . had a strea&"ined &er#ed ir"e 3(#!re ei#ht5 h!""'

"ar#e prop!"sion &otors' a "ar#e *atter$ and a snor4e" s$ste&' o!p"ed )ith a fast

se&i-a!to&ated torpedo re"oadin# s$ste&+ A *asi prop!"sion onept si&i"ar to the

"ess sophistiated B!nter Ki""er FRF "ass' *ro!#ht into ser%ie in .7. *$ the Ro$a"

Na%$ for ASW d!ties and then "ar#e"$ for#otten in the peaeti&e o*session )ith "ar#e

1"eet s!*&arines and hi#h s!rfae speeds+

 There )as "itt"e to pre%ent &ost pre - WWII s!*&arines *ein# *!i"t in the #enera" st$"e

of the T$pe . U-/oat - it si&p"$ )asnFt onsidered an operationa" re0!ire&ent !nti"

the experienes of WWII+ It is appropriate to &ention at this point that the US Na%$

apt!red the @apanese ST fast s!*&er#ed s!*&arines I-=. and I-=6 that )ere *oth

ta4en to <ear" Bar*o!r for st!d$+ The$ )ere expended in destr!ti%e testin# in Ma$

.789+ see Appendix B+

D!rin# WWII' the Ro$a" Na%$ "ed the A""ied &o%e to 0!i4"$ a0!ire fast s!*&arine

ASW exerise tar#ets' reported"$ atin# on FInte"F a*o!t the T$pe . pro#ra&'

Interepted @apanese reports are s!##ested *$ so&e a!thorities - B$per)ar?N+S+A -

!ote+ On Dee&*er .786 3in a &essa#e not read !nti" @!ne of .7885' the @apanese

Na%a" AttahJ in /er"in sent to To4$o a desription of t)o ne) t$pes of U-*oats' detai"s

of )hih had not $et *een oia""$ re"eased to hi& *$ the Ger&an na%$+ Un0!ote+

Appendix I

 The "i&ited on%ersion of six S C"ass s!*&arines o&&ened in Ot .788 )ith the

Seraph+ The speed )as inreased to .+> 4nots *$ extensi%e strea&"inin# and

&oderate"$ o%er"oadin# the existin# &otors for 6= &in!tes of hi#h speed+ See the

Seraph .788 tria"s do!&ent fro& the BMS Sots&an arti"e+

1o""o)in# US Na%$ operatin# experiene )ith the apt!red Ger&an T$pe . U-6==

and U->.6' the ne) t)in sre) Tan# "ass )as p"anned inorporatin# the onepts of

the T$pe .+ The (rst of "ass )as "aid do)n in .787+

 The$ )ere a"so #i%en another attri*!te of the T$pe . - a si#ni(ant inrease in&axi&!& depth o&pared )ith the ear"ier s!*&arines+

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Ad&ira" Ga"atin )ho )as present d!rin# the .7> Tan# o&&issionin# tria"s' reports

that :> feet )as ahie%ed+ Be )as a 4een exponent of inreased depth fro& his ti&e

as a CO in WW II !nti" the appearane of the Los An#e"es SSN' a s!*&arine that in this

respet' disappointed hi&+

/!t the six ne) Tan# "ass )ere expensi%e and there )ere &an$ o"der st$"e 1"eetS!*&arines in #ood ondition so that after a tria" )ith a &odi(ed 1"eet S!*&arine the

Greater Under)ater <rop!"sion <o)er 3The ha%in# no &eanin#5 pro#ra&&e a&e

into *ein#+ See Appendix D Ite& .

It started in .789 )ith t)o on%ersions 4no)n as GI' o&p"eted in .78:' intended for

!se as fast tar#ets for ASW s!rfae %esse"s - USS Odax 3885 and USS <o&odon 3895'

*oth Tenh "ass+ One the onept )as esta*"ished *$ the GI s!*&arines' the &ain

GII on%ersion pro#ra& o&&ened+ Of o!rse the #reat"$ inreased &axi&!& depth

of the Tan# "ass o!"d not *e ahie%ed in these o"der s!*&arines' *!t this )as

apparent"$ onsidered aepta*"e+

In .78 the Ro$a" Na%$ o&&issioned the drastia""$ &odi(ed and strea&"ined BMS

Sots&an as a non-operationa" experi&enta" and tria"s s!*&arine )ith !nder)ater

*atter$ speeds of !p to .: 4nots+

It see&s the Ro$a" Na%$ )as as i&pressed as the US Na%$ )ith T$pe . onept' and

despite se%ere (sa" restraints' o&&ened a &aor on%ersion pro#ra& in .78 of

ei#ht T C"ass s!*&arines' to prod!e f!""$ operationa" strea&"ined s!*&arines )ith

#reater s!*&er#ed speeds+ The pro#ra&&e )as o&p"eted in .7>9+ It sho!"d *e

re&ar4ed that the Ro$a" Na%$ had a"so sine WWII' &ade a "ar#e s!*&arine

in%est&ent in ontin!in# Dr Wa"terFs B$dro#en <eroxide )or4 !sin# the apt!red U-/oat U-.8=: that *ea&e BMS Meteor+ The pro#ra& expanded and (nished )ith the

onstr!tion of t)o experi&enta" s!*&arines+ BMS Exa"i*!r "a!nhed .7>> and BMS

Exp"orer "a!nhed .7>8 ahie%ed > 4nots s!*&er#ed and pro%ided !sef!" fast ASW

tar#ets+ It is reasona*"e to ass!&e this for& of s!*&er#ed prop!"sion' despite

tehnia" di!"ties' )o!"d ha%e *een p!rs!ed *!t for the s!ess of the US Na%$

n!"ear s!*&arines+ Bo)e%er tho!#h *e$ond the sope of this arti"e' the ran#e

"i&itations of B$dro#en <eroxide sho!"d *e not o%er"oo4ed+

US Na%$ tho!#hts )ere a"so &o%in# another diretions+ A*o!t this ti&e p"ans )as

pro#ressin# for a radia""$ ne) t$pe of s!*&arine h!""' that after o&p"etin# extensi%e

&ode" testin# in"!din# a )ind t!nne" tria"' )as "aid do)n as the A"*aore in .7>+ Anentire"$ experi&enta" %esse" )ith a for& si&i"ar to an airship - the teardrop h!"" that

)ith %ario!s &odi(ations e%ent!a""$ *ea&e the f!t!re shape of a"" SSN' SS/N and

SSK s!*&arines+ Interestin#"$' in the ear"$ p"annin# period the ne) shape )as 4no)n

in US Na%$ do!&ents as the Bi"da L$ons 1or& after a pre-)ar /ritish airship desi#ner+

Ad&ira" Ga"atin &entions that in these ear"$ da$s there )ere a"so on#oin# shore *ased

s!*&arine prop!"sion researh proets' in"!din# h$dro#en peroxide and "osed $"e

diese" s$ste&s - neither a&e to fr!ition in a s!*&arine' apart fro& the 6> ton &id#et

USS -.3o&&issioned .7>>5 that had a BT< en#ine for !st o%er . &onths *!t

fo""o)in# a f!e" exp"osion )as on%erted to diese"-e"etri+

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And of o!rse the s!ess of the SSN Na!ti"!s in .7>>' set the path of the US Na%$

s!*&arine prop!"sion !nti" the present da$+ C!rrent"$ )e hear of a "oan diese"-e"etri

s!*&arine *ein# tria""ed *$ the US Na%$' *!t this &a$ si&p"$ *e tar#et e%a"!ation in a

ne) era+

TH* C(N*'S&(N o2 the 00&& US Navy F3**T SU/,+'&N* 2or GreaterUn!er#ater $ropu%sion $o#er - GU$$

Co&&ander @ohn D A"denFs de(niti%e *oo4 The 1"eet S!*&arine in the U+S+ Na%$'

reords the #enera" histor$ of the US Na%$ on%ersion of a "ar#e n!&*er of its diese"-

e"etri 1"eet S!*&arines of the /a"ao and Tenh "ass to o*tain #reater !nder)ater

prop!"sion po)er for faster s!*&er#ed speeds in the $ears i&&ediate"$ fo""o)in#


1o!r si&i"ar *!t o"der Gato "ass )ere a"so on%erted to the &ore a!stere %ersion of

the "ater GIA on%ersion' the GI/ for transfer to Ita"$ and the Nether"ands+

A"den does not #i%e the detai" of the &odi(ations and additions needed to ahie%e

#reater !nder)ater prop!"sion po)er so these notes' o&pi"ed fro& %ario!s so!res'

endea%o!r to pro%ide that detai" and add a fe) other re"ated ite&s that &i#ht interest

the reader+ The e&phasis is on the e"etria" prop!"sion' the heart of the G!pp$

on%ersions' indeed of an$ diese"-e"etri s!*&arine

 The &ain GII on%ersion pro#ra& of .6 /a"ao "ass and 7 Tenh "ass s!*&arines for

operationa" ser%ie' )as o&p"eted in the period .78 to .7>.+ The t)o GI s!*&arines

)ere on%erted to GII in .7>.+Ma4in# a tota" of 8 GII+

1o""o)in# )ere t)o "ess expansi%e e"etria" prop!"sion on%ersions - the GIA-.7>.pro#ra&&e in%o"%in# 7 /a"ao "ass and . Tenh "ass fo""o)ed *$ the GIIA-.7>6

pro#ra&&e in%o"%in# . /a"ao "ass and 8 Tenh "ass+ S!*&arines in *oth these

on%ersion pro#ra&&es retained the sa&e *atter$ tan4s *!t rep"aed the e""s )ith

!nits of hi#her apait$+ A"den does not s!##est that the strea&"inin# )as in an$)a$

diHerent fro& the GII+ The re&o%a" of an en#ine in the GIIA reated &ore a!xi"iar$

&ahiner$ spae' onse0!ent"$ "ea%in# needed spae in the ontro" roo& area+

Appendix D Ite& +

A tota" of >= G!pp$ s!*&arines )ere in ati%e ser%ie *$ the ear"$ (fties+

*NG&N*S an! SN('*3

 The WWII 1"eet S!*&arines of the Gato' /a"ao and Tenh "asses !sed diese"-e"etri

prop!"sion on the s!rfae+ The t)in shaft e"etri prop!"sion &otors )ere of s!ient

sie to trans&it the f!"" e"etria" po)er o!tp!t of the fo!r diese"-#enerators as

&ehania" po)er to the prope""er shafts+ Na%<ers .9.9+ - 1or s!rfae operation'

!sin# the %ario!s o&*inations of ar&at!res and ta4in# po)er fro& the &ain

#enerators' the &otors de%e"oped fro& = hp to :== hp per prope""er shaft at speeds

ran#in# fro& approxi&ate"$ 9: rp& to rp& a*o!t .7-= 4nots &axF+ So!re

 The #enera" arran#e&ent an *e seen in 31i# .5+ These "ar#e &otors 3tota" >8== shp5

ade0!ate"$ &athed the inreased *atter$ po)er of G!pp$ I?II on%ersion+ See

Appendix C for &ore detai"+

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 The ear"ier 1"eet S!*&arines of the Gato and /a"ao "asses )ere (tted )ith fo!r sonar

nois$' hi#h speed #eared sin#"e ar&at!re &otors+

Respondin# to WWII experiene and s!*&issions *$ experiened aptains' the "ater

 Tenh "ass )ere (tted )ith t)o s"o) speed do!*"e ar&at!re &otors per shaft in a

diret dri%e shaft arran#e&ent' )ith no han#e in shaft po)er+ The prop!"sion ir!itsre&ained e"etria""$ the sa&e' as fo!r separate ar&at!res )ere sti"" e&p"o$ed *!t in

a diHerent &ehania" &ode+ The han#e )as not essentia" in the G!pp$ on%ersions'

*!t %er$ desira*"e for an other)ise 0!iet strea&"ined s!*&arine+

 The t)o GI S!*&arines )ere not initia""$ (tted )ith snor4e" !nti" their "ater on%ersion

to operationa" GII+ Their &axi&!& s!*&er#ed speeds of .+ 4nots are reported *$

A"den+ One an on"$ ass!&e their s&a"" sai" red!ed the dra# to a""o) #reater speed

than the fo""o)in# GII and it is not !n"i4e"$ that other strea&"inin# &eas!res )ere

app"ied to the GI that )o!"d not *e pratia" in the operationa" GII+

 The US Na%$ t$pe snor4e"' a te"esopi desi#n' )as (rst tria""ed in the Tenh "ass 1"eetS!*&arine USS Irex 385 in .78:+ 3See arti"e - Snor4e" in the US Na%$ - .78>


 The ne) Tan# "ass' GII on%ersions and the snor4e" de%e"op&ent' )ere eHeti%e"$

para""e" pro#ra&s as a te"esopi snor4e" si&i"ar to the T$pe . )as essentia" for (ttin#

in these strea&"ined s!*&arines+

 Too &!h dra# )o!"d ha%e *een reated *$ the rather r!de *!t eHeti%e s$ste& !sed

*$ the Ro$a" Na%$' fo""o)in# on fro& the *asi fo"d - do)n U- /oat snor4e" that )as

(tted on &ost Ro$a" Na%$ on%entiona" WWII st$"e s!*&arines short"$ after the )ar+

 The (rst Ro$a" Na%$ te"esopi snort a&e in .7>. )ith the on%erted hi#h speed T

C"ass+ Tait!rn (rst of "ass+

It &!st *e e&phasised that snor4e" )as a"so (tted to non - G!pp$ US Na%$ 1"eet

S!*&arines' initia""$ in a spei( .7>.->8 pro#ra& of .7 s!*&arines that prod!ed

the so-a""ed 1"eet Snor4e" "ass+ Bo)e%er it see&s other s!*&arines )ere (tted )ith

snor4e" as re0!ired+ A &odern (n )as (tted to ho!se the te"esopi snort and the


No) a &aor part of the dotrine of the &odern diese"-e"etri s!*&arine operation'

snor4e""in# to prope" and *atter$ har#e s!*&er#ed )as a rapid"$ de%e"opin# pratiein the US Na%$ and Ro$a" Na%$ at this ti&e+ /rie,$ - a"" US Na%$ snortin# s$ste&s )ere

se&i-a!to&ated )ith the apparent intention of ne%er a""o)in# an$ sea )ater to #et

into the en#ine+ The US Na%$ a")a$s !sed t)o stro4e en#ines and this &a$ )e"" *e the

reason for the &ore o&p"ex snor4e" s$ste&+

 The 1"eet S!*&arines in"!din# G!pp$ on%ersions (tted )ith snor4e"' apparent"$ had

en#ine &odi(ations and a onse0!ent red!tion in &axi&!& po)er+ See


 The 6== 4W a!xi"iar$ diese" #enerator )as re&o%ed fro& a"" G!pp$ on%ersions+

Ro$a" Na%$ Snort 3US Na%$ Snor4e"5 s$ste&s 3fo"d - do)n or te"esopi5 )ere 0!ite

si&p"e and re&ained so e%en )ith the ad%ent of the te"esopi snort in on%erted T

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C"ass s!*&arines and ne) - *!i"d < C"ass+ It is ass!&ed this )as *ea!se of the

ontin!ed !se of fo!r stro4e en#ines+ Certain"$ ear"ier Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arine en#ines

,ooded oasiona""$ )ith no serio!s onse0!enes+

In the "ater' &ore &odest G!pp$ on%ersion GIIA' the No Main Diese" - Generator

)as re&o%ed to reate spae for operationa" e0!ip&ent s!h as sonar+ The red!ndantNo D-G s)ith )as adapted to a""o) the No . D-G to s!pp"$ the port &otor to

o&pensate for the "oss of port?star*oard s$&&etr$ of s!pp"$ 3Na%<ers .=87= /asi

En"isted S!*&arine Text <art .+5+ This "oss of an en#ine )as apparent"$ aepta*"e as

s"o)er s!rfae speeds see&ed to *e the trend in &odern Diese"-E"etri s!*&arines'

)ith the e&phasise on snor4e""in#+ Anedotes report that )hen snor4e""in# !s!a""$

on"$ t)o en#ines )o!"d *e !sed' restrited *$ &axi&!& safe %a!!& and &axi&!&


An infor&a" report fro& a retired US Na%$ oer states that "ate in the "ife of the GII

USS <o&odo& 3895' the t)o for)ard en#ines )ere re&o%ed and a s&a"" speia"

diese"-#enerator )as insta""ed in the en#ine roo&' do)n the C?L' on so!nd &o!nts for

0!iet snor4e""in# - the en#ine itse"f pro%ed !nre"ia*"e+ <roet a*andoned

Be a"so ad%ised that the han#e to (%e *"aded prope""ers )as &ere"$ to red!e noise

and did not ontri*!te si#ni(ant"$ to inreased speed+

TH* ,()&F&C+T&(NS T( TH* *3*CT'&C+3 $'($U3S&(N SST*,

Despite "a4in# oia" arhi%a" do!&ents' it has *een possi*"e to pro%ide the

fo""o)in#' reasona*"$ a!rate desription of the e"etria" prop!"sion &odi(ations+

 The data has o*tained fro& the %ario!s so!res in Appendix B' *!t in parti!"ar USNa%$ *atter$ p!rhase spei(ations' Appendix A+

GU$$ &&

 The &ain interna" str!t!ra" han#es )ere a onse0!ene of the need to extend the

t)o existin# *atter$ tan4s to ao&&odate the >=8 e""s in p"ae of the ori#ina" >

e""s+ The indi%id!a" ne) G!pp$ . e""s )ere a*o!t 9= of the &ass and 98 of the

%o"!&e of the ori#ina" Sar#o I e""s+

In ear"$ on%ersions' *ea!se of an existin# &ain *!"4head' the for)ard tan4 )as in

fat in t)o parts )ith the "ar#er setion 3.8 e""s5 *ein# the ori#ina" tan4 for)ard ofthe *!"4head and the s&a""er setion 39 e""s5 !st aft of the *!"4head' Na%<ers


Ri4 Ni"sson' )ho ser%ed on the C!*era+ 31i# .5 te""s of a diHerent str!t!ra" a"teration+

There were many subtle changes made as the Guppy program progressed. In Cubera

the bulkhead was actually cut and moved aft into the pump room and the control

room !oor reinforced above the well so the entire battery well "#$# cells% was in one

compartment. & backup air conditioning plant was removed and the spare parts

compartment was then relocated under the deck in the forward torpedo room to make

room for this modi'cation. I have no idea if any other Guppy(II)s used this scheme.

Ri4 he4ed this detai" )ith a fe""o) re) &ate fro& the e"etria" prop!"sion setion+

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Contrar$ to so&e reports' the G!pp$ on%ersions h!""s )ere not extended as part of

the pro#ra& to ahie%e #reater !nder)ater speed+ Bo)e%er o%er the period .7>7 to

.796' nine of the G.. *oats )ere extended *$ .> feet to #i%e &ore operationa" spae

- the ontro" roo& )as en"ar#ed and the sonar roo& &o%ed o!t of the for)ard torpedo

roo& )here it had *een p"aed in the GII on%ersion - the$ *ea&e GIII+ The$ a"so

#ained a onnin# position at the top of the (n This f!rther on%ersion res!"ted in a "ossof !nder)ater speed- A"den reports do)n to .8 4nots fro& .9 4nots+ Be a"so reports it

had *een intended to on%ert a"" GII into GIII *!t *!d#etar$ restraints inter%ened+

Appendix D Ite& 9+

GU$$ &&+ an! G&+

Con%ersion )ere si&i"ar in prinip"e to the GI *!t retained the ori#ina" > e"" spae in

the existin# for)ard and aft *atter$ tan4s+ 31i# 85 *!t han#in# the e"" t$pes fro&

Sar#o I e""s to ph$sia""$ identia" *!t hi#her apait$ Sar#o II+ A<<ENDICES A /

TH* /+TT*'&*S

 The 1"eet S!*&arine at the end of WWII )as !sin# the Sar#o I e"" 3Exide and Go!"d5

31i# 65' this is on(r&ed *$ A"den+ The s!*&er#ed s!*&arine )as apa*"e of a*o!t 7

4nots for one ho!r at 8== shp - a fair"$ t$pia" s!*&er#ed speed for s!*&arines of

this era+ It is i&portant to appreiate that )ith the *atteries per&anent"$ onneted in

para""e" in the !non%erted 1"eet S!*&arine 31i# 85' it )as on"$ possi*"e to de"i%er "ess

than the ha"f the %o"ta#e of the diese"-#enerators th!s se%ere"$ restritin# the

s!*&er#ed po)er and speed that )as f!rther red!ed *$ the inherent hi#h dra# of the

!n-strea&"ined s!*&er#ed h!"" 31i# 5+

 The G!pp$ on%ersions in%o"%ed raisin# the no&ina" *atter$ %o"ta#e and !rrents to

%a"!es si&i"ar to the o!tp!t of the diese"-#enerators of 8.> %o"ts at .='9== a&ps to

a""o) the prop!"sion &otors to de%e"op po)er ratin#s approahin# or e%en exeedin#

their no&ina" >8== shp that pre%io!s"$ )as on"$ possi*"e on the s!rfae+

 This )as ahie%ed in a"" three on%ersions *$ onnetin# the for)ard and aft *atteries

in Series for hi#h s!*&er#ed speeds' )ith the fai"it$ to ret!rn to the ori#ina" <ara""e"

onnetion for the s"o)er speed ran#es+ The Series?<ara""e" ontro" )as in the

s!*&arineFs &anoe!%rin# roo& as detai"ed in Ite& E' MOTORS AND CONTROL

 The tota" A&pere Bo!r apait$ of the *atteries )hen in the ori#ina" <ara""e"onnetion' )as ha"%ed in the Series onnetion th!s it )as a re0!ire&ent to

si#ni(ant"$ inrease the *atter$ AB apait$ )ith additiona" e""s as in GI?GII or

rep"ae the ori#ina" e""s )ith si&i"ar !nits of the sa&e di&ensions *!t )ith inreased

apait$ as )as the ase )ith the GIIA?GIA

In a"" the on%ersions' e""s )ith &ore and thinner p"ates )ere !sed a""o)in# inreased

apait$ in the sa&e %o"!&e and &ass' to#ether )ith &!h i&pro%ed *atter$

%enti"ation' air a#itation of the e"etro"$te and )ater oo"ed e"" ter&ina"s desri*ed in

/ATTER MANAGEMENT IM<RO;EMENTS+ Ce""s so desi#ned had a shorter "ife $"e+

Appendix D Ite& 8

 The three e""s !sed in the ori#ina" s!*&arine and the fo""o)in# on%ersions that )ere

%er$ si&i"ar in #enera" appearane )ith fo!r ter&ina"s per po"e' ei#ht per e""+

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1"eet S!*&arine - Sar#o I e""

GII S!*&arine - G!pp$ . e""

GIA?GIIA S!*&arine - Sar#o II e""

Spei(ation notes - Appendix A

/+TT*' ,+N+G*,*NT &,$'(*,*NTS

 The ori#ina" 1"eet S!*&arine indi%id!a" e"" %enti"ation )as rep"aed *$ open tan4

%enti"ation in the G!pp$ on%ersions' )ith %aria*"e speed %enti"ation *"o)ers that

exha!sted into the en#ine roo&' one for eah )e""+ Open tan4 %enti"ation )as the

!s!a" pratie in Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arines of this period+

 The ori#ina" (""in# ap of the Sar#o I for indi%id!a" e"" %enti"ation )as rep"aed on the

Sar#o II *$ one )ith a spar4 or ,a&e arrester+ 31i# 65

 There )ere a"so reir!"atin# fans in the *atter$ )e""s+ There )ere other additiona"

h$dro#en &ana#e&ent de%ies s!h as extra h$dro#en &eters' one for eah )e""3&ax 6 onentration5 disp"a$ed in the &anoe!%rin# roo& and air ,o) &eters+

Char#in# rates fo""o)ed the strit US Na%$ proed!re - Te&perat!re - ;o"ta#e - Gassin#

!r%es' to ens!re there )as no exess e&ission of h$dro#en or raisin# of e""


 The indi%id!a" e"" ter&ina"s )ere )ater oo"ed to a""o) the %er$ hea%$ s!stained

!rrent dra) - oHs to *e &aintained )itho!t o%erheatin# the e"" p"ates and

e"etro"$te+ The "osed oo"in# s$ste& !sed )ater fro& the *atter$ )ater s$ste& and

)as itse"f oo"ed *$ a heat exhan#er !sin# p!&ped sea)ater as the oo"in# a#ent+

In eah e"" )as insta""ed a si&p"e air "ift p!&p s!pp"ied )ith air thro!#h pipin# fro&dediated *"o)ers and ("ters+ This s$ste& )as !sed to &ix the e"etro"$te *$ a ,o) of

air *!**"es to pre%ent densit$ "a$ers for&in#+ /asia""$ air a#itation a%oids the "on#

period of #assin# at the (nishin# rate of har#e that )as pre%io!s"$ !sed to &ix the

e"etro"$te th!s red!in# te&perat!re rise and exessi%e prod!tion of h$dro#en+ This

)as %er$ i&portant' parti!"ar"$ )hen har#in# d!rin# snor4e""in#+

 There is no indiation fro& dra)in#s that the T$pe . U-/oat e""s had air a#itation or

)ater-oo"ed onnetions+ This see&s the sa&e for the Ro$a" Na%$ Tait!rn in .7>6

do!&ents' *!t anedotes s!##est that )ater - oo" onnetions did o&e "ater+

 This photo#raph 31i# >5' sho)s the e""s in the preser%ed USS C"a&a#ore 3SS 6865 )iththe arra$ of t!*es to s!pp"$ a#itation air and oo"in# )ater+ 31i# 95 sho)s a si&i"ar

%ie) of one *atter$ tan4 of the USS Tan# 3SS >965' *e"ie%ed to *e identia" e""s to

those !sed in GII s!*&arines' see Appendix A

 The *atter$ s$ste&s of &odern diese"-e"etri s!*&arines are si&i"ar+ It is nota*"e that

ta4in# the har#e *e$ond the point )here the e""s e&it h$dro#en #as )as not a""o)ed

at sea in the /ritish &odern Upho"der C"ass d!e to the serio!s ris4 of exp"osion+

 The existin# 1"eet S!*&arine Indi%id!a" Ce"" ;o"t&eter 3a "i#ht )ire fro& eah e"" *a4

to a &onitor5 )as &odi(ed to pro%ide ontin!o!s sannin# of a"" the indi%id!a" e""

%o"ta#es and initiated an a"ar& if a "o) e"" )as deteted d!rin# hea%$ hi#h speed

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*atter$ dishar#e+ It sho!"d *e noted that e"" %o"ta#es an drop as &!h as 66 fro&

start to (nish if the &axi&!& !rrent is s!stained for ha"f an ho!r+

Maxi&!& hi#h speed for the f!"" ha"f ho!r )as !n"i4e"$ to *e !sed in pratie *!t

&onitorin# pro%ision had to *e &ade to ens!re that in an$ ir!&stane no indi%id!a"

e"" %o"ta#es fe"" *e"o) the ritia" "e%e" )here e"" re%ersa" o!"d o!r+

 The T$pe . had t)o "ar#e pane"s that &onitored the e""s+ There are no ir!it detai"s

*!t there is "ear"$ an indiator "a&p for eah e""+

Captain Coote Ro$a" Na%$ 3Ret5 in his *oo4 SU/MARINER reports that the Ro$a" Na%$

fast T C"ass on%ersion he o&&anded' had (tted in the ontro" roo&' an instr!&ent

that reorded the instantaneo!s *atter$ !rrent and %o"ts+ Where the need"es

interseted indiated on #raph "ines dra)n on the sa"e sho)ed the har#e "eft in the


It is possi*"e that at "east so&e of the G!pp$ on%ersions had a si&i"ar instr!&ent *!tthere are no reports so far+

,(T('S an! C(NT'(3 C&'CU&TS

A"" of these ite&s )ere app"ia*"e to the GII' *!t it is possi*"e so&e parts of A'/'C and

D &a$ not ha%e *een app"ied f!""$ to the GIIA and GIA )here the &otor !rrents )ere

"ess+ The essentia" Ite& E )as app"ied to a"" the G!pp$ on%ersions

E"etria" prop!"sion ontro" !*i"es 31i# .5 )ere in the s!*&arine &anoe!%rin# roo&'

 !st a*o%e the &ain &otors+ <hoto#raph 31i# :5 of the "ater sp"it !*i"e of the 1"eet


A5 It is reorded 3Na%pers .=87=5 that the existin# 1"eet S!*&arine prop!"sion &otors

)ere extensi%e"$ tested to ens!re that the$ )ere adapta*"e to the inreased *atter$

%o"ta#e+ That the$ )ere is hard"$ s!rprisin# as the %o"ta#e o!tp!t of the nor&a" diese"

#enerators !sed for s!rfae r!nnin#' had o!tp!t %o"ta#es of a*o!t the sa&e order as

the ne) Series *atter$ onnetion+ Bo)e%er it is possi*"e this *rief setion of the

trainin# &an!a" is &ista4en and sho!"d refer to inreased !rrent+

 Tho!#h tria" data is "a4in#' there is "itt"e do!*t that no&ina" &otor ar&at!re !rrents

)ere exeeded in the GI and GII to &aintain &axi&!& s!*&er#ed speed o%er the ha"f

ho!r period as the *atter$ %o"ta#e pro#ressi%e"$ dropped to the (na" "i&itin# %a"!e andthe !rrent )as pro#ressi%e"$ inreased *$ "o)erin# (e"d !rrent to &aintain po)er

and th!s speed - the rp& disp"a$ed in the &anoe!%rin# roo&+ Lar#e &otors of this

era' t$pia""$ had a = o%er"oad ratin# for one ho!r and this period )o!"d not *e

dan#ero!s"$ exeeded d!e to the "i&itin# dishar#e apait$ of the *atteries+ Note

Ite&s C5 and D5 *e"o)' a"so see Appendix /  Appendix C

/5 Additiona" ins!"ation )as pro%ided )here needed for the hi#her *atter$ %o"ta#e

appearin# in the !*i"es+ Na%<ers .=87=+ This &odi(ation )as pro*a*"$ needed

*ea!se the !non%erted *atter$ ir!its )ere on"$ exposed to the hi#h end of the

har#in# $"e - 68> %o"ts+

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C5 The &ain &otor o%er"oad re"a$s )ere re&o%ed *ea!se of !n)anted trippin# and

the *atter$ o%er"oad re"a$s )ere read!sted and re"ied on to protet the &ain &otors+

3Na%<ers .=87==+Re"e%ant to Ite& A a*o%e5

D5 The &ain &otor and *atter$ ontators )ere inreased in sie )ith i&pro%ed ar

h!tes+ Na%<ers .=87=' Re"e%ant to Ite& A a*o%e5

E5 The 4e$ ontro" e"e&ent of the on%ersion )as the addition of a &anoe!%rin# roo&

s)ithin# fai"it$ to a""o) the t)o *atteries - for)ard and aft' to *e onneted in Series

app"$in# a hi#h %o"ta#e to the &otors to ahie%e #reater po)er for faster s!*&er#ed

speeds and in <ara""e" for "o)er %o"ta#es for the s"o)er speed ran#e+

 The &odi(ation )as done *$ adaptin# the t)o existin# s)ith "e%er operated *atter$

iso"atin# ontators and reonnetin# the *atter$ ir!its+

 The s)ith "e%ers )ere &ehania""$ inter"o4ed to pre%ent si&!"taneo!s !se+ Other

inter"o4 pro%isions )ere &ade to s!it the ne) operation+ The ph$sia" "a$o!t of the&odi(ation ir!it sho)n in dra)in# 31i# 85 is &ere"$ s!##ested+ The at!a" "a$o!t to

ahie%e the re0!ired series?para""e" ir!itr$ )o!"d depend %er$ &!h on the %er$

hea%$ a*"e ter&ination and *!s )or4 of the existin# ontro" s$ste& in a on(ned


<at Bo!seho"der' S!*;et - ad%ised that the han#e fro& a sin#"e !*i"e to inrease

se!rit$ 31i# :5' )as desi#ned *$ Ad&ira" Ri4o%er of US Na%$ n!"ear fa&e ear"$ in

his s!*&arine en#ineerin# areer' and &ore "ose"$ fo""o)s Ro$a" Na%$ pratie of

separation of the port and star*oards s$ste&s+ Ton$ <hi""ipson' Genera" Mana#er'

Rah&i M KoPP MQQesi' T!r4e$' respondin# to a persona" re0!est' 4ind"$ in%esti#ated

this i&portant s)ithin# feat!re in the preser%ed TCG U"!PPa"ireis 3S 665 for&er US

Na%$ Thorn*a4 3SS 8.5 GIIA' no) in his har#e+ Be sent "ose - !p photo#raphs of

the t)o in*oard "e%ers on eah !*i"e setion one "a*e""ed SERIES and one <ARALLEL+

Re&o%in# an$ do!*ts a*o!t ho) this part of the on%ersion )as ahie%ed

 The *asi *atter$ series - para""e" s$ste& )ith &ore &odern s)ith #ear' )as a"so

!sed in the ne) US t)in sre) Tan# "ass and the "ater sin#"e sre) /ar*e" "ass+  The

.7>= - .7>9 on%ersion of ei#ht Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arines' in%o"%ed the sa&e s$ste&

and ontin!ed in the ne)-*!i"d t)in sre) <orpoise C"ass  O*eron C"ass and "ater

sin#"e sre) Upho"der C"ass+

+U&3&+' SU$$3&*S

In the 1"eet s!*&arine' the a!xi"iar$ po)er s!pp"ies )ith a ran#e of .:> to 68> %o"ts

s!pp"$in# the so&e >= or so a!xi"iar$ &otors and other e0!ip&ent' )ere fed *$ t)o

s)ith*oards' one for)ard s!pp"ied *$ the for)ard *atter$ and one aft s!pp"ied *$ the

aft *atter$+ The G!pp$ II &odi(ation in%o"%ed s!pp"$in# the po)er fro& No for)ard

*atter$ and No 8 aft *atter$+ 3Na%<ers .=87=5+

 @+ Christ"e$ - FU+S+ SU/MARINE 1ORCE IN1ORMATION /OOKF' reports infor&ation

s!pp"ied *$ R+ S&in4e$ in re#ard to the GIIA on%ersion of USS !i""*a4 3SS 885

The electrical system was beefed up by doubling the capacity of the &C motor(

generators to handle lighting as well as the previous load and *#+(volt direct current

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for other purposes was provided through recti'ers instead of rheostats. Two ,++ (

cycle motor(generator sets were also added to meet the needs of new electronic


It an *e safe"$ ass!&ed that a"" the e"etri &otors for a!xi"iar$ &ahiner$ )ere sti""

s!pp"ied diret"$ fro& the *atteries as stated a*o%e+

 The *atter$ %o"ta#e %aried fro& near dishar#ed on "oad at .:> %o"ts to end of har#e

at 68> %o"ts+ This app"ies to a"" diese"-e"etri s!*&arines and onstant %o"ta#e d!rin#

har#in# for "i#htin# et has in the past has *een s!pp"ied *$ %ario!s &ethods' )ith

*asi &otor-#enerators *eo&in# &ore o&&on after WWII+

Modern po)er e"etroni s$ste&s are a%ai"a*"e for d!ties "i4e this and "i4e"$ !sed in

the %er$ "atest s!*&arines+

 The 68> %o"ts is assoiated )ith the hi#h end of the #assin# part of *atter$ har#in#

$"e and )as not "i4e"$ to *e reahed in pratie in the Ro$a" Na%$' at "east' aftera*o!t .7>6+ There are so&e notes on this s!*et here+

$*'F(',+NC* +T H&GH S$**) SU/,*'G*)

La4in# speed tria" data' the si&p"e a"!"ations in Appendix / #i%e a #ood

approxi&ation of the s!*&er#ed speeds?po)er ahie%ed *$ the t)o *asi G!pp$

on%ersions )hen the *atteries )ere s)ithed in the Series onnetion+ The res!"ts are

"isted *e"o)+ The ha"f ho!r rate and one ho!r rate sho)n are the &axi&!& for the t)o

speed ran#es !sed in the Series onnetion+

1or the &ore nor&a" speeds *e"o) these ran#es' the ori#ina" para""e" onnetion 3 1i#85 )o!"d *e !sed' see Appendix E+

1or a #i%en %o"ta#e app"ied to the &otors' speed ad!st&ents o!"d *e &ade *$ the

sh!nt (e"d re#!"ator )ithin the speed ran#e !p to &axi&!& ar&at!re !rrent+

Ca"!"ated Res!"ts fro& Appendix /

GIA?GIIA - .8+> 4nots at the ha"f ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 868>


GIA?GIIA - .6+. 4nots at the one ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 6.6

shpGII - - .9+= 4nots at the ha"f ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 9.== shp

GII - - .8+> 4nots at the one ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 86=9 shp

 The &axi&!& speeds for eah on%ersion are "ose to those stated *$ A"den+ 1ro&

these (#!res it an *e ta4en that the strea&"ined dra# of the GIA?GIIA and the GII

)as si&i"ar' as antiipated+ Bo)e%er note Ri4 Ni"ssonFs o&&ents Appendix E

La4in# US Na%$ G!pp$ speed tria" data' the oia" speed tria" (#!res of .7> for the

(rst /ritish fast strea&"ined s!*&arine Tait!rn #i%e on(dene that the res!"ts

a"!"ated in Appendix / are reasona*"$ a!rate+

Speed tria" at 7= feet+ End!rane 68 &in!tes+ >:>8 shp' .> 4nots+

Speed tria" at <D End!rane 66 &in!tes+ >:. shp' .6+: 4nots+

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S!*&er#ed disp"ae&ent of the Tait!rn )as .'9= tons o&pared to the G!pp$ )ith

8== tons+ Appendix 1 for &ore Tait!rn detai" and the then ne) <orpoise C"ass that

had so&e si&i"arit$ to the GII s!*&arine and the Tan# "ass+

 The rather *etter G!pp$ speed perfor&ane (#!res' as stated *$ ALDEN' an perhaps

*e exp"ained *$ a &ore strea&"ined do!*"e h!"" of "ess dra# than the strea&"inedsadd"e tan4 Tait!rn+

It &i#ht a"so ha%e *een a &atter of sre) eien$+ At &axi&!& s!rfae speed the

shaft rp& of the 1"eet S!*&arine )as ' )hi"e the Tait!rn )as 8>= rp& We an a"so

ass!&e that the hi#h s!*&er#ed speed of the G!pp$ II )as ahie%ed )ith &otors and

sre)s operatin# at a*o!t the sa&e rp& ahie%ed in the ori#ina" s!*&arine for

s!rfae operation' )hereas the Tait!rn sre)s )ere rotatin# 6. faster than

&axi&!& s!rfae speed+Bo)e%er these are the spe!"ations of an interested a&ate!r

in )hat is a speia"ised (e"d and sho!"d *e treated )ith reser%ation+

 The prope""ers of the G!pp$ s!*&arines )ere 76+> inhes+ The T C"ass "ass )ere 98inhes+ There are of o!rse other i&portant prope""er di&ensions *!t these )i"" ser%e

to de&onstrate the si#ni(ant diHerene+ The prope""ers of BMS <orpoise )ere 8

inhes+ The T$pe . U-/oat )ere 8+9 inhes+ The So%iet <roet 98. 1oxtrot )ere 9:+9

inhes t)o o!ter and 99+. entre+ 31i# .=5 sho) the sre)s of BMAS O%ens at

1re&ant"e A!stra"ia+ There is no o*%io!s reason to *e"ie%e the Ro$a" Na%$ < C"ass 

diHered fro& the si&i"ar O C"ass+

SU/,*'G*) *N)U'+NC* +T S3(0 S$**)S

An o*%io!s onse0!ene of inreasin# the *atter$ apait$ in the G!pp$ on%ersion

for hi#h s!*&er#ed speed )as &ore end!rane apait$ at %er$ s"o) speeds+

Unfort!nate"$ there is no detai"ed anedota" infor&ation a%ai"a*"e to #i%e an indiation

as to )hether it )as onsidered that the GII oHered a !sef!" tatia" ad%anta#e o%er


 The one Co"d War e%ent in%o"%in# the end!rane of a US Na%$ s!*&arine is the )e""

4no)n stor$ of the then &odern Tan# "ass USS G!d#eon 3SS >9:5 that )as fored !p

*$ So%iet ASW ships )hen the *oatFs end!rane (na""$ ran o!t after 67 ho!rs' &ore

detai" is a%ai"a*"e at - <a#e =' BUNTERS O1 DEE< Appendix I+ One o!"d o&e to the

on"!sion that the hea%$ dishar#e of the initia" hi#h speed r!n red!ed the har#estate of the "ar#e *atter$ )ith no tatia" #ain

 The other reported e%ents in%o"%ed So%iet 1oxtrot s!*&arines *ein# fored !p *$ US

Na%$ ASW esorts' d!rin# the C!*an &issi"e risis' *!t nothin# is 4no)n of the

ir!&stanes on the s!*&arine+

One fator in deter&inin# end!rane at %er$ s"o) speeds s!*&er#ed is the e"etria"

"oad apart fro& prop!"sion 4no)n in &odern par"ane as the BOTEL "oad+

 This "oad an reah a %a"!e e0!a" to the s"o) speed prop!"sion po)er' dependin# on

the s!*&arineFs ir!&stanes - e%adin# atta4 in Si"ent Ro!tine or si&p"$ patro""in#

)ith f!"" sonar' heatin#' oo4in# et+ Main &otor (e"d !rrents sti"" ha%e to *e s!pp"ied

- one of the *ene(ts of !sin# a &!h s&a""er' separate reep &otor+

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 The &odern R+A+N+ COLLINS "ass apparent"$ !ses a o&p"ete"$ separate h$dra!"i

dri%e )ith its o)n sre)

 The So%iet 1oxtrot of the sa&e s!*&er#ed disp"ae&ent as the G!pp$ s!*&arine' a

three shaft *oat' had a sin#"e entre shaft reep &otor of .8= shp+

 This s!*&arine a"so o!"d &a4e 9 4nots at x == shp on the t)o o!ter &ain &otor

shafts+ 31i# 75+ and Appendix G+

A Red Na%$ oer' the so!re of &!h infor&ation on the 1oxtrot "ass' sa$s that 9-

4nots )as the !s!a" speed ran#e s!*&er#ed+ )ith a &axi&!& of .8 4nots )ith a

ran#e of 6= &i"es 3+=: ho!rs+ At s"o) speeds this )o!"d trans"ate into a %er$ !sef!"

s!*&er#ed end!rane Usin# the a"!"ated res!"ts in Appendix /' the G!pp$ II o!"d

on"$ &ana#e .8+> 4nots for one ho!r

 The US 1"eet S!*&arine 3in"!din# G!pp$5 "i4e the /ritish A C"ass *!i"t in WWII' had a

s)ithin# fai"it$ to a""o) a"" fo!r ar&at!res 3t)o per shaft in eah tande& &otor5 to*e onneted in series for %er$ s"o) speeds+ A si&i"ar s$ste& )as !sed in the  T C"ass

Con%ersion and &ore detai" an *e seen in those dia#ra&s+

BOTEL "oads e%ent!a""$ "i&it the end!rane of the s!*&er#ed *atter$ s!*&arine at

%er$ "o) FreepF speeds+ That is apart fro& the ondition of the re)+

It is of so&e %a"!e to tr$ and o&pare the s"o) speed perfor&ane of the GII and the

GIA?GIIA *!t )itho!t oia" speed tria" do!&ents another ed!ated #!ess is re0!ired+

 The speed tria" do!&ents of the Ro$a" Na%$ Tait!rn s!##est !sin# the = ho!r

dishar#e rate as a startin# point+ The a"!"ation detai"s are sho)n in Appendix /+


 The GIA?GIIA >+7 4nots x = ho!rs .. &i"es end!rane at >+7 4nots+

GI I >+7 4nots x > ho!rs .8:+> &i"es end!rane at >+7 4nots+


O*%io!s"$ in pratie' the s!*&arine )i"" *e !sin# %ario!s speeds to &a4e an atta4

and esape ASW reta"iation+ The har#e "eft in *atteries for extended Si"ent Ro!tine

)i"" not *e a")a$s *e s!ient for >+7 4nots at = ho!rs and a "o)er speed )i"" *e

!sed &ixed )ith short periods of hi#her speeds *!t "ear"$ the GII had si#ni(ant"$

#reater "o) speed end!rane than the GIA?GIIA+


As the fo!s of this arti"e is on <o)er as in the aron$& G!pp$' no serio!s atte&pt

has *een &ade to o*tain oia" US Na%$ detai"s of the strea&"inin# and onse0!ent

noise red!tion of the exterior h!""s of the 1"eet S!*&arines that "i4e"$ %aried as the

pro#ra& pro#ressed and experiene )as #ained+ This )as ertain"$ the ase )ith the

/ritish on%erted T C"ass as reported *$ a retired Do4$ard dra!#hts&an to Ro#er 1r$+

In an$ ase the tehni0!es are no) )e"" desri*ed in s!*&arine tehnia" "iterat!re+ Aphoto#raph of USS C!*eraFs for)ard >-inh?> a"i*re #!n in .789' prior to on%ersion

31i# 5' "ear"$ sho)s the "!tter that )as "eared a)a$ to red!e dra#+ A"den

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dis!sses the de%e"op&ent of the sai" and these an *e seen in dia#ra&s in his

Appendix A As an the other o*%io!s han#es+ There are &an$ photo#raphs on the


 The US Na%$ &ade the &ista4e "ater repeated in the (rst Ro$a" Na%$ on%erted T

C"ass' of ha%in# the onnin# position in a a* "o)er do)n in front of the (n+ As )asthe ase )ith the "ater on%erted T C"ass' the onnin# position )as "ater raised to the

top of the sai" or in /ritish par"ane' the (n+

When e%a"!atin# the ed!ated #!essin# of speeds' the reader sho!"d *e a)are that

d!rin# the Tait!rn speed tria"s' openin# the *o) sh!tters at .. 4nots at 7= feet

red!ed the speed *$ =+9 of a 4nots+ A*o!t the sa&e for fore p"anes t!rned o!t+ A

#raph sho)s the raisin# of the snort ind!tion and exha!st had "itt"e eHet *e"o) :

4nots and at +> 4nots the "oss of speed )as =+8 4nots' ho)e%er this "atter res!"t

sho!"d *e onsidered a"on# )ith #enera" "oss of speed at perisope depth+

Of o!rse it has to *e ass!&ed a"" speed tria"s are done )ith "ean h!""s as )as thease )ith Tait!rn

N(&S* '*)UCT&(N

A"tho!#h strea&"inin# in itse"f pro%ides a si#ni(ant red!tion in noise there )ere

a")a$s ontin!in# eHorts to red!e noise+ A retired US Na%$ oer ad%ises that 0!ite

so&e ti&e after the ori#ina" on%ersion' his GII G!pp$ s!*&arine had an en#ine

re&o%ed and a "ar#e <rairie-Mas4er o&pressor and air distri*!tion s$ste& (tted+

 This s$ste& prod!ed an en%e"ope of *!**"es that s!rro!nded the en#ine roo&s and

a"so reated a &as4in# eHet for the sre)s+ It )as 0!ite eHeti%e in atten!atin#diese" so!nds and sre) t!rn o!nt+ This "atter e0!ip&ent )as not !ni%ersa""$ (tted in

G!pp$ on%ersions and appears to ha%e *een si&p"$ part of "ater on#oin#

experi&ents and e0!ip&ent tria"s+ <rairie Mas4er )as !sed &ore extensi%e"$ on US

Na%$ s!rfae ships+

On o&&issionin# in .78' the experi&enta" Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arine Sots&an spent a

#reat dea" of her ear"$ "ife 3fro& .785 testin# a sre) noise red!in# s$ste&+ A"*ert

/irhna""' for&er Sto4er Mehani diret"$ in%o"%ed in this proet' reports that there

)as "itera""$ a nest of t!*es aro!nd the sre)s )ith air ets fed *$ the on-*oard

stora#e *ott"es and to *e "ater rep"enished *$ s!*&arineFs o&pressor+ Researhre%ea"ed that the ode na&e for this proet )as NIGBTSBIRT and tho!#h the s$ste&

does not see& to ha%e *een app"ied to other Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arines' it )as &ore

)ide"$ app"ied to Ro$a" Na%$ destro$ers and fri#ates+ Appendix I


 The G!pp$ on%ersion )as *asia""$ the do!*"in# of the *atter$ %o"ta#e app"ied to the

&otors th!s s!*stantia""$ inreasin# the shaft po)er to the prope""ers and the

&axi&!& speed to so&ethin# in the order of .> to .9 4nots s!*&er#ed+ This )as

ahie%ed *$ p"ain# the t)o &ain *atter$ #ro!ps - one for)ard - one aft' in SERIES+

31i# 85

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 The T$pe . U-/oat did not s)ith the *atteries' instead the desi#ners hose to ha%e

the *atteries per&anent"$ onneted to #i%e a no&ina" hi#h 69= %o"ts for s!pp"$ to its

t)in >== shp &otors+ Lo)er speeds )ere o*tained *$ !sin# a s!*stantia" reep

&otor on eah shaft !sin# F;F *e"t dri%e+

Un"i4e US Na%$ pratie of the ti&es' these )ere diret dri%e s!*&arines si&i"ar toWWII Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arines' the &ehania" diHerene *ein# *oth &otors and

en#ines )ere #eared to the t)in prop!"sion shafts

 The So%iets s!*&arines *!i"t after WWII ertain"$ inreased s!*&er#ed speeds *!t

other e"etri prop!"sion in,!enes *$ the T$pe . desi#n see& to *e "i&ited to the

adoption of the "ar#e hand )hee" st$"e' sin#"e !*i"e &otor ontro" !nits of the T$pe

. 3one for eah shaft5 and the !se of FreepF &otors' *!t other)ise ontin!ed )ith

their "on#standin# !se of diret dri%e )ith "!thes in on%entiona" do!*"e h!""

s!*&arines+ Li4e the Ger&ans' the$ apparent"$ did not !se the series?para""e" *atter$

arran#e&ent *!t &ore on this s!*et in Appendix G

Un"i4e the Ro$a" Na%$ the$ !sed #eared hi#h speed diese"s in diret dri%e s!*&arines

"i4e the !"! and 1oxtrot and "i4e"$ the Whis4$?Ro&eo+

Geared diese"s are a separate dis!ssion *!t do&esti s!pp"$ an *e a pro*"e& and

the hi#h speed "oo&oti%e st$"e diese" is s&a""er than the s!*&arine diret dri%e !nit

of si&i"ar /B< at "o)er rp&+ The Ro$a" Na%$ Do4$ards *!i"t their o)n diret dri%e

diese"s or the$ )ere onstr!ted *$ the s!*&arine *!i"der' *!t the &odern Upho"der

C"ass !ti"ised a o&&eria" rai" diese" en#ine for its diese"-e"etri #enerators+ There

are indiations that the So%iet en#ines )ere a"so rai" adaptations+

 The stor$ of the pro*"e&s of the US Na%$ )ith s!*&arine en#ines and the na%a"

eno!ra#e&ent of the o&&eria" &o%e to diese"-e"etri "oo&oti%es on the US

rai"roads prior to WWII is )e"" 4no)n' and hene the fo!r D-Gs in the 1"eet S!*&arine+


Si&p"$ as an a&ate!r researher I a&e to thin4 that the hi#h speed po"i$ &i#ht *e

,a)ed *$ exess to the detri&ent of the o%era"" s!*&arine+

Eno!ra#ed *$ readin# a!thoritati%e %ie)s that &ore or "ess on!rred )ith &$

tho!#hts' I ha%e added this postsript that has a "oo4 at so&e aspets of the 0!est for

hi#h s!*&er#ed speed in the diese"-e"etri s!*&arine+


Septe&*er .78>-Dr M+ S+ Li%in#ston - Tehniian



eport of interrogation of various German /aval personnel regarding the tactical use

of high speed 0(1oats. The type #* was used for implementing the following tactics2

"a% 3ubmerged approach to a favourable attack position"b% High -uiet(speed run to the centre of convoy for the 'rst attack

"c% Position(keeping directly beneath a ship in the convoy for protection while

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reloading torpedo tubes

"d% etirement at high speeds to evade attacks by escorts.

Note+ One of those interro#ated )as Ad&ira" Godt )ho )as on the U-/oat staH at OKM

and )as pri&ari"$ interested in tatis+ Be had inter%ie)ed .6== Co&&andin# Oers

on ret!rn fro& patro"+ Apart fro& detai"ed o&&ents a*o!t the fear of air atta4s on U- /oats he &ade state&ents that expand on the a*o%e s!&&ar$+ Be a"so stated that

the pri&ar$ protetion of the T$pe . U-/oat )as its hi#h !nder)ater speed+

Interestin#"$' he a"so stated that tatis )ere #enera"' and &!h )as "eft to the

 !d#e&ent of the U-/oats C+O+s+

1ro& the #ist of the f!"" report one an ass!&e that the T$pe .' a s!*stit!te )ith

"o)er perfor&ane for the fa"terin# B$dro#en <eroxide pro#ra&' )as in,!ened *$ the

perei%ed needs of U-/oat C+O+s to o!nter the #ro)in# A""ied ASW threat+ Godt )as

Chief of StaH to Ad&ira" Doenit d!rin# the )ar+

Wo!"d the !ni0!e &er#ed ir"e h!"" 3(#!re of ei#ht as is !s!a""$ a""ed5 ha%e *een!sed for &ass prod!tion if it had not a"read$ *een desi#ned for B$dro#en <eroxide

stora#e' as has *een s!##ested or )as it onsidered a re0!ire&ent for inreasin# the

&axi&!& depth The US Na%$ didnFt thin4 so in their :== ft Tan# "ass nor the Ro$a"

Na%$ in their O*eron C"ass+

 The I U-/oat entered the )ar too "ate to ha%e an$ i&pat *!t there see&s "itt"e

do!*t it )as intended to re%i%e the U-/oat a&pai#n a#ainst A""ied shippin# *!t )hat

sort of s!*&arine a&pai#n tati did the US Na%$ en%isa#e for the G!pp$

on%ersions e&!"atin# the T$pe .

Was the Western 0!est for #reater !nder)ater speed dri%en in the (rst p"ae si&p"$ *$

WWII pereptions of the f!t!re of s!*&arine Or )ere the US Na%$ G!pp$ to *e

pri&ari"$ fast tar#ets for US Na%$ esorts )ho &i#ht soon ha%e to fae the So%iet

hordes of fast diese"-e"etri s!*&arines Bordes that inidenta""$ fai"ed to &ateria"ise

on the sa"e en%isa#ed *$ the ana"$sts+

In .7>= thro!#h .7>6 US Na%$ on%erted : 1"eet S!*&arines into B!nter Ki""ers for

the ASW ro"e )ith no inrease in s!*&er#ed speed' to#ether )ith ne) *!i"d s&a"" and

s"o) B!nter Ki""er K-"ass s!*&arines+ The B!nter Ki""er )as onept a*andoned *$

.79= )ith the arri%a" of the SSN+

Short"$ after WWII the /ritish de"ared that the s!*&arine pri&e ro"e )as ASW' a ro"e

that in fat too4 0!ite so&e ti&e to e%o"%e' )ith the de%e"op&ent of the Fne)F

torpedoes *ein# far s"o)er than antiipated' in fat *ein# far o!tstripped *$ the

i&pro%in# s!*&arine p"atfor& and its sonar+

Co&&ander Ro$a" Na%$ 3ret5' Co&pton - Ba""Fs *oo4 S!* %s S!* de"i*erate"$ &ixes

fat and post!"ation to present a pit!re of ho) a S& %ers!s S& a&pai#n &a$ ha%e

pro#ressed in a )ar that than4f!""$ ne%er happened+ In ter&s of the G!pp$

on%ersions it is )e"" to rea"" that this *oo4 )as p!*"ished so&e 8= $ears after the

(rst G!pp$ appeared' ho)e%er the So%iet diese"-e"etri 1oxtrot and Tan# dis!ssed

ear"ier' appear in his senarios

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Reent"$ readin# 1ried&anFs TBE <OST WAR NA;AL RE;OLUTION+ <a#e .7= - it )as

intri#!in# to note that the /ritish Diretor of <"ans apparent"$ o&&ented in .7>'

It seemed to him that the Porpoises owed too much to Type #* ideas. 3urely the oyal

/avy did not plan to 'ght convoy battles in the open ocean. Did it really need high

speed which "in the Director)s view% had been adopted to overhaul convoys4

1ried&an #oes on to *rie,$ oHer %ario!s senarios in%o"%in# a s!*&arine )ar oH the

Nor)e#ian Coast and near the Arti+

E0!a""$ intri#!in#' he states on pa#e .7 in a aption attahed to a photo#raph of one

of the strea&"ined T C"ass s!*&arines )ith a %er$ &odest inrease in po)er+

5However streamlining was considered more important as a means of eliminating !ow

noise. In the post war &36 role 03 and 1ritish submarines found high underwater

speed less valuable than had been supposed5.

It is di!"t to deter&ine ho) %a"!a*"e the hi#h speed of the G!pp$ )as in pratie

o%er the "on# $ears the$ )ere in ser%ie )itho!t the %ie)s of the &an$ #enerations of

Co&&anders *!t fro& S!*;et anedotes' it )o!"d see&s "i4e"$ that the G!pp$ hi#h

speed fai"it$ )as not often !sed to its f!""est extent' p"ain# as it did a %er$ hea%$

de&and on the *atter$ )ith short end!rane+ Sta*"e depth 4eepin# )as di!"t and

de&andin# at the hi#hest speeds' )ith the attendant ris4s that a h$drop"ane or

hand"in# fai"!re o!"d 0!i4"$ res!"t in the s!*&arine reahin# its r!sh depth+ <at

Bo!seho"der Appendix E

A for&er US Na%$ s!*&arine oer ad%ised that ear"$ in the on%ersion pro#ra&' the

sie of the ra&s and h$dra!"i press!res of the aft h$dro p"anes of the G!pp$ II had to*e inreased to &aintain depth ontro" at these ne) hi#h s!*&er#ed speeds+

 The ine%ita*"e #eneration of hi#h "e%e"s of Sonar noise at hi#h speed )as o*%io!s"$

!ndesira*"e+ /!t as a")a$s' one &!st 4eep in &ind that the SSK and ASW praties in

.7>=' &a$ )e"" ha%e *een 0!ite diHerent in .79= and so on+

Da%e <er4ins desri*es an atta4 *$ Ro$a" Canadian Na%$ O C"ass' apa*"e of .: for

= &in!tes+ It appears that . 4nots )as onsidered a hi#h s!*&er#ed speed for this

%er$ 0!iet s!*&arine Appendix E

 T!rnin# to &ore reent ti&es' in their *oo4 CONCE<TS IN SU/MARINE DESIGN'3Ca&*rid#e Uni%ersit$ <ress' .7785' Aade&is and s!*&arine desi#ners /!rha"" and

R$di""' assoiated )ith ;i4ers 3;SEL5 s!*&arine *!i"ders' o%er the s!*et of

s!*&er#ed speed fro& t)o aspets - the i&pat on the desi#n of the s!*&arine of

hi#h s!*&er#ed speed re0!ire&ents *$ the operator and the tatia" "i&itations of the

hi#h speed *atter$ s!*&arine+

 The openin# open )ords on pa#e .=. on%e$ the (rst point -

The ma7imum speed of a submarine can be the most di8cult and contentious aspect

of the dialogue between operator and designer. This is because it is di8cult to 'nd a

logical reasoning to arrive at a re-uired ma7imum speed. 9et it is the probably themost e7pensive re-uirement to meet in the submarine. The propulsive power

re-uirements of a submerged 3ubmarine of a given displacement vary as the cube of

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the speed.In essence to double the ma7imum speed of a submarine from #+ :nots to

,+ :nots would re-uire eight times the propulsive power; in fact the submarine would

have to be considerably larger to accommodate an eightfold increase in power plant

the speed would fall short of the ,+ :nots and so even more power and si<e would

called for.

The designer could be placed in a position of having to oppose unsubstantiated

re-uirements for high ma7imum speed.

After dis!ssion on s!*&arine operationa" needs the$ on"!de -

 & more logical approach would be to try to establish the minimum=ma7imum speed

capability which would permit the submarine to perform its re-uired functions.

In another setion' pa#e 88-8>' it is de&onstrated in a si&p"e #raphi exa&p"e' that

for a #i%en s!*&arine' tar#et intereption &a$ not *e ahie%ed at = 4nots' *!t "i4e"$

at .> 4nots o%er a "on#er period+ Mi""er and @ordan in their MODERN SU/MARINEWAR1ARE #i%e si&i"ar infor&ation and a *rief *!t !sef!" desription of Lines of

S!*&er#ed Approah dia#ra&s and text fro& the ASW point of %ie)+

 This is a"" "ear"$ re"ated to the (nite a&o!nt of stored po)er and the speed?po)er

!*e "a)+ 1or exa&p"e - red!in# the speed fro& = Knots to .> Knots' red!es the

po)er o!tp!t *$ !st "ess than ha"f+ There )o!"d so&e other #ains in the *atteries

operatin# )ith "ess !rrent and th!s "o)er te&perat!res' )ith "ess "oss of )ater fro&

the e"etro"$te+

 The Ro$a" Na%$Fs "ast diese"-e"etri s!*&arine' the %er$ &odern diese"-e"etri

;i4erFs t$pe 8==' )ith a &odi(ed tear-drop h!""' that *ea&e the Upho"der C"ass fo!r s!*&arines+

Co&&ander <o)is Ro$a" Na%$ in a p!*"ished arti"e stated that his Upho"der C"ass'

Unseen 3desi#ned "ate .7:=Fs5 )as apa*"e of &aintainin# the top s!*&er#ed speed

3= 4nots5 for 7= &in!tes fro& a f!""$ har#ed *atter$+ 1!rther one the s!*&arine

reahed the end %o"ta#e it sti"" had !sea*"e apait$ re&ainin# for operationa""$ !sef!"

speeds+ ;er$ i&pressi%e' *!t the prinip"es stated a*o%e sti"" app"$+

 The "ast diese"-e"etri s!*&arines *!i"t for the Ro$a" Na%$' the$ are no) o)ned *$

Canada' "ea%in# the on"$ SSN+

With *ene(t of hindsi#ht one o!"d p!t for)ard the ar#!&ent that in .78' a &ore

&odest initia" pro#ra& s!h as the G.A?GIIA to#ether )ith i&pro%ed sonar and other

operatin# fai"ities' &a$ ha%e *een a &ore eaio!s expendit!re of the onsidera*"e

s!& spent on the GII on%ersions+

In those ear"$ $ears of the Co"d War the &one$ sa%ed o!"d *een spent on &ore

on%ersions in tota"+ It is a"so "ear that %a"!a*"e spae in the ori#ina" 1"eet S!*&arine

)as "ost that in the end had to *e reo%ered )ith the onsidera*"e ost of the .79

GIII pro#ra& and the ine%ita*"e red!tion of &axi&!& s!*&er#ed speed do)n to that

of the GIA?GIIA+

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1or &$se"f' in retire&ent' I thin4 a*o!t the period in )hih I ser%ed as a $o!n# &an

far' far re&o%ed fro& the deision &a4in#' in the &otor roo&s of the s!*&arines of

the ear"$ Co"d War+

Was it the ri#ht deision in .78' for the Ro$a" Na%$ to ha%e spent %er$ sare &one$

and reso!res on the expensi%e and "en#th$ on%ersion of the ei#ht  T C"ass The on"$#ain *ein# a*o!t 9 Knots s!*&er#ed for 6= &in!tes and "itt"e e"se Indeed there )as

the onse0!ent serio!s "oss of a"" stern torpedo t!*es 3a onern expressed *$ 1OSM

in .785 and the &otor roo& re) do!*"ed to hand"e the extra s)ithin# - a serio!s

onsideration in a s!*&arine that had had no i&pro%e&ent in ao&&odation sine

the ori#ina" pre-)ar desi#n "on# *efore the extra *odies a&e a"on# for radar and the


Wo!"d it not ha%e *etter to ha%e !r#ent"$ proeeded )ith the "ess expensi%e

strea&"inin# and noise red!tion pro#ra& of a"&ost ne) A C"ass and T C"ass 

s!*&arines in the 1"eet' instead of de"a$in# this s!essf!" pro#ra& to the "atter part

of the (fties+ There are !nso!red reports that de"a$s in the ne) < C"ass )as one of

the reasons #i%en for the T C"ass on%ersions proeedin#' *!t this i#nored the needs

of the da$ in those ear"$ $ears of the Co"d War - a period "on#er than WWII+ See &ore

*a4#ro!nd here and here and Appendix D Ite&s :' and 7

 The opposin# So%iet ne) - *!i"d of this era )ere the e%ent!a""$ n!&ero!s' *!t s&a""'

<roet 9.6 Whis4$ 3.6>= ton s!*&er#ed5' that see& to ha%e had an o%era""

perfor&ane rather inferior to the "ar#er GIA?GIIA on%ersions at .6 4nots s!*&er#ed

)ith "ess for)ard torpedo t!*es+

 The "on# ran#e onte&porar$ *!t far "ess n!&ero!s <roet 9.. !"! 38== tonss!*&er#ed5 had a*o!t the sa&e speed as the GIIA?GIA and si&i"ar torpedo t!*es' *!t

)ith #reater end!rane+

 The !"! had h!"" pro*"e&s and "ater reappeared as the %er$ si&i"ar' *!t s!essf!"

proet 98. 1oxtrot 38== tons s!*&er#ed5 in a*o!t .7> and )as the &ain So%iet

"on# ran#e diese"-e"etri s!*&arine+ <rop!"sion detai" Appendix G

Where the US Na%$ )o!"d ha%e #one in the f!t!re )ith the diese"-e"etri s!*&arine'

is a &atter of spe!"ation as the "ast operationa" diese"-e"etri atta4 s!*&arine )as

o&&issioned into the US Na%$ in .7>7 - the three %esse" /ar*e" "ass+ /!t "i4e the

G!pp$' the$ a"" re&ained in ser%ie for &an$ $ears+ A si#ni(ant n!&*er of US diese"-e"etri s!*&arines *ein# transferred to other na%ies' in parti!"ar' the T!r4ish Na%$+

 The other Na%ies of the )or"d appear to ha%e fo""o)ed the path set *$ the USS /ar*e"'

parti!"ar"$ the D!th and @apanese )ho *ased their s!essf!" desi#ns on this

inno%ati%e US s!*&arine+ The R!ssian Na%$ (na""$ &o%ed to the sin#"e sre)' tear-

drop h!"" )ith their re"ati%e"$ ne) Ki"o "ass *!t )ith !ni0!e in,!enes fro& the )e""

esta*"ished R!ssian desi#n /!rea!+

Re#ard"ess of an$ do!*ts a*o!t the ad%anta#es and disad%anta#es' there are e%en

hi#her s!*&er#ed speeds in so&e &odern desi#ns' )ith diese" en#ines sies

deter&ined "ar#e"$ *$ the snortin# *atter$ har#in# needs+ The fast WWII s!rfaespeeds are inappropriate )ith the tear-drop h!"" desi#n and the onept of a")a$s

operatin# s!*&er#ed+

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Bopef!""$ )e )i"" ne%er ha%e another #"o*a" )ar to test the onept of the fast *atter$


*# >uly #++?. evised #@ 3ept #++?.

Peter.D.Hulme Taupo /A.

+ppen!i6 +

C*33 S$*C&F&C+T&(N N(T*S

 The %ita" e"" data for the arti"e a"!"ations )as dependent on a n!&*er of USN e""

p!rhase spei(ation sheets that pro%ided the ritia" di&ension' apait$' a&pere

and %o"ta#e data for this arti"e+

1ried&anFs SU/MARINE DESIGN and DE;ELO<MENT !nfort!nate"$ does not identif$

the t$pe of G!pp$ on%ersion orret"$ in the oia" &anner of A"den and+ 3NA;<ERS

.=87=5' referrin# to the GII as the f!"" FG!pp$F on%ersion )ith >= e""s and the

GIA?GIIA as 3G!pp$ IIF5 )ith SARGO II e""s+

1ried&anFs o&&ents reported in the <ER1ORMANCE AT BIGB SU/MERGED S<EEDS

setion' appear to add f!rther e%idene that the G!pp$ . spei(ations )ere for thee"" !sed in the GII on%ersion+

S+'G( C*33S

 The SARGO e""s data sheets an *e easi"$ re"ated to parti!"ar s!*&arines+

 The SARGO I data ross he4s )ith the data for the 1"eet S!*&arine a%ai"a*"e fro&

the USS <a&panito )e* site and other &!se!& so!res+ A"den on(r&s the !se of

SARGO I e""s in %ario!s 1"eet s!*&arines not on%erted for hi#h speed

 The si&i"ar SARGO II data sheet is a%ai"a*"e+

A"den on(r&s the !se of SARGO II e""s in the GIA?GIIA' as does a state&ent in

NA;<ERS .=87= 3/asi En"isted S!*&arine Text' E"etria" Insta""ation' on%ersion5+

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GU$$ C*33S

Bo)e%er )hi"e the SARGO e""s present no identi(ation pro*"e&s' there )ere t)o

0!ite diHerent USN G!pp$ e"" spei(ations a%ai"a*"e s!ita*"e for diese"-e"etri

s!*&arines+ Unfort!nate"$ the spei(ation sheets do not identif$ the parti!"ar "ass

of s!*&arine the e""s are intended to *e !sed in+

Comparative !esription

 The G!pp$ .' a on%entiona" "oo4in# fo!r ter&ina" per po"e 3ei#ht in tota"5' o*"on# top'

!sed as the tehnia" *asis of the a"!"ations in Appendix / 

 The G!pp$ . Mod A' a ta""er' s0!are top e""+ G!pp$ . Mod D see&s to *e an

apparent"$ identia" *!t "ater %ersion of G!pp$ . Mod A+ *!t did )ei#h &ore - >== 4#

%s 89= 4#+

Comparative per2ormane

Co&pared at the > ho!r rate - identia" at this point *!t G!pp$ . Mod A %o"ta#es and

a&ps fa""in# a)a$

G!pp$ . 9.== AB+

G!pp$ . Mod A 9.== AB'

At the . ho!r rate

G!pp$ . 868= AB+ 868= a&ps' > e""s' 8> %o"ts+

G!pp$ . Mod A 8=== AB+ 8=== a&ps' > e""s' 8.8 %o"ts+

At the .? ho!r rate

G!pp$ . 66: AB+ 9::> a&ps' > e""s 67= %o"ts+ 3In Appendix E - S!*;et Ron

Ro&er rea""s a si&i"ar a&pere (#!re' 99:>5

G!pp$ . Mod A 6=>= AB+9.== a&ps' > e""s 6: %o"ts+

Note+ The 9.== a&p dishar#e at the .? ho!r rate and the 9.== AB at the > ho!r rate

are not t$pos' *!t as stated on the spei(ation sheet+

/oth e""s e"etria""$ identia" exept at the t)o hi#h dishar#e rates )here the

o&*ined hi#her !rrent and %o"ta#e ratin#s #i%e the G!pp$ . e"" .8+9 &ore po)er+

Comparative )imensions

 The G!pp$ . had the di&ensions 69= x 8>= && x ..: && 3top of (""in# ap5'

)ei#hin# 89= 4#+ 1itted )ith fo!r ter&ina"s per po"e 3ei#ht in tota"5+ Air a#itation and

)ater oo"ed e"" onnetions (tted+

 The G!pp$ . Mod .A had the di&ensions 69= x 69= && x .67: && 3top of (""in#

ap5' )ei#hin# 89= 4#+ 1itted )ith on"$ t)o ter&ina"s per po"e 3fo!r in tota"5+ Air

a#itation and )ater oo"ed e"" onnetions (tted+

/arbe% %ass submarine

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 The spei(ations of the G!pp$ . Mod A and D &ath the data and desription

o*tained for the TL - >6 e""s (tted in t)o > e"" *atteries a*oard the USS /"!e*a4+

 This infor&ation )as pro%ided *$ R+G+ Wa"4er' a*o!t the preser%ed /ar*e" "ass

s!*&arine USS /"!e*a4 3SS >.5's!*&er#ed disp"ae&ent 988 tons+

 The *atteries )ith these e""s'are 0!ite apa*"e of s!pp"$in# the rated apait$ of the

/"!e*a4 &otor 38== shp5 for 6= &in!tes+ This is a &odern st$"e s!*&arine )ith a

Ftear-dropF h!"" of re"ati%e"$ "o) dra#+

Bo)e%er the TL - >6 e"" is apparent"$ so&e .6 hea%ier than the G!pp$ . Mod D+

Note the n!"ear G!pp$ . E is e%en hea%ier in the sa&e ase

It is reasona*"e to ass!&e there )as a"so a G!pp$ . Mod / in the series - a

spei(ation for s!h a e"" )as not o*tained+

$hotoraphs an! Cata%oue )ata

 There is e%idene detai"ed *e"o) to s!pport the #enera" pre&ise that the G!pp$ . )as

the e"" !sed in the G!pp$ II s!*&arine+

A *atter$ photo#raphs of the preser%ed GIII USS C"a&a#or 3SS 6865 31i# >5 sho)s

o*"on# fo!r x fo!r ter&ina" e""s+

/oth t$pes of G!pp$ and Tan# "ass s!*&arines )ere' "ater in "ife' transferred to the

 T!r4ish Na%$

 There is f!rther e%idene fro& T!r4ish so!res )ith a photo#raph 31i# 95' that the

G!pp$ . t$pe e"" )as a"so !sed in the Tan# "ass of the sa&e era+

Bere is an extrat fro& the T!r4ish Na%a" We* Cata"o#!e -


Power supply in the main propulsion systems of the submarines

Technical Characteristics

( &mpere(hour e8ciency &ppro7imately @?B

( P3**1 "In Guppy * a=Tang type submarines% 2 Each set contains $+, batteries( @P3*1 "In Guppy type submarines%2 Each set contains #$# batteries

( ,$P3*+ "In &y type submarines% Each set contains ,F+ batteries

It is reasona*"e to ass!&e the 69<S../ e""s are for the for&er USN GII and Tan#

s!*&arines and the 67<S../ are for the for&er USN GIA s!*&arines+

 The 8>S.6= an safe"$ *e ass!&ed to *e for the &odern Ger&an s!*&arines in the

 T!r4ish Na%$

Submarine /attery Tan8 )imensions

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Rihard <e4e"ne$ ad%ise that Na%a" ShipFs Tehnia" Man!a"s+ Chapter 79+6 Marh

.797 Edition ontains the fo""o)in# infor&ation that tends to on(r& the hoie of the

G!pp$ . e"" spei(ation2

Inhes and && - .:+: 388 &&5 x .8+.9 369= &&5 x 89+88 3..: &&5 These

di&ensions are )ithin the stated speF to"eranes of the G!pp$ .+

.'== "*s 38>: 4#s5'

9'>= AB at .= ho!r rate' - not he"pf!"' as the G!pp$ . and G!pp$ . Mod A are

identia" at this rate+

6 tan4s 3.8' 9' > e""s5+ Si#ni(ant as this &athes the G!pp$ on%ersion+

 T!rnin# to e%idene pro%ided *$ dra)in#s - the tota" area re0!ired *$ the G!pp$ .

e""s is .+> ti&es the spae re0!ired *$ SARGO e""s in the 1"eet S!*&arine+ A ro!#h

&eas!re&ent of s4ethes pro%ided *$ A"den sho) an inrease of a*o!t .+> in

"on#it!dina" *atter$ spae in the GII on%ersion+

/atter$ tota" a"!"ated area -

SARGO I =+>89 x =+6: x .9 >6+> M+

G!pp$ . Mod A =+69 x =+69 x .9 x 8 9>+6 M6

G!pp$ . =+8> x+69 x .9 x 8 .+9 M+

.+9?>6+> .+>6 inrease in *atter$ tan4 area+


9>+6?>6+6 M .+6 inrease in tan4 area+

 This inreases o!"d on"$ *e ahie%ed si#ni(ant"$ *$ inreasin# the *atter$ tan4

"en#th' not *ea&+ The *atter$ "en#th inrease of a*o!t .+> that A"den sho)s in his

dra)in#s see&s to on(r& the e"" !sed in the GII on%ersion )as the G!pp$ .+

Ce%%s Use! in USN Nu%ear Submarines

 The G!pp$ . e"" data an *e onf!sin# as there t)o %ersions - one as desri*ed

a*o%e for the GII s!*&arine and another )ith identia" e"etria"?ph$sia"harateristis *!t is not a Lead Anti&on$ e""+ There is no WATER COOLING

CONNECTION+ The spei(ation series n!&*er is identia" to other "ater n!"ear

s!*&arine e""s and it is ass!&ed this %ersion of the G!pp$ . e""s )as !sed in the

(rst USN n!"ear s!*&arines+

 The #!aranteed "ife is 8 &onths as opposed to the Lead Anti&on$ e"" for the GII

s!*&arine )here the "ife is 6= &onths+ The data is for a .9 e"" *atter$ as !sed in a

n!"ear s!*&arine and as )ith other n!"ear s!*&arine e""s' a tri4"e har#e rate is

assi#ned on the data sheet+

G!pp$ . Mod C and Mod E e""s' )ith di&ensions identia" to the G.A' )ere 3are5 a"so!sed as the .9 e"" Stand *$ *atter$ in n!"ear atta4 s!*&arines and !n"i4e the e""s

!sed in USN diese"-e"etri s!*&arines that had anti&on$ as an additi%e' the$ are

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desri*ed as ha%in# a"i!& as an additi%e+ This and other )e* site desri*es the

p!rpose of these additi%es in "ead aid e""s+

Mod E' in the sa&e ase as a"" the others in this Mod series' )ei#hs 9== 4# )ith a 9

ho!r rate of >8== AB o&pared to the Mod C )ei#hin# 897 K# at the 9 ho!r rate 9.>=

AB 3for o&parison - at the 9 ho!r rate the Mod A had 9:= AB5+

 The %er$ "ar#e e""' T$pe Trident' pres!&a*"$ for SS/N' has .' .>= AB at the 9 ho!r


'a!ar $i8et submarine Ce%%s

A"den states that G!pp$ *atteries 3s&a"" e""5 )ere !sed in the t)o 1"eet S!*&arines

on%erted into the Radar <i4ets' .78' 4no)n as the MIGRAINE I on%ersion' to sa%e

spae and the di&ensions fro& the s!*&arineFs dra)in# s!##ests that the G!pp$ .

Mod A )ere !sed+ <ro*a*"$ .9 e""s per t)o *atteries+

As a &atter of interest' the three MIGRAINE pro#ra&s I' II and III in%o"%in# the

on%ersion of .= 1"eet S!*&arines' #re) o!t of the experienes )ith Ka&i4ae airraft

in WWII and the "osses of s!rfae radar pi4ets+ The pro#ra& )as a*andoned after

.7>7 and the s!*&arines )ere a#ain on%erted for a n!&*er of tas4s+ See A"den+

 There is a referene to the sin#"e n!"ear %ersion of a radar pi4et' USS Triton' in the

anedotes+ Appendix E+

+ppen!i6 /

Ca%u%ations o2 po#er an! spee!

3See Appendix D Ite& >' re#ardin# referene so!re speed?po)er data ano&a"ies5

 The data fro& the USN p!rhase spei(ations for the SARGO .' SARGO "" and GU<<

. e""s is a%ai"a*"e and for&s the *asis of these a"!"ations !sin# the si&p"e for&!"ae

- <o)er e0!a"s ;o"ts A&ps Watts and :89 )atts one horse po)er+ The

perfor&ane of the e"etri &otors is 4no)n fro& the s!rfae data+

 The e"etri po)er inp!t to s!*&arine &otors is #reater than the &ehania" po)er

o!tp!t to the shaft d!e to interna" "osses' #i%in# an eien$ (#!re in the order of7=+ This (#!re an %ar$ fro& 7 do)n to dependent on &otorin# onditions

and a sensi*"e hoie is &ade for eah a"!"ation+

It sho!"d *e noted that for a #i%en s!*&arine DC prop!"sion &otor - speed is

proportiona" to the ar&at!re s!pp"$ %o"ta#e V it an then *e inreased f!rther *$

"o)erin# the (e"d !rrent' this inreases the ar&at!re !rrent+

The F%eet Submarine

A"den and others report that the SARGO I e""s in the !non%erted 1"eet S!*&arine'

#a%e 7 4nots &axi&!& s!*&er#ed' end!rane of one ho!r' prop!"sion po)er 8==shp

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Na%pers .9.9+ - 1or s!*&er#ed operation' !sin# %ario!s o&*inations of ar&at!res

and ta4in# po)er fro& the *atteries' the &otors de%e"oped po)er ran#in# fro& 6= hp

to .:.7 hp per prope""er shaft and #i%e a speed ran#e fro& 6 rp& to .7 rp&

 The (#!re of .:.7 hp per prope""er shaft s!*&er#ed 3tota" 686 shp5 is hi#her than

the 8== shp #i%en *$ other so!res+ The ano&a"$ is f!rther p!rs!ed in Appendix D+Ite& 6+

 The t)o &ain *atter$ #ro!ps' one for)ard and one aft' eah onsisted of .9

indi%id!a" SARGO I e""s onneted in series+ 31i# 85+

 The t)o *atteries onneted in para""e" to #i%e an a%era#e %o"ta#e o%er the ho!r of

=8 % at a dishar#e !rrent of >6= x tota" a&ps .='98=+ So&e of this !rrent

)o!"d *e needed for a!xi"iar$ s!pp"ies' as &entioned *e"o)+

A si&p"e exa&p"e a"!"ation -

3.='98= a&ps x =8 %o"ts =+7 eH5?:89 hp 9:: shp+

1ro& this (#!re &i#ht need to *e ded!ted the a!xi"iar$ "oad -

== %o"ts x >== a&ps .68 hp+

So -

9:: - .68 .54 shp+

Reasona*"$ "ose to the (#!re stated *$ A"den+ The (#!re of .68 shp )i"" !sed in a""

the fo""o)in# a"!"ations' it a"so a""o)s for the &ain &otor (e"d !rrents as hi#h as 9=a&ps at == %o"ts+ It is at its hi#hest %a"!e )hen the s"o)est speed is re0!ired at an$

#i%en %o"ta#e s!pp"ed to the ar&at!res+

O*%io!s"$ the 6== 4) 38== hp5 a!xi"iar$ diese" - #enerator o!"d not *e !sed )hen

s!*&er#ed+ This )as re&o%ed in GU<< s!*&arines+


 The t)o &ain *atter$ #ro!ps' one for)ard and one aft' eah onsisted of t)o *atteries

eah of .9 indi%id!a" GU<< . e""s onneted in series that )ere per&anent"$

onneted in para""e" for&in# a sin#"e *atter$+>=8 e""s in tota"+ 31i# 85 Th!s the e""A&pere Bo!rs and a&ps are ti&es in the a"!"ations+

Ha%2 hour rate 

 The spei(ed &axi&!& *atter$ !rrent at the ha"f ho!r rate )ith *atteries in Series

for &axi&!& speed s!*&er#ed )as 3 x 9::> a&ps5 .6>>= a&ps 3A%era#e %o"ts


Ca"!"ate the &axi&!& prop!"sion po)er -

3.6>>= x 67= x =+5 ? :89 9'68 shp+

Ded!t .68 hp for a!xi"iar$ "oads and 9.== shp *eo&es a rea"isti po)er to the

shafts' )ith an aepta*"e .6 &otor o%er"oad for 6= &in!tes

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(ne hour rate 

 The spei(ed &axi&!& *atter$ !rrent at the one ho!r rate )ith *atteries in Series

for &axi&!& speed s!*&er#ed at this rate )as 3 x 868= a&ps5 9= a&ps

3A%era#e %o"ts 885

Ca"!"ate prop!"sion po)er' *!t for one ho!r -

39= x 88 x =+75 ? :89 888= shp+

Ded!t .68 hp as the a!xi"iar$ "oad and 86=9 shp po)er to the shafts


A"den reports s!*&er#ed speeds of .+ 4nots for the t)o GI *oats and .9 4nots for

the f!""$ operationa" GII *oats

So )e ha%e a stated speed ratin# of .9 4nots for the GII at a a"!"ated .? ho!rdishar#e rate and po)er of 9.== shp then speed at the one ho!r rate an *e

a"!"ated fro& the a"read$ a"!"ated po)er of 86=9 shp+

9.== ? 86=9 .+8.99' !*e root .+.6+ .9 ? .+.6 .8+> 4nots+


 The t)o &ain *atter$ #ro!ps' one for)ard and one aft' eah onsisted of .9

indi%id!a" SARGO II e""s onneted in series+ 31i# 85

Ha%2 hour rate

 The spei(ed &axi&!& *atter$ !rrent at the ha"f ho!r rate )ith *atteries in Series

for &axi&!& speed s!*&er#ed )as .='== a&ps' a%era#e %o"ts 698+

Ca"!"ated po)er -

3.='== x 698 =+7=5 ? :89 88:7 shp+

Ded!t the .68 hp for a!xi"iar$ "oad and )e ha%e 868> shp to the shafts+

(ne hour rate

 The spei(ed &axi&!& *atter$ !rrent at the one ho!r rate )ith *atteries in Series

for &axi&!& speed s!*&er#ed )as .='== a&ps' a%era#e %o"ts 8=8+

Ca"!"ated po)er -

39'== x 8= =+7=5 ? :89 668: shp+

Ded!t the .68 hp for a!xi"iar$ "oad and )e ha%e 6.6 shp to the shafts+


As A"denFs (#!res for the GIA?GIIA are a&*i#!o!s 3see note5' #i%in# so&ethin#*et)een .8 and .>' then initia""$ )e )i"" ta4e the GIA?GIIA as *oth *ein# rated at .8+>


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So )e ha%e a stated speed ratin# of .8+> 4nots for the GIA?GIIA at a a"!"ated .?

ho!r dishar#e rate and po)er of 868> shp then speed at the one ho!r rate an *e

a"!"ated fro& the a"read$ a"!"ated ha"f ho!r rate po)er of 868> shp+

868> ? 6.6 .+6> - !*e root .+.=9+ .8+> ? .+.9 .6+. 4nots+


 The prop!"sion po)er of the GII at the one ho!r rate is 86=9 shp )ith a &otor !rrent

of 9= - >== and %o"ta#e of 88+

 The prop!"sion po)er of the GIA?GIIA at the ha"f ho!r rate is 868> shp )ith a &otor

!rrent of .=+== - >== and %o"ta#e 698+

 The &otor eien$ for the t)o !rrents )o!"d *e diHerent #i%in# s"i#ht"$ han#ed

the res!"ts' a"tho!#h the sa&e &otors are !sed in eah ase at a*o!t the sa&e po)er+

+nother metho! o2 a%u%ation 

Reent opport!nit$ to read 1ried&anFs *oo4 SU/MARINE DESIGN AND DE;ELO<MENT

<+9>' #a%e an interestin# ne) (#!re+

Be states' !ote At perisope depth on *atteries' o%er the -.= 4not ran#e' an

!nstrea&"ined 1"eet S!*&arine re0!ired +> ti&es as &!h po)er as a FGU<<F+


 This is an interestin# (#!re that ena*"es a a"!"ation of &axi&!& shaft po)er not

re"iant on the e"" spei(ation - it see&s "i4e"$ to ha%e o&e fro& an oia" tria"

so!re+ The perisope depth is a &inor o&p"iation as s"o)er speeds tend to *eahie%ed than at 7= feet' *!t sti"" !sef!" to see if a"" the (#!res sta$ )ithin the "i&its of 

the GU<< po)er?speed en%e"ope deri%ed fro& the *atter$ spei(ations+

 Ta4in# A"denFs prop!"sion (#!res for the !non%erted 1"eet s!*&arine of 7 4nots at

8== shp' the 8==? +> .=9: shp #i%es the po)er of the GU<< II at 7 4nots+

.9?7 #i%es .+:::' !*ed to o*tain re0!ired po)er inrease >+9 x .=9: >77> shp

for .9 4nots+ ;er$ si&i"ar to the ear"ier 9'.== shp a"!"ated in the G. and GII setion

!sin# the GU<< . e"" spei(ation' a""o)in# for the &ar#in of error !sin# stated

speeds and esti&ated eien$ (#!res

1or the GIA?GIIA' at a &axi&!& of .8+> 4nots - .8+>?7 #i%es .+GII'!*ed 8+. 8+.

x .=9: 889 shp for .8+> 4nots+

889 shp is aepta*"e o&pared )ith the ear"ier (#!re of 868> shp a"!"ated fro&

the SARGO ha"f ho!r *atter$ data' )hen &ere"$ han#in# the esti&ated eien$

(#!re fro& 7= to 7 )i"" prod!e 888> shp instead of 868> shp+ See ear"ier



1ro& the a*o%e a"!"ations' a #ood idea has *een #ained of the s!*&er#ed speedsahie%ed *$ the t)o *asi GU<< on%ersions+

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GIA?GIIA - .8+> 4nots at the ha"f ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 868>


GIA?GIIA - .6+. 4nots at the one ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 6.6


GII -.9+= 4nots at the ha"f ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 9.== shp

GII -.8+> 4nots at the one ho!r *atter$ dishar#e rate' prop!"sion po)er 86=9 shp

S3(0 S$**) *N)U'+NC* *+,$3*

 The speed tria"s of BMS TACITURN s!##est the = ho!r *atter$ dishar#e (#!res )o!"d

*e a !sef!" point to start

Eah .9 e"" *atter$ is in para""e" )ith the other3s5+ 1o!r in GII and t)o in GIA?GIIA+

Ass!&e the Bote" "oad )as a onstant == a&ps in eah s!*&arine' si&i"ar &otor

eien$ 3=+75 and dra# resistane+

SARGO II e"" apait$ a&pere-ho!rs at the = ho!r rate )as 3..== x 5 6'9==' )ith

a dishar#e of 3>7= x 5 ..= a&ps' a%era#e %o"ts 88' (na" %o"ts .>+ 3 - .9 e""

*atteries5 GIA?GIIA s!*&arine+

..= - == 7=+ then 37= x 88 =+75 ? :89 7> shp+ Ta4in# the a"read$

a"!"ated po)er 868> shp at .8+> 4nots - speed at 7> shp 868> ? 7> .8+:6+

!*e root +8>+ .8+> 4nots ? +8> >+7 4nots+

= ho!rs *$ >+7 4nots .. &i"es end!rane at >+7 4nots+

GU<< . e"" apait$ a&pere-ho!rs at the = ho!r rate )as 3:8== x 85 7'9=='

Di%ide the GU<< . e"" = ho!r AB *$ the SARGO II = ho!r a&ps - 7'9== ? ..=

> ho!rs+ >+7 4nots x > ho!rs .8:+> &i"es end!rane at >+7 4nots+

Note The > ho!r rate 3If spei(ation data )as a%ai"a*"e5 no do!*t has a "ar#er (#!re

of a&pere ho!rs than the = rate' this )o!"d &odest"$ extend the end!rane+

Appendix C

En#ine and &otor detai"

 The &ain diese" #enerator sets and prop!"sion &otors of the si&i"ar WWII 1"eetS!*&arine of the GATO' /ALAO and TENCB "asses+

.+ Genera" Motors ;-.9 t$pe+ There )ere t)o en#ine desi#ns in this ate#or$' the .9-

:A and .9-8+ Eah en#ine had t)o *an4s of $"inders' eah arran#ed in a ;-

desi#n )ith 8= de#rees *et)een *an4s+ Eah en#ine )as rated at .9== /B< at :>=

rp&+ /oth en#ines )ere e0!ipped )ith &ehania" or so"id t$pe inetion and had a

in,o) %a"%e and port s$ste& of sa%en#in#+ $"e++ Main <rop!"sion Diese"ise'

NA;<ERS .9.9.


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+ 1air*an4s-Morse opposed piston t$pe' Mode" 6D .?+ This &ode" n!&*er in"!ded

t)o en#ines' one a .=-$"inder and the other a 7-$"inder en#ine' $"e++ /oth

en#ines )ere rated at .9== *hp at := rp&+ Main <rop!"sion Diese"s' Na%pers .9.9.

 The ratin# of these en#ines )as apparent"$ &odi(ed to s!it snor4e""in#+ This red!ed

the s!rfae ratin# fro& >8== shp to 89.= shp+ A"den reports 89.= shp for a"" snor4e"s!*&arines *!t on"$ spei(a""$ sa$s for the Loon SSG on%ersion' Rated 8.9= shp

s!rfaed after insta""ation of snor4e" - &ax s!rfae speed .:?. 4nots See anedote

Appendix E+

 The Main #enerators )ere rated at approxi&ate"$ 9>= a&peres at 8.> %o"ts and ..==

4i"o)atts+ S!*&arine E"etria" Insta""ations' Na%pers .9.9+ That is a tota" of .='9==

a&ps at 8.> %o"ts+

Main &otors !sed in a #ear dri%e insta""ation )ere "assed as hi#h-speed &otors and

eah )as rated for ontin!o!s d!t$ at approxi&ate"$ .6:= hp' 8.> %o"ts' 9==

a&peres' and .6== rp&+On the "atest "asses of s!*&arines &ain &otors andred!tion #ears ha%e *een rep"aed *$ t)o :==-hp do!*"e ar&at!re &otors' diret"$

onneted to prope""er shafts' one to the star*oard and on to the port shaft+

S!*&arine E"etria" Insta""ations' Na%pers .9.9

8 x ..== 4W 88== 4W e"etria" o!tp!t fro& #enerators to the &otors - +>8== shp x

:89 8= 4W &otor o!tp!t to shafts

 Therefore eien$ of the &otors is 8=?88== 7.+9+ The eien$ )o!"d ha%e

dropped )hen the &otors )ere o%er"oaded as in GII+

+ppen!i6 C

*nine an! motor !etai%

 The &ain diese" #enerator sets and prop!"sion &otors of the si&i"ar WWII 1"eet

S!*&arine of the Gato' /a"ao and Tenh "asses+

.+ Genera" Motors ;-.9 t$pe+ There )ere t)o en#ine desi#ns in this ate#or$' the .9-

:A and .9-8+ Eah en#ine had t)o *an4s of $"inders' eah arran#ed in a ;-

desi#n )ith 8= de#rees *et)een *an4s+ Eah en#ine )as rated at .9== /B< at :>=rp&+ /oth en#ines )ere e0!ipped )ith &ehania" or so"id t$pe inetion and had a

in,o) %a"%e and port s$ste& of sa%en#in#+ $"e+ Main <rop!"sion Diese"ise'

NA;<ERS .9.9.


+ 1air*an4s-Morse opposed piston t$pe' Mode" 6D .?+ This &ode" n!&*er in"!ded

t)o en#ines' one a .=-$"inder and the other a 7-$"inder en#ine' $"e++ /oth

en#ines )ere rated at .9== *hp at := rp&+ Main <rop!"sion Diese"s' Na%pers .9.9.

 The ratin# of these en#ines )as apparent"$ &odi(ed to s!it snor4e""in#+ This red!ed

the s!rfae ratin# fro& >8== shp to 89.= shp+ A"den reports 89.= shp for a"" snor4e"

s!*&arines *!t on"$ spei(a""$ sa$s for the Loon SSG on%ersion' Rated 8.9= shp

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s!rfaed after insta""ation of snor4e" - &ax s!rfae speed .:?. 4nots+ See anedote

Appendix E+

 The Main #enerators )ere rated at approxi&ate"$ 9>= a&peres at 8.> %o"ts and ..==

4i"o)atts+ S!*&arine E"etria" Insta""ations' Na%pers .9.9+ That is a tota" of .='9==

a&ps at 8.> %o"ts+

Main &otors !sed in a #ear dri%e insta""ation )ere "assed as hi#h-speed &otors and

eah )as rated for ontin!o!s d!t$ at approxi&ate"$ .6:= hp' 8.> %o"ts' 9==

a&peres' and .6== rp&+ On the "atest "asses of s!*&arines &ain &otors and

red!tion #ears ha%e *een rep"aed *$ t)o :==-hp do!*"e ar&at!re &otors' diret"$

onneted to prope""er shafts' one to the star*oard and on to the port shaft+

S!*&arine E"etria" Insta""ations' Na%pers .9.9

8 x ..== 4W 88== 4W e"etria" o!tp!t fro& #enerators to the &otors - +>8== shp x

:89 8= 4W &otor o!tp!t to shafts

 Therefore eien$ of the &otors is 8=?88== 7.+9+ The eien$ )o!"d ha%e

dropped )hen the &otors )ere o%er"oaded as in GII+

+ppen!i6 )

)ata anoma%ies

 The ano&a"ies "isted *e"o) are sho)n &ere"$ to infor& the reader+ There is no

s!##estion the data presented in this arti"e is orret *e$ond do!*t' that is for the

reader e%a"!ate+

.5 The e&inent na%a" )riter Nor&an 1ried&an in his SU/MARINE DESIGN AND

DE;ELO<MENT states -

the Guppies came -uite close to the performance of the Tang. & *@$ comparison

shows the latter no faster submerged but its specialised design "and shorter hull%

showed in much better manoeuvrability and better longitudinal stability.

 This see&s at odds )ith the ori#ina" &ode" to)in# tan4 !r%es that sho) the $et

!nna&ed' 9. ft s!* )as to 6 4nots faster than the G!pp$+ Bo)e%er )e are #i%en

no detai" of the .7>6 tria" or )hih of the Tan# "ass )as tria""ed+ In .7> the (rst fo!r

 Tan# "ass )ere extended d!e to the fored rep"ae&ent of the no%e" *!t tro!*"eso&e

F%ertia" pana4eF en#ines )ith &ore on%entiona" en#ines+ T)o )ere at!a""$ *!i"t

"on#er )ith the ne) en#ines+ Then in .79: fo!r of the "ass reei%e another extension

to ao&&odate <U11S sonar - a han#in# sene

 The e"etria" prop!"sion s$ste& )as a &odi(ed %ersion of the G!pp$ )ith a &odest

inrease in po)er prope""in# a &ore eient s!*&er#ed hi#h speed h!"" than that of

the G!pp$+

5 The reasons for the GIA?GIIA on%ersions

A"den te""s !s that -

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1ecause of the high cost of the Guppy II conversion the 1ureau of 3hips devised two

less e7pensive modi'cations in which the maor change was the abandonment of the

four(battery arrangements. Instead a new higher(capacity battery of standard si<e

the so(called 3&G II type was developed and the original battery wells were left


On the other hand -

1ried&an in his *oo4 SU/MARINE DESIGN AND DE;ELO<MENT pa#e 9> sa$s-

1ut the new battery used twice as much lead as a conventional one and wore out

twice as fast with an estimated life of only *F months. There was some fear in the

late *@,+s that there would not be enough lead for the conversion programme; the

e7isting foreign sources were either in hostile hands "1alkans% or in an unstable area

"1urma%. ater conversions "Guppy II)% employed a conventional 3argo II5 battery 

1ried&anFs - !sed t)ie as &!h "ead et o&&ent' see&s ontrar$ to the at!a"derease in &ass fro& 6 tonnes to .7 tonnes+ The &ass of the SARGO I )as the

sa&e as the SARGO II+ The ne) e""s' *oth GU<< I and SARGO II apparent"$ !sed

&ore *!t &!h thinner p"ates+

 The #!aranteed e"" ser%ie "ife - SARGO I 9== $"es or : &onths+ SARGO II 8==

$"es or 8 &onths+ G!pp$ . 6== $"es or 6= &onths+

O*%io!s"$ the at!a" ser%ie experiene is )hat o!nts' to#ether )ith the &ass of the

tota" e"etro"$te and the a&o!nt of ase &ateria" )ith t)ie the n!&*er of s&a""er e""

ases and so on' *!t the apparent ano&a"$ see&s )orth dra)in# to the readerFs


65 The (#!re of .:.7 hp per prope""er shaft s!*&er#ed 3tota" 686 shp5 #i%en in

Na%<ers .9.9 is hi#her than the po)er #i%en *$ other so!res+

Che4in# for a o&parison in /R6=86' the .76 Ro$a" Na%$ Tha&es C"ass of 1"eet

S!*&arine disp"aed 9= tons s!*&er#ed o&pared to the US 1"eet S!*&arine of

8== tons+ Appendix I

 The spei(ation )as .= 4nots for .+6 ho!rs de%e"opin# >== shp+ D!rin# tria"s .=+>

4nots for one ho!r )as ahie%ed de%e"opin# >> shp+ A (#!re si#ni(ant"$ "o)er than

the (#!re of 68 shp #i%en for the USN s!*&arine+

 The preser%ed 1"eet S!*&arine USS <a&panito )e* site data states 7 4nots for one

ho!r de%e"opin# 8== shp+

 These are a"so the (#!res #i%en *$ the a!thoritati%e Co&&ander A"den+

Bo)e%er if the &otor sh!nt (e"d harateristis a""o)ed 3and this is !n4no)n5 it is

possi*"e that the hi#her shp )as ahie%a*"e for a period "ess than one ho!r for speeds

#reater than 7 4nots' *!t so far there are no anedotes or reports to s!pport this+

85 Na%<ers .=87= states that

The capacity of a G0PP9 cell is about @+B of that of a 3&G type

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 This is a rather a&*i#!o!s (#!re as the perenta#e apait$ depends on the ho!r"$

rate !sed+ At the &ore !s!a" o&parati%e > ho!r rate' the orret (#!re is :>+ At the

. ho!r rate the (#!re is .+9 and at the .? ho!r rate the (#!re is 8+

On the sa&e pa#e there is an !ndo!*ted di&ensiona" error in re#ard to the SARGO

)here the )idth of .> inhes is sho)n as . inhes+

As the "en#th is at!a""$ . inhes' this error )o!"d &a4e the SARGO e"" s0!are and

this' it )as not

>5 1ried&an' a#ain in - SU/MARINE DESIGN AND DE;ELO<MENT' <a#e 9> #i%es so&e

G!pp$ (#!res -

The full Guppy conversion replaced the original pair of *#(cell batteries by four new

*#(cell units each two(thirds the weight but with about ?$B more capacity. That

almost doubled available underwater power at the high discharge rate ",#$+ vs #F

shp for one hour%. &t the medium " hour% rate the )Guppy) battery had $+B moreenergy 

 Ta4in# the G!pp$ . e"" spei(ation one ho!r data 3868= a&ps x x 88 %o"ts x

=+75 ? :89 888= shp' add .68 hp a!xi"iar$ "oad to 1ried&anFs 8>= shp and )e ha%e

a "ose &ath+ The .68 hp is as !sed in Appendix /+

A si&i"ar a"!"ation for the ori#ina" SARGO . of the 1"eet S!*&arine #i%es 9>> shp'

%er$ "ose to 1ried&anFs (#!re+ So far so #ood+

Be #oes on+

ater conversions of the "Guppy II)% employed a more conventional )3&G II) battery

and were limited to *$ knots underwater compared to the *? of a )Guppy) battery


Be "ear"$ re"ates the po)er inrease to 8>= shp )ith a s!*&er#ed speed of .:


 This infor&ation s!##ests that the G!pp$ II o!"d ahie%e .: 4nots at the one ho!r

rate )hen this arti"e has (r&"$ ta4en the hi#h speed to *e .9 4nots at the 6= &in!te

rate for a n!&*er of #ood reasons in"!din# the anedotes of peop"e )ho operated

these s!*&arines+ Appendix / and Appendix B

As 1ried&an does not #i%e an$ referene so!res or the ir!&stanes in )hih these

(#!res )ere deri%ed - )e are at a tehnia" i&passe' as it )ere

Additiona""$ if the one ho!r rate is aepted as *ein# orret in re"ation to the G!pp$

&axi&!& speed?po)er?end!rane then the G!pp$ II )o!"d not on"$ ha%e si#ni(ant"$

exeeded the &axi&!& s!*&er#ed speed of the RN on%erted T C"ass' *!t ahie%ed

this !sin# on"$ :6 of the po)er' for t)ie the end!rane period A re&ar4a*"e

diHerene' espeia""$ )hen one onsiders that the on%erted T C"ass at!a""$ had a

s"i#ht"$ hi#her AB apait$ than the GII Appendix 1

Re#ardin# the t)o-thirds of the )ei#ht o&&ent+ 3GU<< e"" 89= 4# - SARGO I

e"" :9= 4#+ 9=+>+ C"ose eno!#h+

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Contin!in#' *!t )ith a*o!t :> &ore apait$+ The o&parison is apparent"$

*et)een .9 *atter$ !nits )ith no ho!r"$ rate spei(ed *!t ass!&in# the !s!a"

o&parati%e > ho!r rate then the .9 e"" *atteries )ere :> of the apait$ of the

ori#ina"+ The 4e$ fator )as do!*"in# the n!&*er of *atteries - an o%era"" inrease of

.>=+ The e0!i%a"ent n!&*ers at the one ho!r rate are .+ and 96+ At the ha"f

ho!r rate' 8 and 9+6

And That a"&ost do!*"ed the po)er at the hi#h dishar#e rate 38>= %s 96 shp for

one ho!r5+ The shp n!&*ers are "ose eno!#h to the a"!"ation 86=9 %s >86 shp in

Appendix / - tho!#h the state&ent a"&ost do!*"ed is &is"eadin#' 8>= ? 96

.+9.+ C"ose to the 96 a*o%e+

 The state&ent 9 ho!r rate had >= &ore ener#$' is orret+

1ried&an "o)ers the G!pp$ speed in his *oo4 TBE <OST WAR NA;AL RE;OLUTION -

S!*&arines <a#e .7.' )hen he &a4es a *rief referene to &axi&!& speed and te""s

!s that -

The Guppy conversion entailed new batteries and modi'ed motors; underwater speed

increased from about *+ knots to as much as * knots.

 The detai" in MOTORS and CONTROL CIRCUITS annot *e seen as a &otor


95 A"den states that the on%ersion fro& GII to GIII' in%o"%ed insertin# a .> foot

setion' )hi"e 1ried&an in SU/MARINE DESIGN AND DE;ELO<MENT <a#e 99 in a

aption to a photo#raph of USS <i4ere"3SS >85' te""s !s it )as .= feet+ A"den in

addition' te""s !s that the USS Tir! 3SS 8.95 )as !ni0!e in on"$ ha%in# a .+> footinsertion d!e to the fat she had on"$ three en#ines and perhaps had a"read$ had

&ore spae than the rest of the GII+

 The /ritish &i"itar$ historian' Rihard B!&*"e' in his *oo4 FUNDERSEA WAR1ARE <a#e

. states inorret"$ that the ori#ina" G!pp$ on%ersions of 6> s!*&arines in%o"%ed a

.> foot insertion into the h!""+ Bis (#!res of = /a"ao and .> Tenh s!*&arines donFt

see& to re"ate to the pro#ra& detai" #i%en *$ A"den

KC /onner in their COLD WAR AT SEA < 66:-6 - reF the &ain G!pp$ pro#ra&

The boat were turned into umbo si<e by slicing them in half and adding a *$ footsection.

:5 These tehnia" ano&a"ies are not on(ned to the USN G!pp$ s!*&arine - for

instane the /ritish A C"ass - 1ried&an in his *oo4 SU/MARINE DESIGN AND

DE;ELO<MENT <a#e 99+

the large & Class was also rebuilt. It was long enough to 't enlarged batteries and

reportedly the original electric motors were not replaced. ike the fast T Class the

rebuilt & Class had an underwater speed of *$ knots

 et in another of 1ried&anFs *oo4s <OST WAR NA;AL RE;OLUTION <a#e .7' in aaption a"on#side a .79. photo#raph of &$ o"d *oat A&phion )ith her strea&"ined

fae "ift he orret"$ sa$s -

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However larger motors were not 'tted so speed did not materially increase.

 The A C"ass &otors )ere on"$ .>= shp' at!a""$ s&a""er than o"der T C"ass - .8>= shp+

 The Con%erted T C"ass had their &otor shp inreased to a no&ina" 9=== shp' in

pratie a*o!t >== shp+ Appendix 1

RN S!*&arine M!se!&' o)ners of the preser%ed A""iane sa$ .= 4nots s!*&er#ed+

 The A C"ass )ere not a parti!"ar"$ "ar#e s!*&arine at .9= tons s!*&er#edF

A > inreased in *atter$ apait$ )as #ained *$ (ttin# &odern e""s of the sa&e

di&ension in the existin# tan4s+

In fat the strea&"inin# of the A C"ass' .7>> to .79= )as si&i"ar to the (%e

strea&"ined T C"ass+ Appendix I

5 1ried&an is not a"one' Eri Gro%es' the estee&ed /ritish historian' a"so onf!ses in

re#ard to the A C"ass in his *oo4 1ROM ;ANGUARD TO TRIDENT and te""s !s that -

The & class were moderni<ed with new streamlined bows and sterns and large

streamlined 'ns. 1attery capacity was increased although unlike the T Class

Conversion the motors were not enlarged as they were more powerful anyway 

A reader !nfa&i"iar )ith these s!*&arines &i#ht )e"" *e"ie%e that the A "ass )as

on%erted in the &anner of the &aor T C"ass Con%ersion and o!"d ahie%e the faster

speeds in the order of .> 4nots "i4e the on%erted T C"ass or the US G!pp$+

 The A C"ass )as a Ffront "ineF s!*&arine in the Ro$a" Na%$ fro& .78> to .7> )hen

the <orpoise C"ass (rst appeared+The fat that the A C"ass )as not on%erted for hi#h

s!*&er#ed speed is an i&portant part of an$ interest in Ro$a" Na%$ s!*&arine po"i$

in the $ears fo""o)in# WWII+

It )as fat' in &an$ respets a %er$ #ood s!*&arine of WWII desi#n' *!t no &aor

han#es )ere &ade to the prop!"sion thro!#ho!t the "on# ser%ie of these

s!*&arines' despite Mi""er in his SU/MARINES O1 TBE WORLD #i%in# the strea&"ined

FAF fo!r .=:> *hp diese"s instead of the orret and ori#ina"' t)o .>= *hp

Be a"so #i%es the strea&"ined A C"ass a s!*&er#ed speed of .> 4nots

75 Us!a""$ these tehnia" data ano&a"ies an on"$ *e he4ed proper"$ *$ aess the

ori#ina" so!res' for instane Ke&pFs other)ise exe""ent *oo4 TBE FTF CLASS

SU/MARINE reports that the Tait!rn' )hen arr$in# o!t speed tria"s' ahie%ed .:

4nots on the s!rfae+ A *i# i&pro%e&ent on the diret dri%e diese" speed tria"+

Unfort!nate"$ he #oes on to attri*!te the i&pro%e&ent to the ne) diese"-e"etri

&ode pro%ided in the on%ersion+ This )as "ear"$ not orret as the ontrar$ sit!ation

)as in fat the ase' the diese"-e"etri &ode *ein# a")a$s s"o)er than the sa&e

diese" en#ines in diret dri%e+

A re%ie) of the .7> oia" tria" do!&ent re%ea"ed that the s!rfae speed of .:

4nots )as at!a""$ ahie%ed !sin# the en"ar#ed fast *atter$ e"etria" prop!"sion

s$ste& that )o!"d nor&a""$ ha%e *een !sed )hen s!*&er#ed+ See T C"assCon%ersion+

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+ppen!i6 *


 The "ast G!pp$ s!*&arine in the ser%ie of the USN )as the GII GIII USS Tir! 8.9'deo&&issioned and stri4en . @!"$ .7:>+ She )as the odd one o!t ha%in# had one

en#ine re&o%ed at so&e point ear"$ in her ser%ie and on"$ *ein# extended in the GIII

pro#ra& *$ .+> feet )hi"e the rest )ere extended *$ .> feet+ She )as a"so one of (%e

1"eet S!*&arines "aid !p ino&p"ete after WW and o&p"eted as G!pp$ GII in .78+

 The G!pp$ s!*&arines ser%ed the USN )e"" o%er a "en#th$ period of the Co"d War' *!t

o*%io!s"$ their ro"es han#ed as the SSN a&e into front "ine ser%ie and no &ore

diese"-e"etri *oats )ere *!i"t for the USN+ Bo)e%er there )as a")a$s the

re0!ire&ent for another s!*&arine and the G!pp$ see&ed to ha%e (""ed the need+

M!h the sa&e sit!ation app"ied in the Ro$a" Na%$ )ith *oats *!i"t in WWII sti"" in

ser%ie &an$ $ears "ater+

Con"!din# this Appendix I is a &ore &odern anedote' that pro%ides a *rief *!t "ear

pit!re of diese"-e"etri operations' so&e t)o deades or &ore after the (rst G!pp$

appeared+ The %er$ 0!iet' post )ar /ritish O/ERON "ass p"a$ed a si#ni(ant ro"e in

the Co"d War and the 1a"4"ands on,it+

Unti" fair"$ reent"$' i&pro%ed FOF "ass for&ed the RCN s!*&arine ,eet+ see Appendix


On Ron Martinis //S' /o* T ans)ered a 0!er$ a*o!t the deratin# of the 1"eet

S!*&arine en#ines fro& >8== *hp to 89.= *hp+

 &s best as I can recall there was an engine derating when snorkelling due to higher

back pressure. &lso when snork was installed the compression ratio was reduced by

replacing the pistons. The 5old5 pistons had pro'le called 5pear shape5 and the new

 pistons had a pro'le called 5Je7ican hat shape5. The reduction in C was to allow for

higher e7haust back pressure. /ot really sure it was a long time ago.

<atri4 Bo!seho"der ser%ed as an E"etriianFs Mate *et)een .79 and .796 a*oard

the USS Chopper 3SS-685' a GIA G!pp$ *oat 31i# 5

n the surface the Guppy boats were somewhat slower than Kleet boats because the

knife bow would either cut through or bury itself in the rollers while the original

clipper bow would rise over much of the wave action. f course three engined Guppy

boats were (, slower on top due to less generated uice. 6hile on the snorkel we

could run two engines ma7 "due to the volumes of air re-uired to take and e7pel%. The

boat could run at *, knots on a series bell but we normally ran at about ?(@ knots and

$( snorkelling on battery charge. I suppose * knots on a series bell on a ,(battery

boat might be doable. I don)t recall that on the Diodon however. Tactically you)d

sound like a full loaded trash truck travelling at high speed down a bumpy road to a

sonar man within $+ miles

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 &t higher underwater speeds depth control became dicey and if you got a signi'cant

down angle the !at surface of the deck would act as a diving plane pushing you deep

and at a severe angle if you were not on your toes.

This is what basically happened to Chopper when she made her last dive which

terminated at *+** feet with an F+ degree plus down angle.

Cheers Pat.

Note The USS Chopper )as a onstr!ti%e "oss after this re&ar4a*"e di%e and reo%er$

*e"o) r!sh depth+

1ro& Ron Ro&er Ot ==6' reF USS DOG1ISB 3SS6>=5' a G!pp$II on%ersion

The forward battery "which was * and # batteries% were connected in parallel and the

same for the after battery " and ,%.

/ormal operation was fwd group and after group in parallel. 6hen we went into seriesthe fwd was put in series with the after battery. 6e had two discharge rates one hour

rate and the *=# hour rate. I believe the *=# hour rate was ?$ amps. The scanners

were on auto and if individual cell voltages got to a certain low the rate was


Note the (#!re of 99:> a&ps that Ron apparent"$ stated fro& &e&or$' see Appendix


1ro& @ohn C"ear EMC 3SS5 USN retF

It was the 033 Thread'n 33(,*+ "GII&% that had the split cubicle with series=parallelbattery capabilities. I served aboard her from $=? to =@ stationed out of :ey 6est

K. I was what was known as the 5senior controller man5 "sat the starboard side% my

5unior controller man handled the port half. 6hen we would switch from parallel to

series batteries "-uite seldom% all 5sticks5 would have to be thrown to oL "neutral%

while the battery line(up was switched over "and all this ME9 rapidly%. If we had an

engineman trying to cool oL by sitting in our forward hatchway the resultant 5'reball5

"collapsing motor 'elds etc.% umping between cubicle halves would scare him back

into the engine room.

@@B of the time we ran in parallel 10T for e7treme high speed runs we would shiftinto series.

1ro& Don <r!ittXs Tr!&pet(sh )e*pa#e 3SS-8>5 GII

Don )as a radio&an seond "ass on the Tr!&pet(sh )hen this inident o!rred and

his *att"e station )as sonar p"ot+

nce we got to e7perience the diLerence between old technology diesel electric and

new technology nuclear. 6e were a couple of hundred miles east of Charleston

 providing &36 services. 6e received radio tra8c that 033 Triton would transit our

area within the ne7t couple of days and we should try to simulate a torpedo run on

her. &t that time the Triton was the largest submarine built and was on its initial

voyage to Holy och 3cotland.

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The navigation o8cer computed the most likely course from Charleston to Holy och

and we straddled that line and waited. The ne7t day we picked up the Triton as she

boogied along at a good rate of speed. 6e went to battle station torpedo where my

station was sonar plot. 6e got a good screw count and an estimate of her speed. Krom

the bearing rate we computed the CP& "closest point of approach%. 6e had to make a

small adustment in position to get into optimum 'ring position.

6hile moving to the new 'ring point the Triton must have heard us and lit oL their

active sonar. 3he was suspicious of the situation and was trying to get more

information. 6e then noticed her bearing rate change indicating a turn to the left and

an increase in screw count as she started an end run around us well out of torpedo

range. Immediately our CP& was heading oL the paper and we tried to salvage the

situation as best we could to try for a desperation shot.

The C ordered the batteries in series and made the half hour rate. &t about * knots

the Trumpet'sh "GII% was shaking and rattling like my old ,+ Kord doing + down a

bumpy dirt road. &fter a few minutes of this we gave up the chase and surfaced to

ventilate the boat because of hydrogen gas and seriously low batteries.

6e later played back the tapes and computed what speed Triton had to be making in

order complete her manoeuvre. I believe that the speed of nuclear submarines is still

classi'ed but the answer we derived caused everyone to ust sit and stare with their

mouths open. 0nbelievableN

In a &essa#e to Don' after a re0!est for &ore infor&ation a*o!t Series /atter$

operation' he rep"ied -

That was the only time that I knew that we ever went in series on the battery. The

term used to describe placing the batteries in series was to make the 5half hour rate5

Jeaning that we could completely deplete a fully charged battery in + minutes. 6e

very seldom ever went to full speed when submerged. The screws would cavitate like

cra<y and we would stir up the water and make noise that would last for a few

minutes after we were gone. The boat would vibrate a good bit and the skins on the

superstructure would rattle and bang about like someone beating on a tin tub. Going

fast was not the Trumpet'sh)s cup of tea.

Note - the USS Triton 3SSN >95 )as *!i"t as the on"$ n!"ear po)ered radar pi4et'

she a"so )as the on"$ t)in reator s!*&arine *!i"t for the USN+ As one &i#ht expetonsiderin# her p!rpose' she )as reported as *ein# %er$ fast on the s!rfae+

Ri4 Ni"sson - USS CU/ERA SS 68: 31i# .5

6e had a total of $+, cells. Each battery was #$# thin(plate E7ide cells weighing

about *+++ lb. a piece so that)s about *#$ tons per battery plus cables. They had ust 

been installed at Portsmouth in *@ and there were some problems like reversed

 polarity on some of the cells. Those had to be umper(bypassed and the same number 

in the other battery too to balance the voltages for parallel operation under !ank

speed ops. If a cell failed in one battery we had to umper one in the other also to

always keep them balanced.

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Guppys in our s-uadron "3ubmarine 3-uadron 3i7 ( Task Korce &lfa% were used as

targets for antisubmarine warfare training of surface craft o8cers and crews. There

were times we had discharged our batteries almost completely on long &36 training

dives and had to run all four engines for hours to get them up and ready for the ne7t

day)s operations. That)s ,,++ kilowatts running through the boat. The single air

conditioning plant could barely handle the heat load in summer. nce we were near1ermuda in the 3argasso sea and had to steam north *$+ miles to 'nd cooler water.

Jost of our &36 training mission pro'les were planned well in advance of leaving

 port but surface and submarine commanders had the freedom to modify or invent

them. The scenarios included operating modes that enabled aircraft and surface ship

communications electronics sonar and radar operators and o8cers ample

opportunity to e7perience them. 6e dove and turned used slow turns "5silent

running5% made fast course changes cavitated 'red torpedoes and countermeasures

canisters changed depths and ran with various au7iliary machinery operating like the

air compressors. I can only imagine the havoc aboard the cruisers as o8cers andoperators rotated so they all got time on the e-uipment during each run.

The fast discharge rates were used sparingly for several reasons ( including saving

wear and tear on the electrical systems air conditioners and crew as well as

e7tending fuel and the number of dives we could make in a day. I can remember

making up to a do<en submerged runs a day as a target for destroyer sonar attack

training before we had to 5timeout5 for battery charging. 3ometimes we)d snorkel to

charge so radar operators could analy<e our mast signatures at varying distances. Jy 

(year old knees hips and ankles are suLering now from the many 5ookouts

belowN5 crash landings I made at the bottom of the Control oom ladder when clearing

the bridge for diving. The drain grill in the !oor there was 5dished5 by our impacts;

one trip we had to pound it straight twice. That)s a prideful statement not a



Co&&ent fro& Ri4 after re%ie)in# a draft of the arti"e

5*. It was generally known that roughly ?+(F+B of the speed gain of the Guppy

conversion was a result of superstructure streamlining modi'cations such as removal

of the guns deck mounted 3/& domes lifelines and old(style radio antennae.

/aval architects of the period suggested that the hull shape and wetted surface

determined the !eet sub)s ma7imum theoretical speed. The speed I show in my PDK

drawing of #+ knots submerged is often the subect of some argument but I witnessed

Cubera at ##(# knots once when we ran fast ust to see what she could really do and

how noisy we could be. Indeed it was di8cult to control at that speed due to latency

eLects of the control planes and cavitation was severe making us very noisy. That

was shortly after a 1rooklyn /aval 9ard overhaul which meant we had fresh battery

cells a clean hull and new screws.

#. I don)t know if it is important but the Germans commonly referred to their 66II

submarine types in roman numerals; so the type #* would cross(reference to GermanType OOI.

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3I deided to fo""o) the T$pe . !sed in the pdf op$ of ori#ina" US interro#ation report

rather than &ix it )ith the &ore !s!a" Ro&an n!&era"s+

I an oHer no !sef!" o&&ent a*o!t this re&ar4a*"e speed o*ser%ed *$ Ri4' that is

not a"read$ i&p"iit in the arti"e+5

More interestin# o&&ent fro& Ri4 respondin# to a f!rther re%ie) of the arti"e+

 &s you mention in your article operation at high speeds submerged was done rarely

due to noise and the discharge rate bringing about the risk of having to surface under

less than safe tactical situations.

Kleet snorkel radar picket and Guppy boats were used e7tensively for coastal patrol

during the Cold 6ar escalation of tensions between the east and west. 33(,?

 patrolled Cuban waters and tracked 3oviet subs. I stood sonar and radar ECJ watches

recording the passing of ussian subs and stalking radar(bearing trawlers to analy<e

their emissions. I remember hearing a submerged usski go roaring by like a freight

train oblivious to our presence.

I believe the primary results of the 0.3. Guppy program were two(fold2

e7perimentation with state(of(the(art aLordable upgrades in support of coastal

defense eLorts and to provide /&T forces with targets for &36 training using

e7isting hardware while new technology and designs were under development and

construction. There were undoubtedly political positives as well such as using up

appropriation funds that otherwise would have been diverted to non(military

budgetary items thereby ensuring a larger appropriation in subse-uent periods.


A (na" anedote fro& Da%e <er4ins' %er$ experiened s!*&ariner' )ho ser%ed in the

RN and RCN+ S!*&arine a!thor+ Sad"$ no "on#er )ith !s+

I think that most boats prior to the =P classes and the 3kate class nuclear attack

boats were noisy for a lot of reasons. Casing rattles propellers hull cavitation etc so

 yes over about ? kts was noisy. 3ince then they have become very -uiet even at


6hen we "a *@?+s Canadian (boat% used speed to gain a favourable attacking

 position and it wasn)t an unusual thing to do we did it well beyond easy acoustic

detection range. 0sually we located the 5enemy5 using long range sonar con'rmed

their presence using ECJ etc plotted their course e7trapolated a favourable

attacking <one then went deep and fast "*+(*# kts% to where we wanted to be. ur (

boats were very -uiet in their day and had a decent battery "German M&T&%.

3ometimes it didn)t work but more often it worked very well. The big snag was that it

left you with a badly depleted battery after the attack so if there was a well directed

counter attack you were in for it. I remember once we struggled on for two days

before 'nally giving up we had no power and no air to breathe either. 1ad scene all


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The 9anks loved 5playing5 with us because we fre-uently penetrated their &3 screen

to attack the primary asset. 6e were pretty good at getting away too. et)s face it a

super(carrier was worth an (boat any day. However we also learned that a screen of

e7perienced &3 assets "Can 03/ or /% was almost impossible to penetrate and often


3tern shots became unnecessary once it was possible to set a torpedo to run along

any course on the compass. This was possible "with some limitations% even with Jk


3tern torpedo tubes then became simply another tube from which to eect a weapon.

Krom Jk #+ onwards gyro angling was connected by the umbilical straight to 're

control so was integral to the launching solution. The big snag was to protect the 'ring

submarine from a circular run and from becoming a valid target to your own torpedo.

These problems were easily solved and from then on the attitude of the launcher

became irrelevant.

/evertheless I)ve personally e7perienced a circular running Jk.F on 3cythian and was

hit by one of our own Jk.#+s on &lliance. I ran a torpedo performance analysis service

at C&/301/ /E for a while and analysed some really weird runs with the Jk.?(

Jod /C =* torpedoes which taught me that things could and would go awry.


+ppen!i6 F


+ppen!i6 G

$ro;et <14 Fo6trot propu%sion !etai%

A for&er Red Na%$ s!*&arine oer' Captain Third Ran4 I#or Ko"oso% has 4ind"$

s!pp"ied &ost of the data for this appendix+

Keith A""en sent E-Mai"ed extrats fro& K!in and Ni4o"s4i$Fs The So%iet Na%$ .78> -.77.+ In parti!"ar

Proect ** "Aulu% had a three(shaft plant the same as on the early Ko7trots5 ( 5Kor

the 'rst time in 3oviet boats ,++(volt power was used for powering the middle main

motor in motor mode. Kor battery(charging a circuit was installed with a voltage of

#+ or less. This design was used to save weight and volume in the middle main

motor and its controls.

Other data &athed Captain Ko"oso%Fs (rst hand infor&ation+

 The So%iet <roet 9.8 1oxtrot 38== tons s!*&er#ed as )ere the USN G!pp$ 1"eetS!*&arines and the RN < C"ass  O C"ass5' had three diret dri%e shafts )ith en#ine

and tai" "!thes and three === *hp #eared diese"s+ The three do!*"e ar&at!re

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&otors )ere diret"$ &o!nted on eah of the three shafts+ As )as the sin#"e FCreep

&otor aft on the entre shaft+ The prope""ers )ere .+: & for the t)o o!ter shafts and

.+9 & for the entre shaft+

 The 1oxtrot had 88 "ar#e e""s 36== x :== x .== &&5 and &axi&!& speed of .8

4nots for o%er ho!rs' #i%in# a *etter end!rane to G!pp$ II s!*&arines of si&i"ardisp"ae&ent+ The .7> <roet 9.. !"! is ass!&ed to ha%e si&i"ar prop!"sion as the

"ater 1oxtrot and apparent"$ !sed a#ain *$ the "ater and *i##er <roet 9.8/ TANGO+

31i# 75 is an entire"$ spe!"ati%e s4eth that rationa"ises the apparent"$ ontraditor$

reports that == or 8== %o"ts )ere !sed )ith the three separate &otor ontro""ers )ith

no o*%io!s series?para""e" *atter$ #ro!pin# s)ithes sho)n in the "ear photo#raphs of 

preser%ed %esse"s+ 31i# 75 &a4es the ass!&ption that the "ar#er entre &otor 3:==

shp5 )as per&anent"$ s!pp"ied )ith 8== %o"t )hi"e the t)o s&a""er o!ter &otors 3.6>=

shp5 )ere per&anent"$ s!pp"ied )ith == %o"ts and a"so did a"" the *atter$ har#in# -

 The rea"it$ &i#ht 0!ite diHerent - a"" o&&ents )e"o&e

Captain Ko"oso% ad%ised his s!*&arine o!"d &a4e 9 4nots at x == shp on the t)o

o!ter &ain &otor shafts+ 31i# 75 and that 9- 4nots )as the !s!a" speed ran#e

s!*&er#ed+ )ith a &axi&!& of .8 4nots )ith a ran#e of 6= &i"es 3+=: ho!rs+ At s"o)

speeds this )o!"d trans"ate into a %er$ !sef!" s!*&er#ed end!rane Usin# the

a"!"ated res!"ts in Appendix /' the G!pp$ II o!"d on"$ &ana#e .8+> 4nots for one


In the opinion of @eH Ta""' Ro$a" Na%$ SSN and SS/N Co&&ander'

The Ko7trot was a splendid class of # diesel(electric submarines ( They highly

successful and reliable and were deployed worldwide bearing the brunt of 3oviet

foreign deployments. They were most numerous in the Jediterranean in the *@+s

and *@?+)s &ppendi7 I

As far as an *e asertained' the s&a""er s!*&arines of the era' <roet 9.. Whis4e$

and "ater i&pro%e&ent' <roet 966 Ro&eo' *oth )ith t)in shafts' had diret dri%e

prop!"sion %er$ si&i"ar to the t)o o!ter shafts of the !"!?1oxtrot' *!t )ith a reep

&otor on eah shaft+ The Ro&eo has *een *!i"t in China for the Chinese na%$ in so&e


<at Bo!seho"der after re%ie)in# the arti"e' dre) attention to the fat that the sin#"ereep &otor in the 1oxtrot "ass !sed a &otor ontro""er !*i"e %er$ si&i"ar to the

three &ain &otor !nits+ In the Chinese t)in shaft Ro&eo "ass' a s&a""er' 0!ite

diHerent ontro""er appears to ha%e *een !sed for the t)o s&a""er Creep &otors' one

for eah shaft+ A reent photo#raph is a%ai"a*"e of an extant *oat in China' )here'

)hat see&s "i4e"$ to *e a reep ontro""er' an *e seen+

It is reasona*"e to ass!&e the So%iet Whis4e$ and Ro&eo !sed a si&i"ar arran#e&ent

in s!*&arines that )ere s!*stantia""$ s&a""er than the 1oxtrot+

+ppen!i6 H

&mperia% =apanese Navy ST >S*N - Ta8u? Speia% Submarine@

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When apparent"$ re"ia*"e data *ea&e a%ai"a*"e to the a!thor' this appendix )as

*e"ated"$ in"!ded as part of the &ain arti"e si&p"$ *ea!se it appears the @apanese

had adopted the po"i$ of the fast *atter$ s!*&arine at an ear"ier date than the

Ger&ans+ There is no readi"$ a%ai"a*"e e%idene that this s!*&arine po"i$ of the I@N

had an$ si#ni(ant in,!ene on post )ar USN s!*&arine po"i$ as )as the ase )ith

the Ger&an WWII s!*&arine de%e"op&ents+

Whether there )as an$ in,!ene on Ger&an WWII desi#ners is entire"$ spe!"ati%e *!t

it see&s "i4e"$ there )o!"d ha%e *een so&e exhan#e of ideas+


A+ The seondar$ so!re of #enera" data for this IM<ERIAL @A<ANESE NA;

SU/MARINES .78.-8> *$ Mar4 Sti""e+ Sti""e a4no)"ed#es his pri&ar$ so!res+

Appendix I

/+ Spei( pri&ar$ so!re data re#ardin# the s!*&arineFs e""s - US NA;AL MISSION TECBNICAL MISSION TO @A<AN+ In%esti#ation arried o!t *$ Mr @+L+ R!pp' i%i"ian

tehniian attahed to this &ission+ Appendix I

SU,,+' o2 the !ata in A&,$*'&+3 =+$+N*S* N+ SU/,+'&N*S 1941-45A

 The I@N had experi&ented )ith hi#h s!*&er#ed speeds !sin# a s&a"" s!*&arine

;esse" N!&*er :. in the $ears .76- 8=+ Warti&e "osses eno!ra#ed the de%e"op&ent

of an operationa" "ass of fast s!*&er#ed s!*&arine' the SEN-Ta4! 3hi#h speed

s!*&arine5+ 8 )ere ordered in the .786-88 pro#ra&&e+ Ei#ht )ere at!a""$ "aid

do)n On"$ three )ere o&p"eted I-=.' I-= and I-=6+

I-=6 )as da&a#ed *$ air raids and s!tt"ed in @apanese )aters in .789+ The other

t)o )ere ta4en to <ear" Bar*o!r for st!d$+ The$ )ere tested to destr!tion in .789+

C"i4 here for a *rief operationa" histor$+ No do!*t there are arhi%ed do!&ents a*o!t

the reported USN tria"s+

Sti""e does not &a4e an$ onnetion to the WWII de%e"op&ent and onstr!tion of the

Ger&an of the T$pe . U-/oat' *!t as o&&ented ear"ier' one an reasona*"$

spe!"ate that Ger&an desi#ners )ere a)are of the ear"$ de%e"op&ent )or4 *$ the

I@N+ Sti""e o&&ents on the "ar#e Ger&an in,!ene on @apanese s!*&arine desi#n !p

!nti" a*o!t .7' then #rad!a""$ the Ger&ans ret!rned ho&e and the in,!ene fadedas the @apanese *ea&e se"f-re"iant' *!t perhaps infor&a" ontats sti"" "in#ered

thro!#h the .76=s !p !nti" the )ar+

What i&pat an$ st!d$ of the ST had in re#ard to post )ar A""ied fast s!*&arine

de%e"op&ent is not 4no)n to the a!thor of this arti"e?appendix' *!t interestin#"$

Ad&ira" Ga"antin USN 3ret5' in his a!to-*io#raph$ &a4es no &ention of the ST

s!*&arine or an$ other referene to I@N in,!enes on USN post )ar s!*&arine

desi#ns' !n"i4e the detai" he #i%es a*o!t Ger&an T$pe . U-/oats in experi&enta"

ser%ie in the USN+

Sti""e te""s !s that the desi#n )as %er$ &odern' (tted )ith snor4e" and aref!""$strea&"ined )ith the de4 #!ns onea"ed+

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 The "atest onstr!tion tehni0!es )ere !sed' *!t "i4e the T$pe . U-/oat' the ST "ass

)ere not o&p"eted in ti&e to ta4e part in the )ar+

 The di&ensiona" data #i%en indiates the ST )as a "itt"e s&a""er than a /ritish WWII T

C"ass *!t )ith far &ore s!rfae and s!*&er#ed prop!"si%e po)er+ Bo)e%er the T C"ass

had &ore torpedo t!*es+ The stated ST re) of 6. is re&ar4a*"$ s&a""' *ein#o&para*"e to the 6.?6: re) of the :8= ton s!*&er#ed' /ritish U C"ass  ; C"ass+

 The ran#e )as si#ni(ant"$ "ess than &ost other I@N s!*&arines+

• Disp"ae&ent - S!rfaed .'7. tons+ S!*&er#ed .+8>= tons

• Di&ensions - Len#th >7 feet V /ea& .7 feet V Draft . feet

• Mahiner$ - t)o diese"s )ith ':>= shp dri%in# t)o shafts Ve"etri &otors >===


• /atter$ e""s - 8.7 e""s 3this is inorret and sho!"d *e 8.:9' si&p"$ a t$po5

• Speed - .>+:> 4nots s!rfaed V .7 4nots s!*&er#ed+

• Ran#e - >'== n& at .9 4nots s!rfaed V .6> n& at 6 4nots s!*&er#ed+

• Operatin# depth - 69= feet+

• Cre) - 6.

• Ar&a&ent - 1o!r . inh *o) torpedo t!*es and ten torpedoes+ T)o retrata*"e

> && #!ns' for)ard and aft of the onnin# to)er+

US &N*ST&G+T&(N &NT( TH* S$*C&+3 T$* B)B /+TT*'&*S US*) &N H&GH

S$**) &-. SU/,+'&N*S

 This in%esti#ation )as ond!ted *$ &e&*ers of the US NA;AL MISSION TECBNICAL

MISSION TO @A<AN .78> and )as of &an$ s!h in%esti#ations into @apanese na%a"

%esse"s and e0!ip&ent The &e&*ers of this Mission "itera""$ "anded )ith the

o!p$in# fores and onsisted of se%era" h!ndred USN personne" and si#ni(ant"$

fro& an historia" point of %ie)' 6 /ritish personne"+

 The parti!"ar in%esti#ation into WWII I@N s!*&arine e""s had the pri&e intentionin%esti#atin# the *atter$ e""s !sed in the reported fast I-== s!*&arines+

 The report has a "en#th$ s!&&ar$ at the *e#innin# that starts )ith the *o"d

state&ent -

The high(underwater speed submarine)s storage battery was a two cell glori'ed

automobile type with multiple thin plates. It was de'cient in electrolyte separation

and sediment space. & multitude of parallel circuits were used. It was entirely

undependable and was so recognised by the >apanese

 This da&nin# state&ent s!pported *$ onsidera*"e detai"ed in%esti#ation' as a

onse0!ene a"so da&ns the eHeti%eness of the ST no &atter )hat other %irt!es it

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had as a fast s!*&er#ed desi#n and e&phases the o%er)he"&in# i&portane of the

*atter$ in fast s!*&er#ed s!*&arines+

Extrats fro& the in%esti#ation report and o&&ents are "isted *e"o) for readers )ith

a tehnia" interest in these &atters+

 The report prefae states The I =.'I = and I =6'*!i"t in .78>' are rep!ted to

de"i%er >=== horsepo)er s!*&er#ed and to ha%e a speed of .9+6 4nots for >=


 The *atter$ )ei#hs 8.:'=== po!nds and is rated at 8'.:9 4i"o)atts at the one ho!r


 The report #i%es the n!&*er of e""s as 8'.:9 )ith t)o e""s in eah of the =


 There no is indiation of ho) the e""s )ere onneted for the hi#hest speeds *!t there

)ere 69 separate para""e" "ines onneted to ..9 e""s eah' the %o"ta#e of a eah of

the 69 "ines )as 6 %o"ts+

 The f!"" in%esti#ati%e detai" is far too "en#th$ to repeat here *!t a o&parison is &ade

to a standard US S!*&arine *atter$ e"" that has si&i"ar harateristis to that of the

t$pe na&ed as SARGO I in Appendix a+ There )ere e"" > "ar#e e""s per USN 1"eet

S!*&arine 3s!*&er#ed disp"ae&ent 8== tons5+

 The #ist of the reported )ea4nesses of the @apanese *atter$ )as that the "ife' in ter&s

of $"es of tota" )att ho!rs per po!nd )ei#ht')as "ess than .9 of the US e""

o!p"ed )ith onsidera*"e do!*t that a"" the e""s )o!"d a*"e to &aintain the re"ati%e"$hi#h FendF %o"ta#e at the one ho!r rate+

 This on"!sion )as *ased on the US e"" ha%in# a &ini&!& #!aranteed 9== $"es+ It

sho!"d noted that the "ater GU<< hi#h dishar#e s!*&arine e""s' SARGO II and the

GU<< .' Appendix A' had $"e rates of 8== and 6== respeti%e"$+ Bo)e%er the

 @apanese D e"" )as sti"" &!h "o)er at "ess than = $"es+

One )o!"d need a &ore 4no)"ed#e a*o!t post )ar US e"" desi#n and o%era"" thin4in#'

to p!rs!e this aspet of the in%esti#ation an$ f!rther+

 The US in%esti#ators onsidered the p"ate desi#n )o!"d &a4e the h$dro#en e&issionhi#h+ Good 0!a"it$ h$dro#en detetors )ere (tted *!t h$dro#en "e%e"s )ere a""o)ed to

rise dan#ero!s"$ to 9+

 The report on"!sion in"!des the state&ent - To atte&pt to o*tain "ar#e apait$

fro& a &!"tit!de of s&a"" e""s is &o%in# in the )ron# diretion +

 The in%esti#ators fo!nd that there )as a ne) e"" intended for the ST s!*&arine 3Mar4

.' t$pe 665 that )ent so&e )a$ to i&pro%in# the *atter$ *$ !sin# e""s )ith "ar#er

p"ates' *!t &an$ o*ser%ed de(ienies re&ained' not the "east )as the "o)erin# the

FendF %o"ta#e fro& .+: %o"ts to .+>+

It )as fe"t that this red!tion in FendF %o"ts &eant that "itt"e )o!"d *e #ained !sin#

these ne) e""s in the fast ST s!*&arines )ith hea%$ dishar#es+

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 The in%esti#ator re&ar4ed that @apanese *atter$ tehno"o#$ )as > to 6= $ears

*ehind that of the US and there "itt"e' if an$thin# to "earn fro& the in%esti#ation+

A rather poor photo#raph see&s to indiate the n!&ero!s e""s )ere inter-onneted

in the %ertia" p"ane as opposed to the !s!a" horionta"+

 The US in%esti#ator &ade one interestin# o&&ent that perhaps an *e app"ied in

#enera" a*o!t the *atteries of hi#h speed s!*&er#ed s!*&arines -

The use of multiple thin plats is proper design procedure for high capacity batteries

but when rates no higher than + minutes are contemplated it is useless to go below

a positive plate thickness of +.+F+ inches with +.@+ to be preferred. /egatives may

be made thinner by a special grid design with some saving in weight.


 @ohn Eade -

Perhaps it would be useful to remind readers that >apanese submarine force was a

well e-uipped technologically advanced well trained force and could have been used

with devastating results had the ideology and upper leadership been right. In light of

 >apan)s other methods of defending the homeland Qkamika<eR it may be that the

battery technologies shortfall in recharge cycles were not seen as a long term problem

+ppen!i6 &

+CN(03*)G,*NTS an! S(U'C*S

$ersona% Soures

 The infor&ation for the notes on the G!pp$ s!*&arines ha%e *een p!t to#ether fro&

detai" pro%ided *$ USN S!*;et Geor#e Arno"d )ho &ai"ed so &!h %a"!a*"e

do!&entation' as did /r!e A+ /rose4er+

Other USN S!*;ets ans)ered 0!estions *$ E-&ai" that strethed &e&ories - <atri4

Bo!seho"der' Don <r!itt' Ron Ro&er' Ro# 3Tin$5 'Ch!4 Char"ton' Ri4 Ni"sson' To&

La)son' Ti& Spoon' @ohn C"ear' Do!#"as /!hanan for&er"$ of Independene Seaport

M!se!&s - USS /e!na 3SS 6.75 and assoiated S!*;ets - Gi" Mi""er' Gar$ MNa!#ht+

 @ohn 1a4an of the USS Cod 3SS 85 Me&oria"+

 To& Spro)"' preser%ed USS C"a&a#ore 3SS 6865' <atriots <oint+ Mo!nt <"easant+ SC+

Ro#er Wa"4er' preser%ed USS /"!e*a4 3SS >.5' assoiated S!* ;et @a&es 3<at5

<atterson+ OMSI' <ort"and+

Captain Third Ran4 I#or Ko"oso%' preser%ed <roet 98. 1oxtrot' Lon# /eah+

Keith A""en+ US Mariti&e histor$ researher+

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And "ast *!t far fro& "east Ton$ <hi""ipson' Genera" Mana#er' Rah&i M KoPP MQQesi'

 T!r4e$ )ho pro%ided photo#raphs of s)ith "e%ers in the preser%ed TCG U"!PPa"ireis'

for&er"$ GIIA USS Thorn*a4 3SS 8.5+

A"*ert /irhna""' for&er Sto4er Mehani Ro$a" Na%$' retired+ BMS Sots&an .78 -


(Dia% USN Soures

Bere and here - these sites p!*"ish the ori#ina" 1"eet S!*&arine Man!a"' a #reat

exa&p"e of ho) a tehnia" &an!a" sho!"d *e prepared for the &an oinin# for the (rst

ti&e thro!#h to the needs of experiened re) - )onderf!" dra)in#s+ The detai" of the

!non%erted s!*&arine ena*"es the !nderstandin# of the onstr!tion of the

!non%erted s!*&arine+ As appropriate so&e data fro& these USN &an!a"s has *een

!sed in this arti"e in referene to pre-on%ersion detai"+

Na%<ers .9.9 @!ne .789 - S!*&arine E"etria" Insta""ations?Na%<ers .9.9. @!ne.789 - S!*&arine Main <rop!"sion Diese"s?/!rea! of Na%a" <ersonne"?+ Na%<ers .=87=

.796 - /asi En"isted S!*&arine Text' The E"etria" Insta""ations+ Na%$ Depart&ent

US NA;AL MISSION TECBNICAL MISSION TO @A<AN .78> - Operationa" Arhi%e+ Na%a"

Bistor$ Di%ision+ Washin#ton Na%$ ard+ Washin#ton' DC =6:8

N+S+A /att"e of the At"anti2 Tehnia" Inte""i#ene 1ro& A""ied Co&&!niations

Inte""i#ene-SBR-=> - U"tra in the At"anti ;o"!&e I;-Chap ; - Ger&an-@apanese

Exhan#e of Infor&ation Transri*ed and for&atted *$ Ian Wi""ia&s for the B$perWar



Septe&*er .78>-Dr M+S+ Li%in#ston - Tehniian TACTICAL <LANNING 1OR BIGB S<EED


/R 6=86' TBE DE;ELO<MENT O1 BM SU/MARINE+ A N Barrison C/' C;O' O/E' RCNC'

1RINA+ Diretor of Na%a" Constr!tion Ministr$ of Defene .79.-.799 M+O+D .7:7+

Co&pi"ed for the )e* *$ Ian Bi""*e4 and Sa& Morro)

'e%evant arti%es

<eter D B!"&e - Snor4e" in the US Na%$ - .78> on)ards 3o&pi"ed notes5+

<eter D B!"&e - BMS Sots&an - .78 Tria"s and Experi&enta" S!*&arine 3o&pi"ed


<eter D B!"&e - T C"ass Con%ersion 3o&pi"ed notes5

<eter D B!"&e - A 1resh Loo4 At The 1i%e Strea&"ined T C"ass S!*&arines Of The

.7>=s 3o&pi"ed notes5

'e2erene vo%umes

Ad&ira" I+ @+ Ga"atin' USN 3Ret5 - SU/MARINE ADMIRAL - Uni%ersit$ of I""inois <ress+.7:+

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Co&&ander @ohn D' A"den US NA; 3ret5 - TBE 1LEET SU/MARINE IN TBE US NA; -

Na%a" Instit!te <ress .7:7+

Nor&an 1ried&an - TBE <OST WAR NA;AL RE;OLUTION+ - Na%a" Instit!te <ress .7:

Nor&an 1ried&an - SU/MARINE DESIGN AND DE;ELO<MENT - Na%a" Instit!te <ress


Mar4 Sti""e - IM<ERIAL @A<ANESE NA; SU/MARINES .78.-8> *$ - Ne) ;an#!ard .6> -

Ospre$ <!*"ishin# ==:+

R$der and /!rhi"" - CONCE<TS IN SU/MARINE DESIGN' Ca&*rid#e Uni%ersit$ <ress'


Captain RN 3ret5 @ohn Coote+ SU/MARINER+ London2 Leo Cooper' .77.

Co&&ander Co&pton - Ba""' RN 3ret5 - SU/ %s SU/+ - Gr!* Street .7

Editors of Ti&eLIfe - BUNTERS O1 TBE DEE<

Mi""er and @ordan - MODERN SU/MARINE WAR1ARE - Ti#er /oo4s Internationa" <LC'



/oo4s Ltd' ==

Eri Gro%es - 1ROM ;ANGUARD TO TRIDENT - Na%a" Instit!te <ress 3Apri" .7:5