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Tech on a Budget Workshop Matt Quinn, IT Manager January 28, 2010

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This slideshow presents a survey of affordable options for non-profit organizations to create solid communications and media. Several common resources are shared in the presentation. The slideshow was presented on January 28, 2010 at a Kansas City area food agency conference.


  • Tech on a Budget Workshop Matt Quinn, IT Manager January 28, 2010
  • Tech on a Budget
    • Agenda
      • Purpose of this workshop is to introduce you to resources to advance your groups cause
      • Align technology to your organizations strategy, operations, and communications
      • Affordable technology options for your non-profit:
        • Desktop Software & Shared Network Drive
        • Communications Tools web sites, social networking
        • Donor management system
  • Desktop Software
    • Nonprofits need affordable desktop software
      • Desktop computer with Windows XP/Vista
        • Browser: Mozilla Firefox with Ad Block Plus
        • Internet security software Clamwin, Bitdefender
      • Desktop software options:
        • (freealways)
        • Microsoft Office (cheap for 501(c)3 on
      • Graphics software options:
        • GIMP2, Inkscape, Scribus (freeand open source)
        • Adobe Design CS4 (pricey)
  • Resources Free Tech Stuff
    • Free Software
      • Nonprofits with 501(c)3 status eligible for greatly reduced desktop software
      • open source
    • Free Hardware
      • Computer Ministry offers FREE computers Windows XP with OpenOffice, Network Adapter
      • Call Meridee Jordan, Coord of Community Life at 913-671-2375 or [email_address]
  • Resources More Free Stuff
    • More Free Software Food Pantry Operations
    • Free Experts KC IT Professionals (3000+)
    • KC IT Professionals Philanthropy
      • Group leverages the talent and generosity of a group of IT professionals to benefit non-profits
      • Allows local non-profits to do more with less
      • 3000+ Kansas City area IT professionals
    KC IT Professionals
    • Email KCITP2 Send a brief e-mail introducing your organization and what you need.
    • Phone call Give them 30 minutes of your time on the phone to discuss your situation.
    • Meeting Share with them the best ways for them to help you meet your goals.
    • Review a detailed proposal for work.
    KC IT Professionals - Process
  • Shared Storage
    • Nonprofits need to share key documents within your office and outside
      • Whats required?
        • Secured wireless or wired office network
      • Technology options:
        • WD MyBook World Edition ($200; Windows & Mac)
        • Google Docs (free)
      • Considerations: Security and Backup
    • Jumpstart your groups communication!
    • Develop simple, consistent, clear methods of communicating with your members and supporters through one-way methods.
      • Email Lists Google Groups, Yahoo Groups
      • Web Events - Google Calendars
      • Web Sites
    • How much time and money is involved?
    Basic Communication
  • Resources Email
    • Network for Good: The Nonprofit Email Marketing Guide,
    • One Page Guide to Google Groups E-mail, one-page-guide-to-google-groups-e-mail-lists/
    • Interactive, two-way communication enabling groups to engage supporters.
      • Social Networks Facebook, Twitter, MySpace
      • Blogs
    • Here Comes Everybody dont be afraid to try and fail
    New Communication
  • Examples Social Media
    • Twitter for fundraising
    • Facebook advocacy, fundraising
      • Causes
      • Facebook Birthdays
    • Network for Good
      • Clearinghouse allows groups to receive donations
      • Charity Badges - GO TO SITE
  • Twitter- Harvesters
  • Facebook - HAIC
  • Resources Social Media
    • What is Facebook? Facebook 101: Ten Things
    • What is Twitter?
    • The 3 Es of Twitter
    • Blogging: An Introduction
  • Media
    • Dont wait for the news, make your own news!
    • Use Internet tools to publish and distribute your own story or information.
      • Video sites YouTube, others
      • Photo sites Flickr, Picasa
      • Audio sites Libsyn, iTunes
      • Press Releases NowPublic, KC Star Press Central
  • Media - YouTube
  • Media - Flickr
  • Build a Web Site
    • Nonprofits that communicate with clients, financial donors, and volunteers need a web site to inform and engage .
      • Develop a communication plan first.
      • Web site options:
        • Build-your-own using DreamWeaver, FrontPage, or with Content Management System (Joomla, Drupal)
        • Web as a Service Wild Apricot, Nonprofit Soapbox
        • Does your web site need to integrate with a Donor System to track financial donors and volunteers?
  • Steps to Build a Web Site
    • 1. Register Your Domain Name
    • 2. Evaluate Your Needs
    • 3. Pick a Web Development Tool or Service
    • 4. Think About How You Will Integrate Your New Site with Your Existing Tools & Media
    • 5. Recruit Web Experts, if Needed
  • Resources Web Sites
    • Tips for Designing (or Redesigning) a Nonprofit Web Site http://
    • A Nonprofits Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites
    • Idealware: Comparing Lower-Cost Online Integrated Apps
  • Donor Management System
    • Nonprofits that solicit from individuals, corporations, and foundations need software to manage donors & volunteers
      • Some nonprofits want to manage all communication with their constituents
      • Follow a guide for selecting a donor management system:
        • Start with an assessment of your organization
        • Work with an expert!
  • Resources Donors
    • NPower Seattle Selecting Donor Management Software - selecting-donor-management-software
    • Idealware A Consumers Guide to Low Cost Donor Management Systems -
  • Questions?
    • Matt Quinn
      • Twitter:
      • Facebook:
      • Blog: