using sprinklers/sprinkler systems · 2015. 3. 26. · using sprinklers/sprinkler systems. check...

Using Sprinklers/Sprinkler Systems Check sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good repair. Adjust the timer on automatic sprinklers according to sea- sonal water demands and weather conditions. Install a rain shut-off device on automatic sprinklers to elim- inate unneeded applications. Make sure your sprinkler is placed so it only waters the lawn, not the pavement. Avoid sprinklers that spray a fine mist, which increases evaporation. Try Drip Irrigation Install a drip irrigation system for watering gardens, trees and shrubs. Drip irrigation provides a slow, steady trickle of water to plants at their roots through a network of hid- den pipes and hoses. The systems are regulated by a con- troller that can be adjusted for different levels of watering according to the needs of the plants. Drip irrigation systems reduce over-watering, inefficient watering, weed growth, and the time and labor involved in hand watering. —Information compiled from various sources, including the American Water Works Association (AWWA) WaterWiser Home: ( S S S S S JUNE 2007 Plant Type March and October April thru September Turf 1 time every 4 to 7 days Every third day Trees/Shrubs 1 time every 5 to 7 days 1 to 2 times per week Ground Cover 1 time every 7 to 10 days 2 to 3 times per week Irrigation Frequency (Days/Week) N ow that warm weather is here to lure us back outside, take a look at your irrigation requirements so that you don’t waste water or get shocked by a high water bill. Did you know that homes with in-ground sprinkler sys- tems use 35% more water outdoors than those who do not have an in-ground system? Here are a few things to check that will help you make the best use of your spring and sum- mer outdoor water use, and help you save money: Don’t Water More Than Necessary Application should be 1 to 1 1/2 inches of wa- ter per seven-day period. It is important to count all periods of rainfall. When to Water Early morning watering (be- fore 5 a.m.) is best. Avoid watering dur- ing the hours of peak usage—between 5 and 9 a.m. and 5 and 9 p.m. Don’t water during the middle of the day or on windy days, since as much as 30% can be lost to evaporation! How to Water Water in several short sessions rather than one long one. For example, three ten minute sessions spaced 30 minutes to an hour apart will allow your lawn to better absorb moisture than one straight 30 minute session. Only water when your lawn is thirsty. Over-watering pro- motes shallow root growth making your lawn less hardy. (To determine if your lawn needs to be watered, simply walk across the grass. If you leave footprints, it’s time to water.) Install moisture sensors in each irrigation zone (sunny, shady, etc.) to better determine irrigation needs. Basic “Rule of Thumb” Water Usage Guide If you have an irrigation system, and Your system has 5 zones (the average); and Each zone dispenses 15 gallons per minute; and Each zone runs for 20 minutes; And if— You water the yard 10 times a month, (or every 3rd day in season), and The watering season is 8 months; then You will use 15,000 gallons of water per month. S S S Hurricane Season Begins June 1st: Are you prepared? Get instructions for shutting off your water supply, turning off your hot wa- ter heater, collecting and storing water for drinking and household use and more on our website— Click on “Conser- vation Tips and Other Information” tab in the main navigation bar on the left side of the page, then choose “Hurricane Preparation Tips” from the menu.

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Page 1: Using Sprinklers/Sprinkler Systems · 2015. 3. 26. · Using Sprinklers/Sprinkler Systems. Check sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good repair

Using Sprinklers/Sprinkler SystemsCheck sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good repair.

Adjust the timer on automatic sprinklers according to sea-sonal water demands and weather conditions.

Install a rain shut-off device on automatic sprinklers to elim-inate unneeded applications.

Make sure your sprinkler is placed so it only waters the lawn, not the pavement.

Avoid sprinklers that spray a fine mist, which increases evaporation.

Try Drip Irrigation Install a drip irrigation system for watering gardens, trees and shrubs. Drip irrigation provides a slow, steady trickle of water to plants at

their roots through a network of hid-den pipes and hoses. The systems are regulated by a con-troller that can be adjusted for different levels of watering according to the needs of the plants. Drip irrigation systems reduce over-watering, inefficient watering, weed growth, and the time and labor involved in hand watering.

—Information compiled from various sources, including the American Water Works Association (AWWA) WaterWiser Home: (






JUNE 2007

Plant Type March and October April thru SeptemberTurf 1 time every 4 to 7 days Every third dayTrees/Shrubs 1 time every 5 to 7 days 1 to 2 times per weekGround Cover 1 time every 7 to 10 days 2 to 3 times per week

Irrigation Frequency (Days/Week)Now that warm weather is here to lure us back outside, take a look at your irrigation requirements so that you

don’t waste water or get shocked by a high water bill.

Did you know that homes with in-ground sprinkler sys-tems use 35% more water outdoors than those who do not have an in-ground system? Here are a few things to check that will help you make the best use of your spring and sum-mer outdoor water use, and help you save money:

Don’t Water More Than NecessaryApplication should be 1 to 11/2 inches of wa-ter per seven-day period. It is important to count all periods of rainfall.

When to WaterEarly morning watering (be-fore 5 a.m.) is best. Avoid watering dur-ing the hours of peak usage—between 5 and 9 a.m. and 5 and 9 p.m.

Don’t water during the middle of the day or on windy days, since as much as 30% can be lost to evaporation!

How to WaterWater in several short sessions rather than one long one. For example, three ten minute sessions spaced 30 minutes to an hour apart will allow your lawn to better absorb moisture than one straight 30 minute session.

Only water when your lawn is thirsty. Over-watering pro-motes shallow root growth making your lawn less hardy. (To determine if your lawn needs to be watered, simply walk across the grass. If you leave footprints, it’s time to water.)

Install moisture sensors in each irrigation zone (sunny, shady, etc.) to better determine irrigation needs.

Basic “Rule of Thumb” Water Usage GuideIf you have an irrigation system, andYour system has 5 zones (the average); andEach zone dispenses 15 gallons per minute; and Each zone runs for 20 minutes;And if—You water the yard 10 times a month, (or every 3rd day in season), andThe watering season is 8 months; thenYou will use 15,000 gallons of water per month.




Hurricane Season Begins June 1st: Are you prepared?Get instructions for shutting off your water supply, turning off your hot wa-

ter heater, collecting and storing water for drinking and household use and more on our website— Click on “Conser-vation Tips and Other Information” tab in the main navigation bar on the left side of the page, then choose “Hurricane Preparation Tips” from the menu.

Page 2: Using Sprinklers/Sprinkler Systems · 2015. 3. 26. · Using Sprinklers/Sprinkler Systems. Check sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good repair

Page 2

MPW Operations Center1619 Rifle Range Road

Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

884-9626 • 884-4858 (fax)[email protected] requests received before 12 noon will be processed the same day. Those

received after 12 noon will be processed the following business day.

• • •

We need to keep in touch!

Has your phone number or email address changed since you signed up for service?

Please add the informa-tion to your payment stub or email the information to: customerser [email protected]. Thanks for help-ing us update our database.


You may have noticed that the Operations Center is undergoing major repairs, but it won’t affect

our customers’ coming and going. Just park out front and come

on in, or use the drive-thru window. We’re open for

business as usual.

A Friendly Reminder

Tier Charges resumed May 1st. The rates are based on use as follows:Volumetric Rates per 1000 gallons

RegularTier 1 — 0 - 9,200 gallons$2.93 / 1000 gallons

Excessive Use ChargesTier 2 — 9,201 - 18,400 gallons$5.86 / 1000 gallons

Tier 3 — 18,401 - 27,600 gallons $8.79 / 1000 gallons

Tier 4 — 27,601 or more gallons$11.72 / 1000 gallons

• • •

Diameter of Flow Gallons/Month 1/4-inch 393,834 3/16-inch 222,000 1/8-inch 98,667 1/16-inch 24,667

Water Fun from Blessing of the Fleet April 29th

Cameron Hayes shows his

“water enthusiasm” . . .

Molly Ouellet and her Dad Jim

get some cool, cool water . . .

Fun with the Magic Faucet . . .

Howdy Neighbors,

There’s no time like the present to help those in need, and we have a program to make it so easy to give!

Just tell us you want to “Round-UP” your MPW pay-ment to the next highest dollar beginning with your next bill. The change will go into a fund for either East Coo-per Community Outreach (ECCO), or Water Missions International (WMI)—your choice.

Call us at 884-9626 and a Customer Service represen-tative will help you, or you can go to our website and sign up online at

We also have an online sign up for one-time or month-ly donations to ECCO, WMI—or both, if you like (with Round-UP, it’s either/or). Just click on the Customer Service tab on the left side of the page, then the Charit-able Contributions link on the drop-down menu, and follow the instructions from there.

The MPW Commission Newsletter Water Lines is produced in-house and mailed to customers each month with bills and statements. Current and past issues can also be viewed and downloaded from our website:



Have you checked the outside faucets on your home lately? What about the irriga-tion system? Water leaks will cause your wa-ter bill to be out of sight if you have a steady leak, even if it’s only a few drips a minute.

Calculate the potential water loss (and money wasted!) with a few simple checks:

A dripping faucet or fix-ture can waste 3 gallons a day, a total of 1095 gallons a year! A continuous leak —at a system pressure of 60 pounds per square inch (psi)—would waste water in the amounts shown in the table.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCustomers and the general public are invited to attend the following meeting to be held in the canteen of the MPW Op-erations Center, 1619 Rifle Range Road:

June 18th: 6:00 p.m. Annual Meeting to Adopt the MPW Business Plan and the Proposed Operat-ing and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year 2008.