using primary blogger to start a class blog

Blogging to enhance learning.

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Blogging to enhance learning.

Why Blog?

World Wide Audience Giving Voice

Link Home and School

Celebrate Success

New Ways of Working

What is a blog?




Activity One: Answer these questions with the

people next to you.

What blogs do you read?

Have you used a class or year group blog before?

How to Blog?Login

How to Blog?



Quick Access

Creating and Editing Posts

Date and Time centric content - This is where daily lessons, work etc is shared.

Creating and Editing Posts

Activity Two: With your year group colleagues,

complete the following:

1. Edit the already existing post, to create an explanation for your class.

2. Create a post with an image that you could use in class in the next


Creating and Editing Pages

Static Content - Accessible by the homepage menu bar. This is where you should keep content that aids/supports students.

Creating and Editing Pages

Activity Three: With your year group colleagues,

complete the following:

1. Edit the already existing page, to create an about us page.

2. Create a new page, to display blogging rules or e-safety tips.

Ideas for Post Content

Published Writing AV Content


Praiseworthy work

Lesson Links Embed content

How to blog successfully

Create an audience:Use QR Codes, Twitter, letters home, Quad Blogging.

Make it part of learning and do it regularly:Plan between 1 and 3 uses of the blog in the normal life of your class.

Share Control:Make sure that your pupils and support staff are part of the process

Promote Conversation:Ask questions, or give feedback and improvement time. Get the children talking.

Try new things: Steal ideas from other people and share things that have worked with other colleagues.

Activity Four:

Look at the following blogs:

Any Questions?