using odi user functions to dynamically inject sql into interfaces

About White Papers Contact Posted by Maciek on May 19, 2013 in Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), Training I’d like to share with you a recipe that demonstrates the power which the combination of ODI functions and Java BeanShell scripting techniques can provide. Before I do so I will briefly describe the issue we recently had as a background for the use case. Doesn’t matter which programming language or tool you use, it’s a widely known good practice not to hardcode static values into your code. I’m talking here about various ‘configuration’ like values used within the code itself: thresholds, whitelists, blacklists, capex values etc.. During the code development phase those may very well seem static but later when product has gone live it is often required to adjust them which may even result in a hotfix case in the worst scenario. To prevent it the values can be provided in many alternative ways including registry, ini and XML files or just anything sourced from network connection. The ODI is no exception here and the generic purpose parameter table seem like the natural way to handle such situations. The problem may occur when such value is to be used in an ODI interface directly. In the case we had the large table had to be filtered using such metadata stored parameter. One way to do this would be to pull in that table directly into the interface. It could be then used in the join: Unfortunately, as would really expect, the join condition: DS.DAY_DATE>to_date(P.VALUE,‘YYYYMMDD’) AND KEY=‘LAST_PROGRESS_DATE’ doesn’t make a great query execution plan: What we can alternatively do is to pass it as a regular filter in the SUBQUERY form: Using ODI user functions to dynamically inject SQL into Interfaces | BI... 1 of 8 7/19/2013 10:37 AM

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Posted by Maciek on May 19, 2013 in Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), Training

I’d like to share with you a recipe that demonstrates the power which the combination of ODI functions and Java BeanShell scriptingtechniques can provide.Before I do so I will briefly describe the issue we recently had as a background for the use case.

Doesn’t matter which programming language or tool you use, it’s a widely known good practice not to hardcode static values into your code.

I’m talking here about various ‘configuration’ like values used within the code itself: thresholds, whitelists, blacklists, capex values etc..

During the code development phase those may very well seem static but later when product has gone live it is often required to adjust them which may even result in a

hotfix case in the worst scenario.

To prevent it the values can be provided in many alternative ways including registry, ini and XML files or just anything sourced from network connection.

The ODI is no exception here and the generic purpose parameter table seem like the natural way to handle such situations.

The problem may occur when such value is to be used in an ODI interface directly.

In the case we had the large table had to be filtered using such metadata stored parameter.

One way to do this would be to pull in that table directly into the interface.

It could be then used in the join:

Unfortunately, as would really expect, the join condition:


doesn’t make a great query execution plan:

What we can alternatively do is to pass it as a regular filter in the SUBQUERY form:

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It doesn’t improve it a bit. Still the INDEX RANGE SCAN is performed.

Both queries take between 40minutes to 1hour.

I can almost hear you shouting “Why don’t you use an ODI variable for it?” and you’re damn right, this would solve the problem.

When static value is used the query filter


changes the plan to simply do the FULL TABLE scan which it should do in the first place;

Using an ODI variable however has also some downsides.Each parameter introduces an overhead of dedicated ODI variable. This in practice translates to wrapping interface in the Package with separate declaration and separate

refresh step.

Very often such parameters would use the same source for it but it still requires separate refresh definition. What I have in mind here is the elegant solution seen in OBIEE

where variables are just different columns which can then share the same execution block.

Another thing is that with the complex logic the number of parameters usually grows fast which simply makes it difficult to manage.

Last but not least is the fact that it makes debugging difficult. Variables by default are not seen in the operator.

This can make it even harder to find out what’s happened on Production at some point in time when log is the only thing you left with.

I said ‘by default’ as there are ways to achive it. Prior to ODI version the variable could be only printed using tricks like throwingand ignoring exceptions or switching history for variable, neither one elegant. From that version onwards there’s variable tracking featurebut again as this requires running code with log level higher than 6 something not enabled by default, especially in productionenvironment.

It turns out that with a bit of Java BeanShell scripting such parameter values can be sourced in a run-time from the database and substituted in the right place just before

the query runs.

To make the code reusable we will wrap the Java BeanShell code into the function with the syntax defined as


The first parameter $(SQL) would just specify a full text of the query to return the parameter value. This is the equivalent of ODI Variablerefresh SQL text.The second one, $(AT) would specify which connection that refresh statement should be executed at. It should only take the values either “DEST”, “SRC” or

“WORKREP”. Yes, it’s possible to get runtime repository values too!

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The “SRC” might be very useful when “Command on Source/Command on Target” is used or simply when some different than Target schema is to be used for getting

parameter value.

The implementation goes as following:


java.sql.Connection targConnection = odiRef.getJDBCConnection(“$(AT)”);

java.sql.Statement s = targConnection.createStatement();

String query=“$(SQL)”;

java.sql.ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(query);

if (



throw new Exception(“Query “+query+” in UDF failed.”);



Now the name for our function. As you can see from the screenshot above, it is different from the one in the syntax.I didn’t mention it before but this is where another trick comes in.

We can actually make the second function parameter optional.

While this is directly possible in many programming languages it’s not in ODI and what we need to do here instead is to leverage anotherparadigm taken from programming world called function overloading.This will be achieved by creating another function that takes one parameter and executes the original one passing it and hardcoding the second one.

The name used in the syntax for both will be the same but the syntax itself will be obviously different:

ODI function name ODI function syntax implementation



The second’s function implementation simply calls the first one transparently passing the same SQL and defaulting the $(AT) parameter with DEST value:


Thanks to it, the user can specify the second parameter or skip it whereby the ‘DEST’ would be used instead.ODI will analyze the function call format used in the Interface and based on that will substitute relevant function.

I should also mention here there’s an ODI bug that may prevent from linking to the right function.I discovered the order in which functions are created plays a role here (values of internal ODI Object IDs?).

This means if we create the the ‘wrapper’ one first, ODI will assume there’s a recurrence call even within the function even when the calldoesn’t match the function syntax. It can be easily diagnosed by expanding and examining ‘uses’ contents under the function itself. Thefollowing indicates wrong recurrence:

If you created the functions in the order as described in this post you should see the calls are resolved properly:

Coming back to our use case, those functions then allow using the SQL queries directly in the interface. The SQL filter below:

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will be substituted nicely with

DS.DAY_DATE > date’2013‐01‐13′

which in brings down the query time to less than 3 minutes.

It’s not everything, the source schema for parameter table doesn’t need to be hardcoded either!

A function with nested substitution API call would work in the same way:

DS.DAY_DATE > SUBST_QUERY_RESULT_VAL(SELECT ‘date”’||value||”” FROM ”+odiRef.getObjectName(“C_PARAMETER”)+”


Please note that this ODI function call has one limitation though – The SQL parameter has to be all expressed within one line, doesn’t matter how long.

This however, with yet another trick can be lifted too.

You can learn about it and plenty of other useful ODI scripting techniques at the training we will have available soon.

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Vinod on May 23, 2013

Hi Maciek,

Thanks a ton..!!!!!It Worked well ….It’s a great stuff..!!!!I am a regular follower of ur blog…i like the stuff that u guys share on this blog.

Once again thank u very muchRegardsVinod

Vinod on May 22, 2013

Can u please send me the odi code which u described in this articleas ,so that i can import and test at my end.

Vinod on May 22, 2013

Hi Maciek,

I have used Java BeanShell as Technology for both UDF’s(SUBST_QUERY_RESULT_VAL_AT and

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i have tested with ur Sql provided to me

Select 5 from dual

still no luck, gettin same error ” Caused By: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00936: missing expression ”

I have created a procedure and executed the java code

this code is working fine and returning desired case expression as result

when use UDF it doesn’t work …

any alter native way to my situation….


Vinod on May 21, 2013

The Queries posted below is my exact requirement that i want to achieve using UDF.

Vinod on May 21, 2013

Please find the sql generated :

WITH clsif_list AS (SELECT clsif.clsif_type_cde clsif_type_cde,CASE WHEN ctp.clsif_type_desc IS NULL THENSUBST_QUERY_RESULT_VAL(SELECT FRAMEWRK_TRANSFORM_PKG.FUNC_CONSISTENT_UNKNOWN(‘COL1′,SYSDATE) FROM DUAL)ELSE ctp.clsif_type_descEND clsif_type_desc,clsif.clsif_cde clsif_cde,CASE WHEN clsif.clsif_desc IS NULL THENSUBST_QUERY_RESULT_VAL(SELECT FRAMEWRK_TRANSFORM_PKG.FUNC_CONSISTENT_UNKNOWN(‘COL1′,SYSDATE) FROM DUAL)ELSE clsif.clsif_descEND clsif_desc,clsif.clsif_type_cde||chr(246)||clsif.clsif_cde clsif_cluster_keyFROM TAB1 clsif,TAB2 ctpWHERE clsif.clsif_type_cde = ctp.clsif_type_cde


the sql i want to pass as input to UDF is


the SQl Generate the case statement at run time i want use that in my interface.

here is the output it generates at run time


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Vinod on May 20, 2013

this filter condition i have used in my interface


Vinod on May 20, 2013

Hi ,

I have created the odi user defined functions as described in the above post.when i try to use the UDF in interface i am getting error.the below error, please help in using this function in interface .I have verfied the sql i am passing and aligned in single line but still facing the below issue

ODI-1227: Task SrcSet0 (Loading) fails on the source ORACLE connection OE_SRC.Caused By: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00936: missing expression

at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout( oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal( oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery( oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery( oracle.odi.query.JDBCTemplate.executeQuery( oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLDataProvider.readData( oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLDataProvider.readData( com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.processTask( com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.treatTask( com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatAttachedTasks( com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatSessStep( com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.treatSession( oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor$2.doAction( oracle.odi.core.persistence.dwgobject.DwgObjectTemplate.execute( oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor.doProcessStartSessTask( oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor.access$0($StartSessTask.doExecute( oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.task.AgentTask.execute($

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