using mobile phones to write in air - university at buffalolusu/cse721/papers/phonepoint pen using...

Using Mobile Phones to Write in Air Sandip Agrawal Department of ECE Duke University Ionut Constandache Department of CS Duke University Shravan Gaonkar Department of CS University of Illinois Romit Roy Choudhury Department of ECE Duke University Kevin Cave Speech Pathology & Audiology Duke Medical School Frank DeRuyter Speech Pathology & Audiology Duke Medical School ABSTRACT The ability to note down small pieces of information, quickly and easily, can be useful. This paper proposes a system called PhonePoint Pen that uses the in-built ac- celerometer in mobile phones to recognize human hand- writing. By holding the phone like a pen, an user should be able to write short messages or draw simple diagrams in the air. The acceleration due to hand gestures can be trans- lated into geometric strokes, and recognized as characters. The geometric images and/or characters can then be sent to the user’s email address for future reference. We imple- mented the PhonePoint Pen on the Nokia N95 platform, and evaluated it through real users. Results show that en- glish characters can be identified with a median accuracy of 83%, if the users conform to a few constraints. Our ongoing and future work is focused on iteratively eliminating these constraints, with the prospect of developing a new input technology for personal devices. 1. INTRODUCTION Imagine the following scenario. While driving to of- fice, Leslie stops at a traffic light. As she mentally sifts through her tasks for the day, she remembers that she needs to call her friend, Jane, very soon. Since Leslie tends to forget her personal commitments, she decides to make a note of this task. Therefore, while keep- ing her gaze on the traffic lights, she reaches for her phone from the pocket, and by holding it like a pen, she writes “JANE” in the air. She also gestures a check- mark to email the written note to herself. She does not look at any of these hand-gestures she makes. Once in her office, she finds an email in her mailbox that reads “PhonePoint Pen – JANE”. Leslie calls Jane, talks to her, and deletes the email. The figure below shows the out- put of writing Jane using PhonePoint Pen. The above is a fictional scenario, however, represen- tative of a niche in pervasive computing applications. In particular, we believe that there is a class of appli- cations that will benefit from a technology that can quickly and effortlessly “note down” short pieces of in- formation. Although existing technologies have made important advances to meet the needs, the quality of user-experience can perhaps be improved. We discuss some avenues of improvement, and motivate the po- tential of PhonePoint Pens. Typing an SMS, while popular among the youth, has been unpopular among a moderate section of society. Studies report user dissatisfaction with mobile phone typing [1, 2, 3]. The major sources of discomfort arise from small key sizes, short inter-key spacings, and the need for multi-tapping in some phone keyboards. With increasingly smaller phones, keyboard sizes may de- crease, exacerbating the problem of physical typing. Even if future keyboards [4] improve the typing expe- rience, some problems may still persist. While walking, or with one hand occupied, typing in information may be inconvenient. Using the mobile phone accelerome- ter to capture hand gestures, and carefully laying them out in text or image, can improve the user experience. The ability to write without having to look at the phone keypad may offer an added advantage. One may argue that voice recorder applications on mo- bile phones may be an easy way to input short pieces of information. However, searching and editing voice- recorded content is difficult (unless processed through a separate speech-to-text software). Further, browsing through multiple voice messages is time-consuming. Writing in air, and converting them to typed text, may alleviate these problems. Current approaches are largely ad hoc. People use whatever is quickly reachable, including pen-and- paper, sticky notes, one’s own palm, etc. None of these 1

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Page 1: Using Mobile Phones to Write in Air - University at Buffalolusu/cse721/papers/PhonePoint Pen Using Mobile... · as from speech-impaired patients in Duke Hospital, were positive. The

Using Mobile Phones to Write in Air

Sandip AgrawalDepartment of ECE

Duke University

Ionut ConstandacheDepartment of CSDuke University

Shravan GaonkarDepartment of CSUniversity of Illinois

Romit Roy ChoudhuryDepartment of ECE

Duke University

Kevin CaveSpeech Pathology & Audiology

Duke Medical School

Frank DeRuyterSpeech Pathology & Audiology

Duke Medical School

ABSTRACTThe ability to note down small pieces of information,quickly and easily, can be useful. This paper proposes asystem called PhonePoint Pen that uses the in-built ac-celerometer in mobile phones to recognize human hand-writing. By holding the phone like a pen, an user shouldbe able to write short messages or draw simple diagrams inthe air. The acceleration due to hand gestures can be trans-lated into geometric strokes, and recognized as characters.The geometric images and/or characters can then be sentto the user’s email address for future reference. We imple-mented the PhonePoint Pen on the Nokia N95 platform,and evaluated it through real users. Results show that en-glish characters can be identified with a median accuracy of83%, if the users conform to a few constraints. Our ongoingand future work is focused on iteratively eliminating theseconstraints, with the prospect of developing a new inputtechnology for personal devices.

1. INTRODUCTIONImagine the following scenario. While driving to of-fice, Leslie stops at a traffic light. As she mentally siftsthrough her tasks for the day, she remembers that sheneeds to call her friend, Jane, very soon. Since Leslietends to forget her personal commitments, she decidesto make a note of this task. Therefore, while keep-ing her gaze on the traffic lights, she reaches for herphone from the pocket, and by holding it like a pen,she writes “JANE” in the air. She also gestures a check-mark to email the written note to herself. She does notlook at any of these hand-gestures she makes. Once inher office, she finds an email in her mailbox that reads“PhonePoint Pen – JANE”. Leslie calls Jane, talks to her,and deletes the email. The figure below shows the out-put of writing Jane using PhonePoint Pen.

The above is a fictional scenario, however, represen-

tative of a niche in pervasive computing applications.In particular, we believe that there is a class of appli-cations that will benefit from a technology that canquickly and effortlessly “note down” short pieces of in-formation. Although existing technologies have madeimportant advances to meet the needs, the quality ofuser-experience can perhaps be improved. We discusssome avenues of improvement, and motivate the po-tential of PhonePoint Pens.

Typing an SMS, while popular among the youth, hasbeen unpopular among a moderate section of society.Studies report user dissatisfaction with mobile phonetyping [1, 2, 3]. The major sources of discomfort arisefrom small key sizes, short inter-key spacings, and theneed for multi-tapping in some phone keyboards. Withincreasingly smaller phones, keyboard sizes may de-crease, exacerbating the problem of physical typing.

Even if future keyboards [4] improve the typing expe-rience, some problems may still persist. While walking,or with one hand occupied, typing in information maybe inconvenient. Using the mobile phone accelerome-ter to capture hand gestures, and carefully laying themout in text or image, can improve the user experience.The ability to write without having to look at the phonekeypad may offer an added advantage.

One may argue that voice recorder applications on mo-bile phones may be an easy way to input short piecesof information. However, searching and editing voice-recorded content is difficult (unless processed througha separate speech-to-text software). Further, browsingthrough multiple voice messages is time-consuming.Writing in air, and converting them to typed text, mayalleviate these problems.

Current approaches are largely ad hoc. People usewhatever is quickly reachable, including pen-and-paper, sticky notes, one’s own palm, etc. None of these


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scale because they are not always handy, and more im-portantly, not always connected to the Internet. Thus,hurriedly noted information gets scattered, making in-formation organization and retrieval hard.

This paper proposes to use the in-built accelerometer inmodern mobile phones as a quick and ubiquitous wayof capturing (short) written information. The problemdefinition bears similarity to known problems in gesturerecognition. However, as we will see later, recognizingactual alphabets in air (using the phone processor, anoisy accelerometer, and no software training), raisesa number of new challenges. For instance, as a partof writing the alphabet “A” on paper, one must write“/\” first, lift and reposition the pen on the paper, andthen write the “—”. When writing in air, the phonecannot easily say which part of the hand-movementis intended to be the “re-positioning” of the pen. Theproblem is further complicated by the inherent noisein mobile phone accelerometers, the user’s involuntarywrist-rotation, and practical difficulties in deriving dis-placement from noisy acceleration. The PhonePointPen addresses majority of these challenges by treat-ing the accelerometer readings as a digital signal, andsuccessively refining it through simple numerical andsignal processing algorithms. The simplicity is impor-tant to ensure that the operations can be performed onthe phone processor. Once individual geometric move-ments have been tracked, their sequence of occurrenceis matched against a decision tree (a simple grammar).The outcome of the matching operation yields the en-glish character.

The PhonePoint Pen is not yet like a true pen-in-the-air,and requires the user to get used to a few soft con-straints. Users that do not rotate their wrists whilemoving, do not write too fast, and write 15-inch sizedcapital letters, achieve an average accuracy of 83%.with english alphabets. The geometric representationof the characters (shown as 2D images) are quite legi-ble, except in 23% cases. The performance degrades asthese constraints get violated, such as with new users.However, after writing around 20 characters, mostusers observed greater than 70% accuracy. Surveys andverbal feedback from random student users, as wellas from speech-impaired patients in Duke Hospital,were positive. The absence of visual feedback whilewriting did not appear to be a concern at all. Whilemore research is certainly necessary, our current find-ings give us confidence that the PhonePoint Pen couldbecome a publicly-usable technology in the near future.

The conception of the ideas and a preliminary designof the PhonePoint Pen (P3) was published in MobiHeld2009 [5], a workshop collocated with ACM Sigcomm.

Besides a mature design, full implementation, and areal-user based evaluation of the system, this paperadds a number of functional capabilities:

1. The workshop version was only capable of geo-metric representations of characters; this paper al-lows for actual character recognition leading to(editable/searchable) text.

2. The workshop version focused on identifying asingle character, while this paper attempts to rec-ognize transitions from one character to another,forming words.

3. The workshop version used a back-end server forprocessing; this paper is capable of on-phone anal-ysis, and can display the results on the phone’sscreen with 2-3 seconds latency.

4. Finally, this paper adds a few miscellaneous fea-tures such as character deletion, spaces betweencharacters, digit recognition, and the ability toemail with a gesture (a check-mark in the air).

The overall system is implemented on the platform ofNokia N95 phones using Python as the programmingplatform. The PhonePoint Pen demo video, and otherrelated information, is available at:

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section2 discusses the potential use-cases for the PhonePointPen. The core design challenges are discussed in Sec-tion 3, followed by the system design and algorithms inSection 4. The implementation and evaluation is pre-sented in Section 5. Section 6 discusses some of theremaining research challenges, and the related work isvisited in Section 7. Finally, the paper closes with asummary in Section 8.

2. USE CASESWe present some use-cases for the PhonePoint Pen (P3).These are not necessarily to express the utility of cur-rent system; instead they are a vision of the future.However, where applicable, we show examples fromour current system.

Assistive Communications for Impaired Patients: TheSpeech Pathology and Surgery division of Duke MedicalSchool expressed keen interest in using the PhonePointPen as an assistive technology for impaired patients.Several patients suffer from inherent speech impair-ments, or experience similar conditions after surgeries.War veterans may have lost fingers, while others maylack finger-dexterity for typing on keypads. Yet, thesepatients are often capable of broad hand gestures, such


Page 3: Using Mobile Phones to Write in Air - University at Buffalolusu/cse721/papers/PhonePoint Pen Using Mobile... · as from speech-impaired patients in Duke Hospital, were positive. The

as in sign-languages. PhonePoint Pen can prove tobe of assistance to such patients. It may permit asmall degree of impromptu communication betweena speech/hearing-impaired patient and someone whodoes not understand sign-languages. We have per-formed 15-minute experiments with 5 real patients atthe Duke Hospital, and discussed the applicability ofthe system with surgeons, care-givers, and healthcareadvisors. As discussed later, the PhonePoint Pen wasmet with high enthusiasm.

One-handed Use: People often have one of their handsoccupied, perhaps because they are carrying a suitcase,a baby, or holding onto the rails in a moving train. P3allows one-handed actions, approximating the experi-ence of a pen/pencil. Besides, users can write wordswithout looking at their hands. Even if the charactersoverlap in space, P3 can identify them individually andlay them out as regular text. The word below is writtenin air without looking at the hand movement.

Equations and Sketching: One of the students who vol-unteered to test the system suggested the possibility ofquickly writing equations in the air. Equations are diffi-cult to write with regular phone keyboards, and P3 maybe convenient. Other use-cases involve sketching sim-ple diagrams. While explaining an idea over the phone,a person could quickly draw a simple figure and send itto her caller. On similar lines, one may sketch drivingdirections, or draw out a desired food item (e.g., fish)in a foreign country’s restaurant. At present, P3 is un-able to draw figures with high reliability – the followingfish and equation were drawn in 2 attempts each.

Mashing with Cameras: While attending a seminar,imagine the ability to take a picture of a particularslide, and write out a quick note in the air. The phonecan superimpose the text on the slide, and email it tothe user. Photos in a party or picnic, may similarly becaptioned immediately after they are taken.

Emergency Operations and First Responders: The De-partment of Homeland Security (DoHS) has expressedinterest in PhonePoint Pen as a quick input method thatdoes not require the user’s visual focus. Emergency sce-narios are often unsuitable for typing, or even talkingon the phone, because the observer may be engaged inlooking at the events around her. The ability to observeand gesture at the same time is anticipated to have

value in these situations.

While the above use-cases are specific to phone-basedapplications, the basic idea of writing-in-air can be gen-eralized to other devices and applications (e.g., a TVremote control could allow users to write “17” in theair to switch to channel 17). With this range of appli-cations in mind, we visit the design of the PhonePointPen, next.

3. CORE CHALLENGESExisting devices, such as the Wii remote [6], have theability to identify hand gestures with reasonably goodaccuracy. However, most of these devices are more re-sourceful in terms of hardware and battery, and severaloffer visual cues to their users (perhaps through a mon-itor or a TV). Commodity mobile phones are embed-ded with low-cost sensors and constrained by limitedbattery power. This magnifies the inherent problems inair-writing. We begin with a discussion of these core re-search challenges, and our approaches alongside eachof them. Thereafter, we assemble these blocks into afunctional prototype.

(1) Filtering Hand Rotation without GyroscopeIssue: Nokia N95 phones are equipped with a 3-axisaccelerometer that detects acceleration in the X, Y, andZ directions. Figure 2(b) shows an example of rawaccelerometer readings on each of the 3 axes. Theaccelerometers measure linear movement along eachaxis, but cannot detect rotation. Hence, if the humangrip rotates while writing, the reference frame of accel-eration gets affected. Existing devices like “Wii MotionPlus” and Airmouse employ a gyroscope to discriminaterotation [7, 8]. In the absence of gyroscopes in phones,preventing the rotational motion is a problem.

Proposed Approach: We begin with a brief functionalexplanation of the gyroscope. Consider the positionof a gyroscope-enabled phone (GEP) at time t = t0 in2D space (shown in the left side of Figure 1). At thisinitial position, the figure shows that the GEP’s axesare aligned with the earth’s reference axes (i.e., gravityis exactly in the negative Y direction). The accelerom-eter reading at this position is < Ix(t0), Iy(t0) − g >,where Ix(t0) and Iy(t0) are the instantaneous accel-eration along the x and y axis at time t0 respectively,and g is the gravity. Now, the phone may rotate atthe same physical position at time t1 also shown inFigure 1 (right). The phone now makes an angle θwith the earth’s reference frame, and the accelerometerreadings are < Ix(t1) − gsin(θ), Iy(t1) − gcos(θ) >.However, it is possible that the phone moved alongthe XY plane in a manner that induced the same ac-celeration as caused by the rotation. This leads to


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Figure 1: Earth’s gravity projected on the XY axes;the axes are a function of the phone’s orientation.

an ambiguity that gyroscopes and accelerometers cantogether resolve (using angular velocity detection ingyroscopes). However, based on the accelerometerreadings alone, linear movements and rotation cannotbe easily discriminated.

We have two plans to address this issue. (i) The sim-pler one is to pretend that one of the corners of thephone is the pen tip, and to hold it in a non-rotatinggrip (shown in Figure 2(a)). Some users also found iteasier to hold it like a white-board eraser – this grip alsoreduced wrist-rotation. (ii) Alternatively, while writ-ing an alphabet, users may briefly pause between two“strokes”. The pause is often natural because the userchanges the direction of movement (from one stroketo another). For example, while writing an “A”, thepause after the “/” and before starting the “\” can be ex-ploited. An accelerometer reading at this paused time-point can identify the components of gravity on eachaxes, and hence, the angular orientation θ can be de-termined. Knowing θ, the phone’s subsequent move-ment can be derived. To be safe, the user may be ex-plicitly requested to pause briefly between two strokes.Of course, we assume that the phone rotates only inbetween strokes and not within any given stroke (i.e.,while writing each of “/”, “\”, or “–”). When writingtoo quickly, or for certain movement-impaired patients,this assumption gets violated, resulting in distortions inthe geometric domain.

(2) Coping with Background Vibration (Noise)Issue: Accelerometers are sensitive to small vibrations.Figure 2(b) reports acceleration readings as the userdraws a rectangle using 4 strokes (around 350 unitson the Z-axis is due to earth’s gravity). A significantamount of jitter is caused by natural hand vibrations.Furthermore, the accelerometer itself has measurementerrors. It is necessary to suppress this background vi-bration (noise), in order to extract jitter-free pen ges-tures.

Proposed Approach: To cope with vibrational noise,we apply two noise-reduction steps. First, we smooththe accelerometer readings by applying a moving av-erage over the last n readings (in our current proto-type, n=7). The results are presented in figure 2(c).Next, we mark as noise all acceleration values less than0.5m/s2. We chose this threshold based on the averagevibration caused when the phone was held stationary.All acceleration values marked as noise are set to 0. Fig-ure 3(a) shows the combined effect of smoothing andvibration filtering.

(3) Computing Displacement of PhoneIssue: The phone’s displacement translates to thesize of the air-written character, as well as their rel-ative positions (such as in equations, figures, etc.).The displacement δ is essentially computed as δ =∫ ( ∫

a dt)dt, where a is the instantaneous accelera-

tion. In other words, the algorithm first computes thevelocity (the integration of acceleration), followed bythe displacement (the integration of velocity). Noisein the acceleration readings will reflect on the velocitycomputation, and will get magnified in the computa-tion of displacement. For instance, an erroneous shortpositive impulse in the accelerometer (i.e., accelera-tion becoming positive and then returning to zero),results in a positive velocity. Unless a negative impulsecompensates for the positive impulse, the phone wouldcontinue to be in a state of constant velocity. When thisvelocity is integrated, the displacement error will belarge.

Proposed Approach: In order to reduce the velocity-drift errors, we look at consecutive accelerometer read-ings marked as noise in the previous step. We reset thevelocity to zero, if n (=7) consecutive readings havebeen filtered out as vibrational noise. This is because acontinuous sequence of noise vibration alone is a goodindicator of a pause, or a statically held phone; hence,it is an opportunity to suppress residual error. Figure3(b) shows the effect of resetting the velocity. Even ifsmall velocity drifts are still present, they have a tolera-ble impact on the displacement of the phone. As seen infigure 3(c) the amount of displacement and the shapedrawn are represented reasonably well. The directionof movement is inferred from the signs of the accelera-tion along the X, Y, and Z axes.

(4) Differentiating an “A" from a TriangleIssue: The imaginary slate in the air has no globalreference frame for position. While writing character“A”, assume the writer has already drawn the “/” and“\”, and now lifts the pen to draw the “–”. Observethat the phone has no idea about the global position of


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The virtual tip of the pen 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8








Time (seconds)




er R



X axisY axisZ axis

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8−150






Time (seconds)




er R



X axisY axis

Figure 2: (a) Pretending the phone’s corner to be the pen-tip reduces rotation. (b) Raw accelerometer datawhile drawing a rectangle (note gravity on the Z axis). (c) Moving average computation.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8−150






Time (seconds)




er R



X axisY axis

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8−1500







Time (seconds)



X axisY axis

Figure 3: (a)Final processed acceleration readings (b)Computing velocity as an intermediate step towardsmeasuring displacement. (c) The approximate rectangle as the final output.

“/\”. Hence, upon drawing the “–”, the pen does notknow whether it is meant to be added in the center (toindicate an “A”), or at the bottom (to indicate a triangle,∆). This ambiguity underlies several other charactersand shapes.

Proposed Approach: This is a difficult problem, andwe plan to jointly exploit the accelerations along the X,Y, and Z axes. Consider the intent to write an “A”. Alsoassume that the user has just finished writing “/\”. Thepen is now at the bottom of the “\”. The user will nowlift the pen and move it towards the up-left direction, sothat it can write the “–”. The lifting of the pen happensin 3D space, and generates an identifiable impulse onthe Z axis. When the acceleration in Z axis is above acertain threshold, we label that stroke as a “lifting ofthe pen”. This pen-lifting can be used as a trigger forthe user going off the record. User movements in theXY plane are still monitored for pen repositioning, butdo not get included in the final output. When the phoneis in position to write “–”, a small pause can be used asan indication for going back on the record.

(5) Identifying Character TransitionsEven if pen-lifts are recognized, certain ambiguitiesremain. For instance, “B” and “13” may have the ex-

act same hand-movement, including the pen-lift. Theuser’s intention is difficult to recognize, making charac-ter distinction hard.

Proposed Approach: We rely on a combination of mul-tiple heuristics to mark character separations. The sim-plest approach is to require the user to include a spe-cial gesture between characters, like a “dot” or a rel-atively longer pause. Thus, “13” should be written as“|”, “.”, “⊃”, “⊃”, while the “B” should be “|”, “⊃”, “⊃”.While this may be inconvenient, the phone pen alsoemploys additional methods of delimiting characters.These methods rely on understanding what the user haswritten till now, and what the next “stroke” is likely tobe. We will discuss this in detail in the next section,after we have discussed stroke-detection and a simplestroke-grammar to identify characters.

4. SYSTEM DESIGN AND ALGORITHMSThe above building blocks provide for a geometric rep-resentation of air-written characters. While the geo-metric version can be displayed or emailed as an im-age, conversion to text is likely to be more useful (forbrowsing and searching). This section develops the al-gorithmic components towards this goal.


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4.1 Stroke DetectionCharacters can be viewed as a sequence of strokes. Thealphabet “A”, for instance, is composed of 3 strokes,namely “/”, “\”, and “—”. If the discrete strokes can bepulled out from the seemingly continuous movement ofthe hand, it would be possible to infer the characters.To this end, we have analyzed the english alphabets andcharacterized the basic set of strokes, as in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Basic strokes for English characters.

To identify the strokes, P3 computes a running varianceof the accelerometer readings. When this variance fallsbelow a threshold, P3 marks those regions as a pauseof the hand. The pauses demarcate the human-strokes,allowing P3 to operate on each of them individually.For stroke-detection, our basic idea is to correlate thehuman-strokes against each of the basic strokes. Thisform of correlation is not new, and has been used asstandard primitives in classification and matching tech-niques [9, 10, 11]. The correlation is performed overa varying window size of accelerometer readings. Thisis because the hand often rotates towards the end ofthe stroke, and the samples corresponding to the ro-tations should ideally be pruned out. In such cases, ashorter window size offers better correlation, in turnyielding the exact size of the human-stroke. Besides,even when the pauses are short between strokes, vary-ing the window-size identifies the stroke boundaries.The intuition is that two consecutive strokes are typi-cally different in the English alphabet, and thereby, cor-relating across the boundaries of the strokes reducesthe correlation value. Performance results, reportedlater, show reasonable reliability in stroke detection.The natural question, then, pertains to combining thestrokes into a character.

4.2 Character RecognitionThe PhonePoint Pen observes the logical juxtapositionof strokes to deduce the character that the human istrying to write. For this, we adopt a stroke grammar forenglish alphabets and digits. Figure 5 shows a pruneddown version of this grammar for visual clarity. Thegrammar is essentially a tree, and expresses the validsequence of strokes to form an alphabet. Moreover,the grammar also helps in stroke-recognition because itprovides P3 with an ability to anticipate the next stroke.For instance, observing strokes “| \ /” in succession, P3can anticipate an “M” and expect the next stroke to be a

“|”. Thus, by correlating “|” to the stream of accelerom-eter readings (and ensuring a high correlation), thesystem can better identify the end-points of the nextstroke. This helps in identifying the residual samples,which in turn helps in tracking the re-positioning of thehand in-between strokes. The benefits are cascading.

In certain cases, the user’s hand movement may befalsely classified as an incorrect stroke. A frequent ex-ample is “\” and “⊃”. Because the user’s hand has anatural rotational motion (pivoted at the elbow), mov-ing diagonally for a “\” results in an arc, which thengets classified as “⊃”. Thus “N” cannot be classifiedcorrectly. To account for such possibilities, we have up-dated the grammar tree. For example, if stroke 6 (“|”)is followed by stroke 2 (“⊃”), we call it a “D” or “P”;however, if this is again followed by a stroke 6 (“|”),we infer an “N”. We observe that similar opportunitiesare numerous in the stroke grammar, adding to the ro-bustness of the system. We do not include this updatedgrammar in the paper and only show a small examplein Figure 6.

Interestingly, the stroke grammar presents a number ofambiguities. For instance, “O” and “S” are composedof the same strokes, namely, “⊂” and “⊃”. P3 resolvesthis by simply observing the direction of movement inthe second stroke. If the hand is moving upwards, com-puted from the sign of the Y-axis acceleration, the al-phabet is declared as an “O”, and the vice versa. “X”and “V” can also be solved similarly. Another ambigu-ity is between “D” and “P”. In this case, P3 computesthe range of Y-axis movements and compares them. Ifthe ranges are comparable (second stroke being greaterthan 0.75 of the first), the alphabet is deemed as a “D”,else a “P”. Finally, some kind of ambiguities are rela-tively harder. For instance, “X” and “Y” have the samestrokes, and only differ in how the user repositions herpen. Since hand-repositioning does not have any presetmovement, they are more prone to error. Thus, eventhough the “\” in “Y” is smaller than that of “X”, P3 of-ten makes a mistake. We intend to further improve onthe hand re-positioning algorithms in future (throughsome learning), and better resolve these issues. For thispaper, we assume that the human user will be able toidentify what was the intent (like a typo), or a spellchecker would perform the right substitution.

4.3 Word RecognitionRecognizing the juxtaposition of characters, to recog-nize a word, adds to the ambiguity. For instance, “B”and “13” are identical in terms of the strokes used, andso are “H” and “IT”. Unless we find a signature to de-marcate characters, the PhonePoint Pen will yield falsepositives. Towards this goal, we consider a combination


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Figure 5: Developing the stroke set, and creating the grammar for character recognition.

Figure 6: Incorporating tolerance into the grammartree, translating it into a graph. Alphabet “N” can bereached via multiple paths. The ambiguity betweenH and U remains.

of multiple heuristics. None of these heuristics are indi-vidually reliable, but may be reasonable when used inconjunction. First, we make the observation that whiletransitioning from one alphabet to the next, users havea naturally longer pause (especially with upper casealphabets). Second, we observe that in some cases, ifthe hand moves in a leftward horizontal direction, itmay be a hint about the start of a new character. Thishappens, for example, when a user has written acrossthe imaginary plane in front of her, and moves backin space (towards left) to write more. Typically, sincenone of the strokes (except “G”) has a horizontal strokefrom right to left, such a movement, when observed, canbe a segregator of characters. Third, we ask the usersto gesture a “dot” between characters whenever they

can remember. Thus, “13” should be written as “|. ⊃⊃”,while the “B” should be “| ⊃⊃”. Drawing such a dotpresents a unique signature to delimit characters, butof course, slows down the user while writing. Thus,the user can only use it if she remembers or wishes to.If the delimiter is not used, the accuracy of characterrecognition may decrease.

We note that not all cases are like “B” and “13”. Evenwithout the delimiter, some characters will present anatural separation by an application of the stroke gram-mar. In other words, given a sequence of strokes, thepen anticipates the next stroke to be from a specific setof strokes. If the next stroke is not in this anticipatedset, then it implies the start of a new character. Forexample, given “|” and “—”, the phone can anticipatea “—” assuming that the user is trying to write an “F”or an “E”. However, if the next stroke is “/”, then thephone immediately infers that the prior alphabet wasan intended “T”. Even if the delimiter is not present,such character transitions can be recognized to formwords. Of course, we acknowledge that all the aboveapproaches are heuristics. Nevertheless, they are verysimple and amenable to on-phone processing. Also,when used in conjunction, we find a reasonable rateof false positives.

4.4 Control GesturesTo write a short phrase, the words need to be separatedby spaces. In certain cases, the characters may need tobe deleted. Further, the user should be able to emailthe written/drawn content to her email address. Theseare a few control operations that are vital to improve


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the user’s experience. The PhonePoint Pen assigns aunique gesture to each of these, and recognizes themwithout difficulty. Specifically, the space is denoted by along horizontal movement or two dots. The deletion islike using an eraser – the users shakes her hand at leastfour times briskly. To email, the user must draw a checkmark in the air. With these functionalities in place, wepresent the implementation details of the PhonePointPen, followed by performance evaluation.

5. IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATIONWe prototyped the PhonePoint Pen on a Nokia N95mobile phone, equipped with a software accessible3-axes accelerometer. The phone accelerometer wasprogrammed to obtain 30-35 instantaneous acceler-ation readings per second. We developed a serverside implementation first on MATLAB. Basic MATLABlibraries allowed us to implement some signal process-ing techniques (filtering) and simple statistical analysis.We ported this code on Python for on-phone process-ing. Some of the techniques were simplified (filteringoperations were modified to running averages and sub-tractions). The results from Python and MATLAB aredifferent in rare occasions.

The remainder of this section is organized in threeparts: (1) evaluation methodology, (2) PhonePoint Penevaluation with Duke students, and (3) user-study andexperiences from patients with cognitive/motor impair-ments conducted at Duke University Hospital.

5.1 Evaluation MethodologyThe P3 evaluation is centered around character andword recognition accuracies. We define accuracy as thefraction of successful recognitions, when a user writesindividual alphabets/characters or words1. AlongsideP3’s character recognition accuracy, we also captureP3’s quality of geometric representation. For this, wedisplay the geometric characters to a human, and askher to recognize them. We call the correctly iden-tified fraction, Human Character Recognition (HCR)accuracy. The HCR accuracy somewhat evaluates thequality of P3’s geometric output.

To compute word-recognition accuracy, we randomlygenerated words from a dictionary and requested testusers to write them. Our main observation was thatlong words are more prone to errors because usershave a higher chance to miss pauses between charac-ter strokes or forget to mark the character end. Aswe see later, word-recognition accuracy will degradewith word length. Nevertheless, since PhonePoint Penoutputs typed-text we can apply automatic dictionary1We use the words “alphabet” and “character” interchange-ably”.

correction and improve the final accuracy. For words,we will report the accuracy of P3, Dictionary-AssistedP3, and P3-with-HCR.

We conducted PhonePoint Pen tests mainly with DukeUniversity students from computer science, and engi-neering. The test group comprised of 10 students inthree categories: expert, trained, and novice. The ex-pert set comprised of 2 users who extensively pilot-studied with P3 (wrote around 75 characters) beforebeginning the tests. Four users from the trained setwrote 26+ characters (each English alphabet approx-imately once), and four users from the novice set prac-ticed less than 10 characters. We also performed a userstudy with a small population of 5 patients from theDuke Hospital – the primary purpose was to gain in-sights into P3’s applications into assistive technology.According to our IRB approval, the patients were al-lowed to record up to 8 characters. The patients had noprevious experience with our prototype, and performedthe experiments under the supervision of care-givers.Although P3 broadly failed in the tests, we will reportthe valuable experience and feedback we gained fromneurosurgeons, physicians, and speech pathologists.

5.2 Performance EvaluationWe present the evaluation results from the Duke Uni-versity student group. We start by showing a few writ-ten samples (both geometric and text), followed by ametric-based evaluation.

Air-Written SamplesFigure 7 shows the geometric version of alphabets M,O, B, I, S, Y and S, written by a trained user (eachalphabet written separately). The acceleration read-ings for M and Y are presented alongside. P3 correctlyconverts the accelerations to alphabets, while the ge-ometric versions are human legible (at least when thesame person writes and reads the text). Figure 8 showssome examples of air-written words – these small wordswere written in one attempt. Evidently, the lack of areference frame degrades the sense of proportion andrelative placement of characters.

Even though characters are quite distorted, the strokegrammar proved tolerant to the distortions, and yieldedcorrect results for all the words in Figure 8. However,mistakes occurred in several other cases, especiallywhen the user wrote too quickly, or forgot to mark thecharacter transitions with a longer pause or a “dot” inthe air. The mistakes were naturally pronounced withlonger words. For instance, the words PEACE, GAME,and MINUS were decoded as PEMCE (no pen-lift forthe A resulting in an M), GAMF (P3 was unable todetect the quick “ ’ for E) and MWUS (the lack of the


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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7−400










Time (seconds)




er R



X axisY axisZ axis

0 1 2 3 4 5−800









Time (seconds)




er R



X axisY axisZ axis

Figure 7: Alphabets M, O, B, I, S, Y, S, as outputs of the PhonePoint Pen. Although distorted, the charactersare legible. Crossing the Y requires a pen lift and repositioning in the absence of a reference frame.

Figure 8: Words written in air: ACM, LOL, WIN, GO, and ALICE.

“dot” after I made I and N coalesce into a W). We willvisit this aspect again in the next subsection.

Systematic EvaluationTowards an upper bound on P3’s performance, weasked 2 expert users to draw each English alphabet10 times. Human users were also asked to recognizeeach of the 260 alphabets. Figure 9 shows the P3 andHCR accuracies. The performances are comparable,except in some cases (D, G, Q, and Y), where P3’scharacter recognition was better that its geometric rep-resentation. Averaging over all alphabets, P3 achieveda 90.15% accuracy while HCR attained 77%.

To test the system with inexperienced users, we re-quested the trained and the novice groups to write all26 alphabets. We requested only one trial, so that usersdo not gain experience over time. In total we tested 4trained and 4 novice users. Figure 11 shows the aver-age accuracy per user. In general, the trained writersperformed better than the novice users, achieving anaccuracy of 83.6% and 60.5% respectively. However,two of the novices performed well, matching and evensurpassing the accuracy of a trained user. One of thenovice users found it hard to write, and was able toachieve only 40% accuracy. His performance did notimprove even with reasonable training.

To understand the problem, we requested the twoweakest novice users to write with P3 on a surface(a table-top). The results improved appreciably (Figure11), offering reason to believe that the users had dif-ficulty staying on the (imaginary) vertical plane whilewriting in air. If one assumes that flat surfaces mayoften be accessible, P3 may still be useful to such users.








T1 T2 T3 T4 N1 N2 N3 N3 N4 N4




User ID


On Table

Figure 11: Avg. accuracy per (novice/trained) users.

Figure 10 shows the per-alphabet accuracy for trainedand novice users. Some characters (like C, M and O)were decoded correctly for all the users. On the otherhand, alphabets that require pen lifting (A, E, F, H, K,T, X and Y) proved to be consistently better for trainedusers. This is a result of more hands-on experiencewith the P3; trained users realized that lifting the penneeds to be performed explicitly, as opposed to movingthe phone on the same plane. Character X seemed themost demanding for the novice users. For some, thealphabet was often mistaken for Y, while for the rest“going off the record” was unsuccessful. Alphabet Halso registered a similar problem.

We wanted to understand the usability of the systemwith respect to alphabet sizes. Therefore, we askedusers to choose the smallest size alphabet at which they


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PhonePoint PenHuman

Figure 9: Per-character accuracy for expert users.














Figure 10: Per-character average accuracy for trained and novice users.

can air-write comfortably. Most users expressed easewhile writing up to roughly 10-inch sized characters(the earlier experiments were with approximately 15-inched alphabets). Figure 12 shows the recognitionaccuracy. Results show comparable accuracy for mostof the users. Interestingly, one of the novice users (N3in Figure 11) experienced a sharp accuracy improve-ment at these relatively smaller sizes. Through moretests, we realized that smaller strokes may result inless velocity drift, in turn curbing the accelerometerbased errors. The phone also stays in the same verticalplane, often improving the user experience and ease ofwriting. Since accuracy degraded with less than 6-inchletter, we believe that 10-inch sizes can be currentlysupported with P3. As we discuss later, this may notbe sufficient, especially for the medical applications wehave in mind.

Recall that stroke-grammar exhibits inherent ambiguity.For example, D and P are written with the same strokes“|” and “⊃”. Similarly, characters {V, X, Y} and {O, S}use common sets of strokes. We disambiguate between







E1 E2 T1 T2 T3 T4 N3 N1 N2 N4




User ID


Figure 12: Accuracy with 10-inch characters.

these characters by computing the phone displacementduring the off-the-record movement, as well as the di-rection of the strokes. Figure 13 presents the percent-age of trials that were disambiguated correctly togetherwith the percentage of incorrect outcomes. This graph


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is computed over all the ambiguous characters recordedduring our test trials. Results show that our reposi-tioning system is reasonably robust. Mistakes consistmostly of characters being decoded incorrectly and notas a result of ambiguity. Ambiguous alphabets were de-coded incorrectly in less than 12% of the test cases forcharacters D, P and S. Alphabet X showed a higher am-biguity with Y (around 33% false positives). This ismainly due to the lack of a reference frame to draw “\”and “/” of similar length.





























Figure 13: Disambiguation performance.

To understand the speed of air-writing, Figure 14 showsa CDF of the writing-duration for expert, trained, andnovice users. On average, correctly decoded characterswere written in around 4.5 seconds. P3 certainly re-quires users to write slow, so that adequate number ofaccelerometer samples can be collected for capturingthe strokes. With improved support for accelerometers,this problem may get alleviated.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14





Figure 14: Recognition accuracy as a function of thetime to write the character.

We asked expert users to also write full words in air.The words ranged from 2 to 5 characters and werechosen randomly from a dictionary. The users wrote

Table 1: Word recognition.Word Length PhonePoint Pen Spell Check Human2 9/10 9/10 5/103 9/10 10/10 5/104 6/10 9/10 5/105 7/10 7/10 9/10

10 words for each length. Table 1 reports the P3’srecognition accuracy. Dictionary assistance improvesthe accuracy in some cases, while randomly selectedhumans were able to read the words with 40% error.

Energy MeasurementsWe ran experiments to compute the energy footprintof the Nokia N95 accelerometer. We sampled the ac-celerometer at the same rate as PhonePoint Pen on afully charged Nokia N95 8GB phone. The phone exhib-ited an average battery-lifetime of 40 hours. We con-clude that P3’s impact on battery lifetime is marginal,especially in light of its occasional usage pattern.

Informal User FeedbackWe performed informal survey and usability tests withmore than 40 Duke University students, and 5 fac-ulty. In addition, the early prototypes of PhonePointPen featured in Slashdot and EnGadget and receivedmore than 100 comments. A video-demo on Youtubereceived more than 97,800 views. From the real usersurveys, and from the online forums, we received valu-able feedback. In general, people found P3 exciting;one user commented that “even though I may not useit frequently, I would like to have this as an iPhoneApp”. Some users were critical, and commented thatthey may look “silly” while writing in the air. Thelarge character-size was received with hesitation in theYouTube demo; however, currently we are able to writesmaller. A few users raised concerns about privacy,while others responded by saying that when observinga user air-writing, “decoding the alphabets backwards isdifficult”. Many users liked the prospect of using thephone as the TV remote, and writing channel-numbersin the air. Finally, one online comment was enthusiasticabout being able to sign in air, perhaps when a FedExpackage gets delivered to the door.

5.3 Experience with Duke Hospital patientsIn collaboration with Physicians from the Surgery/SpeechPathology department of Duke Health Center, we car-ried out PhonePoint Pen tests with live patients suffer-ing from various forms of cognitive disorders and motorimpairments. Based on IRB approval, five patients wererequested to write 8 randomly chosen alphabets. Thepatients were selected with varying degree of motor-impairments (e.g., a hydrocephaleus lumber drain trial


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patient exhibited good cognition but weak motor skills;a patient from a car accident had a right side paralysisand spinal injury, but was able to write with his righthand; a 72-year old stroke patient had weakness onboth limbs with sever tremors). The tests were car-rier under the supervision of medical practitioners andcare-givers, who first learnt to use P3 from us. Wewere not allowed to observe the patients, however,we interacted closely with the care-givers to receivefeedback. Importantly, P3 generated interest in thehospital, drawing neurosurgeons, speech therapists,and care-givers to witness the tests and comment onthe potential applications and additional requirements.The overall experience proved to be invaluable. Wereport the main lessons from it, here.

(1) The P3 design requires users to press a button be-fore writing, and to re-press the button at the end. Thisproved to be a bad design choice – patients found writ-ing very intuitive, but were unable to press the button.One patient pressed the buttons many times, anotherpressed the wrong one, and yet another found it hardto press. The unanimous feedback was to “replace thebutton with gestures” that will mark the start and endof air-writing.

(2) A neurosurgeon criticized that the P3 prototyperequired “shoulder, elbow, and wrist coordination”, aconstraint that can hardly be satisfied with such classesof patients. His recommendation was to reduce thesize of the letter so that it can be written with elbowmovements alone. Moreover he suggested developingfilters that would cancel the tremor in people’s hands,and thereby recognize the characters.

(3) One particular advantage of P3, even in light of spe-cialized medical gadgets, is familiarity with cell phones.Physicians and care-givers emphasized the difficultiespatients face in adopting new technological gadgets,particularly at the higher age group. Using the patient’sown phone to communicate “made a lot of sense”. Theysaid, with a good degree of reliability, they envision awide range of applications. Interestingly, care-giversshowed enthusiasm event to the prospect of the patientchanging her TV channel by writing in the air.

Table 2: Patient performance.Patient ID 1 2 3 4 5Accuracy 1/8 1/8 1/8 5/8 could not

press button

6. LIMITATIONSIn its current form, the PhonePoint Pen is not ready forwide-scale use. Several limitations need to be resolvedto bring the system to the standards of a product. This

section discusses the key limitations, and some ideas toresolve them in future.

Drawing and Writing Long Words still PrimitiveThe sketching capabilities are primitive with our cur-rent system. The primary problem stems from theinability to track the phone movement while the pen isbeing repositioned on the imaginary plane. Thus, al-though the actual written words/shapes are identified,their relative placements are often incorrect. The prob-lem is greater as the figure involves multiple pen-lifts.Long words and sentences also have the problem. Ourongoing work is exploring the possibility of using thecamera to determine hand-movements. By correlatingthe camera view over time, the hand motion may bebetter characterized. This may even help in detectinghand-rotation.

Writing while MovingIf a person writes in the air while moving, the ac-celerometer readings will reflect that movement. Theprototype described in this paper does not attempt tofilter out these background movements. We believethat some of these movements, such as walking or jog-ging, exhibit a rhythmic pattern that can be removed.However, others are less recognizable. A person mayrotate her body while writing, or a car may bouncewhile passing through a pothole – the induced noisemay be difficult to eliminate. We plan to address thisproblem in our future work.

Cursive HandwritingThe current prototype supports uppercase alphabetsonly. Lower case alphabets may be possible to supportwith a different set of strokes and a modified stroke-tree. However, supporting cursive writing is signifi-cantly more difficult. The problems of stroke-detectionand character-recognition are exacerbated due to thecontinuous movement of the hand. One approachwould be to apply pattern recognition algorithms onthe entire window of (noise-suppressed) accelerometerreadings. However, such a scheme will not only requirecomplex computation, but may also need a reasonabledegree of training. We have traded off these function-alities for simplicity.

Smaller Alphabets and Quicker WritingWith the current prototype, alphabets need to bearound 10 inches in size. Moreover, users may need towrite them somewhat slowly (no quicker than 1 alpha-bet per second) so that the accelerometer readings canbe captured, and the pauses between strokes/charactersidentified. Ideally, the system should permit the userto write small and quick. This would require more fre-quent sampling of the accelerometer. We expect future


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phones to support such sampling rates.

Realtime Character DisplayIdeally, the strokes could be displayed in real time onthe phone display. This might offer a visual feedbackto the user that could be useful while writing severalwords. Perhaps this could be useful for deleting charac-ters as well. Our current system does not support thisrealtime capability. However, this may be feasible withmore powerful processors in future phones.

Comment on Survey and Testing PopulationStudents who have tested P3, and those that have par-ticipated in our survey, are mostly students from theComputer Science and Engineering departments. Thisstudents are likely to have an understanding of ac-celerometers, and could have adapted to P3’s behavior.In that sense, our accuracy results could be biased; alay person may not necessarily achieve the reportedaccuracy.

7. RELATED WORKGesture recognition has been widely studied in thepast [10, 12]. Majority of the work has focused ontracking the movement of the hand, either throughspecialized wearable sensors, or through vision basedtechniques. For example, variants of “smart glove”based systems [13, 14, 15] have recognized hand andfinger movements with impressive granularity. Whileuseful for specific applications, such as in augmentedreality, the need to wear these gloves preclude spon-taneous use-cases. Moreover, the gloves are equippedwith a number of sensors, and the gestures are not con-verted to alphabets. Recognizing alphabets using noisymobile phone accelerometers present a different set ofchallenges.

Cameras have also been used to track an object’s 3Dmovements in the air [6]. Microsoft Research recentlydemonstrated a project, titled “write in air” [16], thatuses an apple in front of a camera to air-write alpha-bets. Computer vision based algorithms can preciselydiscern the movement of the apple (or any other object)to create both geometric and textual representationsof the alphabets. Noisy accelerometers and limitedprocessing in mobile phones lack several advantagespresent in computer-connected cameras. Moreover,the system does not recognize words, avoiding theproblems of transition between characters. Signal pro-cessing based techniques are useful, but not sufficient[11, 17, 18]

Authors in [9] have used mobile phone accelerome-ters to perform gesture recognition [12]. They showthe possibility to detect gestures with an impressive

99% accuracy, with as few as one training. While thecontrol gestures in PhonePoint Pen are inspired by thiswork, we emphasize that character recognition entailsan additional set of problems. Specifically, gestures aresignificantly tolerant to error – as long as the errorsrepeat across all gestures, the gesture can be identi-fied. PhonePoint Pen on the other hand, must track thephone’s movement in all the 3 axes without any train-ing. Moreover, issues like pen-lifts, character transition,stroke-grammar, rotation avoidance, and character dis-ambiguation are unique to character/digit recognition.

A popular device capable of tracking hand movementis the Wii remote (or “Wiimote”) used by the NintendoWii console [6]. The Wiimote uses a 3-axes accelerom-eter to infer forward and backward rapid movements.In addition, optical sensors aid in positioning, accu-rate pointing, and rotation of the device relative tothe ground. The optical sensor is embedded on theWiimote and relies on a fixed reference (and a sensorbar) centered on top of the gameplay screen. The “Wi-imote” can be augmented with the “Wii Motion Plus”,a pluggable device containing an integrated gyroscope.Using this feature rotational motion is captured. Thesethree sensors – the accelerometer, the gyroscope, andthe optical sensor – can reproduce motions similar toreal arm-motion. The Nokia N95 consists of only a(low-cost) accelerometer, and limited processing capa-bilities, in comparison to the Wii. Developing the penon this platform entails a variety of new challenges.

The Logitech Air Mouse [8] targets people who usecomputers as multimedia devices. The Air Mouse pro-vides mouse-like functionalities but the device can beheld in air similar to a remote control. Accelerometersand gyroscopes together allow for linear and rotationalmotion of the pointer on the screen. Unlike the AirMouse, the proposed phone-based pen does not have ascreen on which one may see the pen movement in realtime. The absence of visual cues makes positioning ofthe pen a difficult problem.

A series of applications for the Nokia N95 use thebuilt-in accelerometer. The NiiMe [19] project trans-formed the N95 phone into a bluetooth PC mouse. ThePyAcceleREMOTER [20] project developed a remotecontrol for the Linux media player MPlayer. By tiltingthe phone, the play, stop, volume, fast-forward, andrewind functions of the player are controlled. Incli-nometer provides car inclination values while LevelTool allows measurement of the inclination of differentsurfaces by placing the phone on that surface. Lastlymany video games for the N95 phone make use of theaccelerometer, e.g., to guide a ball through a maze.Being able to write in the air, we believe, is a more


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challenging problem than the ones in existing systems.

Livescribe Smartpen [21] is a pen-like device capableof tracking a person’s writing. The device requires aspecial finely dotted paper to monitor movement of thepen. The pen recognizes the alphabets and numbers,and hence, can be downloaded to a PC. However, thedotted paper may not be always accessible, makingubiquitous note-taking difficult. Tablet PCs also sufferfrom this problem of ubiquitous accessibility.

8. CONCLUSIONSThis paper attempts to exploit the accelerometer in mo-bile phones to develop a new input technology. Whiletoday’s users are mostly used to keyboards and touch-screens, we propose to mimic a pen. By holding thephone like a pen, the user should be able to write shortmessages in the air. The phone identifies the hand ges-tures as one of multiple strokes, compares the sequenceof strokes against a grammar, and recognizes the air-written alphabets. The entire process requires no train-ing, and can run entirely on the phone’s processor. Thewritten message is displayed on the phone-screen, andmay also be emailed to the user if she desires. We be-lieve that in the age of microblogging and tweeting,such input devices may be effective to note down infor-mation on the fly. Moreover, the pen may offer an in-tuitive user-experience, adding to the menu of currentinput methods. We call this system PhonePoint Pen, anddemonstrate its feasibility through a Nokia N95 proto-type and real user studies. The performance results arepromising, while the user feedback (from the studentcommunity) is highly positive.


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