using ls as in class 2015

{ Using LSAs in class Effective use of LSAs

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Using LSAs in class

Effective use of LSAs

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24 full and part time

Enhanced posts – Sensory, exams, literacy, IT


Range of specialisms eg. Dig Art, ICT, ASD, Tech, literacy

Current staffing

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Statemented students /students with an EHC Plan – hours in statement/plan

Prioritising areas of greatest need

Bottom sets

SEN Support Students

Range of LSAs supporting each student.

Some continuity within subjects

Deployed using LSA expertise where possible

Rationale for timetabling

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Statemented/EHC Plan student(s)

SEN Support students

Students on Monitor

Other students needing support

Assisting smooth running of lesson.

LSA priorities in class

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Follow IP recommendations

Focus on SEN students

Support but not ‘do’ (aim for student independence)

Re-explain, simplify

Break down tasks

Be aware of social issues

Liaise with teacher re. above students

NB:- You (the teacher) are managing the teaching and you are responsible for the progress and learning of all students in your class, the LSA should be liaising with you regularly.

What LSAs need to do

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Helping student with reading

Catching student up

Ensuring student can spend time on task rather than any copying

Re-explaining / simplifying

Breaking down tasks

Providing practical assistance (PD students)

Averting social/behavioural issues (ASD students)

Organising suitable sized reading materials (VI students)

Recording homework (possibly in greater detail than given to class)

Type of support from LSA

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Know their name! You and the LSA should be seen as a team.

Be prepared for support – considering their focus

Briefly discuss lesson plan/expectations with LSA at start of lesson

Have the lesson objective(s) written up

Seating plan – copy to LSA

Seat supported students so they are easily accessible

Plan assessments when LSA expected (scribe/reader)

Ensure they know the student target levels/where they are recorded

What helps the LSA

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When moving to new topic it would help if

You could send a copy of any powerpoint/presentation in advance or give a copy at the start of the lesson/topic

You give a copy of a book that the class may be going to use so they can pre-read it

Consider what specific skills you are expecting the LSA to be able to support (are there any training needs?)

Lessons Planning

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Please consider:

Student reading ages-we have students in year 9 (aged 13-14) with reading ages of 6 years.

Student difficulties copying accurately and at speed (a prepared sheet could be useful)

If the tasks match the levels the SEN students are working at / towards.

Advising LSA what output is expected from student

Colour contrasts for IWB presentations (VI students)

Seating plans, LSA access and for HI students.


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Check the LSA is happy/confident to do the task

Provide answers for worksheets etc

Be clear what you want to be completed and how long they should be out

Discuss composition of group with LSA first (not behaviour problems)

LSA working with group

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Announce who the LSA is supporting

Send the LSA away if the main student is absent – they can take this opportunity to spend more time with other SEN students in the class

Ask LSA to take out group of students due to their poor behaviour

Issue homework late in lesson (many may need details written – especially in lower sets)

Plan a seat for the LSA next to the main student – they need to move around and give time for student to work independently

Please don’t…

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Do contact LS (Rachel or Sharon) if you wish for advice regarding the deployment of your LSAs

CCC has an excellent reputation in how we effectively use LSAs which has been recognised by Ofsted

Teachers have reported how much they value the LSA input

LSAs at the Chalfonts