using field-particle correlations to diagnose the ... -€¦ · university of iowa...

Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the Collisionless Damping of Plasma Turbulence Gregory G. Howes University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in Plasma Physics Grant DE-SC0014599, NSF CAREER Award AGS-1054061, and the NSF XSEDE Program. Vlasovia 2016 Fifth International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation Copanella, Italy 30 May - 2 Jun 2016

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Page 1: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the Collisionless Damping of Plasma Turbulence

Gregory G. Howes University of Iowa

This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in Plasma Physics Grant DE-SC0014599, NSF CAREER Award AGS-1054061, and the NSF XSEDE Program.

Vlasovia 2016Fifth International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation

Copanella, Italy 30 May - 2 Jun 2016

Page 2: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


Kris Klein (former grad student) Tak Chu Li (postdoc)Jim Schroeder (grad student)Jasper Halekas

University of MichiganUniversity of IowaUniversity of IowaUniversity of Iowa

NASA and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (PECASE)National Science Foundation CAREER Award National Science Foundation XSEDE Program

Department of Energy

Page 3: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 4: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Why study dissipation of plasma turbulence?The plasma heating that occurs in space and astrophysical

systems is caused by the dissipation of plasma turbulence

NASA/CXC/SAO -Artist’s Conception

• Interpreting observations of remote systems such as black hole accretion disks

Explaining the plasma heating is crucial to understanding the evolution of many poorly understood astrophysical systems

•Heating of the Solar Corona •Acceleration of the Solar Wind


Page 5: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Solar Wind Turbulent Power Spectrum

(Kiyani, Osman, & Chapman, 2015)

Page 6: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Turbulence in the Near-Earth Solar Wind

Ultimate Goal:To understand the dynamics and energetics of the entire cascade

Flow of Energy

Flow of energy from large scale turbulent motions to plasma heat

Page 7: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

THOR: Turbulence Heating ObserveRFirst spacecraft mission dedicated to plasma turbulence

Mission:Discover plasma heating and particle energization processes

The dissipation of turbulent fluctuations leads to continuous plasma heating and the acceleration of charged particles.

But THOR is a single spacecraft mission, so developing techniques to identify and characterize the dissipation of turbulence using single-point measurements is of paramount importance


Page 8: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

The Damping of Turbulent Fluctuations in the Solar Wind

• To study the turbulent dynamics requires kinetic theory

An innovative technique to measure and characterize the energy transfer associated with collisionless damping of plasma turbulence using single-point measurements

• The collisional mean free path in the solar wind is about 1 AUThe solar wind is a weakly collisional plasma

6D (3D-3V) Distribution Functionsfs(x,v, t) E(x, t) B(x, t)

3D Electromagnetic Fields

• Damping of turbulent fluctuations requires collisonless interactions between the electromagnetic fields and the plasma particles


Page 9: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Maxwell-Boltzmann Equations of Kinetic Plasma Theory


+ v ·rfs +qsms


v ⇥B


�· @fs@v




r ·E = 4⇡⇢q

r ·B = 0r⇥B =4⇡






r⇥E =1




Boltzmann Equation

Maxwell’s Equations Lorentz Term responsible for interactions between fields and particles

Oscillating Energy Transfer

But the Lorentz term not only describes collisionless damping, but also the oscillating energy transfer of undamped wave motion


Key Challenge:Secular Energy Transfer

Define: We want to measure this

But this is often much larger

Page 10: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Example: The Alfven Wave

• Restoring force: Magnetic Tension• Inertia: Transverse Plasma Motion

The Alfven Wave:Leads to oscillatory wave motion

• In the Ideal MHD limit, the wave is undamped:- All oscillating energy transfer, no secular energy transfer

• In a kinetic treatment under weakly collisional conditions,resonant wave-particle interactions can damp the wave- Electromagnetic wave energy is transferred to microscopic

kinetic energy of the particles

- For , secular transfer is small relative to oscillating transfer

k?⇢i ⌧ 1

- For , secular transfer increases in magnitude

k?⇢i & 1

Collisionless damping of Alfven wave becomes strong

Page 11: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Physical Dissipation Mechanisms for Kinetic Turbulence

In the weakly collisional solar wind,

Three mechanisms have been proposed:(1) Coherent Wave-Particle Interactions (Landau damping, cyclotron damping)

(Barnes 1966; Coleman 1968; Denskat et al., 1983; Isenberg & Hollweg 1983; Goldstein et al. 1994; Quataert 1998; Leamon et al., 1998, 1999, 2000; Gary 1999; Quateart & Gruzinov, 1999; Isenberg et al. 2001; Hollweg & Isenberg 2002; Howes et al. 2008; Schekochihin et al. 2009; TenBarge & Howes 2013; Howes 2015; Li, Howes, Klein, & TenBarge 2016)

(3) Dissipation in Current Sheets (collisionless magnetic reconnection)(Dmitruk et al. 2004; Markovskii & Vasquez 2011; Matthaeus & Velli 2011; Osman et al. 2011; Servidio 2011; Osman et al. 2012a,b; Wan et al. 2012; Karimabadi et al.2013; Zhdankin et al. 2013; Osman et al. 2014a,b; Zhdankin et al. 2015a,b; )

(2) Incoherent Wave-Particle Interactions (stochastic ion heating)(Johnson & Cheng, 2001; Chen et al. 2001; White et al., 2002; Voitenko & Goosens, 2004; Bourouaine et al., 2008; Chandran et al. 2010; Chandran 2010, Chandran et al. 2011; Bourouaine & Chandran 2013)

Page 12: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Primary Aims of this Work

• The key challenge is to identify the secular energy transfer in the presence of a much larger oscillating energy transfer

• We want to achieve this using only single-point measurements

• We want to distinguish different collisionless damping mechanisms

The novel field-particle correlation technique introduced here

achieves all of these goals.

Page 13: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 14: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Maxwell-Boltzmann Equations


+ v ·rfs +qsms


v ⇥B


�· @fs@v




r ·E = 4⇡⇢q

r ·B = 0r⇥B =4⇡






r⇥E =1




Boltzmann Equation

Maxwell’s Equations



0 0

Vlasov-Poisson Equations

Page 15: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson Equations

Vlasov Equation

Poisson Equation

fs(x, v, t)Distribution Function

�(x, t)Electrostatic Potential

E = �@�


Page 16: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Conservation of Energy

Electrostatic Limit of Poynting’s Theorem

Multiply Vlasov by and integrate 1






Perfect Differential

Integrate third term by parts in v

Page 17: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Conservation of Energy

Combining Poynting’s Thm and integrated Vlasov Equation:

Microscopic Kinetic EnergyElectrostatic Field Energy

Conserved Vlasov-Poisson Energy

Page 18: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 19: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Change of Particle Energy

Particles gain energy lost by the electric fieldX



@t= �@W�


where the change in particle microscopic kinetic energy is

We want to measure the change in particle energy . . . . . . using measurements of

the change in the distribution function.

Page 20: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Closer look at : @Ws


Change of Particle Energy

Change of Particle Energy



Linear Wave-Particle Term

Nonlinear Wave-Particle Term

Page 21: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


Perfect Differential


Perfect Differential

Rate of Change of Particle Energy

Change of Particle Energy

Page 22: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

But this is integrated over velocity and space.Not observationally accessible!

Multiply Vlasov by but do not integrate 1



This term is responsible for energy transfer

Change of Particle Energy in Phase Space

Define: Phase-space energy density

ws(x, v, t) =1


2fs(x, v, t)

Page 23: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Change of Particle Energy in Phase Space

C1(v, t, ⌧) = C⌧





@�fs(x0, v, t)


, E(x0, t)

Take a correlation of and E�qsv2



How do we isolate the physics responsible for the energy transfer?

Page 24: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Field-Particle Correlations

Benefits of this novel field-particle correlation technique:

C1(v, t, ⌧) = C⌧





@�fs(x0, v, t)


, E(x0, t)

1) Energy Transfer Calculation:- Unnormalized correlation directly calculates energy transfer- Can be used with single-point measurements

2) Velocity dependence of particle energization:- Will highlight the resonant nature of mechanism

- Properties of velocity-space signature can distinguish mechanism

- Each mechanism will have a distinct velocity-space signature- Landau Damping, Transit Time Damping, Cyclotron Damping- Stochastic Ion Heating- Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection

Page 25: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 26: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Numerical Implementation

Separate Ballistic, Linear, and Nonlinear Wave-Particle Terms:


Linear Wave-Particle Term

Nonlinear Wave-Particle Term

Page 27: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Simulation Setup

Sinusoidal Electron Density PerturbationGenerates a standing Langmuir wave pattern that damps in time


me= 100

k�de = 0.5

Page 28: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Evolution of Energy

is converted to

�We =





Microscopic electron kinetic energy

Electrostatic Field Energy

�W� =





Page 29: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 30: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Time Evolution of

Fluctuations of Distribution Function in time

fe(x0, v, t)

Total fe(x0, v, t)

�fe(x0, v, t)Perturbed


�feB(x0, v, t)

Linear Wave-Particle Term

�feWl(x0, v, t)

Nonlinear Wave-Particle Term �feWn(x0, v, t)

Page 31: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Quasilinear Evolution

Integrating yields quasilinear evolution of Rdx

feQL(v, t)

QuasilinearFlattening of the Distribution Function

Compare quasilinear with �feQL(v, t) �feWn(x0, v, t)

Page 32: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 33: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Observable Quantities

-4 -2 0 2 4v/vte







-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.20








(a) (b)

-4 -2 0 2 4v/vte







-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.20








(a) (b)

�fe(x0, v, t)

Single-point measurements of and �fe(x0, v, t) E(x0, t)

E(x0, t)

Page 34: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Goal: Determine Particle Energization

• Using single-point measurements only, we want to devise aprocedure to isolate the particle energization

Energy transfer to particles in phase space(x, v)

C1(v, t, ⌧) = C⌧





@�fs(x0, v, t)


, E(x0, t)

• Determine particle energization as a function of velocity v

Page 35: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Evolution of Energy Transfer Rate




@�fs(x0, v, t)


E(x0, t)

Page 36: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Correlation Eliminates Oscillation

Increasing correlation time helps to eliminate oscillation⌧

C1(v, t, ⌧) = C⌧





, E

Wave PeriodT!pe = 4.39

Page 37: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Integration Yields Net Particle Energization

Integrating heating rate (from correlation) over time

�we(x0, v, t) =

Z t


0C1(v, t

0, ⌧)

Page 38: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Field-Particle Correlation Results

Z t

0dt0C1(v, t

0, ⌧)

For a correlation time !pe⌧ = 6.28

C1(v, t, ⌧)

Key ResultVelocity-space signature of quasilinear flattening . . . but from single-point measurements!

Page 39: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 40: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Potential Difficulties

From low resolution, noisy measurements, derivative is very difficult to compute accurately@fs/@v

Integrate by parts

Not exactly the energy transfer rate, but still may be useful to distinguish different energy transfer mechanisms

C1(v, t, ⌧) = C⌧





, E

◆C2(v, t, ⌧) = C⌧ (qsv�fs, E)





Zdv qsv�fsE

Page 41: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Alternative Correlation C2(v, t, ⌧)

is not exactly the energy transfer rateC2(v, t, ⌧)

But still may be useful to distinguish different energy transfer mechanisms

C2(v, t, ⌧)




@�fs(x0, v)



C1(v, t, ⌧)

qsv�fs(x0, v)E(x0)

C2(v, t, ⌧)

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@�fs(x0, v)


E(x0)qsv�fs(x0, v)E(x0)

Comparison of and C1(v, t, ⌧) C2(v, t, ⌧)

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C1(v, t, ⌧)

C2(v, t, ⌧)R t0 dt0C2(v, t0, ⌧)

R t0 dt0C1(v, t0, ⌧)

Comparison of and C1(v, t, ⌧) C2(v, t, ⌧)

Resonant Nature of Damping remains clear!

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Weak Collisionless Damping

C1(v, t, ⌧)R t0 dt0C1(v, t0, ⌧)

k�de = 0.5


� �! = 0.11

k�de = 0.25


� �! = 0.002


Page 45: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Kinetic Plasma Turbulence

• Conservation of Energy in a Kinetic Plasma

• Diagnosing Energy Transfer from Fields to Particles

• Nonlinear Kinetic Simulations: 1D-1V Vlasov-Poisson System- Implementation- Evolution of the Distribution Function

• Field-Particle Correlations using Single-Point Measurements- Best Correlation for Numerical Simulations- Alternative Correlation for Spacecraft Observations

• Application to Strongly Turbulent Systems

• Conclusions

Page 46: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in

Modifications for Solar Wind Turbulence

• For different damping mechanisms, form of correlation differs

• Field-particle correlations in 3V velocity space

• Or can be used with reduced distribution functions,

fks(r0, vk, t) =Rv?dv?d�fs(r0, v?1, v?2, vk, t)where

C(vk, t, ⌧) = C⌧

��fks(r0, vk, t), Ek(r0, t)

Landau damping C(vk, t, ⌧) = C⌧

��fks(r0, vk, t), Ek(r0, t)

C(v?1, v?2, vk, t, ⌧) = C⌧

��fs(r0, v?1, v?2, vk, t), Ek(r0, t)

Transit time damping C(vk, t, ⌧) = C⌧

��fks(r0, vk, t), �Bk(r0, t)

Kinetic theory can be used to derive the appropriate forms

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Applicability to Strongly Turbulent Systems

We have shown this correlation technique works for linear waves

But does it work for strongly turbulent systems?Yes!

NEXT TALK: Kris KleinSecular Field-Particle Energy Transfer

in a Turbulent Gyrokinetic System

Landau Damping Transit Time Damping

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Solar Wind Turbulence

C(v�fi(v), �Bk) C(v�fi(v), �Bk)

Preliminary work shows promising results in the solar wind


(Halekas & Howes, in prep, 2016)

ARTEMIS data shows a resonant velocity-space signature

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Completely General Approach

• The development of this field-particle correlation techniquedid not depend on the existence of waves or turbulence

• Derived using the terms describing collisionless energy transfer in the nonlinear equations of kinetic theory

• The approach is completely general, and can be used to study any particle energization process, including- Collisionless magnetic reconnection- Particle acceleration

Page 50: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in


• Introduced an innovative Field-Particle Correlation Technique

• Challenge: Measure energy transfer and damping of turbulence in weakly collisional plasmas - Must isolate small secular transfer from large oscillating transfer

- Uses single-point measurements and �fs(x0, v, t) E(x0, t)- Provides a direct measure of energy transfer rate

• Key Feature: Particle energization as a function of velocity- Velocity-space signature of the collisionless damping mechanism

- Landau damping, stochastic heating, collisionless reconnection- Can be used to distinguish different damping mechanisms

• Illustrated with Langmuir waves, but also works in magnetized turbulence: gyrokinetic simulations and solar wind turbulence

Powerful new technique to study any particle energization process in the heliosphere


Page 51: Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose the ... -€¦ · University of Iowa This work is supported by the NASA PECASE Award NNX10AC91G, NSF/DOE Partnership in