using facial coding technology to capture emotions on mobile - millward brown

Proudly supported by Kantar, the Leader in Mobile Marketing Research January 30-31, 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Asia-Pacific Edition 2013 WWW.MRMW.NET Organized by TM

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Proudly supported by Kantar, the Leader in Mobile Marketing Research

January 30-31, 2013

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Asia-Pacific Edition 2013 WWW.MRMW.NET

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Pankaj Jha

Using facial coding technology to capture emotions on mobile

Measuring emotions thru facial expressions

• Using mobile in field

• Getting desired outcomes

Adding insights to Ad testing




What did we do

• Pilot study in India

• 300 participants shown 6 beverage ads each in two cities: Hyderabad and Delhi

• Interviewers showed ads to respondents on a phone

• Recorded the face video of respondents synched with ad playing

• Analysis of face expressions to provide moment by moment emotional feedback


• Feasibility of using mobile to capture emotions

• Feasibility of obtaining sensible data using this technology

• Feasibility of providing additional insights on advertising

Feasibility of using mobile to capture emotions

Less than 50% of the videos were usable initially.

Iterative training of interviewers to ensure that we got better quality videos.

Lighting and overexposure

Full face in frame not visible

Non-frontal, multiple faces

Feasibility of using mobile to capture emotions

Iterative training of interviewers ensured that we finally got good quality videos.

1. Simple rules: Place the device at arm’s length from respondent

2. Higher resolution/wider angle cameras for better results.

3. Define a minimal acceptable threshold: 40% of frames must be discernible.

Feasibility of obtaining sensible data

• Validated that the participants where “emoting” while watching the ads on a mobile device, and we are able to accurately capture these facial expressions.

• Range of facial expressions observed in response to the ads - enjoyment to surprise & confusion

Providing additional insights on advertising

We compared the results from the facial expressions with our advertising testing outcomes for ads.

We were able to find out insights which helped sharpen our understanding of how the ads were working.

Sprite – Delhi Facial expressions confirmed the key aspects liked in the ad were causing most smiles, the

extent of emotions displayed can help prioritise between different parts.

The scene in the middle did not evoke a strong response in

facial expressions as the last scene of ‘boy being successful

in selling his excuse for staring at the other girl’.


Consumers fail to understand the role of

professor/theme of the Ad in Link – this is a point of

confusion captured from facial expressions


Sprite – Hyderabad


Again, in Hyderabad we could see that it is the

scene where the boy is successful in selling his

excuse for ogling at the other girl in front of his

girlfriend which gets the highest emotional payoff

Here too, the appearance of the Professor of

Freshology is clearly creating confusion for

the consumers


Coke - Delhi

Smile Confusion

In Delhi, respondents smile the most when the teacher is

shown holding the Coke bottle that Imran Khan meant to pass

on to the girl in the classroom

The Sardar & Parrot scenes also evokes smiles

Sequences in quick succession create confusion

Coke - Delhi

Peak valence for Delhi

respondents watching the

Coke ad occurs when the

parrot also shakes in a

manner similar to the rest

of the characters in the ad,

this not only evokes smiles,

but also resolves confusion

One of the reasons why we

felt the brand had a good

recall in Link was due to

the product being right

there when the most

emotionally positive

moment in the ad occurs


Facial expressions helped pinpoint the exact moments which created positive payoff – both

through evoking smiles and resolving confusion


Coke - Hyderabad We can see the sharpness with which the key moments which cause a response come

through compared to the more aggregate responses in Link


In Hyderabad, valence peaks at the

culmination of the teacher sequence

The parrot scene

continues to evoke a

sharp positive response

in Hyderabad as well

Multiple sequences shown in quick succession

create confusion among the consumers

7 Up - Delhi


The role of the brand in the second half of the

ad is unclear leading to confusion

7 Up





The emotions in the two markets peak at different points of the narrative

RECAP: Using Emotions to Add Value to Advertising testing

Facial Coding data Analysed with Link to provide additional insights

Facial coding dashboards Lumi Technology: Showing Ads & Capture Face Video on Mobile

Affectiva Facial Coding Analysis


• The technology enables us to use it with advertising testing at various stages:

• Capturing consumers’ emotions when they are watching an ad

remotely on their mobile devices

• Capture emotions in tracking studies & evaluate response over time


Thank You

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Proudly supported by Kantar, the Leader in Mobile Marketing Research

January 30-31, 2013

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Asia-Pacific Edition 2013 WWW.MRMW.NET

Organized by