using entrepreneurship to prepare for retirement

Using Entrepreneurship to Prepare for Retirement

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Using Entrepreneurship to Prepare for


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Dan Grijzenhout

I’d like to start by saying that my motivation for creating this info-article stems from

observations I have made in recent times as I became, in effect, a semi-retired person

myself and moved to an area of the world where life is more laid back, the weather is

nicer, and there are many retirees about whose lives I am now able to view closer at

hand. As I have been looking about lately and have been having conversations with

people now retired, certain things I have learned have I will have to admit, opened my

eyes to what those retirement years we all look forward to during our working lives are

really like.

To illustrate, I am convinced that financial stability in retirement requires more than

receiving standard government pensions and many people reach retirement age too

financially insolvent to actually retire. Additional pensions, significant savings or some

form of ongoing entrepreneurial revenue is needed to help people survive in retirement

without undue financial stress. I have been exposed to and have seen how retirees

struggle and I write this to raise awareness about this issue and to offer some

suggestions to those concerned about their futures when they reach this time of life.

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I recently attended in our community a weekly trade fair (see above image) where I

viewed a number of retirees sitting at tents and behind tables selling their wares to

consumers – through conversations with a couple of them, I learned that several were

doing this in an attempt to maintain at least a subsistence level of monthly income to

help pay their rent, costs of prescription drugs and other basic monthly costs.

Doing some research on this recently, I learned that standard Canadian pension plan

payments (CPP and Old Age Security (OAS)) at the rough maximum a married couple

can expect to receive if both people worked their lives through, nets them collectively

about $22,000 per year. Now, if you were born in 1958 or later, you also don’t collect

OAS until you are 67 – not 65 any longer. This contributes to the need for many of the

elderly to work to later years in life in order to survive retirement financially – as the

average retired middle-class couple owning their own home, require statistically,

approximately $40,000 per year to live comfortably. Supporting this, a recent Bank of

Montreal survey shows 59% of respondents stating that they will have to supplement

their pension incomes through continuing to work after retirement.

It is difficult for many in low to mid levelled salaried positions without company

pensions to expect to be comfortable in retirement unless they initiate some significant

entrepreneurial action or personal savings program of their own years before retirement

is reached – in fact, I wonder why we call it retirement any longer at all – it’s become

just a shifting for most to other jobs, in most cases, lesser paying ones. So this is my

raising of the awareness part of this article – Take Action!

Build things you can sell online, become a sales affiliate for some direct selling

organization, try consulting in some capacity, start an online business of some sort

(YouTube content creator, shopping portal, online publishing or editing, freelance

writing, website creation, etc.). There are any number of things a person can do to build

that additional nest-egg one will need as one leaves the primary work-force – and your

best energy years for this are now!

There are many “on the side” opportunities one can take to build a second income

stream prior to retirement. The key is to do it – If you don’t try or fear to try, you will

potentially be looking at some very bleak retirement years ahead. Don’t let that happen

to yourself.

In this regard, I have created an online course on this topic that you can take for no

charge (absolutely FREE!) by clicking on the course image below. This is not a

course I am really worried about making income from at all as I just want to get the

word out – raise the awareness of people as to what lies ahead and let them know that

rather than fearing the retirement future, you can do something about it to secure some

financial stability for yourself when those years hit you.

This course you can take from me will give you a start. It should help to raise your

awareness of your need to ensure you have money set aside for your retirement beyond

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pension plan income and it should give you some ideas as to directions you might want

to take to start earning additional income. So click the image or underlined text below:

Using Entrepreneurship to Prepare for Retirement

Also, be looking for my other courses as well as they drill down from this course to help

those of you wanting to put together profitable side businesses with a view to protecting

your futures. In those courses, you will learn the tips and strategies I learned to get my

own “retirement” – at home business – up, running and profitable. Feel free to

communicate with me at any time as I want to help. When I see something from you, I

will respond.

If you like this article and know others you would like to share this with, please do so as

I have created plenty of free coupons for it.

Thank you for getting through this commentary and I hope to see you on the inside

taking this course. Bye for now.

Best wishes,

Dan Grijzenhout

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Dan Grijzenhout: (Bio and resume at: ). For close to thirty years, Dan has been a professional business and information systems consulting professional working to executive levels for both private and public sector organizations globally, a number of which were "Fortune" level enterprises.

Dan has founded, operated and sold an online global payment services company that moves millions of dollars on behalf of its 100,000 plus account holders annually; he has been interviewed on the show "World Business Review" by former head of NATO and Secretary of State, General Alexander Haig, for his work in advanced digital and online telecommunications services and nation-wide online and card based "Loyalty" programs; and now works at writing to share his years of experience with others; helping those that wish to undertake entrepreneurial endeavors.

Social Media Marketing, Professional Consulting, and Authorship: During the past year, 2015, Dan has focused nearly all his time and energy on building considerable hands-on expertise in social media marketing and social media strategy. To this end, he has built 3 websites geared to training people to be able to start, build and successfully operate online businesses and also to teach students the “Art of Professional Consulting”. These websites include: A “Blog Site”, a Training Course site and a “Mobile Technology – Responsive” Showcase site that allows him to showcase recommended “Affiliate products” along with his own content creation products which include to date four Amazon-Kindle published E-Books, over 40 published social media and business related training/learning articles, and over 70 published YouTube training videos, video podcasts and iTunes available podcasts on mobile platforms such as Smart Phones.

He has gained expertise in many online content creation toolsets including the full suite of Adobe Creative tools and Adobe Dreamweaver for website development; video and audio editing software; 3rd party social media related website services and content creation partners; and most main-stream social communication platforms including Facebook and Facebook business pages, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Reddit, Goodreads, Amazon Author Central, LinkedIn, Ezine Articles Publishing, Amazon-Kindle Book Publishing, Amazon Create Space and more. On these platforms,

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Dan has now amassed over 15,000 followers and subscribers and more are following him daily.

Dan’s most recent work has been to build online training courses.

See his profile and course list at . Dan currently has seven courses available online that can be taken.

To view Dan’s informational articles and blog posts and to take his training courses through his website, go to The courses can be found under the “Online Training Courses” tab in the header menu.

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Below are online locations that you can find my created content. My primary business site. This site contains my content, discounted Udemy course coupons, access to my books and: Software, electronics and other products that I have experience with and recommend as being good quality. Direct link to my online courses attached to my blog site which is shown below. My blog and “lead capture” site. I use this to communicate interactively with my subscribers and to promote products I recommend. (Helps me keep the lights on here!). From this site, my students can currently take the same courses at the same prices I charge on the Udemy platform but soon, more detailed, extensive training classes will be offered here. My profile page on the training site. Shows all of my currently available training courses as I have them published there as well. On my “Boards” on this site, you can find content I have created such as my video podcasts, articles, some training videos and more. I have also pinned other 3rd party created content that I have found useful in building my online presence and in doing online research for content I create. : View my created learning videos posted on YouTube. View my content contributions on Google Plus : View my “” business page on Facebook.