using an affiliate microsite platform for targeted marketing

Using an Affiliate Microsite Platform for Targeted Marketing

Upload: fyoosion

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Using an Affiliate Microsite Platform for Targeted


Arguably one of the most effective marketing tools of all time is creating partnerships and referrals. An affiliate microsite platform is a system that allows your business to take full advantage of online partnerships to generate referrals and grow business opportunities.

By building a network of affiliate web sites, your business can use the power of online influencers to route traffic to your web site that consists of high quality leads that will convert more easily to customers.

A Conversion Centric Website Uses Affiliates

Boosting your conversion rate is an essential part of business marketing. Whether you generate traffic through traditional direct mail, email newsletters, or affiliates, keeping conversion rate as the primary focus will help you to achieve your marketing goals.

Build a target audience profile of your ideal customer demographic traits

Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to increase results rankings and increase traffic

Find affiliate sites where your target audience frequents and create a platform for traffic generation

Create a conversion centric website that helps visitors to become customers

Build a customer experience that increases loyalty and generates referrals

Managing Affiliates

Through an affiliate microsite platform you can create unique pages based around the specific affiliate traffic.

Through this process visitors view your pages as more of an authoritative source for the products or services they seek.

However managing affiliate microsites can be challenging without the proper tools:

Confirm links with affiliate are working properly

Update each affiliate microsite regularly

Fine tune the microsite for optimal conversion rates

Monitor the activities on the affiliate microsites to confirm traffic and conversion goals are being reached

Create a strong online relationship with affiliates to further increase traffic and referrals

Tools to Streamline Affiliate Microsite Management

The Fyoosion toolset provides a unique ability to manage affiliate microsites. Some of the features available through Fyoosion’s affiliate management and conversion centric websites include:  Fully integrated products to help you

provide consistent updates quickly and easily

Analysis services that identify opportunities to boost conversion rates

Comprehensive A/B Testing to validate all microsites are performing according to requirements

Easy deployment of updates across multiple pages for fast market response

Thorough data capture including visitor traffic analysis, shopping cart abandonment response, bounce analysis and more

Best-in-class affiliate microsite platform design using heat mapping and other tools to insure visitors come to the site and stay interested enough to buy

Where to Find the Right Affiliates

Each business and industry is unique, and the target audience profile for each business is just as distinctive.   Start with your target audience profile

Fyoosion can analyze and compare major influencer sites to your target market and present a refined list of preferred affiliates

Create opportunities for affiliate sites to link to your microsite pages with assistance from Fyoosion

Monitor activities including traffic, qualified leads generated, and conversion rates to further refine or augment your list of affiliates

Cultivating Affiliate Relationships

Even with the best affiliates, your business should utilize all marketing options to not only achieve your conversion rate goals but to also help affiliates achieve their traffic goals.  Email newsletters that are specific to certain affiliate


Blogs discussing solutions that relate to your business and your affiliate’s business

Cross-channel marketing using direct mail as well as online campaigns centered around certain affiliate microsites

Solicit feedback from affiliates on new opportunities or ways to improve traffic flow

The Fyoosion Solution

Much more than just technology tools, the Fyoosion solutions focus around conversion centric websites that make marketing much easier with fewer steps to execute and respond to changing market conditions.  Create campaigns and deploy across

multiple channels including microsites

Analyze opportunities and refine target audience information

Continuously tune and adapt as your opportunities increase

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