using alice s-educational-environment

Using the Educational Environment According to Four Leaves Taxonomy UNIVIRTUAL LAB

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Post on 12-Dec-2014




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Using the Educational EnvironmentAccording to Four Leaves Taxonomy


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What’s ILAP ? (Margiotta, 2006)

• ILAP is an instrumental framework that aims to support effective learning.• The ILAP framework is composed by four phases where the learner is engaged in different activities. These are supposed to promote specific learning outcomes and hence shape specific competences• The four phases are:

INFORMATION: See, Listen, Read, ExploreLAB: Discuss, Reflect, Try, Do

ASSESSMENT: Check your knowledge and skillsPERSONALIZATION: Make your learning useful for your personal/professional purposes

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Univirtual LabA training framework: ILEP (Margiotta, 2006)(information, laboratory , assessment, personalization)




We use this approach during eLearning activities. The Educational Environment is organized accordingly…

Let’s take a look!

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Our «Adults’ learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences Educational Environment»Logging-in

1) Bookmark this address: your starting


Sites general News for trainees

2) You are not logged in

Come back to the general website for


3) Insert your Login and Password here

4) Access to the course

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The FOUR-LEAF CLOVER TAXONOMY MODEL proposed in a online course

Course Presentation

Resources for Information:

modules (text/multimedia)

Lab’s Space: Online Forum

Learning Unit’s denomination

The Assessment space: Online quiz

and personal Assignments Personalization space:

The trainers’ log

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The teacher◦ Introduction of the module/unit's

learning goals;◦ Timing of the online work

programme;◦ Arrangement of a short abstract to

introduce module/unit's contents;◦ Provision and linkage to specific

glossaries in order to promote acquiring of a specific vocabulary required by the course;

◦ Contextualization of the training path;

◦ Content’s presentation;

The Learner:

◦ Understanding Education goals, setting and activities.

◦ Achieving crucial informations about curriculum

◦ Considering first contents◦ Getting to know the trainer/the


◦ Jumping into the learning experience / Understanding

FIRST PHASE: informationThis first step is characterized by the following learning activities:

Its importance lies on…

It represents a first important approach to the content meaning;

It outlines the sense of the training path and its complexity;

It introduces a clear idea of the roadmap to be followed and of the practices that characterize the participation.

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1) Links with Resources for Information:

modules (text/multimedia)

2) A window opens up with modules with

specific content

3) Select the content of the

starting module (*)

(*) The eTutor will help you to know which module is


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The teacher◦ Introduce Practical activities

◦ Design key questions

◦ Open discussions

◦ Guide practices and reflections

◦ Make conclusions on the ongoing discussion

◦ Support learners in presenting the results of the own hands-on activities

The Learner:

◦ Analyzes activities and start transferring knowledge into practice

◦ Explores and reflect about the topic

◦ Discusses, analyzse, criticizes, jointly with the teacher and colleagues, in a growing learning community

◦ Reinforces the learning space as a space of dialogue with diversity

Second PHASE: LABORATORYThe laboratory is designed to improve social interaction.

Its importance lies on…

It creates opportunities for practical understanding of an issue

It support peer learning;

It generates room for significant learning through reflection (meta-cognitive and emotional processes)

It opens the learning process to the social construction of knowledge.

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The laboratory: steps to interactionReplying to a post

The discussion opened looks like this

1) Ensure yourself that you are in the right Unit’s space

2) Search the Lab’s space and the «Forum» icon

3) Click on the link that identifies the discussion space

4) Select the right discussion

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The laboratory: steps to interactionReplying to a post

5) Once you opened the discussion, reply to the post

4) Select the right discussion

Do not add discussion topics to answer to your colleagues! The eTutor will do if necessary

Pay attention to the path

6) Write your reply here; don’t forget to click on the button “post to forum”

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The laboratory: interaction exampleThe online discussion forum

The example shows a typical online discussion forum.The eTutor propose a topic or an activity and the students reply and discuss about.

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The teacher◦ Test Knowledge (Contents of

Learning or Declarative Knowledge);

◦ Skills assessment (Rules of Problem Solving or Procedural Knowledge);

◦ Accompanying reflection processes(metacognition on own skills)

The Learner:◦ Gets feed-back/Metalearn◦ Evaluates together with the trainer

knowledge, skills, feelings, as achievements of learning experience

◦ Understands the own learning strategies

◦ Participates in a general evaluation of learning activities and trainer’s performance in order to address new activities

Third PHASE: ASSESSMENTAssessment includes three significant learning activities…and it is a learning activity itself!

Its importance lies on…

The way in which the reflection can:

lead to recognize the key learning outcomes; provide quality adjustments;

Or to set up new scenarios for action

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Assessment : tools and their different aims (1)

Assessment activities play a very important role in the learning experience because they drive students toreflect in different ways on their own learning.

Usually the assessment activities of a module are:Online quizzes . The Read me First file presents the learner with the online quiz; the online Quiz open an eForm that gives immediate feed-back on the learner performance

Short assignments. The assignment provide the learner with instructions for practices, experimental activities, collection of information, etc. They also ask for a structured feed-back on the “hands-on” activity.

Self assessment competences. A very simple form (rubric) to analyze the own learning progress. It is divided into statements and the eTutor will ask the learner to complete it at the end of the Learning Unit (or the 3 / 4 modules)

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Examples of assessment activities: Online Quiz

Assessment : tools and their different aims (2)

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Examples of assessment activities: Assigment

Assessment : tools and their different aims (2)

Upload the file with your completed assignment

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The teacher◦ Provision of specific bibliography;

◦ Suggestion of alternative training paths;

◦ Setting up of additional documents and training material.

◦ to correct them with a customization process or with a new course set-up.

The Learner:◦ Achieves/transfers◦ Considers experiences you can

generate with learned lessons within the course

◦ Considers herself with regard to the generation of knowledge within the field of studies

◦ Analyzes future learning activities

Fourth PHASE: PERSONALIZATIONNow ensure that the learning experience pertains to the learner

Its importance lies on…

The possibility of really moving the experience from a teaching centered to a learning centered approach.

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Personalization: the trainers’ log

Trainers/educators need to “critically deconstruct” their own knowledge, values, conceptions through reflection on dimensions of intergenerational interactions that motivate their own practice on adults’ education (Raffaghelli, 2011)

--> Keeping a Diary

• Introducing the self at the starting point (positioning)• Analyzing creative languages to be adopted in connection with

the own values, ideas, prejudices on being an educator and on intergenerational interplay, cultural identity, good / bad

• Bringing conceptions/representations into practice: critical incidents to reflect about (self-efficacy and motivation about keep innovating)

• Reflecting on personal learning about practice (use of creative languages in intergenerational learning and impact on teaching key competences)

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Personalization : examples

Upload the file with your “trainers’ log chapter” It can contain diverse types of resources (like audio, video, extrernal links) Work on the basis of a presentation or a document

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An online working week: Timing and activities

On Monday Students start working: they pay

attention to the eTutor messages, download the

lesson to be read or see the video-input.

From Monday to Wednesday, the eTutor gives time

to the students to read and analyze information.

From Wednesday to Friday, online forum and

hands-on activities have place.

On Saturday learners assignments are usually

delivered and online forum closed. The eTutor

can decide to close the online week on next

Monday in order to give more time to

exchanges or the completion of activities.

The eTutor gives feed-back to students. Only at the end of the Unit: The students are given

time to reflect and complete the Self-

competences’ assessment

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Using the EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTThe Conventions and Code of Practice

Although the technology of online communities gets most of the attention, it is really working together that we obtain effective learning outcomes: building a learning community, a group of persons that share experience and build new knowledge. All this process is a learning opportunity across frontiers!

But we have to keep in mind a couple of things to work out this idea effectively:

A platform is just an environment----A new one, that can support our work. It isn’t alive by itself: what matters is how we use it.

In a distance working setting, language and metaphor are primary tools to use to create the ambience because all the information in a face-to-face communication gets lost. Be careful when writing your messages, but remember that not writing is like remaining in silence. Of course we need interesting conversations to build new ideas!

A community of people collaborating in a distance relationship is the product of shared stories, rituals, experiences: bringing something to the VWS ---whatever you think might be interesting. Is crucial to keep alive the community.

Don’t create information overload! Be sure that your comments can be easily understood and that will stimulate in others the desire to reply, because there is always something to add

Your communication style matters: being kind, open minded, not judging others. Whenever there’s something you disagree with, it’s better to ask some more about the other’s position before commenting; it would be helpful to use courtesy rules in your discourse.

We need to change our mindset: the VWS is like a sandbox, a place for playing with the sands of thought, and where those thoughts can be put and taken away a thousand times before arriving at a definitive version. The fact that written “conversation” remains shouldn’t terrify us: it only shows a process (and consider that whenever you need, technical support will be given to delete any kind of misleading/ outdated information). The interesting thing is: to see –through all our messages- how much we have learnt throughout this process!

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Using the EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTThe Conventions and Code of Practice

Lets summarize this principles ---the do & don’t of EE--- in a short list…

1. Do try to work together through shared experiences and materials

2. Start small but think big: The secret is to try and try again. It’s by using that you will discover usability

3. Do save, save, save: Please save your work every five to ten minutes. A minute lost in saving, is less ----you can be sure--- than hours of inspiration lost!

4. Do feel free to post: a conversation in a distance interaction is an exchange of posts. Talking in the VWS is posting. Talking is the opportunity to share and build new ideas.

5. Do think before posting: think why your post could be useful or interesting to the community.

6. Don’t judge: your colleagues are sharing thoughts we’re not publishing . Remember this isn’t a public space, but our working space.

7. Allow everyone to have a voice which is listened to...

8. Don't Worry about it! Remember the initials I.E. for "Ignore" and "Explore". Ignore the things you don't need, or that you come across and don't understand. When you need something, explore and find. There is very little you can really do wrong, and there's not much to break. Wherever you can really mess up (like deleting something permanently) you are given a pretty clear warning, so you can't really go wrong in experimenting - and if you do, editing to fix is easy: ask for help to the technical support.

9. Don’t let the VWS overhelm you. Your work as a teacher is BIG. Your role within PERMIT project is BIG too. So ask questions, share materials, comment on what you are reading. What you put in here needn’t be perfect!

10. Don’t feel alone. In the VWS, there is an entire community accompanying you, working on the same exciting thing as you, facing the same challenges and difficulties.

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Above all…

Enjoy your learning experience!!!!