uses and gratifications theory

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Uses and Gratification theory

2. The basic model The Uses and Gratifications Theory follows a basic model. It is an audience- centeredapproach. When an audience actively seeks out media, they are typically seeking it in order to gratify a need. For example, in social situations, people may feel more confident and knowledgeable when they have specific facts and stories from media to add to conversation. By seeking out media, a person fulfillsa need to be informed. Social situations and psychological characteristics motivate the need for media, which motivates certain expectations of that media. This expectation leads one to be exposed to media that would seemingly fit expectations, leading to an ultimate gratification. Source copied from: Wikipedia 3. In my own words Audiences will see a bit of media and expect certain things, this in turn makes other media projects with similar audiences try a match the expectations of the audience, meaning the audience is shaping the media. For example in a horror film audiences might expect eerie violins and cloudy mist, therefore someone making a horror project may be inclined to fulfil the audiences needs of the certain aspects and put in eerie violins and cloudy mist. 4. How this can be applied By using the Uses and Gratifications theory on my own project, I can look at research of front covers and see what needs the audience of a music magazine want fulfilling For instance in the majority of well published music magazines there is a large centre frame picture of a big act and the main article of the magazine, I am applying this in my magazine by having a similar thing.