user registration - singapore management university registration thank you for your interest in...

User Registration Thank you for your interest in applying for admission to SMU. Please create a User ID below. Your User ID can be between 1 and 24 characters in length consisting of alphanumeric characters only. Note that your User ID will be suffixed with ".apply" An email with your User ID and password will be sent to you at the email address that you have indicated below. You will receive this email upon completing Page 1 of the online application form (Personal Details). You will be required to use this User ID and password the next time you access SMU’s Applicant Self Service Functions. User ID .apply Email Address Re-enter email address OK

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User Registration

Thank you for your interest in applying for admission to SMU.

Please create a User ID below. Your User ID can be between 1 and 24 characters in lengthconsisting of alphanumeric characters only. Note that your User ID will be suffixed with ".apply".

An email with your User ID and password will be sent to you at the email address that you haveindicated below. You will receive this email upon completing Page 1 of the online application form(Personal Details).

You will be required to use this User ID and password the next time you access SMU’s ApplicantSelf Service Functions.

User ID .apply

Email Address

Re-enter email address


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Undergraduate Admissions

Thank you for your interest in SMU.

To apply, please proceed to fill in all the application details. An inaccurately completed form will render yourentire application invalid. Before completing and submitting this online application, you must be fully aware about the admissions requirements that youneed to fulfill. If you are not clear about the admissions requirements, please visit

Navigation Hints

- There are eight steps to complete the application.- Your progress is indicated by the step numbers on the top right hand corner of every page.- You can return to any page by simply clicking on the relevant step number.- You are recommended to save your application before proceeding to the next page.- Information which is mandatory is shown with an asterisk (*).- If you do not have all the required information at hand, you may choose to save and exit the system.- To return to your saved application, login using your User ID and password that were sent to you by email.- Please note that you must submit your online application by the stipulated closing date. Saved applications thatare not submitted in time will not be considered.

Personal Details

Please complete the following fields.

Mr*Name Prefix

*Full Name(Please write your Full Name in the same order as shown in yourNRIC/Passport in English characters, including Surname/Family Name)

(Please indicate dash "-" if you do not have a Family Name/Surname)*Family Name/Surname


(DD/MM/YYYY)*Date of Birth

*Country of Birth

*Ethnic Group

*Marital Status

*Religious Preference

*Citizenship Status

*Citizenship Country

*Email Address

*Re-enter email address


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Undergraduate Admissions


Home Address


*Postal Code

House/Block No

Street Name

*Unit No (e.g. #03-28)

Building Name

Mailing address is the same as the home address

Phone Numbers

Please indicate at least one contact number. For phone numbers outside Singapore, please includethe country code and area code. For local numbers, you may omit the country and area code.

Home Number

Country Code Area Code Phone Number

Mobile Number

Country Code Area Code Phone Number

Parent's Details

Tick if deceased/unknown*Father's Name



*Contact No *Type

Country Code Area Code Phone Number

Email Address

Yes NoSame home address as the applicant?

Tick if deceased/unknown*Mother's Name



*Contact No *Type

Country Code Area Code Phone Number

Email Address

Yes NoSame home address as the applicant?

Emergency Contact

*You must provide a contact person in case of an emergency.Please indicate your primary contact person

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Undergraduate Admissions

Educational Background

1. Select GCE A-Level if you have taken the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level examinations in Singapore (includingprivate candidates), regardless of your citizenship. You should select the International and Other Qualificationscategory if you have taken the UK A-Level examinations offered by Cambridge, Edexcel or AQA.

2. Select Polytechnic Diploma if you have an acceptable Diploma from Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic,Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic or Temasek Polytechnic, regardless of your citizenship. Those whose finalsemester results are not available at the time of application must submit the results immediately when available.Failure to do so will result in the delay of processing of your application. SMU will not send reminders to informapplicants to submit their results.

3. Select International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, regardless of your citizenship. Applicants whose IB results are notavailable by the application closing date, can apply using their predicted IB scores which must be furnished by theirschool counsellor. The predicted scores must reach SMU no more than one week after the application closing date.However, you are advised to apply for admission and submit your predicted scores early. You must submit your actualresults immediately when available. Failure to do so will result in the delay of processing of your application. SMU willnot send reminders to inform applicants to submit their results. To help us expedite processing, we advise you toapply for your official results to be released by International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) to the universities.Please approach your school counselor for more details on this.

4. Select NUS High School Diploma, regardless of your citizenship.

5. Select International and Other Qualifications if you have pre-university qualifications that are not from the listabove, regardless of your citizenship. You should select this category if you have taken the UK A-Level examinationsoffered by Cambridge, Edexcel or AQA. Those whose high school results are not available at the time of applicationmust submit the results immediately when available. Failure to do so will result in the delay of processing of yourapplication. SMU will not send reminders to inform applicants to submit their results.

6. Select International and Other Qualifications if you are applying with the Diploma from LASALLE/NAFA/NIE that isacceptable for the purpose of admission.

*Application Category


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Undergraduate Admissions

Co-curricular Activities (CCA)

Please list three CCAs that you have participated in, which you consider as most important to you.

Activity 1



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Activity 2



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Level ofRepresentationAward

Activity 3



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Undergraduate Admissions


*Describe the highlights of your most important achievements or contributions. These can also include your workexperiences. If you have any outstanding talent (e.g. national sportsman/sportswoman, musical/artistic talent, run asuccessful business, outstanding community service), please include them as well. (Max : 300 words)

Word Count: 0 Based on your achievements listed above, select two of the following that best describe your talents.

*Talent Group 1

Talent Group 2


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Undergraduate Admissions

Financial Background

Total net monthly household income of your immediate family.

*Household income

Total number of people living in the same house (including yourself).

*Total number of people

*House Type

University Education

Yes No*Have you ever studied in a university before?

Disability /Special Needs

The information provided will assist SMU in monitoring and improving services to assist students with specialneeds. Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition (e.g. hearing, vision, speech,medical, mobility or other mental ailments or physical constraints/limitations) which may or may not cause youto require special assistance or facilities while studying at SMU? If your answer is Yes, please provide details andsubmit supporting documents.

Yes No

Criminal Offence

Have you ever been convicted of any offence by a Court of Law in any country or are there any pendingcourt proceedings against you? If your answer is Yes, please provide details and submit supportingdocuments, if any.

Yes No

Source of Information

You may select more than one option.

*Source of Information about SMU

School Talks/School Visits SMU Website

Exhibitions/Fairs Newspapers

Public Talks Word of Mouth

Others (Please specify)


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Undergraduate Admissions

Choice of Programme

Please indicate your choices according to your preference. Consider your interests and aptitude verycarefully when making your selection. Once you have submitted your application, it will not bepossible to change your choice.

If you are interested in the law programme, please indicate the law programme as your 1st choice.This will also apply to application for double degree. Interviews and writing tests for shortlisted lawapplicants will be conducted in the month of April. For more details, please refer to:

Outstanding students will be considered for admission into the double degree programme. Successfulapplicants may enrol in a double degree programme consisting of any two disciplines (Primary Degreeand Secondary Degree) in Accountancy, Business Management, Economics, Information SystemsManagement, Law and Social Science. The primary degree can be any one of the five disciplines. Thesecondary degree can be any one, except Law. Law cannot be taken as a secondary degree. The offerof a place in the double degree programme will be based on your 1st choice and 2nd choice indicatedin your online application form.

Yes No*Apply for Double Degree?

*1st Choice

2nd Choice

3rd Choice

4th Choice

5th Choice


Yes No*Are you interested in applying for scholarship?

Please click here to view the requirements for each scholarship.

Financial Aid

SMU offers a comprehensive financial aid initiative consisting of loans, bursaries, grants and work-study opportunities in order to help financially needy students fund their education at SMU.

Please click here to view the various financial aid schemes. If you intend to apply for financial aid,please submit a detailed financial aid online application after submitting your online application foradmission. Log on to Applicant’s Self-Service portal to access the financial aid application form. Thefinancial aid online application will open on 02 February


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2016 and will close on 31 May 2016.
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Undergraduate Admissions


Please verify that your details and choices are correctly entered by clicking on PREV button or clickon the Steps above before proceeding to submit. You will not be able to make changes to yourapplication form after submission.

1. I affirm that I have read and understood the instructions in the application form, andthat the information given in this application form is correct and complete and alldocuments submitted, whether in hardcopy form or uploaded online, are true andhonestly presented.

2. I understand that any omission of information or provision of inaccurate or falseinformation or forged supporting documents will render this application invalid, and SMUmay at its discretion withdraw any offer of admission, scholarship and financial aid, ifawarded. If admitted on the basis of such information, I may be subjected to disciplinaryaction, which may result in my expulsion from SMU.

3. I consent to SMU using and sharing the details submitted in this application form withall other relevant offices and schools within SMU or third parties on a need-to-know basisfor purposes relating to this application, including conducting surveys. The third partiesinclude the Ministry of Education, other Ministries, government agencies and statutoryboards and persons or organisations providing SMU students with scholarships, awardsand financial aid. I also consent to SMU disclosing the outcome of my application to myalma mater for the sole purpose of data analysis by my alma mater upon request fromthem.

4. I hereby authorise SMU to obtain and verify any information given by me from or withany source, such as the Ministry of Education and any educational institution attended byme.

I agree with the above declarations.

I Agree