user and administration guide of an electronic town meeting...

User and Administration Guide of an electronic Town Meeting event Abstract Introduction The event's structure and features of the software The technical set-up The installation of the application, the connection of numeric keypads and the initial mapping CARD 1: Install the sw application and server configuration CARD 2: operating instructions for connecting the televoting keypads CARD 3: configuration of sectors and users CARD 4: Inserting discussion sessions's topics and poll's questions The electronic discussion STEP 1 discussion's tables (DT) CARD 5: DT User Interface CARD 6: User interface for "participant of the virtual table" CARD 7: User Interface of the "facilitator of virtual table" STEP 2 Theme Team (TTM and TTL) CARD 8: UI TTM CARD 9: UI TTL STEP 3 Projection of the public and reports CARD 10: UI "video" CARD 11: UI "report" Management of the electronic discussion CARD 12: UI "admin" during discussion phase. Electronic voting Features for the votation phase CARD 13: UI "admin" in the voting phase CARD 14: UI "video" in the voting phase CARD 15: UI "report" in the voting phase Authors Document drawn up on 09.10.2009 by Monica and David Mazzucco for Avventura Urbana srl / p. 1 Of 28

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Page 1: User and Administration Guide of an electronic Town Meeting UG.pdf · eTM Server ( HW and SW) All the above elements

User and Administration Guideof an electronic Town Meeting event

AbstractIntroductionThe event's structure and features of the software

The technical set-up

The installation of the application, the connection of numeric keypads and the initial mapping

CARD 1: Install the sw application and server configurationCARD 2: operating instructions for connecting the televoting keypadsCARD 3: configuration of sectors and usersCARD 4: Inserting discussion sessions's topics and poll's questions

The electronic discussionSTEP 1 discussion's tables (DT)

CARD 5: DT User Interface CARD 6: User interface for "participant of the virtual table"CARD 7: User Interface of the "facilitator of virtual table"


STEP 3 Projection of the public and reportsCARD 10: UI "video"CARD 11: UI "report"

Management of the electronic discussionCARD 12: UI "admin" during discussion phase.

Electronic votingFeatures for the votation phase

CARD 13: UI "admin" in the voting phaseCARD 14: UI "video" in the voting phaseCARD 15: UI "report" in the voting phase


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The electronic Town Meeting event allows in a single day to process a large amount of information provided by participants in the room, and virtual participants and participants connected in other remote sites gathering all comments and vote results in real time.

The key component of this type of event is the interactivity that is generated during the course of the day, made possible by the use of technology designed specifically for the specific workflow.

The software application serves three main activities that are the basis of interaction that is generated in the working day:

1. Gathering and management of text comments coming from the discussion tables, whether it is of participants in the main venue physically sitting around tables, whether participants similarly grouped in other locations connected, be it of remote participants connected by a chat. From now on as participant we will always mean people sitting in tables at local or remore sites and people sitting in virtual table.

2 Gathering and management of the votes from numeric keypads deliveredby each participant.

3. Administration, through a control panel accessible to the staff director, of the agenda and of messages to the audience in local or remote venues.

The eTM Software allows each site to communicate and insert comments in his own language, and allow to the director to decide whether to integrate the results of all languages and all venues or separate them.

In other words, the program allows you to discuss / vote in several languages at once - by location - on the same topic, or to give - any location - a specific and different topic of discussion / vote.

The software application is Internet/web enabled. Essentially everything is based on active web pages written in PHP with data inserted on a database. The key component is the database - managed MySQL DBMS: all data are organized logically into a workflow system so they can be ordered and consulted anytime by any user. A special system polling, with a customizable refresh rate , is forced on the application web pages to allow to collect data continuously by all users in order to allow completion of the workflow, to gather the input of any keyboard and facilitate the reading of comments by the theme team.

The event structure and the software features

The participants of the event are typically divided into small groups each assigned to a computer in the LAN/Internet. Each group has a PC and a number of keyboards, equivalent to the number of people who sits around the table (maximum 12).

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Through the PC user on the table "participant" send feedback in real time, by allocating data in the program through a specific interface "discussion."

The same comments are received in real time users "Theme Team", which processes the data and transformed into a new piece of information that completes its process to becoming a slide projected public: user "video."

Through the voting keypads, one for each participant, the audience vote by choosing one answer option for the question made by the organisation team. The remote participants that aren't present in the room, but connected at home through their PC, vote simultaneously through a screen form dedicated to them.

The admin user, usually represented by the staff who organized the event, manages votes and discussions, inserted through the admin panel (a web page accessible through a PC connected to the LAN) discussion topics (each town meeting may be done on a different topic / theme-General), questions for voting and other elements treated more specifically in the following paragraphs.

The last team member, the one that receives all the data (from all participants, staff andTheme Team) is the report user. Typically the report user has the role to make an instant report of what emerged during the day and deliver it to the participants. The report user aim to see at a glance the discussion topics and outcomes of the discussion and voting results. It doesn't have permission to write in the database as it is an external observer of the occurring events..

Thus, all data entered into the program during the event - just as described - are collected in a single database, as represented in the above figure.

Please note that each participant can choose a sector in which to insert language comments and view the results of the discussion (languages), and that each sector can act synchronously or asynchronously with respect to other sectors. The languages implemented are French, English, Spanish and Italian. Other languages can be added prepairing off-line one XLS file with the translation of all the requested static messages. The messages then could be modified if needed.

Another key feature of this program, and these kinds of events, is the management of times for each type of user. The people who have just been described above, carry on different activities on the same data stream at the same time. This is necessary to allow the course of the day, if not it would not be possible to gather so much information

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in a single day. Then the director will take this into account the allocation of time toexample, as shown in the diagram below, you may understand the situation in which participants remote are viewing the results of the discussion that took place between them, the participants in the room are still talking and that the workers instead of the theme teams are still reading and interpreting the comments of the previous work session. The director of the event should know that what each group should do and use the program to implement the scheme that was intended.

The producer forces users to the required page, when appropriate, to carry out the due action in the event. In this way you can steer the flow of information with respect to the agenda and also allow to all who contribute in a structured and organized to discussion. The fact that the program, although web-based, can be managed, remotely too, by the Producer/Director is the most important innovation of this tool. The information is transmitted through the normal mechanism of the web, dynamic pages in php and ajax with form and text area, but the pages are selected by the director: the staff is able to select any time what users have in their screen, no matter what they have clicked at that moment.

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The Technical Set-Up

The hardware and software required to set-up an eTM event are:

The local area network and Internet connection The TTVKs hardware and software, to be used with table users for discussions and

voting. ( PCs,USB-HUBs, Numeric Keypads,...) The communication system,i.e. HW and SW needed to communicate with external

sites or remote participants (streaming, audio/video conferencing, voice chat) The audio and video systems to be used in each venue eTM Server ( HW and SW)

All the above elements can be chosen evaluating many different parameters. They depend on the location, the budget, and on the numbers of remote sites and required connections. Depending on the number of participants, the specific choices that you make on how to aggregate the results of different groups, or the language or languages in which you want to play the event, the conditions of connectivity, the need to have the results communicated in real time in every sites and generally speaking depending on the specific conditions of the event you have to pay attention in hardware configuration and choosing the initial setup of the software, as described in the following pages.

All the hardware and software together with the planned agenda should be deeply tested during the final rehearsal made usually the day before the date scheduled for the eTM.

Particular attention should also be paid to the internet connection and its bandwidth, especially if the event takes place in several locations. It is recommended that the connection has at least 2 Mb/s both in downstream and upstream ( not adsl ) and it would be also recommended to have a backup connection.

Finally, if it is recommended for events of a certain size (I.e. more than 100 participants) to place the server in the best possible location, considering to give the maximum bandwidth available to the venue with a higher number of participants, i.e. you can put the eTM Server into the same LAN of TTVK of that room. It is also reminded that the PCs on the table for discussion (TTVK), have to be connected to a wired LAN network, avoiding to use wi-fi connection because when in crowded room have weird behavior. .

To further clarify the possible scenario of a well designed event you can take the case IDEAL-EU project that took place in late 2009. This case can be considered a general pattern of a very complex eTM event involving 600 participants in 3 different countries, spread across 9 sites. The eTM used 3 differents languages even contributing to the same discussions. All the sites were using videoconferencing that allowed to all of them to interact and even give a speech, while everyone on the internet could watch the event in web-streaming.All the sites were able to vote at same time the discussions results, getting in real time the voting results. In the afternoon each country (France,Italy, Spain) with its on defined Producer was able to continue with local discussions and voting without interference.

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The installation of the application, the connection of numerical keyboards and initial mapping.

The eTM Server is a web application written in PHP and it stores its data in one MySQL database. It is required to install the package on the Apache web server and run the scripts to create the database and initialize tables with the required data.

System Requirements: Webserver Apache with php 5.0.0 or later Mysql 5.0.51 or later

CARD 1 Installation steps:

Unzip the package called IDEAL (eTM Server) in the webroot of the web server Proceed to the creation of the database Import the database default.sql which is found in the attached package Update the information required editing the file IDEAL/includes/

At this point all other configurations are carried out by the administrator user, from the server home page using the following:

Username: admin Password: IDEALEU

The admin user allow to set-up of the following:

➔ Mapping of the logical/physical areas of event, with the possibility to divide users into groups (sectors)

• Assignment of participants's tables to each sector• Assignment of one language to each sector• Assignment of one of the following options: sector where the event takes

place in the form of "virtual/remote location" or sector where the event actually takes place.

➔ Assignment of time in each sector and location➔ add discussions and topics and questions and related poll choices for each

sector; this can be done before the event usualy for the initial screening of participants ( age, gender, education …) but it is required also during the event depending on discussions results

➔ Definition of all users and related profile and allocation of appropriate passwords for each table, theme team, theme team leader, report user, video user and producer, the director of the event.

In the following paragraphs , CARD2, CARD3 and CARD4 will be explained the software features that allow the admin user to set-up all above required configuration.

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CARD 2: operating instructions for Table Tele-Voting Kit / (TTVK)1

TTVK start-up Connect the computer and USB HUB to an electrical outlet. Insert the internet cable in the computer. Insert the pen drive in the USB port of the computer. Don't connect HUB yet. Turn on the computer and configure it for the USB boot device.When turned on, enter the BIOS program, and in the first screen titled “Boot Order,” make the USB boot as default device.

Connecting the numerical keypads to the HUB.

Connect the keypads starting from the first port left going clockwise (keeping the hub with power supply plug in front of you ). The HUB must remain disconnected from the netbook until it has completed the bootstrap phase.

Selecting the configuration screen Configure the keyboard layout in terms of country use, configure the network settings according your network configuration. You can choose if using or not DHCP.

Connecting the HUB to the computer

Check from the main page of the netbook, that the number of keypads connected to the HUB match the number shown on the screen.

Labeling Keypads From the main screen, select menu-item to label the keypads and proceed to numbering them according to the instructions. Each participant will keep the same keypad all day allowing us to produce a deep analysis of voting results.

How to login to the software From the main screen, click on "Browse the configurated website "and log in with user and password for the table -TAV user - according what assigned by the eTM admin.

TROUBLESHOOTING for malfunction of the TTVK:

Not all keypads are recognized when connected to the HUB

Disconnect the HUB and wait until the keypad count is at 0, then reconnect the HUB. If the problem persists unplug then plug the keypads one by one, paying attention to the labeling of the keypads during the operation.If the problem still is not fixed, restart the computer and repeat the operation.

Not able to access the software Go to the configuration menu and check the web parameters and address, and then reconnect.

The discussion/voting phase is over but the screen does not update

Press F5 to manually update the page

One or more keypads have stopped working

Disconnect the HUB then reconnect it. Press ALT+HOME returning to the main screen. Repeat the process of the connecting to the HUB of the computer and if necessary the labeling of the keypads.

1 For further details refer to the video tutorial TTVK-SetupGuide

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CARD 3 Configuration of sectors and users

SETTING EVENT in Management Panel ( Admin User)

Select the item 'Sectors Management' ('Gestione Settori')

You must create one sector for each event venue, whether physical or virtual, assign a unique name to each sector and give a unique language to each sector

Select User Management We have to define all the users in the following order: TAV users ( Tables users, i.e. 1 Table <-> 1 TAV User)PVR users ( 1 Virtual Table <-> many PVR UsersTTM users (Theme Team Member 1 TTM <-> 1 TTM User TTL user (Theme Team Leader , usually one but you may have more ) REP user (Report manager), VID User (VIDEO user to be used for the laser beam ), PRO User ( the Producer, the user that handles the different screen in process workflow phases


1 Types of users, according to the description contained in the software

• Table users (TAV) are users who access the computer software from the tables of the participants. TAV users will send votes and comments.

• Virtual Table Participant (PVR): if the event provides virtual participants, each of these must access using one PVR user.

• The PVR user will participate to the discussion using a chat and will be able to televote.

• Virtual Table facilitator (FVR), just like counterpart in the room, the facilitator of virtual table, using a chat, will handle the discussion of virtual table and it will gather the comments of PVR users and send them to the Theme Team.

• Theme Team member (TTM): receives feedback from the tables, processes and synthesizes them and sends them to the Theme Team Leader.

• Report user (REP): deals with the creation of the final report using the results of discussion and televoting.

• User Video (VID): the VID output form will be connected to the laser beam (or whatever output screen is available)

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Table Users (TAV)

Virtual Table Participants(PVR) and Virtual Table Facilitator (FVR)

• Technical Producer (PRO): the producer will manage the technical screens to be sent to all other users. In other words He is the director of the different steps/scenes

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Theme Team Member (TTM) and Theme Team Leader (TTL)

Report User (REP)

Video User (VID)

Producer (PRO)Select item 'static text translate' ('Traduci testi statici')

You need to translate all the static messages to be shown in each screen for each language set in the management sectors , such as courtesy messages, error messages, etc... That above will be done through a simple grid form.

Select the item 'Assign tables to TTM' (Assegna Tavoli a TTM)

Every TTM must gather the TAV users comments choosing a subset among those available. Usually every TTM manages 2 or 3 tables but there isn't a

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perfect rule. To choose the Tables select the right check box in 'TTM Nuova Assegnazione' (TTM Add) screen. Then press "Save" ('Salva')

Select the item to Assign TTM to TTL ('Assegna TTM a TTL')

This is a function similar to the prevous. You must assign each TTM to a TTL. Press 'Save' ('Salva') when done

CARD 4 Inserting sessions topics and discussion questions vote

Screen EVENT MANAGEMENT (admin user)

Select the item discussion sessions management ('Gestioni Sessioni di discussione')

To insert a new discussion, click on "new discussion ". ('Nuova discussione') Each discussion session may contain one or more sub-topics, which will guide the participants in the discussion during

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the day. Beware of following data:Managing Producer ('Producer di Riferimento'): in the drop-down menu select 'proall' if all sectors must work directed by a single producer. If that is not the case it is necessary to pay close attention to the initial user assignment and then from this drop down menu select the right managing producer.Order ('Ordine'): to be inserted manually, determine the session order, it is a numeric index starting from 0.ID is automatically determined.Edit and Delete ('Modifica' e 'Cancella'): are represented by Pencil-over-paper and trash-bin icons.(to delete a session you first must have removed all sub-topics contained in it).Once created the discussion sessions, you can access and set the sub-topics by clickingon the "magnifying glass". Then create the sub-topics for each session.

Select the item televoting sessions management (Gestione Sessioni di Televoto')

To insert a new session of tele-voting, click "New session of televoting." ('nuova seesione di televoto') Each televoting session may contain one or more questions, each with a indefinite number of answers available. Pay attention to the following data:Managing Producer : from the drop-down menu select 'proall' if all the sectors must workdirected by a single producer. If that is not the case it is necessary to pay close attention to the Initial user assignment and then from this drop down menu select the correct managing producer.Order (Ordine): to be inserted manually, it determines the ordersession, it is a numeric index that starts from 0.ID is automatically determined.Edit and Delete: are represented by iconspencil on paper, and trash (to cancel a session is You first must have eliminated all the questions therein). Once created televoting sessions, you can access and set the sub-topics by clicking on the "magnifying glass". Then create the Questions for each session

Creating questions for televoting To insert a new question for televoting, click "New question for televoting." ('nuova domanda di televoto') Every question for tele-voting is part of a session, and may contain a number of possible answers ranging from 0 to 9 according the number of buttons in the keypads or remote controlOrder (Ordine): to be inserted manually, it determines the question order; it is a numerical index that can be set to any value, the question will be projected in ascending order. ID is automatically determined.Edit and Delete: are represented by icons pencil-over- paper, and trash (deleting a question will automatically delete all the linked answers. Once you have created questions for televoting, you can access and set all the answers by clicking the icon

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"Magnifying glass"

Creating televoting answers To insert a new televoting answer, click "New answer". ('Nuova risposta') Order: to be inserted manually, it determines the question order, it is a numeric index starting from 0.Button: to be inserted manually, it pairs the answer to the button on the keypad/ remote control. ID is automatically determined.Edit and Delete: are represented by iconspencil-over-paper and trash

Admin : Event Management / Discussions -/ Topics of the discussion

Admin : Event Management / Voting session management

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Admin : Event Management / Voting session -/ Voting choices list

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The electronic debate

Step 1 debate tables

The electronic debate in the Town Meeting takes place at specific times during the event. In these periods of time the participants are involved in discussions, facilitated by an operator, and record their comments on the subject of the debate by using a specific web page that the software automatically proposes at each discussion table.

The comments are inserted through the table user (TAV) page and are collected in the database. If you're creating an event that involves the participation of individuals from "remote", in different locations and discussed through a virtual chat, the role of user "table" is taken by the "facilitator user"

(FVR) - i.e. an operator that, during the virtual discussion, is in charge to compose a summary of comments of the virtual table participants (PVR).

CARD 5 user interface of "table's participants" - TAV

WARNING: To enter in TAV user's pages you have to enter username and password, as set in the previous described "users management" paragraphs. It is recommended that the technical staff, to better manage the event, log-in each table user before the arrival of the participants.

INSTRUCTIONS: During the discussion, the interface for users table has a text box where the facilitator of the table will insert the comments (orange box) that will be sent pushing 'invia-send' button. The sent comments will appear in the list of posted comments (lower screen). Once the discussion session ended the screen will change displaying the outcome.

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CARD 6 user interface of "virtual table participant" - PVR

WARNING: To enter in PVR user's pages you have to enter username and password, as set in the previous described "users management" paragraphs. All pair usr/pwd should be notified to PVR users before starting the event.

INSTRUCTIONS: During the debate,the PVR uses a chat box (right column) to participate to the discussion. The PVR can raise attention can ask attention or report any malfunctioning using the two emoticons just below the chat box.

In the middle column, there is the panel with debate topics and the summary of the debate, as reported by the facilitator of the virtual table (FVR) Once the discussion session ended the screen will change displaying the outcome.

This interface also contains a frame (real player) to follow through streaming., What happens in the headquarters of the event.

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CARD 7 user interface of "virtual table facilitator" - FVR

WARNING: To enter in FVR user's pages you have to enter username and password, as set in the previous described "users management" paragraphs. To ensure better control and synergy the FVR should stay in the event main room but paying attention to give him a a workstation desk acoustically well isolated.

INSTRUCTIONS: The interface for FVR is very similar to that of the participants, with the difference of being able to enter in the middle text box the comments that emerge from the discussion.

STEP 2 User interface for Theme Team (TTM and TTL)

The flow of feedback of the debate - the comments - is analyzed in real time from a special group called the 'Theme Team'. The Theme Team is composed of a number of 'Members' and Team Leaders. The TTM read the comments sent by the tables and makes its synthesis and reinterpretation taking account of the sum of all comments of all tables he cares.

This new data stream is taken in charge by TTL, who read and makes a further and final synthesis of all that is sent by the TTMs assigned to him.

The leader is at the discussion chain and he has the responsibility to publish - i.e. to send to the 'video user' - the final outcome of the debate. As 'to publish the outcomes' of course we mean to display outcomes using a screen projector and in the screen of virtual table participants, other than in the event reporting document.

The process workflow can be carried out smoothly thanks to the software features that allow to any user profile to get in real time all the information and data needed to perform his/her own role.

For example, when the director/producer decides at some point that the Theme Team leaders has to settle the final summary to be projected on screens he/her instructs the admin user to reach that phase. Then the software moves the TTL to a page that contains the two basic information so that he can create the summary to be shown to the public on the big screen.

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TECHNICAL NOTE: This 'overall control' is based on a polling engine that notices updates and takes care to notify the interested users popping up new pages if needed.

CARD 8 User interface "Theme Team Member"

WARNING: To enter in TTM user's pages you have to enter username and password, as set in the previous described "users management" paragraphs. It is advisable to train personnel to serve as Theme Team, including the use of the sw tool.

INSTRUCTIONS: Each TTM receive feedback from a number of assigned tables (see chart 3). Through the Update button the TTM reloads the page and receive feedback that gradually the TAV users insert. In the middle pane there is the history of all the comments posted by the tables with table number and time of the comment. Summaries made by the TTM and to be sent to the TTL should be written in the left pane. The bottom right pane shows comments posted.

At the end of the session the TTM interface will move to the transition screen.

CARD 9 User interface "Theme Team Leader"

WARNING: To enter in TTL user's pages you have to enter username and password, as set in the previous described "users management" paragraphs It is advisable to train staff to act as Team Leader Theme, including the use of the sw tool.

INSTRUCTIONS: During the debate, the TTL receives messages sent by TTM assigned to him/her. These messages are displayed in the "comments" on the left and should be reloaded periodically through the provided button 'Aggiorna/Filtra' (Update/Filter). The yellow pane is used to enter the final summary of all comments -i.e. the results of the discussion - that will be shown to the public during Town Meeting.

In particular, the top pane is used for draft work, while in the lower right pane shows the 'preview' of what has been submitted for final projection. By pressing the "Anteprima/Preview" you will update the related lower right pane. To keep a whole track of everything has been sent a good advice could be to copy the comments in a text-editor window before sending it.

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CARD 10: User interface for "video user"

WARNING: You must log-in this user on the PC connected to the screen projector.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following two pane represent the two states in which the user can set the video, the first is the title of the discussion session and the second pane is a timer indicating the duration of the session.

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CARD 11: User interface "report"

WARNING: You should set this user on workstation connected to a printer

INSTRUCTIONS: This user can access to all the results of the debate and tele-voting session while clicking on the title he/she can see what TTL approved. It is not possible for the report user read comments sent by the tables and TTM.

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Administration of electronic debate - 'Admin' User

In order to start-up the electronic discussion and enable users involved in the flow of data (tables, TTM, TTL, videos, etc..) to start their job, the 'admin' user accesses the 'event setting' section as reflected by the screen shot below.

Selecting "Chi fa cosa / Who does what" you get the page that gives the actions described in CARD 12 below. "Riepilogo/Summary" link brings to a summary screen where you can see which actions are set in that specific moment. "Question votes" will be described in the last part of this document (see CARD 13, 14, 15).

CARD 12 user interface "admin" during discussingWARNING: the admin user conducts the event and it is advisable to work in close relationship and proximity to the producer of the event.

INSTRUCTIONS: followed by three pane that correspond to the ability to set the action to initiate some action for each user profile. In particular, you should follow this order: first of all set the action to be performed by the participants (tables of discussion and / or virtual table participants), then set the action for the TTM and TTL.

Each check box is related to the page that will be automatically presented to the corresponding user profile to allow/force him/her to perform the action required at that time as planned and directed by the producer.

In the following there is the list of all possible actions during the Town Meeting:

Varie: Welcome screen to be used at the beginning, Transition screen to be set during the discussion phase, showing a timer that will last a the seconds as entered in the timer text box at the bottom of the 'Azioni per PARTECIPANTI/Participans actions' pane.

End is used at the end of the workday , while More is used to set special messages that are needed during the event.

Discussioni / Discussions: choosing the ID number of discussione session enable the participants to comment on the discussion itself (see chart 5) - Esiti Discussione /Debate outcomes : choosing the number of discussion session enable participants to see the summary of the discussion produced by the TTL.

The right pane of this screen shows 'Domande di televoto/ voting question' 'Risultati Televoto/ Voting Results' but this is not yet

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completed feature. To go to the voting session management go bach to homepage and select 'Interroga voti /Voting session'.

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Here below the screen shot where you can select the ID of the voting question to do and then select the button 'Vedi/Show Voting' to handle the whole process of all polling in that voting session.

Electronic voting

The module "vote" in the software used to manage elections.The software manages the votes received by the database via any input device. The program collects the votes in a single database and stores them keeping track of the remote control or other device from which they were sent. This allows you to always know 'what' each individual voter has chosen for each question. It is also possible to recognize the source of the data as a table.

Into the same database there is the list of questions and response options, which can then be edited by the staff during the event if necessary.

In the case of remote users with a PC-to-head is proposed to the participants in a "web form" to vote, while the table participants use dedicated numeric keypads.

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Features for the votation phase

Each participant or group of participants, vote with his/her device putting their choices in the database. The program, being based on the web, allow to pick up votes made by each participants in every connected and enabled site.

The data collected from various sites may also be added instantly and simultaneously screened at each site, as they are collected on web pages using the database.

The software can handle multi-lingual and multi-site voting: each participant or group of participants, belonging to the same area, simultaneously reads the request and the response options, each in their own language and in their own location. The same happens for reading the results of the vote, in which a numerical value, however, was the result of the sum of all participants. The software will the right page in the right language and in the right site, according the initial set-up made by the admin user.

CARD 13 user interface "admin" in the voting phase

WARNING: the admin user, based on the instructions of producer, actives questions and tele-voting and is able to decide the start and stop of each session.

INSTRUCTIONS: from the 'Interroga Televoto / Voting Session ' pane - select the question to be launched and push the 'Vedi/Show Voting' just below the 'Seleziona Domanda - Televoto / Select question - voting' pane. Pressing the button launches the poll and each participants will be moved to the related screen. At this point the user admin, clicking the reload button or F5 estimates the number of votes received from moment to moment. After reaching the total number of votes (or the percentage that is deemed to be satisfactory), the admin user can click on 'Stoppa Domanda/ Stop Question' , to stop the flow of incoming data. Wait a few seconds and then click on 'Mostra esiti/Show results' to publish results. At this point you can proceed with 'Lancia prossima domanda/ launch next poll' to complete the question session. You coould also choose to do all the polls of the televoting session and then push 'Mosta esiti TUTTI / Show all results'. When the last poll has been answered and the results has been published, select the button 'chi fa cosa/who does what', to the go back to the screen where you will be able to proceed with the actions according the agenda.

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FACILITATORLocal or Virtual

Table Participants

Remote Web Participant (Virtual)





Theme Team

Theme Team

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CARD 14: UI "video" in the voting phase

WARNING: You must connect a PC dedicated exclusively to bee used with the screen projector.

INSTRUCTIONS: During the launch phase of the application (as set by the admin) user video displays the web page corresponding to the question with response options, as in the example below. After the voting the video will show you in the screen the results percentage ( see below screen-shot). If the PC user's video is not automatically updated prss F5 function key and reload the page. See below 'Gender choices (Woman/Man) and the results

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CARD 15 user interface "report" in the voting phase

WARNING: You should set this user on workstation connected to the printer.

INSTRUCTIONS: The Report user has access to the results of electronic voting. Clicking on the title of the session vote move to a page with the specific questions and choice options and their results if avalaible

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The program described in this manual has been designed and developed in php and ajax by David and Monica Mazzucco, commissioned by Avventura Urbana srl to build a web based tool for the realization of Town Meeting event (whose methodology is developed by Avventura Urbana srl) in a particular multilingual version, including multi-site and virtual participants, on the basis set for the European project IDEAL-EU. The effort to develop this tool took a high level of determination and creativity, extremely necessary to build such kind of software application and it went far beyond the effort of analysis and planning of a normal web tool, because of the uniqueness of the situation.

The authors of the program, David and Monica Mazzucco, waive royalties on the use of the program even for commercial purposes, whether by Avventura Urbana srl that of others (as agreed by the Tuscany Region and Avventura Urbana srl), accepting the program be disseminated, modified, and reserve the right to always be cited as authors of the program, with their names and surnames, the awards relating to any use for future events and in any publication and / or article mentioning the realization of this program.

The construction of this instrument is the result of an investment by Avventura Urbana srl, which therefore owns the intellectual property rights, to which waives in respect of any use which will do the Region of Tuscany, whether or not related to IDEAL-EU project.

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