useful expressions for writing note expansion

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS FOR WRITING NOTE EXPANSION 1. The woman was delighted to hear that and offered Diyana a reward. 2. The old lady praised Lai Meng for her honesty. 3. Jia Hao was ashamed of himself and promised to study harder so that he would not be left behind in his study. 4. Suki’s mother scolded her for her mischief / wrong doings. 5. Natasha felt sorry for the poor old woman. 6. Pak Mat was amazed and thanked Nathan again and again. 7. Kim Huat was pleased that he had done a good deed. 8. Mr Khor and his family were grateful to Samy for his neighbourly act. 9. Wen Hao ran as fast as lightning to a public telephone booth nearby to call for an ambulance. 10. Mrs Phua thanked the girls gratefully for saving her dear life. 11. Luckily, Peter was not hurt and he thanked the young man in front of a big audience, 1

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English Year 6


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1. The woman was delighted to hear that and offered Diyana a reward. 2. The old lady praised Lai Meng for her honesty. 3. Jia Hao was ashamed of himself and promised to study harder so that he

would not be left behind in his study. 4. Suki’s mother scolded her for her mischief / wrong doings. 5. Natasha felt sorry for the poor old woman. 6. Pak Mat was amazed and thanked Nathan again and again. 7. Kim Huat was pleased that he had done a good deed. 8. Mr Khor and his family were grateful to Samy for his neighbourly act. 9. Wen Hao ran as fast as lightning to a public telephone booth nearby to call

for an ambulance. 10. Mrs Phua thanked the girls gratefully for saving her dear life. 11. Luckily, Peter was not hurt and he thanked the young man in front of a big

audience, 12. Dhana was proud because it was the first time she sang in front of a big

audience. 13. The village headman praised both of them for their good deed. 14. They were overjoyed when their school team won the football match. 15. Xin Min was grateful to Farid for giving her a helping hand. 16. Jonathan apologized for his mischievous acts and promised to turn over a

new leaf. 17. The trip / tour was an eye-opener for Sally because she had learnt a lot of

knowledge and gained some valuable experience. 18. Puan Marina chattered happily over the telephone for quite some time.19. It was an enjoyable trip / ride for Hassan. 20. They enjoyed themselves very much and had a great time before going

home. 21. Kelvin and his friends were delighted because their project was successful. 22. The headmaster praised Latif and his classmates for their hard work. 23. En. Rashid treated Allan to a film show to thank him for his help. 24. The boys were very disappointed and they regretted their greedy action. 25. We had a great time watching the fantastic show. 26. All of them are very excited to celebrate the festival. 27. She really hopes that her dream will come true one day. 28. The dentist gave Mei Ling tips on how to brush and floss her teeth. 29. The Tan’s family really enjoyed their trip to the night market. 30. They went home with some understanding and knowledge on animals. 31. Fortunately, nobody was hurt during the incident. 32. They had an enjoyable and wonderful time at the resort. 33. Bala promised his mother to take good care of his sister in the future.


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34. Raju had a great time at Port Dickson. He thanked his father for taking him there.

35. In the evening, they went home by bus. They were tired but very happy and satisfied.

36. Julie’s mother never has to worry about her. She is very glad and proud that Julie can manage her time / money wisely.

37. Sue Ann enjoyed herself very much. Before she left, she promised to visit her grandparents again soon.

38. Kim Seng was excited to receive his trophy. His parents and friends were happy for him too.

39. John breathed a sigh of relief. 40. They suffered a great loss in the fire. 41. The boys shared out the fish between themselves and cycled home happily. 42. It was an unforgettable experience for them. 43. Ken was rewarded for helping the police. 44. Luckily, no life was lost and none was injured. It was an unforgettable night for them. 45. Siva would like very much to go to a circus again. 46. After this incident, Vellu became a well-behaved boy. 47. It was a horrible experience but they were grateful that all of them were safe and sound. 48. She hoped that she could came for a visit again with her family some day. 49. Thomas apologized and promised his father that he would never do it again. 50. Teck Chai had learnt his lesson. He would never buy food / drinks from a roadside stall again. 51. The headmistress punished the boys for breaking the school rules. 52. After the incident, he decided not to watch horror films again. 53. The moment she opened the door, she had a nasty shock of her life. Her entire room was in a total mess! 54. Her husband sped home at lightning speed. 55. They worked hand in hand to make the spring-cleaning a success. 56. His mother heard him moaning in pain and promptly sent him to the hospital. He was given an injection and was put on a drip. 57. Farid was proud to have participated in this meaningful event. 58. After a few hours of hard work, they finished their work. 59. Madam Lim scolded the inconsiderate boy and punished him for being naughty. 60. As soon as they reached the beach, they laid out the things they brought under a big shady tree. 61. It was a very enjoyable outing and they hoped to go there again. 62. The librarian scolded the inconsiderate pupil and fined him for damaging the book. 63. His hard work paid off when he beat other contestants to win the first prize


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in the competition. 64. Suspecting that something wasn’t right, she called her neighbours. They decided to check / have a look n on Mak Tijah. 65. It had turned out to be a great trip. 66. He is a kind and understanding boy, always willing to lend a helping hand to others. 67. A large variety of fruits held Wee Qian’s attention. 68. Mak Timah held the huge rattan basket as she made her way to the fishmonger. 69. The pleasant aroma of ripe fruits and their lovely colours made my visit to the orchard almost quite worthwhile. 70. It just wasn’t her day. 71. The breeze was cool and refreshing. 72. Salim greeted his parents with a huge and sunny smile. 73. From the unfortunate incident, he learnt to be more careful. A little caution prevents a lot of pain and hurt. 74. It would be a refreshing change in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of KL city. 75. The bus was packed to capacity but it was a lovely day and the two friends did not mind standing for a while. 76. It took us a good half an hour to reach the zoo. 77. Jim had learnt a lesson. From then on, he did not dare to fly a kite at the roadside again. 78. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctor told him that he was paralysed waist down and that he would never be able to walk again. 79. We were given a rousing welcome by the villagers. We were feted to a grand feast the next day. 80. They equipped themselves with the necessary camping gear and enough food to last for two days. 81. There the boys dashed to their bicycle and made a beeline for home.82. As the only child in the family, Tony is the apple of his parents’ eyes. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Tony could have anything he wants.

83. The whole house was a hive of activity. Spring-cleaning on the house started a week before. There was a continuous hustle and bustle as everyone went about doing their share of the work.

84. It was the gift he treasured most in his life. 85. As it was the festive season, almost every supermarket in town was having a sale. At Joanna’s suggestion, they went to the New Galaxy Supermarket in Jalan Kerayong.

86. As they made their way to the exit, they felt as though all the people were


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giving them suspicious stare. They would never dare to step into that supermarket again. It was the most embarrassing incident of their life, an incident which they wished had never happened.

87. He swore that this would be the first and the last time he stepped into a dental clinic. 88. With a heavy heart, they headed for home.89. It was one incident that Jamal would never be able to forget. 90. Jia Hui met a weary and disheartened old woman hobbling down the narrow and winding street yesterday. 91. On learning what had happened, out of pity for the miserable woman, Firdaus dived into the river at once. He tried his very best to save the drowning boy. 92. Jane regretted stealing the pen and promised not to disappoint her parents again. 93. The audience must had enjoyed the show tremendously, judging from the loud applause as the curtains dropped. 94. All Muslims celebrate the day with great joy. 95. Everyone rejoiced during the festive season. 96. It was a good attempt at fishing and we hoped to get a better catch next time. 97. Feeling thirsty, we adjourned to a stall nearby and ordered a lemonade each. 98. It was the rainy season and for one whole week, the rain poured incessantly. The water level in the river rose steadily until the water split over, flooding many low-lying areas.

99. By now, they were tired and heavily loaded. So, they took a taxi home. Julie enjoyed shopping with her mother on that day. 100. They went home happily after the show and Jack felt that the circus is a good form of entertainment – a welcome change from television shows. 101. The wide variety of items offered at a night market coupled with the attraction that its site is within walking distance and that the whole family can take a stroll after dinner to purchase the needs of each member, does make family outings a pleasant and an enjoyable affair.

102. He knew then how important it is to eat at hygienic places. 103. Ming Lu was touched by what Nora had done for her. She thanked Nora deeply for her help. 104. Normala went home that day and told her parents what she had done. Her parents were proud of her. They told her that she had done a good deed and that she had a heart of gold.

105. He was all jumpy and excited when his father told him that they would be


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visiting a circus in town. 106. The accident caused a massive traffic jam. 107. The doctor said that he was suffering from food poisoning. He was given injection and hospitalized for two days.

108. Henceforth, she reminded herself to be very careful and cautious on the road all the time.

109. We learnt a lesson as we did lock our house properly. 110. He realized now that it was dangerous to play near the river. 111. Kai Jie was glad that she had visited the book exhibition . 112. At last everyone was relieved when the fire was put out. 113. Fortunately, it was only a nightmare. 114. The tourist was extremely happy with his honesty. He gave Roslan RM 100 as a reward. 115. It was a great experience for Michelle. 116. From now on, she would never ignore her mother’s advice again. 117. In his hurry, Poh Teck accidentally stepped on the banana peel and fell down clumsily. 118. Laura knew that it was wrong to take things that did not belong to her without asking the owner first. She promised her class teacher that she would not take things for granted again.

119. Boon Hua is a playful nine year old boy. He does not pay attention in class. He dreams a lot and does not know half of what goes on in class. Sometimes he does not complete his homework.

120. Lola had learnt true friendship is sharing and being honest and sincere. 121. He had changed for the better. He did not bully anyone anymore. Soon he had many friends and his teachers praised him for his good behavior. 122. She was now more careful with her things. She had learnt not to be wasteful. 123. From that day onwards, Abdul did not cycle on a busy road. He knew that it was dangerous. He told himself he would always listened to his parents. 124. The headmaster gave both of them a stern warning. They could be expelled from school if this thing happened again. They regretted upon their action and promised the headmaster that they would not miss school again.

125. Raju went to bed feeling miserable. It was his mistake. He should not have been greedy. Because of that, he lost his pocket money of twenty ringgit. Raju promised himself not to be greedy again.

126. He was just getting a taste of his own medicine. Raju now promised not to


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make fun of people anymore. 127. Angel was regretful for her actions and wanted to turn over a new leaf. Her mother was on cloud nine to hear that.

128. Upon hearing his teacher’s explanation, Hamid felt ashamed of his behaviour. With tears falling down on his cheek, Hamid cried. 129. Uncle Lim was glad that his words had helped Hwa Aik realized his wrongdoing and decided to change. 130. The old man was touched by Aliff’s kindness. He thanked Aliff again and again. 131. Kavita was very happy on that day. She knew that her honesty had helped and saved the old lady’s life. Smiling happily in her heart, Kavita knew indeed honesty is the best policy.

132. His honesty had earned him a good reputation. 133. Her parents scolded her after knowing the truth. 134. He had learnt a lesson for letting his parents down. He promised them to turn over a new leaf. 135. From then on, Mansor never forgot his responsibilities. 136. Bee Aik regretted for his own deed. 137. He tried his very best to keep out of mischief. 138. From that day onwards, Mary would share her food and eat together with her friends. She realized that sharing her food with her friends was the happiest thing to her. 139. Many customers buy fish from Pak Dollah because it is deliciously cooked, healthy and reasonably-priced. 140. Since that day, Dennis had turned over a new leaf. He kept his mother’s advice in mind all the time. 141. Sam’s parents were very proud of him for the good deed he had done to save the little boy from drowning. 142. Jenny has a sweet tooth. She likes to eat sweets. Her parents always advises her not to eat too many sweets but she turns a deaf ear to their advice. 143. Since that day, Chee Keong ate less sweet things and always brushed his teeth twice a day. 144. Her mother warned Kim Seng not to watch horror movies again before going to bed. He was glad that it was just a dream. 145. Zahid is a very popular boy in school. He is an all-rounder. He represents the school in many competitions and races. 146. He is hardworking, kind and polite. He is good in every subject and always scores with flying colours in the exams. 147. They decided to play a cruel prank on Nelson. They think playing pranks are very funny and excited. 148. Jeffery and his friends were badly shaken by the accident. They felt


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ashamed and regretful of their behaviour. 149.From then on, Rosemary never played any prank on anyone again. She had grown up. 150. Johan finally understood that safety rules must also be followed in school to prevent accidents. 151. Eddie is very impatient. He gets excited easily and rushes into every thing he does. 152. Jasmine’s hasty action would get him into trouble. 153. After that incident, Eddie did not do things hastily anymore. He became cautious and watched his steps. 154. After that incident, Boon Keat learnt to be thrifty with what he has. He never wasted food again. 155. It was Saturday morning. The sun was shining brightly in the sky. There was a cool breeze blowing through the air. 156. The children sang and chattered away in the back seat of the car. They could not stop talking. They were curious about everything they saw around them. 157. There were many people at the waterfall. The place was noisy and crowded. Some of people had spread mats on the ground to have a picnic. Others were just sitting on the rocks, enjoying the beautiful sights. The tall trees around them provided some shade for the visitors. Sound of children laughing and squealing filled the air.

158. After lunch, the children were allowed to play in the shallow part of the water under the watchful eyes of Encik Rizal.159. They were having so much fun they wished they did not have a stop. 160. He had learnt his lesson the hard way. 161. He is naughty and is always up to some sort of mischief or another. He is also very selfish again. 162. The incident had taught him a useful and memorable lesson. He would never be selfish again. 163. His mother was glad that Hassan had finally learnt his lesson. He has finally regretted his past actions. He knew that nobody likes a conceited boy or one that looked down on others. It was always unkind to laugh at others that were not as lucky as us.

164. He will not hesitate to help anyone who is less fortunate than he is. Every time others need help, they will run to Danny. They know that Danny will try his very best to help them if he can. 165. His mother was pleased with Sunny. He had learnt his lesson. He went to bed early and was never late for school again. He checked his bag before he went to school. He never went off to play after school. He never missed his school bus again. He had learnt to manage his time well.


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166. Jessie likes to act tough. He likes to fight. He also likes to frighten his friends. He is a bully. He likes to frighten people who are smaller and weaker than him. 167. He was ashamed of his actions and promised to turn over a new leaf. He walked away with his head bowed. He was too embarrassed to look at anyone. 168. They had fully enjoyed the fun and frolic. In the evening, they returned home happily. 169. He had learnt how to cope with the growing anger and frustration. 170. Ming Tat gave no thought to his own safety when he jumped into the river to save the drowning boy. 171. With all his strength, Ming Hwa pulled the boy to the river bank and performed CPR on him. 172. After a few minutes, the boy regained consciousness. 173. It was the most treasured experience in Kathy’s life. 174. He had a look of panic on his face. 175. Bitter pills may have wholesome effects. Rachel should learn to accept her mother’s advice. 176. He was brought to book for stealing in the supermarket. 177. It suddenly came to Aishah’s mind that she had forgotten to bring her keys. 178. He is a hospitable man. He likes to help the poor and needy. 179. After a few hours, we left for home. Janice thoroughly enjoyed visiting the zoo and hoped that she could visit the zoo again. 180. Samuel learnt his lesson that day and he regretted his actions. He realized that there were no short cuts to success and that success could only be achieved through hard work. 181. He was completely engrossed in his favourite TV programme. 182. They took a slow and leisurely drive to their hotel, which was only about three hours away from their hometown. The roads were busy as other families were also on their way to their holiday destinations.

183. Sophia was walking home from school one afternoon. It was hot and it had not rained for many days. The grass near the road was beginning to turn brown. 184. Derrick was very pleased with himself for doing the good deed. He walked the rest of the way home feeling happy. 185. She never paid much attention to her work and seldom bothered to do it well. 186. As for Abu, he felt ashamed of himself. From then on, he always thinks of his safety before doing anything. 187. She was very grateful and thanked the children from the bottom of her heart. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy at the moment.


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188. The old man could not repay their kindness with money. However, the children were on cloud nine because they had done a good deed.