use of formal methods at amazon web services

Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services (Chris Newcombe, Tim Rath, Fan Zhang, Bogdan Munteanu, Marc Brooker, Michael Deardeuff ) ASAD RIAZ (021) MALIK FARHAN (028) HASSNAIN SHAH (086)

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Post on 23-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services

Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services (Chris Newcombe, Tim Rath, Fan Zhang, Bogdan Munteanu, Marc Brooker, Michael Deardeuff )




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What is AWS?

oCloud services

oDatabase storage


oPay-as-you-go pricing

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AWS ServicesoS3

oLaunch a virtual machine

oBuild a web app

oMachine learning (Rekognition)

oDatabases (DynomoDB)


oAR & VR

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AWS Business Growth & Cost-efficient InfrastructureoS3 grew to store 1 trillion objects. Less than a year later it had grown to 2 trillion objects, and was regularly handling 1.1 million requests per second.

oFault tolerant




oLoad Balancing

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ComplexityHigh complexity increases the probability of human error in design, code & operations.

What we have tried?

oDeep design reviews

oStandard verification techniques

oCode reviews

oFault-injection testing

Still subtle bugs & failure reason? (complexity)

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Solution?oTLA Temporal Logic of Actions+, a formal specification language.

oTLA+ is based on simple discrete math, i.e. basic set theory and predicates, with which all engineers are familiar.

oTLA+ specification describes the set of all possible legal behaviors.

oTLA+ describes correctness properties (the ‘what’). & the design of the system (the ‘how’).

oUse conventional mathematical reasoning & TLC model checker.

What is TLC?

A tool which takes a TLA+ specification & exhaustively checks the desired correctness properties.

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TLA+ (Temporal Logic of Action)PlusCal (similar to C-style programming language)

PlusCal is automatically translated to TLA+ with a single key press.

System Components Line count (excl. comments) Benefit


Fault-tolerant low-level network algorithm

804 PlusCalFound 2 bugs. Found further bugs in proposed optimizations.

Background redistribution of data 645 PlusCalFound 1 bug, and found a bug in the first proposed fix.

DynamoDB Replication & group- membership system

939 TLA+ Found 3 bugs, some requiring traces of 35 steps

EBS Volume management 102 PlusCal Found 3 bugs.

Internal distributed lock manager

Lock-free data structure 223 PlusCal Improved confidence. Failed to find a liveness bug as we did not check liveness.

Fault tolerant replication and reconfiguration algorithm

318 TLA+ Found 1 bug. Verified an aggressive optimization.

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Starting steps of Formal Specifications1. Safety properties: “what the system is allowed to do”

Example: at all times, all committed data is present and correct.

2. Liveness properties: “what the system must eventually do”

Example: Whenever the system receives a request, it must eventually respond to that request.

3. Next step: “what must go right”?

4. Conforming to the design: with the goal of confirming design correctly handles all of the dynamic events in the environment.

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What to confirm?oNetwork errors & repairs

oDisk errors

oCrashes & restarts

oData center failure and repairs

oActions by human operators

5. Using the model checker to verify that the specification of the system in its environment implements the chosen correctness properties.

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TLA & PlusCal ExampleThe problem

You’re writing software for a bank. You have Alice and Bob as clients, each with a certain amount of money in their accounts. Alice wants to send some money to Bob. How do you model this? Assume all you care about is their bank accounts.

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Step One

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Assertions & SetsCan Alice’s account go negative? Asserts in TLA+ used for debugging.

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Step Two

We are going to get error at this stage. Tell me why? Tell me how we are going to fix it.

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Fixing the issue

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ConclusionAt AWS, formal methods have been a big success. They have helped us prevent subtle, serious bugs from reaching production, bugs that we would not have found via any other techniques.

In simple words, whatever we are now, that would not have been achieved without using formal methods.