use computer fluid dynamics in the process of forced flow filling


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Page 1: Use Computer Fluid Dynamics in the Process of Forced Flow Filling

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  Structurek enj Xdysacek Espfcts li Cavak Fnmanffranm, 2853


Vsf Cloputfr Ikuaj Jyneoacs an tdf Xrlcfss li Ilrcfj Iklw Iakkanm,Fertdque`f enj Jeo Brfe`anm Jasestfr li ]estf ]etfr Rfsfrvlars

Alen Slran Kflvfenu5,e , @eoake @ltreslvå2,b Fve @lroenï`lvå 2,c 5

Zrensakvenae Vnavfrsaty li Breslv, Iecukty li Ofcdenacek Fnmanffranm, Frlaklr nl. 21, 688839Breslv, Rloenae

2Zfcdnacek Vnavfrsaty li @lťacf, Cavak Fnmanffranm Iecukty, Yysl`lť`lks`å :, 8:288 @lťacf,Sklve`ae`, b`eoake.`ltreslveHtu`f.s`, cfve.`lroena`lveHtu`f.s`

@fywlrjs7 Cloputfr Ikuaj Jyneoacs, westf rfsfrvlars, iakkanm prlcfssfs, fertdque`f

Ebstrect. Zdf pepfrs sclpf clnsasts an usanm tdf cloputetalnek ikuaj jyneoacs ilr tdf saouketalnli slof satuetaln tdet lccurs an tdf oenemfofnt li westf rfsfrvlars prlcfssfs. Zdf prlcfssfs liiakkanm tdet westf rfsfrvlars oejf currfntky watd kermf wetfr jfbats lr an ikllj rfmaof oey anjucf e

 pertacukerky jyneoacs prfssurf ln tdf jeo wekks enj e pertacukerky jastrabutaln li ikuaj iklw ansajftdfo. Ln tdf ltdfr denj, wdfn tdf jasestfrs ka`f fertdque`f lccur, tdf ikuaj jyneoacs enj tdfanjucfj prfssurfs ln tdf jeo wekks bfclof fxtrfofky aoplrtent ilr seifty fstaoetaln li cratacekcloplnfnts. Zdf jeo brfe` cesf as fxtrfofky aoplrtent an oenemfofnt li seifty buakjanms erfe antdf nfamdblranm li tdf rfsfrvlars tll. Slkutalns li tdet aoplrtent cavak fnmanffranm prlbkfos weslbteanfj usanm tdf ckessacek ikuaj iklw fquetalns an tdf rfmaof li irff suriecf iklw ilr javfrsf

 blunjery clniamuretalns usanm en lramanek prlmreo besfj ln OEC oftdlj.


Lnf li tdf fiifcts li tdf mklbek dfetanm prlcfss clnsasts an tdf klcek ckaoetf cdenmfs. Zdfsf cdenmfs

 bfclof olrf enj olrf jreoetacekky. An tdas sfnsf, tdf nfcfssaty tl entacapetf tdfsf fiifcts as nffjfjenj bfclof e iectlr li bammfst aoplrtencf. Zdf stetastacek oljfks prfjactebakaty an tdfsf cesfs cenmfnfretf wrlnm fstaoetalns bfceusf tdfsf oljfks wfrf fstebkasdfj besfj ln klnm taofofesurfofnts prlcfssfs enj plssabkf fxtrfof jasestfrs, ka`f quac`ky iklljs, fertd que`fs lr jeo

 brfe`, nffjfj e vfry klnm taof enekysas. An tdas pepfr tdf nuofracek oljfkkanm li ikuaj iklw, besfjln CIJ wes usfj. Ilr e spfcaiacekky cesf li ikllj prljucfj ansajf e ikllj erfe prltfctaln jeo ilr erfstractfj erfe li antfrfst as prfsfntfj an Iamurf 5. Zdf slurcfs li wetfr clnsast li e kattkf spranm tdetdes e besan li eccuouketaln an en erfe li dakks. Zdf ikllj prltfctaln clnsasts an e rfsfrvlar watd ekermf erfe prltfctfj by e nlroek jeo. An tdf pepfr tdf prlcfss wes enekyzfj besfj li en fxcfptalnekrean tdet iakks tdf prltfctaln erfe untak tdf jeo as iklljfj. Zdf enekyzfj satuetaln as plssabkf ai tdfrean wetfr quentaty jrlp ln o2 rfprfsfnts olrf tdet tdf oexaouo rean prlcfss `nlwn an tdf kest 68yfers, but tdf taof li rean as deki tdet tdf oexaouo `nlwn satuetaln. Zdf wetfr ikuxfs enj taof lieppkacetalns erf mavanm an Zebkf 5 enj anjucfs e dumf jfbat an tdf annfr erfe li anputtanm an tdfwestf rfsfrvlar. Zdf sfctaln irlo tdf eccuouketaln wetfr as rfprfsfntfj an tdf Iamurf 5.

Iamurf 5 Zdf fopty westf rfsfrvlar erfe (jaofnsalns erf an Po_)

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Zebkf 5 Clnsajfretf jete an tdf enekysas

]etfr spffjV an Po/s_

Oexaouo wetfrclkuon dfamdt d y 


Reanquentatyqo Pk/o2_

Rean juretalnZ  

Poan_Ennuek evfremf 8.6 8.6 28 98


8.4 2 48 98

Enekyzfj 5.89 54.9 528 28

Nuofracek Enekysas

An tdas pepfr as enekyzfj tdf ikuaj iakkanm prlcfss li westf rfsfrvlars watd mfnfrek jloean mfloftry,tdf fstebkasdanm li tdf prfssurf jastrabutaln jyneoacs ln tdf jeo enj tdf jloean li rfsfrvlars. Zdfenekysas usfs tdf clnstatutavf Nevafr-Stl`fs systfo li jaiifrfntaek fquetalns enj dfet iklw fquetalnansajf tdf kaquaj. Zdf ikuaj jyneoacs ansajf tdf westf erfe li iakkanm wetfr jloean klejfj by enfertdque`f watd damd oemnatujf eccfkfretaln spfctre wes stujafj. An tdas cesf tdf fertd olvfofnt

 prlcfssfs aoplsfj by que`f oljaiy tdf fquakabrauo li ikuaj, tdf ikuaj spffj, sdepf enj prfssurfcdenmf an ecclrjencf watd tdf fxtfrnek klejs. Zdf mfloftry enj systfo li klejanm ectanm ln tdfkaquaj vlkuof stlrfj an tdf westf rfsfrvlar as mfttanm an tdf Iamurf 5. Zdf sdepf li irff suriecf likaquaj wes oljfkfj usanm oer`fr enj cfkk oftdlj (OEC) an ecclrj watd tdf Oerenmlna iklw. Zdfrfsuktanm oeps prfssurfs ln tdf wekks erf an ecclrj watd tdf clopkfx olvanm ikuaj clnjatalns. Zdfmlvfrnanm fquetalns li ikuaj, clnsajfrfj an tdf prfsfnt wlr`, wfrf slkvfj an tdf spfcaiacekky wlr`dypltdfsas7

k) Zdf iklw as 2-J, ancloprfssabkf, enj keoaner.2) Fecd tdfroek prlpfrty li ancloprfssabkf ikuaj as clnstent.3) Zdf wekks jfilroetalns erf soekk enj tdf structurf olvf bftwffn tdf fertdque`fs watd tdf

anstent eccfkfretaln li tdf que`f.

:) Zdf taof cloputfj fiifcts li tdf que`f ln tdf ten` as jlubkf6) Zdf dfet jassapetaln enj tdf turbukfnt anjacfs erf cekcuketfj lnky an tdf ikuaj clntrlk vlkuof.

Zdfn tdf mfnfrek jaiifrfntaek fquetaln ilr clnsfrvetavf klws cen bf mavfn es


 x x x x x




t   g gaa g











∂        . (5)

Zdf jfianatalns li tdf kfttfrs,  ,   enj S  erf sdlwn an tdf Zebkf 2, wdfrf   as tdf vasclsaty li tdfikuaj, m  x enj m  y tdf mrevatetalnek eccfkfretaln,   / (   c) tdf dfet jaiiusavaty enj v x , v y tdf ikuaj spffj ln

 x, enj y jarfctaln. Zdf jfnsaty enj tfopfreturf li tdf ikuaj wekks wakk devf tdf seof eccfkfretaln estdf wekks cfkks.

Blunjery Clnjatalns. An ecclrjencf watd tdf Iamurf 5, tdf ikuaj an clntect watd tdf wekks wakk bfeccfkfretanm watd tdf seof eccfkfretaln tdet ects ln tdf wekk. An lur cesf, watd tdf clnsajfretaln tdettdf wekks erf ramaj enj tdfars jfilroetalns erf nfmkfctfj, tdf ikuaj an tdf cfkks nfer tdf slkaj stetfscfkks wakk bf eiifctfj by tdf eccfkfretalns li tdf fertdque`f, ai tdet pdfnlofnln te`fs pkecf.

Zebkf 2 Zdf nltetaln li tdf pertaek jaiifrfntaek fquetaln an Fquetaln 5   Γ   S

Clntanuaty     8 8va - vfklcaty ln xa jarfctaln   λ 

a x


 m  x



v g - vfklcaty ln x g jarfctaln   λ  g x

 g m  x ∂



Fnfrmy Z  - tfopfreturf

c υ



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Blunjery Clnjataln ln Cfkks an Clntect watd tdf ]ekks. Ilr ikuaj iklw enekysas, fatdfr tdf skapwekk clnjataln lr tdf nl-skap wekk clnjataln as ejlptfj P1, 58_, ecclrjanm tl tdf sazf li e cfkk enj tdfoemnatujf li vfklcaty. ]dfn tdf wekks olvf, tdf clnvfctaln dfet clfiiacafnt bftwffn ikuaj enjslkaj blunjery as cekcuketfj, besfj ln Rfx enj X r  nuobfrs an tdf ikuaj cfkks. Zdf dfet iklw fquetalnas usfj lnky tl cekcuketf tdf ikuaj tfopfreturf jastrabutaln veraetaln an tdf que`f ectaln. Ilr wetfr

enj ltdfr kaquajs tdf tfopfreturf as nlt aoplrtent enj wes nfmkfctfj an tdf ikllj prlcfss. An tdfcesfs li ltdfr ikuajs tdf dfet jassapetfj by antfrn iractaln bfclofs aoplrtent. Zdf fquetalns ilr blunjery jloean an clntect watd slkaj wekks bfclof0 


ev y







eu x








 υ λ υ

 υ λ υ

  (2, 3, :)

]dfrf e T   enj eQ   erf tdf spfctruo li fertdque`f eccfkfretalns trensoattfj tl tdf wekks. Anecclrjencf watd tdf 3) dypltdfsas, tdet eccfkfretalns wakk bf te`f an cekcukus fquek watd tdffertdque`f eccfkfretalns.

Iamurf 2. Zdf eccfkfretaln spfctfrs clnsajfretf an tdf prlbkfo oljfkanm

Zdf Irff Blunjery li tdf Ikuaj. Ln tdf irff suriecf, tdf suo li tenmfntaek strfssfs oust bf zfrlenj tdf suo li nlroek strfssfs oust bf fquek tl tdf eppkafj strfssfs lr prfssurfs. Zdf tenmfntaek enjnlroek strfss clnjatalns erf eppkafj ln irff suriecf P=, 58_. ]dfrf va, v g erf tdf xa, x g cloplnfnts livfklcaty0 o enj n erf tdf unat vfctlrs wdacd rfifr tl tdf klcek tenmfntaek enj nlroek jarfctaln li tdfsuriecf, rfspfctavfky.

Zdf jfianataln li ω ilkklws tdf ilrofr fxprfssaln, tdet as, ωe ? (pfxt  )/  υ   γZ    Ro.

]dfrf,  λ  rfprfsfnts tdf `anfoetacs vasclsaty0 γZ   as tdf suriecf tfnsaln iunctaln li tfopfreturf

mrejafnts0 pfxt  as tdf prfssurf li mes pdesf, tdf etolspdfrac prfssurf an tdas spfcaiacekky cesf,  Ro astdf klcek ofen rejaus li tdf irff suriecf.Zenmfntaek strfss clnjataln des ilkklwanm ilro








von Z 



 x x




a x x x x


a x x a ga g ga ga







  . (6)

 Nlroek strfss clnjataln des ilkklwanm ilro



 g x x




a x x


a x x



 x xnn


 g g gaaaω λ  







∂∂ . (9)

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Anataek enj Klej Clnjatalns.  Bfceusf tdf prlbkfo as taof jfpfnjfnt, tdf anataek clnjatalnsclnsast an aoplsanm nukk spffj vekuf ilr v x enj v y enj tdf mes prfssurf fquek watd tdf etolspdfrac

 prfssurf et sfe kfvfk. Zdf anput wetfr spffj, an ecclrj watd tdf rean antfnsaty enj tdf mfloftry liIamurf 5 wes clnsajfretf V an ? 5.89 o/s enj tdf oexaouo wetfr dfamdt ikllj clkuon wfrf 54 o antdf cesf li ekk jloean clopkftfky iakkfj. Zdf wetfr tfopfreturf wes clnsajfretf fquek watd 288C.

Zdf iakkanm prlcfss taof stfp wes enekyzfj ilr 668 s but eitfr tdf iarst 528 s tdf wetfr iklws lvfr tdfjeo.An tdf olofnt wdfn tdf wetfr kfvfk lvfr tdf jeo des 4o, wf clnsajfr tdet en fertdque`f te`fs

 pkecf enj ekk tdf ikuaj iklw ansajf tdf rfsfrvlar as cdenmfj. Zdet satuetaln clrrfsplnjs tl enepprlxaoetf 94% iakkfj cepecaty li tdf fntarf cloputfj jloean. Zdf fertdque`f eccfkfretalnsspfctre clnsajfretf an enekyzf erf tdf seof watd tdf Yrencfe fertdque`f irlo : Oercd 51==,

 prfsfntfj an Iamurf 2. Zdf eccfkfretalns wfrf eppkafj ln tdf kaquaj/slkaj blunjery antfriecfs cfkksecclrjanm watd Iamurf 3d). Zdf rfsukts erf prfsfntfj an Iamurf 9.

Slkutaln enj Rfsukts. Es en fxeopkf cesf wf wakk essuof tdf mrlunj supplrtfj rfctenmukerfnjkfssky ten` watd  K  ? 268 o kfnmtd enj  D   ? 28 o dfamdt enj watd jloean clniamuretalnecclrjanm Iamurf 5. Zdf iakkanm prlcfss as rfprfsfntfj an tdf Iamurf 3, Iamurf : enj Iamurf 6.










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 Iamurf 3. Zdf westf rfsfrvlar iakkanm prlcfss - Ikuaj spffj an x jarfctaln

e) 58 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 3.42% iakkanm jfmrff, b) 28 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 4.684% jfmrff liiakkanm, c) 38 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 55.1=% jfmrff li iakkanm, j) :8 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 59.=:%

jfmrff li iakkanm, f) 98 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 29.16% jfmrff li iakkanm, i) 48 sfclnj irlo iakkanmenj 39.:1% jfmrff li iakkanm, m) 528 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 66.:=% jfmrff li iakkanm, d) 568

sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 94.86% jfmrff li iakkanm.




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Iamurf :. Zdf westf rfsfrvlar iakkanm prlcfss - Ikuaj spffj an y jarfctalne) 58 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 3.42% iakkanm jfmrff, b) 38 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 55.1=% jfmrff li

iakkanm, c) :8 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 59.=:% jfmrff li iakkanm, j) 48 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 39.:1%jfmrff li iakkanm, f) 568 sfclnj irlo iakkanm enj 94.86% jfmrff li iakkanm.

Iamurf 6. Zdf turbukfncfs iectlr espfct an tdf prlcfss li iakkanm tdf rfsfrvlars.e) 58 sfclnj, b) 588 sfclnj, c) 568 sfclnj

Zdf Iamurf 3 prfsfnts tdf veraetaln li spffj ln x jarfctaln, nltfj watd u an tdf kfmfnj enj Iamurf :tdf  y  spffj li tdf ikuaj veraetaln, nltfj watd v  an tdf kfmfnj. Zdf vlrtfxfs ilrofj an tdf iklljiakkanm prlcfss cen bf fstaoetfj usanm tdf turbukfncf iectlr, jftfroanetf lnky an tdf ikuaj cfkks. Zdfespfcts li tdet iectlr erf prfsfntfj an Iamurf 6.

Zdf rfsukts li fertdque`f ln tdf ikuaj jyneoacs erf prfsfntfj an Iamurf 9 ilr tdf u cloplnfnt li tdfspffj ilr slof olofnts li fertdque`f prlcfss.






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Zdf currfnt enekysas wes oejf usanm en lramanek prlmreo wratfj an Oacrlslit Yasuek C/C++ enj tdfmrepdac prfsfntetaln wes jlnf an Zfcpklt plst-prlcfssanm slitwerf li EOZFC Clopeny.


Zdas pepfr des bffn supplrtfj by tdf prlgfct YFME 5/8285/55 Xrlmrfssavf oftdljs ilr tdf slkutalnli structurek fkfofnts oejf li cloplsatf enj ltdfr nfw-emf oetfraeks.


P5_  @. @ltreslvå, F. @lroenï`lvå, Jfsamn li kaquaj stlremf ten` oejf irlo cloplsatf oetfraek,An7 Xrlcffjanms li =-td Furlpfen Clnifrfncf. ZRENSCLO 288=.

P2_  G. @råka`, G. @råka` gr., Jftfroanastac enj prlbebakastac enekysas li cloprfsslr ilunjetaln enjslak antfrectaln. Wblrnï` z pő fjnåťf` zf AA. `lnifrfncf s ofzanårljnï ÷ďestï Jyneoac`yneoådená ̀ lnstru`cf Jyne 2884, Brnl 2884.

P3_  G. Ofkcfr, Eopkatujf enj irfqufncy cloplsataln li sfasoac klej juf tl trensplrt erlunj

trensplrt weys. Wblrnï` JQN-]ANJ‑2883, SvI ſV Zåkf, 51.-22. oåge 2883, ASBN 48-48=8-899-:.

P:_  AAZ@-MSJOE, 28867 Muajfkanfs ilr sfasoac jfsamn li kaquaj stlremf ten`s – prlvasalns watdcloofntery enj fxpkenetlry fxeopkfs. @enpur, Anjaen Anstatutf li Zfcdnlklmy @enpur, 2886.

P6_  FN 5114-:7 2889 Furlcljf 4. Jfsamn li structurfs ilr fertdque`f rfsastencf. Xert :7 Sakls,ten`s enj papfkanfs. CFN, Brussfks, 2889.

P9_  O. Reppez, O. Bfkkft, O. Jfvakf, Nuofracek Oljfkanm an Oetfraek scafncf enj Fnmanffranm.Spranmfr, 2882.

P=_  S. Y. Xeten`er, Nuofracek Dfet Zrensifr enj Ikuaj Iklw, OcMrew-Dakk, Nfw Qlr`, (5148), =1.

P4_  B. J. Nacdlks, C. ]. Dart, G. Cloputetalnek Xdysacs, 4 (51= k), :3:.

P1_  A. S. Kflvfenu, O. D. Zafrfen, Ejvencfj nuofracek oftdlj. Eppkacetaln an oftek oljfkkanm.(an Rluoenaen) Fj. Vnavfrsatetaa Zrensakvenae jan BreŜlv, 2881.

P58_ J. Yazoen, E. Crastfe, Y. Slilnfe, Oftljf nuofracf evensetf. Fj. Furlbat. ZaoaŜlere, 2884.

P55_ O. Reppez, O. Bfkkft, O. Jfvakkf, Nuofracek Oljfkkanm an Oetfraek Scafncf enj Fnmanffranm,Spranmfr, 2883.

P52_ X. Irfy, K. Mflrmf, Ofsd Mfnfretaln Eppkacetaln tl Ianatf Fkfofnts, Dfrofs Scafncf Xub.,Lxilrj, Xeras 2888.