usd fall 2014

University of San Diego FUA Florence University of the Arts Florence Fall 2014 Riflessi Fiorentini

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University of San DiegoF U A F l o r e n c e U n i v e r s i t y o f t h e A r t s F l o r e n c e F a l l 2 0 1 4

Rifl essi


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Fiorentini Rifl essi

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You arrived in Florence - a mix between the jet lagged traveller and a bright-eyed child - curiously investigating your surroundings, at times

apprehensive or hesitant, but for the most part excited and prepared to meet challenges faced along the way. Your arrival also coincided with

the city’s celebration of Galileo Galilei’s 450th birthday and during that time you experienced a rebirth of your own. Believe it or not, you each

had something in common with Galileo: in his eyes the world was a place of wonder, excitement, and discovery. As you acclimated to the city,

much like him you viewed seemingly ordinary experiences with a set of inquisitive eyes and fresh perspective. Over time your travels, new

undertakings, and even your nostalgia for home were all viewed through a Florentine lens. Although your stay in Florence was brief, its light

shone is present in your perceptions of the world around you. These memories and feelings, the remnants of your time here will inevitably be

carried with you, their traces to be found and refl ected in your future.

And so you have it! This semester’s University of San Diego project: Rifl essi Fiorentini, Florentine Refl ections.

A collection of those initial fragments of light to take with you in remembrance of the Fall 2014 Semester at Florence University of the Arts.

Jessica Volpe


U n i v e r s i t y o f S a n D i e g o

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Profi les Student

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Kaitlin BramhallB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Greece because the people are so outwardly

nice and interested in foreigners. In Florence

the Italians are always trying to talk to

foreigners and, although it is a little bit of

a culture shock for us Americans, I believe

their meaning behind it is completely

friendly. The same is true for Greece;

whether it be directions or recommending

food they’re happy to help.

Ten years from now I will remember...

The time the Nigerian store owner below

my apartment invited me to his three year

old nephew’s birthday party in the store.

My roommates and I stopped by to say

hello and were welcomed with open arms

by a large Nigerian family who were some

of the nicest people I have ever met. We

also found out the store owner is a Nigerian


The best instructor at FUA was...

Marta Russo because she taught us the

most relevant and useful information in

terms of living in Italy. It was definitely my

best class.

My favorite Italian word is...

“Allora.” Meaning “okay” or “very well,”

Italians use this word all of the time and

it took a while to realize what it meant or

how it was used.

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Francesca CalleoA c c o u n t i n g a n d S p a n i s h

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

The exquisiteness and beauty of other

historic cities, such as Dublin and

Amsterdam, as they provoke emotions that

are sewn through my body, stringing each

to the other. Florence is expressed in these

other places as I connect historic buildings,

breathtaking churches, and stunning

scenery to that which I see in Florence. Even

in the heart of winter, I will always hold the

incredible cities close, with a warm heart.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for...

Teaching me appreciation, not only for

other cultures and cities but also for

those with whom I surround myself. The

unforgettable experience has given me

countless memories and friends. I am

extremely grateful for my family who has

supported my studies and travels from

before I embarked on my journey. This

experience can be described as “la vita


My favorite Italian word is...

My favorite Italian word is “sorriso,”

which means “smile.” Although not every

language is universal, a smile is.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Going to Fedora every Tuesday with my

friend to enjoy student-made pastries and

warm cappuccinos.

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Marissa ChapmanC o m m u n i c a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Madrid, Spain because of the beautiful,

intricate architecture, cobblestone streets,

and bustling city life. Madrid’s cathedral

reminds me of Florence’s Duomo, Parque

del Retiro reminds me of Boboli Gardens,

and both cities are jam-packed with cars

and tourists wandering the streets.

Living abroad has taught me...

To appreciate other cultures and languages.

I have learned so much about the Italian

culture and customs by living here for

several months. I have seen parts of the

culture I want to bring back home with me

to intertwine in my daily life.

The best class at FUA was...

The Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place,

and Promotion with Professor Fiorini. He

made the class so interesting by giving real

life examples of companies to explain the

many concepts behind marketing.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Anytime my friends and I ate at Ganzo.

Whether it was for a Thursday night

themed dinner or just a casual lunch, we

always had the best times conversing over

great food and wine.

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Natalie ChaseC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s

There is a part of Florence

reflected in...

Rome because it is full of history, religion, and

people visiting from all over the world.

Living abroad has taught me...

Independence to venture out on my own

without the fear of getting lost along the

way. It has taught me to appreciate my life

back home because I realize how fortunate

I am to have grown up in the lifestyle that

I did. Living abroad has also taught me

to not be afraid of change and embrace

whatever life throws at me.

The best class at FUA was...

Dario’s beginning Italian class. Not only did

he continue to make us laugh and enjoy

learning Italian, but he also taught us the

most useful information during my time

in Italy. I was able to use words, phrases,

or even understand basic conversations

because of his class.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

My Women and Religion class visit to the

Church of Santissima Annunziata. This was

a church that was absolutely beautiful

on the inside and was less populated by

visitors or tourists. There was priest there

who offered a prayer up for our entire class

as he sang joyfully. He was so enthusiastic

that we were visiting and showed genuine

happiness. This was most memorable

because it reminded me of the happiness

in the simplicity of Florence.

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Stephanie ChiengA c c o u n t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Venice, Italy because both places have a

tremendous amount of people, especially

tourists. But, both places also have very

beautiful architecture and have so much

history and culture. The canal, the bridges,

the basilica, and the intricate details in

Venice all reminded me of the Arno, the

Duomo, and all the bridges in Florence.

Ten years from now I will remember...

All the amazing places that I traveled to in

Europe and how I fell in love with Florence.

I will also remember doing all the things I

love with my roommates and best friends.

The best class at FUA was...

My Literature of the Grand Tour of Italy class

with Simonetta Ferrini because she taught

me so much about the places and culture in

Italy. It was a really cool experience to see

what I learned in class in person and apply

it to my travels throughout Italy.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Going to dinner at Ganzo and trying all the

different meals with my roommates and

friends. It was an awesome experience

to eat food that was made by culinary


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Caroline CiaccioM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Brussels in the old unaltered cobblestone streets that hold so much history.

Ten years from now I will remember...

All the new friends I’ve made and experiences I’ve had, the countless amazing Italian dishes I ate, and my daily walk over the Ponte


My favorite Italian phrase is...

“A prima vista” meaning “at first sight.”

I love this saying because as soon as I saw the city of Florence, I fell in love at first sight!

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Our Fashion Marketing field trip to the Gucci Museum. I loved seeing Gucci’s history and some of his most amazing and notorious pieces

worn by celebrities in person.

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Anthony ConstantinoE c o n o m i c s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Siena because it is a small town in Tuscany

that is famous for its city center. When I

went there I learned all about the different

contradas, what they stood for, and how

tightly knit of a group they are. It reminded

me of Florence because I see its rich history

that ties its citizens together much like the

history of Florence and the Renaissance.

Living abroad has taught me...

That the world is much bigger than I

had imagined. There is a rich history

and culture that is intricate and complex

because the people have roots that are

ancient. It is amazing to walk around and

touch sculptures and ruins that date back

to ancient times. When everything is put

into perspective, you feel much smaller

than I thought possible.

My favorite Italian word is...

Buongiorno because it is always said to me

with a smile on someone’s face. People

here are so friendly and you can tell they

are inviting when they welcome you with a

smile and a happy buongiorno.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

The day trip to the olive oil tasting and

learning the process behind making it. It

was a great experience that allowed me

to learn a part of the culture that many

Italians hold close to their heart.

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Natalie CroneM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

The Boboli Gardens. I found this place to be

very serene, and its beauty really radiates

the peaceful ambiance of Florence. Another

reason I found it to be nice whether I was

alone or when I was with friends. It was a

great place to relax and completely soak in

the wonderful experience of being abroad.

Ten years from now I will remember...

All of the funny things that I have done

wrong here—culturally mostly—whether

it is figuring how to sticker fruits and

vegetables at the store or ordering a latte

and getting a glass of warm milk.

The best class at FUA was...

My Italian class with Gianni. He really makes

the class lively and humorous in learning a

brand new language.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Calling the emergency line when our

apartment flooded during a freak hail

storm. It is funny looking back, but wasn’t

not at the time.

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Melissa DavisM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Venice, Italy because it is rich with beautiful

architecture, and appreciation for its art,

history, and culture. One of my favorite

aspects of Florence is how everyone goes

about life in the same way they always have

and much of the city hasn’t been altered,

so you really get a feel for the history and

culture. Similarly, in Venice their beautiful

canals, means of transportation by boat,

and stunning artwork have not wavered.

Living abroad has taught me...

That everything won’t always be convenient

and handed to you. And that you’ll grow

in your independence the most when you

have to come up with ways to get around

the new obstacles you are faced with.

The best class at FUA was...

Religion and Women with instructor

Martina Ghiandelli because it really

connected me to Florence and enlightened

me on the history of the city.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

My chemistry class’ field trip to Basilica

Santa Maria Novella because I was blown

away by how beautiful the church was and

I fell in love with it!

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Sierra DelgadilloM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Brussels because it was the one city

I traveled to that seemed untouched

compared to other places. The narrow

cobblestone streets in Brussels reminded

me of Florence. It was a small enough city

where I felt like I could explore for hours by

myself without feeling alone. There were

so many unique shops and pubs much like

the many hole-in-the-wall Italian cafes and

restaurants in Florence. Overall I found the

two cities similar in their slow way of life,

preservation of history, and simple charm.

I will be forever grateful for this experience


I am so much more cultured as a result of it.

I have seen how other people live and how

they interact and this is something I had

never experienced before. I can now say I

lived in a different country for four months

and I am only twenty-years old. I learn so

much in school, but the experiences I’ve

had abroad will stick with me forever.

The best instructor at FUA was...

Paolo Fiorini because he is very passionate

and knowledgeable on the subject and

engages the class wonderfully. He uses real

life examples and our project is very hands


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

When my mom surprised me in mid

December. It was so nice having her here

and I was happy she got to see a little

snippet of my life in Florence.

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Mary Jo DixonB i o l o g y

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Venice, as both make me feel like I have

been transported to the past. Both cities are

absolutely beautiful, and so rich in history

that they are almost like other worlds. Both

gave me the same wondrous impression as

I walked amongst the cobblestone streets,

busy with so much activity that it is difficult

to take it all in.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for...

Making me a more confident and open

person. I have always been more shy and

reserved, but coming abroad has really

been a huge step out of my comfort zone. I

have experienced so many new things, and

through these experiences I have learned

to stop overthinking everything and enjoy

every minute of my life. I appreciate every

opportunity that studying abroad has

given me.

The best class at FUA was...

My Italian class with Gianni. Though I did

not master the language and more often

butchered every word, Gianni was an

amazing and hilarious teacher.

My favorite Italian word is...

“Allora” because it’s the best transition. I

have actually picked it up and find myself

muttering it between sentences.

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Rachael EmerickI n t e r n a t i o n a l B u s i n e s s

There is a part of Florence reflected in….

Greece because it was the second place that

I truly fell in love with. In the Greek islands,

I met some incredible people who will be

my lifelong friends. I’ll always associate my

time with them with my semester in Italy.

Florence takes my breath away; Greece did

the same. I will never forget these two


Living abroad has taught me…

Little ways to live simply, like an Italian.

I’ve learned to acclimate to a new culture,

new ways of thinking, new foods (that was

the easiest part), and new everyday habits.

The best class at FUA was…

Ethics in a World Context with Martino

Traxler. Professor Traxler is brilliant and

encourages his students to think for

themselves. Discussions were always

captivating and meaningful in his class.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Getting caught outside in the hailstorm

with my roommate and being rescued by

a very sympathetic shop owner.

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Meghan FierroA c c o u n t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in....

London - more in the way it made me feel

rather than physical elements. London

is a melting pot of cultures and with the

prominent language being English, it

reminded me of being home. However,

over the course of several months Florence

truly became my temporary home. No

matter where my travels took me, I knew

that Piazza San Martino would always be

there when I returned.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for…

Pushing me toward personal and cultural

growth through required independence,

increased maturity, and self-confidence.

Studying abroad has greatly influenced

my worldly view and opened my eyes to

many different ways of living. I will forever

be grateful for the life long friendships and

unforgettable memories that were created

here. I have nothing more than love and

gratitude for this experience and all that it

has taught me.

The best class at FUA was…

Religion and Women with Martina

Ghiandelli. The curriculum extended

outside of the textbook and into the streets

of Florence where we learned firsthand

from a city so rich in religious history and


My favorite Italian word is…

One that I learned on the first day of Italian

class and that I’ve loved ever since. Simply

meaning “I don’t know” it’s the three

lettered, one syllable word, “boh.”

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Nicole ForbesM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Montalcino, the city of Towers, in Tuscany.

It is a beautiful old town and is home to

the world’s best gelato and gorgeous views

of Tuscan vineyards. I loved seeing the old

Italian towers, where the Medici family

vacationed, and imagining life back in the

13th century. Florence has a similar small

town vibe, while it is still full of surprises

around every corner.

Ten years from now I will remember…

My little Italian apartment with all of its

quirks. I will never forget making dinner

for my roommates in our tiny kitchen or

our constantly flushing toilet. But despite

all these little things, it has become a place

to call home amongst all my travel.

My favorite Italian phrase is…

“Allora” which means “moving on” or

“now.” Italians are always saying “allora”

and it reminds me of how Italians tend to

live much more in the present moment.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Visiting the Gucci Museum in my Fashion

Marketing Class. We learned so much about

the history of the brand and it was a once

in a lifetime experience.

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Maegan GaraldB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Santorini, Greece because of the immense

beauty that the entire island portrayed.

Everywhere I look in Florence, from the

amazing museums to the Renaissance art

and architecture, I never cease to be amazed

by the beauty of the city. The sunsets and

unique architecture of Santorini reminded

me of Florence and all of the amazingly

beautiful places in Europe that I never

knew existed.

Ten years from now I will remember…

All of the unforgettable travel stories that

I have with my best friends. From almost

not making it home from Dublin, Ireland

to cramming 7 people into one hotel room

in Munich, Germany, the memories of

traveling with my best friends are those

that I will never forget and always cherish.

The best class at FUA was…

Religion and Women. I loved this class

because of all of the beautiful field trips

that we went on around Florence.

My favorite Italian word is…

Gelato. Because... gelato.

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Daniela GiglielloA c c o u n t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

The Amalfi Coast. Soon after I arrived in

Florence I fell in love with the city and

felt at home. I have previously been to

Southern Italy because I have family there.

When I visited there again I felt as if I was

bringing my new home to my old home.

Living abroad has taught me...

To cherish every moment from an

experience. Studying abroad taught me a

lot about myself and who I am as a person.

Time flew by when I was here and I have so

many great memories. Living abroad also

taught me that change can be a good thing

and just because something is different

than what you are used to doesn’t mean

it’s a bad thing.

The best class at FUA was...

Creative Advertising because I got to learn

about Italian food, wine, culture, and art.

I learned details of the high quality and

craftsmanship that is only produced in Italy.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

AperiGanzo. This was my first time

experiencing aperitivo, which is common

in Florence. I went with my roommates and

we always enjoyed this time and shared

lots of laughs.

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Krystal HsuM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Little Italy, San Diego because there are

many amazing Italian restaurants that

serve delicious food just like here in

Florence. When I go back to San Diego I

will have a place close to me to be able to

have a taste of Florence. I will be able to

have pizza, pasta, and gelato only about 15

minutes away.

Ten years from now I will remember…

All of the amazing places in Florence I

visited, all of the delicious food I ate,

enriching art I saw, and the memories I

made with my friends all around the city.

The best instructor at FUA was…

Sandra Nannini for fashion marketing. She

was extremely intelligent in her field and

made the class very interesting.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Going on class field trips. We went to the

Florence Archives Museum and the Gucci

Museum. This was a great way to combine

class and travelling.

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Alicia IngramC o m m u n i c a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Dublin, Ireland because of the river that

flows through the center, and all of the

bridges going across the river. The river

was a main part of the city, like the Arno

in Florence, so it reminded me of Florence.

Living abroad has taught me...

To be much more independent. Traveling

from country to country and figuring

out train stations and being completely

independent is something that I wont

forget. I’ve also learned how different

each culture is, and how important it is to

try and fully experience someone else’s

culture and respect it.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“Cin cin” because it reminds me of raising

a glass to meeting new friends, and also of

when my parents came to visit.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Going to a church with my Women and

Religion class that had a really funny priest

that kept singing the national anthem to us

and wanted to dance.

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Taylor JanisonC o m m u n i c a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Cinque Terre because both cities, although

completely unique, have a very small

town feel. Walking around the little shops

and cafes in Cinque Terre reminded me of

similar places in Florence.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for…

Exposing me to new cultures and new

people that I will never forget. It is truly an

unbelievable opportunity to live in such a

beautiful city, be able to really experience a

new culture, and travel to more places than

I ever thought possible.

The best instructor at FUA was…

Marta Russo for Italian. She made sure to teach

us words and phrases that we would actually

need to use in everyday life here in Florence.

She was also very helpful if we ever had any

questions about life or culture in the city.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Making pasta from scratch at the fresh

pasta workshop. It was really cool to see

exactly how the pasta was made and

then of course eating it at the end of the


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Jaclyn JimenezB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Venice, Italy. The tall, colorful buildings

are similarly styled to those that are in

Florence. I felt as if I were walking through

Florence while walking in Venice, with the

exception of the canals, gondolas, and

bridges instead of cars, vespas, and bikes.

Ten years from now I will remember…

Those moments where I was “lost” in

Florence and the feeling of being foreign,

confused, and vulnerable mixed with being

excited, adventurous, and care-free. I will

remember having the security of knowing

I would be able to get to my destination

(eventually) and being able to walk around

unknown streets while laughing at myself

and my poor sense of direction.

The best class at FUA was…

Fashion, Food, Art & Wine: Creative

Advertising of Italian Destinations with

Fiona Gillespie. This class helped me find

value in “Made in Italy” products and

become more aware of Italian brands.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Dinners at Ganzo, especially AperiGanzo.

Ganzo dinners are where my friends and I

would spend time reflecting and bonding.

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Kirsten KleinB e h a v i o r a l N e u r o s c i e n c e

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Dublin because everywhere we walked

had a famous landmark or piece of history.

There was definitely a sense of community

and strong pride in their country. Walking

into St. Patrick’s Cathedral was just as

breathtaking as the Duomo and Santa

Croce. The city truly came alive at night

with amazing sunsets and colorful lights in

every corner shop. Once you got to know

the locals, they treated you like family.

Ten years from now I will remember…

The late-night gelato runs, walking past the

Duomo and Santa Croce every day, waking

up to the Swiss Alps, live music in Dublin,

ghost tours in Scotland, walking down

Diagon Alley in London, and the incredible

people I met along the way.

My favorite Italian phrase is…

“Ciao, buongiorno,” because once I start a

conversation with an Italian accent, I find

it allows me to speak with locals without

them assuming I want to speak in English.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Going on a walking tour to San Miniato al

Monte with my Women & Religion class.

The hike isn’t easy, but the view of Firenze

at the top is absolutely worth it.

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Genevieve KunzP s y c h o l o g y M a j o r a n d A r t M i n o r

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Paris because of all the history that can be

found in the two cities. Both have stunning

old fashioned architecture and the stories

to go along with it.

Living abroad has taught me…

That it is always possible to communicate,

even through language or cultural barriers.

In the end we are all human beings.

The best class at FUA was…

My chemistry of the Visual Arts class. I

enjoyed learning about the chemical side

of art and its decaying process in a city full

of history and old artwork.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

When my chemistry class visited an art

restoration school. It was fascinating to see

the different processes used to restore art.

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Amanda LauderdaleP s y c h o l o g y

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Positano because both cities share an

appreciation for enjoying the small things

in life.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for...

Giving me an opportunity to travel and

learn from other cultures. I will always

cherish the memories I have made by

travelling the world with my friends.

The best class at FUA was…

Intercultural Communication with Professor

Valentina Dolara because she taught us life

skills beyond the classroom and the value

of being open minded. I also loved my

Italian class with Dario because it was a fun

class, and he tried to teach us what would

be most practical for living in Italy.

My most memorable moments

at FUA were…

Through my Women in Religion class. It

was with this class that we often took field

trips to beautiful churches in Florence, that

otherwise I probably never would have

known about it. My favorite was the Jewish

Synagogue because it was full of so much

beauty and history.

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Hanna MahoneyC o m m u n i c a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Munich, Germany because I see Munich as

my second home, and now I feel the same

way about Florence. I love being able to

come back after a weekend of traveling and

feel comfort in this city.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience because...

It has given me the opportunity to live in

Europe. I am so grateful to be able travel

and immerse myself in many different

cultures with my friends.

The best class at FUA was...

Literature of the Grand Tour of Italy with

Simonetta Ferrini. This class taught me all

about Italy, and it was so exciting to see the

history we learned about in class in person

and throughout my travels!

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Stumbling upon Palazzo Vecchio on the

first day of exploring with my best friends,

which quickly became my favorite spot in


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Ashley MajanoI n t e r n a t i o n a l R e l a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Mykonos, Greece because both locations

shared the same friendly and romantic

atmosphere. Mykonos was absolutely

gorgeous, and the view of the ocean

was very romantic, just like many of the

historical sites are here in Florence. Both

cultures are friendly and open to making

new friendships.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for…

Giving me the chance to break out of

my comfort zone and to challenge my

capabilities. I feel much more confident

after having learned to adapt to a whole

new culture.

My favorite Italian word is...

“Piacere,” which means, “pleased to meet

you.” I love having the opportunity to

use manners and make a kind connection

with people I meet. They always seem to

appreciate it, as well.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

First seeing the Basilica of Santa Croce. The

details in this building are breath-taking,

and learning that I would see it every

morning on my way to class was amazing.

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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Ellie MaletC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Paris because of its equally amazing

churches. The churches in Florence are

my favorite thing to regularly visit and

attend. Being able to do the same in other

countries helped me to appreciate all the

Florentine churches even more.

Living abroad has taught me...

To become more independent and to be

open-minded. Having never lived on my

own so far from home, coming to Italy was

very daunting. However, I have learned

to be more confident and comfortable in

new situations, and I have learned to be

accepting of all people from all places.

The best class at FUA was...

My Italian language class. Having no prior

knowledge of the language, I found this

class to be extremely helpful. I find myself

using the things I learn in class basically

every day!

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

When my religion class went up to Piazzale

Michelangelo. It was such a beautiful view,

and going up there with my teacher to learn

about it was such an amazing experience!

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Mia McGovernP s y c h o l o g y

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Corfu, Greece because everyone I

encountered there was friendly and willing

to help. I didn’t expect a country so different

from Italy to remind me of Florence, but it

was comforting to encounter approachable

people there, like I have here.

Living abroad has given me...

A new perspective on how I view the

world. Before this semester, I had never

traveled abroad, so it was easy to think that

America’s culture was the best. However,

since I’ve been abroad, I’ve learned to really

appreciate how unique and fascinating

other cultures are, too. I’ve come to love

the Italian language, social culture, and of

course, the food!

Ten years from now I will remember...

The amazing adventures I had with some of

my best friends around Italy, as well as in

Croatia, Greece, and Spain. I will also still be

missing Gusta pizza!

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“Grazie mille” because I’ve heard and

said it every day here. Whether ordering

a cappuccino or holding the door for

someone, everyone expresses their


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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Kelly McPhersonC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

London, England because London has

always been my favorite place to visit and

a place that feels like home. Now, Florence

feels the same!

I will forever be grateful to this

experience for...

Opening my eyes to adventure and

exploration. Getting the opportunity

to travel the world with few worries is

something I will forever be thankful for.

Ten years from now I will remember...

The nights when my friend and I got gelato

and strolled along the river, taking in the

sights of the Ponte Vecchio, with all of the

people taking pictures.

The favorite instructor was...

My Italian teacher Dario. I’ve never laughed

so much in a class as I did there. He’s a

good teacher and made learning Italian so

much fun!

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Madison MoeC r e a t i v e W r i t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Versailles, because as I wandered

throughout the Boboli Gardens I

remembered my time in Versailles. Boboli

and Versailles aren’t perfect mirrors of one

another, and yet with the timeless presence

of their hedges, I was reminded that while

European streets are monuments to the

passage of time, some places stand still and

hold their breath, and leave you breathless


Living abroad has taught me...

That you should take adventures when they

present themselves. Say yes to adventuring

to a secret bakery at 3 o’clock in the

morning. Say yes to jumping off the side of

a boat yelling “Geronimo! Say Geronimo!”

as you leap into the Mediterranean. Say

yes to living while you have the time and

energy. Most importantly: say yes to food!

The best instructor at FUA was...

Professor Dario because he had a great

sense of humor, and I learned quite a bit.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“Come ti chiami?” because I love the way

the words roll off the tongue, sounding

similar to “How do you call me?”

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Mackenzie MuellerC o m m u n i c a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Athens, Greece because of the cultural

emphasis placed on history. Florence is

considered to be the birthplace of the

Renaissance, with its exceptional art and

architecture; today, this has shaped the

culture in a way that is unique to this city.

During my visit to Athens, I was struck when

I discovered a similar cultural atmosphere

to Florence.

Living abroad has taught me...

The value of traveling and experiencing

other places. Gradually, I am acquiring a

broader perspective on the differences

of culture and customs, which I believe is

incredibly valuable to a young adult.

Ten years from now I will remember...

All the life-changing experiences of

traveling throughout Europe alongside my

best friends. This has been an unforgettable

experience that is unique in every way.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“Posso avere un po’ di gelato” because I

think that’s self explanatory.

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Shauna ParkA c c o u n t i n g M a j o r

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

London because when I think of Italy, I think

of culture and art. I was recently in London,

and I went to a museum which had many

paintings by Italian artists. If I did not know

better, I would have believed this museum

in London was actually located in Florence.

Living abroad has taught me...

That my original view of the world was

very limited. I have traveled a lot in the

United States, but having the experience to

live somewhere else showed me how little

I really knew. I’d like to think I fit in with the

local Italians much more now than I did at

the beginning!

Ten years from now I will remember...

The amazing times I got to spend with my

friends. I’ll always laugh about the times

we did something wrong or were very

confused by the way of life here. It’s funny

to know that we eventually figured things


My favorite Italian phrase is...

“La Vita È Bella.” It’s true that life is

beautiful, and it definitely should be

cherished. Seeing the world showed me

that life is short, and it’s worth appreciating

every moment.

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Allison PluschkellM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Brussels in the old unaltered cobblestone streets that hold so much history.

Ten years from now I will remember...

All the new friends I’ve made and experiences I’ve had, the countless amazing Italian dishes I ate, and my daily walk over the Ponte Vecchio.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“A prima vista” meaning “at first sight”. I love this saying because as soon as I saw the city of Florence, I fell in love at first sight!

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Our Fashion Marketing field trip to the Gucci Museum. I loved seeing Gucci’s history and some of his most amazing and notorious pieces worn by

celebrities in person.

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Haley ReinhardtB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Bath. While I was visiting London, I also

went to see the city of Bath. There is a

part of Florence reflected in Bath because

of its small, lively streets, the charming

people, and their delicious food. Although

Florence isn’t as small of a city as Bath, the

cobblestone roads and the music playing in

the streets reminded me exactly of Florence

and what a special place it is to me.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for…

Allowing me to travel the world with

some of my best friends. This experience

allowed me to meet new people and make

memories I know I will never forget. I have

been able to see places I never imagined I

would see, and live in a city I never thought

I would live in. It was truly something I

will never forget and that I will forever be

grateful for.

The best class at FUA was...

Creative Advertising: Art, Food, Fashion,

and Wine because it has taught me a lot

about the way Italians make their products

and how much work goes into making each


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Going to Aperitivo at Ganzo every

Wednesday with my roommates. I enjoyed

trying all the different food options that

the Apicius culinary students made for


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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Jacob RudmanB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

San Diego because they are both small

cities, though each has so many things to

do. In San Diego, you can go to the beach

for a day or hang with the locals and in

Florence you can go across the Arno and

hang with their locals.

I will be forever grateful to this

experience for...

All the amazing places it allowed me to

visit. Florence is a beautiful place, and

there is so much to do in the city. It has also

been a great place from which I can visit

many other parts of Europe.

The best instructor at FUA was...

Alessandro Giudice of FUA’s International

School of Business. His experience in the

industry has been very valuable in guiding

me forward in the direction of a business

venture that I am a part of. He even

introduced me to a man who is going to be

instrumental in our success.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“Posso avere (any food) per favore”

because this means that I am sure to have

another delicious meal coming my way

very soon and that is one of the best parts

of Florence.

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Christina SarichC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Croatia. When reflecting on my time

abroad, Croatia was my most amazing

experience. Since I am half Croatian it was

amazing to see where my Grandparents

came from. It was so beautiful and the food

was absolutely amazing. Croatia attracts so

many different people; I loved meeting

people from Australia, England, and even

Sweden. The most beautiful part of the trip

was Krka national park; I have never seen

such beautiful scenery in my life.

Living abroad has taught me...

How to be truly independent, fearless, and

open-minded. Taking trains, planes, and

walks on your own in foreign countries

can be intimidating, but once you have

done so, you discover self-confidence. In

addition, you are able to meet so many

types of people just by sitting next to

them on an airplane, or at a bar. You

learn so much through conversation with

others you thought you’d have nothing in

common with.

The best class at FUA was...

Literature of the Grand Tour of Italy. It was

so interesting to read what philosophers

and writers wrote about Italy in their time

and their experience and compare it to my


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

On the City Walk to Piazzale Michelangelo

with my best friend while we were looking

over the city that had seemed so massive

below when we first arrived. As the sun set,

it seemed so surreal and calm.

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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Diana SciaccaC o m m u n i c a t i o n s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Positano, Italy because Positano has

beautiful scenery and delicious food. I

was in awe of how stunning it was when

looking at the cliffs filled with colorful

houses and walking along the rocky shore.

Not to mention, I had the most delicious

panino from Vini & Panini. It reminded

me of Florence in a way because Florence

is filled with breath-taking views and

wonderful food, too.

Living abroad has taught me...

To live with an open mind and expect the

unexpected. It has also taught me about

how Italians live, and how they take their

time in everyday activities without rushing.

It made me appreciate the little things in

life, like long dinners and getting lost in the


The best class at FUA was...

Literature of the Grand Tour of Italy with

Ferrini Simonetta because I read the work

of famous writers, and I learned in depth

about several cities, such as Venice, Rome,

and Naples.

My favorite Italian word is…

“Arrivederci.” I have always loved the way

this word sounds when a true Italian says

it. I have been practicing the pronunciation

of it since day one!

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Hannah ShapiroB i o l o g y

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

All of Italy; or rather, Italian culture, as a

whole, is well represented by Florence!

Language, art, friendly people, and

amazing food-everywhere I went seemed

to remind me of Florence.

I will be forever grateful to this experience


I have had the opportunity to come here

and live with a host family! It has been

culturally enriching and has helped

improve my Italian dramatically! This was

such a special and unique experience that I

will cherish forever. I am so thankful for the

vast amount of compassion and kindness

I’ve received from my host mom, and so

many others here in Florence!

My favorite Italian word is...

“Boh!” (“I don’t know!”). Such a short,

sweet way of expressing incredible


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

The kindness that was shown to me when

I first arrived at FUA, after an unfortunate

mishap happened to me in Rome. I am

so thankful to them for making my initial

experience here in Florence so exceptionally


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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Sia StomproP s y c h o l o g y

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Venice because cobblestone pathways and

waterways characterize both cities. The

quaint shops, skinny alleyways and old

bridges in Venice mirror my everyday life

back in Florence.

Living abroad has taught me...

Patience. Anything from traveling on the

trains to figuring out maps can be very

overwhelming when you’re half way across

the world. It took a little time to get used

to the different cultures and languages I

was faced with, but practicing patience

significantly helped me get through those

rough patches.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“Cin cin.” I have many fond memories with

great friends toasting to being in Florence,

while all saying “cin cin” as our glasses


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

When I climbed to the top of the Duomo

for one of my classes. The trek to the top

was very difficult, but the view from the

top was extremely rewarding.

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Kourtney SwankH i s t o r y M a j o r

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Every city I visit. Most of the cities I have

been to this semester have been older

and slightly touristy, and that is definitely

Florence to me. No matter where I go

though, I always think of Florence as home,

and so when I travel I always seem to find a

little bit of home in a completely different


Living abroad has taught me...

To go with the flow and not worry as much!

Whether it’s traveling to a different country,

or exploring Florence, things rarely go

according to plan. Planes are late, we get

on the wrong trains, or the Uffizi happens

to be closed on Mondays. I’ve learned to

take these experiences and appreciate

them, because not everyone is fortunate

enough to be able to study abroad, let

alone worry about inconsequential things.

My best class at FUA was...

Italian with Marta. She was so nice, friendly,

and helpful. Even though I had class at 8

am she made it bearable and made sure to

be patient as we all woke up.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

When my classes went on field trips around

Florence. I didn’t just learn about the

Florentine buildings and politics, I actually

visited most of the places to see them up


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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Kelsey ThackstonB u s i n e s s E c o n o m i c s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Venice because you can find yourself

swallowed by beautiful, historical,

renaissance buildings and city centers,

while still able escape to the waterfront

of either the Arno or Grand Canal for some

peace of mind and a piece of home in San


Ten years from now I will remember...

The unforgettable experiences and the

wonderful people. I will remember the

minor hardships I encountered, and that I

was able to get through them. I will also

be quite disappointed that American pizza

will never taste as amazing as Italian pizza.

The best class at FUA was...

Ethics in a Global Context with Martino

Trexler because he is extremely

knowledgeable about ethics, and has an

outstandingly dry sense of humor that is


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Seeing the first Florentine sunset from

Piazzale Michelangelo with my friends and

listening to a live guitarist. It was the first

moment I felt at home in Florence since I


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Natalia ToccoliM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Munich because the city is very historic,

similar to Florence. Roaming the

cobblestone streets at night, passing by

fountains and statues, reminded me of

how charming and quaint Florence is. The

city was lively, people everywhere and

live music filling the streets. Florence is

my temporary home and being in Munich

made me feel at home.

Ten years from now I will remember...

The long bus rides, late nights in hostels,

and the never-ending memories my

roommates and I made while gallivanting

around Europe. I will also remember how

Florence was my home and a little piece

of my heart will remain in the city forever,

sparking memories of the best time of my


The best class at FUA was...

Art, Food, Fashion, and Wine: Creative

Advertising of Italian Destinations because

I learned to appreciate what “Made in

Italy” means.

My most memorable moment at FUA was…

Going to AperiGanzo most Wednesdays and

partaking in the traditional Italian social


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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Laura TresselE n g l i s h

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

The countryside of Tuscany. I’ve visited a

few different towns and cities throughout

Tuscany, and the rolling hills and Cyprus

trees make me fall in love every time.

The best part about the landscape is that

it is not so far from home. Standing atop

Piazzale Michelangelo, you can see that the

city of Florence, as packed with streets and

buildings as it is, is surrounded by these

same romantic hills and dreamy villas.

Living abroad has taught me...

To be more open to spontaneity and to

jump at opportunities. You never know if

you’ll have the chance to do certain things

again, and in my opinion it’s better to risk

regrets in the aftermath than to regret

never having had that moment at all.

My favorite Italian word is…

“Piacere” which means “pleased to meet

you.” I have met some incredible Italians

during my stay in Florence, and besides

trying to impress them with my limited

vocabulary, the greeting never failed to

make people smile.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

The first Ganzo Thursday night themed

dinner I went to with my friends. That night,

I discovered an appreciation for student

cooking and new friends (especially my

British roommate Alice).

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Collin TrotterP o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Venice because while both cities are

constantly filled with the hustle and bustle

of tourism and everyday life, there remains

a serene, magical feeling you get when

walking through the streets. Whether

it’s the breathtaking canals in Venice or

the magnificent churches in Florence, the

two historic cities both share an amazing

atmosphere that can only be explained by

actually experiencing it first-hand.

Ten years from now I will remember...

My incredible fall break trip, where I

was able to travel to London, Dublin,

Amsterdam, and a chocolate festival in

Italy. Each and every city had something

amazing to offer, and I was lucky enough

to see it all with three of my best friends.

My favorite Italian word is...

“Gelato” because it was a staple food in

my diet in Florence, and, well, who doesn’t

love gelato?

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Being able to attend the grand opening

and press conference of the Picasso and

Spanish Modernity exhibit as part of class.

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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Madison WasmerM a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

The ancient alleyways of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Wandering the narrow alleyways of the old

town of Dubrovnik around dinnertime I

was reminded of the cobblestone alleys of

my new city, Florence. Friends and families

were sitting outside late in the evening,

enjoying food, wine, and each other’s

company, a sight typical of piazzas in


Living abroad has taught me...

To appreciate other ways of living, and to

keep an open mind. I learned that many

things I took for granted growing up, such

as having a clothes dryer and dishwasher,

aren’t conveniences granted in other

places. I have also learned more about

myself and my values through interacting

with new people and places.

The best class at FUA was...

Art, Food, Fashion and Wine: Creative

Advertising of Italian Destinations. I was

able to apply things I learned in this class

to everyday life, whether identifying Italian

designers in window displays, or being

able to identify high quality balsamic

vinaigrette at the local markets.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“La dolce vita”, or “the sweet life.” This

phrase sums up my perspective on life

while in Italy. I often found myself feeling

incredibly grateful for all of the aspects of

Italy that make here so incredibly sweet

and joyful.

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Hannah YoungB u s i n e s s M a r k e t i n g

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

downtown San Diego because like

Florence, San Diego has a small city feel.

In downtown San Diego, you are constantly

surrounded by buildings and everything

you need is within walking distance. In

addition, downtown San Diego has a street

filled with Italian Restaurants known as

“Little Italy.” This street has a very Italian

vibe in the middle of a very American city.

Living abroad has taught me...

How to be totally independent. I learned

how to travel through non-english

speaking countries on my own, get around

using a map instead of an iPhone, buy only

enough groceries that I can carry home,

plan a laundry schedule due to the lack

of a dryer, keep a budget, solve problems

without the help of my parents, and plan

and execute side trips to new unfamiliar


My favorite Italian word is...

Allora. I love the variety of ways it can be

used and the way it rolls off your tongue.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Going on field trips around the city with

my Women in Religion class. This really

exposed me to hidden treasures in Florence

and allowed me to experience the city from

an academic viewpoint.

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USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Nicole ZammitB u s i n e s s E c o n o m i c s

There is a part of Florence reflected in...

Paris. Although Paris is a much larger city, it

encompasses history the way that Florence

does. When I go through the streets of

Florence, I walk by old buildings that were

built centuries ago and have stood though

important historical events. In Paris, I

experienced the same feeling. It amazed

me how long these beautiful buildings had

been standing in the city. In California, I do

not get to experience this feeling.

I will be forever grateful

to this experience…

As it has given me the opportunity to

travel with my friends. I lived and traveled

throughout Europe when I was six years

old, but doing it again with my college

friends has allowed me to experience

Europe in a new way.

The best class at FUA was...

My Global Economy class with Andrea

Giuntini. As a Business Economics major,

it was interesting to get a perspective

on the world economy from a European


My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Seeing all my friends for the first time in

Florence. We were all so excited to see each

other in Europe and could not wait to start

our semester at FUA.

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Coley MoziloS o c i o l o g y

There is a part of Florence reflected in…

Budapest. When I visited Hungary, I found

a lot of similarities between Budapest

and Florence because of the beautiful

architecture and how sweet and nice the

people are in both cities. Both cities had

beautiful sites and historical landscapes

that resembled one another, especially

with bridges over both rivers.

I will forever be grateful to this

experience for...

Pushing me out of my comfort zone and

making me grow up. I will also be grateful

because I got to travel all around the world

and experience so many different cultures

that most people don’t get the chance to

experience in their lifetime. I am thankful

for getting to learn about my family and

my culture, since I have Italian family here.

My favorite Italian phrase is...

“La Dolce Vita” because I am genuinely

living the sweet life while here in Italy and

because my family and I have been saying

it for years.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

One of my field trips that I took in my

History of Christianity class. We went to

visit the Florence Archbishop Archives and

saw all the historical documents from the

Bishop and the Vatican.

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Universityof San Diego

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fall 2014

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Universityof San Diego

FALL 2014

Annie BackenAnnie Backen

Kaitlin BramhallKaitlin Bramhall

Francesca CalleoFrancesca Calleo

Marissa ChapmanMarissa Chapman

Natalie ChaseNatalie Chase

Stephanie ChiengStephanie Chieng

Caroline CiaccioCaroline Ciaccio

Anthony ConstantinoAnthony Constantino

Natalie CroneNatalie Crone

Melissa DavisMelissa Davis

Sierra DelgadilloSierra Delgadillo

Mary Jo DixonMary Jo Dixon

Rachael EmerickRachael Emerick

Meghan FierroMeghan Fierro

Nicole ForbesNicole Forbes

Maegan GaraldMaegan Garald

Daniela GiglielloDaniela Gigliello

Krystal HsuKrystal Hsu

Alicia IngramAlicia Ingram

Taylor JanisonTaylor Janison

Jaclyn JimenezJaclyn Jimenez

Kirsten KleinKirsten Klein

Genevieve KunzGenevieve Kunz

Amanda LauderdaleAmanda Lauderdale

Hanna MahoneyHanna Mahoney

Ashley MajanoAshley Majano

Elizabeth MaletElizabeth Malet

Mia McGovernMia McGovern

Kelly McPhersonKelly McPherson

Madison MoeMadison Moe

Nicole MoziloNicole Mozilo

Mackenzie MuellerMackenzie Mueller

Shauna ParkShauna Park

Allison PluschkellAllison Pluschkell

Haley ReinhardtHaley Reinhardt

Jacob RudmanJacob Rudman

Christina SarichChristina Sarich

Diana SciaccaDiana Sciacca

Hannah ShapiroHannah Shapiro

Sia StomproSia Stompro

Kourtney SwankKourtney Swank

Kelsey ThackstonKelsey Thackston

Natalia ToccoliNatalia Toccoli

Laura TresselLaura Tressel

Collin TrotterCollin Trotter

Madison WasmerMadison Wasmer

Hannah YoungHannah Young

Nicole ZammitNicole Zammit

Page 56: Usd fall 2014


Photo Credit: USD Students Fall 2014Photo Credit: USD Students Fall 2014

Group Photo by: David WeissGroup Photo by: David Weiss

Production Coordinator: Jessica VolpeProduction Coordinator: Jessica Volpe

University of San DiegoUniversity of San Diego Fall 2014Fall 2014

A very special thanks to the A very special thanks to the

Project Management Team:Project Management Team:

Taylor Janison, Hannah Shapiro, Laura Tressel Taylor Janison, Hannah Shapiro, Laura Tressel

and also to all the students who participated and also to all the students who participated

and submitted materials for the project! and submitted materials for the project!