usc 21 st international forum on systems, software, and cocomo cost modeling nov 2006 university of...

C 21 st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 20 University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering USC Affiliates Code Counter Suite Mathy Pandian - The Aerospace Corporation Lori Vaughan - Northrop Grumman

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USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

USC Affiliates Code Counter Suite

Mathy Pandian - The Aerospace CorporationLori Vaughan - Northrop Grumman

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering


Why Code Counters? Industry Collaboration Roles Code Counter Genesis Acceptance Process Status Diff Tool

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

No Duplication Rights

There are many cost related thoughts to manage in our Cost Brains…

• Organizations

• Academics

• Models

exist to assist us with this complex construct.

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Are we Logical or Physical?

Two major types of SLOC (Source Line of Code)• Physical SLOC

• Not Language specific• A count of line feeds or carriage returns (not blank or comment)• A count of "blank lines, comment lines" in the text of the program's source


• Logical SLOC • Language specific • Measures the number of "statements“ dependent on language syntax• A count of "blank lines, comment lines" in the text of the program's source


Easier to create tools that measure physical SLOC

Logical SLOC measures are not sensitive to irrelevant formatting and

style conventions

Physical SLOC is sensitive to formatting and style conventions

Logical SLOC can often be significantly different from physical SLOC

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Why Industry Requires a Set of Logical Code Counters

Base Measure for key Software Intensive program metrics • Trends, Status

• Example: • Software productivity• Software defect density Provide Insight into:• Estimate at Complete• Are we ready for System Integration and Test?

Software Historical Data• Normalized, consistent and representative quantification of systems

across industry Industry-wide normalized counts

• Benefit to customer, contractors and teammates for estimation and acquisition insight

Size Input for parametric models • Basis of COCOMO Tool Suite

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering


University of Southern California• Dr. Barry Boehm: USC CSE Director

• Winsor Brown – Mentor and Code Count Advisor

• Vu Nguyen: Code Count Team Lead & Configuration Manager

• Harley Green: USC Code Count Support The Aerospace Corporation

• Marilee Wheaton: Industry Facilitator

• Mathy Pandian: IV&V and Software Engineer

Northrop Grumman Mission Systems • Lori Vaughan: Code Count Product Line usage expert

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Limited public license – Copy Left agreement• George Kalb - Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems:

1994 original author

USC has been supporting code counters since 1998

NRO Cost Group (NCG) and Northrop Grumman Mission Systems donated additional Code Counter tools

USC provided students and requested Aerospace to do the IV&V

Aerospace approached Northrop Grumman Corporation for project collaboration


USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering


To incorporate NCG developed ‘Diff Tool’ into the code counter suite

To incorporate newly implemented code counters into USC code counter suite

• NCG: MUL, Perl, SQL

• Northrop Grumman: VBScript, Visual Basic, Excel, Various Assembler counters (Arm, dsp21020, ppc604, pss, ut69r000)

• USC:

• Software Engineering Class: XML

• Directed Research Class: SQL, JavaScript

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Acceptance Process Conduct/participate in many stake holders’ meetings Using ‘Directed Research’ and ‘Software Engineering’


• Hold Change Control Board

• Define set of IV& V criteria and process

• Develop scheduling, lesson plans and assignments

• Participate in many students’ reviews and meetings

• Perform Testing

• Document requirements, definitions, test cases, known issues, etc.

Publish the validated product to the USC CSE Code Counter website

• Affiliate website

• Public website

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Process Status

Process in place for USC to perform IV&V using students

Process in place to document all anomalies and issues identified

Defined requirements Set of test cases were developed Requirements Specification, Detail Design, User

Manual A link is provided for the users to communicate with

USC Code Count team Allocated and assigned a Code Count Team Lead and

Configuration Manager

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Code Counters Status

Last updated in Q2 2006









Yesterday +


Last updated in 2003

* Est. Release Q4 2006PL1

Code Counter Redesign


Diff Tool *


CountSloc Script **JAVA

Various ASMs

FORTRAN Visual Basic **

COBOL VBScript **

C/C++ Excel **


Today +Ada


USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering (CSSE) CodeCount™ suite supports many languages

** Est. Release Q2 2007

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering

Diff Tool

Quantification of Reuse code has led NCG to develop Diff concept and tool

USC has agreed to adopt NCG diff tool • Performing USC Code Count Acceptance Process

Captures: New, Deleted, Modified, Swapped lines of code• Both Physical and Logical lines of code• Interfaces with USC Code Counter• More details in NCG presentation

Diff Tool Status• USC Directed Research IV&V in progress

USC 21st International Forum on Systems, Software, and COCOMO Cost Modeling Nov 2006

University of Southern CaliforniaCenter for Software Engineering


USC Code Count Product Line being maintained and enhanced with industry collaborative efforts


CodeCount ™ (CoCo) Suite is at the center of all COCOMO productsCodeCount ™ (CoCo) Suite is at the center of all COCOMO products