usarcent surgeon medical deployment handbook...commander’s critical information requirements...


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Page 1: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will



Version 10.0 as of 24 April 2019



Page 2: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will



Requirements for Deploying Units S1- Personnel, Finance, Evaluations S2-Security Clearances S3-Operations/Training/Movement S4-Logistics/Movement S6-Communications/Information Technology Clinical Operations Defense Travel System/Government Credit

Card Additional Duties

Medical Training & Requirements Standards & Expectations Medical Equipment SRP Schedule & Timeline Non-Deployable Conditions Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diabetes & Obesity (BMI) Psychiatric Issues Waiver Process & POC Mobilization Station Pre-Deployment Trauma Training Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Training Line of Duty Completions

References Points of Contact for Surgeon Directorate


Page 3: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will



Page 4: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will


Requirements for Deploying Units

S1 (Personnel, Finance, Evaluations, etc.)(1) Deployment Documents: All deploying personnel need to hand-carry copies oftheir deployment documents to include, at a minimum, the following:

Individual orders DD Form 93 SGLV 8286DA Form 5960 DD Form 1561 In Loco Parentis (if applies)

(2) Evaluations and Counseling: Complete all home station close-out evaluationsfor each Soldier prior to deployment. In addition, each unit will have an approvedrating chain and initial counseling’ completed prior to deployment.

(3) IT Systems: Provide 2 people with access to the following IT systems: iPerms,Reserve Component Management System (RCMS, Reserve component only),Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS), Electronic Military PersonnelOffice (eMILPO), and Regional Level Application Software (RLAS, Reservecomponent only).

(4) Contact your S1 points of contact.

S2 (Security Clearances)(1) Security Clearances: Ensure all deploying personnel who are required to useDoD IT Systems have at least a Secret Clearance prior to entering theater. At aminimum, all personnel requiring NIPR network access must have a favorablebackground investigation reflected in JPAS. Soldiers arriving into theater without aSecret clearance will be denied access to government IT systems (i.e., SIPR,CENTRIX), tactical operations centers, and other classified/sensitive areas. Failureto obtain necessary security clearances may also place undue hardship on missionaccomplishment.

(2) Country Briefs: Complete country specific threat briefs prior to deployment withorganic or mobilization site S2 personnel . Soldiers can visit theforeign clearance guide at for country specificinformation and for current travel warnings, alerts, andadditional country details.

(3) Contact your S2 points of contact.

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Requirements for Deploying UnitsS3 (Operations/Training/Movement

(1) DTMS: Ensure two trained operators for the Digital Training Management System(DTMS).

(2) Government Passports: Ensure personnel traveling to USCENTCOM countriesrequiring government passports obtain those passports prior to entering theater. Seethe U.S. State Department website for additional information on countries requiringpassports and the application process.

(3) Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approvedCCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will include PriorityIntelligence Requirements (PIR), Friendly Forces Information Requirements (FFIR),and Serious Incident Reports (SIR). Upon theater entry, commanders shall obtainCCIR from their higher headquarters and ensure compliance.

(4) Battle Drills / Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Ensure completion ofinternal battle drills and standard operating procedures prior to deployment. This willgreatly enhance the unit’s ability to quickly and appropriately respond to seriousissues in theater. At a minimum, unit leaders should ensure battle drills and SOPsaddress the following:

Death or Hospitalization of Soldier Respond to Kinetic AttackMissing Soldier Report Red Cross MessageSoldier Misconduct Sexual Assault or HarassmentLoss of Mission Capability Cross Domain ViolationNegligent Discharge Unit Movement (in / around theater)

(5) Contact your S3 points of contact.

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Requirements for Deploying Units

S4 (Logistics)(1) Derivative Unit Identification Code (UIC): Establish unit’s derivative UIC from home stationcommand prior to deployment.

(2) DODAAC: Establish applicable DODAAC’s, which can be coordinated and verified through theirG4. These DODAAC’s include: Property Book, Maintenance, Class VIII, and Class II. EstablishClass VIII DODAAC prior to deployment into theater.

(3) Supply IT Systems: Examine access and training readiness for select supply IT systemsneeded for mission accomplishment. Units lacking DMD-assigned supply personnel shouldcoordinate with their assigned higher HQ for coverage. The following IT systems have beenidentified as common for supply personnel:

(a) GCSS-A. Ensure two trained operators for the GCSS-A operating system(

(b) Medical Material Quality Control (MMQC) Messages: Ensure personnel withapplicable responsibilities in Pharmacy, Medical Supply, and/or Medical Equipmentreceive and comply with applicable USAMMA MMQC messages at:

(c) Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW): Ensure two personnel are trained as LIWoperators. Users can set-up an account at Key LIWapplications include: (i) AESIP (SKO), (ii) DODAAC Search, (iii) MMIS, (iv) TMDE, and (v)TPE.

(d) Force Management System Web Site (FMSWeb): Ensure two personnel are trainedas FMSWeb operators at

(e) Class VIII Supply IT Systems: Ensure access to DCAM, DMLSS and TEWLS forunits requisitioning Class VIII supplies. Training activities can be coordinated through thehome station systems manager for DCAM and MC4, while TEWLS training can be foundat GCSS-A for equipment accountability of majormedical end items.

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Requirements for Deploying Units

S4 (Logistics)

(4) Government Purchase Card (GPC): Recommend acquisition of GPC to assistwith “off the shelf” purchases that a unit may encounter during deployment. The GPCtraining requirements are shown in the attachment at the end of this memo.

(5) Contracting Officer Representative (COR): Select units may retain contractingresponsibilities. Deploying units should coordinate with the unit they will replace andidentify if a COR is required and their assigned duties. Prior to arrival, CORs shouldcomplete the following Defense Acquisition University training:

(6) Ensure units follow MCDM and CLVIII Deployment Instructions:

CLC106 Sect. 889 Contracting Officer Representative with Mission FocusCLC206 Sect. 889 Contracting Officer Representative in Contingency Env.CLC222 Sect. 893 Online Training for Contracting Officers RepresentativeCLM003 Sect. 888 Overview of Acquisition EthicsIAW Deployment Orders Para 4.D.2.1 Class VIII and 4.D.2.1.1

(6) Contact your S4 points of contact.

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Requirements for Deploying Units

S6 (Communications/Information Technology)(1) NIPR/SIPR Access: Ensure personnel acquire access to NIPR and SIPR computers to

perform their daily duties. Access to these IT systems is granted upon satisfactorycompletion of the following requirements: background investigation and/or securityclearance (see S2 section), network access forms, and IT online training requirements.Further details are described below.

(a) IT Access Forms: Submit completed network access forms to the S6 in theaterIOT establish accounts prior to arrival and save time during the transition phase.The two required forms are the DD Form 2875 and the USARCENT AcceptableUse Policy (AUP) form (see attachments at the end of memo).

(b) IT Online Training: Complete IT training requirements for account approval.Upon completion, the training certificates will be sent along with the two networkaccess forms (see above) to the S6 for network access. Personnel must complete8 online classes located at 2 sites. The first class, the DoD Information Assurance(IA) Awareness training, is located at Classes #2-8 arefound at These classes are: (i) Army G3 ComputerSecurity, (ii) Thumb Drive Awareness, (iii) WNSF – Portable Electronic Devices andRemovable Storage Media v2.0, (iv) WNSF – Phishing Awareness v2.0, (v) WNSF– Safe Home Computer, (vi) WNSF – Personally Identifiable Information (PII) v2.0,and (vii) WNSF – Social Networking.

(2) SIPR PKI Token: Highly recommend personnel obtain SIPR PKI Token prior todeployment since turnaround times for acquiring these in theater may be delayed. All SIPR ITsystems use SIPR PKI tokens for access.

(3) Personal Mobile Phones: Recommend individual unlocked cells for personalcommunications. SIM cards are available for purchase in most theater locations. Personalcell phones are not authorized at locations utilizing SIPR networks.

(4) Contact your S6 points of contact.

Page 9: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will


Requirements for Deploying Units

Clinical Operations

Title WeblinkADRSi MC4 or




(1) Medical Situational Awareness in Theater (MSAT): Ensure two trained operators for theMSAT system. These operators will receive access and training on MSAT modules, most notablyJMeWS. Once in theater, units are required to create adjoining report of their personnel andequipment SITREPs through the Annex Q Reporting menu. This SIPR-based system can befound at

(2) Credentialing: Ensure clinical providers arrive to the CRC or SRP with their JCCQASapplication completed and approved privileges and Interfacility Credentials Transfer Brief, asapplicable. The home station Army hospital (active component) or mobilization station (reserveand national guard components) approves provider credentials. Deploying units should contacttheir assigned hospital credentialing officer for any questions.

(3) Clinical Training: Identify any predeployment training requirements perCENTCOM/FORSCOM (theater specific deployment requirements) associated with treatmentprocedures prior to mission. This may include, but is not limited to, the following: Point of Injury(POI) care, Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), and Army Trauma Training Center (ATTC).

(4) ClinOps IT Systems: Ensure access to relevant clinical IT systems in line with assignedmission. Each unit commander needs to conduct a mission assessment and ensure they haveaccess to all the systems needed for mission accomplishment. Common IT systems used intheater include:

(5) Collect, Review and Submit Medical Waivers

(6) Contact your ClinOps point of contact.

Page 10: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will


Requirements for Deploying UnitsDTS-GOVCC (Defense Travel System / Government Credit Card)

(1) Defense Travel System (DTS): Ensure personnel have active DTS accountsprior to theater entry. Ensure all vouchers have been closed out by their home stationcommand prior to deployment, and all deploying personnel are released by thehigher headquarters prior to theater entry. The theater medical command will needthese actions to occur IOT add those personnel to the theater DTS roster. In addition,deploying USAMMC-SWA and CSH/FH units must have one trained OrganizationalDefense Travel Administrator (ODTA) and two trained Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA)personnel within their respective organizations.

(2) Government Credit Card (GOVCC): Ensure personnel have active, zero-balance Government Credit Cards prior to theater entry. Furthermore, ensureGOVCCs will not expire within 12 months of the mobilization date.

(3) Contact your DTS-GOVCC points of contact.

Additional DutiesEnsure additional duty coverage at unit-level (or by higher HQ), as appropriate. Critical additional duties are shown below:

(1) Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)

(2) Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)

(3) Unit Prevention Leader (UPL)

(4) Safety Officer

(5) Unit Movement Officer (UMO)

(6) Master Fitness

(7) Master Resiliency

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Medical Readiness & Medical Training

Medical Readiness Requirement Standards: CENTCOM MOD 13 and Applicable CCR 40 Series AR 40-501- Medical Condition Policies Personal Policy Guidance (PPG) Chapter 7 delineates all Pre-Mob requirement CENTCOM Treatment Training Requirement

MEDPROS-OFFICIAL RECORDUse it NOW-After SRPs ensure it’s updated


Arrive at Mob Station 100% medically ready Deployment Medical Readiness (DMR) 1+2=100% MAR2 and MEB completed for H3, H4 or P3, P4 profiles Soldiers are Dental Class 1 or 2 Hearing tests with required follow-up completed All PHA, CVSP, PDHA completed & in MEDPROS Soldiers do NOT have medically disqualifying conditions Glasses Medications Personal Medical Devices

Standards & Expectations

Medical Equipment

CLS requirements 1 per squad/team/vehicle

Combat Lifesaver Bags: 1 per Combat Lifesaver All medical equipment to be brought to MTC FORSCOM Form 156-R to be completed during the JA

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No earlier than (NET) M-270 and No LaterThan (NLT) M-120

Readiness Exams to be Performed: Periodic Health Assessment (PHA)

Electronic Cardiovascular Screening Program (as

required for age 40 and over) Dental Exam Pre Mobilization Audiogram (hearing

test) Vision Screening-ORDER GLASSES Order medical warning tags as needed

Soldiers who fail the vision screening, areidentified as an H2/3 for hearing or areidentified as a dental classification 3 would bescheduled for follow-up evaluation andtreatment.

Soldiers identified with medical issues shouldbe referred to their civilian physician for follow-up and treatment.

SRP M-270 & M-120 Days SRP M-90 to M-30

All units should have an SRP between M-90and M-30 days

Plan, coordinate and execute the followingmedical readiness exams to be completedduring this SRP: Laboratory Testing-G6PD and DNA if

required HIV NET LAD- 120 day with Results** Pregnancy Testing Immunizations-routine adult and

theater specific Anthrax First 3Immunizations

Completion of the Pre-DeploymentHealth Assessment (DD Form 2795)

Ensure Soldier completes required examsPRIOR to MSAD

ID SM’s who will need a medical/BH waiver

SRP Planning Timeline

SRP: Conducted M-270 to M-120







M Day

SRP: Conducted M-90 to M-30

HIV with ResultsNET LAD-120 daysNLT LAD- 60 days

Page 14: USARCENT SURGEON MEDICAL DEPLOYMENT HANDBOOK...Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Ensure approved CCIRs from current higher headquarters. The CCIR matrix will


Conditions Which Require a Waiver

Heart Attack—within < 1 year Angioplasty, Stents, Bypass Grafting-within < 12 months Arrhythmias Seizures- within <12 months History of Multiple Heat Strokes or sequelae < 2 years Diabetes with A1C >7.0 BMI > 35% with co-morbities (DM, OSA, Cardio, DJD) Substance Abuse D/O--- within 12 months post treatment Cancer in submission x 1 year Visual loss, blindness, or uncorrected visual acuity

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Most common waiver request to ARCENT Symptomatic OSA non-deployable

No waivers granted Waiver requirement based on severity

Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) as objective measure Mild (<15/hr), Moderate (15/hr to <30/hr), Severe (≥30/hr) For those requiring waiver adequate treatment is the key

Mild-no waiver required Untreated moderate to severe- non-deployable

No waivers granted Treated moderate- waiver required for Afghanistan, Iraq and

Yemen-30 day compliance report required. Treated severe-waiver required for all of AOR- 30 day compliance

report required.

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Diabetes & Obesity (BMI)

Diabetes 2nd most common waiver request to ARCENT Insulin-requiring diabetes non-deployable

No waivers granted Type 2 diabetes deployable without a waiver if MEB completed and

PEB =Soldier Fit for Duty and if: On oral agents only, AND HgA1C ≤7.0, AND 10- year CHD Framingham risk score (FRS) is less than

15% Newly diagnosed diabetic needs 90 days of stability on oral


Body Mass Index > 35 Non-Deployable- reliable indicator of totalbody fat,

which is related to the risk of disease and death.

Psychiatric Issues

Any BH condition that poses a risk within the AOR = waiver

Clarified waiver requirement for psychiatric disorders Clinical stability > 90 days no waiver required unless

using psychotropic meds or polypharmacy

Evaluation by Behavioral Health required for history of thefollowing: Psychiatric hospitalization Suicide attempt Substance abuse or treatment

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Waiver Process & POC Waiver Approval Authority

ARCENT Surgeon for Non-Behavioral Health waivers CENTCOM Surgeon for all Behavioral Health waivers All Appeals= CENTCOM Surgeon

Waiver process Deploying Commanders CANNOT override local medical provider’s determination Senior Mission Commanders CANNOT override decision Medical waivers are in addition to a psychotropic medication or small arms waiver Local medical providers will complete CENTCOM Tab C Form, at request of

patient’s Commander (or representative) to the appropriate Component Surgeon ARCENT Surgeon adjudicates, documents approvals and disapprovals Any appeals of the Component Surgeons adjudicated by the CENTCOM Surgeon Any appeals of the CENTCOM Surgeon adjudicated by the CENTCOM Chief of

Staff Through the chain of command All waivers, if granted at any level must be signed and a copy placed in

AHLTA and deployment medical record

ARCENT Surgeon Dispositions all non-SOF Army (SM and

civilian), non-behavioral health waivers Waivers:

[email protected]

COM: 803-885-7946 DSN: 312-889-7946

CENTCOM Surgeon Dispositions all behavioral health waivers

and appeals for USARCENT –deniedwaivers

Waivers:[email protected]

COM: 813-529-0361 DSN: 312-529-0361

Mobilization Station Readiness Exams/Services to be Performed

Pregnancy test Pre-mob Serum Sample Collection & Varicella titer testing (as required) Continue theater specific immunizations (smallpox/anthrax/varicella) Issue 6 months worth of medications as required Issue Medical Warning Tags as required Issue 6 months worth of hearing aid batteries as required Validate medical and dental readiness of unit/Soldiers Exam/treat identified discrepancies as required

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Pre-Deployment Trauma Training

NO Civilian Contracts

HQDA EXORD 096-09, 1 Oct 09 PDTT mandatory (BCT3/TCMC/JFTMC/ATTC)

FORSCOM Pre-Deployment Training Guidance 121909ZAPR12

AMEDD FUNDED, Little cost to unit

Must be MOS-Q to attend Civilian or AMEDD Training

Non-medical personnel (CLS) will not attend BCT3/TCMC

All providers will be familiar with the CENTCOM Joint Theater Trauma System (JTTS)Clinical Practice Guidelines and will utilize these guidelines in the care of patients in theCENTCOM AOR

BCT3 Required- All deploying Role I and II 68W (120 pax)

Completed NET 180 days prior to LAD; 2-year shelf life

TCMC Required- Medical Company Role II focused, Trauma and management for

PA, Physician, NPT, Senior Medical NCO

Completed NET 180 days prior to LAD; 2- year shelf life

JFCTMC Required- Role II & III focused combat related trauma management for

Surgeons, Physicians & nursing personnel

Completed NET 180 days prior to LAD; 2- year shelf life

Infection Control Officer Course (ICO) Required- All Army CSH will appoint

and train one Infection Control officer prior to deployment

Put in Training Plan schedule with AMEDDC&S and keep TSB and Division updated

Low-density medical refresher training/PRE-MOB TRAINING

Pharmacy (68Q), Lab (68K), X-Ray (68P), Med Log (68J), PAD (68G), andBiomedical Equip Specialist (68A), etc.

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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Training

HQDA EXORD 242-11 Warrior Concussion/mTBI Campaign

Pre-Deployment/Annual/One Time Training TBI Awareness for Deploying Soldiers TBI Awareness for Deploying Leaders & Commanders TBI for Deploying Medics TBI for Deploying Providers

mTBI Training/Evaluation/Treatment Aides ALL: HEADS Card Medical Specialists/NCOs- MACE Card Medical Specialists/NCOs & Providers- Concussion Management in

Deployment Settings

Line of Duty Completions DA Form 2173

To document health conditions for future care liabilities

The MTF Commander (attending physician or patient administrator)will initiate and complete section 1, DA 2173

Requires Commander’s signature

Created ASAP after condition identified (in theater)

Done electronically in Med Charts via NIPR

Essential Personnel can request access to Med Charts at

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ReferencesRELATED PUBLICATIONSa. Memorandum for Inbound 3D Medical Command (Deployment Support), Operations

Command Post (FWD) Subordinate Units, 22 December 2017b. DA PAM 600-8, Military Human Resources Management Administrative Procedures, 6 April

2016c. HQ, Department of the Army, ADP 2-0, Intelligence, August 2012d. HQ, Department of the Army, ATP 4-02.1, 29 October 2015e. ARCENT Theater Campaign Support Plan

JOINT PUBLICATIONSMost joint publications are available online at JP 3-0. Joint Operations, 11 August 2011.b. JP 3-33. Joint Task Force Headquarters. 16 February 2007.c. JP 5-0. Joint Operation Planning, 11 August 2011.d. JP 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations, 30 June 2011.e. JP 3-35, Deployment and Redeployment Operations, 31 January 2013.f. JP 4-05, Joint Mobilization Planning, 21 February 2014.g. JP 4-08, Logistic in Support of Multinational Operations, 21 February 2013.h. JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, 11 August 2011.i. JP 4-02, Health Service Support, 26 July 2017.

WEBSITESa. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

<>b. Federal Emergency Management Agency. <

framework>c. United States Army Medical Materiel Agency. <>d. United States Army Medical Materiel Center-Europe. <>e. United Stated Department of Health and Human Services.


REQUIRED PUBLICATIONSThese publications are available online at

a. ADP 4-0, Sustainment, 31 July 2012.b. ADRP 3-0, Unified Land Operations, 16 May 2012.c. ADRP 6-0, Mission Command, 17 May 2012.d. FM 4-02, Army Health System, 26 August 2013.e. FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations, 5 May 2014.

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ARMY PUBLICATIONSMost Army doctrinal publications are available online at

a. ADP 6-0 (FM 6-0). Mission Command. 17 May 2012.b. ADRP 3-0. Unified Land Operations. 16 May 2012.c. ADRP 5-0. The Operations Process. 17 May 2012.d. ATTP 5-0.1. Commander and Staff Officer Guide, 14 September 2011.e. ADRP 3-07, Stability, 31 August 2012.f. ADRP 3-28, Defense Support of Civil Authorities, 14 June 2013.g. AR 40-61, Medical Services, Medical Logistics Policies, 28 January 2005.h. AR 380-5, Security, Department of the Army Information Security Program, 29 September

2000.i. AR 525-93, Military Operations, Army Deployment and Redeployment, 12 November 2014.j. AR 570-9, Manpower and Equipment Control, Host Nation Support, 29 March 2006.k. AR 700-137, Logistics, Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, 28 December 2012.l. AR 710-1, Inventory Management, Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply

System, 20 September 2007.m. AR 735-5, Property Accountability, Property Accountability Policies, 10 May 2013.n. AR 750-1, Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment, Army Materiel Maintenance Policy, 12

September 2013.o. ATP 3-35, Army Deployment and Redeployment, 23 March 2015.p. ATP 4-02.42, Army Health System Support to Stability and Defense Support of Civil

Authorities Tasks, 9 June 2014.q. ATP 4-02.55, Army Health System Support Planning, 16 September 2015.r. FM 4-02.43, Force Health Protection Support for Army Special Operations Forces, 27

November 2006.s. FM 6-02, Signal Support to Operations, 22 January 2014.t. SB 8-75-11, Army Medical Department Supply Information, 28 November 2014.u. TB MED 593, Guidelines for Field Waste Management, 15 September 2006.v. TB MED 750-1, Operating Guide for Medical Equipment Maintenance, 13 April 1998.w. AR 600-8-4, Line of Duty Policy, Procedures, and investigations, 04 September 2008.x. AR 40-400, Patient Administration, 08 July 2014y. AR 40-66, Medical Record Administration and Healthcare Documentationz. Rapid Action Revision (RAR) Issue Date, 04 January 2010

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As of 24 April 2019

Command Surgeon:

DSN: 312-889-7963 OFF: 803-885-7963

Deputy Surgeon: DSN: 312-889-7961 OFF: 803-885-7961

Command Surgeon SGM: DSN: 312-889-7973 OFF: 803-885-7973

Chief, Medical Logistics:

DSN: 312-889-7968OFF: 803-885-7968

Clinical Operation Officer: DSN: 312-889-7976OFF: 803-885-7976

Aeroevacuation Medical Officer: DSN: 312-889-7942OFF: 803-885-7942

Medical Plans Officer: DSN: 312-889-7972OFF: 803-885-7972

Medical Plans Officer: DSN: 312-889-7941OFF: 803-885-7941Chief Medical Logistic Officer: DSN: 312-889-7968OFF: 803-885-7968

Medical Logistic NCO: DSN: 312-889-7967OFF: 803-885-7967

Chief Health Readiness:DSN: 312-889-7952OFF: 803-885-7952

Strategic Planner: DSN: 312-889-7938OFF: 803-885-7938

Medical Plans Officer: DSN: 312-889-7945OFF: 803-885-7945

PAD Officer: DSN: 312-889-7964OFF: 803-885-7964

Medical Plans: DSN: 312-889-7954OFF: 803-885-7954Operations NCO: DSN: 312-889-7941OFF: 803-885-7941Command Veterinarian:

DSN: 312-889-7970OFF: 803-885-7970

Chief Medical Personnel:

DSN: 312-889-7947OFF: 803-885-7947

Medical Waiver Manager: DSN: 312-889-7946OFF: 803-885-7946

Force Health Protection:

DSN: 312-889-7939OFF: 803-885-7939

Liaison Officer: DSN: 312-889-7965OFF: 803-885-7965