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January 1999

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Mandatory Audit Coverage(all audits start in 1/99 except as noted)


1.  Technology (various audits) - WR

2.  Seizures & Levies3.  Liens

4.  Enforcement Stats

5.  Direct Contact – TP vs Rep6.  Fair Debt Collection Act

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Mandatory Audit Coverage(all audits start in 1/99 except as noted)


7.   TP Designations

8.  FOIA9. Disclosure & Joint Filers

10. Statutes

11. Terminations & Mitigation(12) Complaints & Employee Misconduct

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Mandatory Audit Coverage

Initial Planning Work

Researched RRA98, IRC, intent of law.

Met with N.O. officials to discusssources of information, existingsystems of records to capture new

provisions, planned IRM changes,etc.

Met with limited district personnel on

plans for implementing RRA98.

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Mandatory Audit Coverage


Scope would start from date of enactment.

Objective would be focused only on TIGTA

mandates, not our traditional full-scope obj. Initial reviews will evaluate the effectiveness of 

control systems to determine reliability of 


Due to limited timeframes for first round, we

limited the obj to what we could accomplish.

Next round would continue in 4th Q FY99.

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Format for Presentation

Explanation of RRA98 Provision

Status of IRS Implementation

Current IRS Management ControlSystem

Audit Objective

Estimated Population (if known)

Projecting Results

Status of EDP Request

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Seizures & Levies

(Mandatory)Explanation of the Provision

The TIGTA shall evaluate the IRS’s

compliance with required procedures for seizure of property for collection of taxes,including required procedures under IRC §6330 regarding levies.

IRC § 6330 requires pre-notification and theopportunity for a formal hearing and judicialreview to taxpayers against whose propertythe IRS may levy.

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Seizures & Levies

Status of the IRS’s Implementation

The IRS has issued guidelines for most

RRA98 provisions regarding seizures andlevies. The IRS is in the process of developing

procedures for personal residence seizures.

New procedures are also being developed for 

the new levy notice. RRA98 mandates that

the Service start sending the levy notice on

January 18, 1999.

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Seizures & Levies

Current IRS Management ControlSystem

The only known management control systemis the Collection quality review system,CQMS. CQMS reviews a sampling of TDAcases to determine the overall quality of 

closed TDA cases. Management uses theprogram to determine root causes of qualitydeficiencies and to develop positive plans for improvement. 

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Seizures & Levies

Audit Objective

Determine if levies and seizures

conducted by the IRS adhere to legalguidelines set forth in IRC Ch. 64, subch D,

incl IRC § 6330, which was added by

RRA98. Audit will cover all aspects of levies

and seizures of all types of properties from

initiation of field collection activity to the final

disposition of the asset.

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Seizures (only)


118 (5 DO + PR had no seizures)

Projecting Results

N/A - 100% case review

Status of EDP Request

None needed

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Levies (only)

Estimated Population


Projecting Results

Can not identify entire population

Status of EDP Request

None needed at this time

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(Mandatory)Explanation of the Provision

The TIGTA shall evaluate the IRS’s compliance

with required procedures under IRC § 6320 

upon the filing of a notice of lien.

IRC § 6320 requires that taxpayers, against

whom a Notice of Federal Tax Lien has been

filed, receive notification and the opportunity to

request a formal hearing.

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Status of the IRS’sImplementation

The Service is in the process of designing the new lien notice and

developing procedures for issuingthe notice before the January 18,

1999 implementation date.

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Current IRS Management ControlSystem

There is no known management controlsystem in place at this time to ensure that

the new notice is issued to taxpayers as

mandated by IRC § 6320. The IRS may beable to use either ALS or Master File to

ensure that the notices are issued after the

lien filing.

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Audit Objective

Determine if the IRS is complying with IRC §

6320 regarding the issuance of lien notices totaxpayers within five days after filing the lien andto determine if the IRS is properly adhering toprocedures regarding taxpayer’s request for a

hearing. We will also ensure that all applicablelaw or administrative procedures have been metfor all taxpayers requesting a hearing (IRC §6330).

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Estimated Population Unknown

Projecting Results Plan to sample 6 weeks of data

Status of EDP Request

Request for Jan/Feb 99 liens hasbeen submitted

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Enforcement Statistics(Mandatory)

Explanation of the Provision

The TIGTA shall evaluate the IRS’scompliance with RRA98 restrictions on the

use of enforcement statistics to evaluate IRSemployees.

Status of the IRS’sImplementation

IRS is revising the IRM and has determineddirector certifications will be centrally filed.Front-line forms will be filed in the local

offices (District or POD).

E f t

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Current IRS Management ControlSystem

Cross-functional independent managementreview 12/31/98, 6/30/99 and annually

thereafter to correspond with the quarter 

ending 6/30.

IRM guidelines to be established by January


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Enforcement Statistics

Audit Objective

Determine the IRS’s compliance

with restrictions on the use of enforcement statistics to evaluateIRS employees. We will also

determine if the IRS is using “fairand equitable treatment” as anevaluation standard.

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Enforcement Statistics

Estimated Population

Can not be determined

Projecting Results

Can not identify entire population

Status of EDP Request

None needed

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Direct Contact with TaxpayersVersus Representatives


Explanation of the Provision

TIGTA shall evaluate the IRS’s compliance with

restrictions under IRC § 7521(b)(2) on directly

contacting taxpayers who have indicated that

they prefer their representatives be contacted.We will also include IRC § 7521(c) provisions on

notifying a taxpayer directly that their rep is

causing unreasonable delay or hindrance.

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Direct Contact with TaxpayersVersus Representatives

Status of the IRS’sImplementation

There is no new law requiringimplementation.

However, there are no IRS systems to

capture this information (suspendedinterviews that resulted in taxpayer 

representation). Only case files may

document this situation.

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Taxpayers VersusRepresentatives

Current IRS Management ControlSystem

There is no management control systemidentified other than the local and nationalprocedures requiring the employee tosuspend the interview.

There is no system to capture the informationwhen this issue arises; therefore, there areno reports for management to use to monitor the issue.

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Taxpayers VersusRepresentatives

Audit Objective

Evaluate the IRS’s compliance with

restrictions under IRC § 7521(b)(2)

and (c) regarding directly contacting

taxpayers. We will also determine if 

any IRS systems capture this


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Taxpayers VersusRepresentatives

Estimated Population Unknown

Projecting Results Can not identify entire population

Status of EDP Request

None needed

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Fair Debt Collection Act(For Information Only)

Explanation of the Provision

TIGTA shall report information regarding anyadministrative or civil actions with respect toviolations of the fair debt collectionprovisions of IRC § 6304, including asummary of judgments or awards granted.

Status of the IRS’s ImplementationCollection issued an August 31, 1998memorandum that outlined guidelinesadvising employees of these requirements.

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Fair Debt Collection Act

Audit Objective

Obtain information regarding any

administrative or civil actions resultingfrom violations of the fair debt

collection provision as required by IRC §

6304. This will include a summary of  judgments or awards granted to taxpayers.

We will also determine if any IRS systems

capture this information.

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Fair Debt Collection Act

Estimated Population Unknown

Projecting Results Can not identify entire population

Status of EDP Request

None identified at this time

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Taxpayer Designations(Mandatory)

Explanation of the Provision

TIGTA shall evaluate the IRS’s compliance with

restrictions under RRA98 Section 3707 on

designation of TPs. Sec. 3707 prohibits IRS

from designating TPs as illegal tax protesters

and requires IRS to remove these protestor 

designations from the IMF and to disregard suchdesignations on other systems. Also, nonfiler 

designations must be removed once the TP has

filed and paid tax returns for 2 consecutive


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Taxpayer Designations

Status of the IRS’sImplementation

Employees in the field have been educatedon the new law. Related IRM sections arebeing revised to reflect the elimination of the ITP designation.

A RIS to eliminate the ITP designation fromthe Master File as required by RRA98 hasbeen approved and is in process. This RISis to be completed by January 15, 1999.


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Current IRS Management ControlSystem 

The IRS is establishing newprocedures to eliminate the ITP

designation (and possibly implement

another program) and to monitor thenew UTAAP nonfiler designation.

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Taxpayer Designations

Audit Objective

Determine if the ITP designation has been

eliminated from the IMF/BMF and is beingdisregarded in the field offices, and the

nonfiler designation is being monitored.

We will also ensure that any new taxpayer designations meet the intent of the law.(note: only accounts on active MF will bereviewed, not retention register accounts) 

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Taxpayer Designations

Estimated Population


Projecting Results N/A - 100% match to be performed

Status of EDP Request

“Before date of law” data received

“After date of law” request to besubmitted

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Explanation of the Provision

TIGTA shall report information regarding

improper denial of requests for informationfrom the IRS identified under paragraph

(3)(A), which states TIGTA shall conduct

periodic audits of a statistically valid sample

of the total number of determinations madeby the IRS to deny written requests based

on FOIA or the Privacy Act.

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Status of the IRS’sImplementation

No new law requiringimplementation was created by

the Act.

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Current IRS Management ControlSystem

Disclosure is responsible for the Service’s

disclosure program, including the FOIA,which provides for public access to recordsmaintained by Federal agencies. This officeensures Treasury’s compliance with the law,has oversight and reporting responsibilities,provides guidance on procedural and policymatters, and provides FOIA-related training.

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Audit Objective

Determine if the IRS is properly

applying the exemptions cited under IRC§ 6103 or section 552(b)(7) of title 5,

United States Code to deny written

requests for information; and to identifythe process for controlling the requests for 

information under FOIA or the Privacy Act.

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Estimated Population 3,700 (FY 98)

Projecting Results Projectable over a partial period

Status of EDP Request FY 98 data received (7/18-9/30/98)

FY 99 data to be received 1/29/99

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Explanation of the Provision

The TIGTA shall review and certifywhether or not the Secretary is complying

with the requirements of IRC § 6103(e)(8) 

to disclose information to an individual

filing a joint return on collection activity

involving the other individual filing the


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Disclosure and JointFilers

Status of the IRS’sImplementation

This IRC section has been in effect since1996.

As of December 1998, the IRS has notdecided who should be responsible for 

this issue.

Di l d J i t

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Disclosure and JointFilers

Current IRS Management ControlSystem

We know of no management control

system at this time.

In fact, we have found that this

information is being disclosed verbally.

Disclosure and Joint

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Disclosure and JointFilers

Audit Objective

Determine if the IRS is complying with therequirements of IRC § 6103(e)(8) and RRA98

section 6109(c) to disclose information oncollection activity involving an individual filing a joint return upon the written request of the other individual filing a joint return or a duly

authorized representative. We will alsodetermine if any IRS systems capture thisinformation.

Disclosure and Joint

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Disclosure and JointFilers

Estimated Population


Projecting Results

Can not identify entire population

Status of EDP Request

None needed

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Statutes(For Information Only)

Explanation of the Provision

TIGTA shall report information regarding

extensions of the statute of limitations for 

assessment and collection of tax under 

IRC § 6501 and the provision of notice to

taxpayers regarding requests for suchextensions.

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StatutesStatus of the IRS’s Implementation

The National Office Examination Division is

convening a team in November 1998 to

review this area, especially concerning

restricted consents and changes to the

applicable notices. The revised IRM

dealing with statutes should be issued byJune 1999.

This law goes into effect January 1, 2000.

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Current IRS Management ControlSystem

Guidelines and procedures are

being implemented.

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Audit Objective

Determine if the IRS is

complying with IRC § 6501 toinform taxpayers of their right to

refuse to extend the assessment

statute of limitations, or to limit suchextension to a particular issue or time


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Date of First Planned Audit

 October 1999

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Terminations and Mitigation 


Explanation of the Provision

TIGTA shall report any termination or 

mitigation under section 1203 of RRA98.Status of the IRS’s


TIGTA Investigations and Labor Relations are working together to

develop a system to report this


T i ti d

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Terminations andMitigation

Current IRS Management Control System

Not determined

Terminations and

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Terminations andMitigation

Audit Objective 

Evaluate the IRS’s process used toreport these terminations and

mitigations. We will also evaluate the

systems used to report theseviolations.

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Terminations and Mitigation

Estimated Population Unknown

Projecting Results N/A

Status of EDP Request None identified at this time

omp a n s an

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omp a n s anAllegations of Employee



Explanation of the Provision

 TIGTA is to report the number of taxpayer complaints and employeemisconduct/abuse allegations

received by the IRS or the IG, with asummary of the status anddisposition of the serious employee

misconduct cases.

Complaints and Allegations

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Complaints and Allegationsof Employee Misconduct

Status of the IRS’sImplementation

 TIGTA Investigations andLabor Relations are working

together to develop asystem to report this


Complaints and

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Audit Objective

Evaluate the IRS’s process used

to report these complaints andallegations. We will also evaluate

the systems used to report these


Complaints andAllegations of Employee


Allegations of Employee

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Allegations of EmployeeMisconduct

Estimated Population Unknown

Projecting Results N/A

Status of EDP Request None identified