us co-operati- ng, v - chronicling america « library of...

OCALA EVENING STAR, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1916 THREE FUNERAL SERVICES ' OF 3IRS. RENTZ If You Hare any News for this De partment, Call Up Five-On- e npHE more bank deposits a community has the more prosperous will be both the individual citizens and the community as a whole. The bank, and Us depositors, co-operati- ng, can bring about gratifying results in the form of more business. v .., We invite your account, large or small, and if you need to borrow money we are glad to let you have it on a conservative bank basis. fie .Commercial Bank. OCfiLA. FLORIDA CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 State, County and City Depository. Prof, and Mrs. Karl Weihe came in this morning from Jacksonville and will spend six weeks with their' par A short funeral service for Mrs. E. P. Rentz, who died Thursday night, was held at the home last "night, and the body was taken to Bartow, Ga., on the Seaboard train early this morn- ing. Rev. F. R.' Bridges, presiding elder of the Methodist church, con- ducted the service here,, which was at- tended by Mrs. Rentz's many sorrow- ing friends. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Accompanying the body to Georgia are Messrs. E. P. Rentz, 'George Rentz, J. A. and JTT. Rentz, T. W. Pierce of Fort McCoy, Mrs. Bunkley, Miss Martha Kate and Miss Louise ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. B. Weihe. Prof. Weihe, who is a very successful 11 Wl ' 'r tl musician in Jacksonville, is taking his T annual vacation. ..." ;' .' Mrs. Sid Whaley and daughter, Miss Olive, left today for "White Springs Member Federal Reserve Bank, AOanfa OCALA - ' : ' FLOR1BA Miss Blanche, who has been having a delightful time in Jacksonville and Green Cove Springs, will join them there. Later they will go to West Rentz. Mrs. Little of Savannah, will accompany the remains from that city L to Bartow. Florida for a visit. i Mr. and -- Mrs. C. C. Smith, of Lake, AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROW City, arrived the other day to visit Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. C. C. Tay Methodist Sunday school 9:30 a. m. lor, and sister, Miss Marjorie. Mrs Smith went to Reddick yesterday for - ' : i : . ; ... REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT I a visit o another sister, Mrs. W. B. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will re Preaching 11 a. m. Junior League 4:30 p. m. Senior League 6:30 p. m. Preaching. 7:45 p. m. All cordially invited, strangers wel- come. J. M. Gross, Pastor. turn to Lake City Sunday night. Miss Ola Potter of the Munroe & Cham bliss Bank, who has been in Ala-- Lama for the past two weeks on a va cation, is expected home Monday. Dur- - VNV"" ." . ..'.- - ng her absence, Mrs. Potter's place Must Move to Ground Floor at the Demands of Our Patrons MScoTccfor -- bo Krv-o- w its- - has been filled by Miss Brumby. . Miss Alma Turner of St. Augustine, East Broadway Church, Disciples of Christ Rev. Roy B. Bowers, Minister Sunday school 9:30 a. m., C. E. Winston, superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. . Preaching 8 p. m. Subject continued. The" public cordially, invited. First Presbyterian, Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. L. M. Murray, superintendent. Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 one of the .most efficient telegraph operators in the state, arrived yester max r day evening, to take a position in the Western Union office, in order to en IK H V ft I 7v able Mr. Chas K. Sage to enjoy his OR many months hundreds of our patrons have been ' importuning us annual vacation. J ' F w to kivuiw uiob iiuui iwauuii) aiiu nc nave UctlUCQ III lllctl their wishes. We will move from the second floor of the Helvenston Mr, Whit Palmer 'Was operated on p.m. . lot appendicitis at the hospital at 'set l,tN.orsCTArbj Rtore to the elegantly appointed store room recently vacate'd by the Marion "Jounty Fair Association in the Ocala House Block, opposite Gerig's Drug Store on , Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:45 r. m. The public is cordially , invited to 11:C0 o'clock last night. It was said at the hospital this afternoon that he was doing nicely. worship with us. A card received from Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday I COCA-COL- A EOT TLING wbRKS August vi5t Leon Fishel, who are in Baltimore, announced that they have named their ittle daughter Joanne. .' John R. Herndon, Pastor. . ' Baptist 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, W. T Gary, superintendent. 11 a. m. Preaching. 6:45 p. nu B. Y. P.' U. 8 p. m. Preaching. Everybody welcome. , - 7 Mrs. C. V. JRoberts and . children went to Gainesville yesterday to visit i f i" ' V. Miss Cevie who is attending normal school there. Rather than'move our stock to the new location, and also in order that we may open up with a BRAND NEW; LINE we will sell all of our present stock of Millinery, trimmed and untrimmed, at very low figures. , Many items have only been in a few days, but everything will be Included in the price reduction. After the above date you will no longer be compelled to climb a stairway to get your millinery. 2 ; Mr. Mallory Liddon is in the city or a visit to Mrs. Liddon, who is TRADE MARK REGISTERED St. Philip's Church The service Sunday morning will be at 9 for the summer months. Daily the guest! of her sister, Mrs. H. A. PfiO at 6:30 a. m. R. D. B. - Waterman. - ' Miss Lillie Marsh returned last Christian Science Society Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. nigjit from Gainesville, where she has FOR $ been attending the university summer at Yqnge's halL Everyone is wel AFFLECK'S MILLINERY PARLOR come. "., school and will go next week to Dade' City to attend; the normal school at ' LAWNS The society maintains a reading OCALA HOUSE BLOCK AFTER AUGUST 15th. NOW OVER IIELVENSTON'S that place. room in this hall, open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 p. xn where "Phoslime carries a large perceutage of moist- - 5 Miss Kathleen Chandler of Way- - a welcome is' extended to the public and opportunity afforded visitors to ure, which has been repeatedly; demonstrated in practical use to keep green and well nourished the read and procure the Bible and au thorized literature concerning Chris- - ian Science. LAWNS on which it was used. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Prices F. O. B. Phoslime, Fla., In Bags y y t I I MOVING PICTURE FEATURES cross,-Ga.- , is in the city for a few weeks' visit to, her aunt, Mrs. R. H. Purdom. , , . ; Mr. Louis . Keefe continues to .im- prove. , t William Collier Jr. was taken from the hospital today to the home of his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. E. , Van Hood. He continues to recover from his serious illness. Williams by Charles Eyton, one of LESS THAN CARLOAD $10.00;Per Ton CARLOAD $9 Per Ton the executives of the Morosco com With the Triangle features that have been booked for the Temple MH1T 8 MINERS TRAIJSPflRTATIOIi COMPAIIY Summer Tourist Fares pany. Their marriage has just been announced, and is the result of a more or less interrupted courtship of more f WRITE FORlBOOKLEf ' f ; J theater special music , is provided. Somplete scores are sent- - out with each picture. Appropriate music adds than ten years. ; FLORIDA SOFT PHOSPHATE & LIHE CO. ! Box 462 Ocala, Florida 4 From Jacksonville to o the movies. ' Mrs. E. Van Hood of Ocala, . was Film companies do not do things by ' - ! The Keystone comedy, "The Great the pleasant guest of Mrs. T, i N. New York and return.. .$35.00 Baltimore and return... 32.09 Philadelphia and return. .30.00 Washington and return. . 34.00 Savannah and return. .. 6.0U Boston and return. .... .43.C0 Providence and return .. 41.00 Blue Mountain and return 35.50 Atlantic City and return. 36.50 Asbury Park and return. 25.50 halves. ' In "Whispering Smith" (The Strange Wednesday. Dunnellon Ad Helen Holmes-Signal company) : a IL A. FAUSETT, Local Dealer Vacuum Robbery," which was seen at the Temple yesterday afternoon and vocate. dozen freight cars are going to be piled up in a wreck. The wreckage ast night, was a scream. The yells of Mr. Earl 'Hall of Ocala, was the has already been contracted for by a delight that broke from the specta- tors could be heard several blocks guest of "Pug" Allen Thursday, on his match company and a wholesale junk dealer. - way to Daytona. DeLand Record. away.' If all Keystone comedies are in as amusing, Manager Bennett can look for crowded houses every Friday. Mrs. E. A. Burnette's "brothers, W. Through tickets to all Eastern resorts, with return limit October 31, 1916, with privilege of stopovers at principal points. Sailings from Jacksonville, via Savannah to Baltimore Wednesday and Saturday. To Philadelphia July 2, 13 and 24, Aug. 3, 13, 24, at 4 p. m. ' Steamships Suwannee and Somerset have staterooms de luxe with baths, also shower rooms, hot and cold, fresh and salt. Running water in all rooms. Wireless telegraph on all ships. Accommodation unsur- passed. Reservation, f oare or any information cheerfully furnished on application. Ask for tour book. , Address Merchants & Miners Trans. Co., Jacksonville, Fla. H. C. AVERY, Agt. L. D. JONES, a A. J. F. WARD, T. P. A. W. P; TURNER, G. PJi. Baltimore, Maryland Pauline Frederick and a party of riends have gone to the Adirondack C, Jesse and Roy Smoak, and Mrs. caiaMeam Laundry ' ,: Lilian Gish and Rozsika Dolly will Jesse SmoaJc and child, motored over be seen today in "The Lily and the from Eustis in W. C. Smoak's car and mountains on a hunting and shooting trip. As the game laws are strict, they are hunting and "shooting" scenes only. ROse." a vory frankly treated pre spent the week end here with Mr. and Palm Beach Suits washed with IVORY CHIPS sentation cf the eternal triangle Mrs. Burnette at their. home on West story. Special music is provided for Magnolia avenue. The brothers had his picture, a Triangle Fine Arts, the, added pleasure of seeing another LIST OF MAGAZINES Pressed on steam heated machine produced under the direction of D. W sister, Miss Violet Smoak of Ocala, AT THE LIBRARY Griffith. who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bur Followincr is a list of magazines to nette. Daytona Gazette. Peggy Hyland in a picturization of v be read at the library when it is open: AofiomoMle BaFgales We offer for sale at sacrifice the following second hand automo- biles:. ' . hhihiiI m iMt fiHiiiiiii iiiiUMi Sir Henry Arthur Jones' "Saints and Sinners" is a Famous Players feature Mrs. W. Usher Norwood and baby, who had been -- visiting Prof .and Mrs. F. E. Sheppard at their home on booked for Monday. South Palmetto avenue, rejoined Mr. Norwood in Ocala Sunday, Mrs. Shep Peggy Hyland has come to America from England with a reputation that pard accompanied her daughter-i- n Scientific American, Colliers, Sat- urday Evening Post, Country Gentle- man, Literary Digest, Review of Re- views, Popular Mechanics, The Out- look, Scribner's, Harper's, Century", Bookman, St. Nicholas, Little Folks, American, Youths Companion, Ameri- can Boy, Woman's 'Home Companion, Delineator, Ladies' World, Ladies' Home Journal, Pictorial Review, Mod- ern Priscilla The Musician, Garden 1 OVERLAND TOURING CAR 1 CADILLAC TOURING CAR . 1 CHALMERS TOURING CAR 1 FORD TOURING CAR .. .. $150.00 ...... $150.00 .......$150.00 ,.......$200.00 law "to Ocala and on her return 'ex promises much for the movies. She has appeared abroad in musical com- edy, and with Cyril Maude and George pects to bring her daughter, Mrs. T. L'DCOU mfutp nniii rnv C. Luckie back with her for an ex r n ton in cm i o, ruuLiiii, r ib Edwards, ds well as in some success tended visit. Daytona Gazette. . r;;r', ( All these, automobiles are decided bargains and all in good run- ning condition. Your early inspection is invited as we must get them out of our shop, to tnakemore room for our business. ful English films. FISH AND OYSTERS i j i c :4.T.-f.-.- i as - as proiungeu aim t miuum Mr. John Gamble came for a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Ben- son, and to the suprise of his many friend was accompanied by his bride Magazine, McClure's, Everybody's, National Geographical Magazine, Cur- rent Opinion, Physical Culture, Good Housekeeping. is KNIGHT & LANG the wooing and winning of Kathlyn V Florida Ocala All kinds Fresh Vegetable ' J , in Season who was Mjss Caroline McChesney of Chicago. ; They were married by County Judge Smith Monday night at SEABOARD LOCAL SCHEDULE Ocala. Dunnellon Advocate I W. F. BALLINGER Southbound No. 9 Leaves Jacksonville 1:35 p. . OCALA, FLA PHONE 108 Mr. and Mrs. C. K.. Sage and son m.; Ocala 4:30 p. m.; arrives Tampa and Mrs. J. H. Sage of Ocala, were in ?: Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing, ;50 p. m. .': No. 1 Leaves Jacksonville 9:30 p. 39.05 Eustis Monday. Mrs. J.. H. Sage for- merly resided in this city, having been in business here about twenty eyars NEW YORK and Return Tickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31sL PHILADELPHIA and Return Tickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31st. CHICAGO and Return Tickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31st. CIFJCINATTI and Return Tickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31st. ; Cornice, Spouting, Skylights, Tanks and General Repair Work 6 m.; Ocala, 1:45 a. m.; arrives St. Pe- - tersbure 10 a. m. $47.55 ago. Eustis Lake Region. .. No. 3 Leaves Jacksonville 9:15 a. Sheet Iron and Copper Work V WHITE STAR LINE TOANSFEia.w STORAGE Tesns tor Rent Uobt and Heavy: Oanling Moving, Packing m.; Ocala 12:40 p. m.; arrives St, Pe Miss Elsa Schneider, who has been 37. tersburg 8:05 p. m., Phone Yonge's Tin Shop 388 spending the past week with Mrs. C. F. Sayles and Miss Lois Peek, has DINING CARS THROUGH SLEEPERS Northbound 210 S. Osceola St Ocala, Fla. J -- VIA Nn. 10 Leaves Tamna 1 P. m.: returned to her home . in Ocala. Starke Telegraph. t Ocala 4:12 p. m.; arrives Jacksonville 7:15 p. m. WT. K. LANE, M. D., frysiclan and Nn. 2 Taves St. Petersbure 4:30 Fire WOO LilWa d. m.: Ocala 2:30 a. m.: arrives Jack AST-LA- N STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH For information or reservations call on M. R. WILLIAMS, T. A. J. G KIRKLANP, U, P. A. ", Ocala, Fla. ' , Tampa, Fla, Surgeon, specialist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Law Library Building, Ocala, L. ALEXANDER PRACTICAL CARPENTER AND BUILDER Florida tf sonville 6:45 a. m. No. 4 Leaves Tampa 9 a. m.; Ocala I p. m.; arives Jacksonville 5:25 p. m. T.Sofor Cars DSAER Vall Board WATER at the kinds Fresh seeds of all Ocala Seed Store. Careful Estimates made on all Cor tf tract work. Gives More and Better Work for the Mone' than Any Other Put an Ad. in the Star We give prescription work prompt attention and what the doctor orders you get. The Court Pharmacy, tf Phone..... 296 Collier Bros. We carry a full line of Thermos fill Contractor in tbe city ers. The Court Pharmacy. tf

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If You Hare any News for this Department, Call Up Five-On- e

npHE more bank deposits a community has the more prosperous will be boththe individual citizens and the community as a whole. The bank, and

Us depositors, co-operati- ng, can bring about gratifying results in the form ofmore business. v ..,

We invite your account, large or small, and if you need to borrow moneywe are glad to let you have it on a conservative bank basis.

fie .Commercial Bank.OCfiLA. FLORIDA

CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00State, County and City Depository.

Prof, and Mrs. Karl Weihe came inthis morning from Jacksonville andwill spend six weeks with their' par

A short funeral service for Mrs. E.P. Rentz, who died Thursday night,was held at the home last "night, andthe body was taken to Bartow, Ga.,on the Seaboard train early this morn-ing. Rev. F. R.' Bridges, presidingelder of the Methodist church, con-ducted the service here,, which was at-tended by Mrs. Rentz's many sorrow-ing friends. The floral tributes weremany and beautiful.

Accompanying the body to Georgiaare Messrs. E. P. Rentz, 'GeorgeRentz, J. A. and JTT. Rentz, T. W.Pierce of Fort McCoy, Mrs. Bunkley,Miss Martha Kate and Miss Louise

ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. B. Weihe.Prof. Weihe, who is a very successful

11 Wl ' 'r tlmusician in Jacksonville, is taking his Tannual vacation. ..." ;'.'

Mrs. Sid Whaley and daughter, MissOlive, left today for "White Springs Member Federal Reserve Bank, AOanfa



Miss Blanche, who has been havinga delightful time in Jacksonville andGreen Cove Springs, will join themthere. Later they will go to West

Rentz. Mrs. Little of Savannah, willaccompany the remains from that city Lto Bartow.Florida for a visit. i

Mr. and --Mrs. C. C. Smith, of Lake, AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROWCity, arrived the other day to visitMrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. C. C. Tay Methodist

Sunday school 9:30 a. m.lor, and sister, Miss Marjorie. MrsSmith went to Reddick yesterday for

- ':i :.; ...

REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT Ia visit o another sister, Mrs. W. B.Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will re

Preaching 11 a. m.Junior League 4:30 p. m.Senior League 6:30 p. m.Preaching. 7:45 p. m.All cordially invited, strangers wel-

come. J. M. Gross, Pastor.

turn to Lake City Sunday night.

Miss Ola Potter of the Munroe &Cham bliss Bank, who has been in Ala--Lama for the past two weeks on a vacation, is expected home Monday. Dur--

VNV"" ." . ..'.- -

ng her absence, Mrs. Potter's place Must Move to Ground Floor atthe Demands of Our Patrons

MScoTccfor --bo Krv-o-w its--has been filled by Miss Brumby.


Miss Alma Turner of St. Augustine,

East Broadway Church, Disciples ofChrist

Rev. Roy B. Bowers, MinisterSunday school 9:30 a. m., C. E.

Winston, superintendent.Preaching 11 a. m.

. Preaching 8 p. m. Subject continued.The" public cordially, invited.

First Presbyterian,Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.L. M. Murray, superintendent.Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30

one of the .most efficient telegraphoperators in the state, arrived yestermaxr day evening, to take a position in theWestern Union office, in order to enIK H V ft I 7v able Mr. Chas K. Sage to enjoy his OR many months hundreds of our patrons have been ' importuning usannual vacation. J 'F w to kivuiw uiob iiuui iwauuii) aiiu nc nave UctlUCQ III lllctl

their wishes. We will move from the second floor of the HelvenstonMr, Whit Palmer 'Was operated on p.m. .

lot appendicitis at the hospital at'set l,tN.orsCTArbj

Rtore to the elegantly appointed store room recently vacate'd by the Marion"Jounty Fair Association in the Ocala House Block, opposite Gerig's DrugStore on ,

Prayer meeting on Wednesday at7:45 r. m.

The public is cordially , invited to

11:C0 o'clock last night. It was saidat the hospital this afternoon that hewas doing nicely. worship with us.

A card received from Mr. and Mrs. TuesdayICOCA-COL- A EOT

TLING wbRKS Augustvi5tLeon Fishel, who are in Baltimore,announced that they have named theirittle daughter Joanne. .'

John R. Herndon, Pastor..

' Baptist9:30 a. m. Sunday school, W. T

Gary, superintendent.11 a. m. Preaching.6:45 p. nu B. Y. P.' U.8 p. m. Preaching.Everybody welcome. ,



Mrs. C. V. JRoberts and . childrenwent to Gainesville yesterday to visiti f i" ' V.

Miss Cevie who is attending normalschool there.

Rather than'move our stock to the new location, and also in order thatwe may open up with a BRAND NEW; LINE we will sell all of our presentstock of Millinery, trimmed and untrimmed, at very low figures. , Manyitems have only been in a few days, but everything will be Included in theprice reduction. After the above date you will no longer be compelled toclimb a stairway to get your millinery.


Mr. Mallory Liddon is in the cityor a visit to Mrs. Liddon, who is


The service Sunday morning will beat 9 for the summer months. Dailythe guest! of her sister, Mrs. H. A.PfiO at 6:30 a. m. R. D. B. -Waterman. - '

Miss Lillie Marsh returned last Christian Science SocietyServices every Sunday at 11 a. m.nigjit from Gainesville, where she hasFOR $

been attending the university summer at Yqnge's halL Everyone is wel AFFLECK'S MILLINERY PARLORcome. ".,school and will go next week to Dade'

City to attend; the normal school at' LAWNS The society maintains a readingOCALA HOUSE BLOCK AFTER AUGUST 15th. NOW OVER IIELVENSTON'Sthat place. room in this hall, open on Tuesdays

and Fridays from 3 to 5 p. xn where"Phoslime carries a large perceutage of moist- - 5 Miss Kathleen Chandler of Way- - a welcome is' extended to the publicand opportunity afforded visitors toure, which has been repeatedly; demonstrated in

practical use to keep green and well nourished the read and procure the Bible and authorized literature concerning Chris- -ian Science.

LAWNS on which it was used.IMMEDIATE DELIVERY

Prices F. O. B. Phoslime, Fla., In Bags




cross,-Ga.- , is in the city for a fewweeks' visit to, her aunt, Mrs. R. H.Purdom.


, .

; Mr. Louis . Keefe continues to .im-prove. , t

William Collier Jr. was taken fromthe hospital today to the home of hisgrandparents, Dr. and Mrs. E. , VanHood. He continues to recover fromhis serious illness.

Williams by Charles Eyton, one ofLESS THAN CARLOAD$10.00;Per Ton

CARLOAD$9 Per Ton the executives of the Morosco comWith the Triangle features that

have been booked for the Temple MH1T 8 MINERS TRAIJSPflRTATIOIi COMPAIIY

Summer Tourist Farespany. Their marriage has just beenannounced, and is the result of a moreor less interrupted courtship of more


f; J theater special music , is provided.

Somplete scores are sent- - out witheach picture. Appropriate music adds than ten years. ;FLORIDA SOFT PHOSPHATE & LIHE CO. !

Box 462 Ocala, Florida 4From Jacksonville too the movies. '

Mrs. E. Van Hood of Ocala, . was Film companies do not do things by'

- !

The Keystone comedy, "The Greatthe pleasant guest of Mrs. T, i N.

New York and return.. .$35.00Baltimore and return... 32.09Philadelphia and return. .30.00Washington and return. . 34.00Savannah and return. . . 6.0U

Boston and return. .... .43.C0Providence and return .. 41.00Blue Mountain and return 35.50Atlantic City and return. 36.50Asbury Park and return. 25.50

halves. ' In "Whispering Smith" (TheStrange Wednesday. Dunnellon Ad Helen Holmes-Signal company) : aIL A. FAUSETT, Local Dealer Vacuum Robbery," which was seen at

the Temple yesterday afternoon andvocate. dozen freight cars are going to bepiled up in a wreck. The wreckageast night, was a scream. The yells of

Mr. Earl 'Hall of Ocala, was the has already been contracted for by adelight that broke from the specta-tors could be heard several blocksguest of "Pug" Allen Thursday, on his match company and a wholesale junk

dealer. -way to Daytona. DeLand Record. away.' If all Keystone comedies are

in as amusing, Manager Bennett can lookfor crowded houses every Friday.Mrs. E. A. Burnette's "brothers, W.

Through tickets to all Eastern resorts, with return limit October 31,1916, with privilege of stopovers at principal points. Sailings fromJacksonville, via Savannah to Baltimore Wednesday and Saturday. ToPhiladelphia July 2, 13 and 24, Aug. 3, 13, 24, at 4 p. m. '

Steamships Suwannee and Somerset have staterooms de luxe withbaths, also shower rooms, hot and cold, fresh and salt. Running waterin all rooms. Wireless telegraph on all ships. Accommodation unsur-passed. Reservation, foare or any information cheerfully furnishedon application. Ask for tour book. ,

Address Merchants & Miners Trans. Co., Jacksonville, Fla.H. C. AVERY, Agt. L. D. JONES, a A. J. F. WARD, T. P. A.

W. P; TURNER, G. PJi. Baltimore, Maryland

Pauline Frederick and a party ofriends have gone to the AdirondackC, Jesse and Roy Smoak, and Mrs.caiaMeam Laundry ',:

Lilian Gish and Rozsika Dolly willJesse SmoaJc and child, motored overbe seen today in "The Lily and thefrom Eustis in W. C. Smoak's car and

mountains on a hunting and shootingtrip. As the game laws are strict,they are hunting and "shooting"scenes only.

ROse." a vory frankly treated prespent the week end here with Mr. andPalm Beach Suits washed withIVORY CHIPS sentation cf the eternal triangleMrs. Burnette at their. home on West

story. Special music is provided forMagnolia avenue. The brothers hadhis picture, a Triangle Fine Arts,the, added pleasure of seeing another LIST OF MAGAZINESPressed on steam heated machine produced under the direction of D. Wsister, Miss Violet Smoak of Ocala, AT THE LIBRARY

Griffith.who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. BurFollowincr is a list of magazines tonette. Daytona Gazette.

Peggy Hyland in a picturization of vbe read at the library when it is open: AofiomoMle BaFgales

We offer for sale at sacrifice the following second hand automo-biles:. '

. hhihiiI m iMt fiHiiiiiii iiiiUMi Sir Henry Arthur Jones' "Saints andSinners" is a Famous Players feature

Mrs. W. Usher Norwood and baby,who had been --visiting Prof.and Mrs.F. E. Sheppard at their home on booked for Monday.South Palmetto avenue, rejoined Mr.Norwood in Ocala Sunday, Mrs. Shep Peggy Hyland has come to America

from England with a reputation thatpard accompanied her daughter-i- n

Scientific American, Colliers, Sat-

urday Evening Post, Country Gentle-

man, Literary Digest, Review of Re-

views, Popular Mechanics, The Out-

look, Scribner's, Harper's, Century",Bookman, St. Nicholas, Little Folks,American, Youths Companion, Ameri-

can Boy, Woman's 'Home Companion,Delineator, Ladies' World, Ladies'Home Journal, Pictorial Review, Mod-

ern Priscilla The Musician, Garden




...... $150.00


law "to Ocala and on her return 'ex promises much for the movies. Shehas appeared abroad in musical com-

edy, and with Cyril Maude and Georgepects to bring her daughter, Mrs. T.

L'DCOU mfutp nniii rnv C. Luckie back with her for an exr n ton in cm i o, ruuLiiii,r ib Edwards, ds well as in some successtended visit. Daytona Gazette..r;;r',(

All these, automobiles are decided bargains and all in good run-ning condition. Your early inspection is invited as we must getthem out of our shop, to tnakemore room for our business.

ful English films.FISH AND OYSTERSi j i c :4.T.-f.-.- i as- as proiungeu aim t miuum

Mr. John Gamble came for a visit tothe home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Ben-son, and to the suprise of his manyfriend was accompanied by his bride

Magazine, McClure's, Everybody's,National Geographical Magazine, Cur-

rent Opinion, Physical Culture, GoodHousekeeping.

is KNIGHT & LANGthe wooing and winning of KathlynV

FloridaOcalaAll kinds Fresh Vegetable' J , in Season

who was Mjss Caroline McChesney ofChicago. ; They were married byCounty Judge Smith Monday night at SEABOARD LOCAL SCHEDULE

Ocala. Dunnellon Advocate I W. F. BALLINGER SouthboundNo. 9 Leaves Jacksonville 1:35 p.. OCALA, FLAPHONE 108 Mr. and Mrs. C. K.. Sage and son

m.; Ocala 4:30 p. m.; arrives Tampaand Mrs. J. H. Sage of Ocala, were in?: Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing, ;50 p. m. .':

No. 1 Leaves Jacksonville 9:30 p. 39.05Eustis Monday. Mrs. J.. H. Sage for-merly resided in this city, having beenin business here about twenty eyars

NEW YORK and ReturnTickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31sL

PHILADELPHIA and ReturnTickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31st.

CHICAGO and ReturnTickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31st.

CIFJCINATTI and ReturnTickets on Sale Daily with final limit October 31st.

; Cornice, Spouting, Skylights,Tanks and General Repair

Work 6m.; Ocala, 1:45 a. m.; arrives St. Pe--

tersbure 10 a. m. $47.55ago. Eustis Lake Region... No. 3 Leaves Jacksonville 9:15 a.Sheet Iron and Copper Work


TOANSFEia.w STORAGETesns tor Rent Uobt and Heavy: Oanling Moving, Packing

m.; Ocala 12:40 p. m.; arrives St, PeMiss Elsa Schneider, who has been 37.tersburg 8:05 p. m.,Phone Yonge's Tin Shop 388spending the past week with Mrs. C.F. Sayles and Miss Lois Peek, has DINING CARSTHROUGH SLEEPERSNorthbound

210 S. Osceola St Ocala, Fla. J --VIANn. 10 Leaves Tamna 1 P. m.:returned to her home . in Ocala.Starke Telegraph.

t Ocala 4:12 p. m.; arrives Jacksonville7:15 p. m.

WT. K. LANE, M. D., frysiclan and Nn. 2 Taves St. Petersbure 4:30Fire


d. m.: Ocala 2:30 a. m.: arrives Jack



For information or reservations call on

M. R. WILLIAMS, T. A. J. G KIRKLANP, U, P. A.", Ocala, Fla. ' , Tampa, Fla,

Surgeon, specialist Eye, Ear, Nose andThroat. Law Library Building, Ocala,



sonville 6:45 a. m.No. 4 Leaves Tampa 9 a. m.; Ocala

I p. m.; arives Jacksonville 5:25 p. m.

T.Sofor Cars

DSAERVall Board WATER at thekindsFresh seeds of all

Ocala Seed Store. Careful Estimates made on all Cortftract work. Gives More and BetterWork for the Mone' than Any Other Put an Ad. in the StarWe give prescription work prompt

attention and what the doctor ordersyou get. The Court Pharmacy, tfPhone..... 296Collier Bros. We carry a full line of Thermos fill

Contractor in tbe cityers. The Court Pharmacy. tf