urban problems housing problems. aberdeen holy cross villages

Urban problems Housing problems

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Page 1: Urban problems Housing problems. ABERDEEN HOLY CROSS VILLAGES

Urban problems

Housing problems

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Housing is not only a shelter to weather, but also includes access to such basic services as electricity, water and transport. Therefore, problem occurs when the quantity and quality of provision of housing do not reach satisfactory levels.

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Functions performed by a house as residence

a shelter that protects the residents from environmental hazards

a place where residents can enjoy privacy a place where essential physical,

psychological and social needs are satisfied.

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Criteria to assess the standard of a house

building materials used and the construction method, which determine the house’s ability to protect its residents

living density, as measured by number of people per room. This determines the degree of privacy enjoyed by individuals

availability and quality of facilities in the houses. These are essential for meeting various needs of the residents

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Inner city

LDC City MDC City

Outward migration of higher-income group

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Housing problems

Inadequate quantity Housing shortage Overcrowding

Poor quality Slums Squatters Poor sanitation,

pollution, social problems…

Urban decay

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Inadequate quantity of housing

common in LDC cities demand for housing exceeds supply, leading

to housing shortage / housing attainability --> overcrowding

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Poor quality of housing

common in both LDC and MDC cities urban slums = legal, low-rent housing in inner

city areas squatters = illegal (usually not rent-paying) ho

using in inner city areas / at city margins / on hillslopes

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Urban decay

common in both LDC and MDC cities substandard and derelict buildings poor sanitation / inadequate facilities congested / overcrowding living condition / high building

density narrow streets / traffic congestion lack of recreational space / parks / social facilities lack of planning / mixed land use environmental pollution / environmentally degraded poor aesthetic value fire hazards social problems like family conflicts / mental distresses / t

heft / vandalism urban ghetto / racial segregation

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1.1.1 Causes and Impacts of Housing Problem in LDCs

Inadequate quantity Large natural increase Rapid rural-urban migration from rural push

factors Over-population and pseudo-urbanization

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1.1.1 Causes and Impacts of Housing Problem in MDCs

Housing demand > supply Keen competition of land uses Second World War Overcrowding

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rural-urban migration and overseas in-migration

started in the early 20th century The nowadays' most affected destinies are

the USA, UK, South Europe The immigrants usually come from Africa,

China, Eastern Europe, South America and Middle East.

United States - Inflow of foreign-born population from Asia (total) as a percentage of total inflow: 1984 – 37.9%; 2004 – 35.7%

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limited space but keen competition among different land users

economic development pushes the urban land value up

forcing many low-income residents and high proportion of minority groups to live in slums in inner city areas

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Second World War

many houses were seriously damaged and destroyed during WWII.

The housing stock was badly depleted.

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overcrowding and tenants sub-letting their units mainly occur in older housing near the CBD --> forming slums in inner city areas

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Substandard housing

Socially, both slums and squatter housing are a reflection of unequal access to urban resources because squatter residents belong to the low-income, poor, socio-economically and politically marginal group in society.

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they are found in transition zones next to the CBD, where houses are deteriorating, without adequate

amenities the tenants are too poor to improve the living


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in MDC cities, landlords have moved out to the suburbs (suburbanization of the high-income groups) due to improved transport links

some areas are ghettos of minor racial immigrant groups

some industries have relocated to the suburbs (suburbanization of industrial activities)

local government has little income from tax to improve the living environment

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they are illegal, temporary housing found on roof tops hillslopes fringing the urban areas and on stilts or boats in the sheltered coastal a

reas near the city

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they are usually the result of a large influx of new-comers / rural migrants to the city and also be the population growth of the poor

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squatters settlements are known as “shanty towns” which are characterized by: scrap materials, e.g. wood and metal sheeting insufficient basic services, e.g. sanitation, wat

er, electricity overcrowded settlements

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Poor living environment Environmental pollution

due to the mixed land use (workshops and retail units + residential units)

land-use conflicts poor air quality + noise and land pollution

Fire and health hazards these squatter huts are built of wood and cardboard there are no surface roads / electricity supply / water and se

wage facilities creating fire and health risks

Social problems family conflicts mental distresses theft, robberies, crimes, vandalism ethnic and social segregation

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Solutions to housing problems

New town development Urban renewal Slums / squatters clearance Provision of more housing

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New Town development

new town = a planned community aiming at solving certain problems, e.g. population redistribution

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Factors of new town development

to relieve congested urban areas to decentralize industries for land use separation for administration purpose

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New town development

The development of new towns / satellite towns general involves the outward movement of urban residents to the peripheral areas.

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New town development

However, not all the residents are willing to move though they are suffering from rather poor living environment because they cannot afford the higher rent in the new to

wn they have to spend more time on journey-to-w

ork they have to pay higher transport cost in jorne


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New town development

Therefore, new town development / satellite towns must be associated with the process of industrial decentralization. In this way, people moving outward may find their new jobs in the surrounding areas easily.

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Urban renewal

Redevelopment = the demolition of bad housing

Rehabilitation = involves improvement of existing old buildings and environment rather than demolition of buildings

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What is rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation includes the renovation and management of buildings, such as improving external appearance of buildings by

cleaning and repairing fitting new windows and new doors installing indoor toilets and baths redesigning recreational areas

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causes less disruption to residents less social disruption and resentment involves less financial cost, especially compe

nsation helps preserve and restore buildings of cultur

al, historical and architectural value the living environment is greatly upgraded

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slum / squatter clearance

replaced by public housing to solve the problems of landslides / fire haza

rds / poor living conditions

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building more adequate houses

through public organizations, e.g. Housing Authority / Housing Society in Hong Kong

or private sectors / developers

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Poor quality Urban slums Squatters

On the roof tops Hillslopes fringing the urban areas On boats in the sheltered coastal areas

Environmental pollution Workshops and retail units intermingle with residen

tial units

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Fire hazards Built of wood and cardboard

Social problems Family conflicts Mental distresses Theft, robberies, crimes, etc

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1.1.2 Solutions to housing problems in LDCs

To upgrade the squatters and shanty town

To increase job opportunities, esp in rural areas

To control the migratory flows

Birth control

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1.1.3 Case study: Kuala Lumpur

The city has grown rapidly since WWII

1947:176,000; in the late 1970s: 820,000 poverty is also widespread

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Housing problems in Kuala Lumpur

Increasing pressure on urban resources and services

High population densities and Inadequate amenities

Squatter settlements

Living conditions in many squatter camps are poor

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Solutions to the squatter problem in Kuala Lumpur

Relocation housing schemes

low-cost housing schemes, notably in the Klang Valley

multi-storey apartment buildings

Not welcome Upgrading schemes

supplied with services such as roads, water and electricity

Sites and services schemes

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Difficulties encountered

Expensive Time-consuming Uncontrollable rural-urban migration

Long term solution?

The housing problems are virtually the result to poverty…….

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1.2 Housing Problems in MDCs

keen competition from industrial and commercial landuse =>$↑↑↑

influx of destitute third world immigrants

Slums: old, crowded, sanitarily poor and structurally dangerous but their rents are low

transition zones next to the CBD

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Ghettos: the Blacks, Puerto Rican and Chinese

sub-urbanization=> urban decay socio-economic problems:unemployment, he

alth hazards, juvenile delinquency, social unrest and inadequate public services…

Large influx of new comers: Squatters Less welfare: homeless

在英國,露宿者的數量在 80年代上升了一倍,露宿者區在倫敦中部的鐵路橋底擴張。在1979 年,英國的地區組織統計有 56,750 個露宿單位;在1989 年,其數目則上升至 126,680 ,有時露宿者則更認為實際數字則超越一百萬。有關機構認為這劇烈增長,部分是由於第三世界移民的湧入。

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1.2.2 Solutions to housing problems in MDCs

Building more houses Urban renewal Rehabilitation New town project

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Building more houses

only the start of a solution

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Urban renewal

demolition of buildings the renewal is bound to be piecemeal in nature

not all the individual landowners are willing to sell their land

expensive and time-consuming

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New town project

A new town or satellite town is a planned community aiming at solving certain problems, e.g. population redistribution. It should be accompanied the industrial decentralization and facilities.

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suburb areas

comprehensive planning and heavy expenditure

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1.2.3Case study: the London Dockland