urban design

selected works of URBAN DESIGN B. K. Swastik

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Page 1: Urban design

s e l e c t e d w o r k s o f


B. K. Swastik

Page 2: Urban design
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B K Swastikarchitect & urban designer

M.Arch in Urban DesignC.E.P.T. University

[email protected] I +91 972641625253, Pawani complex, Jagmohan nagar,

Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, INDIAPin:751030

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M. Arch Urban Design Thesis 2014Guide: Prof. Rajiv Kadam

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People centric Urbanism: BicyclingCase : Bhubaneswar

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Questions :

The present bicycle users in urban India are captive user due to their economic sta-tus. Does our city structure and infrastructure allow people, the comfort to choose bicycle over cars?

If we switch our mode of transport from cars to bicycle, can our cities be small, dense, safe and most importantly people centric?

How different will be urban design approach, if bicycling will be given central place?

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Concern: why to choose this topic ?

Indian Urbanization in 2030: 590 million people will live in cities nearly the population of USA today. 68 cities will have population of 1 million plus, which is 42 today. Europe has 35 today (Institute, April 2010). Due to this rapid urbaniza-tion the mobility needs are increasing. Traffic jams and air pollution due to CO2 emissions from cars are becoming a major problem for bad environment of Indian cities. Besides that, rapid growth of car ownership is demanding for fly overs almost at every square, because where ever traffic congestion happens, we make the roads wider. This does not solve the problem although it eats up public realm and pushes the buildings apart, that increases trip distance. This In-crease in trip distance demands more motorized vehicles. So we are building cities larger by spreading and increasing road percentage just to connect it through cars.

This approach has led Indian cities to grow out of human scale. Indian urbanism has reached at a stage, where it’s losing its quality of life, social life and security. I think the present transportation system is one of the major aspect, which is responsible for such condition. The way we connect our functions and spaces of the city, frames the environ-ment of the city.

Urban Transport means access and not mobility. But our current city development is focused on mobility of private motorized vehicles like cars, rather than focusing on accessibility.


Now cities over all over the world are experimenting with many new ideas of transport like solar cars, PRT etc. But I think the simplest solution is Bicycle. It’s the only most sustainable mode of mobility, which is still used at a very large percentage (India cities 7 to 28 % bicycling, NMT 10 to 43 % depending upon cities). It is safe, cheap, healthy, social and with good infrastructure it is fast also. Most importantly, if we focus on this, it can activate more public realm on the streets and more spaces can be given to the public recreation, which are now covered with vehicular traffic and flyovers.

Critical stance

Transportation via vehicles like buses, car, motorbikes, train etc. is a domain dominated by traffic planners and engi-neers. To best serve these vehicles they have helped to build city structure for which they have provided land scape of wide travel lanes, continuous network, extensive safety and navigational signage, transit stops and vehicular parking. THEY HAVE DEVELOPED IT INTO A SYSTEM. A SYSTEM YOU CAN’T REJECT.

In contrast to develop bicycle usage, It was always forced through debates and generated awareness by highlighting the issues of sustainability, public health social health etc. And in some cases with small infrastructure solutions. But an attempt was never made to make bicycle a primary mode of transportion in cities. It has to be more convenient, fast, safe and comfortable than cars. The environment has to be redesigned from a cy-clist’s point of view. BICYCLING HAS TO BE DESIGNED LIKE A SYSTEM, WHICH PEOPLE CAN’T REJECT.

Bicycling should be prioritized and urban built should allow bicycle to be the most convenient mode of transport with mini-mized use of Private vehicles like cars etc. Bicycle should be with the people through out the day without any hitches, or difficul-ties or any user unfriendliness.

Bicycling should be a part of our daily life.

What I mean by convenience is: it should be safe, comfortable, easy-going, fast, cheap and easy availability of support-ing services (Public bicycle, Parking, amenities). One more important thing is that the soothing image should be there that bicycle is a trend or style and you should feel prioritized.

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SITEGarden city: Bhubaneswar

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Bhubaneswar bicycle tracks: 16 km

Bhubaneswar already has beautiful, shaded and safe cycle tracks. It has helped a bit to provide safety and congestion free cycling by segregating cyclists from road. But it does not encourage people to change the mode of transport to cycling and it is not enough to generate a cycling culture.


These tracks are not useful because they are implemented at a very small scale network of 16 k.m. If we compare this to 1600 k.m of Bhubaneswar road network, the ratio is 1km to 100km. There is no integration with other modes of transport. So there is no last mile connectivity. So it fails to give freedom of connectivity to all points. And also the streets are not designed to the scale of cyclists so they fail to provide the level of comfort which was needed for a cyclist.

India Bhubaneswar city Garden city Bhubaneswar Aim 135sq.km 16sq.km.

The challenge is to convert a car centric city to a people centric city through bicycle transport system.

City structure: In order to achieve the garden city concept, Bhubaneswar was designed with a very low density of 23 ppha. And to commute in such low dense area, the neighbourhoods are designed car centric. No other modes of transport could sustain as the trip distances are high and the commuter population is low.

Safety: Large investments in road widening, construction of fly overs etc. has increased inconvenience for bicyclists and made their journey more unsafe by increasing ownership of cars and their speed (Jain).

Lack of integration between other modes of transport to cycling: for longer trips and last mile connectivity.Road structure and trip distances:

Total 1600* Km of Road length Average Trips 7.5 – 10* Km Fully Paved : 84% Average Road Density 11.82 Km/ Sq km Per Capita Road Length : 2.71 m Four - Six Lane: 40 Km* (App) Vehicle Increase per year : 8.5% 16*km of Protected Bicycle Lane

18 23



120 24









car ownership motorised trafic Bicycle

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In order to achieve the garden city concept Bhubaneswar was de-signed with a very low density of 23 ppha. And to commute in such low dense area the neighbourhoods are designed car centric. No other modes of transport could sustain as the trip distances are high and the commuter population is low.

Word no. 46Population: 9071Area: 2.68 sq.kmDensity: 33.8 ppha

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Morphology of Unit 1 & 2

The average Building height of Unit 1 & Unit 2 is 3.5m with population density of 33 ppha. But average Building height of Bapuji nagar & Ashoke nagar is 9m with population density of 170 ppha.

This 60m. wide road connects suburb to city center.

Existing Morphology Unit 1, Unit 2, Bapuji nagar, Ashoke nagar Bhubaneswar Capital city.

Word no. 44 Population: 2,485Area: 0.71 sq.kmDensity: 35 ppha

Word no. 47Population: 5391, Old: 4120 & New: 1271Area: 1.11 sq.km, Old: 0.24sq.km & New: 0.87 Old Bapuji nager Density: 171.6 ppha

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Foldable bicycle new type of street structurecould be designed

Designing the Spatial experience

New typology of buildings Incorporating bicycle slope

Design Approach:

City structuring to reduce trip distance from 7.5 -10 km of Bhu-baneswar to 3.5 - 5 km. • Control of Urban sprawl from 233 sq.km to 135sq.km.• Accommodate this extra 100 sq.km of future growth within the

city by identifying low dense area. (22 ppha to 600 ppha)

Neighbourhood restructuring: Divide large neighbourhood to small-er neighbourhood. • Removing back lanes and giving that extra space for kitchen

garden• Removing private car park from front and reducing front yard

space.• Replacing 2 m high solid compound wall with Badda (an organic

low height semitransparent compound wall) • Importance of car free front yard.

Designing Guidelines to Buildings for appropriate density, building heights, and building interface etc. • Less roads more streets: by traffic calming and developing

shared space. • Restrict through traffic and protect inner streets from car

access. • Reclaim spaces from car occupied areas like Parking, tar mark

area etc.

Develop complete street: Bicycle mix with motorized vehicle, ven-dors and pedestrians.

Bicycle network door to door: connect every point. • Inter modality: Integrate with public transport and other modes

of transport.• New typology of shops, offices and other commercials with

inner bicycle accessibility. • Designing segregated, safe and fast bicycle tracks system for

point to point connectivity.

Micro urban design details:

Safety• Vegetation to segregate running way from motorized traffic.• Good lighting.

Designing micro urban elements like street furniture, flooring etc to control people’s behaviour and to make bicycle convenient.

Creating on street Micro climate for climatic comfort. • Street orientation with respect to sun & wind. • Building projection for shade.• Air conditioned restring rooms, shower, changing rooms at

every PBS stations & also at private parking like in offices, malls, industrial buildings.

Designing Spatial experience• Appropriate enclose for street from cyclist perspective.• Aesthetic design.

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What could be the possible Density to reduce trip distance ?

1948 2010 2030

Proposal for CDP in 2030

Area 16.84 sq.km Population: 40,000

Area 135 sq.km Population: 8.5 lacs,

In 2030 area 233 sq.kmPopulation: 18 lacs, Density: 77

with 45% of decadal growth rate

Density 23 Density 62

Density 133

Density 77

Trip Distance: 5 - 10 km

Trip Distance: 3.5 - 5 km

Trip Distance: 7.5 - 12.5 km

What if we make our CDP not on basis of city expansion but on basis of densification, Can that be more bicycle friendly ?

City Transformation by redensification of very low dense area with 16 sq.km

Area 135 sq.kmPopulation: 18 lacs

Extension area 98 sq.km & Assume Land use type

If I put that extra 10 lack population in 16 sq.km thenDensity 610 ppha

Average trip distance might be with in 3.5 km

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What should be land use or functional distribution and their movement pattern?

Built Open Building Heights Land Use

Movement pattern Office employees movement pattern shoppers Through trafic and the major shortcuts

Movement pattern Parks, play grounds, temples, Public plazas, rec-reation spaces, gathering and chat-ting spaces.

Over lapping all the layers Origin Destination Desire lines

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According to major origin destination desire lines, I proposed new bicycle streets for shortcuts.

Distributed Green and commerce along bicycle path for more mixed use development.

Divided 1 sq.km large neighbor-hood into small 300m X 300 m. walkable neighborhood .

Based on existing movement pat-tern, I kept the minimum required road. And rest I removed.

Deriving new land use & road network from existing movement pattern

Desire lines Deriving Desire bicycling shortcut routs


New Proposal land use structure

Road Network existing Parking lots Public transport points (Bus and Metro)

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The internal roads of neigh-borhood

Linear connectivity can also be removed from neighborhood.

Proposed internal street of neigh-borhood

Streets rather than having road at centres, can have a series of open

spaces & activity zones.

it has only one function: clear the traffic as fast as possible.

Curve extension making the traffic slow and allowing people to spend more time here

Edge, landmark, enclose, beautification becomes more important.

so concept of fly over came

S q u a r e :

N e i g h b o r h o o d :

S t r e e t :

Dead & Unattractive Edge High speed segregated grid iron

patternMental mapping only street


Short trips & good for shortcutsLand mark & nodes important

Imagebility & association to space will increase.

People will interact more & spend more time on out door activities.


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E x i s t i n g

P r o p o s e d

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E x i s t i n g M a s t e r P l a n a t s c a l e 1 : 8 0 0 0


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P r o p o s e d M a s t e r P l a n a t s c a l e 1 : 8 0 0 0


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P r o p o s e d M o r p h o l o g y

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Proposal for Internal streets of neighborhood

These streets are vehicular restricted area and can be developed along the Desire Line of short connectivity. So it can connect bicycles faster than automobiles. These streets will connect all major schools, institutions, col-leges, and squares. So it can carry major traffic. Theses streets will be comprise dense vegetation, tot-lots, small gardens, etc.

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Very slow Average speed

6 km/hr








ot p








Recreation No specific origin destination

With a origin destination

Strong Origin & destination

Slow Average speed 10 - 12 km/hr

Normal Average speed 12-15 km/hr

Fast (In hurry)Average speed near

to 20 km/hr

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Vending Zone BRTS + Roads

Detai led master p lan of 60m. wide street

The buildings which are public or along the street should have minimum projections of 25% length of their block length.

The south side of the street has been shaded by projections of buildings. The shade protects pedestrians, bicyclists & informally parked bicycles from heat.







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Exist ing 60m. wide road

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Bird’s eye v iew of Proposed 60m. wide street

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Imagine a street where cyclists move faster than automobiles. Cyclists have better comfort and better free-dom than the automobiles.

The center of the road is always free from obstacles and hassles. So at the centre of the road you have to put less breaks and you can move faster with less effort. Unlike automobiles cyclists have to run on human paddling or human power. Every time they put break, they have to give extra effort to go back to original speed. So a cyclist traveling for 10 kms or more can’t afford to put breaks every time. Where as automobiles can afford to put breaks more often than cyclists. Then why should automobiles be at the centre, not cyclists ?

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Proposed high speed bicycle tracks

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Imagine a street where everyone moves at a same speed. A Street with equal space for rich, poor, young, old, handi-cappeds, venders, animals, birds, everyone. Everyone feels safe, comfortable and friendly.

A street which is not just an infrastructure, it’s an asset to the city. A place to celebrate of public realm.

Proposed cross ing on shared space concept

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Proposed cross ing on shared space concept

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Studio project of Semester I, M.Arch (group work)guided by Deval Gandhi

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Dhoraji : a dying city

Dhoraji used to be a thriving city of Surastra region in the state of Gujrat. Now the city is deteriorating because of its declining economy.

Due to local unemployment the out migration rate has increased, and has pushed the city to urban decay.

Vision of Dhoraji 2020

Retain the memory & identity of the city.Generate the economy in the city.Create the importance of central urban space in the city.De-congest the market area of the city.

InfrastructureDe-congestion and pedestrianization of city core.Reuse the abandoned housing.Improve transit system by strengthening public transport system.Establish Plastic, cotton industries, plastic packaging, agro desiccant and herbal oil industries.

EducationNeed of new institutions like Agriculture training, commerce college, Science college etc.

Socio- cultural Basic needs: Job, Health care, FoodPreserving heritageCreation of public space at the area and city level.

Energy:Sustain the city on renewable energy sources.

Environmental ServicesIntegrated Urban waste managementImproving water management systemLimiting urban sprawl into green spacesPreservation of trees

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Present context

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Historic context

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Jamnager(Reliance oil refinery )world’s largest grass-roots refineries

Rajkotseveral small scale manufacturing industries

Bhavnagerworld’s largest ship breaking yard is in Guja-rat near Bhavnagar


regional linkages to other villages

JunagarhMineral based Cement industry, Agricul-ture based industry and Power sector

Oil mills - 25 nosSolvent plants - 6 nosPlastic industry - 100 nos ( 20 major and 80 small scale)Before Dhoraji had a Sugar Factory with production capacity of 1200 tonnes.

Employment -20 major plastic industry employes 70 worker each = 20 X 70 = 1400 80 small scale industry employs 5-10 worker each= 80 x 8 = 160

Present Industrial Senario of Dhoraji


How to revive the economy of Dhoraji city ?

Filament industry

Cement pipe industry

Oil cake Industry

Major plastic industry

Small plastic industry

Sardar patel sugar factory

Cotton Industries

Ground nut oil industries

National Export Industry


agricultural laborers

other workers

workers in house-hold industries












petroleum of 4 m



Large labor absorption abilityEmployment proposalwithin Dhoraji : 20000Regional : 35000

Dhoraji 2015small and medium scale Industry : 100Large Industry : 15

Projection small and medium scale Industry : 200Large Industry : 20

ProductivityAgro bases : 60%Plastic : 72%

Plastic IndustryImmigration : 10%Natural growth : 25 %

Why small & medium scale Industries ?

Dhoraji city is situated in prime industrial area of the country. The city has good connectivity to Port and oil industries. And the villages around the city has very rich agriculture of fruits, vegetables and cotton.

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The stimulus for selecting the fabric is the strong historic character and the city life attached to it on its one end. One could find historic colonial architecture and following ahead is the chowk with the main vegetable market. The stretch then opens up into mela ground which is used for only few parts of the year and is almost dead for rest.

The intervention looks at developing the edges along and how the fabric would change according to the vision of becoming an industrial city.

How a city would react to the injection? The project aims at looking those aspects.

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Master Plan of proposed urban insertion

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Proposed urban insertion

View of new administrative area

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Proposed urban insertion

Vew of new Mela Ground

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In situ Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Urban Poor Under BSUP, JNNURM. Yerwada, Pune, India

Under Prof. Prasnna Desai

Professional Work

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The Government of India, has initiated a housing scheme, BSUP (Basic Services for the Urban Poor) under JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission), to find housing and slum development strate-gies for over 1,200 households. A housing subsidy of 3,00,000 Rupees (90% funding is from the Government and 10% comes from the benefi-ciary as a contribution) has been granted PER HOUSE that will help up-grade 7 high density slum areas in Yerawada, Pune. Through the efforts and vision, the long term goal of the Pune Municipal Corporation is to achieve a “sustainable slum less city”.

Pune Municipal Corporation has received JNNURM funds for undertak-ing in-situ slum up gradation for 4000 units in Pune. These slum rehabil-itation works will be implemented in separate packages of slum clusters with temporary hutment structures of about 250 to 500 numbers each. This is a unique opportunity evolved through the efforts of the PMC and interest of the Central and State governments to identify appropriate housing alternatives for the urban poor. With this perspective, it is pro-posed that this unique opportunity in slums on the local government lands in residential zones is implemented with due thought to the community aspects and not in the manner of a contract for infrastructure construction projects.

SITE A : 330 unitsMother Teresa Nagar

SITE C : 134unitsWadarwasti

SITE E : 94 unitsNetaji Nagar

SITE B : 87 unitsSheela Salve Nagar

SITE D : 142 unitsBhatt Nagar

SITE 7 : 138 unitsYashwant Nagar

Patterns that have evolved during time are preserved and existing social networks are respected. Neighbors remain neigh-bors, local remains local. The housing designs being presented give a variety of options that are chosen and arranged by the beneficiary themselves. The design is to construct the rehabilitation unit/s as individual or multiple house/s, single or multiple storied in-situ on the same footprint coverage or rearranging the hutment structures in the same cluster (with slum families consent). The design of a 270 sq ft carpet area is with two different housing topologies, having the possibil-ities of grouping to share walls, having individual homes or mixing options to fit the individual demands or situations and are flexible enough to adapt to most cluster arrangements.

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2. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVEIntroducing the scheme to peopleFacilitator between people, NGO, Govt.Transit conflict resolution



Survey : Plain table survey, biometricsurvey, socio economic survey.Identification of temporary and permanent structures.Preparing list of beneficiaries. Appointing architect and consultants. Approval of design - from beneficiary and Municipal Corporation.Financial strategy, estimation and people contribution.Transit, conflict resolution. Managing demand and supply. Construction supervision. Negotiation.Documentation.

CENTRAL GOVERNMENTGovernment of India, New Delhi

30% funding

STATE GOVERNMENTGovernment of Maharastra, Mumbai

20% funding

LOCAL GOVERNMENTPune Municipal Corporation

20% funding


STAGE I:Verifying surveys.

STAGE II:Designing feasible building typology for thescheme.Explaining the design typology to the whole community.

STAGE III:Discussing specific designs with individual beneficiaries.Icorporating suggestions and requirements in final design.

STAGE IV:Preparing required sets of drawings.- Design Drawings- Revised Drawings- Municipal Drawings- Working Drawings.

ROLE OF GOVERNMENT BODIES AND FUNDING MODELIn situ Rehabilitation scheme for Urban Poor under BSUP - JNNURM








g fu

nds f

or th

e pr


t Initiating the project. Identifying slum areas.Identifying NGOs to carry out the work. Issuing work orders.Agreement with releasing funds as per stage wise development. Sanctioning the project at individual and slum level.Supervision of work during construction. Infrastructure development.De-notification : a major step towards a slum free city.

SITE B : 87 unitsSheela Salve Nagar

SITE D : 142 unitsBhatt Nagar

SITE 7 : 138 unitsYashwant Nagar

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01. Plain table, Socio - economic and biomet-ric surveys of the slum.

02. Classification of houses into temporary and permanent structures.

03. Identifying the beneficiaries for the scheme.

04. Introducing the scheme to the beneficia-ries in community mass meetings held in the slums.

05. Approval of beneficiaries for the scheme.

06. Resolving the design for each cluster of houses in the slum, as per the initial consent from the beneficiary.

07. Opening a joint bank account by the ben-eficiary and Municipal Corporation.

08. On site discussion about individual design with each individual beneficiary.

09. Revision in design as per the discussions and suggestions by the beneficiary.

1 0. Cost estimation with various permuta-tions of specifications.

11. Final approval by beneficiary for individu-al tenement design.

12. Legal Agreement between NGO and ben-eficiary.

13. Compilation of final design drawings, agreement and consent form to submit to the authorities (Pune Municipal corporation) for approval.

14. Commencement certificate from Munici-pal corporation to start off work on site.

15. Transit arrangements for the period of construction.

1 6 . Demolition of house construction of ap-proved house design.

1 7 . Release of founds by municipal Corpo-ration and beneficiary as per the stage wise completion of works.

18. Possession of the house by the ben-eficiary upon the completion of the works.

19. Final payment by Beneficiary.

20. Completion certificate from Govt.


Existing survey plan:This survey maps all the structures- residential, commercial, insti-tutional and mixed use; in one slum. Above is the survey of Netaji Nagar slum.

Existing Hierarchy of temporary structures within one wasti.

Existing hierarchy of open spaces & streets:To understand the possibility of creation of open spaces and wid-ening existing narrow alleys.

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Till now, for slum rehabilitation projects, the slum community and the people residing in the slum, were given new houses under various schemes by the government. They were fewer options regarding the designs and there was little or no im-plementation of their suggestions.

However, under this scheme, the Community and people are the clients and the deciding factor in the entire process. The design for each and every house is discussed with the beneficiaries themselves and thus is a TAILOR MADE DESIGN. The challenge of the project lies in this reversal of roles of the beneficiaries and government bodies.

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The footprint of each individual house is retained and a new, G+1 house is designed on the existing

Design Devlopment of Typologies

footprint. Each level has a carpet area of 135sq ft.

The effort has been to retain the overall fabric of the slum in terms of existing street patterns and ex-isting footprints. Thus, an attempt has been made, as far as possible, to contain the design within the existing footprint of the temporary houses.

After detail discussions with the people by the architectural team and Mahila Milan, it was realized that the people felt the need for balconies and underground water storage tanks. The inclusion of the underground water tank led to the

creation of the ‘Verandah’ : a semi-private interactive space in front of each house, which forms the entrance porch of the house. Housewives could use the space for chatting with neighbors as the kids play in front of the house.

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Wherever the existing footprint is far less or the hous-es in a cluster are in randomly placed where individual houses would not be possible to accommodate.

Entire area of 270 sq ft per house is provided on a sin-gle level and many such tenements together form the building type design. The number of temporary houses per building will vary as per the number of existing houses in that particular cluster. There is no need for vertical circulation and hence its comparatively more user friendly.

Plot size

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

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Paris WorkshopGroup Work

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Topic: The southern Paris region as a laboratory for local-izing the energy, ecological, urban and rural transition.

The aim of the workshop: The aim of the workshop is to find out how a large area (like the southern Paris region), which has been dependent on easy access to fossil sources of energy, can shape and implement its own transition. And to imagine the ways and means of changing towns, cities and regions to make them more energy-efficient, smarter, more pleasant and more livable.

Context :The Southern Paris is a rich territory , heritage agricultural, natural , architectural and cultural quality. During visits made during the first week of the workshop, we were struck by the potential and little highlands present. However, the dyna-mism of this region shines through the many local projects being developed. Then, what are the problems that the country is facing? With all this potential , why is the transition not being operated faster?

Potentials naturals Urbanisation

Potential South Ile are isolated on territorrial frag-ments. Urbanized areas, forests and agricultural areas appear to be little pockets connected to each other. The cultural and natural heritage, as well as some innovative initiatives and projects are too locked and not visible in the area.

The urban sprawl occurs north to the southern agricultural and natural areas. These precious but fragile areas faces the urbanization and consume space.

This fragmentation leads to excessive consumption of resources. It impacts the quality of life of its resi-dents by increasing travel time, or increasing social segregation and spatial inequalities.

Local initiatives exist on this land, but they seem isolated.

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High householdconsumption

Poor socialintegration

Misuse oftime

Lack ofidentity

Misuse ofspace


How to Begin?

Where to Begin?

The developments of the last decades have shown their limits. In addition, the land across the southern Paris re-gion currently is complex given the context of land reform and economic crisis. To act tomorrow, we choose to con-nect people and initiatives existing local associations to enhance and reveal the potential of the South Ile, and cat-alyze the transition energy and environmental planning. Our strategy does not seek to create new projects but to connect existing ones.

The transition is not expected, so we pro-pose an approach that can be initiated tomorrow, with few resources.

This phasing is the implementation of our strategy. This chronology begins from time 0 by identifying existing initiatives. Then communicating these initiatives will attract and bring together local actors. These engines will thus take collective action, support the development of inno-vative projects in the area. At midnight, a new turn of the dial starts with a net-work of actors and projects expands and intensifies.

the nature isreally rich here

too muchconsumption ofressources

a lot ofinteresting


too muchfragmentation!

How to tackle the fragmentation?

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On the territory of South Ile, strong initiatives are supported by stakeholder groups. These initiatives operate through the exchange of goods and services between people or through the creation of local collectives and associations. In addition, many projects based on sharing and mutual help share or exchange of goods, services, share experiences. All these actions enhance and related territory and its inhabitants. These links should generate savings and reduce CO2 emissions. This is for example grouped housing for housing, third places for work, trade in services etc.

We decided to develop one of these initiatives experienced in Madrid: it is the Time Bank. This project is easily applicable in the territory.

Bank of Time: how to use built resources collaboratively ?

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A time bank is based on a system of exchange of services and skills non-monetary between people. The exchange value is time. For exam-ple, X a person repairing the computer of the individual Y, free for two hours will in return enjoy another service for two hours. This service may be lavished by another member or group of the Bank of Time. To reduce expenses, we suggest to mobilize existing underutilized spaces: e.g market hall or school during peak hours. The activities of the Bank of time to adapt to availability of members and the space mobilized. In addition, we propose to install time banks in areas near transport nodes to optimize commuting.

These projects value the existing building and skills of residents while reducing CO2 emissions (eg, repair and recycling of objects, point of sale AMAP, childcare, language courses, cooking, shopping, work space and internet access ). The examples differ in the type of urban center and buildings invested.



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Car Sharing: how to upgrade the mobility?

The aim of this project is clear: divide the number of cars and CO2 emissions by three easily and quickly, reduce travel time and improve user safety. These objectives are achievable with little spending and using the unused space near the RN20 .

South Ile is particularly well equipped with transport infrastructure : roads, highways, and railways strongly mark the landscape and land uses . Some tracks, like the N20 or the Paris are among the busiest in the country and are now the “ sewer cars .” These pathways although necessary to the life of the land and its inhabitants , are sources of pollution (C02 , noise, new malware ) , danger (excessive speed ) and fragmentation. Excessive traffic causing new plugs , travel time are also impacted.

Faced with these multiple negative effects, it is necessary to improve existing connections : pedestrian , bicycle and bus . Projects and events such as “ Car Free Day “, “ On your bike “ fun and educational activities can be devised for reasoning and reduce car use . For this, it is a hand to promote travel by foot and bicycle for short distances. On the other hand, the use of public transportation or carpooling for longer trips can be encouraged.

Public transport require large investments and long delays. We propose to support the practice car pooling.This inexpensive and applicable tomorrow , is a relevant lever to smooth traffic and reduce CO2 emissions. In addition , carpooling has a clear social and economic benefit for users. That is why we decided to develop this initiative in more detail on the RN20 , saturated axis , used by more than 55,000 vehicles per day.

INVESTMENTPrivate/public invesmtent from transport

providers, entrepreneurs, etc.

DESIGNERStrategically drafts and im-plements the design of the standsCOMMUNITY

Potential users

LOCAL GOVERNMENTProvides pick-up spaces and necessary infr struc-ture

DRIVERInitial service user

USERSdaily commuters

PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONResponsible for initiating and managing the scheme

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EventsAwareness events will be offered to the location of different stalls carpooling.Animations allow future carpoolers to meet, share schedules and contact infor-mation.

This initiative , shown as part of our proj-ect on the RN20 is transposed on roads such as the Paris of South A6, A10 or Ile .

Connecting secondary road to RN20

Locating the car sharing point

Stands carpool

Stalls carpooling , easily identifiable , are installed at busy intersections of the RN20 . Near dense residential areas , they are accessible to residents walking and cycling. These stands will be as spaces of sociability between users. Soon, they will become known to all public facilities .

Priority lanes

Priority lanes for carpoolers are installed on the RN20 , encouraging this practice. Thus, it is not necessary to create chan-nels 2x3 expensive.

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+91 9726416252 I bkswast ik@gmai l .com