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President’s Report 2020

At the end of my first year as President it has become apparent how little I knew at the beginning. I’d like to thank everyone for their efforts, large and small, during the year, on Show day and other times. In particular I have to thank the committee; Richard, Annie, Evelyn, Debra, Di, Aerlie, Irene, Leslie, and Chris Badenoch. Equally I know this really goes without saying but I’d also like to thank Lynne and Russell Norton, Sib, Rob, Lol, Jesse, Rhys, Moe, Oscar, Bridget and many, many others. Special word of gratitude to my wife Amanda for her unswerving support. I want to thank you all for facilitating a very important year. I have learnt a lot and couldn’t have done it without your

collaboration, your congeniality, and your collegiate atmosphere and attitude. With regard to the Show itself, personally I feel that the numbers are about right. I feel that what we offer is about right. I think we are offering something for most ages, most demographics, and something for locals and visitors. But I know that we can’t rest on our laurels. I know that we have to constantly reinvent ourselves and we do that together going forward and providing something unique and special. We couldn’t do this without our sponsors. They are crucial; they are members of our community and chief amongst them is our main sponsor Basket Range Sandstone. Ahead is fine tuning the Show with more offerings, more variety, keeping it fresh - there will be challenges. I can think immediately of the area behind the Forest Driver Pavilion which needs work, and we have made grant applications in that realm as well. Sadly the initial feeling is that we may miss out on that despite the sterling work of Evelyn and Di in bringing that submission together in an impressive way. In other areas I’d like to commend the volunteers and committee members for their work over the year - quick shout out to Di for her Works management. We now offer, as a Show society, an impressive kitchen and for that we must be thankful to Di, Rhys, Occy et al and also to Di for arranging the unveiling and launch which was frequented by many members of the community and local state MP, John Gardner and local Federal MP, Rebekah Sharkie. The big challenge as I see it for this year and this year’s Show will be the Sustainability Fair’s new schedule. We find ourselves at the beginning of the Show year with a significant area of white on our map but I remain confident we will excel and provide something innovative and interesting for our community and visitors to the area. There are various ideas of how we can progress in the year ahead. I’m keen to explore what we can do in the Sustainability Fair absence. I am keen to look at how we can improve our constitution and our day-to-day management, and to explore how we can improve our offering to those who hire the hall for weddings. And finally, I’m keen to explore relationships with preferred providers as a way of mitigating any issues regarding noise pollution at the Show hall when it is hired for events. During the past year I was pleased to walk around and visit the houses bordering the Show hall with Paul Noakes. I discovered in our informal walks and door-knocking that the general response was a positive one. I am however keen to maintain an open and transparent relationship between the Show society and the community. I’m very much looking forward to working with the new committee and working together to put on a Show to rival the high standard set in 2019. James Sadler

President’s Report 2021 In my President’s report a year ago I mentioned that I had learnt so very much and that, with the support of the community, the committee and everyone involved, I would continue to learn going into 2020. Well, I didn’t expect to learn so much, especially about COVID management plans. And so, it was instead of looking forward to and preparing for another show the committee, along with everyone else in the world, de voted our energies and efforts into ‘what do we do now’? There were many meeting s over many weeks and many months where we didn’t know what we should do. We were just hoping that we would return to normal. Then there was the discussion of the new normal. Eventually while looking around at all the other shows, festivals and public e vents that were postponing, cancelling or just plain old giving up, we at the Uraidla and Summertown Show continued to explore possibilities. It was deep into winter when the de cis ion was made that the show must go on...line. And so it was that come the first weekend in November we held a handful of competitions and instead of having it on public display we held the competition and the judging behind closed doors. But we recorded it. We filmed it, edited it and broadcast it all while strictly adhering to the restrictions that were placed upon us. A quick se arch online for the Uraidla Show 2020 will take you to the 30- minute video we made. There are also opportunities just to watch segments of it if you‘d rather. But what this whole exercise showed to me was a g re at resourcefulness, willingness and flexibility and determination by not only the committee but the entire community. People turned up, presented their honey or their baking or their beer or their wine or their spirits or whatever it was to be judged as if it were any other agricultural show. It was an unusual time, it was fractured to say the least, but some good thing s came out of it, in fact many good things came out of it. By way of example , we were fortunate to have our wine judged by Peter Godden, who normally de vote s his time to judging in shows such as the Royal Adelaide or the Royal Melbourne , but this time he made the arduous journey from Piccadilly to savor some of the entries.



For that we are grateful. We also learned that it can be done. We learned that it's not an arduous task to become a COVID marshal. We learned that we could s till offer competitions that were s till valid. We learned that people were s till interested because not only did a good number turn out for the competitions in some cases, we had more entrants than previous years. We learned so much and for that we are grateful. So, while it was a highly unusual year and a highly unusual show which be fitted the year, I s till regard the show for 2020 as a success. We reached out to our community and the community reached back. Thank you Uraidla and thank you everyone.

James Sadler

Contact Uraidla & Summertown Show

Phone: 8390 3653 Postal: PO Box 87, Uraidla SA 5142 Showgrounds: Swamp Road, Uraidla SA 5142

President: [email protected] Bookings: [email protected] Secretary: [email protected] Trade Space: [email protected] Treasurer: [email protected]

Keep up to date with all the happenings!


Come to our Wine Tent where our truly Local Wineries (Within 5kms of Uraidla) are on Show!

Blefari Wines

Whisson Lake

CRFT Wines

Basket Range Wines

Greenhill Wines


Wotton Family Wines




The Committee of the Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc., working in consultation with SA Health and SA Police authorities prioritises the health and safety of Uraidla Show attendees. Patrons will be denied entry to Uraidla Showgrounds should they have or show symptoms that may place persons at risk, or endanger or impact on public health.

By purchasing or accepting Tickets to the Uraidla Show event, Patrons acknowledge that, even with control measures in place at the Uraidla Showgrounds, there remains an unquantifiable risk of transmission of viral illness including COVID-19. By attending the Uraidla Showgrounds Patrons acknowledge that they have considered those risks and their own personal circumstances, including any health condition or vulnerability that Patrons may have, and the circumstances of persons with whom Patrons will be in close contact following attendance at the Uraidla Showgrounds. Patrons acknowledge that, for a small number of people, COVID-19 has very serious health consequences. The Committee of the Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. expressly relies on Patrons to bring this health issue waiver to the attention of any guest(s) of the Patron. The Committee of the Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. will rely on this health issue waiver and proceed on the basis that all Patrons acknowledge and accept these risks to enter the Uraidla Showgrounds.

The Committee of the Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. advises Patrons they must, prior to entry to the Showgrounds, either check in via the COVID SAfe Check-In application with the Show QR code or write their details on the supplied sheets at each entry gate.

Patrons who do not comply with directions of the Committee to comply with any health directions issued by SA Health’s Chief Health Officer in regards to COVID-19 specifically:

agree to practice physical distancing wherever possible, abide by any seating arrangement implemented by the Committee of the Uraidla &

Summertown H&F Society Inc.,

may be committing an offence and may be evicted from the Uraidla Showgrounds.





COVID-19 and the URAIDLA SHOW DAY Participation Requirements

We have collaborated with SA Health and SAPOL to put in place measures to ensure events are as safe as possible. To a certain degree, these requirements will only work if everyone plays their part in keeping the Uraidla Showgrounds COVID Safe.

We need you to:

- Stay home if you are feeling unwell and get tested for COVID-19 - Our free Bus Shuttles will be running from our Car Parks. Check In via the Show QR Code. Please ensure you keep to social distancing rules when lining up for your Bus. Please use the supplied sanitiser before and after your trip. Buses will be sanitised after each trip

- Be mindful of others when moving in and around the Showgrounds and maintain appropriate physical distancing at all times

- Follow signage and directions of Show Marshalls, Volunteers and Security staff

- Practice good hygiene at all times – keep up the hand washing/use sanitiser and always cough/sneeze into your elbow. Bring your own hand sanitizer

- Try to avoid touching door handles and other touch points – sanitise your hands after this and use hand sanitiser before eating

- A Show Marshall/ volunteer will ask you to Check In via the Show QR Code or for your Name and contact phone number prior to entry to the Uraidla Showgrounds to ensure Contact Tracing is possible if required

- If you develop any cold or flu symptoms after the Show PLEASE get tested for COVID-19

We hope you have a great time at The Uraidla Show and thank you for playing your part!




Contents President’s Report 2020 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

President’s Report 2021 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Highlights for 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 The Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Team ............................................................................................................................................... 9 2019 Members List ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Membership Form .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Adelaide Hills Council Prizes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Community Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Southern Country Shows Association ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 The Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Rules & Regulations .................................................................................................................... 15 Entry Form .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 How to Enter a Section....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Closing Dates for Entries ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Section A – Literary Location: Show Hall Northern Annex ....................................................................................................................... 21 Section B – Photography Location: Uraidla Primary School Hall ............................................................................................................ 22 South Australian Rural Ambassador Awards .................................................................................................................................................... 23 Rural Ambassador 2020/2021 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Section C – Art Location: Uraidla Primary School Gym .......................................................................................................................... 25 Section D – Vegetables Location: Show Hall............................................................................................................................................. 26 Tiersman Challenge ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Section E – Fruit Location: Show Hall .................................................................................................................................................... 28 Section F – Pot Plants Location: Show Hall Southern Annex ................................................................................................................... 30 Section G1 – Cut Flowers Location: Show Hall ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Section G2 – Roses Location: Show Hall ................................................................................................................................................... 32 Adelaide Hills Council Australia Day Civic Awards 2020 .............................................................................................................................. 33 Adelaide Hills Council Australia Day Civic Awards 2021 .............................................................................................................................. 34 Medal of the Order of Australia (General Division) 2020 ................................................................................................................................ 35 Section H – Floral Art Location: Show Hall................................................................................................................................................ 36 Summer in Uraidla ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Section I – Jams, Jellies, Preserves Location: Show Hall Southern Annex ................................................................................................. 38 Section J – Cookery Location: Show Hall Southern Annex ....................................................................................................................... 39 Laucke / SA Country Women’s Association Scone Competition .................................................................................................................... 40 Agricultural Societies Council of SA Rich Fruit Cake & Genoa Cake Championship ................................................................................... 41 Section K – Beer, Wine & Liqueurs Location: Show Hall ............................................................................................................................ 42 Hilda Holliday (nee Horsnell) 25/11/1928 – 09/04/2020 ................................................................................................................................. 43 Section L – Party Food & Party Pleasers Location: Show Hall Northern Annex ......................................................................................... 44 Section M – Eggs Location: Show Hall Northern Annex ........................................................................................................................ 45 Section N – Egg Artistry Location: Show Hall Northern Annex ................................................................................................................ 46 Section O – Honey Location: Show Hall Southern Annex ....................................................................................................................... 47 100 Years Ago .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Section P – Poultry Location: Forest Driver Pavilion ................................................................................................................................ 50 Section Q – Livestock Display Location: Livestock Paddock .................................................................................................................... 52 Section R – Children’s Pets Location: Forest Driver Pavilion .................................................................................................................... 52 Yard Dogs Competition ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Keith Wotton 5/07/1936 – 12/06/2020 .............................................................................................................................................................. 53 Section T – Dairy Food Location: Football Clubrooms .............................................................................................................................. 55 Section V – Lego Location: Football Clubrooms..................................................................................................................................... 55 Section W – Homecrafts & Handicrafts Location: Football Clubrooms ...................................................................................................... 56 Section X – Scarecrows Location: Uraidla School Grounds ...................................................................................................................... 58 Section Z – Upcycling Location: Uraidla School Grounds ......................................................................................................................... 58 Log Chopping Events ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Exhibit Location Diagram .................................................................................................................................................................................. 61

Front Cover: Thanks to Jacob Resch for his photo and Alex Hepinstall, Albino Rhino Graphic Design, for his great artwork.



Welcome to the 132nd Uraidla & Summertown Show!

Memberships: $20 Adult Membership, Voting rights & Three Admission Tickets

Membership must be purchased prior to the Show

Highlights for 2021

Show Halls open from 9am with many Competitive Sections to enter and view

South Australia’s Strongman Jordan Steffans Truck Pull

Rev it Up Family Racing

Multiple Entertainment Areas going all day from 10am

Rides and Kids Entertainment Zone all day

SA Society of Arboriculture Freestyle Climbing Competition

Australian Army Air Defence Capability Static Display

Yard Dogs

Livestock display Paddock

Log Chopping

Opening of the Show at 2pm

Final program available on admission


The Management Committee of the Society would like to thank all the people and sponsors who have so generously donated to the Show for many years.

To those who have donated trophies, ribbons and cash prizes, we are most grateful.

Special thanks are extended to judges, head stewards, convenors, stewards and the many

volunteers who assist in making our Show so successful.




The Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Team PATRONS: Vickie Chapman MP, Rebekha Sharkie MP, John Gardner MP, Dan Cregan MP, Josh Teague MP, Di Patton, Rosie Schultz, Neil Mullard OAM,. President: James Sadler Vice President: Evelyn Wagner Junior VP: Richard Cobbledick Secretary: Kim Murphy Treasurer: Jesse Chapman Public Officer: Tom Feinle-Bisset Convenor Rep / Snr Steward: Di Liebelt Second Steward: Lauren Parker Trade Space Co-ordinator: Aerlie Wildy Parks Rep: James Sadler Works/ Infrastructure: Rhys Liebelt/Oscar Walters Bookings Officer: Lesley Richards SCSA Delegate: James Sadler/Evelyn Wagner/Di Liebelt LIFE MEMBERS: IG Prentice, HG Dyer, J Johnson, G Elborough, FY Cobbledick, HW Boehm, AJ Cummins, B Cutting, CH Trenorden, RJ Cobbledick, HE Schultz, MG Squiers, CJ Willsmore, Dr MB Reid, R Pengelly, LSR Bonython, A Oschar, LG Trenorden HJ Wotton, E Holliday, F Jarrett, E Wittwer, HK Boehm, K Wotton, FL Driver, KR Burdett, Mrs K Schultz, Mrs H Holliday, Mrs V Pollard, PB Spurling, C Goosens, CO Trenorden, Mrs J Goosens, J Patton, G Trenorden, R Bishop, K Ritter, Mrs P Melville, L Klatt, Mrs J Evans OAM, Mrs J Noble, Mrs R Cranwell, Mrs G Driver, Mrs R Schultz, Ms D Liebelt, Mrs D Patton, K Schultz, K Cobbledick, R Liebelt, Mrs L Richards, Ms L Kennewell, Mrs D Horsnell, P Driver, Mrs J Geytenbeek, J Richards .

2019 Members List

Wanting to renew or subscribe to our 2020 membership before the show? See page 7 for more information. General Meetings of Members are held regularly. They are open to the public, however only Members have voting rights.

Badenoch, Chris & Di Bamford, Caro Bamford, David Beard, Paul Biggs, Jeanette Bisset, Jamie Bothe, Kathryn Bottroff, Steve & Jenni Boulton, Madge Britt, Morgen Brooker, Craig Budenberg, Ian Catalano, Family Cobbledick, Ken Cobbledick, Richard & Tara Collins, Karen Conroy, Margaret Cranwell, Rae & Peter Cregan MP, Dan Cummins, Barry Cummins, Leon Cummins, Milton Douglas, Tenille & Sean Driver, Glenda Driver, Phil East Torrens Historical Society Evans OAM, Jean Feinle-Bisset, Tom Fisher, Annie & Peter Fletcher, Doug & Mary Gardner MP, John Geytenbeek, Jan Gobbett, Don Goosens, Jenny Green, Pam & Barry Greet, Sally-Ann Hannaford, Merrilyn Higginson, Jo

Hogan, Pete Holliday, Hilda Holmes, Deb Horsnell, Doreen Jeffries, Raelene Jesse, Lisa Johansen, Bridget Johansen, Grant & Eirona Johnson, Carolyn Kats, Amara Kennewell, Leah Keynes, Andrew Kimber, Jim Kimber, Julie King, Sue Lawrence, Marg Liebelt, Damien (Moe) Liebelt, Di Liebelt, Mandy Liebelt, Rex Liebelt, Rhys Lockier, Annabelle Lockier, Steve Mawson, Kate Melville, Pam Monteith, Vicki Moulds, Barry & Nancy Mullard, Neil Murphy, Kim Nicol, MK & IA Noakes, Irene Noble, Josie Norton, Russel & Lynne Osborne, Lauren Osborne, Tammy Parente, Clare Parker, Michael Parker, Samantha

Parkin, James Pascale, Cecilia Patterson, Charlotte Patterson, Evelyn Patton, John & Di Preskett, Amanda Richards, Jon & Lesley Ritter, Ken & Mary Sadler, James Schiller, Courtney Schultz, Kevin & Rosie Seymour, Robin Shinnick, Karen Springwood Farm Raspberries Stacey, Mike & Lyn Steele, Michael Stewart, Rob Stewart, Wendy & Hugh Thomas, Chris Trenorden, Geoff & Di Venus, John Wagner, Annalise Wagner, Evelyn Walters, Oscar Washington, Jenni Weston, Sara White, Claire Wildy, Aerlie Williams, Tracey Willsmore, Don & Shirley Wotton, Keith Wright, Ruth Young, Barry & Louise Zacharoyannis, Calliope



Membership Form

Uraidla & Summertown Show Sunday, 7 November 2021

2021 - Membership Application

Please tick Renewing Member New Member


Postal Address




$20 full membership is open to any person 18 years or older at the date of application

Members are invited to attend Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society General Meetings & 2022 AGM

Membership status, once granted, will be continuous until 31st March 2022

2021 membership includes 3 tickets to the 2021 Uraidla Show

Contact details Postal

Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. PO Box 87 URAIDLA SA 5142


[email protected]


8390 3653


Please submit your membership application with payment to the Secretary two weeks prior to Show Day (by 17/10/21) to ensure your membership is processed.

We provide two convenient payment options:


Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. Bank: ANZ, Stirling BSB: 015-367 Account: 4565-59013 Reference: Member & Name (e.g. Member T. Jones)


Please post with your cheque payment to: The Secretary Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. PO Box 87 Uraidla SA 5142

We are proudly supported by:

PO Box 87, Uraidla SA 5142 | 8390 3653 | [email protected] | www.UraidlaShow.com | UraidlaSummertownCountryShow



The Uraidla & Summertown Show would like to thank and acknowledge the following Sponsors:

88.9 FM Hills Radio Inc. Adelaide Hills Council Adelaide Tree Farm Adelaide Recycle Timber AF Parker& Sons Albino Rhino Graphic Design Arkaba Gourmet Meat Ashton Valley Crush Basket Range Sandstone Ben Wye Engineering Bianco Mt Barker Bridgestone Select Tyre & Auto Magill Chilli Mojo Clayton Church Homes Cobbledick Produce Crafers Garden Centre Crafers Copy Centre Cribb Eng. & Bushfire Systems Dulux

East Torrens Historical Society Ferrari Bros. Geoff Davies Harding & Son Earthmoving Imagine Uraidla James & Deb Walters James Parkin John Gardner MP Juan Cordes Kevin Schultz KUBpower Summertown Matilda Bookshop Newman’s Nursery Neil Hunter Nelson Airconditioning Pty Ltd People’s Choice Peter & Annie Fischer Peter & Claire Schroeter Phil Driver Prancing Pony Brewery

Ralph Copeland Carpentry Rebekha Sharkie MP Rhys Liebelt Carpentry Russell’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Samwell & Sons Sexton/Glover/Watts Storm Electrical SA Stratco The Courier Newspaper The Owl and Elephant The Uraidla Hotel The Weekender Herald Timber Frames Australia TreeTechSA Uraidla Pantry Wallace Web Design Weald View Gardens Wotton’s Greenhill Cherries



Adelaide Hills Council Prizes

Most Successful Senior Exhibitor Presented to the Senior Exhibitor (resident of Adelaide Hills Council) who gains highest points across all sections. 2019 Winner: Morgen Britt

Most Successful Junior Exhibitor Presented to the Junior Exhibitor (resident of Adelaide Hills Council) who gains the highest points across all sections. 2019 Winner: Holly Parker 2019 Prizes to be presented on the Main Stage in the afternoon of the 2021 Show.

Community Groups An event of this nature would not be possible without the dedication and time volunteered by the local community groups. Your continued support of these groups is greatly appreciated. Basket Range Primary School 8390 3466 Country Fire Service (To Volunteer) 1300 364 587 SACWA Uraidla and Districts Branch [email protected] SACWA Balhannah & Districts Branch [email protected] SACWA Stirling and Districts Branch [email protected] East Torrens Historical Society 8390 3390 Heathfield High School 8139 9300 Imagine Uraidla [email protected] Lenswood Primary School 8389 8278 Nature Play Playgroup 8390 0457 Norton Summit Anglican Church 8390 1799 Norton Summit Baptist Church 8390 1814 Norton Summit Primary School 8390 1771 Scott Creek Primary School 8388 2251 Summertown Netball Club 0421 562 340 Summertown Uniting Church 8390 3006 Sustainability Fair [email protected] Uraidla Cricket Club 0407 794 202 Uraidla Districts Football Club 8390 1622 Uraidla Netball Club 0400 256 909 Uraidla Primary School 8390 3209 Uraidla Soldiers Memorial Park 0458 325 842

SHOW DAY PARKING In the interest of safety, General Public Parking will not be available on the Show Grounds. General Public Parks will be

signposted throughout the townships of Summertown and Uraidla and Shuttle buses will be operating from 9.00am with the last bus departing from the Secretary’s Office at 9.30pm



The Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society is affiliated with the:

Southern Country Shows Association

LIFE MEMBERS: Messrs B. H. Basham, A. G. Air and C. L. Dunn (all dec’d), Mr. Michael Scott ASM, Mrs. Pat McAlinden, Mrs Carol Youles, Mr. Rex Liebelt PATRONS: Mr. Michael Scott, Mr. Phil Miegel, Mrs. Pat McAlinden, Mrs. Carol Youles PRESIDENT: Mrs. Julianne Wandel, PO Box 272, Tintinara, SA 5266, Phone: (08) 8575 8036, Mobile: 0429 098 526 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Clive Wundersitz, Phone: (08) 8538 5064 JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT: Miss Nicole Filsell, Mobile: 0448 868 143 JOINT SECRETARYS: Mr. Rex Liebelt, 14 Lime Street, Strathalbyn, SA 5255, Phone: (08) 7511 7248, Mobile: 0407 181 664 / Mrs Gayle Garrett, Mobile: 0419 494 275 TREASURER: Mr. Rex Liebelt, 14 Lime Street, Strathalbyn, SA 5255, Phone: (08) 7511 7248, Mobile: 0407 181 664 OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION AWARDS: 2008: Helen Brewer (dec’d), 2009: Connie Launer, 2010: Dillis Wright (dec’d), 2011: Rex Liebelt, 2012: Jeff Evans, 2013: Malcolm Maywald, 2014: Alice Jericho, 2015: Jan White, 2017: Colin Rawlins, 2017: Thelma Pfeiffer: 2019 Leslie Gemmell


MURRAY BRIDGE A & H SOCIETY INC. Mrs Helen Schulz PO Box 315, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Office: (08) 8531 0248 Website: www.murraybridgeshow.com.au

Saturday 25 September

Saturday 24 September

YANKALILLA, RAPID BAY & MYPONGA A & H SOCIETY INC Mr Brian Matthews PO Box 215, Yankalilla SA 5203 Phone: 0484 377 062 Website: www.yankshow.com

Saturday 2 October

Saturday 1 October

STRATHALBYN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY INC Ms Kirsten Adams PO Box 713, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Mobile: 0430 902 907 Website: www.strathalbynshow.com.au

Monday 4 October

Monday 3 October

SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY INC (PORT ELLIOT) Mrs Gayle Garrett PO Box 399, Victor Harbor SA 5211 Mobile: 0419 494 275 Website: www.portelliotshow.com.au

Sat & Sun 9-10 October

Saturday & Sunday 8-9 October

COONALPYN & DISTRICT A & H SOCIETY INC Mrs Nadene Jericho PO Box 29, Coonalpyn SA 5265 Phone: (08) 8571 1002 Website: www.coonalpynshow.info

Saturday 16 October

Saturday 15 October

CALLINGTON A & H SOCIETY INC Mrs Judy Paech PO Box 21, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0415 701 493 Website: www.callingtonshow.com.au

Sunday 31 October

Sunday 30 October

URAIDLA & SUMMERTOWN H & F SOCIETY INC Ms Kim Murphy PO Box 87, Uraidla SA 5142 Phone: 8390 3653 Website: www.uraidlashow.com

Sunday 7 November

Sunday 6 November



SOUTHERN COUNTRY SHOWS ASSOCIATION Southern Country Show’s Association Rules No entry will be received from any person disqualified by any Society in this Association, or by the Southern Country Shows Association, during the period of such disqualification. Should an entry be accepted it shall, when discovered, be deemed void and the entry fee may be forfeited.

2021 AGGREGATE TROPHIES The following trophies to be won outright during the 2021 series of Annual Shows affiliated with the above association by the competitor exhibiting in at least two (2) shows. To be won by the exhibitor who gains the Highest Aggregate number of points. Points allotted: First, 5 points; Second, 3 points.

R.A.H.S. MEDALLION: SHEEP (all breeds)


The Southern Country Show’s Association acknowledges with gratitude the following companies & individuals support for the Aggregate Trophies: Royal A & H Society of SA Inc Laucke Flour Mills, Strathalbyn Strathalbyn H Hardware Strathalbyn Amcal Pharmacy G & J East Machinery, Strathalbyn Daish Irrigation & Fodder, Elders, Strathalbyn Murray Bridge & Strathalbyn Neutrog Australia, Kanmantoo Fleurieu Poultry & Pigeon Club Murray Bridge A & H Society Compass Farm Feeds, Mt Compass Spotlight, Mt Barker Bunnings, Mt Barker Ned’s Emporium Victoria Hotel, Strathalbyn Crystal Creations on High Street, Strathalbyn Rex & Leah Liebelt, Strathalbyn Seaside Secretarial Carol Youles, Middleton GG’s Fleurieu Travel, Victor Harbor Nicole Filsell Julianne Wandel, Culburra Michael Scott, Patron Michael Hall, Brukunga Phil Miegel, Patron

A joint SCSA/ CDSA Perpetual Trophy has been donated by Damien Liebelt and Jacquie Francis to an exhibitor who exhibits in a minimum of 2 shows in each association. This year’s section is BEEF CATTLE.

Presentation rotates and in 2022 will be presented at the CDSA dinner.

2021/22 is BEEF CATTLE; 2022/23 is PHOTOGRAPHY 2017 Winner: POULTRY – Rex & Leah Liebelt, 2018 Winner: COOKERY – Carolyn Johnson 2019 Winner: SHEEP – Helen Wright, 2020 Winner: JAMS & PRESERVES – Denise Frahn 2021 Laucke/ CWA Scone Competition – Carolyn Johnson

2021 A.S.C.S.A. Rich Fruit Cake and Genoa Cake Semi- Finals – Strathalbyn Show

2021 S.C.S.A. Trophy Presentation Night – Sat December 4th

2022 S.C.S.A. Annual Dinner & Y R A Finals – Sat April 30

th – Murray Bridge

2022 S.C.S.A. Laucke/ CWA Scone Finals – Sat April 30th

– Murray Bridge

Kangaroo Island Shows Association 2021: Kingscote Show – Saturday 30 October

Parndana Show – Saturday 13 November

Central Districts Shows Association 2022: Angaston Show – February 26

Mannum Show – March 5 Tanunda Show – March 12

Mt Pleasant Show – March 19 Mt Barker Show – March 26



The Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Rules & Regulations

Membership Annual Membership entitles the member to three complimentary tickets. Membership fees are due on the day of the Show each

year. Membership for 2021 is $20. Admission Admission to grounds is $10 for all attendees 12 years and over. Exhibitors delivering exhibits on show day must pay upon entry and will receive a wristband which will enable their re-entry to the

grounds if they choose to leave. The Show grounds will open at 0630 on Show Day for Exhibitors (note delivery and judging times –see each Section) and Traders. Only those with Parking Permits will be permitted to park within the Show grounds. Dogs must be on lead and are PROHIBITED entry to all buildings/halls and in the vicinity of exhibits ie Yard Dogs, Poultry, Livestock

etc. Section Regulations, Entries & Exhibits Special regulations may apply to individual Sections. See individual Section Notes. Please note that due to COVID, some Section entries cannot be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver

form has been completed. Available from the Convenor. See individual Section Notes. All entries must be made on the forms provided within this book and mailed to the Secretary, PO Box 87, Uraidla SA 5142, or,

emailed to [email protected], or, to the Section Convenor, or, delivered to the Show office. A separate entry form must be used for each Section entered. Most sections have no entry fee and pay no prize money. Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging (see individual Section delivery and staging times in the Section notes) Sunday 1

November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor. All exhibits must be the property of the exhibitor or otherwise provided for by the Regulations of the Show. Exhibitors must affix the proper name of the exhibit to the exibit, where practicable. All exhibitors must place their exhibits in the space allocated to them by the Steward, to be ready for judging at the times

specified/stated in each section. Any exhibitor giving a wrong description of his or her exhibit, with the intention of deceiving or defrauding the Society, may be

refused entry to future Shows. Junior competitor definition is 16 years or Under as at 30/4/21 unless otherwise specified within the Section. The judges are instructed to withhold any prize should the exhibits in their opinion not be deserving, and may award 2nd Prize if in

their opinion any exhibit is unworthy of 1st Prize.

Exhibitors may, with Steward’s permission, affix their name and price to their exhibit after judges have made their awards. Trophies/sashes are awarded based on 5 points for first, 3 points for second and 1 point for third (where applicable). The committee

reserves the right to award trophies/sashes instead of money. All reasonable care will be taken of exhibits, but the Society will not be responsible for loss or damage that may occur. All exhibits to

be in position by the staging time stated in that section, except where otherwise arranged with the Convenor. The committee has the power to accept late nominations and entries, subject to a satisfactory explanation being tendered. Protests against an award in any of the competitive sections, including Poultry or Log Chopping, must be lodged in writing, with the

Secretary within one hour of the announcement of the results of judging. The protest will be passed to the Head Steward who will make all necessary inquiries and determine the matter. Such determination will be final.

Prize money not claimed within one calendar month of the Show will be forfeited to the Society. Trade Space Exhibits No tent, booth, or hawkers will be allowed on the grounds without the consent of the President and payment of fee. The Society has complete control of advertising on the Show Grounds. The Society decides upon the suitability of each Registration of Interest application for a Trade site at the Show and reserves the

right to decline applications. The Society will allocate suitable sites on the Show Grounds areas for trade exhibits. All Registration of Interest applications for these sites accompanied by the relevant fee must be in the hands of the Trade Space

Coordinator by 23th October 2021. All hirers of trade space shall have and supply the Trade Space Coordinator with a copy of their COVID Safe Plan and on Show Day,

implement such Plan. All hirers of trade space shall have adequate current public risk insurance and show evidence when applying. All working exhibits likely to be a danger to the public shall be adequately encompassed, such being the responsibility of the

exhibitor. The Society will take no responsibility whatsoever for any accident caused by trade exhibits or exhibitors. The Society will not provide any cover or housing for trade exhibits, such being the responsibility of the exhibitor. All sites will be allocated as near as possible to the requirements of the accepted trade exhibitor, however final determination of such

sites shall be at the discretion of the Society. Due to the watering system, NOTHING IS TO PENETRATE THE OVAL AND/OR SURROUNDING SURFACE. Sandbags or cement blocks

are suitable alternatives to hold down tents or other infrastructure. Livestock and Diseases Any exhibits from properties within the proclaimed Branched Broom Rape Weed quarantine zone or from out-of-zone properties

infested with this weed must be accompanied by a statutory declaration and appropriate certificate of approval. All dairy/beef cattle, sheep and dairy goats must be TB and Brucellosis free and provide a copy of their Johne’s certificate to the

Show Secretary upon entry to the grounds. All other livestock must be in good health and free from parasites. PIC numbers must be provided to the Show Secretary and all animals must have NLIS identification tags fitted. (Each animal and each




Entry Form

Entry Form (one form per section)


Exhibitor’s full name: …………………………………….……….…………………………………..… Age if junior: ….…..………...

Postal address: ……………………………….……………………………………….………….. Postcode:……………..........

Contact number: ………………………………. Email: …………………………………..……………………….….………………

I reside in the Adelaide Hills Council area and wish to be included in the AHC Awards For full details of the AHC awards see page 11 of the show book

Section Letter

Class No

Description and/or Name of Exhibit No of


Animals Only

Entry fee


NO ENTRY FORMS WILL BE RECEIVED ON SHOW DAY Staging of exhibits must be completed as per the section instructions to allow judging to commence on time. Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30/4/2021 unless otherwise specified within the Section. See Closing Dates for Entries Page or relevant Section for appropriate dates.

I, the undersigned, declare that I have read and will abide by the rules and regulations of the Show Society in relation to the exhibits entered above.

Signed: …………………………………….……………………

Post: Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc. Email: [email protected] PO Box 87, URAIDLA SA 5142

For more forms visit our website: www.uraidlashow.com



The Uraidla & Summertown Show would like to thank and acknowledge the following Sponsors:

88.9 FM Hills Radio Inc. Adelaide Hills Council Adelaide Tree Farm Adelaide Recycle Timber AF Parker& Sons Albino Rhino Graphic Design Arkaba Gourmet Meat Ashton Valley Crush Basket Range Sandstone Ben Wye Engineering Bianco Mt Barker Bridgestone Select Tyre & Auto Magill Chilli Mojo Clayton Church Homes Cobbledick Produce Crafers Copy Centre Crafers Garden Centre Cribb Eng. & Bushfire Systems Dulux

East Torrens Historical Society Ferrari Bros. Geoff Davies Harding & Son Earthmoving Imagine Uraidla James & Deb Walters James Parkin John Gardner MP Juan Cordes Kevin Schultz KUBpower Summertown Matilda Bookshop Newman’s Nursery Neil Hunter Nelson Airconditioning Pty Ltd People’s Choice Peter & Annie Fischer Peter & Claire Schroeter Phil Driver Prancing Pony Brewery

Ralph Copeland Carpentry Rebekha Sharkie MP Rhys Liebelt Carpentry Russell’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Samwell & Sons Sexton/Glover/Watts Storm Electrical SA Stratco The Courier Newspaper The Owl and Elephant The Uraidla Hotel The Weekender Herald Timber Frames Australia TreeTechSA Uraidla Pantry Wallace Web Design Weald View Gardens Wotton’s Greenhill Cherries



We would like to take this opportunity in joining all other South Australian Show Societies in extending our sincere thanks and appreciation to the sponsors of the Agricultural Societies Council of South Australia.

We acknowledge the aid and support of the following organisations listed below that are connected with all events associated with the Agricultural Societies Council and the Country Show Societies of South Australia.

Please support the organisations that support us.



South Australian Country Shows is a member of the National body, Agricultural Shows Australia. For information on what is happening with Country Shows and at Royal Shows nationwide like their facebook page, follow them on twitter or sign up for their newsletter.

Federal Council of Agricultural Societies - List of Banned Items at SA Agricultural Shows: Water Bombs Bouncing Beans Stink Bombs Silly String Pressure Pack Fart Gas Pressure Pack Snow Playing Cards (Nude or Lurid) Metal and Wooden Martial Art Nun Chakas Laser Pointers or Lights Laser Pen Lights and or Laser Toys Knives (including Pen Knives) (excluding appropriately packaged kitchenware sets) Horns, Trumpets and Vousvousales Fuel type Fire Lighters (Zippo) Fireworks - Crackers Explicit and Hardcore T-Shirts Explicit DVD’s & Videos Iridescent Hair Spray Fake Cigarettes Drug Related Goods (including cocaine kits, bongs etc) Toy Guns are tolerated but the following are NOT: Replica Guns and Pistols (Bullet Types) Ball Bearing guns Gel Blaster Guns Eight Shot Caps Pellet guns Pop Downs (throw downs) Potato Guns (Bullet Type) Roll Caps Strip Caps Water Pistols over 150mm (6”) SWORDS Samurai, English and Fencing swords are to be sold in SEALED packages by LICENSED traders ONLY and must REMAIN in their packaging until REMOVED FROM the grounds.



How to Enter a Section

Rules and Advice for Exhibitors All entries must be made on the entry form included in this book or available at: uraidlashow.com 1. A separate entry form must be used for each Section, ie Cookery, not each Class, ie Plain Scones. 2. Do not enter if you have cooked whilst in isolation or quarantine or unwell. 3. Do not enter any section if you have been or unwell. 4. If you have any questions, please contact the Section Convenor. 5. Entry forms must be received by the Show secretary or Convenor before the closing date. Please

consult the notes for individual Sections for specific closing dates or the table on below. Entry fees are only applicable to the Poultry section with payment to the Convenor.

6. Entries can be made: By posting the completed entry form to the Secretary, PO Box 87, Uraidla, SA 5142. In person at the Show Office, Swamp Road, Uraidla. The Office will be open 2 weeks prior to the Show from 0900 – 1600. By emailing a completed, scanned copy of the entry form(s) to the Secretary at [email protected].

7. Please see specific conditions for individual Sections included in this book. 8. Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging (see individual Section delivery and staging

times in the Section notes) Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

9. Exhibitors are advised to consult the Show’s Rules and Regulations, page 14.

Closing Dates for Entries Section A Literary ........................................................ Thursday 4 November Section B Photography ........................................... Wednesday 3November Section C Art ........................................................... Wednesday 3November Section D Vegetables ...................................................... Friday 5 November Section E Fruit ................................................................. Friday 5 November Section F Pot Plants ........................................................ Friday 5 November Section G1 Cut Flowers ................................................. Thursday 4 November Section G2 Roses ...................................................... Wednesday 3 November Section H Floral Art ......................................................... Friday 5 November Section I Jams, Jellies, Preserves ................................ Thursday 4 November Section J Cookery ....................................................... Thursday 4 November Section K Beer, Wine & Liqueurs ................................ Thursday 4 November Section L Party Food & Party Pleasers ............................ Friday 5 November Section M Eggs ............................................................. Thursday 4 November Section N Egg Artistry .................................................. Thursday 4 November Section O Honey .......................................................... Thursday 4 November Section P Poultry.......................................................... Monday 1 November Section R Children’s Pets ............................................ Thursday 4 November Section T Dairy Food ................................................... Thursday 4 November Section V Lego............................................................. Thursday 4 November Section W Homecrafts & Handicrafts ............................... Friday 5 November Section X Scarecrows .................................................. Thursday 4 November Section Z Upcycling... ..................................................Thursday 4 November Yard Dogs ........................................................................ Saturday 9 October Log Chopping ........................................................................ Saturday 9 October Young Rural Ambassador ...................................................... Monday 1 November Rural Ambassador ................................................................. Monday 1 November Tiersman Challenge ................................................................. Sunday 7 November



Attention Primary Schools: There will be an exhibits pick up available on Wednesday, 3 November from the schools listed below. If you have exhibits that will last until Sunday, for example, art, home crafts, longest zucchinis etc, we will pick them up after school and bring them to the show. PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING.

Aldgate Primary

Basket Range Primary

Crafers Primary

Oakbank Area School

Lenswood Primary

Norton Summit Primary

Stirling East Primary

Scott Creek Primary

Please note that ANYONE dropping off exhibits on Sunday morning without an entry ticket will be charged the $10 entry fee. The wristband will enable your entry back into the Showgrounds if you choose to leave. In the interests of the attending Show visitors and consistency across the sections, we ask you to please collect your exhibits after 4.30pm or as times indicated within each Section rules. Entry fees and prize money are only required in stated sections. PLEASE USE ONE ENTRY FORM PER SECTION

Section A – Literary Location: Show Hall Northern Annex Convenor: Russell Wotton P: 0439 841 156 E: [email protected]

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Exhibits clearly identified and be delivered with entry form.

All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Entries and exhibits may be emailed in PDF format.

Minimum font size is 11pt.

Limit for all entries is one (1) A4 Page.

Champion Sash for: Open Exhibit, High School Exhibit: Primary School Exhibit Open 1. Poem any theme 2. Prose any theme 3. Literary work about National Parks Junior 13-16 years 4. Poem any theme 5. Prose any theme 6. Literary work about National Parks

Junior 9-12 years 7. Poem any theme 8. Prose any subject 9. Literary work about National Parks Junior 6-8 years 10. Poem any theme 11. Prose any subject 12. Literary work about National Parks Junior 5 years and under 13. Any literary work

1/8 Mt Barker Rd

Stirling, 5152




Section B – Photography Location: Uraidla Primary School Hall Convenor: Di Badenoch P: 8390 3481 Stewards: Sharon Little

Entry form submissions close Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

All exhibits to be delivered to the Convenor at the Uraidla Primary School Hall, Kidney Street, between 5.00-6.30pm on Friday 5 November 2021. Please ring Convenor to make arrangements if you need to deliver prior to this time.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

All exhibits to be the work of amateurs, other than the developing and printing.

A maximum of three (3) exhibits per numbered class, per entrant.

All prints to be mounted on paper or light card with a maximum border of 3cm (no thick card please).

Exhibitors name, address, and class entered on the back of each exhibit.

Exhibits in frames will not be accepted. No prints to be bigger than A4.

Champion Sash for: Open Exhibit, High School Exhibit, Primary School Exhibit Colour prints and/or enlargements 1. Sunrise/sunset 2. Animal/bird study 3. Landscape/seascape 4. Holiday snapshot 5. Portrait 6. Nature study 7. Building/architectural study 8. Any other subject 9. Uraidla Show represented

Black & White prints and/or enlargements 10. Portrait 11. Animal/nature/bird study 12. Any other subject

High School Student 13. Sunrise/sunset 14. Portrait 15. Landscape/Seascape 16. Nature Study 17. Any Other Subject

Primary School Student 18. Sunrise/sunset 19. Portrait 20. Landscape/Seascape 21. Nature Study 22. Any Other Subject

East Torrens Historical Society Prize ($50 Cash) 23. Aspects of life in the Adelaide

Hills. Scenes depicting everyday life in the Adelaide Hills



2020/2022 Stock Journal, Royal Adelaide Show & Uraidla and Summertown Show

South Australian Rural Ambassador Awards

Conducted in conjunction with Agricultural Societies Council of South Australia and open to both young men and young women.

Rural Ambassador (20-30 yrs as at 1st May 2021)

Rural ambassador Youth Award (16-19 yrs as at 1st May 2021)

The Award Offers…… Meeting and making of new friendships Community involvement at local Show

Cash Prize….Association level Active involvement at Royal Show for Association winner

Accommodation and other costs provided for Corporate clothing package

State winner - $5000 prize money Placegetters - $1000 prize money

(state final awards/prizes may be subject to alteration)

These awards are conducted by SA Country Shows, who will be duly responsible for selecting the state winner during the course of each Royal Adelaide Show. All entrants who enter the awards must provide an undertaking that they will abide by the regulations and entry conditions as set out and to abide by the decisions of SA Country Shows. The rules and regulations apply to all three levels of this award: Country Show Society, Association and State Levels. The awards will be run by qualification through Country Shows to Association finals with a State final being held during the 2021 Royal Adelaide Show. Aims:

To highlight the importance of youth in rural South Australia and in particular the agricultural show movement.

To identify and encourage enthusiastic, skilful, industrious and unselfish young people.

To give young people a forum to express their views through education and experience and develop closer links with the primary industries in South Australia.

For more information about the award, contact Society Secretary, Kim Murphy

[email protected]




Uraidla & Summertown Horticultural & Floricultural Society


Southern Country Shows Association

Rural Ambassador 2020/2021

Oscar Walters

Thelma Pfeiffer with Oscar Walters at the SCSA Trophy Presentation Night 2019

Oscar is currently studying a bachelor in business management at Uni SA whilst working at Adelaide Hills Fresh which grows, sources and delivers premium fresh apples, pears and produce to the world. He was raised in Uraidla by his family who has generationally been involved in the marketing and fruit industry of the Adelaide Hills.

Fitness is one of Oscar’s passions whether it is rock wall climbing, gym work, or simply running, all with the aim of being one of the Uraidla Districts Football Club’s top mid-field A Grade players. Oscar’s knowledge of machinery, planning and his eagerness to contribute to the community has seen him volunteer to assist with the layout, infrastructure building, and of course be a vital ‘go to’ person on Show day. His easy going nature and ability to work well with the younger members of the community and bring them into the Show community has been a real asset. He is a vital member of the Show’s Layout Committee as well as the Show’s Management Committee by bringing forth new ideas relevant to youth in our district. As an example, he was instrumental in the co-ordination and introduction of our Show’s inaugural Tree Climbing event in 2019. Community is important to the Uraidla and Summertown Country Show as it is our districts biggest event of the year. The Show pulls together so many locals to set up the show and also brings in a wider community to then enjoy the big day. Being a part of the Show community has allowed Oscar to expand his contact list by meeting many new people who have far more experience in business than him and has allowed him to learn from these incredible people. By representing the Uraidla and Summertown Country Show as the Rural Ambassador, Oscar hopes to expand his skills and knowledge. He aims to do this by interacting with other Show members, taking on board different ideas, and bringing that experience back to our show to help improve on what is already a great event. Country Shows face many challenges, competing with other shows, attracting volunteers, finding new ways to attract the public, basically continually revitalising the Show. It is his pleasure and honour to be representing not only the Uraidla and Summertown H&F Society but the Southern Country Show Association and he hopes that he can do them proud in his journey as the Rural Ambassador. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a rural ambassador, see details on page 22.



Section C – Art Location: Uraidla Primary School Gym

Convenor: Chris Badenoch P: 0458 325 842 Steward:

Entry form submissions close Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Submit entry forms to the Secretary, Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society Inc, PO Box 87 URAIDLA SA 5142 or email: [email protected]

All exhibits to be delivered to the Convenor, Uraidla Primary School Gym, Kidney Street, 5.00-8.00pm on Friday 5 November 2021. Please phone the Convenor if you need to arrange delivery prior to this time.

Each exhibitor to have a separate entry form.

A maximum of three (3) exhibits per numbered class, per entrant.

Entries must be the original work of the exhibitor.

Entries must be framed or block-mounted and wired or strung ready for hanging.

Size of each entry must be included on entry form - height (mm) x width (mm).

No entry may be larger than 1000mm x 1000mm (or greater in area than 1 square metre).

Junior artwork will be hung by pins through the artwork, unless provided ready for hanging.

Artist’s name, address and class number must be included on the back of each exhibit.

Every care will be taken, but no responsibility will be accepted for exhibits damaged or lost during exhibition.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day (see Convenor or Steward on duty).

Sashes: Champion Open, Champion Youth, Champion Intermediate, Champion Junior Open prize donated by the Family of JT Cutting

Youth and Primary School prizes donated by Chris Badenoch Open 1. Modern composition, any medium 2. Landscape, oils or acrylic 3. Landscape, watercolour 4. Seascape, any medium. 5. Still life, any medium

6. Portrait or figure study 7. Animal study 8. Building study 9. Drawing 10. Print

11. Sculpture 12. Computer-generated

(original art, not adapted from a photo)

13. Any other subject, any medium Youth – 13 to 17 Years 14. Portrait or figure study 15. Drawing 16. Painting 17. Collage 18. Sculpture/Construction

(No kits or Lego) 19. Computer-generated

(original art, not adapted from a photo)

20. Any other subject

Intermediate – 10 to 12 Years 21. Drawing 22. Painting 23. Collage 24. Sculpture/Construction

(No kits or Lego)

Junior – 7 to 9 Years 25. Drawing 26. Painting 27. Collage 28. Sculpture/Construction

(No kits or Lego) Primary – to 6 Years 29. Drawing 30. Painting 31. Collage 32. Sculpture/Construction

(No kits or Lego)



Section D – Vegetables Location: Show Hall Convenor: Deanne Hanchant-Nichols P: 0417 801 744 Steward: Mike Jones, Tony Hanchant-Nichols

Entry form submissions close Friday 5 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30 April 2021.

Exhibits, clearly identified, may be delivered on Saturday 6 November or prior to 8.00am Sunday 7 November.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging/judging by 8.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor. Exhibits delivered after this time may not be judged.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward. Please note that due to COVID, no Vegetables entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

Champion Sash for best exhibit (Home Gardener, Organic Gardener & Junior Gardener) Aggregate Points Prize donated by Damien Liebelt

Show Day Vegetable Display, courtesy of Cobbledick Produce, will be located in the Food and Wine area Home Gardener 1. Beans, any variety, 12 pods 2. Snow Peas, 6 pods 3. Peas AOV, 12 pods 4. Carrots, bunch of 4 5. Parsnips, bunch of 4 6. Turnips, bunch of 4 7. Cabbage, 1 8. Cauliflower, 1 9. Broccoli, 1 head 10. Lettuce, 1 11. Silver Beet, red/ruby, 6 leaves 12. Silver Beet, traditional, 6 leaves 13. Onions, 1 variety, plate of 4

14. Spring onions, 6 15. Leeks, 2 16. Potatoes, 1 variety, plate of 4 17. Garlic, 1 variety, 2 bulbs 18. Butternut Pumpkin, 1 19. Queensland Blue, 1 20. Pumpkin, any other, 1 21. Pumpkin, largest 22. Rhubarb, leaves on, bunch of 4 sticks 23. Avocado, plate of 3 24. Parsley, bunch, flat leaf 25. Parsley, bunch, curly leaf 26. Basil, bunch

27. Coriander, bunch 28. Mint, bunch 29. Thyme, bunch 30. Rosemary, bunch 31. Any other vegetable 32. Unusual Shaped Vegetable 33. Longest zucchini 34. Market Basket, minimum 1 each of;

root vegetable, leaf vegetable, legume, onion/leek/shallot, herbs. Recipe utilising the contents of your market basket optional but gratefully received.

Organic Gardener All organic vegetables must be grown by the exhibitor without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers 35. Beans, any variety, 12 pods 36. Snow Peas, 6 pods 37. Peas AOV, 12 pods 38. Carrots, bunch of 4 39. Beetroot, bunch of 4 40. Parsnips, bunch of 4 41. Turnips, bunch of 4 42. Swedes, bunch of 4 43. Cabbage, 1 44. Cauliflower, 1 45. Broccoli, 1 head 46. Lettuce, 1 47. Silver Beet, red/ruby, 6 leaves 48. Silver Beet, traditional, 6 leaves

49. Onions, 1 variety, plate of 4 50. Spring onions, 6 51. Leeks, 2 52. Potatoes, 1 variety, plate of 4 53. Garlic, 1 variety, 2 bulbs 54. Butternut Pumpkin, 55. Queensland Blue, 1 56. Pumpkin, any other, 1 57. Pumpkin, largest 58. Rhubarb, leaves on, bunch of 4 sticks 59. Avocado, plate of 3 60. Parsley, bunch, flat leaf 61. Parsley, bunch, curly leaf 62. Basil, bunch

63. Coriander, bunch 64. Mint, bunch 65. Thyme, bunch 66. Rosemary, bunch 67. Any other vegetable 68. Unusual Shaped Vegetable 69. Market Basket, minimum 1 each of;

root vegetable, leaf vegetable, legume, onion/leek/shallot, herbs. Recipe utilising the contents of your market basket optional but gratefully received.

Junior Gardener 70. Beans, any variety, 12 pods 71. Snow Peas, 6 pods 72. Peas AOV, 6 pods 73. Carrots, bunch of 4 74. Beetroot, bunch of 4 75. Parsnips, bunch of 4 76. Turnips, bunch of 4 77. Swedes, bunch of 4 78. Cabbage, 1 79. Cauliflower, 1 80. Broccoli, 1 head 81. Lettuce, 1 82. Silver Beet, red/ruby, 6 leaves 83. Silver Beet, traditional, 6 leaves 84. Onions, 1 variety, plate of 4

85. Spring onions, 6 86. Leeks, 2 87. Potatoes, 1 variety, plate of 4 88. Garlic, 1 variety, 2 bulbs 89. Butternut Pumpkin 90. Queensland Blue, 1 91. Pumpkin, any other, 1 92. Pumpkin, largest 93. Rhubarb, leaves on, bunch of 4 sticks 94. Avocado, plate of 3 95. Parsley, bunch, flat leaf 96. Parsley, bunch, curly leaf 97. Basil, bunch 98. Coriander, bunch 99. Mint, bunch

100. Thyme, bunch 101. Rosemary, bunch 102. Any other vegetable 103. Unusual Shaped vegetable 104. Market Basket, minimum 1 each of;

root vegetable, leaf vegetable, legume, onion/leek/shallot, herbs. Recipe utilising the contents of your market basket optional but gratefully received.

105. Tiny Vegetable, any small vegetables up to 3 items or varieties

106. Best 3; 3 different vegetables of any variety. (eg; 1 broccoli, one onion, and 6 snow pea pods)



Tiersman Challenge

Tiersman: noun Australian (chiefly in South Australia)

A lumberjack working on a forested mountain range.

Example: stringybark for buildings in Adelaide was cut by the


Teams of two, registered on Show Day at the East Torrens Lions Club Bar. Reliving the physical challenges our Hills’ forebears encountered. For over 16’s only. Don’t have to be fit, just have to be game! Contact Lenny 0404 373 730 for more information: Sponsored by the East Torrens Historical Society

East Torrens Historical Society

The Mt Barker Courier and Onkarparinga and Gumeracha Advertister excerpt

Friday 25 February 1921

Uraidla and Summertown Horticultural and Floricultural Society


The annual show of the Uraidla and Summertown Horticultural and Floricultural Society was held at Uraidla on Saturday, in

glorious weather, when there was a very large attendance. In the absence of his Excellency the Governor, owing to his

recent bereavement, the show was declared open - by the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Hon. G. R Laffcr). Late in the

afternoon His Excellency, Lady Weigall, and Miss Priscilla Weigall paid an informal visit, and stayed about half an hour.

Fruit is one of the principal products of the district, and a truly representative show of excellent quality was made. The

apples generally were exceptionally fine. Plums also made a capital display. The judges, Messrs, Cowling and Bishop, stated

that the collection was really good and there was great keenness- in competition. Mr. A. J. Hann scored heavily in the fruit

section, obtaining first place for ten varieties of edible fruits (tomatoes excepted), and for twelve peaches.

Some fine filberts, walnuts and melons were staged. The blackberries were of excellent quality. The vegetables were

splendid, there being no weakness in any section. The cabbages in particular, comprised many superb specimens.

Dairy produce was a small class. There were very few exhibitors, but the goods staged were of good quality. The butter was

said to be the best ever shown at Uraidla. The chief prize-winners were Messrs. Elborough Bros., R. Udy, and Cobbledick


Poultry formed a small section, but there were same high-class birds, particularly among the Black Orpingtons. The awards

for breeders pen of five hens and cock went to Messrs. Cobbledick Bros., and they also scored for White Leghorn cock and




Section E – Fruit Location: Show Hall

Convenor: Lauren Parker P: 0400 512 431 E: [email protected] Stewards: Janelle Parker

Entry form submissions close Friday 5 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Exhibits must be clearly marked NOT FOR SALE if exhibitors wish to keep their entries.

All apples and pears 6 pieces of fruit per plate (except Class 10.- Any Variety, 6kg tray off the packing line).

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging by 8.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward. Please note that due to COVID, no Fruit entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

Champion Sash for best exhibit - Open (Apples, Pears, Citrus, Other) and Home Gardener

Apples 1. Spur-type – Red Delicious 2. Granny Smith 3. Golden Delicious 4. Gala – Any Red Variety 5. Pink Lady 6. Fuji 7. Sundowner 8. Apples, any old variety (labelled) 9. Apples, any new variety (labelled) 10. Apples, Packing Tray 6kg, Any

Variety Pears 11. Pears – Buerre Bosc 12. Pears – Packhams Triumph 13. Pears – Josephine 14. Pears – Corella 15. Pears – Nashi 16. Pears – Duchess 17. Pears – A.O.V (labelled) Citrus 18. Oranges, 6, 19. Mandarins, 6 20. Grapefruit, 4 21. Lemons, 6 22. Limes, 6 23. Any other citrus, 6

Other Fruit & Nuts 24. Peaches, 6 White Clingstone 25. Peaches, 6 White Freestone 26. Peaches, 6 Yellow Clingstone 27. Peaches, 6 Yellow Freestone 28. Nectarines, 6 Yellow Flesh 29. Nectarines, 6 White Flesh 30. Quinces, 4 31. Prunes, 8 32. Plums, 6, White Flesh 33. Plums, 6 Red Flesh 34. Blackberries, 1 punnet 35. Strawberries, 1 punnet 36. Raspberries, 1 punnet 37. Any other berry, 1 punnet

(labelled) 38. Figs, 6 39. Cherries, 1 plate 40. Watermelon, 1 41. Sweet Melon, 1 42. Passionfruit, 8 43. Filberts, 10 44. Walnuts, 8, green or dry

Home Gardener 45. Apple, 6 Any Variety (labelled) 46. Pear, 6 Any Variety (labelled) 47. Peaches, 6 Any Variety 48. Nectarines, 6 Any Variety 49. Quinces, 4 50. Prunes, 8 51. Plums, 6 Any Variety 52. Blackberries, 1 punnet 53. Strawberries, 1 punnet 54. Raspberries, 1 punnet 55. Any Other Berry, 1 punnet

(labelled) 56. Figs, 6 57. Grapes, bunch 58. Watermelon, 1 59. Sweet melon, 1 60. Passionfruit, 8 61. Filberts, 10 62. Walnuts, 8, green or dry 63. Almonds, 8 64. Cherries, 1 plate 65. Oranges, 6, 66. Mandarins, 6 67. Grapefruit, 4 68. Lemons, 6 69. Limes, 6 70. Any other fruit



Uraidla Show Tree Climbing Event

Based upon the huge success of the South Australian Society of Arboriculture (SASA) inaugural Freestyle Tree Climbing Competition at the Show in 2019, the boys and girls will be coming back in 2020.

Another of our magnificent trees will be scaled this year during the Uraidla Show on Sunday 1st November; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes will be up for grabs for the fastest climbers and will be provided by their major sponsor, Vermeer!

Come along and see these daring men and women doing what they do best, climbing fast up trees!!

Once again we will all be looking skyward!



Section F – Pot Plants Location: Show Hall Southern Annex

Convenor: Patricia Witham P: 0421601499 E: [email protected] Steward: Julie Kimber, Mandy Liebelt

Entry form submissions close Friday 5 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Please note Section F Pot Plants is staged outside. Only those plants acclimatised to outside conditions should enter. The Show takes no responsibility for climatic plant damage.

Every pot plant must be established in the container in which shown.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30 April 2021.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging by 8.00am Sunday 1 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Prize for Aggregate Points (Open) Sponsored by Newman’s Nursery

Prize for Aggregate Points (Junior), Sash for Champion Exhibit (Open & Junior)


1. Begonia, 1 2. Fuchsia, 1 3. Herb, 1 4. African Violet, 1 5. Miniature Rose, 1 6. Petunia, 1 7. Lilium, 1 8. Novelty Pot 9. Unenumerated,

(flowering pot), 1 10. Unenumerated,

(non-flowering pot),1 11. Impatiens, 1 12. Topiary, 1 13. Annual, 1

14. Pot plants, foliage distinctive, 3 15. Pot plant, foliage distinctive, 1 16. Pot plants, variegated foliage, 3 17. Pot plant, variegated foliage, 1 18. Coleus, 1 19. Aspidistra, 1 20. Rex Begonia, 1 21. Ferns, distinctive varieties, 3 22. Fern, 1 23. Hanging basket, 1 24. Cactus, 3, distinct 25. Cactus, 1 26. Geranium, 1 27. Succulent, 1 28. Bonsai, one specimen 29. Bonsai, one miniature

Junior (16 years and under)

30. Flowering annual, 1 31. Fern, any variety, 1 32. Cactus, 1 33. Bonsai, 1 34. Novelty pot, 1 35. Unenumerated, 1,

(flowering pot) 36. Unenumerated, 1,

(non-flowering pot) 37. Vegetable, grown in container, 1 38. Herb, grown in container, 1



Section G1 – Cut Flowers Location: Show Hall Convenors: Anne Tonkin and Caroline Bamford P: 0414 411 732 E: [email protected] Steward: Katrina Allen

Entry form submissions close with the Secretary at 5.00pm on Thursday 4 November 2021.

Exhibit delivery times for blooms from 6.00-8.00pm on Saturday and 6.30-9.00am on Sunday.

Bottles and plugging material will be provided by the Society.

Judging will commence at 9.00am on Sunday.

Exhibits to be collected after 4.30pm on Show Day.

All flowers must be grown in entrant’s garden.

NND in classes means “not necessarily distinct or different”.

RSSA = Rose Society of South Australia

A stem has one bloom. A cut may have one or more flowers or blooms.

Entries in unenumerated can only be made if there is no other applicable class.

Champion Cut Flowers Sash Aggregate Cut Flowers Sash


1. Bearded Iris, 1 cut 2. Bearded Iris, 3 cuts NND 3. Any other Iris, 1 cut 4. Any other Iris, 3 cuts NND

Flowering Natives 5. Banksia, 1 cut 6. Banksia, 3 cuts, NND 7. Callistemon (Bottlebrush), 1 cut 8. Callistemon, 3 cuts of different

colours 9. Grevillea, 1 cut 10. Grevillea, 3 cuts NND 11. Leptospermum, 1 cut 12. Waratah, 1 cut 13. Climbing natives, 3 cuts, distinct 14. Any other flowering native, 1

cut 15. Any other flowering natives, 3

cuts, distinct varieties

Other Flowers 16. Alstromeria, 1 cut 17. Alstromeria, 3 cuts, distinct 18. Antirrhinum, 1 cut 19. Annuals, 3 distinct varieties,1

bloom or cut of each 20. Aquilegia, 1 cut 21. Aquilegia, 3 cuts, distinct 22. Bulbous, Tuberous, Rhizome, 1

cut 23. Campanula, 1 cut 24. Carnations, 1 bloom 25. Chrysanthemum, 1 cut 26. Delphiniums, 1 spike 27. Dianthus, double, 3 distinct

varieties 28. Dianthus, single, 3 distinct

varieties 29. Foxglove, 1 cut 30. Fuchsias, 3 distinct varieties

(florets) 31. Fuchsias, 3 distinct varieties

(cuts) 32. Hippeastrum, 1 cut 33. Leucadendron, 1 cut 34. Leucadendron, 3 cuts NND 35. Leucospermum, 1 cut 36. Leucospermum, 3 cuts NND 37. Lilies, 1 cut 38. Lilies, 3 cuts, NND 39. Marigolds, 3 blooms, NND 40. Orchid, 1 spike 41. Pansies/ Violas, 3 distinct

varieties (blooms) 42. Pelargoniums, 3 distinct


43. Penstemon, 1 cut 44. Penstemons, 3 cuts, distinct

varieties 45. Peony, 1 cut 46. Peony, 3 cuts NND 47. Perennials, 3 distinct, 1 bloom

or cut of each 48. Petunias, 3 stems NND 49. Poppies, 1 stem 50. Poppies, 3 stems NND 51. Proteaceae Non Native, 1 cut 52. Proteaceae Non Native, 3 cuts

NND 53. Salvia, 3 cuts distinct 54. Statice, 1 cut 55. Statice, 3 cuts NND 56. Sweet Peas, 3 blooms, different

colours 57. Any 3 flowers of the same

colour, 3 distinct varieties 58. Unenumerated , 3 cuts or

blooms 59. Unenumerated, 3 cuts, distinct


Roses: Classes for growers who are not exhibitors with the RSSA

60. Roses, one variety, 3 stems 61. Roses, distinct, 3 stems 62. Yellow Rose, 1 stem 63. Red Rose, 1 stem 64. Pink Rose, 1 stem 65. White Rose, 1 stem 66. Purple Rose, 1 stem 67. Orange Rose, 1 stem 68. Multi-coloured Rose, 1 stem 69. Any other coloured Rose, 1

stem 70. Floribunda Rose, 1 stem 71. Miniature Rose, 1 stem 72. David Austin Rose, 1 stem



Section G2 – Roses Location: Show Hall

(Conducted by the Rose Society) Convenor: Gavin Woods P: 0429 021 006 E: [email protected]

Rose Society of SA rules apply to Classes 1-32.

Entry form submissions close with the Convenor at 8.00pm on Wednesday 3 November 2021.

Exhibits may be staged from 3.00pm on Saturday 6 November and 6.30am on Sunday 7 November.

Judging will commence at 9.00am by which time all cars must be moved from the Showgrounds.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Bottles supplied by Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society will be used to stage all exhibits except class 24 in which case RSSA horticultural vases will be used. Oasis will be supplied for class 24. Please supply own corks or other material for plugging exhibits in bottles.

“Uraidla Spring Champion” Trophy Champion Rose to be selected from all classes: $50 donated by G Woods (Champion Sash)

Champion Rose to be selected from B & C Grade exhibits: $30 donated by G Woods Champion Sashes and RSSA First, Second and Third prize cards will be awarded

Prize money sponsored by Rose Society will be awarded in Class 1 & 2 only: 1st

$30, 2nd

$20, 3rd

$10 Uraidla Spring Championship (open to all) 1. 5 Stems or Cuts, consisting of:

1 Floribunda Rose 1 Miniature Rose 1 Shrub or Polyantha Rose 1 Full bloom Rose 1 Exhibition or Decorative Rose

Uraidla Spring Intermediate Championship (open to RSSA B&C Grade exhibitors) 2. 5 Stems or Cuts, consisting of:

1 Floribunda Rose 1 Miniature Rose 1 Shrub or Polyantha Rose 1 Full bloom Rose 1 Exhibition or Decorative Rose

Classes for Rose Society of SA “A” Grade exhibitors 3. 1 Australian Bred Rose, any type 4. 1 Floribunda Rose 5. 3 Floribunda Roses NND 6. 1 Miniature Rose 7. 3 Miniature Roses NND 8. 1 Shrub or Polyantha Rose

9. 3 Shrub and/or Polyantha Roses NND 10. 1 Full Bloom Rose 11. 3 Full Bloom Roses NND 12. 1 Exhibition Rose 13. 3 Exhibition Roses NND 14. 1 Decorative Rose

15. 3 Decorative Roses NDD 16. 1 Rose, Any other type 17. 1 bunch of Roses, any type NND, to

contain at least six stems and/or cuts

Classes for Rose Society of SA “B & C” Grade exhibitors 18. 1 Australian Bred Rose, any type 19. 1 Floribunda Rose 20. 3 Floribunda Roses NND 21. 1 Miniature Rose 22. 3 Miniature Roses NND 23. 1 Shrub or Polyantha Rose

24. 3 Shrub and/or Polyantha Roses NND 25. 1 Full Bloom Rose 26. 3 Full Bloom Roses NND 27. 1 Exhibition or Decorative Rose 28. 3 Exhibition and/or Decorative Roses


29. 1 Rose, Any other type 30. 1 bunch of Roses, any type NND, to

contain at least six stems and/or cuts

Open to all RSSA exhibitors 31. Roses introduced prior to 1900, 3 32. Rose introduced prior to 1900, 1



Adelaide Hills Council Australia Day Civic Awards 2020

Melissa Bradley and James Parkin were this year the proud recipients of the Adelaide Hills Council Australia Day Civic Award 2020 for their work in establishing Imagine Uraidla. Founded in 2014, Imagine Uraidla is a community organisation aimed at revitalising the township, informing the community and supporting local events in Uraidla and surrounding towns. The Weekender Herald 2017 “Imagine Uraidla have been an absolute asset to our event and it wouldn’t have been possible without them,” Damien Liebelt [of the Uraidla Show] said. As well as supporting and promoting events, Imagine Uraidla have been active in the rejuvenation of the main street, which is now filled with local artwork, wicking beds and pear trees. The group of volunteers first came together in early 2014 when they noticed a low sense of community in the district. During that time, there was no Uraidla pub, the local IGA was about to shut and the Summertown deli had closed. “A group of us who would moan about the pub having closed and rather than sit around we thought we should do something about it,” Chairperson of Imagine Uraidla Melissa Bradley said. “Ben Hopkins and James Parkin had the original idea and the first public meeting was held in March 2014 and attracted over 200 people – it drew people out of the woodwork. “We knew that everyone was feeling the same way and we thought, ‘Okay, let’s get this moving and see what sort of momentum we can create.” Since that first meeting, the group have worked tirelessly to create a vibrant main street and bring businesses back to the area. “What we’ve done is help create an environment where there’s positive energy in the community for business and community connections,” Melissa said. “I’ve lived here for around 17 years and I’ve grown up in country towns all my life. You’re basically living in a little village close to the city, but you could be a in country town 300 kilometers away. There’s a strong active community feel and most people know each other and look out for each other’s children – it’s a unique and beautiful place to live.” In the future Imagine Uraidla hopes to continue bringing the community together and supporting local events. For more information about Imagine Uraidla catch up with current Chair Jess De Campo on show day, and to sign up to their e-newsletter visit http://www.uraidla.com



Adelaide Hills Council Australia Day Civic Awards 2021

Di has served on the Uraidla District Soldiers Memorial Park Committee, Summertown Netball Club, the Uraidla and Summertown Horticultural Show committee, the SA Women’s Country Association Uraidla and Districts, delivers food for meals on wheels, is an enthusiastic historian and author and the list goes on. Brian is the former Uraidla Football Club President and he received an Australia Day Civic Award for his 44+ years of service to our community including the Uraidla Cricket club. Brian and his wife Deb have been contributing in many different roles and this award is greatly deserved. We appreciate we may have missed some of your most amazing achievements. Please know we are hugely grateful to the contribution you make to our community, you are true local heroes. You make our communities great and are respected and admirable people. Thank you for being role models for our next generations.

Courtesy of Imagine Uraidla



Medal of the Order of Australia (General Division) 2020

Congratulations to Neil Mullard, owner of the Uraidla Show’s much valued sponsor Basket Range Sandstone, for being awarded a medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) 2020. The medal was awarded for his widespread and generous involvement and support to the Uraidla Community (and surrounding area.) Neil is a benefactor, sponsor, contributor and supporter of a range of our community organisations, including the Uraidla & Summertown H&F Society, Uraidla Red Shed, Uraidla Primary School, Imagine Uraidla, Uraidla Institute, Uraidla Concert Band, Basket Range Hall, Basket Range CFS and many others. After receiving the award, Neil summed up his feelings in an interview with The Courier: “I absolutely fell in love with this place – it’s people, it’s natural surroundings. I love Uraidla, it’s that simple.” A Well Deserved Award for this very modest gentleman.



Section H – Floral Art Location: Show Hall Convenor: Sarah Bache P: 8390 3653

Entry form submissions close Friday 5 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging by 8.00am Sunday 1 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

No dyed or artificial flowers permitted in any class.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30 April 2021.

Posies not to exceed 23cm (9”) overall.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward. Bowl – a container, the diameter of which is greater than its height. Vase – a container, the height of which is greater than its diameter. Trough – a container, rectangular, true length of which is at least two a half times its width. Urn – a traditional low footed container having a round/oval opening, may/may not have handles. Container – any fancy receptacle that is not normally termed a bowl, vase, trough, urn or basket.

Champion Sash for Best Exhibit (Bowl and Vase, Floral Arrangement, Novice, Junior) Champion Sash Bowl & Vase Displays Champion Sash Floral Arrangements

Champion Sash Novice Champion Sash Junior

Bowl and Vase Displays 1. Bowl of white flowers (view all way round) 2. Bowl of one variety (view all way round) 3. Bowl of mixed Daisies, at least 3 varieties 4. Bowl of mixed flowers, at least 3 varieties 5. Vase of Roses (view all way round) 6. Vase of mixed flowers, at least 3 varieties Floral arrangements 7. Arrangement in urn (front view only) 8. Arrangement in an unusual container 9. Arrangement for a special occasion 10. Beauty with bark 11. Arrangement of fruit or vegetables and flowers 12. Arrangement of roses in silver 13. Container of pink shaded flowers (other than roses) 14. Elegance in green and gold 15. Arrangement of 2 flowers and a bud using wood, metal or

stone 16. Arrangement for a dinner table 17. Basket of flowers (not wired) 18. Hoop of flowers for a bridesmaid 19. Flowers for a bride 20. All wired posy 21. Dried posy 22. Corsage or Buttonhole 23. Flowers for a cake top (wired) 24. Petite arrangement (no more than 6” in any direction)

Novice Open to any competitor who has not won 3 prizes in an Agricultural or Floricultural Show 25. Modern arrangement 26. Dried arrangement 27. Formal bowl or trough of flowers 28. Arrangement of foliage 29. Hospital posy (max. 23cm or 9” across) 30. Basket of flowers 31. Shoulder spray 32. Vase of flowers 33. Arrangement in an unusual container Junior Open to children 16 years and under 34. Posy (max. 23cm overall) 35. Basket of flowers 36. Saucer of flowers on damp sand 37. Arrangement in an unusual container 38. Novelty animal in fruit, flowers or veggies 39. Miniature garden on tray (max. 35cm overall) 40. Vase of flowers 41. Arrangement in an egg cup 42. Arrangement in a tea cup or mug 43. Arrangement using wood or bark 44. Modern arrangement



Summer in Uraidla

The 2019 Uraidla Show was beyond our expectations, a great way to end our year of planning.

Our Community came together for a night of singing and fellowship at the Carols Night at Uraidla Primary School December 8th, 2019 .

2019 concluded with extremely hot weather and the 20th of December, a day where Uraidla, Summertown and surrounding areas, were saved by a wind change from the very unpredictable and savage Cudlee Creek Bushfire. We, and all Australians have come together to support those who have suffered loss of property, business and lives, not only here in the Adelaide Hills, but on Kangaroo Island and every other state in our Country

Little did we know, but a wonderful local gathering organised by Imagine Uraidla, featuring entertainment by our very talented Uraidla Concert Band on February 23 2019 was to be our last community event for quite some time. Sadly the inaugural and much anticipated Uraidla Sustainability Fair, scheduled for March 2019, was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and of course, no ‘usual’ show, but we initiated our 2020 Virtual Show which was great fun. Our towns, and indeed the world, had slowed to a walk in an attempt to stop the pandemic. Social distancing has become the must do, and no doubt the phrase of 2020. 2021 has begun tentatively and it was great to attend the Covid limited Uraidla Sustainability Fair in March. An excellent event which will grow as years go by.



Section I – Jams, Jellies, Preserves Location: Show Hall Southern Annex Convenor: Eirona Johansen P: 0407 337 429 Stewards: R Wright, J Bottroff

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Do not enter if you have cooked whilst in isolation or quarantine or unwell

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging by 8.30am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits received after 8.00am Sunday 7 November 2021, judging will be display only.

Exhibits not to be collected before 4.30pm on Show Day. Please note that due to COVID, no Jams, Jellies or Preserves entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

Any exhibits not collected by 5.30pm will be distributed at the discretion of the Convenor

All entries to be labelled with: ‘Type of Exhibit, Section and Class entered, Date made’.

All Exhibits will be open and tasted. Please remember this for transport home.

As a courtesy, please inform judges of any possible excessive heat factor of exhibits.

While we encourage “kids in the kitchen” boiling jam, sterilising jars and decanting produce is dangerous.

If under 16 years as at 30 April 2021 entrants are encouraged to put their age on their entry form and on the labels of the entry.

AOV = Any Other Variety.

Champion Sash presented by SA CWA Uraidla & Districts Branch Champion Sash Junior

Jams & Jellies Classes 1. Orange Marmalade, 1 jar 2. AOV Marmalade, 1 jar 3. Apricot Jam, 1 jar 4. Blackberry Jam, 1 jar 5. Strawberry Jam, 1 jar 6. Raspberry Jam, 1 jar 7. Fig Jam, 1 jar 8. Plum Jam, 1 jar 9. AOV Jam, 1 jar 10. Currant Jelly, 1 jar 11. Quince Jelly, 1 jar 12. Mint Jelly, 1 jar 13. AOV Jelly, 1 jar 14. Homemade Cordial, 1 bottle

Preserves Classes 15. Pickled Onions, 1 jar 16. Bread and Butter Pickles, 1 jar 17. Chutney, 1 jar (chunky and

spreadable) 18. Relish, 1 jar (hardly cooked, crunchy) 19. Mustard Pickles, 1 jar 20. Tomato Sauce “Ploppable”, 1 bottle 21. Plum Sauce, 1 bottle 22. Any other sauce, 1 bottle 23. Pesto, doesn’t have to be basil, 1 jar 24. Preserves any Other Way not

catered for, 1 container (except picked eggs sorry)

Interactive Judging commencing at 09:00 Barriers will be in place but questions are welcome Covid spacing will be maintained We tasted 197 entries from 32 categories last year so your patience will be appreciated Knock out judging: Labelled Y/N In Date (12 months) Y/N Clean jar and inside lid Y/N Taste (this can be quite interactive) Difficulty/Process/Technique



Section J – Cookery Location: Show Hall Southern Annex Convenor: Leah Kennewell P: 0401 121 654, Jeanette Biggs Steward: Stacey Wood

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years or under as at 30 April 2021.

Do not enter if you have cooked whilst in isolation or quarantine or unwell

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging by 8.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits may be collected from the hall at 4.30pm on Show Day and those not collected by 5.30pm will be distributed at the discretion of the Convenor without recourse. Please note that due to COVID, no Cookery entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

Prizes and ribbons may be collected from the Convenor when exhibits collected.

All exhibits to be placed on plain white paper plates.

No ring cakes as it is difficult to judge them against other cakes.

The judge will look at whether the exhibit meets the class requirements, appearance (colour, cake rack marks etc), texture (fruit evenly distributed, no air pockets), as well as taste.

If you are part of a community group who would like to arrange a competition to be judged within this section, please contact the Convenor, Leah Kennewell, before Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Please note that we do not exhibit entries in plastic bags as they remain open to the air after judging.

Also, please note that containers used to transport entries may not be stored on site unless with negotiation with the Convenor, and no responsibility can be taken for containers etc left in the hall during the day.

Grand Champion Exhibit Cookery (Open & Junior) Sash presented by SACWA Uraidla & Districts Branch

Sashes for Champion Cake, Champion Biscuit, Champion Bread Aggregate Sash Junior Cookery Aggregate Sash Senior Cookery

Aggregate Prize for scones donated by Leah Kennewell Prize for decorated cake by Jeanette Biggs

Prizes for best gluten free Senior Classes1. Handmade bread rolls, 2 2. Handmade white loaf of bread 3. Handmade wholegrain loaf of bread 4. Handmade sourdough loaf of bread 5. Handmade or machine made fruit

loaf of bread 6. Machine made wholemeal loaf of

bread 7. Cinnamon scrolls, 4 8. Firefighter’s Sandwich – moist, made

from ingredients ready to hand, and packaged as if going to a fire

9. Savoury pie, suitable for 1 person 10. Vegetarian pasty, suitable for 1

person 11. Vegan savoury muffins, 4, two

varieties, no patty pans, recipe provided

12. Sweet muffins, 4, two varieties, no patty pans

13. Lamingtons, 4 14. Rock buns, traditional, 4 15. Sultana cake 16. Banana cake 17. Carrot cake 18. Jubilee Cake 19. Orange and poppy seed cake 20. Sponge cake 21. Chocolate cake 22. Chocolate mud cake 23. Upside-down cake – any fruit 24. Bundt cake (cooked in a Bundt cake

tin, any flavour, labelled with flavour)

25. Banana bread, 1 loaf 26. Plain scones, 5 27. Pumpkin scones, 5 28. Cheese scones, 5 29. Sultana Scones, 5 30. Cockles, 4

31. Biscuits, 4, two distinct varieties 32. Chocolate truffles, 4 same variety 33. Apple slice, 4 pieces 34. Fruit tarte tatin 35. Apple pie, with crusts top and

bottom, removed from container 36. Pumpkin pie 37. Decorated cake for an adult – judged

ONLY on decoration 38. Gluten free bread loaf 39. Gluten free muffins, 4 same variety 40. Gluten free cake, any variety 41. Flourless orange cake 42. Gluten free biscuits, 4, same variety 43. Traditional shortbread, whole, round 44. Christmas stollen cake 45. Fruit mince pies, 6 out of tins 46. Christmas steamed pudding 47. Boiled fruit cake

Classes for Junior Cookery Primary School age classes 48. Coconut ice, 4 pieces 49. Chocolate crackles, 4 50. Honey joys, 4 51. Mini pizza, scone dough base, 2 52. Sausage rolls, 2, bought pastry 53. Vegetable slice, 4 pieces 54. Plain scones, 5 55. Sweet muffins, 4 56. Unbaked sweet slice, 1 variety, 4

pieces 57. Anzac biscuits, 4 58. Chocolate caramel slice, 2 pieces

59. Decorated gingerbreads, 2 60. Vanilla butterfly cakes, 4 61. Decorated packet cake 62. A healthy packed lunch for 1 person Secondary school age (to 16 years old) classes 63. Mini pizza, yeasted bread base, 2 64. Handmade wholemeal loaf of bread 65. Plain scones, 5 66. Sausage rolls, 2, homemade pastry 67. Family size quiche

68. Sweet muffins, 4 69. Baked sweet slice, 1 variety, 4 pieces 70. Anzac biscuits, 4 71. Individual tartlets, sweet, 4 72. Apple pie, homemade pastry 73. Iced chocolate cake 74. Banana cake 75. Any other baked cake 76. Gluten free cake 77. Cake decorated by a class or school –

judging of decoration ONLY

Men, “Show Us Your Banana!”78. Banana Cake



Laucke / SA Country Women’s Association Scone Competition 2021 LAUCKE & CWA SCONE MIX COMPETITION

Prizes sponsored Laucke Flour Mills & SA Country Women’s Assn

TO BE JUDGED AT URAIDLA SHOW 1st Prize winner eligible to compete in Southern Country Shows Association final

Competition Outline: Best SAVOURY SCONES—variation of your scone recipe which must use the Laucke Country Women’s Scone

Mix as the base Only one entry per person Entrants are only eligible to win one local final Entries must be from an individual and must include the entrants, name and full contact details Winners from each Local Show to be eligible to enter and be judged at the

appropriate Association Show The 10 Association winners will then compete in a State Final as part of the

2022 Royal Adelaide Show No entry fees Entrants please note that you DO NOT have to follow the recipe on the back of the box. You use the mix as a base

only. If the CWA Scone Mix is not available in your town, please contact your local show secretary Revenue to the CWA from sales of the scone mix is used to assist drought

affected families in South Australia and Interstate _____________________________________________________________________________

Judging Guidelines 1. 5 scones presented for Judging

2. Scones should be approximately 5cms in diameter

3. Well risen, straight sides, thin golden crust top and bottom, no flour base

4. Fine, moist texture, good crumb, good flavour and according to type ____________________________________________________________________________

Prize Allocation LOCAL 1st Laucke Goods Hamper (value approx $17) 2nd Laucke Country Women’s Scone Mix (1 x 1.2kg, value approx $5.50) 3rd Laucke Country Women’s Scone Mix (1 x 1.2kg, value approx $5.50) ASSOCIATION FINALS - TO BE HELD AT SCSA ANNUAL DINNER, Sat 30

th April, 2022

1st $40.00 STATE 1st $200.00 2nd $20.00 2nd $75.00 3rd $10.00 3rd $40.00

Why not join your local The South Australian Country Women’s Association Inc. (SACWA)

Uraidla & Districts Branch: [email protected] Balhannah & Districts Branch: [email protected]

Stirling & Districts Branch: [email protected]

There are also branches throughout Adelaide and other regions Call The South Australian Country Women’s Association State Office: 8332 4166



Agricultural Societies Council of SA Rich Fruit Cake & Genoa Cake Championship


MONDAY 4th OCTOBER, 2021 COOKERY CONVENOR: Vaughan Wilson, phone 8391 0633, Email: [email protected]


Entries close: 4.00pm, WEDNESDAY, 29th


Entries to Secretary: Kirsten Adams PO Box 713, Strathalbyn SA 5255

Phone: 0430 902 907

Email: [email protected]

Entry forms available in the Strathalbyn Show Book or from the Show’s website: Strathalbynshow.com.au

Fruit Cake and Genoa Cake exhibits will be accepted on Monday up to 8.00am for judging and not to be removed until 4.30pm,

Show Day. Cakes can also be delivered on Sunday 1pm – 3pm if preferred.


RICH FRUIT CAKE CHAMPIONSHIP (Recipe to be used – Cake not to be iced) – For hints go to


Prize money: First-$60, Second-$25, Third-$10

INGREDIENTS: METHOD: 250 grams butter Mix together all fruits, and soak in the 250 grams dark brown sugar sherry or brandy overnight. Sift together 6 eggs flour, baking powder and spice. 250 grams sultanas Cream together butter and sugar. 250 grams raisins Add the eggs one at a time, beating well 200 grams currants after each addition, then alternatively add 100 grams dates the fruit and flour and lastly the chopped 60 grams chopped red glace’ cherries nuts. Mix thoroughly. Place mixture into 60 grams mixed peel a prepared square tin (APPROX. 19-22cm 60 grams chopped almonds IN SIZE). Bake in a slow oven for approx. 375 grams plain flour 3 – 3 1/2 hours. 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon mixed spice 200 mls sherry or brandy

Sponsored by SUNBEAM Winner eligible to compete in the State Final to be held at the 2022 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW.

PRIZES: FIRST - $250, SECOND - $100, THIRD - $50

GENOA CAKE COMPETITION (Exhibitors own recipe to be used – Cake not to be iced. Size and shape optional (no recipe need accompany exhibit)


Prize money: First-$50, Second-$20, Third-$10

Sponsored by SUNBEAM Winner eligible to compete in the State Final to be held at the 2022 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW.

PRIZES: FIRST - $200, SECOND - $75, THIRD - $40



Section K – Beer, Wine & Liqueurs Location: Show Hall Convenors: Rex Liebelt P: 0407 181 664 Bruce Tonkin P: 0428 400 013 Stewards: Glen Hampton, Roger Scrace

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Exhibits (beers, wines etc) to be ready for judging by 8.00am on Show Day.

Exhibits can only be dropped off prior to Show Day by arrangement with Convenor.

Exhibits received after 8.00am judging will be display only.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Beer entries are to be two (2) 330/375ml, or one (1) 750ml bottle.

Beer entries to be clearly marked with exhibit, class number and style.

Wine entries are to be just one standard (750ml) bottle.

Other beverages to be exhibited as one bottle.

All wine entries must be thoroughly described on both entry form and label (i.e. year of vintage, variety of fruit or grapes, etc.)

All wines, ciders, perrys and meads must have been manufactured according to the FSANZ Food Standards Code, including Standard 4.5.1 ‘Wine Production Requirements’, Standard 2.7.3 ‘Fruit and Vegetable Wine’, Schedule 16 ‘Types of substances that may be used as food additives’, and Schedule 18 ‘Processing aids’. The Code can be found on the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) website at https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/code/Pages/default.aspx All wines must also comply with the Wine Australia Label Integrity Program (LIP) regulations https://www.wineaustralia.com/labelling/label-integrity-program

Sashes for Non-Commercial:

Champion All-Grain Beer Champion Extract/Kit Beer

Champion Wine Champion Cider

Champion Alternate Beverage Sashes for Commercial:

Champion Beer Champion Wine Champion Cider

Champion Alternate Beverage Prize for Non-Commercial Aggregate Points

Proudly sponsored by Prancing Pony Brewery

Non-Commercial (Home brewer): All-Grain Beer 1. Lager 2. Wheat 3. Ale 4. Porter 5. Stout 6. Any Other All-Grain Beer Extract/Kit Beer 7. Lager 8. Wheat 9. Ale 10. Porter 11. Stout 12. Any Other Extract/Kit Beer Wine 13. Red Wine 14. White Wine 15. Rose Wine 16. Sparkling wine 17. Fruit Wine Cider 18. Apple Cider

19. Pear Cider 20. Hybrid/Other Cider Alternate Beverages 21. Home Spirit Base Liqueur 22. Cream Base Liqueur 23. Ginger Beer ( Alcoholic) 24. Ginger Beer (Non-Alcoholic) 25. Any Other Alcoholic Drink 26. Any Other Non-Alcoholic Drink Special Class 27. Best Presented Homemade Label Commercial: Beer 28. Lager 29. Wheat 30. Ale (Dark/Amber) 31. Ale (Pale) 32. Porter 33. Stout 34. Any Other Beer Wine 35. Red Wine 36. White Wine

37. Rose Wine 38. Sparkling Wine 39. Fruit Wine Cider 40. Apple Cider 41. Pear Cider 42. Hybrid/Other Cider Alternate Beverages 43. Home Spirit Base Liqueur 44. Cream Base Liqueur 45. Ginger Beer (Alcoholic) 46. Ginger Beer (Non-Alcoholic) 47. Any Other Alcoholic Drink 48. Any Other Non-Alcoholic Drink



Hilda Holliday (nee Horsnell) 25/11/1928 – 09/04/2020

My memories of Aunty Hilda by Di Liebelt Aunty Hilda came later, Mrs Holliday came first! She was the strict woman who lived at the end of Holliday’s Road who later became my friend and Show mentor. I remember her as a substitute teacher at Uraidla Primary School and also the music teacher. Hilda loved music. She was the Summertown Uniting Church organist and a dab hand on the banjo. She loved her Lawn Bowls and was a Life Member, Club Champion, Past President and Secretary of the Uraidla Bowling Club. She began her involvement with the Uraidla Show with her in-laws who were involved in the Cut Flowers section. She later convened the Cut Flower section and then the Homecrafts Section, assisted by her sister in-law Doreen Horsnell and later her daughter Gail. This is where Aunty Hilda came into my life again. I entered a crocheted cushion, won a prize and was literally hooked! Aunty Hilda asked me to Steward with her and thus I began my Show journey. Hilda along with Viva Pollard became the first female Life members of the Show in 1978. She was the organiser and instigator of the Kesab Tidy Towns competitions in conjunction with the Show, which the Show won or were awarded commendations in 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2007. In 1992 Hilda asked me to take over Homecrafts. She was totally immersed within the Show organisation. Hilda became the first female Show President in 1987 and continued in that role in 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1997. In 2002 Hilda was the recipient of an Adelaide Hills Council Civic award. Hilda had a wicked sense of humour. She was the Show matriarch and mediator, always involved in the Church, Show and general community. She was a true female trailblazer and friend whose example I hoped to emulate.

Hilda will be remembered as a mentor to me and many in our Show Community.



Section L – Party Food & Party Pleasers Location: Show Hall Northern Annex Convenor: Tammy Osborne P: 0433 465 184 Steward: P Osborne, C Norrish

Entry form submissions close Friday 5 November 2021 at 8.00pm. Junior exhibitors must state age on entry form.

Do not enter if you have prepared entries whilst in isolation or quarantine or unwell

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for judging by 8.30am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Any exhibit left before Show Day for judging, without proper identification of exhibitor and section, will not be judged.

All entries must be of the exhibitor’s own work and presented on appropriate boards, plates or bowl.

Salads to be approximately 750gm.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30 on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward. Please note that due to COVID, no Party Food or Party Pleasers entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

Any exhibits not collected will be deemed unwanted and disposed of unless the convenor is notified.

Judging is based on presentation and taste except Party Cake classes which are judged on decoration. Sash for Champion (Open Party Cakes, Open Party Food, Junior Party Food, Open Party Pleasers, Intermediate/Junior Party Pleasers)

Champion Sash Junior & Intermediate Sections donated by SACWA Uraidla & Districts Branch Prize for Most Successful Open donated by S Burgess Prize for Most Successful Junior donated by C Norrish

B. Osborne Memorial Trophy for Most Successful Exhibitor Open Party Cakes Classes 1 – 7 fake cake bases can be used 1. Decorated birthday party cake (For 1

to 10 year old) 2. Celebration cake (include name or

greeting) 3. Miniature wedding cake (two or

more tiers) 4. Decorated Halloween cake 5. Decorated Christmas cake 6. Decorated cake using Chocolate 7. Birthday cake, decorated by a male 8. Surprise inside decorated cake (will

be cut) 9. Simple decorated cupcakes, 6 10. Butterfly cakes, 6 11. Decorated cake pops, 6 12. Christmas Themed cupcakes, 6 13. Halloween Themed cupcakes, 6 14. Any other Themed cupcakes, 6 Open Party Food 15. Dip or Salsa in appropriate dipper 16. Coleslaw 17. Potato base salad 18. Any other salad with label 19. Party size pies or pasties, 6 20. Party size sausage rolls, 6 21. Arancini balls, 6 22. Six parmesan straws 23. Mini pavlovas decorated, 4 24. Sweet slices, 6 25. Savoury slices, 6 26. Any other Savoury Finger Food, 6 27. Christmas party finger food

minimum, 6 28. Halloween Party Finger Food,

minimum, 6 29. High Tea display – 2 tiers; savoury &

sweet items - exhibitor to supply stand

30. Bowl of homemade candy, sweets or chocolates

Junior Party Food (16 years and under) 31. Decorated arrow milk biscuits, 6 32. Decorated cupcakes, 6 33. Christmas or Halloween cupcakes, 6 34. Decorated birthday cake 35. Decorated Christmas or Halloween

cake 36. Stained glass Christmas biscuits, 6 37. Gingerbread biscuits decorated, 6 38. Party pies or pasties or sausage rolls,

6 39. Bowl of flavoured or coloured

popcorn 40. Any party food by 9-16 yrs 41. Any party food by 8 and under 42. Fairy bread by 8 and under Open Party Pleasers 43. Handmade Invitation or Card 44. Card or Invitation using stamping 45. Christmas Card any Medium 46. Christmas gift tags - set of six 47. Halloween Party invitation any

Medium 48. Special Folded Card or Invitation 49. Hen or Bridal Shower or Wedding

Invitation 50. Folded Serviette 51. Christmas table centre piece 52. Christmas tree decoration 53. Masquerade Mask 54. Jack O’Lantern 55. Party Favour bag for Preschool Party,

filled 56. Handmade Box, any Medium, no

larger than 20x20cm 57. Gift Basket filled for a parent (old,

new, other) 58. Gift Basket – filled for a Sweet Tooth 59. BYO Bag for Bottle or Cask,

handmade, any Medium 60. Handmade Bath Salts or oil or Bubble

bath in suitable container that can be opened

Intermediate Party Cakes (9-16 Years) 61. Handmade Stamped Card for Mum 62. Halloween or Christmas Party

Invitation 63. Handmade Birthday Card 64. Gift to give the Teacher 65. Party Favour Bag for Age group 66. Party Hat 67. Party Mask using feathers 68. Decorated Lolly/Nibble Jar or Bottle

(Filled) 69. Gift Basket filled for Best Friend 70. Computer Generated Birthday

Invitation 71. Sock Puppet 72. Jack O'Lantern 73. Christmas card 74. Christmas decoration Tree or other

max 50cm Junior Party Pleasers (8 and under) 75. Invitation For Teddy Bear’s Picnic 76. Gift for Mum 77. Fairy Wand 78. Pirate Sword 79. Party Hat 80. Monster Mask using Paper Plate 81. Party Favour Bag filled 82. Sock Puppet 83. Grass Head 84. Potato Print Wrapping Paper 85. Christmas Card 86. Christmas tree decoration 87. Jack O'Lantern



Section M – Eggs Location: Show Hall Northern Annex

Convenor: Tayla Osborne P: 0404 483 065

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for staging by 8.30am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30 April 2021.

Eggs will be judged on uniformity of size, shape, colour, shell texture and appearance.

All eggs shall be exhibited on plates supplied by the Show Society (except Class 11).

Any exhibit left prior to Show Day for judging without proper identification of exhibitor and section will not be judged.

The Show takes no responsibility for any cartons or boxes while exhibiting.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30 on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Exhibits left after this time will be at exhibitor’s own responsibility, unless prior arrangements are made with the Convenor.

AOV = Any Other Variety.

Sash for Champion (Open & Junior) Most Successful Open Exhibitor Prize donated by Mr and Mrs P Osborn

Meredith Smith Memorial Trophy for Most Successful Exhibitor in Eggs donated by Tiffany Barlow Open 1. Hen Eggs, Brown, 6 2. Hen Eggs, White, 6 3. Hen Eggs, Tinted, 6 4. Hen Eggs, AOV, 6 (green, speckled etc.) 5. Bantam Eggs, Brown, 6 6. Bantam Eggs, White, 6 7. Bantam Eggs, Tinted, 6 8. Bantam Eggs, AOV, 6 (green speckled etc.) 9. Duck Eggs, 2 10. Goose Eggs, 2 11. Bird Eggs, AOV not listed (please specify type), 2 12. Collection of 12 Eggs, at least 4 varieties

13. Presentation of a dozen (12) eggs in basket, box etc. Junior (16 Years and under) 14. Hen Eggs, Brown, 6 15. Hen Eggs, White, 6 16. Hen Eggs, Tinted, 6 17. Hen Eggs, AOV, 6 (green, speckled etc.) 18. Bantam Eggs Brown, 6 19. Bantam Eggs, White, 6 20. Bantam Eggs, AOV, 6 (green speckled etc.) 21. Duck Eggs, 2 22. Bird Eggs, AOV (please specify type), 2 23. Collection of 12 Eggs, at least 4 varieties 24. Presentation of a dozen (12) eggs in basket, box etc.



Section N – Egg Artistry Location: Show Hall Northern Annex Convenor: Tayla Osborne P: 0404 483 065

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and under as at 30 April 2021.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for judging by 9.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

No exhibit which has previously placed at the Show may be re-entered.

Egg Artistry can be made with real or artificial eggs.

If only one exhibitor in an age group, most Successful Prize will be awarded to champion.

Any exhibit left prior to Show Day without proper identification of exhibitor and section will not be judged.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30 on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Any exhibits left will be discarded unless prior arrangement has been made.

Exhibits must be able to stand independently for judging. Note, soft drink or similar lids are useful as stands.

Please state age on entry form if 16 or under.

Sash for Champion (Open & Junior) Most Successful Senior Exhibitor Prize donated by Fasta Pasta, Mt Barker Most Successful Junior Exhibitor Prize donated by Fasta Pasta, Mt Barker

Open 1. Decorated egg with lace, bead etc. (no cuts or hinges) 2. Intricate cut, any size egg 3. Any egg with an intricate design 4. “Painted” egg – textas, pencils, paints, dyes etc. 5. Endangered animal egg 6. International character egg 7. Halloween themed egg 8. Country farm scene using eggs or egg shells 9. A Nursery Rhyme scene using eggs 10. Australian themed egg 11. Chocolate Easter egg

Junior (16 and under) All Juniors must state age on entry form 12. Hinged egg 13. Diorama egg, any theme 14. “Painted” egg – textas, pencils, paints, dyes etc. 15. Halloween themed egg 16. Egg carton caterpillar 17. Egg family 18. Farm animal egg 19. A Nursery Rhyme scene using eggs 20. Christmas themed egg 21. Any other themed egg, must be labelled

The Uraidla & Summertown Show

thanks Wallace Web Design and Development

for their ongoing support of the Show’s website.



Section O – Honey Location: Show Hall Southern Annex Convenor: Crispin Boxhall P: 0477 172 171 E: [email protected]

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and under as at 30 April 2021.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for judging by 9.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Any exhibits left after 5.30pm will be discarded unless prior arrangement has been made. Please note that due to COVID, no Honey entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

Please state age on entry form if 16 or under.

Guidelines for Exhibitors may be obtained from the Secretary or Convenor.

Sash for Champion Honey Sash for Young Beekeeper of the Show

Refined Honey

1. Extracted Liquid Honey, Native Flora, in the light amber range 2. Extracted Liquid Honey, Native Flora, in the medium to dark amber range 3. Extracted Liquid Honey, Imported Flora, in water white to light amber range 4. Extracted Liquid Honey, Imported Flora, medium to dark amber range

Beekeeper Novice 5. Extracted Liquid Honey, Any Flora, any colour range

Junior Beekeeper 6. Extracted Liquid Honey, Any Flora, any colour range

Any Other Product 7. Candied Honey, (naturally granulated), any colour 8. Creamed Honey 9. Chunk, Block or Comb Honey (sealed on any size frame) 10. Beeswax, natural, in approximately 500gm block or mould




One of the primary products of beekeeping is liquid or extracted honey. Every beekeeper knows that he/she produces high quality honey; but how can you be sure? One of the best methods is to enter your honey in a honey judging contest and be compared to your peers. When submitting your entry do not write your name on the submission, nor attach sticky labels. Simply write the required details clearly on a clean piece of paper and fix it firmly in place with an elastic band. These get removed prior to judging so the judge has a clear view of the entry and has no idea who submitted it. Winning a ribbon in a honey judging contest definitely gives the beekeeper bragging rights. To win those bragging rights, the beekeeper should definitely understand the judging process and what characteristics the judges consider. From a practical standpoint the judges really represent very conscientious honey consumers, but they may be emphasizing several factors that may seem unimportant to the beekeeper. The remainder of these judging notes explain the factors that the judges use in evaluating honey and why they are important, using Figure 1 as an example of a typical judging score card.

Section O. Honey Judge’s Score Card – Liquid Honey

Event: Class: Entry No.

Point Scores

Maximum Available

Given Characteristic

30 Cleanliness: absence of lint, dirt, wax and foam

15 Absence of candying

15 Flavour: absence of overheating and fermentation

15 Colour and brightness

15 Container: cleanliness and uniformity

10 Density (Moisture over 20% to be disqualified)


Judge’s Remarks

Figure 1: Judge’s score card for extracted liquid honey

1. Density or Moisture Content: All honey contains moisture or water; honey is really a variety of sugars dissolved in water. Excess moisture increases the growth of yeast cells that naturally occur in honey and can result in fermentation which will spoil the honey and make it unfit for human consumption. Honey is defined by the United Nations as having a moisture content (water) of no more than 20%. Judges often use a cut-off point of 20% and disqualify entries with additional moisture. Judges may assign more points to honey of very low moisture contents. Containers of honey with moisture levels over 20% do appear very watery (fluid) to the naked eye and the beekeeper can have the honey tested with a refractometer. 2. Absence of Candying: All honey will eventually “candy” (granulate or crystallize) even though the process may take from several months to many, many years. Candying is the term usually used to describe liquid honey which has been solidified. Candying is not a good attribute for liquid honey prepared for judging or for sale. The presence of crystals or granules can usually be detected in the honey if they occur in more than a very small amount, and they give an uneven or gritty appearance to the honey. This can result in two problems. The first is a minor cosmetic problem and many consumers assume that crystallized or granulated honey is spoiled and they will either not purchase it or discard it if the granulation process becomes apparent after the honey is placed in the home. A more serious problem is that the formation of granules/crystals in liquid honey will increase

the moisture content of the remaining liquid portion of the product which can lead to fermentation. Judges will subtract points for honey that is granulated or crystallized.

3. Cleanliness: A look at Figure 1 shows that this category accounts for 30% of the total points assigned by the judges for liquid honey. Cleanliness including lint, dirt, wax, and foam are among the most easily controlled factors by the beekeeper and carry a high penalty if dirty honey is entered into competition. The terms are self-explanatory with the possible exception of foam, which refers to air bubbles trapped in the honey. There really is no excuse for dirty honey.

4. Flavour: Flavour is a very subjective characteristic and the use of flavour as a factor in judging honey is usually limited to checking for fermentation and overheating. Fermentation will give a sour taste to the honey and overheating will give the honey a caramelized (burnt sugar) taste. The flavours associated with different honey sources should not be a factor in honey judging, unless the floral source produces a honey with a very disagreeable flavour. 5. Colour and Brightness: Most consumers prefer honey with a clear colour and some brightness. The judges will consider these characteristics but it should be noted that colour does not mean that a light colour honey will receive more points than a dark colour honey. Liquid honey is usually grouped into colour categories by the convenor or the judges of the honey show prior to judging. The factors of clear colour and brightness in honey are partially a result of cleaning or filtering the honey and slightly heating it prior to competition. The process may consist of pouring the heated honey (never heat honey over 50C for any period of time) through a filter of some sort to remove impurities. This process not only improves the cosmetic appearance of the honey but it also decreases the possibility that granulation and fermentation will occur. 6. Container Appearance: The actual requirements for container type should be specified in the entry requirements for the honey judging. Be sure to comply with those rules and don’t enter the wrong size container or a container made of an unacceptable material. The judges will pay special attention to the cleanliness and lack of wear to the container and its lid. This attention to container and lid cleanliness includes the inside of the lid. For the Uraidla Show try to use a 500 gram clear glass round jar. This is what most people would call a standard size jam jar.

Entering honey into judged competitions can be an educational and valuable experience for the beekeeper. Good judging based on an objective criterion can be used to evaluate packaged liquid honey and also suggest areas for improvement. Always ask for completed evaluation forms from the judges for your entries and consider their comments. Honey judging can help the beekeeper improve his/her product, improve the honey’s future marketability, and even give some bragging rights if a ribbon and/or a cash premium is won. For Chunk Honey the piece submitted must measure 10cm x 10cm, it must be submitted either on a white plate or clear plastic dish (take away dishes are good), and should not be leaking honey. For Honey Comb (framed) the exhibit should be presented so that the cells are capped in new clean wax capping. The frame should be presented on a stand so that the judge can examine it. The frame should be free from propolis, wax and other hive debris. For Block Comb the exhibit should be presented in its own container with a lid that can be easily removed for judging. The cells should be capped and the container should be clean and free from propolis, wax and other hive debris.



100 Years Ago 100 years ago we had the end of World War One, and the Spanish Flu. Just like in 2020 with Covid-19, in 1919 there was self-isolation with the Flu, but our resilient community managed to raise funds to purchase land for the Uraidla District Soldiers Memorial Park, and erect the Summertown Memorial Gates. Both are great and long lasting achievements by our then small communities. The ability and willingness of our district to come together was surely impressive at the time, especially when they had the foresight to give us the surroundings we still enjoy today. It is a truly great achievement for a community in its infancy.

Uraidla District Soldiers Memorial Park – Opened Sunday 25th April 1920; The Soldiers Memorial Park was opened on ANZAC Day, 25 April 1920 with the unveiling of a monument at the main entrance on Swamp road erected in grateful recognition of the courage and fortitude of all those men who enlisted from this district during the days of the Great War.

The Memorial Park commemorates those from the district who served in World War One. The residents of Uraidla and district have for several months past been working hard to obtain a soldiers' memorial park. A strong committee, with Dr. Corry as Secretary and Mr. F. Stacey as Chairman, has been trying to raise sufficient funds for the purpose of purchasing about five acres of land adjoining the Uraidla Hotel, a portion of which has for many years been used as a sports ground, and is undoubtedly the most suitable piece of land in the hills for that purpose. This land was offered to the committee at £100 per acre. By raising money by subscription, &c., the trustees (11 in number) have been fortunate enough to secure this property, and have set it aside for the use of the people of the district as a recreation ground. A memorial service was held on the park on Anzac Sunday, and a large crowd in the afternoon gathered on the park (one of the finest flats in the hills), and listened to a stirring address by the Rev. C. J. Perry, of Walkerville (late Chaplain A.I.F.). Mr. F. Stacey, presided.

The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser (SA), 7 May 1920.

In accordance with Covid-19 regulations, 10 of the current Park Trustees gathered on ANZAC Day, 2020, with Chris Badenoch, President, conducting a short ANZAC Day service.

In commemoration of the 100 years of the opening of the Soldiers Memorial Park, Ashley Jarrett unveiled an impressive memorial stone.

Summertown Memorial Gates – Opened Saturday 23rd October 1920; The Summertown Memorial Gates were erected by the members of the Summertown Women’s Comfort Fund, bereaved parents and friends in memory of those from Summertown, Piccadilly, Uraidla and Carey’s Gully who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. If there are any who think the memory of the heroic soldiers who took part in the world war will fade they have overlooked the influence of the women. During the war the women suffered anxieties which made a deep imprint upon their minds, and now that the war has passed and the grief of bereaved ones is not poignant there is evidence on every side that the memories of the husbands, fathers, and sons who made the great sacrifice are to be kept green. To this end the women of Summertown, Uraidla, Piccadilly, and Carey's Gully have combined in the erection of a monument to the fallen brave of that district which for beauty and impressiveness will be hard to excel. The memorial comprises two

beautiful wrought iron gates, hung on massive stone pillars, with a scroll above. Flanking the gates are iron fences on low walls, forming a crescent. These gates have been placed at the entrance to the Summertown Cemetery, where sleep many of the pioneers that gave to South Australia the due stock which made Australia's army famous. On the gate pillars are marble slabs bearing the names of the dead soldiers and surmounted by the cross of sacrifice. The scroll connecting the pillars carries, above everything else, a crown, the emblem of reward, and the epitaph, "In memory of our heroic dead, 1914-1919." On the flanking pillars are swords, emblems of power. The gates were officially opened on Saturday last by Colonel S. Price Weir, D.S.O. Chronicle (Adelaide), 30 October 1920.



Section P – Poultry Location: Forest Driver Pavilion Convenor: Mike Hall P: 0447 095 443

Entry form submissions close Monday 1 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Entry fee 50¢.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30 April 2021.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for judging by 10.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

If more than 3 entries in same breed are entered (AO class or any other colour), a new class will be made. Please provide details of Breed and colour on entry forms.

All birds to be fed and watered immediately after judging and shall be the responsibility of the owners.

AOV = Any Other Variety

OEG - Old English Game

AOC - Any other colour

AC - Any colour

Prize money: 1st

$2.00, 2nd

$1.00 (no second prize unless three or more entries in class) Hot Weather Policy In the case where the forecast temperature (Uraidla/Mt Lofty) for the day of the Show is in excess of 35°C, the Poultry Section will

not proceed. (www.bom.gov.au) Where requested in writing to the Show Secretary, all entry fees will be refunded ([email protected]).

Prizes awarded to:

Klatt Family for the Les Klatt Memorial Trophy, for Champion Bird in Show Prize for Largest Big Black Male Fowl presented by Albino Rhino Graphic Design

Champion Bird of Show

Champion Large Fowl

Champion Bantam

Champion Water Fowl

Best Heavy Breed (male and female)

Best Light Breed (male and female)

Best Bantam Soft Feather (male and female)

Best Hard Feather (male and female)

Best Water Fowl (male and female)

Champion Junior

Reserve Champion Junior

Prizes donated by:

Oakbank Chaff & Fodder

Hills Farm Supplies

Mt Barker Fodder

R&L Liebelt

Albino Rhino Graphic Design

Uraidla & Summertown Show Society

Uraidla Hotel

A & A Klatt

Heavy Breeds – Soft Feather1. Langshan Male 2. Langshan Female 3. Plymouth Rock Male 4. Plymouth Rock Female 5. Orpington Male AC

6. Orpington Female AC 7. Wyandotte AC Male 8. Wyandotte AC Female 9. Rhode Island Red Male 10. Rhode Island Red Female

11. Sussex Male 12. Sussex Female 13. Australorp Male 14. Australorp Female 15. Faverolle Male

16. Faverolle Female 17. Barnavelder Male 18. Barnavelder Female 19. AOV Heavy Male 20. AOV Heavy Female

Hard Feather Large21. Modern Game AC Male 22. Modern Game AC Female 23. Indian Game AC Male 24. Indian Game AC Female

25. Malay Game AC Male 26. Malay Game AC Female 27. OEG Black Red Male 28. OEG Black Red Female

29. OEG Blue Red Male 30. OEG Blue Red Female 31. OEG AOC Male

32. OEG AOC Female 33. AOV Large H/F Male 34. AOV Large H/F Female

Light Breeds – Soft Feather35. Leghorn White Male 36. Leghorn White Female 37. Leghorn AOC Male 38. Leghorn AOC Female 39. Ancona Male

40. Ancona Female 41. Hamburg Black Male 42. Hamburg Black Female 43. Hamburg AOC Male 44. Hamburg AOC Female

45. Silkie White Male 46. Silkie White Female 47. Silkie AOC Male 48. Silkie AOC Female 49. Polish Male

50. Polish Female 51. Aracauna Male 52. Aracauna Female 53. AOV Light Breed Male 54. AOV Light Breed Female

Bantams – Hard Feather55. Black/Red Light Leg Male 56. Black/Red Light Leg Female 57. Wheaten Black Tail Hen 58. Wheaten Blue Tail Hen 59. Black/Red Dark Leg Male 60. Black/Red Dark Leg Female 61. Duckwing Male 62. Duckwing Female

63. Spangle Male 64. Spangle Female 65. Blue/Red Male 66. Blue/Red Female 67. Grey Male 68. Grey Female 69. AOC Male 70. AOC Female

71. Modern Black/Red Male 72. Modern Black/Red Female 73. Modern Pile Male 74. Modern Pile Female 75. Modern Duckwing Male 76. Modern Duckwing Female 77. Modern AOC Male 78. Modern AOC Female

79. Indian Game AC Male 80. Indian Game AC Female 81. Malay Game AC Male 82. Malay Game AC Female 83. AOV Hard Feather Male 84. AOV Hard Feather Female



Bantam – Soft Feather85. Pekin Black Male 86. Pekin Black Female 87. Pekin AOC Male 88. Pekin AOC Female 89. Wyandotte White Male 90. Wyandotte White Female 91. Wyandotte AOC Male 92. Wyandotte AOC Female 93. Sebright AC Male 94. Sebright AC Female

95. Australorp Male 96. Australorp Female 97. Rhode Island Male 98. Rhode Island Female 99. Sussex Male 100. Sussex Female 101. Plymouth Rock Male 102. Plymouth Rock Female 103. Leghorn White Male 104. Leghorn White Female

105. Leghorn Black Male 106. Leghorn Black Female 107. Leghorn AOC Male 108. Leghorn AOC Female 109. Rosecomb Black Male 110. Rosecomb Black Female 111. Rosecomb AOC Male 112. Rosecomb AOC Female 113. Ancona Male

114. Ancona Female 115. Langshan Male 116. Langshan Female 117. Japanese Male 118. Japanese Female 119. Belgian Bantam Male 120. Belgian Bantam Female 121. AOV Soft Feather Male 122. AOV Soft Feather Female

Water Fowl123. Rouen Drake 124. Rouen Duck 125. Indian Runner White Drake 126. Indian Runner White Duck 127. Indian Runner AOC Drake 128. Indian Runner AOC Duck 129. Muscovy Drake 130. Muscovy Duck

131. Campbell Drake 132. Campbell Duck 133. Pekin Drake 134. Pekin Duck 135. Mallard White Drake 136. Mallard White Duck

137. Mallard AOC Drake 138. Mallard AOC Duck 139. Australian Call White Drake 140. Australian Call White Duck 141. Australian Call AOC Drake 142. Australian Call AOC Duck 143. Cayuga Drake 144. Cayuga Duck

145. Orpington Drake 146. Orpington Duck 147. AOV Drake 148. AOV Duck 149. Any Variety Gander 150. Any Variety Goose

Junior Classes (16 and under) Not to exhibit same breed and colour as parents or senior exhibitors living at the same address. Juniors to handle own birds (exhibits in junior section not eligible for other awards). 151. Large Fowl Male 152. Large Fowl Female 153. Waterfowl Male 154. Waterfowl Female 155. Soft Feather Bantam Male 156. Soft Feather Bantam Female 157. Hard Feather Bantam Male 158. Hard Feather Bantam Female 159. Backyard Male 160. Backyard Female



Section Q – Livestock Display Location: Livestock Paddock Convenor: Jess Paine P: 0429 519 665

Cattle Display

Heavy Horses

Miniature Donkeys

Sheep Shearing

Section R – Children’s Pets Location: Forest Driver Pavilion Convenor: Di Trenorden P: 8390 3653

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021.

A recent photo 10 x 15cm of you and your pet to accompany your entry form.

Photo must be mounted on heavy paper or light card with 3cm border for display.

In case of hot weather your photo will suffice for judging.

All exhibits and their owners to be staged by 10.00am on Show Day.

Exhibitors are asked to provide own cages, etc.

Exhibitors are responsible for their pets while they are within the Showgrounds.

Pets are not to be exhibited in any other section.

“Children” are under 16 years at 30 April 2021.

Photos can be picked up between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day.

Ribbons: 1st

, 2nd,


in all classes Best Exhibitor Sash

Classes 1. Small Dog 2. Large Dog 3. Pet Cat 4. Pet Rabbit 5. Pet Guinea Pig

6. Pet Fowl 7. Large bird

(Pigeon or Cockatoo) 8. Small bird (Budgerigar,

Canary, Love bird)

9. Any unusual pet, animal or bird

10. Pet Lamb

Yard Dogs Competition

Conducted by SA Yard Dogs Association

Entries to: Beverly Kellock

P: 0427 973 247 E: [email protected]

Entries close Saturday 9 October 2021

Location: South Western corner of Showgrounds



Keith Wotton 5/07/1936 – 12/06/2020

It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Keith Wotton. Keith was actively involved in many aspects of life in Uraidla and as a Past President and active member of the Uraidla and Summertown Show Society, was honored with Life Membership in 1981. He was a Trustee of the Soldiers Memorial Park/Progress Association and he was on the School Council at both Uraidla Primary School and Urrbrae Agricultural High School. Keith and his Keith also played football for Uraidla Football Club and served as a goal umpire. wife Pam were caretakers of the Uraidla Caravan Park. He was a Director and subsequently Chairman of Ashton Co-op for 35 years, was an East Torrens District Councillor for 6 years and on the Central Hills Soils Conservation Board for 7 years. In later life he was a keen participant of the East Torrens Historical Society. Keith was born in the Memorial Hospital in Adelaide on the 5th July 1936, as the eldest child of Harry (also a Show Life Member), a fruit and vegetable grower from Uraidla and his wife Jessie, a former nurse. He described his early childhood on the Uraidla property as exciting as there were so many things to do and places to go. There was always lots of fruit (cherries, apples, plums and raspberries) and vegetables (potatoes, onions, cabbages, cauliflowers, turnips, swedes, beetroot, carrots and lettuce) so they never went hungry. He enjoyed the many animals that were around - dogs, cats and particularly the huge draft horses, which were used for both ploughing and dragging logs from the stringy bark forests for the sawmill. From an early age, Keith followed his mother’s lead and attended church services at Summertown Methodist Church. He enjoyed Sunday School and also Band of Hope Youth Group on Friday nights at the Uraidla Church run by Mrs Willsmore, Don’s mother. Keith went on to become a Local Lay Preacher across the Summertown Parish and Elder at Summertown Uniting Church. In later years he attended church at St John’s Anglican at Norton Summit. A stalwart of the Uraidla district, Keith, a true gentleman, family man and giver, will be sorely missed.



The Uraidla & Summertown Horticultural & Floricultural Show Society would like to thank the

following Butchers for their outstanding support of our Show over many years. It is with great sadness to announce the ceasing of the Smallgoods and Fresh Meat Section as

the impost of Health & Safety regulations upon the Show were simply too great.

We urge all Members, Entrants and Show goers to support our local businesses.

Balhannah Junction Meats 10/7 Junction Rd, Balhannah SA 5242

(08) 8388 4724

Dunn’s of Woodside 42 Main Street, Woodside SA 5244

(08) 8389 7447

Bridgewater Quality Meats Unit 5/399 Mount Barker Rd, Bridgewater SA 5155

Phone: (08) 8339 5753

Leabrook Quality Meats 9/457 Glynburn Rd, Leabrook SA 5068

(08) 8331 3514

Arkaba Gourmet Meat Shop 2/180 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063

(08) 8338 5544

Stirling Variety Meats 2/36 Mt Barker Rd, Woolworths Mall, Stirling SA 5152

(08) 8339 3429

Erindale Gourmet Meat Store 365 Kensington Rd, Kensington Gardens SA 5068

(08) 8431 5903



Section T – Dairy Food Location: Football Clubrooms Convenor: Emily Halloran P: 0488 449 399 E: [email protected]

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Juniors must be Under 16 years of age at 30 April 2021.

Do not enter if you have prepared entries whilst in isolation or quarantine or unwell

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for judging by 8.00am Sunday 7 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30 on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward. Please note that due to COVID, no Dairy entered can be taken home unless a Participation Risk Acknowledgment & Waiver form has been completed. Available from the Convenor.

A cold plate will be available for this section.

Commercial manufacturers are invited to enter but no identifying marks or packaging.

Garnishing allowed.

Sash for Champion Exhibit Dairy Food1. Pat of butter 2. Dip 3. Goats Curd

4. Fresh Cream, 1 glass 5. Yoghurt plain, 1 pot 6. Yoghurt flavoured, 1 pot

7. Cheese (hard) 8. Cheese (soft) 9. Ice-cream

Section V – Lego Location: Football Clubrooms Convenor: Simon Bradley P: 0438 045 747

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Junior competitor definition is 16 years and Under as at 30 April 2021.

All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor.

Kit classes will be judged based on level of skill for child’s age.

Section, Class, Name and Age to be clearly marked.

No Technic. Must be personal creation of exhibitor. No motorised accepted.

Exhibits must be delivered to the Section for judging by 8.00am Sunday 1 November or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Sash for Best Junior Exhibit Overall Junior 1. 4 years and under - DUPLO 2. 5-6 years 3. Kit – following instructions 4. 7-9 years 5. 10-12 years

Special Needs 6. Special Needs Open Age 7. Open Age 8. Combined effort



Section W – Homecrafts & Handicrafts Location: Football Clubrooms Convenor: Di Liebelt Phone: 0432 789 204 E: [email protected] Stewards: Doreen Horsnell, Kerry and Chelsea Lawler, Tanya and Amy Osborne, Bernie Vogelzang, Leanne Hale, Merrilyn


Entry form submissions close Friday 5 November 2021 at 8.00pm.

Work must not be laundered.

Exhibitors wishing convenor to take delivery of exhibits should advise in writing, stating how same are being forwarded and how they are to be returned. In all cases, freight must be prepaid.

Exhibits can be delivered to the clubrooms at the show grounds on Friday 5 November 2021 or Saturday 6 November 2021, 6.00-7.00pm, or prior, to the Secretary’s office by arrangement with Secretary or Convenor, or to the clubrooms before 7.30am on Sunday 7 November 2021.

Exhibits which have taken a prize during the past two years are not eligible for competition.

Every care will be taken, but no responsibility will be accepted for exhibits damaged or lost during exhibition or in transit.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Judging will begin at 8.30am on Show Day.

Prize for Aggregate in Section W donated by Di Liebelt

Homecrafts Open Section

Champion Sash Homecrafts Open Section donated by SACWA Uraidla & Districts Branch Aggregate in Hand Knitting - Prize presented by Mrs. H Holliday

Patchwork Bedspread - Prize presented by Mrs. D Parker Cross-Stitch Picture - Prize presented by Mrs L Wye

Hand worked Picture - Prize presented by Rebekah Sharkie


Trophy - Highest aggregate in Handicraft - Di Liebelt 1. Machine Quilting 2. Handmade Quilt 3. Traditional Quilting 4. Patchwork Bedspread 5. Three Crochet D'oyleys 6. Tray cloth or Table Centre

(embroidered) 7. Coloured cotton work,

collection of 3 pieces 8. Cushion, most attractive 9. Apron 10. Patch work article 11. Machine embroidery 12. Hand embroidery 13. Cross Stitch, any article

14. Cross Stitch, Picture 15. Long stitch, any article 16. Any article in Needlework,

not enumerated 17. Best dressed doll 18. Hand worked Picture 19. Coat hanger (knitted or crocheted) 20. Two Christmas Gifts 21. Plain Sewing, any article,

machine work 22. Unenumerated (Crocheted) 23. Baby's Outfit (hand knitted) 24. Crocheted garment 25. Unenumerated (hand knitted) 26. Toy (hand knitted)

27. Ladies Pullover (hand knitted) 28. Child's Garment (hand knitted) 29. Ladies Cardigan (hand knitted) 30. Man's Cardigan (hand knitted) 31. Man's Pullover (hand knitted) 32. Baby's Shawl

(hand knitted or crocheted) 33. Tea cosy (hand knitted or crocheted) 34. Unenumerated Home-spun 35. Homespun Wool, 1 skein (not ball) 36. Homespun Hand Knitted garment, 1 37. Homespun crochet garment, 1 38. Handspun Woven Article

Local Section

Residential address to be within 10km of Uraidla.

Prize for most successful competitor in local section donated by Mrs. D Horsnell Prize for Teddy Bear donated by Mr R Wotton

39. Any Knitted Article 40. Any Crocheted Article 41. Hand worked Picture 42. Crocheted Supper Cloth 43. Tole Painting 44. Traycloth or Table Centre,

embroidered 45. Toy (handmade)

46. Article made from scrap material, machine may be used

47. Supper cloth, embroidered 48. Bunker Stitch work 49. Scrapbooking 50. Teddy bear 51. Cardigan or Pullover (hand knitted) 52. Child's Garment (hand knitted)

53. Quilting 54. China Painting 55. Patchwork Article 56. Cross Stitch Article 57. Toy (hand knitted) 58. Any other article of handicraft



Junior Section

All exhibitors must be Under 16 years of age at 30 April 2021.

A label indicating the exhibitor’s age must be attached to each exhibit.

Champion Sash Junior Section donated by SACWA Uraidla & Districts Branch Prize presented by Mrs. J Geytenbeek for most successful competitor in Junior Section

Under 10 Years of Age at 30 April 2020: 59. Glued Construction Kits 60. Plain Sewing, any article 61. Christmas Gift 62. Pottery 63. Cushion (most attractive) 64. Tie Dyeing 65. Weaving 66. Tole Painting 67. Recycled Article 68. Woodwork

69. Paper Mache 70. Wall Hanging any medium 71. Plastic work 72. Knex Construction 73. Bead work 74. Glue work 75. Plastic Construction Kits (excluding Knex) 76. Jewellery 77. Picture, handworked

78. Applique 79. Unenumerated Knitting 80. Any other article not provided for in Junior Section, Under 10 Years of age at 30 April 2020

10 to under 16 years of age at 30 April 2020: 81. Glued Construction Kits 82. Plain Sewing, any article 83. Christmas Gift 84. Pottery 85. Cushion (most attractive) 86. Tie Dyeing 87. Weaving 88. Tole Painting 89. Recycled Article

90. Woodwork 91. Paper Mache 92. Wall Hanging any medium 93. Plastic work 94. Knex Construction 95. Bead work 96. Glue work 97. Plastic Construction Kits (excluding Knex)

98. Jewellery 99. Picture, handworked 100. Applique 101. Unenumerated Knitting 102. Any other article not provided for in Junior Section, 10 to under 16 years of age at 30 April 2020

Handicraft Open Section

Prize for highest aggregate in Handicraft donated by Di Liebelt 103. Recycled Article 104. Tapestry 105. Hand-made rug, hessian and other material 106. Woodwork 107. Leatherwork 108. Toy, felt or material 109. Felt, Article 110. China Painting 111. Hand Loom Weaving 112. Plastic Construction Kits 113. Ceramics, Glazed 114. Ceramics, Hand Painted

115. Ceramics, Other 116. Ironwork 117. Wall Hanging, any medium 118. Canework 119. Lace Making 120. Original or Novelty Craft 121. Paper Tole Work 122. Pottery , any article 123. Wood Carving 124. Mosaics 125. Scrapbooking 126. Beading, any article 127. Leadlighting

128. Batik or Tie-Dyed article 129. Silk or Fabric Painting 130. Folk Art 131. Jewellery 132. Tatting 133. Decoupage 134. Teddy Bear 135. Applique 136. Wreath 137. Hat, decorated 138. Any other Handicraft not enumerated



Section X – Scarecrows Location: Uraidla School Grounds Convenor: Sally Ashton P: 0416 177 572 E: [email protected]

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021.

Entries to be made of 90% recycled materials.

Entries will be provided with a stake/dropper to display their entry.

Exhibitors are responsible for any escapee parts/stuffing.

Exhibits should be delivered to the Sustainability Fair site at Uraidla Primary School on Show Day 7.00-8.00am unless other arrangements are made with the Convenor.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Any not collected will be donated or recycled unless prior arrangements have been made with the Convenor.

Exhibitors should provide a name tag to be displayed with the Scarecrow once the judging has been completed.

Ribbons: 1st

, 2nd,


in all classes Champion Sash for Best Scarecrow (Junior Primary, Primary & Open)

Primary 1. Junior Primary (K-3) 2. Primary (4-7) Open 3. Oldest and boldest 4. Most hipster

Section Z – Upcycling Location: Uraidla School Grounds Convenor : Sally Ashton P: 0416 177 572 E: [email protected]

Entry form submissions close Thursday 4 November 2021.

Entries to be 95% Upcycled (i.e. reused or repurposed).

Exhibits should be delivered to the Sustainability Fair site at Uraidla Primary School on Saturday 6 November 2021 between 3.30-5.00pm unless other arrangements are made.

Exhibits to be collected between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Show Day via the Convenor or Steward.

Any not collected will be donated or recycled unless prior arrangements have been made with the Convenor.

Exhibitors should provide a nametag to be displayed with the entry once the judging has been completed.

Ribbons: 1st

, 2nd,


in all classes Best Exhibitor Sash

Classes 1. Most Beautiful 2. Most Useful 3. Most Creative 4. People’s Choice

Log Chopping Events

Conducted by SA Axeman’s Association

Entries to: Ken Ritter, P: 8431 2582 or Mike Fullgrabe, P: 8269 4493

Entries close Saturday 9 October 2021

Classes: Underhand, Standing block, Combination, Cross-cut sawing

Location: Oval



Basket Range Sandstone – Major Partner of the

Uraidla & Summertown Country Show 2021

Basket Range Sandstone provides stone for building and landscaping projects

Basket Range Sandstone building stone has similar characteristics to that of many Adelaide Hills quarries, which are now closed, making our product the best match for existing renovations and additions to Adelaide sandstone homes. There are many different styles and finishes available for new homes, from the timeless henpecked finish, to traditional hewn block, to rockface. Finishes can be in either solid block or a veneer that can be attached to numerous substrates. Although we do attempt to satisfy all our customers’ requirements, please note that as our product is a natural South Australian Sandstone and as with all natural materials

variability in colour, texture and composition should be appreciated.

Basket Range Sandstone can supply any size and shape of stone, from smaller fist sized stones (suitable for

gabion baskets) to huge boulders; from stone laminates to larger evenly shaped rocks that need two men to


On Uraidla Show Day you can find examples of Basket Range Stone at the dry stone wall garden bed (built for

the 2016 Show) on the western lawn near the show hall, the magnificent stone table and chairs (built for the

2017 Show) under the shade of the oaks and large stones, forming part of the Uraidla Nature Play Area, both

located near the East Torrens Lions Bar.



***** EXCITING NEWS *****

The Uraidla Sustainability Fair is moving to March

Keep Sunday March 20 2022 Free

From small beginnings, the first Sustainability gathering was in 2004 with exhibits from EnergySA (who also ran education days with primary school students a couple of days before the Fair), the Alternative

Energy Association, Wipe Out Waste (KESAB), Solar Depot and the old Investigator Science Centre. It was officially called it the Sustainability Fair in 2005.

Over the 16 years of collaboration with the Uraidla Show the Sustainability Fair has grown exponentially

and the Sustainable ethos has now become, not a novelty but a necessity.

It will be wonderful to see what the Uraidla Sustainability Fair has to offer in March on the Showgrounds, with so much more room.

"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your

children" - Kenyan Proverb

The Uraidla and Summertown Show Society have loved working with the Sustainability Fair and wish them all the best with this move and are looking forward to another great Uraidla community event.



Exhibit Location Diagram

SHOW DAY PARKING In the interest of safety, General Public Parking will not be available on the Show Grounds.

General Public Parks will be signposted throughout the townships of Summertown and Uraidla and Shuttle buses will be operating from 8.30am with the last bus leaving from the Secretary’s Office at 9.30pm.



PO Box 87, Uraidla SA 5142